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Metals Lead Grains Again Teen Gangs Hutchinson News-Herald

Friday. August 24. 1956 _

Stock Upturn Are Weaker Upset Fair

NEW YORK WV-Gains in steels CHICAGO dft— Grains had an PUEBLO. Colo. Ml — Arrests Ready To Bet
and metals paced an advance in easier undertone on the board of nd possible jail sentences were
the stock market in the late after- trade Thursday, but losses never
noon Thursday.
became large.
Favorable crop growing weath-
hreatened yesterday for rival
eenage gangs warring on the
tate Fair grounds.
Ike Serves
Aircrafts, chemicals, oils, and er, hedging pressure and some SAN FRANCISCO «V-Guy Har-
At least three youngsters were wood, a Republican delegate from
motors also were in demand; as minor profit taking combined to njured and one required hospital Milan, Tenn., says he is willing to
the market snapped a string of'ease prices. Wheat and rye were reatment after juvenile violence bet $5,000 that President Eisen-
six straight declines. .the weakest cereals. lared near the stock barns Tues- hower lives out another four-year
Pivotal issues were up fractions' Some of the selling in wheat was ay night.
to around 2 points, after posting1 based on reports from the South- Chairman Earl Bonham of the
air board took note of Dist. "There's a lot of talk by people
, west that farmers who had gram
gains extending to 3 points in a - n were {aking out Atty. Wesley C. Kettelkamp Jr.'s who say Ike wouldn't live out his
morning rally. Hoan applications. This indicated nstructions to swear in six ad- term if elected," Harwood said.
itional deputies to patrol the "Me, I don't believe it. I want
Trading was e s t i m a t e d at the grain would be offered on the to find out if these people really
around 1,800000 shares for the i free market and not impounded grounds.
He has made it quite clear believe it.
day, compare. hat our police have the power "So it's put up or shut up."
unusually low shares. 2 corn unchanged to o arrest and place offenders in Harwood said he has deposited
Volume was relatively heavy near| loweri Sept 1.471^, oats lli lie county jail," Bonham said. the $5,000 in the Farmers-Peoples
'That is just what they are go- FRIENDLY SNAPSHOT — President Elsenhower poses during
the end of the first hour wheniiower to *» higher, Sept. 73U. rye San Francisco visit with Kansas GOP gubernatorial nominee
Bank at Milan and the matter it
prices were at their best, then fell! l34-2»i lower, Sept. 1.43-1.42H. ng to do." being handled by the bank's cash-
Warren Shaw and Mrs. Shaw. Shaws, were among steady stream
Livestock grand champions were of visitors to Ike's headquarters Thursday, most of them •Re- ier.
off sharply as the session pro- J"^0*1*8118 1V1*4 lower' S°pt' rowned yesterday. Colorado A&M publicans running for office this fall. "It's open to anyone in tha
gressed. | Wheat futures purchases: College collected top honors in United States," said Harwood.
Wall Street viewed the upswing! \vednesday 14,229,000; week ago he fat beef, jersey and sheep di-
in the market as an expected! 12,509,000; year ago 14,321,000.
technical comeback Mowing re-! Open interest in wheat futures
Crutcher Gets Picture
Winners in the swine division
Let's see who really believe!
that talk."

cent reverses.
NEW YORK Aug. 23 LTV-Clot-
the previous session totaled 118,-
107,000 bushels. Taken With Eisenhower
included R&S Ranch of Halstead,
Kas., hampshires; Dale Konkel
of Haviland, Kas., Poland China; Convict Seven
me InvesUne Co. KansM Cltr Wheat W. H. Petersilie of Ness City, SAN FRANCISCO (ffl — Warren lower suite were National Com-
Affiliated Fd
Am Bus Shr
Ax» Houghton A .... 6.10 6.63 High
Bid Asked
6.24 6.75 P. C
3.97 4.24 Open
Dec. Mar. May
2.22H 2.24
2.1774 2.22 2.24
2.18'i 2.22>i 2.24H 2.21
Kas., berkshires. Shaw, Republican nominee for mitteeman Harry Darby and for-
governor of Kansas, got some mer Gov. Ed Arn. All reported the
campaign tips from President Ei- President "looked wonderful."
In Rape Case
Polio Cases senhower during a visit with him Earlier John W. Crutcher of WUERZBURG, Germany, Aug.
