You are on page 1of 44




Reviewminutesof Novembermeeting

Mission Playgroundsite issues(let them know when we are


. Treasurer's

. GreenMainstreanr Class(status: # of members;all plastic

ltalne badges made'/; fces paid?; potential concerns'
L.,*& x,ta*h
(- x'a"?'"r'
Y'Plus Classplanning

. WSD website(emailRichchanges)

. Dances in 2004 (getting, daleslcallers;Bay Area Dance

't/r{ i k t- ,{ c 1L.,,'-'i0-.-
Calendar) L-\ a
LL& A,lou. f,,& ulLv bto fc-
o Club nightcallers
. Otherbusiness

7 ib
D,v-..k,.7t /t I

1/DY .L'."^--

vl,.jrvt. C1t\' l ''1

There was no December meeting due to holidays

1. Review minutesof Novembermeeting.

Secretarynot presentduring reviewof minutes.

2. Review minutes,if available,from generalmembership

meetingon I lll9l03 (reactionto cards).
Secretarynot presentduring this review.

3. Who has keysto locker? Do we needto retrieve

notebooks,keys,etc.,from previousBoard members?
Steveto ask Alvin for them. Steve& Dan to set mailbox & locker

4. MissionPlaygroundsiteissues.
Stevetalks to Lquise,headof center,aboutour being lockedout of
center.Louiseapologiesthreetimes.Stevemakesa reportaboutit,
#6955008andlet'slouise know which dayswe'll be usingthe
center(((Centerhas beenopenedfor dancing every time since
then))).Dan talks to Mission areaCustodianabouttoiletsand light
on outsideof building (((Custodiansentplumber tofix toiletsand

5. Treasurertsreport.
Board decidesto put Treasurer'sreportin Newsletter.

6. Green Classinformation.
l1 peoplesign up. Five pay full fee,6 repeat.
New dancer(Gqg) holdshandsof otherdancersto tightly. Jouwill
talk to him. Stevewill ask Felix to makebadges.(((Daryl makes
Boarddecidesto tell Merleclassis alreadyclosed(((Jotalksto

7. Bylaws.
StevegivesnewBylawsto Boardmembers who arepresent.Board
decidesagainstputtingthenin Newsletter.

8. WSD website(changes, uPdates).

Stevesayssiteis verygoodnow.

9. Arrangements for holidayparty on Dec.| 7.

Richdeclinedto call,Peggydidn'trespond Stevewill
to E,-tnail.
asksomeone elseto call.

Bay Area Dance

10.Dancesin 2004(gettingdates/callers;
Stevewill giveKip dates.

Jowill talk to FoggyCity aboutcoordinating
decidedagainstlistingaddresses andphonenumbersin Newsletter,
will list namesonly.Darylwill makebookletwith addresses
Jim will buy37-centstamps.
Stevewill E-mailaddresses to Darylsohe cansendout

ry 2004

AnnualDues $ e3600
Water 36 00
ClubNight 51.00
Donations I 17.00

Total lncome $r r39.00

Water $ 44s
Insurance r8000
Supplies s.96
ClubNight 56.99
Mailings 1480

TotalExpenses $ 262.26
AccountBalance $23r3.76
CD 2048.99

TotalAssets s4362.7
[as of 2/20/A4]

; -),.,..-!;v-''

BOARD MEtrTING AGENDA: March20. 2004

. Reviewrninutesof Februarymeeting

. MissionPlayground
siteissues(OK to usestaff bathroom)

o Treasurer's

\. Green MainstreamClass(namebadgesidangles

o PlusClassplanning(freeintro.,f1yer,recrLlitment)
' N'' '1
,-v. F'oggy'City/
WSD co-sponsored
clubl l l ge l l t , l. n
r 1n, y

. WSD AnniversaryDance (cake, supplies,food, drinks,


o Dances in 2004 (getting dates/callers;

Bay Area Dance

v.-' (L -o Club nightcallers(changes

to Rich,Daryl)

o (e.g.,bowlingshirts)


l. Reviewminutesof January meeting.


2. Mission Playgroundsite issues(let them know when we

are dark)
Dan will askLuis to unlockinnerdoorto bathroomon dance

3. Treasurer'sreport
Dan will attachTreasurer's
reportto Secretary's

-Moved-ThatJoewill askRich if he wantsnotefor tax


4. Green MainstreamClass(status:# of members;all plastic

namebadgesmade?;feespaid?; potentialconcerns.
5 badgeswill be madethis monthandDaryl will makebadges
from now on.

Feesareall paid.

Classshouldbe completedby endof March.

5. PlusClassplanning

Steve,"Let's decideaboutPlusafterGreenClassis nearerend.

will therebe enoughto makecostof class.Joewill takea
surveyof who will pay for classand sharethis informationwith
Rich.Joesuggests moresingingtips singingtips.
-moved-Joewill talk to Rich aboutGreenPlusclass.

DarylpraisesJoeon beinggreatangb.

6. ESD website(email Rich changes)

Daryl will sendnewsletter

to Rich for web site.

StevecompljmentsRich on site.

7. Dancesin 2004(gettingdates/callers:Bay Area Dance


Kip is not here.


Joewill put somethingaboutdancersin BAD calendar.

Will decidelaterif AnniversaryDanceshouldbe heldon March

27 or Apr 3

Stevewill call Kip if he can'thandleit SteveandJoewill.

8. Club night callers

Stevehase'd Fen,Peggy,andothers.

Michaelwill call Jan.clubnieht.

Studentsinvitedto club nieht afterthreemonthsof class.

9. Other business

Membershipcostwill remain$36.

Daryl will sendout renewalform beforeFeb.

Joewill designnew form one(Class).

Daryl will designnew form two (renewal).

Daryl will askaroundaboutAngle Islandtrip.

! inancialReport


al\ ^r / AA
A r i t r t t a iD u s s D / lo.uu
Dorration 40.u0
BottleWaterDonations I_]JQ

Total Incorne $ 269.s0

Mailings $ 81.97
BottledWaterPurchase 2.00
MainstrearnSubstituteTeacher 25.00
Club Nisht Caller 20.00

TotalExpenses $ 128.97

€lhpckbookQp$nce s23t0.29
'' ^J4
) \
,\^grxtY (>tzr .\ r**rl,rv'- V,tt.,r,i


. Review minutesof March meetins

o Treasurer'sreport

o Success(?) of AnniversaryDanceand co-sponsored

club night with

Green MainstreamClass (all name badges/dangles received and in

locker?;certificatessignedby Joe and Rich?; classqpmpletioSdate
and arrangements...who doeswhat?: cake, Ot"r]L<,
lod,Orq[r.. ,,
Pltrs Classplanning(date,free int{., flyer, rocruitment,interestby
greenclass?) -bU.!/,{C\-
Dancesin 2004 (dates/callers?; info. submittedto Bay Area Dance
Calendar?;interestby callerr - Howard Richman - in 2005
dances?) ".g.,

Proposalby FCDfo sharebooth,includingcost and responsibilities,

at Pride festival
Qandouts about our club, includingclasslocation,
v (pontact info.,dateof next Mainstream
(' C*) class.etc.,would be needed)
. Membershipdirectory(discussfinal promptletterto thosewho have
not renewedduesin 2004)

r New club shirts

. Otherbusiness

Kip not present.

