You are on page 1of 35

n The\ff-e$otn

V o l u m e1 5 .Janurary/February
1997 lssue1

The Newsletterof WesternStar Dancers,584 CastroSt., Suite480,

I guessthe precedingwas a unpaidunpoliti-
cal announcement from the Archangel.The
A ContemporaryAmericanSquareDanceClubprimarily servingthe
San FranciscoGay and LesbianCommunity.Subscriptions to The
lastthing I will say,as Archangel,I am proud
WesternStararefeetoWSD Members, $18toothers.Adsarecomple- of thisclass.
maycontactus for pric-
mentaryto members;commercialadvertisers
Nowto get on to otherthings.( l gu es sthi s i s
TheEditor'sColumn where I wear my Editor'sHat.) On behalfof
the Boardand staffof WesternStar Dancers
I wish you a very HappyNew Year. I under-
I c a n n o tw a i t fo r N i ckto g e t b a ckto get this standthat Jim will be sendingFormOnesto
n e w s l e t teor u t. S o a s E d i to rI will take the everybodyfor renewalsfor 1998. Let us not
colurnnthis month. I will speakwith eitherof wait too longto sendthem back.
mytwo hats- Newsletter Editoror ClassArch-
angel. Also com ingin the nearfutur eis a bal l otfor
the new boardof WesternStar. Jim Pellman
F i r s t ,l w o u l d l i keto sa y,th a tth e Gr eenClass was is chargeof this election.I put in a callto
is doingverywell. Theyarejustmovingalong. him and have not receiveda messageas to
In fact they havefinishedBasicand are mov- whenandwhenthe ballotsaredue back.This
i n g o n t o M a i n stre a m. Ma i n stre am willbegin can be a headsup as to what is com i ng.
February2. The Mid-Semester Dancethatwe
a r e h a v i ngi s to g i ve th e ma l i ttl epr acticein I hopethat all will be joiningus for our 16th
d a n c i n gwi th o th e rsa n d w i th o ther caller s. AnniversaryDanceon Saturday,March14th
Although,I am surethatwe wouldhaveinter- with Dar r enGallinaat 7:30 PM. D etai l sw i l l
r u p t e dc l assso w e co u l d h a ve a callerlike be comingwith your March/AprilNewsletter
i J c w a r dR i ch ma nca l lfo r th e cl u b. The class and I hopeto get thatone out the lastweekof
w i l l c o n t i n u ea n d th e yw i l l g ra d u ateon M on- February.Be sure to join us Monday,Janu-
d a y ,A p r il 2 7 . I a m te l l i n gyo u a t thistimeto ary26 for HowardRichman,FullBasic,Main-
giveyou a chanceto markyourcalendarsand streamand Plus dancingat the EurekaVal-
c o n r ed o wna n d w e l co meth e mi ntothe com- ley Recr eation Center 100
, Collingw ood.Be
m u n i t yo f S q u a reD a n ce rs. sure to checkout the other clubsdanceson
our calendarpage.
W e s t i l ln ee dyo u rh e l pi n b e i n gA ngels.I get
t h e f e e l i n gth e cl a ssb e l i e ve sth at ther ear e Hopedyou like last m onth' sTr iviaques ti on.
onlyfive tcrsix membersof WesternStar,be- Did all of you get the right answer? Don't
caLrsethey are the only ones thal they have worry,I didn'tget the answereitherwhen it
s e e n . W on 'tyo u p l e a seco me ,Jown andhelp was askedof me.
u s . l n Ma rch ,o n e o f o u r cl a ssl nember sis
goingto Los Angelesand as surchwe are re- So keep dancing. Don' t Stop! Don't Sl ow
a l l y g o i n gto n e e d yo u r h e l pth e n. I implor e Down.
y o uo n b en d e dkn e e ,p l e a seco meand HELP! Yellowrocks
JanauryBirthdays Januar y12 - ClassNight
Januar ,v 19 - M .L.KingDay - W SD Dar k
ChrisAnderson- 1 J a n u a r y 2 6 - M i d - S e m e s t e rD a n c e w i t h
JesseAlvarez- 3 HowardRichmanat 7:30 PM at EVRC. Full
Bert Swerer- 4 Basic,Mainstr eam and PlusTips. $3.00for
C h r i sS t o n e- 4 non- classm ember s.
ScottPrebble- 8 Janaur y31 - El Cam inoReeler sl3thAnni v er -
J a m e sO z a n i ch- 1 0 sary Dancewith HowardRichman.8 PM at
TomTripp- 13 Cubberley Community Center, 4000
H a r r yO h i r a- 2 1 Middlefield, Palo Alto. Plus, Advancedand
AngeloProsperi- 23 ClassLevelTips. $7.00.$3.00for Cla s s .
L e o nJ . D u B o i s- 2 5 Febr uar y2 - ClassNight,M ainstr eam B egi ns
F e b r u a r 9y ' C l a s s N i g h t
FebruaryBirthdays Febr uar y16 - Pr esident'Day s - W SD Dar k
Febr uar y23 - ClassNight
D a v i dB a k e r* 1 B February24 - Fal Tuesday- Mardi Gras!!
NobuYamaji- 25 February25 - Ash Wednesday- Lent Begins
Febr uar y28 - DiabloDancer spr esen tAnne
UebelackerMainstr . eam and PlusTips.$8.00
at Pleasant HillM iddleSchool,3100OakPar k
Boulevar d, PleasantHill
March14 WesternStarDancer's16thAnni-
ver sar yDancewith Dar r enGallina. D etai l s
to be announcedin next issue.
WSD Boardof Directors M ar ch21 - CapitalCitySquar esDancehav e
no detailsbut I am sure they are forth com-
Jim Anderson
Nick Carlson
Apr il27 - Gr eenClassGr aduation.
Lee Gianfrancesco
M a y4 , 1 1 ,1 8 - C l u bN i g h t s
Ron Masker

Wro's Doing What

Flyersfor dancesnot by WesternStarcan be
Lee G. - Administrator gottenon any Monday.Flyershavedirections
Ron M. - Instructor/Dance Coordinator to the placeswherethe event are.
FelixF. CIassArchangel
Nick C. - Board Secretary/IAGSDCTM Rep
Pat S. - DangleDiva Comeon downand also pick up your Weave
Lee G. - AttendanceTaker the RoseflegistrationForm.
Jim A. - Database/TreasurerlCalendar
FelixF. - WesternStarEditor
All events at the Eureka Valley Recreaticn
C e n t e r( E V R C ) ,1 0 0 C o l l i n g w o o d( b e h i n d

