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I have chosen five principal characters from S.E. Hinton’s novel, The Outsiders.

I have explored the novel in detail to identify

each character’s physical characteristics and more importantly, what defines their essence in terms of emotional and
sentimental traits. I have gone deeper than the obvious and have formulated my own opinions which I have thoroughly
referenced the book to support. I have revised and edited my writing and presented it in the form of a glogster project. The
aesthetics of my project are harmonious to the mood and tone of the novel.
Physical Characteristics EXCELLENT GOOD FAIR POOR
I have relayed the appearance of each of my characters. I have also commented
on the things they do. I have taken this directly from the novel (and have disregarded 4 3 2 1
any inconsistencies from the film). All aspects of physicality are observations and not
open to debate according to our narrative.
Emotional, sentimental, and Feelings 5 4 3 2-1
I have hit at the essence of EACH individual. I have probed the novel to reveal
fundamental traits regarding how they feel, think, and what drives them to be the
way they are. I understand what the word essence means.
Support 6 5 4 3-1
I have cited evidence from the novel to support the opinions I have made about the
characters. When stating opinionated traits of the character, I justify why. I don’t just
state that the character is loyal, I provide evidence from the novel.

Citation 5 4 3 2-1
I have included a passage from the text for each character that supports a key trait
of each. The trait I have identified is an opinion formed by myself through my reading
of the novel. I have used the proper mechanics for quoting literature, including the
page number.
Conventions 5 4 3 2-1
This is my spelling, grammar, Capitalization, Punctuation. My writing is polished. I have
used capitals correctly. I have punctuated correctly. My spelling is accurate. My
grammar/usage is consistent and shows control. Because my conventions are
correct, my paper is easy to read.
Word Choice 5 4 3 2-1
I use rich, colorful, precise language that moves and enlightens the readers. All the
words fit, each one seems just right. There is no repetition of ideas, as I have used
synonyms when necessary. My verbs are energetic and vivid. My words are colorful,
snappy, vital, brisk, fresh, and hit at the essence of the character trait.
Presentation- I have successfully integrated my text into a glogster. I have an 4 3 2 1
appropriate image for each character. The overall aesthetic of the project is inline
with the mood of the novel and the characters. As the final stage of the writing
process in important to me, I have successfully embedded my project into my for the world to enjoy!

TOTAL : /34

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