1. Reviewminutesof February meeting.
Approvedwithout change.
AnniversaryDancewill be held March 27 at QuakerCenter.
Replace'Birth Date' with 'Date of Birth' on forms.

2. Minutes report.
A: Stevesecuredpermissionfor Club to useoffice bathroom.
B: Stevewill find out who hassecondlockerin dancehall.
C: Secretarymayopenmile addressed to otherBoardMember.
D: We will havea party for classcompletion.

3. Treasurer'sreport.

4. ClassCompletionDance.
A: Graduationdateundecided..
B: Daryl will makeCertificates.
C: Dan will ordercakefor graduation.
D: Stevewill bring food.
E: Daryl will sendpostcardsfor Graduation.
F: Daryl will give Stevemasterlist of membership.

5. New Plus Class.

A: Stevewill talk with Rich abouta good startingdate.
B: Stevesuggestsone free intro-night.
C: Daryl will makeflyer.
6. We will co-holdClub Night with Foggy City April 6'h.
7. Daryl will get exampleof materialfor club wear.

liinancial ll,eport
,\pril 200;l

I rtcolnc:
\\ ller $ 2.t.00
l\larch('lub Nite | 5.00
A l u r i v e r s a r YD l n c e r 53"51
\ \ S D / F ( ' D ( ' o n r h i r r e d( ' l u b N i t r 2tt.0{)
Altltu:rll)ucs 35.0(f
lltcunte s 255.5l

\1 rter ti 20.90
lladges 99.t9
( ' l a s sS u[ r s i{t ul e ' l ' e : r c h e r 25.00
P . O .P l u s\ l : r i l b o r l t e n l : r l 125.0t)
ot:rl ['-rpensc $ 27{}.09

( heck Book Balnnce $2J97.5{

('.1). 2052.50
otal ,\ssels ${.15{}.0.t


o Revieu,minutes
of April rneeting


GreenMainstrearn class (ls everythingarra'gedfor classcompletion

party? Rich says l-redoesnot havecertificates...Darylto rnakenew

Plus class plan'ing (confi'ned interestby green classrner-nbers?

Advertisingto otherclubsor to the cornrnunityi)

report (2004- 2005)

Prideboothand Castr-o
StreetFair booth

Mernbershipdirectory (prornpt letter to pay cluesrnailed?

numberof paidnrernbers,incluclinggreenclass?) ,.,!
,";,t, \ n,*-"
New club shirts(ordersent?Anticipatedshipmentdate?)


Mission Playgroundissues(Accessto,s it going?

Secondlocker...Gilberto of EVRC confinnedit's ours...he,llgive
key to Luis...l boughtlock with severalkeys for our use
once it,s

. Otherbusiness
for blue class)
Kip not present

l. Reviewminutesof March meeting

A. Locker appearsto havebeenbroken into. Stevewill
try and find a safeplacefor locker.
B. Minutesapprovedwith two spellingchanges.
2. Treasurer'sreport.
A. Made a profit of $28 on danceco-hosteddancewith
B. We will roll over CD.
3. Success (?) of AnniversaryDanceand co-sponsored club
night with FoggyOity.
A. Anniversarya roaringgoodtime. Made $153.51.
B. Co-clubnight had severalsquares.
C. Joe will ask FoggyCity aboutco-hostingsomeclub
4. GreenNlainstreamClass.
A. Steveshouldget masterlist as well as Joe.
B. Badgesare in the locker.
C. Certificatesare signedby Joe and Rich.
D. Classcompletionrlateto be May 24th.
E. f)an-cake,samesizebut lessexpensivethen before.
F. Drinks and water will be free.
G. Dan will find a ride to classnightsfor Jim.
H. Daryl will sendpostcardto membersfor completion.
I. WSD congratulates GreenClasson completion.
5. Plus Classplanning(date,free intro., flyer, recruitmento
interestby greenclass?)
A. A free intro night on July 12.
B. Classbeginson July lgth.
C. Complefiondate to be discussed later.
D. $65 for Plus classor $,10for fhosereturning within
last three years.
E. Daryl will senda flyer to the club about Plus class.
F. A new Mainstreamwill start late in October.
G. Dan will placeinfo on Craig's list for Plusclass.
6. Dancesin 2004(dates/interestby callers- e.9.,Howard
Richman- in 2005?)
A. Stevewill find out what's happeningfor 'Leather
and l,ace'and Pink dance.
B. Stevewill ask Kip to ask l{oward or Pat
7. Proposalby FCD to sharebooth,includingcostand
responsibilities, at Pride festival(handoutsaboutour
club, includingclasslocation,contactinfo.,dateof nert
Mainstreamclass,etc.,would be needed.)
A. Steve- "'We haveinsurancefor the Parade.
B. WSD will help peopleboothand sharecosfs.
C. Amman,Joe and Dan will coordinatea spaceat the
Castro StreetFair.
D. Joe will find out aboutthe PatersonFund to help
pay for costsof spaceat fair.
E. Daryl will crcatehandoutsfor the fair.
8. Membershipdirectory(discussfinal prompt letter to
thosewho havenot renewedduesin 2004.
Steveremovedsome'Friends' namesfrom Directorv.Board
Ok's that.
9. New club shirts.
A. Order form will go out in May.
B. Moved "Nloney for itemswill be sentto WSD by
members.Jim will give moniesto Daryl who will
pay for itemswith his credit card." Approved.
10. Other business.
A. Jim will probablyresignnear end of year.
B. Rich desiresto teachtwo persondancingduring
breaksin class.Board memberswill monitor to
make sure that classtime is not Offected.
C. Joe will help coordinateanotherCaller Labat
Friendscenterin June,July or August.'- j { (--'sl+f

May 2004

Ciub Night cionations $ 2100
WateriClass andClub Niglrts Ls.00
FnggyCity/Western Star
CornbincdClub Night lR nn
AnirualDues tz.uv
-^ nn

Total Incorne $ 1 3 60 0

starnps,carlridges,ept. $ el ss
CastroSt. Fair BootlrRental 200.u0

Total E.xnenses 'l- - ""- s 2_c)

I .85

CheckingAccountBalance 69
C-D 205250
^+^l A ^^^+^ Q/(no lo
l vful 1lJ!)v[!) vavv ,. I t
Publicity/ Promotions Report
May | 5, 2OO4
1. Newsletter
will mail on MemorialDayweekend.I want a classcompletionpicture
The next edition of the newsletter
and will get a photo of sonreonewearingthe new uniform. I will also announcethe Angel lslandpicnic (seebelowl

2. PrideFlyers
The flyershavebeensent I sent two copiesto eachclub in California.I also emailedone to Rich to post on our
web page. Mid-JuneI will send postcardto all the club members,and ask them to bring food to share.

