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Dear Darla,

When using bubble wrap, do the bubbles go on the inside or the outside
when I wrap my package.
Pop Art


Dearest Pop,

Bubble Wrap® has been protecting all manner of delicate items for more
than 40 years.
The trousers seen here are indeed tailored correctly to provide the
cushioning that you desire. That is to say that the rounded air cells should
rest against your package.

Take care, though, that your colleagues resist the urge to relieve their work
day stress in the popular method of bursting your bubbles. Limp bubble
wrap, after all, is useless.

For your own protection, I suggest you direct any would be snappers here

In addition, the following pop quiz will determine flat or bubbly

personalities - a useful tool before making snap social-networking

Finally, be sure your trousers are fresh. Certainly nothing is more

disappointing than an ABP (Already Been Popped) package.

On closing, remember that the proper protective material is determined by

the size of your package. Have you considered shrink wrap?

Sincerest regards,

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