AX« Houghton B .... S.67 9.42 Low 2.17N 2.2m 2.22', 2.20V4
Axe Houghton Stk .. 4.00 4.37 Close 2.17H 2.21H 2-23H 2.20H
Bullock Fd 13.53 14.S3 Chicago Oats in the President's hotel s u i t e Hutchinson, the GOP nominee in 23 Wl—A U.S. court-martial Thurs-
the 5th Congressional District, day convicted seven American
Chemical Fd 17.9319.39 Sept. Dec. Mar
Thursday. '
Much Lower
Dividend Shrs 2.87 3.15 p c 7;;, .764 •'T'i
Eat & How Bal 22.90 24.49 Negro soldiers of raping a 15-year-
Eat t How Fd 1548 16.74
Chicago Wheat
73^t -76', Shaw said the President was saw the President briefly and had old German schoolgirl last July 9
Fidelity Fd 4l25 4.65 Sept. Dec. Mar. May ZEROING IN. croquet player Danny Hanpt, 12, 25 West 18th, sights on the goalpost while op- high on personal contact. his picture taken with bin for use hi the woods of nearby Bamberg.
Founders Mut Fd .... 8.18 S.S9 p c T ponent Robby Spickelmier, 11, 106 West 18th, waits with obvious skepticism.
WASHINGTON UB- The states "Of course, that's what I've in the campaign.
2.19 2.25 2.2S'i 2.26 »
Fundamental Inv .... 17.46 19.10 Open 2.1SH 2.25i; 2.28'i 2.26\ After pronouncing the defen-
Gen Invest Tr
Incorp Investors ....
7.S3 8.51 High
10.32 11.16 Low ; ;
2.194 2.25'j 2.28H 2-27*4
2.17 , 2.23 , 2.27", 2.25', reported 902 polio cases last week, done," Shaw said. "I showed him And Stewart Newlin of Welling- dants guilty, the court adjourned
Manag Fd Gen Ind .. 4.13 4.55 Close
Manhat Bond Fd ....
Mass Invest Tr
M u t u a l Trust
7.78 8.53 Chicago Corn
12.12 13.10
3:67 3.99 P. C
Seven Killed
2.17V. 2.231, ;.26->, 2.25'i

Dec. Mar.
1.39', 1.44
May. j
Post Of fice Workers
Reeled President
Boosts considerably less than half the the callouses on my right hand ton-called on his old boss, White until Friday when the sentences
2,134 during the comparative week from shaking hands."
last year. The total continued to Shaw and his wife had their
House Press Secretary James are expected.
Hagerty. Newlin worked as an as- The soldiers' attack on the girl
N Sec Ser-Income ..
N Sec 9er-StoCk ....
Putnam Fd
Selected Am Sh
6 3 0 6.S9 Open ..
13.3714.53 Low
9.S3 High ..
10.17 11.00 Close ..

In Car Crash
1.39Vi 1.44H
..1.47', 1.39 \ 1.44*4 1.4T'.4
..1.46". 1.39
S 1.43

1.46*1 GOP Leaders

ward J. Bootin, New York, Thurs-
run lower than
tive week since 1947.
in any compara- pictures taken with the President. sistant press secretary in the 1952 set off a nationwide protest against
Accompanying them to the Eisen- campaign. . what the Germans called a soldier
crime wave. Even the trial cama
Unit Accum Fd 12.20 I.'!.26 Chlcaso WILLMAR, Minn., Aug. 23 MV- day was re-elected president of SAN FRANCISCO, Aug. 23 Ufl— The Public Health Service said
under fire with the public com-
His Trip To Again Breaks
Unit Cont Fd 8.64 9.44 Oct.
Unit Science Kd 11.55 12.62 33.00 3 V"i'A Kansas City family of four was the National Association of Post Thursday there was no large nu-
Unit Fd Can 17.08 18.57 cios." .".".'.'."...32.15 32.60 33.35 ss.eo wiped out and three South Dakot-JOffice and General Services Main-j(President Eisenhower, describe< merical increase last week in any plaining against the way it was
Jans died Thursday in a highway tenance Employes. as "full of enthusiasm for the|state except Michigan, which had conducted.
Graln Receipts
NEW YORK (.?>— Closing flocks:
Allied Ch
Close Net Chg
V «i
WHEAT — Hutchinson. today 14; collision that brought a gruesome
week ago 13; year ago SI. Wichita
K. C. 117; Salina
54: St. L. 11; Chicago 32: Minn.