3. Clubuniformshirts
The shirtswill ship earlynext week,and I expectto havethem availableon classcompletionnight,May 24. the
greenletteringdidn't appearon the forestgreenapparel,so light greenis beingsubstituted.Red doesn'tshow up
on red,so pink is beingsubstituted.Heretofore,any club attireshould be orderedonline at
wwW.qnrLrqrd eryiustf p ryq U,eq nr
I anticipatesettingup a link on our webpage.After all is saidand done, the club ought to makeabout $7 or B on
the deal.

4. AngellslandPicnic
Plansare progressing for the revivalof the WSDArrgellslandPicnic.Sincethe July 4'n weekendis booked,we will
be going on Augus(21. Rich Reelhasagreedto be our caller. l've reseryeda spaceon the islandftat can
accomnrodate up to 80 people($82.50). Blue& Gold Fleetis supposedto be sendingme informationabout
group rates.They havesaid that they don't think we will be able to danceon the ferry,but maybewe can tly a
guerrillaaction. We need to get sonredanglesfor this event. I think the club ought to providesoft drinks for sale.

The picnic will be potluck, and probably by reservation.I plan to invite people from the five area clubs. Portable
grills and charcoalare pernritted. Dogsare not allowed,alas. Are there other details l've overlooked?

5. Recruitment
A WSDinformationalbrochureand a short history of squaredance brochurehave been preparedfor printing. We
agreedat the last meetingto haveKirrko'sprint them on nice paper. How nranycopiesdo we want? My idea was
to print up at least200 copiesof the informationalbrochure,and maybe IOO of the other..


r Reviewminutesof Mav meetins

Treasurer'srepoft (Receiptsfor club expenditures/money fiom club night and

waterturnedin to .lim? Darvl reimbursedfor shirt orders?)

to Rich for structureof lasttwo "class"nightsbeforeconvention?

' >n '
l; )
Pricle llance (Saturday. 6126104: Advertising? Arrangementslbr caller?
Equipnient,extensioncord.etc.,needed?FriendsMeetingaccess'lCake ordcri ir ,''i
\" Il

\. ... Drinks, ice? Supplies?Flyers,brochures,sign-in sheet? Considerrvcaringyour

wsDsrrirt') -{i
,lU )
": i: l,Vor' ?)",,,t";
(' { L'
(Any additionalinlbrmation'/;
Prideboothand contingentin paracle

(lJow to get the WSD bannerto the hotcl by 5 pm on 6130104'/Photo

and GrandMarch: any unilbrm restrictior-rs?
Input for club delegates?)

r ClastroStreet ["air booth

Plus Classplanning(Clonfirrned
intercstby greenclassmembcrsor othersin the
communitv? Structurcof class: lengthof tips/ instruction;couplesdancingat

Dancc Coordinator'sreport (Bay Area dancecalendarissuesresolved'/ Any

bookings for 2005? Potential co-hostcdclub night with FCD with Howard

Ordersfbr club shirtsand otherWSD anparellinked to website?

Mission Playgroundissues:(I contactedGilbert of EVRC again,and he promised

to tllrn over key to secondlockerto Luis within the next week)

Club niglit (Great fun on 6116104 with four straightguys fiom Germanywith
promiseof picturesfor next ner.vsletter):
Parkingproblemsfbr Peggy...anyideas?
Callersfor 2005?

Otherbusiness(e.g.,potentialBoardmernbersfor next year)

I 5/{}{

\ l u r u 1 c s n l l r l et l i u t r l i r l r i l l u r , c t l .

' \ l l l l r i l l r l n t c n ti r c r : s . i \c t r r L : i l i l r lt r i I r c i r s r r r c r -
l i l t t t t ( ) K - c t l l i r r '\ t r r - : c tl r a i r

' i

t ' e r t t l ' i c i t t c sa l ) p c i l l t' t r t r c l o s t

\ l t : r i n r l l l r " k I r i i r ,i l ' t l l c ( . ' c l r l c rl u l r \ c r : n l h e r r r .
I ) l t r ' ,Ii u i l l r r r t r l . .t.l *c:u r c r ' { r l l c l i c . . ,
' r ' l r n '(
,locii ril l ; r s : t ' o r l l p l e t r o l rN i g l r t .

i l o { ' ..'! l t c c t et l l i s s n t r ' n l l r c l -hso l r c t r r t l r l o cl ) l r r s .

[ ) l u t u i l l p l t r e cr i r r( ' r ' i l s si i : . , t
[ ) n l ' iI r r i l l r i t i r l . , lr':l r c r "

'ltlulrrllu',t) (
i l r t t \ r ' r ' l rI ) t u r i . : (e i l u r rr r r l l e l ' - :n, i u ) t c . s .
I l i t r t t p t ( ) rl"r ri l l c a l l l i r r ' (i i n [ ) r i t l c .
I i : i r t l t c r r t t t il ; r c ci ' i r l l r r n i ! l l - r r{:' ) }
. l o c r t i l l l l r r r l( ) u l \ \ l r i c h ( ' i r l l c r n i l l c a l ! l o r l t , , g g ] I ' i t r i r t l ) r i t l c
l . , r p1 1i l l c N rcei . ,t t i r l c l t ' r 'l ( l { } 5 , ' \ r r r r ir\r s i l t ' \ [ ) a l r c c .
l } t t t r t i l i r r o r l . ,i l t l ) r i t l e b r i o t l i l i ' o l r r I t o i
. , \ r t t r t t o ri ts a s : ; i g n c tIl t ) c u o l ' c l i n l l t (c' i t s t r ( )I : a i r [ r o t r t l r
i ) r t i r r r r l l i r : , kl t r c l r l r i ; ; 1 l l i l , i r c ' l rt t t ! t l 1 i , r )
l \ l c t t l t r c r s l r iipl i t ' , " ' c t o u
n i l l h c l l r i l l i z c d h r c r r r .ol l ' n r o l r t l r .
- nurr nlcnthfl't.
l J i i l r I r i i l l l t i ; t i , - ci ) i t " c c t o r ri r t . i u r r ci u r c ls e l t d i l o r r t .( l l u r . t ' l c l l t l l .

