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Eukaryotic cell

The Cell factory
§ Organelles
§ Highly specialized structures within the cell
§ Little organs
§ 2 major divisions of the eukaryotic cell
§ Nucleus
§ The “brain”
§ Cytoplasm
§ Portion outside the nucleus but inside the cell
2 types of Eukaryotic
§ Plant cells
§ Animal cells
§ What are the differences? (write them down!!!)

§ Brain of the cell

§ Office of the factory
§ Contains nearly all the cell’s DNA and
with it the coded instructions for making
PROTEINS and other important

Nuclear envelope
§ Surrounds nucleus
§ Made of 2 membranes
§ Dotted with thousands of nuclear pores
§ How do we get messages, instructions and
blueprints out of the office?
§ Allow material to move in and out of nucleus by
using “little runners” such as proteins, RNA and
other molecules

Inside the nucleus we
§ Contain a granular material called…
§ Chromatin= DNA + protein
§ Usually spread out in nucleus
§ During cell division, chromatin clumps
together or condenses…we call this….

§ Threadlike structures that contain genetic

information that is passed on from one
generation to the next

§ Small dense region inside the nucleus

§ Function: assembly of ribosomes begin…
§ Most important function of cell is…
§ Making proteins
§ Proteins regulate a zillion different things
§ Like…
§ Proteins are assembled ON Ribosomes
§ Ribosomes are small particles of protein &
RNA (what’s RNA?)
§ They follow instructions from the nucleus to
make proteins…follow the orders from the
“head haunchos” in the main office
§ Scattered throughout the cell
§ They are like little factories
§ If a cell’s main function is making proteins, how
many ribosomes are you going to have?
Endoplasmic reticulum
§ Internal membrane system
§ The site where the lipid components of
the cell membrane are assembled,
along with proteins and other materials
exported from the cell
§ 2 types
§ Smooth ER
§ Rough ER
Rough ER
§ Involved in protein making (synthesis)
§ So what are we going to see on it?
§ ribosomes
§ Once a protein is made, it leaves the
ribosome and goes into the Rough ER
§ The rough ER then modifies the protein
§ All proteins that are exported by the cell
are made on the RER
§ Membrane proteins are made on the
RER too

Smooth ER
§ NO ribosomes on it
§ Looks smooth
§ Contains collections of ENZYMES that have
specialized tasks
§ What do enzymes do?
§ Tasks include:
§ Synthesis of membrane lipids
§ Detoxification of drugs
§ Liver cells
§ Big in detox therefore….what do u think liver cells
have a lot of?
Golgi Apparatus
§ Discovered by Italian scientist Camillo Golgi
§ Once proteins are done being “modified” in the
RER, they move onto the Golgi apparatus
§ Looks like a stack of pancakes
§ Function: modify, sort, and package proteins
and other materials from the ER for
STORAGE or SECRETION outside the cell
§ Proteins are “shipped” to final destination
§ Finishing touches on proteins before they leave
§ (Lie-so-soh-mz)
§ The factory’s clean-up crew
§ It’s an Organelle filled with
§ Function: Digestion (break
down) of lipids,
carbohydrates, and
proteins into smaller
molecules that can be
used by the cell
§ Also digest organelles that
have outlived their
What do you think
happens if lysosomes
§ A bunch of “junk” build up in the cell
§ Is this good?
§ Many human diseases result from
malfunction of lysosome
§ Tay-Sachs disease
§ The factory’s storage place
§ Only in certain cells
§ Sac-like organelles
§ Function: stores material such as water,
salts, proteins, and carbohydrates
§ Plant cells have a single, large central
§ Pressure of central vacuole allows plants
to support heavy structures
Single-celled organisms
and some animals also
have vacuoles…
§ Contractile vacuole
§ Contracts rhythmically to pump excess
water out…this maintains what?
§ homeostasis
What is the one
thing all living
things need to eat,
breath, reproduce,
move and much
Two ways cells get
§ From food molecules
§ From the sun

§ Convert chemical energy stored in food

into compounds that are more
convienent for the cell to use
§ Has 2 membranes
§ Inner membrane
§ Outer membrane
§ Nearly all come from the ovum
§ You get your mitochondria from your

§ Capture energy from the sunlight and

convert it into chemical energy…what
is this process called?
§ Like solar power for plants
§ 2 membranes
§ Inside: large stacks of other membranes
that contain chlorphyll
Organelle DNA
§ Chloroplasts and
contain their own
genetic info
§ In form of small
DNA molecules

Lynn Margulis
§ American biologist
§ Chloroplasts and
mitochondria are
descendents of
She said…
§ Ancient Prokaryotes from wayyyyy back in the
day had a symbiotic relationship with the
ancient eukaryotes
§ What is symbiotic? (review ecology!!!)
§ The prokaryotes lived inside the eukaryotes
§ There were prokaryotes that used oxygen to
make energy (ATP)
§ Mitochondria
§ There were prokaryotes that used
photosynthesis to get energy
§ Chloroplasts
Endosymbiotic Theory
§ Idea that
mitochondria and
evolved from

§ Supporting structure and

transportation system

§ Network of protein filaments that helps

the cell to maintain its shape and to
help the cell move
§ 2 main type of filaments
§ Microtubules
§ Microfilaments


§ Threadlike structures
§ Made of protein called ACTIN
§ Extensive networks
§ Tough, flexible framework
§ Help cells move
§ Assembly and disassembly helps cells
move (like amoebas)

§ Hollow structures
§ Made of proteins called TUBULINS
§ Maintain cell’s shape
§ Important in cell division
§ Make mitotic spindle (separates
§ Help build projections from cell surface…
Cilia and Flagella
§ Plural: cilium and flagellum
§ Enable cells to swim rapidly through liquid
§ Like oars of a boat
§ Only animal cells
§ Made of protein
§ What else is made
of tubulin?
§ Near nucleus
§ Help organize cell
§ Antwon van Leeuwenhook § Golgi apparatus
§ Robert Hook § Lysosome
§ Cell Theory § Vacuole
§ Electron microscope § Mitochondrian
§ Prokaryote § Chloroplast
§ Eukaryote
§ Cytoskeleton
§ Organelles
§ Cytoplasm § Centriole
§ Nuclear envelope § Mictrotubule
§ Chromatin § Microfilament
§ Nucleus § Theodor Schwann
§ Ribosome § Matthias Schleiden
§ Smooth Endoplasmic reticulum § Rudolph Virchow
§ Rough endoplasmic reticulum § Lynn Margulis
§ Course adjustment knob § Endosymbiotic Theory
§ Fine adjustment knob § Cilia
§ Proteins § Flagella
§ DNA § Photosynthesis
§ Contractile vacuole
§ Central Vacuole
§ Tay-Sachs disease
§ §

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