11; Omaha end to their vacations. Fred
Named vice presidents
T. Jones, Salt Lake
I campaign
Only one person of the eight in- Louis Johns, Kansas City; William vention Thursday night with a Last week's national total was
up the
162 cases compared
week ended Aug. 11. Room Costly Out Of Jail
with 32 in the The blonde victim's name has
been withheld because of her age
She collapsed twice on the wit-
I" U 573; Winnipeg 1070; Duluth 359; ness stand when describing how
Am Airline cr« U », Ft. Worth 17; Enid 82. volved in the crash survived. John Dolphus, St. Louis, and George speech accepting renomination. 19 greater than the 883 in the pre- Rosie Powell, 40, was charged PHILLIPSBURG, Kan. (ffl — A
Am Tel&Tel ....
Am Tob
U -, CORN—K. C. 52; Omaha 7; St.
Trish of Aberdeen, S. D. was in Poitevent, Houston, Tex. ceding week. The increase in the with prostitution and R o b e r t 28-year-old prisoner made his sec- the soldiers raped her while her
'-• S The president followed Vice
James D. Burke, Brooklyn, sec-' president R j chard Nixon| wn o comparative 1955 weeks was 355. Young, 33, was booked for pro- ond escape from the Phillips companion, student Wilfried Pil-
Anac Cop M 'T3 L. 42: Chicago 119.
U 2^4 OATS—Omaha 9; St. L. 2: Chi- serious condition at a hospital
And Pri O
37 ,
U '. cago 15. retary - treasurer, and Ross _ A ' ,as named to run with him again curing Thursday following a re- County jail Wednesday night, but logac, 22, was restrained. She re-
" 'i Hutchinson Wheat here. Chicago, where there is a se- port made to police by James L. now he got out this time was a ported she was raped five times.
Atlas Pdr S5\ U '. Messer, Tyler. Tex., legislative
; Carlot cash wheat was called, to- on this year's GOP ticket. Nixon vere outbreak in some areas of
The tragedy left four small chil- American and German doctors
Milwaukee was selected for the flew back from Whittier, Calif., :he city, reported 133 cases, a King, 56, Stafford.
Avco Mfj? 5i U 'i day on the Hutchinson Board of mystery.
Beech Alro 26', U ',
Beth steel 161", U 1'i Trade
1 lower.
Basis was
called dren of one South Dakota couple
1957 convention. Miss Powell and Young, both of Sheriff Leslie Lanman identified said she was suffering from men-
where his 77-year-old father lies drop from 166 in the preceding llSVs South Main, were arrested
the prisoner as Raymond Richard- tal tension and could not continue)
Boeing Air 52^ U ',
tush Sales (K. C. Basis) orphaned and took the mother of
Bran Airw ii'i D ',
Volume 2 cars. our others. The delegates from 28 states ap- ill, to make his acceptance speech. week. her testimony before the court.
Celanese 15!4 V H after King told officers that son of Topeka.
Chi Cp 25-, No. 1 hd and dk hd—2.23-2.23 Vi proved a resolution authorizing the While waiting his turn to go be- Since she was not able to con-
Chi Ri Pac 38 U Vi
The victims: legislative representative to sup- someone had removed $100 from The sheriff said both the cell tinue her testimony in person, the
Cities Svc
Cont Can
6S i
U «, Kansas City Cash
KANSAS CITY (.Tl — Wheat 117 Charles F. Hoadley, 49, Kansas port a resolution seeking a 10 per Good Time To Wage
fore the convention delegates at his trousers.
and the outside door of the jail
!ity; his wife; their daughter, cent salary increase with a min- the Cow Palace, Eisenhower posed The two, who were held under were locked and all keys were Army announced that a death
D i.i
Cont Oil 129 cars, Vi lower to 4 higher, No 2

War On Bindweed
Dow Cheni
Du Pont
U '-i hiird anrt dark hard
2.18'i, No 2 red 2.14-2.15, No 3,
2.27, No 3,
Judith, about 16, and their son, imum of $400. for a series of campaign pictures additional charges of vagrancy, accounted for. There was no evi- sentence—maximum punishment
Eagle P 41 Vi
U 1
2.11V2.16vl. Charles Jr., about 11; Mrs. Trish, designed to help elect a Republi- pleaded innocent in Police Court 'or rape — cannot be returned
Reno County, land owners with and trial was scheduled at the dence of damage to the jail, the under military law.