S l r i r i sr l t n t t l r lh c i t r i l i l l t h l cl - r r( ' l u s s c ( ) n t i t l c l i o n 1 . \ l r l " l .ur ' c , r ' c , )

I ) i t n I s i t r s c l u h u i l l r r r a k c$ 7 t r r ' * 1 .o, 8 n shirts
\ r t e . c lI s l i r r r rpl i c l r r el r i l l h c , \ r r g I l ' '
N , I i t ro l ' l i O ! l c { ) l ) l el i r r l l r c :I } l r r ci u t i l ( i o l d L i l r c .
. i u er i ' i l l r i l t l c r t i u r t g l c s
( ' 1 r | ] \o l ' r l l l l i : l e r l e : i g l rl i r r l t i c l r i ci i i l l l r c [ r r t r u l ' l i t ( ] n r ' \ l n t r ' c t i n s
I ) c o p l rr' n r r s itr r i r r st l i c u '( ) \ \n r l r i r r k s

S t c rc l t n r ll ) l r r rI

i : . : r i [ ' . l r l t ll t l t t l t t ' o o tb] 'rt t i s r \ n ( ] \ \ ; r r o c c c r l i t tr!rli t l t t l r r hl r t c h .

l ' . c r s l i t r s c c r t t t rl lo o l ' c rs h o u l dl r c l r er c o r r M r l n r l a r .
I t l c k e r sr r i l l r c r n ; r i rrrr h c r el l r c r ; u u

too: lirr ('lrstro StrcClhotrth

I t r , .t:t i i i s e r ' l t [ r , r t t t { r - " t j 1 [ 1 r i 1 ; Ii lsr"l 1


June 2004

Mailings $ 41.r5
IAGSDCDues 42.40
AngelIslandFee 82.50
Club NightCallerslLevy& Shumwayl 40.00
ClassCompletionCake 16.99

Total lixpenses s222.64

& Attardl s 72.00
Water Donations 28.00

Total Income $r00.00

CheckingAccountBalance s2064.36


r Reviewminutesof Junemeetins

o Treasurer'sreport

o Convention (Colnrlents? Delegates'report)

e P l r" rsC l a ss (H o w 's i t going? How lnany in the class? Form s

co rn p l e te d ?F e e sp a i d?)

r Dance Coordinator's reporl (Leather & Lace? Any bookings fbr

2 0 0 5 ? P o tcn ti a lco -h ostedclub nislits with FCD?)

o Mission Playgroundissues:(Would sonreone else call Gilbert fronl

EVRC at #205-5943and ask hirn to give the secondlocker key to
Luis? Are we gettingaccessto the staffbathroorn?)

r Nervsletter
(Deadlinefor itemsto be submitted?Suppliesneeded?)

t S p e ci a l e ve n t p l a n n i ng ( Silent Auction, Angel Island picnic, Castr o

StreetFair booth)

o Oth e r b u si n e ss (e .g ., Boar d elections;Boar d m ember jobs, Blue

classplanning) i
Ammon Corl and Bob Brundageattend meeting.
1. Review of Junemeeting.
Minutes movedandapproved.
2. Treasurer's report.0
All Boardmembers givenrepoftby Treasurer.
Balance $1462.83
Darylhasbeenreimbursed for tea shirts.
Treasurer'srepoft approved.
3. Suggestions to Richfor structureof lasttwo "class"
Joewilltalkto RichaboutproblemwithWeavethe
4. PrideDance(Saturday, 6126104: Advertising?
Arrangements for Caller?Equipment, extensioncord,
etc.,needed? Friends Meeting access? Cakeorder?
Drinks?Supplies? Flyers,brochures, sign-insheet?
Consider wearing yourWSDshirt.)
RichHampton $250+ $50for travel.
RichHampton hashisownequiprnent.
Kipwill bringextension cord.
loe willopenhallat 6:45.
Stevewill bring50-50tickets,forks,etc.
Danwilldo Craig's listannouncement.
' '.: i,;
5. i.," ,i. ,., ,1, , , , . , 1 1 ,1l l 1 . . { . i i r : j i l t i ; , i : . j i i l : l j i . , i l i i : i
RickPernaof FoggyCityhascontingent
What'sthe boothnumber?
Howmuchshouldwe payfor the bootf (|IZS?.V. ^ t
Danwillbe a wheelmonitor. \ /"r'1c*,r'."'
6. convention (Howto getthewsD bannerto the hotel
by 5 pm on 6129104? photoandGrandMarch:any
uniformrestrictions? Inputfor clubdelegates?)
Noonevolunteered to takebannerso stevewill
follow-upon that.
Uniforms arestronglyencouraged.
Defegates will proposeJoesidea.proposedand
7. CastroStreetFairbooth.
Ammonsaysthe committeehasreceivedthe
application with check.
Grantrequestfor 9300sentin.
Darylwill bringleafletsandsign-upsheets.
Richreelwillcallandhe doesn'tneeda powersupply.
B.Plusclassplanning (confirmed interest
by green.luu,
members or othersin thecommunity? structure
class:lengthof tips/instruction; couplesdancing at
Joewill talkto Richabouthavingshortertips.
It is not necessary to havedaA+t#B everytime.
9. Dancecoordinator's repoft(#7Ai6H'dance calendar
issues resolved? Anybookings for 2005?potentialco-
No2005bookings madeyet.
steveE'dFCDaboutco-hosting someclubnights.FcD
thoughtthat wasa goodidea.
Kipoffereda poolparty.Hesuggestsseptember.
10. Ordersfor clubshirtsandotherWSDapparel
linkedto website?
11. Mission Playground (I contacted
issues: Gilbertof
EVRC again,andhe promised to turnoverkeyto
second lockerto Luiswithinthe nextweek.)
Wasthe keyturnedover?
12. Clubnight(Greatfun on 6116104 withfourstraight
guysfromGermany with promiseof pictures
for next
newsletter): Parkingproblems for Peggy...anyideas?
Callersfor 2004?
Darylwill designWSDDangles for strangersandthe
boardwill considerit at nextboardmeeting.
Stevewill findout aboutparkingfor Callers.
Bob& Joeofferto helpPeggywith carryingfrom car.
13.Otherbusiness (e.9.,potentialBoardmembers for
Boardsaysyesto a SilentAuctionat Leather& Lace.
Moved:(BobandAmmonbe askedto join tuard at
July Meeting.)Approved.
Boboffersto join Board.
Ammonsayshe needstimeto thinkaboutit.



July 2004


Pride Dance $ 88.72

Water Donations 8.00
A n n u a lD u e s 36.00
Club Night Donations 27.00
Green Plus ClassFees $43s.00
Total Income $s94.00


Club Night Caller $ 20.00

CheckingAccountBalance $214s.25
CD 20s7.35
Total Assets s4202.60

Reviewminutesof .lulymeeting
(Notethat therewas no rneetingin August)
Kip's pool party was a success. Let's encourageparticipationby other club
membersi1'thisbecomes an annualevcnt.

