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STATE OF ILLINOIS DEPARTMENT OF FINANCIAL AND PROFESSIONAL REGULATION DIVISION OF PROFESSIONAL REGULATION Department of Financial and Professional Regulation of the State of Ilinois, Complainant, DattalaO. Reddy MLD. License No. 036.062417 Respondent To: Duttala 0, Reddy, M.D, 11248, 6 Street ingfeld. IL 62703 PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that the Director of the Division of Professional ‘Regulation ofthe State of tlinos signed the attached ORDER which provides that your linois Physician and Surgeon License No, 036,062417 is TEMPORARILY SUSPENDED. Copies ofthe ORDER, Petition, Complaint and Aifidavit on which itis based, are attached. FURTHERMORE, on January 8, 2015, at 10:00 a.m. the Medical Disciplinary Board of the Department of Financial and Professional Regulation of the State of Illinois Will hold a hearing at 100 W. Randolph, 9" Floor, Chicago, Ilinois 60601, to determine ‘the truth of the charges set forth inthe attached Complaint. Atthe hearing you will be tiven an opportunity to preset such statements, testimony, evidence and arguments as ™ay be pertinent to or in defense to the charges. {tis required that you appear at the hearing unless the matter i continued in ‘advance, Failure to attend the hearing atthe time and place as sated above may result in «decision being made, in your absence, to continue the suspension of your license. You have the right to retain counsel to represent you in this matter and, inthe opinion ofthis Department: itis advisable to be represented by a lawyer. Its require that you fle a VERIFED ANSWER tothe attached Complaint with the Department of Financial and Professional Regulation by the date ofthe hearing No CONTINUANCE of a hearing will be granted except at the discretion of the (Committee or Board. A written motion for continuance must be served on the Department of Financial and Professional Regulation at least three (3) business days before the date set forthe Hearing and must set forth the reasons why holding the heating on the date indeated will cause undue hardship. Your ANSWER, your lawyer's APPEARANCE, and all MOTIONS or papers should be filed withthe Clerk ofthe Court ofthe Department of Financial and Professional Regulation, at 100 W. Randolph Steet, Suite 9-300, Chicago,IL 60601 RULES OF PRACTICE IN ADMINISTRATIVE HEARINGS IN THE DEPARTMENT OF FINANCIAL AND PROFESSIONAL REGULATION BEFORE COMMITTEES OR BOARDS OF SAID DEPARTMENT are accessible at ps0. co/PROES {sap oF available upon request, DEPARTMENT OF FINANCIAL AND IONAL REGULATION of the State of Chief of Medical Prosecutions Laura B, Forester Chief of Medical Prosecutions Department of Financial and Professional Regulation Division of Professional Regulation 100 West Randolph, Suite 9-151, Chicago, Minois 60601 312/814-7043 ENT OF FINANCIAL AND PROFESSIONAL REGULATION, DIVISION OF PROFESSIONAL REGULATION Deparment of Finacial and Professional Regulation > = of the State of nos, Complainant, = . ) No.2014-10880 & Duala O, Redd. MD. i 3 License No. 036.062417 Respondent. _ td ORDER This mater having come before the Director of the Division of Professional Regulation of th linois Department of Financial and Professional Regulation, on a Petition filed by the Chief of Medical Prosecutions of the Division, which requested Temporary Suspension of the Ulinois Physician and Surgeon License of Respondent Dutala ©, Rely. M.D, and the Director, having examined the Petition, finds that the Public imterest, safety and welfare impertvely require cmergeney action to prevent the continued practice of Dutala O, Reddy, M.D., Respondent, in that Respondent's sctons constitute an immediate danger to the public: NOW. THEREFORE, |, JAY STEWART, DIRECTOR OF THE DIVISION OF PROFESSIONAL REGULATION of the State of Hlinois, hereby ORDER that the Uinois Physician and Surgeon Liense No, 036,062417 of Duttla O. Reddy, MD. Respondent, be SUSPENDED. pending proceedings before an Administrative Law Judge at the Degartment of Financial and Professional Regulation and the Medical Disciplinary Boand of the State of Hino, | FURTHER ORDER that Respondent shall immediately surrender all indicia of