U 1'i
Food Jlach 71 U l\ Corn 52 cars, unch. No 2 white
Owen Kervin, 34, and his wife, 31. Oil And Gas News can Congress this November.
Ford Mot 57'i 1.59-1.65, No 3, 1.56-1.64. No 2 yel- sheriff said, adding that he be- The convicted soldiers are Pvt.
First off he received a group of a half acre or less of bindweed Friday session.
U »,
Gen Elec 62>4 U -H low and mixed 1.50-1.55, No. 3, The Trishes and Kervins all were
Gen Mot 47';, u in Oata none, unch No 2 white 77- fields should make applimation lieved the man had outside help. Melvin F. Carter, 24, of Harrison-
27 candidates for the House, some
Gulf Oil
Here Pdr
Int Harv
\J 1'i
U 1H
81. No 3, 75-83
Milo maize 2.57.
K a f i r 2.53-2.55.
Rye 1.40-1.43.
[rom Aberdeen, S. D.
The cars Reno Oil Test
collided shortly
noon at the intersection of U. S.
posed for pictures with each. The weed office before Sept. 10.
King said he met the two in the A delivery truck with the word
of them up for re-election, and for sodium chlorate at the county Ebony bar, 506 South Main, and "Mason" painted in big letters on burg, Va.; Pvt. Clifton Franks,
went with them to 119'A South its sides was stolen here during 21, o£ Omaha, Neb.; Pfc. Edward
L. Brown, 18, of Norwich, Conn.;
Int Paper
Int Shoe
Kan C. Sou
Kan G & P.
?n 3
U Vi
Barley 1.15-1.17.
Soybeans 2.33-2.37*t.
Bnin 35.75-36.50
Shorts 41.00-41.75.
Goes On Pump
Highway 71 and a state road about
12 miles south of here.
were taken
by Republican
the chlorate
is ap-
Main. the night.
While in the room, he said he Richardson was being held on
iers and will be given to the can- plied in the fall after moisture has saw Young fooling with his trous- charges of grand larceny and jail Fla.; Pfc. Raymond L. Kasey, 18,
Strewn about the Kansas City The Art Prettyman oil test misdates for display to the voters alien. With the soil bank plan, the
Pvt. James Gordon, 23, of Alachua
Kan P & L 24
ers and he told police that he break. of Roanoke, Va.; Pfc. James E.
Lone S Cem 86'i TJ ^i
car were fish caught by the Hoad- Huntsville Township 18 miles westl back home and owner and operator can in- instructed Wilson Jr., 18, of Wilmington, Del.
Marq Cem
M i n n M&M
D «,
U ',
Local Markets leys, fishing tackle, and maga- of Hutchinson, puzzling venture clude his bindweed infestation Young to leave them He was arrested early this and Pfc. Fred R. Chandler, 21, of
Mo Kan Tex 11'i U '» (Prices paid By local buyers. Sell- zines apparently bought in Ken- Next he received a half-dozen alone. month in Topeka after making his Kansas City, Mo.
Mo Pac A 3S' t VI ing prices of course ar> Higher). by Ambassabor Oil Corp. of Fort vith acreage for the bank pay-
Monsan Ch 41-'-, U ', WHEAT—51.91. ora, Ont., a popular fishing re- Worth, Tex., which for n i n e San Francisco Republican leaders ments. After sodium chlorate is King told officers that when he first escape from the jail in June.
Mont Ward 42>i U Vi EGQS—AA large .38; A's .34; sort about 100 miles north of the and then a group of senatorial applied, the ground is steril for a later found the $100 was missing, At that time, Richardson slipped
months has been in a state of sus- candidates.
mediums .27; C's .17.
Engine Out,
Nat Gyps 57
NY Central 37'i U H HENS—Heavy .12; light .09. Minnesota-Ontario border. pended animation, is to be put on 2-year period. Miss Powell offered to give him out when the sheriff carried food
No Am Av 9Q'V U l\ SHORTS—S2.40.
The Aberdeen party was driv- the pump. "This is just perfect," said Sen. back the $12 which he had previ- into the bullpen for the prisoners.
Olin Math 57& BRAN—52.05.
John Marshall Butler of Maryland ously handed over to her.
Peab 12\ V »i ing to Minneapolis for a brief va- The No. 1 Prettyman ne ne nw
Hold Up U. S. Aid
Pennev. JC
Pa P.F.
