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01/08/2815 22:21 3824541298 PAGE 81/82 XFINITY Connect Page 1 of 2 From Mon, Dec 29, 2016 08:25 AM Subject FH; Two Reng tomorrow would work—-10am or 4pm? pleave do not share the following email wit otners. plesse note my highights, below. eee ee ee ce ‘From: Schwan Penny Sent: Sunday, Decermber 28, 2014 8:21 PH Good evening, fy sincerest apologies Ifyou dd not realve my eal before the hold. Below the information tat mgt he help ‘ai ordng your quasion. Uncsey Oara Inthe Governor's Ofice wil be reaching out when she refums from vacant answer Fear af dese questions ant go Inte some addtional detal needed. T hope you had a wonderful olay. Penny “Thank you fer your ema and fr your Kind words. Iam also glad that we have been able to have productive and trnsparent Cenverations regarding tis Issue, ard know that we are toth commited to supporting stidents inal of our schodls to be ‘ollege and corecr ready, and succescfu n thelr post-high schoo! lives (even If there are some paints where we der), ‘Your frst question was around timetable. As you ted in your ema, DDOE has been able to fave really productive veeraeatins yh RCSD and some amended timelines oocurred asa resut. We had planned to offer these same tmetines t2 Sb se wes ough Grey were uneble to atend our Fday moming meetings moving forward. That being sed, we extended a ‘GPratir's them over the last week va emaly In eddlton to an offer to continue our weekly meetings o that we can bea 6 Frally discuss the fine deals. CSD accepted the extended timeline, but has not yet agreed to mast. As Tm sure YOU can aa ea aie large meetings allow for deas to De stared, tt @ dMcul conte for negotiating and decusting spectics (ice Mond cholce, etx), T would continue to encourege YOU, 2s you have been, to look a both the ROCSD and CSD proceesss 25 YOu ‘concider DDOE's work. We have mace some Important and significant progress wlth RCCSD, cary reficting fled ‘SSisboration, ate Tn his regard, Ida think that context matters, and we fave Deen able to move formerd productively ven one of the eurent contexts. “The new timeline offered to both CSD and RCSD is as follows: Te reaognize thatthe turnaround time forthe DStrict between 12:20am on 1/5 to COB on 2/7 i ely too aah tO be able to review, decuss; and Implement the feedback that may be provided. As 2 resut the Department offers to do the folowing: “+ urtner extend the nti! plan deadline to 1/9/15 CO8 +The bapertment would conduct a review over five business days and provide the Disret wth te oans ‘tabs levels at that ime Rats ene plans are “substantely approve,” the Depertment would provide sdeltionalFedack to the ‘+The Depertment woul provide far a communky engagement window to run through 1/24/35. THe ndon would alow fora serond onprtunity for te communty t provide feedbeck n te ul lan and ay revone required oor ye fal version of the plans would be due fo the Department on 2/21/25 by COD (5:00pm) THe Dopertnent would feview the ral versions ofthe plans and provide e ins! announcement on or schools ne en nman Sie AmaricaiNew York.. 12/29/2014 1/08/2815 22:21 3824541298 PAGE 82/82 XFINITY Connect Page 2 of 2 ‘around 1/20/15." tn terms ofthe principals, the regulaton in Detaware sin alignment wth USDOE guidelines. We are operating in what Is rationally accepted and exected set of parameters, That elng Seid, and again refiecting some of my comments, we have been ‘working closely with RCCSD to Find solutions to the situation, should they want to retain the Shortage principal. These are ‘Conversations that continue Dostively. Ina discussion that itduded some of your coleagues several weeks ago, CSD ‘eknowlecged that DOE had attempted to have similar conversations. around the Stubbs arncipal, That being sad, CSOs Boattion fs al-orathing, They have been publiey czar that they are not wing to discuss incividual principal placements, but wl nly accopt al three to continua In thelr curent rks. in respect to the CSR pec, I wil repeat the messaging that came from DASL regarding the CSRs - tha they are only one data pont of many thet should be used for evaluating a achooTs progress. Tho CER was never Intanded to be a singular review «25 oes not include citcal data such as student performance, attendance, staff attencance,dlcipinary data, et. ft a qualitative reve that shoul parr withthe Incredible amount of numerical and quantitative deta avolabe. Jade Wilson has bean pretty ‘onsstent in that messaging ang DDOE agrees with her. Specific to your question, though, Is that the CSRS are certainly not Intended to be a principal evaluation, As a counter example, wo of the RCSD Priority Schools recenUy had CSRs completed, but they are continuing to move forvard with ter partnership win UVA ta do an authentic and targeted principal evaluation to ‘etermine prindoal placement In the schools. In this context, the CSRs are one data point, metched wath quantkeve deta and a Thorough and targeted orindpalspetic evaluation. Finally, I can say wth absolute candor that there was never an intention to have the process held outside ofthe leglsiatve ‘calendar. The dates were 2 reflection of our commitments to USDOE and the timetines we are subject to within our own. regulation. Specialy, wre wore eblgated to rama schools 2t the start ofthis school year~ which we din the fst week oF September. From ther, the timeline provides for 120 daye (whic isthe exact timeline that nas used In the lst round of PZ, and Bi schoo's submitted MOUs and plans within thet timeline - without xtonslons outside of holiday time). The timelines for this process are truly and Meraly 2 repetition of whet occurred before. However, the amended timeline above dees provde for some overlap into the startof the legsi2tve sesson. [hope ths is helpful and addresses your questions! Penny Schwinn ‘Chief Accountablty and Performance Offer Delaware Department of Education 401 Federal Street Dover, DE 19901-3639 “THis emall and any attachments mey be confidential or legally privieged. Any dlevemination, copying or use of this ‘communication by orto anyone other then the designated ari Intended recipients) Is unouthorized. Ifyou are not the Intendod recipent, please delete or destroy this communicaion immediatly. lease consider the environment before printng tis e-mal 520777 &tz=America/New York 12/29/2014

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