, presents



JANUARY26 at 7.30PM
at the

n The$h$etn
Vo l u me1 5 March/April
19979 lssue2

The Nervsletterof WesternStar Dancers,584 CastroSt., Suite480,

On April25, WSD will be celebratingits 16th
San FranciscoCA 941'l+2588. E-Mail:felixl Anniversary. Wewillbe havingDarrenGallina
A ContemporaryAmericanSquareDanceClub primarilyservingthe
San Francisco Gay and Lesbian Community. Subscriptionsto Ihe
fromSouthernCaliforniacomeand callforus.
Westem Star are hee to WSD Members.$ 18 to others. Ads are comole- Pleasecome and help celebrate.In addition
mentaryto members;commercialadvertisersmay contacl us for pric-
ing information.
we also need volunteerswho would be will-
ing to help out selling 50150Raffle Tickets,
Sodas and Tickets. lf you are interestedin
NEW BOARD volunteering,pleasecall Haroldat 415431-
742O. This years celebrationis at Temple

ELECTED United MethodistChurch at Jqnipero Serra

Blvd.and 19thAvenue.

April 15 bringsus two importantthingsto do -

pay our lncome Taxes and returnyour Form
Ones. Please try to have your Form Ones
--l back to us by that date, if you do not return
t: the form by that date, you will not be in this
year's directory.
Pleasetake the time and lookthroughthe last
issue of the directoryand check on friends
and honorarymembersof WSD and see if
Back Row, L to R: Bob Leslie,Felix Fornino,Carlos
their address and telephone number is cor-
Mosca,RichardRockwell. Front Row,L to R: Fabian
Alvarado, Harold Little r ect and if they ar e still among t he l i v i ng.
On March2 WSD electeda newBoardof Di-
rectors.The electedare FelixFornino,Bob We had a request for brush up classes for
Leslie,HaroldLittle(allOrange'90),Fabian lapsed dancers so that they could attend the
Alvarado, RichardRockwell (bothYellow'96) convention.Not that dancinghas not been a
and CarlosMosca. Felix,Bob and Harold prerequisiteto attend the conventions,be-
weremuttering something about"Wetoldyou cause there are a lot of non-dancersthere.
Orange would run this place." At the WSD will answerthat requestwith the follow-
March12combined Boardmeeting, Felixwas ing - On June 1, 8 and 15,we will have Basic
electedAdministrator and Bob was elected and MainstreamBrush-upsand on June 22
Treasurer.The Secretary wastableduntilthe Plus brush-up. Then they can try out their
nextBoardMeeting. newly found talents at W SD' s G ay Pr i de
Danceon Saturday,June 27.
We cordiallyinviteall membersof Western
Star to attendthe Green'97 Graduation
on Don't Stop, Don't Slow Down.
March30. Comedownandwelcomeournew Yellowrocks.
dancers. Felix
March Birthdays March9 -ClassNight
March16 - Class Night
Russ King- 1 March 17 - St. Patrick'sDay
Carlos Mosca - 2 March21 - CapitalCity Squares"lmminently
DonaldC. Schumacher- 3 Spring Dance"with Ben Goldberg. 7:30 to
LarryQueen- 16 1 0 : 3 0 F u l l P l u s a n d f u l l M a i n s t r e a m .$ 0 .
Bill Roberts- 17 J e f f e r s o n E l e m e e n t a r y S c h o o l, 2 O O 1
Ed M a h - 2 5 PebblewoodDrive, Sacramento. Soft soled
Ron Hirsch- 25 shoes only. For mor info call George@ 916-
J im P e l l m a n- 2 9 929-8697
March23 - Class Night
April Birthdays March30 - Green97 ClassGraduation
A p r i l6 - C l u b N i g h t
MichaelHealy- 6 Apr il 10 - Good Fr idayand Fir st Nig ht of
De n n i sT u r n er- 1 3 Passover
Don Greco- 13 April 12 - EasterSunday
KiethHenderson- 19 Apr il 13 - Club Night
PattyWhite - 19 April 20 - Club Night
April 25 * Western Star Dancer's16th Anni-
versaryDancewith DarrenGallina. 7.30 PM
at TempleUnitedMethodistChurch,Junipero
Ser r a Blvd and 19th Avenue. Adm i s s i on
Apri 27 - Club Nlght
WSD Boardof Directors M ay 4, 11,18 - ClubNights
July 2-5 - Weave The Rose IAGSDCTM Con-
ventionin Portland
Felix Fornino
July 13 - PlusClassBegins
Bob Leslie
Harold Little Flyersfor dances not by WesternStar can be
CarlosMosca gottenon any Monday.Flyershavedirections
RichardRockwell to the placeswhere the event are.
All events at the Eureka Valley Recreation
Who'sDoingWhat Center ( EVRC) , 100 Collingwood( behi nd
Cala),San Franciscounlessotherwisenoted.
Felix F. - Administrator
Come on down and also pick up your Weave
Ron M. - Instructor/DanceCoordinator
the Rose RegistrationForm.
Felix F. - ClassArchansel
Bob L. - Treasurer
Vacant - Board Secretary
6ptil 4 - Cslifornis ]'lcn's
Felix F. - IAGSDCTURep Gqthering of Harvey l'lilk
Pat S. - Dangle Diva CivilRightsf,cqdemy,F Hoe-
Vacant - AttendanceTaker
Jim A. - Database/Calendar down for Their Scholarship
Felix F. - WesternStarEditor
Fgnd. 7 PM to lO PM
Rosetown Ramblers, Fleads to the Center, :rnclRainbow Vranglers invire you ro:

Weave the Rose
The 15th annual convention of the
International Association of Gay Square
Dance Clubs

Jrly 2-5,1998
At the Portland Oregon Doubletree Inns
Jantzen Beach and Columbia River

Staff Callers: Registration Fees:

R:n' Brcrrdzv l'oclti l;cllcs' . l u t v1 - 17. 9 9 1- O c t o b e r3 1 , 1 9 9 1 : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 1 5 0
Sirundr:r [Jrv'n:rr Frlnk l-escrinicr N o v e m b e r1 . 1 9 9 7- , \ [ a r c h3 1 . 1 9 9 8 :. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 1 6 0
Vic Cecler [)cbocrh l):tmcll . ' \ p r i l1 . 1 9 t 8 - , - \ rT h e D o o n . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . S 1 7 0
inr (.rus'forr1 I r > h n n vP r e s t o r r N o n - l ) : r n c e rRs c . E s t r : r n o n : ...............575
NIikc DcSisro D:rvc \\'ilsorr
Make checls payable to: PORTI-AND In'98
. \ n r r cl i c l t c i : r c k c r

How to Contact IJs:

Postd: in '98
l)ortl;l:r<l Refund Poliqv:
P() Bos67j.1 . Rcquestedbefore 1t)/i1l97: Full refund, l.r, $2t)
Porrianti.()R 97??8 Fce
Telephone: (-itt3)777--6.--l(Rick)or . R e < { u e s tbecdr s ' e e r1t 1 / 1 / 9 7 t n d 3 / 3 1/ 9 8 7 5 " h
(5tt1)1J6-7133(Scotr) refund
. R c q u e s r c;dr f r c ri / . 1 I / 9 8 . N o r ef u n d
Internet: r r c k h G a g o r a . r d r o o . c o m o r s p h r l t - p sGc e l e c o r : . c o m
WWV: hctp: //,/ramblers/convent.ion

"IAGSDC" is a trademark of rhe Intemational Association of Gav SquareDance Clubs.

Name: Fint \ti Last


Cirv: Srrre/Province:
ZII)/P<lstrrl Codc Countn':
Phorrc:I-lonrc (_) \\'ork (_)

E-nrrril:Prim:rn' Scconcl:rn'

Club AffiIiadon:
Dance Program (Circle One): lvlainsrrcem Plus Cl C2 C3A C3B C4 Non-Dancer
Banquet Preference (Circle One): Chicken Vegenrian Fish
Other Special Needs:

FUN BADGE TOUR ($25 additional): YES NO


@ cbu/#e4,
lpe to diteed
Green 'gT Graduation
filarch 30th
Join us for cake and punch as wefl
wefcomingtheminto the squareDance

corfinttyi"aitesyou to i*

16th Anniversary
utifh c.'//*/,
S@ 4frnrlesiloaJ7I o P/l/
Sertta/3l,ud,kf pth
Ad*ni,uinn $S
MfrYITT I 998
I OOCollingwood,SF

The Return
of Club Night
Every Monday
F Theffifesteln
StaT tr
Vo l u me1 5 May/June1998 lssue3

The Newsletterof WesternStar Dancers,584 CastroSt., Suite480, One thing that I am proud of the Board is the
San FranciscoCA
A ContemporaryAmericanSquareDanceClub primarilyservingthe
Brushupfor EveryoneClub nightsin June. A
San FranciscoGay and LesbianCommunity.Subscriptionsto Ihe requestcame in for this and within2 days this
WestemStararefreeto WSD Members,$18to others.Ads are comple-
mentarylo members;commercialadvertisersmay contaclus for pric-
whole conceptcame together. The days for
ing information. this is the M ondaysin June,1,8,15for M ai n-
stream and 22 and 29 for Plus. lf you want
Fromthe Administrator comedown and join us.

One thingthat I wouldliketo talk aboutis our

I alwayswon- presenceat Convention.Traditiontellsme that
d e r e d h o w for Grand March each club dresses in their
hard this was club shirt,dress,vest, or colors,e.9., Times
and now I am Squareswear theirblackshirtswith the New
f i n d i n g o u t . York Skylinein magentasequins(or some-
Last month I thingcloselikethat)and the RockyMountain
wrote a s Rainbeauswhere their white shirt with rain-
A r c h a n g e l , bow fringe. Traditionalso tells me that West-
and that was ern Star Dancerswear Pink Shirtswith Club
easy b e - Vestsand lwould like to suggestblackpants
cause all I had to talk aboutwas the Green be added to that. I did not notice too many
Classand that was easy becauseI basically peoplein the lastfew yearswearingthe Club
knew what I wanted to say. But now that I outfit. Granted the last few years I did not
haveto spouta littlewisdomit is not that easy. marchin withWSD,but I noticed.Also lwould
I guess all the peoplewho came beforeme like to request,that the same outfit be worn
must of felt this way at one time. for the Club Picture. Maybethis stems from
Don Grecoand Gold Rushwherewe did wear
Well its best to get started. I never realized our Club outfitsfor GrandMarchand pictures.
how hardthejob of administrator was. I mean I just think that this makes a good showing.
there are timeswhen that'sall I do. Maybe W e em phasizedur ing classes th at m any
as time goes on and it is not new then I will squaredance movescome from traditionand
have moretime. traditionaldances. Here we can carry on the
traditionsof WSD. I am awarethat new mem-
That said heregoes The Boardhas not been bers do not have vests, but we have people
restingon its laurels.Believeit or notwe plan willingto lendvestsfor the convention.lf you
o n h a v i n ga Qu a rte rl yme e ti n go n May 11. don't have a pink shirt, then a white shirt or
This is to set rightour By-Laws.The changes other solid color long sleeveshirt with a vest
that are being presentedare to bring the By- would be the dress. I am sure that there will
Laws intothe practicethat has been followed be some people who may object, but this is
by previousBoards. only a suggestion not a commandment. I
would like to hear from you about this.