U V»
cation. J11-23-9W was drilled last October of the picture-taking. "This is just
Luther Leaguers Elder Republican Lands Safely
Phill Pet
Proct i G
U »;
ir -4
U -\
U ',
U 1
Four small children of the Ker- and after undergoing tests in
vins were orphaned by the crash, Lansing
land four equally small children of duced or plugged.
lime was neither pro-
hat I needed."
To Balky Egyptians
Sen. Wallace Bennett of Utah
aid there was some discussion of WASHINGTON (ffl-The United At Lindsborg Camp Statesman Is Dead LOUISVILLE, Ky. W — An
American Airlines plane carrying
Rcyn Met 7S",
St Jos Lead 44' t V ', hospitals the Trish family were left with- Two weeks ago the operators re- e need for stepping up registra- States has halted the normal flow L1NDSBORG, Kan. W) — Ninety KANSAS CITY W! - K a n s a s
32 passengers from Nashville,
St Reg Pap
Sears Roeb
, 54'i
U 1
U Vi OMISSIONS1 out a mother. opened the capped hole and did on of votes over the country and of foreign aid technicians to Egypt Augustana Luther Leaguers from City's foremost Republican elder Tenn., l a n d e d here Thursday
Sinclair O ... 65-'; St. Elizabeth ! — Ml.'. R.i> L. Cor- Mrs. Hoadley, her daughter and i some additional work on it. e told newsmen: and has taken steps to hold up de- the Kansas Conference are attend- statesman, Herman M. Lang-
morning on "one engine and pray.
"I think you can look for a big livery of some 20 million dollars ing an annual Youth Bible Camp worthy, died at his home here er."
Spen C'hi'm U 1'i In, 811 East 3rd; Mrs. Jilchard Komor-
Sui OH Cal . 61 U slie, 300 East Sherman; Mrs. Clyde the Kervins were dead at the Acid Treatment
Std Oil Ind . 61-i olloway, 711 East Sherman; Harold scene. The others died within Lansing formation was slated rive in that direction." worth of heaVy transportation on the Bethany College campus Wednesday at the age of 75.
Sic! oil N J . 5li"i II ' lark. 417 East 14th; Xrs. Winston K.
:o receive sand-fracture. Instead equipment. Langworthy had been ill since The pilot of the Nashville-New
Stoke Van C i 2'2 D Cnechtel, 7U4. West 18th; Mrs. James hree hours in the hospital here. All of the visitors came away this week. York flight, Capt. R. W. Long,
Tran W Air
Un Pac ....
D ' larding. 601 North Jackson; Mrs. Rich- it was given 1,500 gallons of jel- rom the presidential suite in the These twin moves have been The camp is directed by the early May and underwent an ex- Nashville, said the other engine
U ' Thompson, 805 East 3rd; Ronald ploratory abdominal operation
rs Kub ...
I.'S Steel
W o o l w u r th
. 51-% U '
I! 1
Castor, 924 East 7th.
liroce — Mrs. John V. Boehm. 121
Carlton Koad; Mrs. Gertrude Fox, 509
Closing average 60 slocks 1S5.2 East 10th; Thomas E. Grlflln , RFD 3;
Discount Rate acid treatment. Oil output after t. Francis Hotel saying the Pres ordered by the International Co- Rev. Roy Nolander of Windom,
two days of swabbing had levelled dent was: healthy looking and operation Administration as a pre- president of the Kansas Confer- May 11.
off at about a barrel and a half eenly interested in their loca caution, pending settlement of the ence Luther League. It will con- Sometimes called the "father of He said he did not know tha
the Kansas City charter," Lang-
started backfiring over Elizabeth-
town, Ky.

Hike Is Made
up .4. Mrs. Lee Bunting, 414 Walker; Elna an hour. Saturday it was shut ampaign prospects.
Cluire Vallne, 023 East Sherman; Mrs.
down again.
jbitter Suez Canal dispute. clude Sunday. worthy was among the most ac- cause of the trouble at once, but
Livestock Markets
Guataf A. Samuelson, 309 East 14tll
Mrs. Jarncs J. Waggoner, 2 Sunflower tive Kansas Citians in affairs switched the engine off immedi-
WASHINGTON, Aug. 23 W-The ... Thursday , . ,officials
. „. of„ the Texas from corporation law to ately.

