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Report of Quaker Study Circle to Wahroonga Local Meeting,

December 2009.

Quaker Study Circle met at Wahroonga Meeting House on the fourth Sunday of each month during
2009 except January. Friends were invited to join the circle in the February and August meetings.
This report covers the period from July to December 2009. The July meeting was an open 'show and
tell' session.
We had hoped to offer two Friends Study Circles in the second half of 2009 but there were not not
enough people to form a mid-week meeting.
With skilled facilitation, the circle was largely self-organisng. The Meeting now has three
experienced Quaker Study Circle facilitators.
Topics studied were:
• Early Greek philosophy
• Mysticism ( What does being aware of the presence of God mean for me?)
• Practicing the testimonies
• Quakerism: Reading, reflecting, writing.

Each participant was invited to provide a few words answer the question: “What can thou say about
Quaker Study Circle for the second half of 2009?”. Responses were:
• The Study Circle is a wonderful, nourishing community. I feel wonder at how sometimes
'themes' emerge - we all share common experiences....I rejoice in sharing other Friends' lives
and concerns. It's the highlight of my month with respect to Quakerly activities. I am
learning much about myself, fellow participants in the circle, and Quakerism. The
opportunity for reflection is very helpful.
• Real fellowship with each other. Depth and trust developed quickly, and the Spirit's presence
was often palpable. In a time of personal struggle, I learnt again the value of a small group
of committed friends who could listen, hold the sacred space, reflect, reframe and refocus.
Having the group and a " topic" gave direction and purpose to my reading, to my reflections
on life experiences.
• It is a privilege and joy to participate in Quaker Study Circle. We get to know and support
each other at deep levels, as trust grows between us. I learn so much by sharing this bit of
others journey, while being held, validated and challenged in my own spiritual growth. It is a
very Quakerly approach.

We hope to continue the Quaker Study Circle on the first Sunday of each month except January in
2010, and are discussing a similar circle located on the Central Coast, possibly an interfaith circle
with the Uniting Church.

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