(continuedon page 3)
May 4 - Club Night- Rick Grant
May Birthdays May 10 - CapitalCity Squares"Mother'sDay
Dance"with JohnnyPreston.2:00to 5:00 Full
Agnes Smith- 4 Plus and full Mainstream. $0. JeffersonEl-
Bu b B u d l o n g- 1 3 ementary School, 2001 PebblewoodDrive,
S . B o bL e h r - 1 3 Sacramento.Soft soled shoes only. For mor
Curt Vantine- 16 info call George @ 916-929-8697
M ay 11 - Gener al member shipMeeti ngat
7:00PMthen Club Night- CarlosMosca
June Birthdays May 16 - FoggyCity Dance/s Pinic. Lindley
Meadowsin Golden Gate Park. 11 to 3.
Fred Papapietro- 10 May 18 - Club Night- Jim Mavrikios
Ron Jablonski- 16 May 25 - MemorialDay - WSD Dark
Scott Carey - 27 June 1 - MainstreamBrushup- CarlosMosca
June 6 - Diablo Dancerswith Eric Henerlau
7:30 to 10:30 PleasantHill EducationCen-
WSD Boardof Directors ter. $6
June 8 - MainstreamBrushup- Ron Masker
June 13 - FoggyCity GraduationDancewith
Felix Fornino
Andy Shore. Harvey Milk Civil RightsAcad-
Bob Leslie
emy, 19th Street and Collingwood,7:30 to
Harold Little
June 15 - MainstreamBrushup- Ron Masker
June 22 - Plus Brushup- Ron Masker
Who'sDoing What June 29 - Plus Brushup- RickGrant
June 27 - W ester n Star Dancer ' sA nnual
Felix F. - Administrator
"PromenadeWith Pride" Dance with Andy
Ron M. - Instructor
Shor e. 7:30 PM at St. Aidan' s Epi s c opal
FabianA. - DanceCoordinator
Chur ch, 101 Goldm ineDr ive ( at Dia m ond
Felix F. - GreenClassArchangel
Heights Blvd, next to Safeway). Admission
Bob L. - Treasurer
Harold L. - Board Secretary $8.00.
June 28 - Gay PrideParade- Come and join
Felix F. - IAGSDCt" Rep
us for dancingin the Parade.
Vacant - Dangle Diva
July 2-5 - Weave The Rose IAGSDCTM Con-
Vacant - Attendance Taker
vention in Portland
Jim A. - Database/Calendar
Vacant - Western Star Editor
July 13 - Plus Class Begins

?LOS CLfrSS Flyersfor dances not by Western Star can be

gottenon any Monday.Flyershavedirections

BEGTNSIULY to the places where the event are.

All events at the Eureka Valley Recreation

t3 Center ( EVRC) , 100 Collingwood( b ehi nd

Cala),San Franciscounlessotherwisenoted.
Fromthe Administrator There are a few vacancies that need to be
(continuedfrom page 1) filled. Thejob of DangleDiva,the personwho
has charge of all the dangles,is vacant and
Can anyone out there help us in setting up we can use a new person. The nextjob that
and designingthe Web page? Some of you need to be filled is that of newslettereditor. I
may know that the IAGSDCTM now has their must step down as editor because of all the
own domainand thereforea new Web page. other thingsthat I do. I have to cut back and
Pointyourbrowserto's this is the way. We need someonewillingto
where our page will be. Thanks. givetime and energyas wellas beingrespon-
sible enough that the newsletterwill get out
In June we will marchingdown MarketStreet on time.
in the 1998 SF Pride Parade. We will be
marchingundertheIAGSDCTM banner.Come One lastcommentfor this monthis the Board
and join us. Where we will be meetingthat has been talkingabout WesternStar, Foggy
Sundaywillbe announcedatthe PrideDance City and MidnightSquares holding a Fly-in.
on June 27 with Andy Shore. San Franciscois the only major city without a
fly-in. We are thinkingabout early 2000 and
In July, we plan on startingout Plus class. then every two years after that. We envision
That will begin on July 13. lf you know any- all three clubs shareingequally. The fly-in
body who would like to take Plus send them wouldbe a MainstreamthruChallangeDance.
to EurekaValley. Mainstreamand Plus in one room and Ad-
vanced and Challengein another. To help
In Junewe are holding"Brush-upClassesfor keepdownexpenseswe wouldbe askingyou
Everyone."The first three weeks of june we to give housingfor the peoplflyingin. Maybe
will be doing Mainstreamaand the last two you out there could help think about a place
weekswe will be doing Plus. Come on down to have it.
and jon in the fun of helpingother peoplere-
memberhow to squaredance. My lastcommentfor this month. There is talk
that EVRCwill be closingfor earthquakeret-
Atthe last BoardMeeting,we discussedmany rofitting.This may not happenwithinthis year
things.Butone of the itemsthatjumpsto mind or next, but it is imperativethat we start look-
is recruitmentof new members. Obviously ing for a home now. We cannotwait until the
that meansgettingnew students.We plan to last moment. So if you can thinkof anaything
have a new class(Blue'98)startingin Octo- pleaselet the Board know,
ber. We need your help. Over the next few
monthswe plan on doing manythingsto help Yellowrocks,
get a new class. We will startby handingout Felix
flyers at the Gay Pride Paradein June. We
plan on doing Introto squaredance events. P.S.This July is USA-WESTSquare Dance
We have one scheduledin September. We Conventionatthe Moscone Center. lt is $30
plan to have recruitment booths at Folsom for 4days of dancing. The dates are July 22,
Streetand CastroStreetFairs. We also plan 23,24, and 25. Let see if we can get a large
to bringbackGuerillaSquares.We needyour turnout for the convention. Let's show them
help in staffing,handing out flyers and of what we got. Oh yes, appropriatesquare
coursedancing.We couldalso use a person dance aftiredrequired. Men must wear long
to be in chargeof recruitment.We could also sleeve shirts and good jeans. Women can
use yourinputforideaswe may have missed. wear pants but dresses are better.
We can also use your help in pointingstu-

L i f e t i m em e m b e r s - ( L t o R ) - F r e e m a n
Stamper,John Conley,ScottCarey,Rus King,
CallerDarrenGallina and Anna Dam iani

Dancershavinga good time. Darrencalling

At left,one of the Founders,ScottCarey,cut-

ting the cake.

All the peopleat the dance had a good time.

To all that that missedit, wish you were there.