To See Phone Caller

T ranging
Kansas City Urrstoclc DISMISSALS Federal Reserve Board, mindful f l r m adv'sef J f ck Walker Hutch- school conditions. The twin-engine Convair wai
KANSAS CITY ill — (USDAt— Grace — Mrs. William D. Morton Jr of mounting inflationary pressures inson cable tool operator, his crew scheduled to arrive at 8:55 a.m.,
Cattle 800; calves 400; limited A native of Fairmont, Kas., and
number slaughter steers and heil- and Intant, 316 East F; R. D. Romlg is to run tubing and rods Satur
ers fairly active, fully steady; Haven; Joseph Goldsmith, Haven; Mrs Thursday boosted its discount a graduate of tho University of and was only two minutes late.
day preparatory to putting the
cowg and bulls active steady to Earl C. Cain, 127 North Lorraine; L.U rates in four sections of the coun- Kansas, he had practiced law It flew 19 minutes on one engine.
strong; vealers a n d slaughter ther Brawner, Sterling; Leon Daines well on the pump. Long said.
calves llttla changed; couple small 1510 North Landon. try. But financial sources said Telephone conversations will ij since 1907.
lots choice fed steers 24.00-25.75; Smith. St. Elizabeth's — Christine and Ethel the yexpected the action to have Since the .hole was reopneec In 1923 he headed a commis- Passengers were calm after ha
503H North Plum; Michael Rush. be more interesting — or embar-
good to low choice mostly good
grada heifers 52.00; utility and Lyons; Mrs. Billy W. Dickerson and little effect on the economy. Ifandave
during course of testing crews
assing — in the future, according sion interested in formulating a notified them, Long said.
commercial 10.50-13.00; canners infant, 3208 North Halstead; Mrs. The board approved raising the £ fcwered approximately 20C city charter here and was instru-
and cutters n.00-10.25; light weight Chester Hill. 119 East 15th; Mrs. Onelda barrels of oil from it. o information released 'in Los
shelly canners 7.50-8.50; bulls 13.75 Garvin, 601 Grandvlew; Mrs. Eugene rates from 2% per cent to 3 per
down: good and choice vealera James, 51S Howard; Charles B. Webb,
cent in four Federal Reserve Dis- Added treatment — it was given Angeles Wednesday. mental in developing the present
city manager form of government.
Wagner Willing To
610 East. 15th. A new picture-phone, still in ex-
tricts—New York,. Philadelphia, 3,000 gallons of acid last Novem )erimental stages, was introduced Give Fresh Thought
Hogs 2,000; barrows and sllta He was a leader in the nonpar-
200-260 Ib steady to 25 lower; BIRTHS Richmond, Va., and Chicago. ber—increased output only slight tisan Citizens Assn. and worked
weights under 200 Ib 25 lower; Even more unusual is th and described by Bell Telephone
Boys — Mr. and Mrs. James Harding,
sows unchanged; majority mixed 601 North Jackson, Aug. 22; Mr. and Eight other districts—two of 1
laboratories scientists at a joint for its victory in 1940 and subse NEW YORK ffl-Mayor Robert
grada lots No 1 to 3, 200-260 Ib Mrs. Clyde R. Holloway, 711 East Sher- them already having 3 per cent act tremendous amount of' aci meeting of the Institute of Radio quent elections. F. Wagner said Thursday he would
17.25-65; mixed lots 1 and 2 grade man, Aug. 23; Mr. and Mrs. Richard pplied to the formation at 3,240 Engineers and the West Coast reconsider proposals that he seek
195-200 Ib 16.75; sows 400 Ib and Komoroske, 300 East Sherman, Aug. 23, rates—were not affected. But there
down 15.00-16.25; all at St. Elizabeth's. Mr. and Mrs. were indications their rates also ) feet hasn't brought any water Slectronic Manufacturers' associ- Settle A Marital the Senate seat to be vacated by
Sheep 1,000; spring slaughter Norman L. sharp, 1322 East 8th, Aug. Freak Find
lambs 1.00 lower; other classes 22; M'r. and Mrs. James G. Waggoner, would be boosted soon. ation. Herbert H. Lehman (D-NY).
little cha-nge; top on saughter 2 Sunflower, Aug. 23, both at Grace.
ewes 25 higher; good and choice Wall Street bankers, brokers and Engineers term it freak tha The innovation, which is not yet Fuss Out Of Court Wagner has said he is not a
trucked in native spring slaughter bond dealers said today's action appears too good to abandon smoothed for commercial use candidate. He cited the impor-
lambs 19.00-20.50; No 1 pelts 17.00; The Courts
utility and good shorn aged ewea had been widely anticipated and •et not good enough ever to pa marks the appearance of the HOT SPRINGS, Ark. dfi -Judge tance of his mayoralty post and
4.25-5.25. DIVORCES came as no surprise. )ff, unless it pumps for man much joked about, long awaited M. C. Lewis Jr. reports that a family considerations as his rea-
Filed — Virginia Elols« vt. Howard "I think it's bullish," one broker fears."' televised telephone conversation. marital triangle case was set- sons.