Jim is retiringfiorn the Boarcl.ellbctivetoday. Bob has expressedinterestin this
position. Jinr has beenremorecl from thc WSD accoLurt, and Stevehas been
acldedwith depositandchcck-r'ntitins authoritl'. u'ill necclto bc
new treasurer
added1othc accouut.

P l u s( ' l a s s( N u r n b cirn c l a s sr v i t h rrr>Fi{ii--')

Is class corrplction scheclulecl ti\r ()ctobc'r'!y' Colurnbus [)ay? (Mission
I)laygrouucl opcn'/.; \'--&T{' \
Cc'rtillcatcso l' completion

Illue Mainslrcanr('liiss
Rich Ilccl has agrccd to bc inslruclor. Wc ncecl1o agrcc on his lcc anclcontract
ncctlsttr ['rcsctttttr ltint.
[)ates Ibr classrccruitin{-l on C'astro?

[)ancc C'orrrdinalor's rcpr)rt

[)avc Dccot will call Iirr LeathcranclLacc, Septcnrber25. IIe says he requiresno
solrnd cquipnrcnl. C'ontractsigned'/ Who r,vill be'responsibletbr kcy to Friends
Mcelinghouse,cakc, drinks. paper products,rallle tickets, lood, etc.? Status o1'
7,Y S i l c n t A u c t i o n i t en r s ' . ) , ? .
, I r|\u,un- V'l,".>r, *-'--
\ F Ur
Specialevent planning(Caslro StrcetFair booth)
Docs Dan havc the booth?
Sign-up sheetscovered?

Generalrnernbcrshipnicetingon September15
Ballotshavcbeenrnailcd.Ammon hasagreedto be the B l u eC l a s sArchangeland

se to be a write-in
cattdidateJn11 by-_lalvs
amendments or changesproposed?

Other business(Joe'sproposalto co-sponsorour Pride Dance with Foggy City

next -vear)
;\r* s'*tlnrt' [{c1lsr
t ! ' " , -+ l r . $

l. Reviewof .Iuly-lninutes.
. \ p g ; * ' * {r ' d : i c c n r r * r f t r i "
2. I'reasurer'sreport.
$ *n ;trq t$ i !{'B u i r*rsrq:r r it t' *$l"*gtut' !.;1' fr ut' r ,'*ttt{
tl r tpgtr utr td.
3. Convention (Comments? report)
\ u t , r t i i r t $ t i f l r t ' *r $ ; m t t : r t m
l i " l ; {\ t { r r t } } x [ { s r f t \ f n t i * r t ,
q oqlllrfqcrrrl?ntiltg
\ i g l i { g l * r i $i r ; r r { l [ ' n l l l ,
$i i r r ' " i, q ri $ i t r l l l ft ft ' l r i * , al ( ' r ' n l r l * r i l r \ e r r q l r i I r ^ r " "
L t r r r { s t r r [ , ! u h l i { l ' r e i ; i d en I t . r l " i , \ . ( ; 5 $ d] "
$ i 1 , ,t { x i k { 4 . t*u " $ r r l i r{l f i ' r s i d * r t t t { ' I U ; 5 [ ] t ' ] A l i * u { , l u r ' s
i r l q " ;lrr r i l . ' tf t ' r r l r { ' uh l l h : } l ' { "r ' { ; g 6 t r p { * : t\ *i ;al i n c f r { . } t [ ] ]i n t h c $ ; t t r x r t '
i r'iii';l:. ;i i il{tti.llillr;l Iii[t {}ml', {!tc,h
] : l t i i t ' " { t { } [ ! \ $ i { , . { ' i i nl l' t l : * t i l ! '
I rgirit;rtium.
4. Plus(.lass(llow's it goilrg?llow many in class?Forms
u{'if.-xpriirfrrp Elt"rhirpcg ofhr,'r'c
5. Dance(loordinator'srcport (Leather& Lace?Any
trookings for 2005?Potentialco-hostefl nightswith FCD?)
ffiir:rt $'ur:t}{ff [],--r*: Dpeat
[ ] ; l ; " ] I i l \ i " i * r X uI i r i i l g i - i r u r {l { . fi i { " c tt l n i i { f .
l l r r f r r ni.i i : t c l . r: r . l { , t e l rhuf er $ ' { . . f l * lq{ \r h r i n g f n l l r } ,
E E ; i l rl t l r q r l t i i l ' t i l t r " { \ \ i : ' r l ' r " r u r5r r: t c r ' ; r ! s l r r t t u nur{ Itl'idr?
l i * i r t ' s i i l l i l r l u r a u t ' l r tt"' r ' - l l r i t i rt i r ' l u l r t l i * l r { s l l " r i t g { r { r ( li r i e : t .
6. NlissionPlaygroundissues:(would someoneelsecall
Gilbert fronr tivRc at#205-5943and ask him to give the
secondlocker key,to [,uis?Are we gettingaccessto the
staff bafhroom?)
l):ur r",iilr.:rll{-ii$irrl
i. \\'r rr*r *rttitrg *r'{r\l {* si:rl'X"
7. Newsletter(Deadlinefor items to be submitted?Supplies
\t:s{ { T i S T ; t } " $t }t r t ' ; l * l } t l liti r l ' \ E : r r q l * t t c r l l l " f i c N e s .
[ ] ; r r " rI f r n r s u g l p l i r s i m l t a r t d .
8. Specialeventplanning(SilentAuction,Angel Island
picnic' Castro StreetFair brtoth)
l l n t r i l $ q l f l l : l r 3 ' lr i i l * ' - r n r kr i n \ i f r : n t l n c f i n n .
. [ r l r :u i eg g r r l : , l ' r ] n t i f , t gt l * l l f n c ' f l l u r h n r r r - s .
[ ] u l t r , rl l l * r l , I ' - l { ; r r a l i u u[ * d o m i t { r { ' E r r r r r l r l i u r r
\1 \n) iiiii drillate ? tirkrts ttl al! J \\'51) tlrlrecs ntst \eilr.
f , l : l n l . r y r r q i t ' i st l l c o n l , i l f i n r l n s l c n g l s i f ' s n ( ) f l { } r [ d .
f l u n I w i l l l * : n d o u I p r i s f l . : l l ' r ! si l t r i i u t . \ n g r ' ! [ s l a t r d .
5 t E : r r w i l l b t ' i r r S ; r l i r l r r "s t r l u l r r rrst t ' .
\u.r rr ute l- * ili llr []r'(]\ir.lcrJ"
l u i ; i " 1 ; * i i l 1 l i + r - [ i , , 5 ; i { r i r - r ! :hnr.1 l r I I ' l ' . l - 8 . i r . , r l l a r " g c "
* i l t n r l i $ f E r t : n r i l : t t i { " r l fsl ft r' r r r h o n i h f i r r { ' i r s t r n S f r r l f l . ' * i i r .
E h l i " rI i t i ! ! i - r i r: : l l t ! l t e ![ . t { ; ! i [ ] { " t i r i t c r l n u f i s r n i l lr ! i s p ! i r r .
9. Other business (e.g.,lloard elections,
Board memberiobs.
I|luc Nlainstrcam(llass planning)
$ u . i i[i i i l t ' i i r t ' i ] r i n r ' i l l i u t r r i l l t i r n t l r l u c { n [ i ( . l g r r i t h d r i n l * s .
Ji;rr1'l tt'ill nryi,i'rrr hgtprgr.firr id;tl) d r- fi, Sltldrr{/ {. 1\fspysl!
iElir/ {tf}{t t"4ty's's;t S
\ r l * \ l l r i t l ' l r I r i j u i r r l r u i l r - t t* N r t , l t[ r i p l t r i * n r ,
Reelthr illue d lrlsst:riNer".i'*tr
{ - / ' u ' , . , ! j ' : . , " j l i r i . : ,i,- i l i i , i ' , r. i , f t l ; r i / r l ; i : ; : 1 g l. "4u; " # 1 . ,