Starting[/ondaysin June
June1,8, 15
7:30to 9:30PM
$g pernight
EurekaValleyRecreation Center
100Collingwood, SanFrancisco
Rosetown Ramblers. Fleads to the Center. rncl Rainbow Wra.nglers invire you to:

Weave the Rose
The 15th annual convention of the
International Association of Gay Square
Dance Clubs

Jrly 2-5,1998
At the Portland Oregon Doubletree Inns
Jantzen Beach and Columbia River

Staff Callers: Registration Fees:

R;rv Brcndzv l;cllcp1. . l u l v 1 - 11. 9 9 7- O c t o b e r3 1 , 1, 9 9 7 .: . . . . . . . . . - - . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 1 5 0
S ; r u n d r i rB o ; u r r Fr:rnkl-escnnrcr N o v e m b e r1 . 1 9 9 7- N I a r c h3 1 , 1 9 9 8 :. . . . . . . . - . . . . . . . . $ 1 6 0
\-ic Cecler [)cbocrh [)lmcll . ' \ p n lt . 1 9 9 8- . ' \ r T h e D o o c . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . S 1 7 0
l inr (-r;rrr-fori.l lr>hnrrl'Prestorr N o n - [ ) r r u c e nR c g r s t r e n o n : ......-.......S75
,\[ikc DcSistcr D:rvc\l'ilsorr
Makc checl,s payablc to: PORTIAND In'98
. \ r r r r c[ ; c l l c i : r c k c r

How to Contact IJs:

PostaI: l)ortllnd i;r '98 Refund Poliry:
I']() Rox 671.1 . Rccluesred
be[ore1(]/31/91 Full refund, less$Ztl
Portlnr:ti.OR 97228 flce
Telephone: (51t1)771-56.i-l(R.rck)or r Re<{uested bcru'ecn11/ 1/97 nd 3/ 31/98: 75"h
(5ttrlr1, -t t'3 (Scotr) refund
. R c q u e s t cidr f r c r. l / i 1 / 9 8 : N o r e f u n d
Internet: rrckhGagora. rdroo. con or spirrl:.gsGceIepori. con
W"WW: hutp: //,/ramblers/conventron
"LA.GSDC" is a trademark of the Inremational Associationof Gay SquareDance Clubs.

Name: First Itl -L:rsr



Cirv: Srrrc,/Province:
Z I P l P o s t u lC < l d e : Courttn-:

Phclnc: I-lonrc (_) \\'ork (-)

E-nr;ril: Prim:rn' Sccoudun'
Club Affiliadon:
Dance Program (Circle One): Ivlainstrcam Plus cl c2 c3A C3B C4 Non-Dancer
Banquet Preference (Circle One): Chicken Vegetarian Fish
Other Special Needs:

FUN BADGE TOUR (S25 additional): YES NO


Promenade With Pride
,rrilh cr//ph
(,*tS@ /tt*n erth dt TIo Pl(
Sl. 14iiloo' a 8@ e/u,hc/o
/0/ qolil,tilh4pSaaue*
kf b iannnd Jl aqh B lrrd l4p,pth S c/firr%)
A&nAtaon $S
we willannounce wherewe willbe meeting
for dancingin the PrideParadethatnight.
F The\ile$eln
V o l u m e1 5 July/August
1998 l s s u e4

The Newsletterof WesternStarDancers,584 CastroSt.,Suite480, One itemwe gaveappr ovalfor at Conv enti on
A Contemporary AmericanSquareDanceClub primarily servingthe
was havingthe Conventionsin V anc ouv er ,
San FranciscoGay and LesbianCommunrty.Subscriptions to fhe B r i t i s hC o l u m b i aC, a n a d a .T h e h o m eo f o u r
WesternSlararefreetoWSDMembers, $18 to others.Adsarecomple-
mentaryto members;commercraladvedisersmaycontactus for pric-
sisterclubSquaresAcrossthe Border.Tothat,
ing information. I am goingto pr oposeat the nextBoar dM eet-
ing that we come up with som efund- r ai s er s
F r o mt h e A d m i n i s t r a t o r for them. Afterall a U.S. Dollarg oes a l ong
way in Canadaand I assur edlykno wthatthey
c a n u s eo u r h e l p .
I a m s o r ryth a t th i s i ssu eo f th e newsletter is
l a t e ,b u t C o n ve n ti o na n d o th e rthingsgot in
Onethingyou can star tthinkingabouti s get-
t h e w a y . I p ro mi seth e n e xt i ssueon tim e. tingoutther eto helpus get a newcl as s( Bl ue
W e a r e sti l ll o o ki n qfo r a N e w sl etterEditor . ' 98)for NovemberPlease . note th at the c al -
endargivesdaysfor the Folsomand C as tr o
A s a l w a y st h e C o n v e n t i o nw a s g r e a t a n d
Str eetFair s,wher ewe willhavea bo oth.C om e
W e a v et he R o sew a s n o e xce p tionW ester n outandhelpus. The nextnewslet ter w i l lhav e
St a rw a s w e l l re p re se n te d the datesfor Guer illaSquar escom eandj oi n
us for that. Also note that in Septem ber we
I a m h o w e ve rd i sa p p o i n teidn the tur n out of will be havinga
Gener alM embe r s hi pM eet-
W e s t e r nS ta rMe mb e rsa t o u t l a sttwodances. ingandit willbe on a W ednesday Ni ght.Star t-
At t h e An n i ve rsa ryD a n cew e h ad 13 mem- ing at PM .
8 Exactday not wor k edout y et,
b e r so f WS D a n d a t o u r Ga y P ri deDancewe but we will ask Midnight
Squar esto gi v e up
h a d 6 . " C o m eo u t , c o m eo u t w h e r e v eyr o u one
nightof dancing.Hopefully, hav i ngi t l ater
a r e "a s t h e Go o dWi tchsa i dto th e Munchkins i n f h a o r r o n i n n r n r o get peopl ether e.
can mor e
a n d I r e pe a tto yo u H o p eto see you at our
L e a t h e rDa n cei n S e p te mb e r.
Lastbut not least,at the Junemeeti ngof the
Boar d,a m otionwas passedthatA LL W EST -
L a s ti s s u ew e d i scu sse d cl u bo u tfits Nowwe E R N S T A R E Q U I P M E N T ( I N O T H E R
a r e g o i n gto g i veyo u th e ch a n c eto com eup
w i t ha n e wo u tfi t.I a m ti re do f h ear ingat how
h o tt h e p re se n ot n e i s a n d h o wb adwe lookin NET
p i n k .( An yb o d yre me mb e th r e movie"Pr etty T H EB O A R DB Y T H E E N DO F A U G U S T S . o
i n P i n k " ? ) P l e a s es e n d s u g g e s t i o ntso o u r anybodywho has W ester n
StarE qui pm ent,
m a i la d d r e s so r i f y o u d e s i r et o m e a t m y e - wor king or not, pleaseget it to the Boar d
m a i l a d dre ssa s sta te da b o ve You give us as soon as possible. M ondaysw oul d be a
y o u rs u gg e sti o nass to a n e wl o okor keepthe good
day. Thanks.
o l d o n e . l f yo u d o n 'tco meu p w ithone,than
t h e B o a r dw i l lm a k et h a td e c i s i o n . Yellowrocks