licensure(s) to the Department patep this payor Dewmhe 2014 DEPARTMENT OF FINANCIAL AND PROFESSIONAL REGULATION of the State of tinois 3 Professional Regulat Ref: IDFPR Case No. 2014-10430 Lieense No, 036,0524i7 STATE OF ILLINOIS DEPARTMENT OF FINANCIAL AND PROFESSIONAL REGULATION DIVISION OF PROFESSIONAL REGULATION DEPARTMENT OF FINANCIAL AND ) PROFESSIONAL REGULATION ) 7 of the State of Hino, Complainant, ) v ) No. 2014-10430, DuttalaO. Reddy. M.D, > 3 License Nos. 036-062417, Respondent.) a PETITION FOR TEMPORARY SUSPENSION NOW COMES the Complainant, by its Chief of Medical Prosceutions, Laura Forester, and Petitions JAY STEWART, Directo of the Division of Professional Regulation, Department of Financial and Professional Regolation of the State of Hlnois. Pursuant i 225 1.CS 60137 to issue an Order for Temporary Suspension ofthe lin Physician and Surgeon License of Dutala Reddy. M.D., Respondent. In support of std Petition, Petitioner alleges as fallows 1. Respondent is presently the holder of a Cerificate of Reyistration asa Physician and. Surgeon in the tate of HIlinois, License No. 036-068217, issued by the Department of Financial and Professional Regulation ofthe State of Mlinois, Said se is presently in ative status 2. Respondent has specialized in psychiatry in Spinel, ints 3. Information has eome to the Departments attention that Respondent has enuaged in sexual misconduct wth oe of his psychiatric patents, CC. 4 In2013, Respondent began providing psychiatric care and treatment to patient CC: at Psychiatric Associates, Jocated at 1124 South 6” Street, Springfield, tins, Respondent began providing psychiatric care and weatment to patent CC ater patient CC's previous psychitst, Dr. Kekaparan Puvali, resigned fom his poston a: Psychiat Associates in September 2013 In October 2013, Dr, Puvaa's linois Physician and Surgeon License was temporarily suspended by the Director ofthe Division of Professional Regulation for engage in the pattem of sexually inappropriate conduct with mulkipl female patients of Psychiatric Asociates Respondent was aware that patent CC. was on of he patients tha Dr Pua had engaged in sexually inappropriate conduct while Dr. Pula practiced psychiatry at Psychiatric Associates, Springfield, Minos. Starting September 2013 to October 2014, Respondent prescribed various antidepressants and benzodiazepines for patient C.C., nsdn but nt limited to Prozac, Xanas, Ativan, and Respiidone During Respondent's provision of psychiatric care and treatment to patient C.C., Respondent and patient CC. exchanged multiple emails of a personal nature in Violation of appropiate psychatrist-patien boundaries. For example between August 2014 and October 2014, Respondent sent the following emails to patient CC 4 On or about August 7, 2014, Respondent sent the following email to patient C.C.: "Sorry et us not get seared, We will take at most precautions. U park in west I'll in eas lots far away. Let us not use phones. Just meet in the old parking location between 7:15+20, 1"! go i 1 st, when I signal, u come in. Hope ur husband won't be around looking for us, We will be safe, We will work it out, Ie will be fine. Things wil fallin space. Ilva love you always] Be confident. Gud Luck.” »b. On or about September 24, 2014, Respondent sent the following email to patient C.C. “Ok under protest, here it goes. Gunite Angel. Love you. iva «On or about October 2, 2014, Respondent sent the following email to patient C.C "Gunite & gudmoming Angel love you.” 4.On or about October 8, 2014, Respondent sent the Following email to pasient C.C.: “We both seared, do you want to do this. Lam not excited as you are as the fear isthe biggest problem.” «-n or about October 8, 2014, Respondent sent the following emul pent C.C.:°I was scared. Fea seems tobe the worst [elt love in ur lap. Yes I did miss you. But fear ist worth making plans to meet. can’t ea with i So let us eal ithe last. [do love & care. Let us not ive in fartasy. Love you During Respondents provision of psychiatric care and treatment to patent C.C., Respondeat and patient C.C. engaged in multiple sexual encounters at Respondent's psychiatric office as well as various locations around the Springfield aca During