Wichita Livestock R. Griess, extreme cruelty. Which is precisely what anothei tied out of court
WICHITA i/TI — USDA — Cattle Granted — Dolly from Charles Moon- said. "What the heck is an in- But there needs be little fear in fact, right presidential n o m i n e e Adlat
800; calves 100; cows and bulls ey, grosa neglect, custody oC children Lansing well on Guy Morton Ian about those "I-was-in-the-bathtub 1 outside the courtroom. Stevenson telephoned him Tues-
steady; cows and bulls vealers to mother. crease of a quarter of one per The wife was accused of mak- day, urging that he make the race.
and slaughter calves steady to cent? Most people had looked for west of Abbyville has done, conversations.
ing telephone threats to another So did Gov. Averell Harriman.
weak; utility and commercial
a much bigger increase." s still pumping after 15 year According to the s c i e n t i s t s
cows 10.25-12.00; canners and cut- DISTRICT laving produced more than 45 woman. The judge took no puni- The New York State CIO Council,
ters 8.00-10.00; good and choice Judgement — In favor of R. L. Evans Since the discount rate is the switches on the phone enable con
vealers and slaughter calves 16.00- against Duane K. and Lilly Cooper for 000 barrels of oil, and is the sam versations to be conducted with live action, but admonished t h e meeting in Albany, demanded that
17.00; utility and commercial bulls $5,'J78.53 with 6 per' cent Interest for amount of interest that federal re sort of trickier. two women to leave each other Wagner run.
11.50-13.00. balance due on 515,000 promissory note. serve banks charge on money they out pictures. Double insurance
Hogs 600; barrows and gits In any event, the Prettyma against ultra-embarrassing inci alone.
mostly 25 lower; most 190-240 Ibs lend to member banks for com Wife, hubby and the other wom- Tammany Leader Carmine De-
17.00-60; largely No. 1 and 2 grade Deeds Recorded now is slated to give Reno County dents is that the televiewer shows
-200-220 Ibs at 17.60 top; mixed H. Don and Jean V. Crawford to Carl
rnercial and personal loans, any
its first new pool discovery of only the head and shoulders o an left the courtroom together. Sapi'o and Alex Rose, vice chair-
grade No. 1 to 3, 195-240 Ibs 17.00- Lee Jr. and Vaughn Rae M'cCoy, one lot increase normally leads to a gen
1956, although drilled last year. the. talkers. Seconds later there was the sound man of the Liberal party, called
SO; sows steady to weak 11.75- on north side 29th between Jefferson and eral hike in interest charges.
16.50. A.dams. The phone is the first of it. of a vigorous slap. A witness on him today. The Liberal party
In this case, however, leading told the court it was delivered frequently holds the balance, of
Sheep 300; spring Iambs 1.00 Laberta G. Hayes to Elmer W. Hayes,
lower; good to prime 19.00-20.50; 180 acres about three miles north and commercial banks apparently an
aged (laughter ewes steady 2.50- one and one half miles west Castlcton.
Escapes Unhurt As kind to use a pair of ordinar;
telephone wire. Only one othe by the "other woman." power in a New York election.
J. C. and Thelma, McNaghten to Earl ticipated the increase and Tues No further complaints.
and Carllne Dunsworth, two lots on east day boosted their prime interes
side Liberty between Center and Carey
Plane Crashes, Burns line, consisting of a pair of wire
like the regular phone line, wouli Not So Drunk
Produce Markets Blvd. rate—that charged to the bigges WEST PLAINS, Mo.. Aug. 23 W need to be installed to carry th
Carl Jr. and Vaughn McCoy to Don Dorrowers with top credit rating— —Jim Davidson, Batesville, Ark., WHO'S CALLING will be no secret, with help of Picture-Phone
Former Topekan ALBUQUERQUE, N. M. HI —
Emanuel Welch, 29, of Detroit,
Crawford Realtors, Inc one lot on west picture.