BottledWater $ 38.00
PlusClass 210.00
Angel lslandPicnic 326.32
Club Nisht Donations 27.00

l'otal Income $ 601.32


BottledWater $ 16.50
Club Banner 20r.66
Printing& Postage 70.07
Angel lslandPicnic I I r.18
Club Nisht Caller 20.00

TotalExpenses $ 4 1 9 . 4 1

Check Book Balance(as of 9ll0l04\ $2252.94

D !ctl.i-'-'
zr i(. Jb
F* Account
August3, 2004

ShrinkyDinks(dangles) 34.66
KrylonSealer 4.87
Postage 25.52
I colorinkjetcartridge 7.00
Plates,plastic,cups,tablecovers 24.94
Metalhoopsfor dangles(noreceipt) 2.40
Napkins(noreceipt) 1.79
Ferry(35@$12) 420.00

TotalExpenses 521.18

33 Reservations
@$ZO $660.00
1 Donation 10.00
TotafIncorne $670.00
Income- Expenses $148.82
Previously islandrental
reimbursed - 82.50

Profit $66.32

Payments Checksto WSD $260.00

Other 410.00

Expenses 521.18
Other 410.00

TOTAL ${ 11.18


. Reviewminutesof Octobermeetins

Administrator's report
I'm working on Rich's contractfbr the MainstreamClass($200)and
will be submitting club insurancerenewal soon (United Square
Dancers of Arnerica insuranceprograrn prernium is $4.65 per anyoneawareof a less expensiveinsurancecoverage

o repoft
Statusof MainstreamClassfees?

BlueMainstrearn Class
Do we havea list of classmembers,attendance sheet,sign-upsheet
fbr snacks?How's it going? Any feedbackfor Rich? We're now
regularlydisplayingthe club bannerandthe rainbowbanner.

Recommendations of callers for upcoming dances? Any new
bookings? Dance sites confirmed? ls Bay Area Dance Calendar
infbrmationcurrent? Any proposalsfor co-sponsoreddancesor clr.rb
nishtswith otherclubs?Callersfbr WSD club niehtfor 2005?

o Ch"rbnight issues(poorattendance)

. Considerproposalto arnendbylaws.

o New namebadgedesign

tL r' "

'' ' t
) .t \'.'
L s ' { . ' r " i ;' t! l' {' \ { t * 6 l l l l ' {

l. Reviewof Sept.minutes.( No July meeting).Kip's pool

party a success.I-et'sencourageparticipationhy
members if this becomes an annualevent.
tr { t L q ' 1 f;;t , , ,t ' c , l " g ' t " q ttt$t .
2. report.Jim is retiring f rom the Board
el'fectivctoday.Ilob expressed interestin this position.
.fim removcdfrom WSD account,Steveadclecl with
deposit& check-writingauthority.New treasurerwill
needto be addcdto thc account.
$ $ r ; ; t i - r i ' i ' i : 1 . ' iri ' { J { ' { ' $ } { rir" J r ' i , r : v " o t ' r ,l rl l1r .l l n t " n ['r'x.:;tr,t{f'{."r'.
3. Plus(llass(Numberin classwith feespaid?).ls crass
completionscheduled for Oct. I l, (lolumbusDay?
I'laygroundopen?)(lertificatesof compretion?
I i I l , r \{ . 'd i i i } r tfr* ^ , r{.h. 1 - l ' i ' i , r r t i ; t s c{ . r u n r t r r $ * { i r {i {rtr..,{ . } r ' i{ I
r { t a ' $ n r ' i f l i r I i u ' r ${. o i r l * r f. r- } ' r * t[r]-l l r " rI { t ' t " { i l j c i t f r r r .
4. Blue l\lainstrcam(hss. Rich Reelagreedto instruct.we
Ncedto agreeon his t'ec& contractneedsto be sentto
him. l)atcsfor classrecruitingon Clastro?
1 { l l i r i r i fr E 1 " l"lir$ ' r . r i 4 }l$r rr r "0 } l i s ri,. " $ ; r \ ,5"l.t.' r r r
r rll nsillri,"
r : ' i i u i n ' * r 'r{* r ' $ ' { i t " i r*^t ; u $ g r :w r i i $ r r \ r "r"? $ ; r $ i r r r qf ,ir$" { l { {} i s -
r . ' t i i x q ,$ . r r . , ,{ d { ' { : r " [ $ i q i l l t *i g l { : t \ t $ . { r{ { ' . } r " . i1} ". [ { r , ) . { " 1 . 1
5. Dance(loordinator'srcport. DaveDecotwill call for
Leather& Luce,Sept25. l{e requiresno sound
equipmcnt.(lontractsigned?who will be responsible for
key to l.'riendsNleetinghouse,
cAke,tlrinks, paper
products,raf1letickets,food,etc?Statusof SilentAuction
l ' , , 1 ;ir$ ) ; l g i r " c ' {* * ; ' r } i : r ; t [ * t ] t t e t i i { q t ; r ' { ' € i { }rt;l {, }t } { i r ' { ' F { } $ ' ! ,
$!:**:-{';ii,.n { '""' l r 'q\ ' - { c ; l r l {l r ' ; i r , .! u i p " " t $ l " i n $ ,l;Fs;.i l 1 - "; te$ l r : \- { { ' \ * *
$ r { . n- x, [ ] ; i u ' rl - r i y n ] * $ [ ]q ] r t " s ' t .f i ] ; t tq ' r qi N ] a " q : t ' *r. ' i5l B t ] f ] "
6. Specieleventsplanning(CastroStreetFair booth)Does
Dan havethe trooth?Sign-upsheetscovered?
f r $ i l *! l i * " l r r i * l i t i i t r l i t \ \ ; t ' " $ ; r g t r x$
{ s rf i l t " l i l l : l t ' i * f .
7. Generalmembershipmeetingon Sept15.Balletshave
Beenmailed.Ammon hasagreedto be I|lue Class\;o-<'"-
someoneclseto be a write-in candidate.Any Bv-law
antendmentsor changcsproposed?
\ * * r t i i { i ' 1 ,1.1 tlrl r ' $ r i i l l c {. l i r o ' . \ r " u ' $ l i t { t L i * i t" { l i t { t U { : q{;* f i 4 r , -
X , , t t s , . i i l i l r d l t i i l t l r r " r r ; i ( ' { l; l l l r l t { r c ' t { i g n r ' "
fl. Othcr business.(.foe'sproposalto co-sponsor
our Pride
l)ancew'ithlioggy()ity nextyear).
\* ! i I c ' ! r - : \ g l l r t f i ' - r i r ' ' ; l *t i![";$ n r ' i l ] * "$ ] : n l l t " t ' "\ { ' s f n l r t ' r " l t i t l } \ ir . ' { } *
..i,..i' -. i:';t:r ;rllt{'t illlr!*.r ..
Financial Report
September-October 2OO4
Club Night donations
Water donations $30
Donation(SteveCameron) 2l
Annualdues(half_year) t00
PlusClassfees t8
Leather& LaceDance t0
SilentAuction 363
Total fncome
$l r07