Respondents provision of psychiatric eare and treatment to patient CC. patient CC. had several suicide attempts, ‘A review of Respondent's prior dieplinary history reveals that in March 2004, Respondent’ Iliois Physician and Surgeon License was suspended for 6 months and placed on concurrent probation fora period of tree (3) yeas for engaging in sexully irappropriate conduct with a patient of his psychiatiic practice. See Department's Exhibit A, attached hereto and made apart ofthis Patton Brin Zachariah, M.D., Chie Medical Coordinator of the tlinais Department of Financial and Profesional Regulation, Division of Professional Regulation, has been consuted inthis matter and believes that the continued practice of medicine bby Respondent, Duta O, Reddy, M.D., presents an immediate danger t0 the ee the Department's Exhibit B. safety of the public in the State of Hlinois. $ attached hereto and made a part of this Petition, Petitioner further alleges thatthe publi interest safety and welfare imperatively require emergeney action, in that Respondent's continued practice of medicine ‘constitutes an immediate danger to the pubic, WHEREFORE, Petitioner prays that the Physician and Surgeon License and Controlled Substance License of Duttala O. Reddy, M.D., be Temporarily Suspended Pending proceedings before the Medical Disciplinary Board ofthe State of Ilinos, DEPARTMENT OF FINANCIAL AND PROFESSIONAL REGULATION of the State of Miinois By Taura ke Forester Chief of Medical Prosecutions Vladimir Lozovskiy Staff Attorney, Medical Prosecution Unit Department of Financial and Professional Regulation Division of Professional Regulation 100 West Randolph, 9-300 Chicago, linois 60601 312/814-1691 STATE OF ILLINOIS DEPARTMENT OF PROFESSIONAL REGULATION DEPARTMENT OF PROFESSIONAL REGULATION) Of the Stat of Tinois, Complainant) v ) No, 199405318-1 DUTTALA OBULA REDDY ) License No, 36-062417 Respondent) ‘Tis mater having come Before the Medill Disciplinary Baad of the Deparment of Profesional Regulation of the Sat of Mini, an he Media! Disciplinary Boa, having aprovl Stipulation and Recommendation fr Seement sbi by the pas NOW, THEREFORE, 1, FERNANDO E, GRILLO, DIRECTOR OF THE DEPARTMENT OF PROFESSIONAL REGULATION ofthe Stat of lini, do Bereby adopt the Sipultion and Reormendaton for Sedeent proved by the Medel Disipinay Board en March 3, 2004 rr 8 THEREFORE ORDERED thatthe Cet of Reston, Lise No, 36- 6241, nofre ised Dut Ola Rey orate a physician and surgeon in he slate of ios is Hereby SUSPENDED for six (6) months and plat on concurrent PROBATION for a paod of thee @) year, in secordane with he Siplaion and Recommendation for Setilement which is attached hereto and incorporated herein. 2008. SULATION STATE OF ILLINOIS DEPARTMENT OF PROFESSIONAL REGULATION DEPARTMENT OF PROFESSIONAL REGULATUTON, ) OF the State of {llinois, Complainant } ¥, ) No. 199405238-2 DUTTALA OBULA REDDY ) License No. 26-052417, Respondent} STIPULATION AND RECOMMENDATION FOR SETTLEMENT ‘The Departnent by John M. Lagattuta, its attorney, and pattala Obula Reddy, Respondent, by Helaine Heydenann, his attorney, submit the following Stipulation and Recommendation for Settienent to the Medical Disciplinary Board for its approval and favorable recomundation to the Director. 1 ‘STIPULATION OF FACTS ‘The Departnent received Information that the Respondent engaged in an inappropriate relationship with a patient. A hearing wis held and the Department suspended the Respondent's physician and surgeon license for six (6) months and placed the Respondent on wo and one half years Probation. The Respondent appealed the decision of the Eepartment. After the appeal process was exhausted, the Department and Respondent have come to an agreement. ‘The foregoing information constitutes a violation of the Medical Practice Act, pursuant to 225 rilincis compiled statues 2002, Section 60/22 (A), paragraph 20. Respendent las been advised that he has the right to be Yepresented by counsel and haa retained Helaine Heydenann as his attorney. Respondent has fully discussed the allegations Contained ia the complaint with his counsel. Respondent waives bis right to aduinistrative review and the appellate process once this Recommendation