Kansas City Produce
KANSAS CITY if>—Eggs, me- side College Lane between llth and 12th. ;o 4 per cent,
dlums 60 per cent A, 28.5; stand- Don M. and Ruth E. Stiles to Ran- This was the highest prime rate
escaped injury when his single- If the switch on the pictur demonstrated at electronics convention by Bell Telephone Lab-
engine plane crashed and burned equipment, which has two de oratories. Man using phone sees caller on picture tube, and is
On Lost Plane arrested and charged with drunk
driving, told police under question-
ards 27.5; others unchanged. dolph Alvin and Verjean Skele, part photographed himself by TV lens just above it. LAREDO, Mo Iff)—Dale Messen- ing that he sometimes used an
Poultry and butter unchanged. of a lot on south side Roberts between since the 1930's. during an attempted landing at a signs, is turned on at both ends o
Maple and Walnut. A hike in the discount rate Is small airport near here Thursday. the line, it will be possible for ger of Laredo Thursday was in- alias: Se'bastian Bogankinzenel-
Chicago Produce N.ilton and Bertha Kellogg to First formed his brother, AT2 Carl Ed- lengriinzinskiyork. And he was
CHICAGO UF) — Butter steady; Baptists Church, Pretty Pralria, tract usually intended to discourage too Davidson, about 32, said the caller's picture to be dialed lik and uses high frequencies, which corporates the camera into the
w h o 1 e o a le buying prices un- In Pretty Prairie. much borrowing—one of the im- mishap occurred when the direc- an ordinary telephone call. Th require coaxial cable and micro- same unit as the screen. After win Messenger, 40, was a pass- able to pronounce and spell it
changed; receipt* 690.000; 93 AA
69; 92 A 59; 90 B 66.75; 89 C 54.50; portant elements which contributes tion of the wind suddenly changed. picture, which appears in blac wave radio ralay systems, giving further development, equipment enger on the patrol plane which three times without trouble, of-
cars 90 B 57.25; 89 C 55.60. Frozen In Service to economic inflation. A wing of the $15,000 plane and white, can also be turned o was shot down off the Red China ficers said.
Eggs weak on mediums, balance LONDON Iff)—British sailors and touched the runway and the craft during a conversation. an extremely detailed picture on will be more compact, officials coast.
«teady wholesale buying prices
unchanged to 3tf lower; receipts marines whose enlistments are ex- Hike Discount Rate skidded about 100 feet into a near- Experimental pictures are from a large screen. said. Messenger was stationed in Ja- Our Pijlnc Pricei Foe Em Today
6,800; 60-69.9 per cent A white 37; piring were told Thursday they The picture-phone sends a small-
mixed 36; mediums 29.50; stan- WASHINGTON Iff)—The Federal by field. IxlVfe inches to 2x3 inches an Although the equipment will be pan. Relatives here report that Grade: Large A—34c
dards 30; dirties 25.50; chocks must stay in service to meet the Reserve Board Thursday moved
2550; current receipts 26.50.
Heat from the craft's exhaust i are viewed from one to two fee er and less detailed shot every available to every telephone own- Messenger's wife and four chil- Medium A & Large B—27c
Live poultry; weaker ou hens, Suez Canal emergency. The addi- to curb threats of inflation by ignited the grass and the plane away.
two seconds and can be sent over er, cost may be the stumbling dren had booked passage to Japan C Grade & Pullet—17c
steady on balance; receipts 803 tional service is to be kept as raising its discount rates to three caught fire. It did not explode. standard telephone channels. block to its installation. As yet, and were either en route or had
coops (Wednesday 1034, 158.000 Ib) short as possible, but there was
f o b . paying prices unchanged; per cent at four federal reserve Davidson, who was traveling body length, the picture varie
heavy hens 1T-I8; light hens 16-17; no way of knowing how long it banks. They are New York, Phila- alone, jumped from the wreckage from television in this way:
In addition to not showing fu
One of the experimental phones nothing definite has been deter- arrived.
uses a miniature TV camera minded in this line. Price awaits Messenger was raised in To- 1*8-5 a. ffclnnt HatchlaMm, Ki.
old roosters 15-16; caponettei over
i)4 2T-28; under 4tt 23-25. might last- delphia, Richmond and Chicago. unscathed. TV sends 30 pictures a secon mounted on a desk. Another in- further experimenting. peka.

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