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Kamal Moumneh Latest News

The first Womens Day was held in Chicago in 1908 but turning point is come in
1995 Beijing, China.20 year ago the World Conference on Women held in Beijing
marked a significant turning point for the global agenda for gender equality , which
brought 4000 NGOs and organization together from 189 countries.
The General Director of Social Development in Cuauhtmoc(Mexico), Veronica
Olvera, said that progress has been made in favor of women, but there are still
many activities to do.
Olvera said that currently 51% of population is female an there are numerous
programs remaining for the Cuauhtmoc and they will support elderly women
before age 68 and scholarship program for children from 4-14 years.
Jimena Martin, Head of Material Resources said that for July is expected the first
Congress of Women in Mexico City. "Women will be forgotten if they forget to think
about themselves." With this sentence, authorities Cuauhtemoc today
commemorated International Women's Day and proposed the creation of a public
agenda that empowers women and promotes equality and also said it is necessary
to further integrate the gender perspective in the institutional, professional and
family endeavor to bring about significant changes in the lives of women.
U.N. officials say much has been achieved under the Beijing Declaration and
Platform for Action, signed by 189 governments in 1995 as a pledge for realizing
women's rights.
But U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon said the gains have been too slow and
In Manhattan a march is organized which thousands of people come on road for
women rights all they shouted "Women's rights are human rights!".
March started from Dag Hammarskjold Plaza and ending in famous Times Square
building the main purpose is to empower women and promotes equality.

Mr. Kamal Moumneh while going through feminist Quotes by leading mans found
I call myself a feminist. Isnt that what you call someone who fights for womens
rights?-Dalai Lama

All men should be feminists. If men care about womens rights, the world will be a
better place. We are better off when women are empowered - it leads to a better
society.-John Legend

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