is approved by the Director Of the Department. ‘The Departrent represents that, a hearing was held in this matter, and it presented cestimeny and other evidence Consistent with the allegations in the complaint. Respondent Was represented by counsel and participated in the contested hearing, Respondent is fully aware that the Medical Disciplinary Board must approve this Reconmendation. By submission of this Reconmendation for approval, Respondent expressly waives any gbjection based upon prejudice should the Medical Sisciplinary Board refuse to accept this Recormendation. Respondent acknowledges that a contested hearing was held by the Medical Disciplinary Board and that they found a violation of the Medical Practice Act. ‘RECOMMENDATION FOR SETTLEVENT In the interest of a prompt and Just settlement in this hatter in amanner consistent with the public interest and in Light of the responsibilities of the Medical Disciplinary Board, ‘the Department and the Respondent offer the following program for approval by the Medical Disciplinary Soard. This Recommendation ghall be considered to be an integrated package such that approval of this Reconmendation without change is necessary, 8. Upon notification that the Recommendation has been approved PP: ana that the Director has entered an Order adopting the Recommendation of the Medical Disciplinary Board, Respondent agrees: 9. ‘The Physician and Surgeon License issued to Duttala obula Reddy, License No. 36-062417, is hereby SUSPENDED for a period of six (6) months. The’ Physician and Surgeon License Ehall be placed on concurrent PROBATION for a period of three (3) years. Said PROBATION shall becone effective on the date that’ the Director signs an Order accepting this Recommendation. 10. The suspension shall be served in one month increments, and during the following months; August 2004, Decenber 2004, April 200s August 2005, Decerber 2005 and April 2006. a1, Respondent shall havea chaperone with him at all times Guring patient physical examinations end psychotherapy sessions: 12. The Respondent must file an annual report with Probation unit of the Department 13. Ali reports should be submitted to: The 11linoss Department of Professional Regulation Probation Unit a 00 W, Randolph Street, Suite 9-300 Chicago, Illinois 60603 {have read this Stipulation and Reconmendation for Settlement ‘ana have fully discussed it with my attorney. 1 agree to be bound by its terms. QR%/0% Bag DATE Respondent Alavi of a TE cme alalog a ‘The foregoing stipulation and Reconmendation for Settlement is approved by the Megical Disciplinary Board as jts decision this a aay of 1 200! ‘The Medical Disciplinery powfd recommends that the Director approve the Recommendation set forth herein by issuing an appropriate Order. 3-32-04 COLL ae recat Diectp inary oan 23.0% re he = STATE OF ILLINOIS DEPARTMENT OF FINANCIAL AND PROFESSIONAL REGULATION DIVISION OF PROFESSIONAL REGULATION Department of Financial and Professional Regulation ‘ofthe State of Tinos, Complainant, Duttala O, Reddy M.D. License No. 036.062¢17 Respondent No. 2014-10430 AFFIDAVIT OF BRIAN ZACHARIAH, M.D, 1, Brian Zachariah, M.D,, being duly sworn upon oath, depose and make this Affidavit on ‘my personal knowledge, and ifsworn asa witness in this matter would competently testify to the ‘bllowing fats: |. Lama Physician licensed to practice medicine in the State of Ilinois, 2 Lam curently Chief Medical Coordinator of the llinois Department of Financial and Professional Regulation, Division of Professional Regulation (Department 3. T have reviewed various documents in the Department's possession regarding Duttala O. Reddy, MLD., who is the holder of llinois Physician and Surgeon License No. 036.062417. Specifically, { have reviewed the Department's Investigative reports of the interview with patient CC ‘mutiple email messages between Respondent and patient C.C., and available prescription records and medical records for patient C.C Learned tha in 2013, Respondent heean proving psychiatric care and ‘treatment to patient C.C. at Psychiatrie Associates, located at 1124 South 6" iret, Spinel Minos Respondent began providing psychiatric eae and testment © patent CC alr patient