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Christian and Jewish weddings

compare and contrast essay

by Andrew Bruce
Hong Kong Academy
This is an essay about two religions which are Christianity and Judaism. In

this essay Iʼm going to write about the weddings. Iʼm also going to compare

and contrast them.

Christian weddings are held in a church. The first thing that happens is that

the guests are seated (groomʼs grandmother, brideʼs grandmother, groomʼs

parents, brides mother). Before the ceremony starts, the Priest, the groom

and the best man will stand at the front of the church. Then, the bride and her

father, along with the bridesmaids will go down the aisle. The marriage

ceremony then starts. First the bride and groom repeat their vows after the

Priest. Then the bride and groom exchange rings. Then the priest announces

that the couple are now man and wife. The couple then kiss. Often there is a

party after the ceremony, when speeches are given by the brideʼs father, the

groom and the best man.

The Jewish wedding is held in a synagogue. The order in which the people

walk down the aisle is: the Rabbi, the groom, the parents, the grooms man,

the brides maid, and finally the bride and her parents. The ceremony is held

under a chupah (a canopy held on four poles, representing the coupleʼs

home). Bethrothed then the bride and the groom drink wine and then groom

gives the bride the ring. After that they say seven blessings over a glass of

wine. The ketubah (wedding contract) is read by the Rabbi. The groom
smashes the glass of wine after itʼs been drank and he smashes it with his

foot. Then the guests at the wedding shout mazel tov (for good luck).

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