Birthdavs ;alr
Al:,1.i^lr'r W S D E V E N T SC A L E N D A R
r:'. l\
.: {f: Tl.:r11rl1-l:
J u l yB i r t h d a y s |
it )
| .1 tl:.::)'\
r.. :l
l::1.: ::i:::i::::i:ii
J u l y1 3 - P l u sC l a s sB e g i n s
F r e e m a nS t a mp e r
".-.;:::i;:;: :=...:::.;, J u l y2 0 - P l u sC l a s s
A n n aD a m i a n-i 1 1 J u l y2 7 - P l u sC l a s s
R i c h a r dR o c k w e l-l AugustI - W SD goes to Angel lslandw i th
R o n M a s k e r- 1 7 Ron Masker .See Flyer
M i k eS e l l e r s- 1 8 August3-PlusClass
A u g u s t1 0 - P l u sC l a s s
A u g u s t Bi r t h d a ys A u g u s t1 7 - P l u sC l a s s
Augus2 t 4 - P l u sC l a s s
D o n Br e e r- 6 A u g u s t3 ' 1- P l u sC l a s s
H a r o l dL i t t l e- 1 O September 7 - LaborDay - W SD Dar k
FelixFornino- 27 S e p t e m b e1r4 - P l u sC l a s s
T o mM i n a h a n- 2 8 S e p t e m b e2r1 - P l u sC l a s s
SteveScott- 29 September26 - WesternStar Dancer'sAn-
nual "Leatherand Lace" Dancewith R oger
Loney 7:30 PM at Tem pleUnitedM et hodi s t
WSD Boardof Directols C h u r c h ,1 1 1 1J u n i p e r oS e r r a B l v d ( a t 1 9 t h
Avenue.EnterChur chfr om Bever ly)
FabianAlvarado A d m i s s i o $n 8 0 0 .
FelixFornino September 27 - FolsomStr eetFair . Stopby
Bob Leslie our boothand helpslgnup potentialda nc er s
HaroldLittle f o r o u r B l u eC l a s s
CarlosMosca S e p t e m b e2r8 - P l u sC l a s s
October4 - Castr oStr eetFair . Stop by our
Wlro'sDoingWhat boothand helpsignup potentialdancer sfor
o u r B l u eC l a s s .
FelixF. - Adrninistrator
October5 - PlusClassGr aduation
Ron M. - lnstructor
October12 - ColumbusDay - W SD Dar k
FabianA. - DanceCoorclinator
Octobe1 r 9 , 2 6- O p e nH o u s ef o r B l u eC l a s s
FelixF. - GreenClassArchangel '98
Bob L. - Treasurcr
N o v e m b e-rB l u eC l a s sB e g i n s
HaroldL. - Board Secretary
FelixF. - IAGSDC" Rep Flyer sfor dancesnotby W ester nStarc an be
SteveS. - DangleDiva gottenon anyMonday.Flyer shavedir ec ti ons
Vacant -Attendance'fal<er to the placeswher ethe eventar e.
Jim A. - Database/Czilendar
Vacant - WesternStarEditor All eventsat the Eur ekaValleyRecr eati on
C e n t e r( E V R C ) ,1 0 0 C o l l i n g w o o d( b e h i n d

frNGEt Cala) ,SanFr ancisco unlessother wise n oted.



OurAnnual4th of JulyPicnic*to Angel lslandwas

postponed because of thePortland
Convention. We
will meet at Pier 41 near Fisherman'sWh arf at
B:45AMto takethe 9:30AMferry.We willreturnon
the 4:40PMferry.The costof the ticketis $10.

We will be squaredancingto Ron Masker.All you

needto bringis whatyouwillwantto eat and drink.
You may also want to bringsportsequipmentor
otheritemsforplay.Inviteyourfriendsto picnicwith
us. Maybeafterseeingus dancetheywillwantto
join you.

For moreinfocallRonat 415-252-1522.

(*OK,we usuallyneverhaveit on 4th of Julybecuaseof convention,

did once)

you to its

Leather and Lace

utiJ/o rfllpr,
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V o l u m e1 5 September/October
1998 lssue5

The Newsletterof Western Star Dancers,584 Castro St., class. As long as you are going to be there, give
Suite 480, San Francisco CA 94'l 1+2588. E-Mail: fe- us onc hour of your time to sign up new square
A Contemporary AmericanSquareDanceClub primarily dancers.
sewingthe San FranciscoGay and LesbianCommunity.
Subscriptionslo The Westem Sfarare free to WSD
Members,$18 to others. Ads are complementary
In my last column, I mentionedthat the 2001
members;commercialadvertisersmay contactus for Conventionwould be in Vancouver and that we
pricing information. would be having fundraisersfor SquaresAcross
the Border. Our first fund raiser will be October
Time for another issue of the WSD Newsletter. 17 at a Dance Sponsoredby WSD and Midnight
I hope that all had a plcasant summerand some Squares. This will be a Plus/AdvanceDance.
time off. To thosethat live in areaswhere the The 50/50 raffle will bc for the 2001 Conven-
temperaturegot very warrn, hope it wasn't too tion. More information on this will be forth
bad. coming.