Club Night Callers
Castro Street Fair Upgrade $40
Leather& LaceDance 50
Cake for plus ClassCompletion 383
Printingand Supplies l7

Total Expenses
$ 689

Checking Account Balance as

of October 25
Investment CD as of October $2496.34
Total Assets


Reviervminutesof' September

a New Board(namesand duties):

Adrninistrator(Steve): Overseesclub by ensuringthat we have a dancespacefor
class and club niglits; submitsinsurancedocumentsand f-eesannually;submits
documents WSD activitieswith
to Stateto maintainnon-profltstatus;coordinates
'freasurer club's tinancialrecordslmakes
for rnaintziining
(Bob): Responsible
cleposits dancef'ecs,incornetiom drinks.etc.;writes chccksfbr
liorn classf-ees,
club niglrt/

Secretary(Dan): Responsible to membersand others

o1 behalfof tl-reBoard(e.g.,birthdaycards,thank-youcards,complaints/concerns
regardingPark & Rcc. site):writes minutesof Board and getreralmembcrship

for productiottanclediting of
Newslctterllclitor(Daryl): Overallresponsibility
club nervslctler menrbershipdirectory.

DanceCloordinator (.foe):Ncgotiatescallerfees,includingair f-are,housing.etc.,

lbr all clances;locatcsand negotiatcsrate fbr sitesfbr club clances;placesWSD
clanceinformation on Bay Area Dance Calendar;coordinatescallers for club

ClassCoordinator(Arnrnon):Oversecs recruitmento1'newdanccrsand organizes

class meurbers'informatiotton Fort-uOrle: maintainsongoitrgcotnnrnnication
witlr class mcmbersregardingschedr-rle,ctc.; acts trs liaison betweenclass.

tffi"l Event Coordinator(Grcy): Organizesbootli at CastroStreetFair; makes

arrangementsfor Angel Island picnic, etc. (e.g., Kip's summer pool party);
webmaster(?). is a new positiorr.We areopento creativeideas.

Bob ald Steveare both now on WSD's B of A accountwith check-rvriting
ATM deposit/withdrawal authority. Who has made some paymenttoward tl'leir
o BIue MainstreamClass
How many are in the class'?I may have a friend startingon November 1. A guy
named8..T.will stadon November8. I will be at MissionPlaygroundat 7 prn to
help hirn catchup. Rich will be thereearly(maybe7:15)also. Can anyoneelse
arrivea little earlv?

. DanceCoordinator'sreport
Darrin Gallinahas conlirmedfor our 2005 Leatherand l,aceDance. Joe is going
to try to book callersthrough2006. We plan to hosl oLrr2005 Pride Dancein a

. Othcrbusiness
Financial Report
November 2OO4
BlueMainstreamClassFees $375.00
Water Donations 28.00
Total lncome $403.00

Club Night Caller $20.00
Logo Setupfor new white badges 35.00
Postcardprinting 22.00
MainstreamBooks | 0.00
Total Expenses $87.00

CheckingAccount Balanceas of November 15,2004 $2523.63

lnvestmentCD Balanceas of October 25.2004 2062.59

Total Assets $4586.22


. Reviewminutesof Novembermeetins

Adrnin i strator's reporl

I have cornpleted Rich's contract fbr the Blue Mainstreaur Class
($200 f-ee),and he has signed it. I proposethat the Mainstreamclass
caller/instructorbe the caller for the annual holiday party/club night
(Note: I authorized $ 2 5 f b r R i c h ' sf e eo n l 2 l l 5 i 0 4 ) .

a Treasurer'srepclrt
S ta tu so f Ma i n stre a rrClassfbes' /

B l u e M a i n s t r e a tCn lass
D i s c u s s i o no f c h a n g ei n c l a s sr r i g h ta t M i s s i o nP l a y g r o u n d( i m p a c to n
c l u b n i g h t 1 b r W S D a n c lM S i f W e d r - r e s d ai sy c l - r o s e n . . . p a r t i c i p a t i o r r
o f a n g cl s fi o n r E C R would poter - r tially be r educed;class tr tetnber ,
P a u l , i s i n F C D 's cl a sson Tuesdays;inipacton clLr bnight fbr FCD i l '
'l 'h u rsd a y
i s ch o se n ). Itich has agr eedto be availableany wcekd ay

Dance Cloordinator's report

S ta tu so 1 -ca l l ebr o o ki ngsand conllnned sitesfbr 200512006?Calle r s
fo r WS D cl u b n i g h t for 2005?

o Oth e r b u si n e ss
lqu**' ;er"r ${.*gl* r"t
$ $ '',i{}/{}."$
*r"+t+-*{i{i J++*.+*++F#r*s**{"

l. Reviewminutesof trtovembermeeting.
$ { r ' i n * l " i{ , t $ s " ' t ' rq }i 1 { t u g r r l l i l l g E . ' i i ; m l i j " r ' r , "
2. Administrator'sreport.Steveis working on Rich's
(lontractlbr Nlainstreamclass($200)and will be
submittingclub insurancesoon.(tlnitedSquareDancers
of America)premiumis $4.65per persoll...isanyone
Arvarcof a lessexpensive
$ } . , . ' 4 .$' riir.y { r ' 0i l,l r r l r l r ' i t \ N } 4 a . { r q
* ' r i . t " p r r{r ", 1 { }: f l s ' t ' !l"' r ; r '
iii".lij ili1r".r'