CC's previous psychiatrist, Dr EXHIBTT : 4 oe Krikaparan Puvala, resigned from his positon at Psychiatrie Associates in September 2013. In October 2013, Dr. Puvalai's Minois Physician and ‘Surgeon License was temporarily suspended by the Dzextr ofthe Division of Professional Regulation for engaged in the pattem of sexually inappropriate conduct with muliple female patients of Psychiatric Associates and curently remains suspended | also learned that Respondent was aware that patient C.C. was one of the Patients that Dr. Puvalai had engaged in sexually inappropriate conduct while Dr, Pualai practiced psychiatry at Psychiatric Associate, Springfield, Minos. | also learned that from September 2013 to October 2014, Respondent prescribed various antidepressants and benzodiazepines for patient C.C. {also learned that during Respondent’ provision of psychiatric eare and leeatment 10 patient C.C., Respondent and patient C.C, engaged in ‘multiple sexual encounters at Respondent's psychiatric office as well as ‘various locations around the Springfield area, [also learned that during the time that patient CC, was under Respondent's psychiatric care and treatment, patient C.C. made several suicide attempts, A review of Respondent's prior disciplinary history with the Department revealed that Respondent's Illinois Physician and Surgeon License suspended for 6 months and placed on concurrent probation for «period of| three (3) years for engaging in sexually inappropriate conduct with a patient of his psychiatric practice 0. Based on the foregoing {am of the opinion thatthe continued practice of medicine by Duttala ©. Reddy, M.D., presents an immediate danger tothe safety ofthe public in the State of Ilnos. ne = D. ie Affant Subseribed and swornto before me this day of December 2014 ‘NOTARY PUBLIC STATE OF ILLINOIS DEPARTMENT OF FINANCIAL AND PROFESSIONAL REGULATION DIVISION OF PROFESSIONAL REGULATION DEPARTMENT OF FINANCIAL AND ) PROFESSIONAL REGULATION ) ofthe State of Ino, Complainant, ) ¥ } No, 2014-10830 Duala O. Rely MD. > License Nos. 036062417 Respondent. ) COMPLAINT Now cones DIVISION OF PROFESSIONAL REGULATION. of DEPARTMENT OF FINANCIAL AND PROFESSIONAL REGULATION of the: of Mlinois, by is Chie of Medical Prosecutions, Laura E. Forester, and as is COMPLAINT aginst Duttala O. Reddy. M.D, Respondent, complains as follows: court 1. Dustala O, Reddy is presently the holder of a Centiticate of Registration as 4 Pysician and Surgeon in the State of lino, License No, 036-062417, issued by the Division of Professional Regulation of the Department of Financia and Professional Regulation of the State of Ilinos. Said license is presently in Active status 2. ‘The Department has jurisdiction to investigate complains and to bring this setion pursuant 0 225 ILCS 60/36, 3. all mes mentioned herein the Respondent practiced medicine asa Physician and Surgeon in linos. 4. Atall relevant times, Respondent held himself out to patients as a Psychiatrist engage inthe evaluation, treatment, care and psychotherapy ‘of patients suffering from psychiatric illnesses and/or disorders ‘tall relevant times, Respondent maintained a professional practice specializing in the treatment of psychiatric illnesses andor disondes. located in Springfield, Hinos. ‘On or about September 2013, Respondent began providing psychiatric care ‘nd treatment fo patient C.C, at Psychiatric Associates, located at 1124 South 66" Steet, Springlield, linois, (On or about September 2013, Respondent began providing psychiatric care ‘an treatment fo patient C.C, afer patient C.C.s prior psychiatrist Dr. Puvalai resigned from his position at Psychiatric Associates. (On or about September 2013, Respondent began treating patient CC. fo: Bipolar Disorder; b. Depression: ©. Anxievy Between September 2013 and October 2013, Respondent prescribed the following medications forthe teatment of patient C.C.s psychiatrie illeesses andor disorders: Prozac; b. Xanax; «Ativan; 4. Respiridone While Respondent was responsible forthe provision of psychiatric eare and treatment to patient C.C,, Respondent and patient C,C. exchanged ‘muttiple emsils ofa personal nature in violation of appropriate u rychiatrst-patient boundaries inluding