As you are aware we are having a GeneralMem- The board thanks all the people who called and
bership Meeting, the secondof four we are sup- said that they had WSD equipment. We will
poseto have in the year. There are someissues start picking it up and hopefully by the time you
that we must talk about at that meeting and I get this we will haveit all.
hope, along with the Board, that you will be
there with us. There are someseriousdecisions Don't Stop.Don't Slow Down.
that must be made and we want your input. I've
heard it said that we were electedbecausewe Yellowrocks
can be trusted, we can, but on someissuesit nice Felix
to get a senseof what the club thinks and not
just 5 people on the Board. Again, pleasetry to
make the meetingon September9 at 8:00 PM at
Eureka Valley Rec. Center. Who'sDoinsWhat
Our Leather Dance is coming up on September
26. We are inviting the leatherclubs in San
FelixF Administrator&
Franciscoto come and visit us at that danceto
show the interestin leatherfolk that we havein
FabianA DanceCoordinator
squaredancing and get them interested. Please
Bob L Treasurer
come down andjoin us. Seethe flyer for all the
HaroldL Secretary
CarlosM BoardMember
Blue ClassArchangel
Speakingof the new class, Blue '98, we have not
yet set the datesfor Guerilla Squares,but hope JimA Database/Calendar
to have them for you by the September9 meet-
SteveS DangleDiva
ing. We again ask you to come and help us out
RonM Instructor
KathyH WSD NewsletterEditor
at the Folsom Streetand Castro StreetFairs.
MarieM WSD NewsletterEditor
We will be there gathering namesfor the new
This month's Board Meeting was held on the Thereare 2 thingsEWRYONE in the club
28th. Topics discussedwere:tl-reupcoming can do without much effort or need of any spe-
GeneralMeeting,Blue Class,& the 1999Anni- cial talents-
versary Dance {scheduledfor 3/13/99)
Attempts are being madeto "gather up" all
l. Come on Monday nights and angelthe green
Western Star equipment& items from whereever
class. Make them feel welcome&
they may be & getting them into a centralized
place. If you have been "storing" any items for part of the club.
Western Star please contact any Board membsr
to make arrangementsfor their collection. If your scheduledoesn't allow that right away
We are also working on developinga Web Page.
2.Plan now to bring someoneto the Blue
GENERAL MEMBERSHIP MEETING Classandbe an angelthen.
Do not be a"slug"
in our SquareDanceGardenll!! Both actionswill bring you back to activity
within the club AND bring new membersto
Come to the meetingon WEDNESDAY helpthe club revitalizeitself.
Sept. 9th at 8 PM @ UVRC and find out
what is going on &.
where help is needcd
Help us "bloom", not "wither & die" BLUE CLASS BEGINS
Come andget reacquaintedwith someold We will starta newbeginningclass,
friends and meet new onesat the sametime. ThcBlueClass,on November9'1998.
Come and bring your ideasto help make WSD a
club for all to enjoy. We willhave intro nightson October
And most of all l9th, 26th& November2nd.
Come andsupportyour club. For it is necessary
for it to thrive and grow. Plannow to helpwith promotingthe
Rememberit is up to YOU - no one elsel class,participatingin guerillasquares&
bringingsomeone to join theclass
/.,---tFt\ BIRTHDAYS
September Guerillasquaresare scheduledfor
Rick Grant 5 Saturday,October24th & Thursday,
SergePluess ll October29th.
d !
Kori Fujitani 23
PatriciaSmith 25 We will havebooths at both the
t October: CastroStreet& Folsom StreetFairs.
I RhondaSwerer 5
Darryl Raszl l0 PLEASE keep thesedates open &
de Jim Mavrikios
w Rick May
help us promotethis class. Rememberthese
are the new life of evervclub! ! I
R Rod Odgers 29
\ DonaldQueen 30

2nd El Camino Workshop

9th WesternStar GeneralMeeting
El Camino Club Night
1lth El Camino DANCE
l2th Foggy City HARVEST DANCE with Anne Uebelacker
13th Midnight Squares A2, Cl DANCE with Anne Uebelacker
14th WesternStar Plus Class
l6th Midnight Squares Club Dancingwith Ed Conley
El Camino Intro Night
17th WesternStar Board Meeting
2lst WesternStar Plus Class
23rd Midnight Squares Club Night with RichardTuck
El Camino Intro Night
26th Western Star LEATHER & LACE DANCE with Roeer Loonev
(seeflyer for details)
Diablo Dancers FALL DANCE with Bronc Wise
27th SanFrancisco Folsom StreetFair
30th Midnight Squares Club Night with Harlan Kerr

4th SanFrancisco Castro StreetFair
5th WesternStar Plus ClassGraduation
7th El Camino lst Basic ClassNight
CapitalCity lTth AnniversaryDancewith Mike Kellogg
lOth WesternStar Knight of Malta\DefendersLearn to SquareDance
I lth Midnight Squares Cl ClassStarts(2pm-apm)
A1 ClassStarts(4pm-6pm)
l5th WesternStar Board Meeting
ITth Midnight Squares Plus/A2 Dancewith SteveMinkin
19th WesternStar Into Night to Basic SquareDancing
23rd El Camino Dance(TBA)
24th WesternSquares GuerillaSquares
26th WesternStar Into Night to Basic SquareDancing
29th WesternStar GuerillaSquares

7th FoggyCity DancewithMikeDeSisto
l5th Anniversary
l5th MidnightSquares A2lClDancewithSandraBryant

For updatesvisit us at our new web page at

We needvolunteersfor.
LeatherLearnTo Square
Dance October10
7:30 PM to 10:30PM
Guerilla Squares
Meetat Castroand 18thStreet(Bankof
Plaza- CastroandMarket)5 PMto 6PM
To My SquareDanceFamily:

Someof you know who I am andsomeof you do not. My nameis Greg

Osmon,a formermemberof WesternStarandGoldRush.

I am runningfor GrandDuke.

I would greatlyappreciate
your support.Enclosed,pleasefind a scheduleof

Hopeyoujoin me oneof theseevenings.

Formoreinformation,pleasecontact(415) 621-3917.

.Efmntl ru

&nc arzrf-,ffa t/rtrtu CoueJLh"u.ftlil*

d'qtunl"o /2t/d tUotmq
Edge . 4140 ISth Street . Noon - 7pm
Polh Rcndeaouz . 13Aj Polh Street . llam - 7pm

Transporta ti on and, Informa ti on Auailab le

ellVtkrntlet /9//t #
RussianCenter . 24J0 Siltter Street
Doors open - 6pm . Sbow - 7p*
r.) Harvey'sfor Wanda'sShowAugust26,1998at 8:30p.m.