3. l'reasurer'sreport.Statucsof Nlainstreamclassfees?
\ i { . ' \ i , l l l $ l $ r : l l l ( } $ rn, '" $ l { " s . l dn r- l.t ' l u , t } x \ + . ' t " i r1qr }, l u $ u$. '$ r u i il \ i t x xi a t
X .r r . ' r " r' r; u i ' { r : l \ i r r ' * . }' f g } i i l t r u 1 ;u $ i ' l ,$ l t n , *$nr , { . q -
,{. Blue lVlainstream class.Do we havea list of class
members,attendance sheet,sign-upsheettor snacks?
lloll' is it going?,,\n,v"
fcedbackfor Rich? We're now
regularlydisplayingthe club bannerand thc rainbow
\ \ i l i i l l ; r q , ' 1 . , { l l r $ l . , lirnl r l i l l s '\ ; l l l u s i l , } ' { } t r n il, f i t "l,r i $ $
{ - " { .i' lrl"l '* i ' $q ; t r ; i i{ ' \ i t { ' r "l'! ; r $ ; l $ t qr 'i t I i c ' i r ,{\. r . t tr}{ t t r } t , i l { r l * t i r l
" - l i i l t r i r $

; i r l l i { ' $ , ;}.n i n r { r . ' t * {i qr ; i x{ ' $ } { " { . nI r } } \$ u t gr l $ ' $ ' { f r t ' ill'"t : t a , \$ r ' { t $ ,
f i l l r " r ' t ' i r i f , o * ' { . ' u ' + } llr-;.,l ,*lrt " f i { , i c - l l ; r \l t r , i q q $ l r l l l gr * w r , * 1 ,
5. Dance(loordinator's.Recommendations for callersfor
upcomingdances?Any new bookings?Dancesites
confirmed?ls Bay'Area DanceClalendarinformation
current?Any proposalsfor co-sponsored dancesor club
nights?(lallersfor WSD club night for 2005?
l " rr l ; i l t t ' i , ' o;,r i { . 't ; t { { i i l r . ; c $ t ' t * r l ; * t \"d, i i , , t $ c r l l * - 1 j , t l , " t }
\ : r r t i l ,{ . ' } ' \ i r c 'l ri ; r { r E ' :, 1
r 'f { i $ " k v r r i r } * l l l u ' r t$ ' r " i r t *$' } l r s t r ri l { } { $ $ ' j
u tl l , ! i i { t ; , " . r '
r { l r l l " u ;, t 1 i I i u , ' i t r i 'io? t r , { , 1 ' * t i ' i * ' g $ t . q, $t -e l l 'r t , i { {
n ,c.'l rx'ci ;c{i
{. i i' rE l \q 1 1l;i s' ii} i,.' 9"".
%ttl t' \*fi} ;i#.d^".,{ o;."*r tr *J*t* .{i tr r r
q,'i$ii+i*-* $qihxigitts.
6. Club Night issues(poor attendance).
qri:.'$r \i;{,'qti
liX! r r t 1 ! l r + l i ' r " q u { r \ r ' r .fi' l ' l a r l t ' $ l l } r \ t * i l $ : , " f i * l t '
! , Yi ! r ' ; i 5 i $ ' r t t ; i t r t { }{fr
\ 1 i { i I r * ' ; t { ; r * * u ${ } * t q m { l r t t ' r i i i $ " . f i } { ' r ' f t ; t p l l e t '
i ' q ' t l l l * q ' r\"{ } { r i { ' l ' { t q l r l * i g t r { r q l i { f l - c r - ' * - ' 1 . , " qq'{*:it}{ ! r ' s . " ' { .
7. Considerproposalto amendbylaws.
q , i t ; u i t . : r ' !i , ; l i n ,d l l * ' , ';"[ { } i r e ' 4 t! "\ q $! l r $ $ q r ; t r -; n
t $t q {l r i t t ri i c i l l ; t * - ' t ' t i
l ; t ' i , r i ' ! . " t N t i . : i t t [ ] i ' l ' ' , $ t i {l tl { ; f t ; t l r ' { q l l r { q " .
fl. New namc badgedesign.
\ g r l u " * ri ' t t ,
9. Other business.
\ * r r ! I t l i , ; q ; 1 i r l r ' t , i l t r l j ,o u ; 1 !l r + ,$' . $ r , r "{ .H ' 1 '; t l { l t t n .

Financial Report
December 2004
BlueMainstreamClassFees $| r5.00
AnnualDues | 08.00
Club Night Donations 2s.00
Water Donations 29.00
Total lncome $277.00

Club lnsurance $ | 88.00
BirthdayCakefor RichReel r7.00
Total Expenses $20s .00

CheckingAccount Balanceas of December 15,2004 $2642.08

lnvestmentCD Balanceas of November25.2004 2063.87

Total Assets $4705.95

Proposed Amendments to the
Western Star Dancers Bylaws
l. Article 4: GeneralMeetings,SectionA currentlyreads:
A general meeting oPen to oll memberc sholl be held ot leost once evenf four (4) months
with the cycle beginning in tonuary of each calendar yeor.

It is proposedthat this sectionbe amendedto read:

A general meeting open to all members shall be held at least annually in
September. ,-i.,( .,.,

2. Article V Boardof Directors SectionD Subsectionb currently reads:

Treosurer. ln oddition to maintaining the finoncial records of the Club, the Treosurer
must be one of the co-signotories of the Club's bonk occounts ond is authorized to
releose information os tot the Club's finonciol stotus. The Treosurer may be oppointed
from omong ony of the members of the Club.

It is proposedthat this subsection

be amendedto read:
Treasurer. In addition to maintaining the financial records of the Club, the
ireasurer must be one of the two signatories of the Club's bank accounts and is
authorized to release information as to the Club's financial status. The Treasurer
will issue a financial report to the Board of Directors at each Board of Directors
meeting. The Treasurer rnilrf be appointed from among any of the members of
the Club. .

3. ArticleVll Finances
SectionA currentlyreads:
A checking occount shaff be mointained. Two signotures sholl be required on oll checks.
Ihese two PeoPIe sholl not be co-residents (wheneyer possible).

It is proposedthat this sectionbe amendedto read:

A checking account shall be maintained. The Treasurer is responsible for the
maintenance of the club accounts. A second member will also atdil" check
writing privileges, but two signatures will not be required on checks. These two
people shall not be co-residents (whenever possible).

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