but not limited tothe following examples: 8. On or about August 27, 2014, Respondent sent the following «email to patient C.C.: “Sorry let us not get seared. We will take at ‘most precautions. U park in wes, [Il in east lots faraway. Let us ot use phones. Just meetin the old parking location between 7:15 20. go in | st, when signal, u come in, Hope ur husband ‘won't be around looking for us. We wil be safe, We will work it Out, Ie willbe fine. Things wil fallin space, laf love you always] Be confident. Gud Luck, b. On or about September 24, 2014, Respondent sen the following «email to patent C.C.:“Ok under protest, here it goes. Gunite Angel. Love you. Hiv, «. On or about October 2, 2014, Respondent sent the following email to patient C.C.: “Gudnite & gudmomning Angel love you. 4. On or about October 8, 2014, Respondent sent the following, «mailto patient C.C.: “We both seared, do you want to do this. [ 4am not excited as you ate as the fear i the biggest problem.” ©. On or about October 8, 2014, Respondent sent the following «email to patient C.C.:“I was scared. Fear seems to be the worst. Felt ove in ur lap. Yes I did miss you, But fear isn't worth making plans to meet. can't deal with it So let us calli the las. Ido love ‘& care. Let us not live in fantasy, Love you.” ‘While Respondent was responsible for the provision of psychiatric care and reatment to patent C.C., Respondent and patient C.C. exchanged "mulkiple phone calls of personal nature in violation of appropriate _sychiatrst-patient boundaries. ‘While Respondent was responsible fo the provision psychiatric are and treatment to patient C.C., Respondent engaged inthe following ‘conduct with patient C.C. at his office: 4) Kissing patent CC by Imimately touching patent CC ©) Engaging in sexual intercourse with the patient CC 15. While Respondent was responsible forthe provision of psychiatric care and treatment to patient C.C., Respondent and patient C.C. meta various locations throughout the Springfield area to engage in sexual activities, 4. While Respondent was responsible forthe provision of psychiatric care and treatment to patient CC. Respondent was aware that patient CC ‘verbalize suicidal ideations andor made suicidal gestures and/or attempts ‘onseveral occasions. 15, The foregoing ats andlor omissions are grounds for revocation or suspension ofa Certificate of Registration pursuant to 225 Hlinois Compiled Statute, Section 60/22 (A), paragraphs (S) ofthe Medical Practice Act, eying onthe Rules foe the Administration of the Medical Practice Act, Title 68, Chapter VIL, Subchapter b, Part 1285-240 (a, WHEREFORE, based onthe foregoing allegations the Division of Professional Regulation of the Department of Financial and Professional Regulation of the State of Minos, by Laura E. Forester, its Chit of Medical Prosecutions, prays thatthe Ilinois Physician and Surgeon license of Duttala O. Reddy, be suspended, revoked, or otherwise disciplined, COUNT 14. The Department repeats and realleges paragraphs 1 through 14 of Count | as paragraphs | through 14 of Count I. 1S, That the foregoing acts and/or omissions ofthe Respondent are grounds {othe revocation, suspension or other discipline ofthe Certificate of Registration pursuant to 225 Ilinois Compiled Statutes, Section(s) 60/22 pagraph (20) ofthe Hinois Medical Practice Act, relying onthe Rules forthe Administration ofthe Medical Practice Act, Title 68, Chapter VIL Subchapter, Part 1285-240 (b) WHEREFORE, based on the foregoing allegations, the Division of Professional Regulation ofthe Department of Financial and Professional Regulation ofthe Stat of lino, ty Laura, Forester. its Chief of Medical Prosecutions, prays that the Ilinois Physician and Suyeon license of Duta O. Reddy, be suspended, revoked, or otherwise Aiseiptine. DEPARTMENT OF FINANCIAL AND. PROFESSIONAL REGULATION of the State of noi Division of Professional Regulation BY: Tara E, Fores CHIEF OF MEDICAL PROSECUTIONS Vladimir Lozovskiy Staff Attorney, Metical Prosecutions Unit Department of Financial and Professional Regulation Division of Professonal Regulation 100 West Randolph, Suite 9-300 Chicago, Iinois 6¢601 31284-1691

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