2.\ Kimo's kick Off ParWAugust27,1998from 7:(X)to 9:fi)

3.) Party at New Gold RoomAugust28, 1998from 7:(X)to 9:fi)

4.\ BeerBust& BBQ at The PilsnerAugust30, 19983:00to 7:fi)

s.) Rendezvous
CocktailParty September2,1998from 7:(X)to 9:fi)

6.) Food& Fun at lVlarlena's'sSeptember

4, i998 from 8:00to ii:O0

7.\ Meet the StarburstCandidateat The Giraffe September6, 1998from 4:(X)to 6:00

8.) The EdgeParty September9, 1998 from 7:00to 9:fi)

e.) Party at the llfi) CIub September10, 1998from 7:00to 9:{X}

10,) Eveningat WoodenHorseSeptember11, 199Efrom 8:00 to 10:fi)

corfinttyinaitesyou to its

Leather and Lace

uriJh c.llth
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7",r4(t/" AM l//M e/4rrrroh
//// /t-a"rn Se'ttaB/tA. (dl tgthr4rcnue)
Vo l u me1 5 1998
NovemberlDecember lssue6

The Newsletterof Westem Star Dancers,584 Castro St., methodsare successful,we will have to do
Suite 480, San FranciscoCA 94114-2588. E-Mail:fe- this again next year. I think we should and
A ContemporaryAmericanSquareDanceClub primarily could get some time on the CountryWest-
servingthe San FranciscoGay and LesbianCommunity. ern Stagesfor Square Dancingat both
Subscriptionsto The Westem Slar are free to WSD fairs.
Members,$18 to others. Ads are complementary to
members:commercialadvertisersmav contactus for
pricing information. We stillneed your help. We need angels
to show up at the open houses as well as
On behalfof the Boardof Directors
of for classes. We are not askingyou to do it
WestemStarDancers,lwouldliketo wish everyweek (if you could that would be
everyonea HappyHalloween, Happy nice) but every so often so that we can
Thanksgiving, HappyChanukah, Happy show the class that there is a large group
WinterSolstice,MerryChristmas,Happy of people on whom they can rely.
Kwanza,anda HappyNewYear.HopeI
haven'tmissedanyone. We have scheduledtwo dances so far neX
year. March 13, 1999 for our 17hAnniver-
To thosewho missedtheGeneralMember- sary Dancewith BillEylerof Albuquerque
s h i om e e ti n -o
i n S e o te mb el rw i l lsumm a- and September25, 1999for our Leather
rizewhathappened.Thethreeamend- and Lace '99 Dancewith Anne Uebelacker
mentspassedwithsomeminorcorrections. of Vancouver,BritishColumbia,Canada.
Dueswereraisedto $36 peryear. lf $36 We told Anne she could wear her leather
seemsodd that is becausethatnumber outfit at the dance and Fair. Anne has also
couldbe usedwhetherthe amendment agreedto call on Sunday at the Folsom
aboutduespassedor not. lt did seema Street Fair. We have not made any deci-
shamethatonlysevenpeopleshowedup sions on the PrornenadeWith Pride'99
for the meeting,but the By-Lawsstatethat Gay Pride Dance on June 26, 1999.
thatis a quorumand businesscouldbe
conducted.And finallywe discussed
the We have broughtback anothertradition.
BlueClass. This year on December21, we will have
our Annual White ElephantHolidayGift Ex-
The Blue'98Classwillbe starting Novem- change. So dust off those gifts that you
ber 9 withOctober26 and November 2 as have been hidingand bring them with you
OpenHouses.lf you knowof anyonewho on the 21"t. We will also have a quick
is interestedpleaseinvitethemto come QuarterlyGeneralMembershipMeetingbe-
down. We staffeda boothat the Castro fore the Exchangeand, if we have time,
and FolsomStreetFairs.We handedout some dancing.
over1200flyersfor the class. I wouldlike
to thankall the peoplewhocameby and Hope to see you soon.
helpedhandout flyers,dancing,and call-
ing.I hopethatthe seedswe haveplanted Yellowrocks.
will bearfruit. As I writethiswe stillhave Felix
GuenillaSquaresto get through.lf these
Who's Doins What ON THB HBAD OF A PfN ...
Felix F Administrator&
IAGSDCRep Is your halo on straight? @leaseexcusethe
FabianA DanceCoordinator expression.) It is important that as many of
Bob L Treasurer our club membersas possiblecome to the
Harold L Secretary Beginnerclassas "angels". What are angels?
CarlosM Board Member They are the wonderful people who volunteer
Blue ClassArchangel their time to ensurethat a classhas the best
Jim A Database/Calendar possiblelearningexperience.
SteveS DangleDiva
Ron M Instructor Angels provide the new classmemberswith
Kathy H WSD Newsletter Editor their first real look at the club. How angels
Marie M WSD NewsletterEditor behaveand treat the new dancers,other
Vacant AttendanceTaker angels,and visitors will affect class members'
decisionswhetheror not to join our club.
Angels are also role models.No matter what
the instructor and club try to communicateto
the studentsconcerningetiquette& attitudes,
Blue ClassBegins classmembersinevitablytake their cuesfrom
what they seethe angelsdoing. So it is impor-
We will start a new beginningclass,
tant that anglessmile,be enthusiastic,and
The Blue Class,on November 16,1998.
enjoy the dancing. Be friendly, courteous,
and gentle.This is sometimeseasierto say than
We will haveintro nights on October
to do, especiallyif it hasbeen a long day. Al-
19ttL26th & November Znd.
though most of us do the right things
instinctively,at leastmost of the time, it can't
Plan now to help with promoting the
hurt to reiterate certain points. So in the next
class,participatingin guerillasquares&
few issueswe will go over specialpointersfor
bringing someoneto join the class

Guerillasquaresare scheduledfor
In the meantime, COME ON OUT and BE
Saturday,October 24th & Thursday,

PLEASE keep these dates open &

help us promote this class. Remember
theseare the new life of every club!!!

FC l5th Anniversary
Dance Wlr4ikeDesisto
l 3 -l 4 PACE - w/SandraByrant
l5 MS DanceA & C levelDancew/SandraBvrant
27-29 20th PACE Extravaganza Ventura,CA
27-29 Squares
Across-l5thAnniversary Vancouver,BC


4-6 ChaseRight 98 Neon Squares

Las Vegas,NV
5 DD HolidayDance w/lr4ikeDeSisto
1l ECRPlus&ADance w/lr4ichael
17 FC HolidayDance


t5-17 DesertVly Sq-Swingthru AZ Phoenix.AZ


t2-14 TinseltownSq - Star thru Hollywood LA, CA


l3 WSD lTth Anniversary
Dance w Bill Eyler


WesterStar Dancers'Planner


I 4
Bsb CLg B.8iD




15 116 I9
B6(d M@ting



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WesterStar Dancers' P lanner





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and JIM

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Nry Yc./r Ew

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