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eee phere MR. CARVER AND MISS OLIVER ? Comedy Sketch Artists, at the imperial-Grand. OFFICERS’ GUNS BROUGHT IN PLAY Constable Lubbock Had Lively En- counter With Mexica In p three-cornered scumtie between 8 Mexican and two officers, which tore Up considerable ground in the neigh- borhood of 601 Texas avenue on Tucs- day Jast, Francisco Salvis, the Mexi- can, received a blow over the head with a pistol which pu: him hore de combat for several hours; Officer J. L, Lubbock narrowly ,ascaped having A’ bullet or two put trough nis body, \d Glen Hanna, a deputy sheritt of ngleion, who assisted Luabock, come hear Tostng a well olled uix-ehooter. “The trouble narted when some one brought werd fo Ufficer Lubbock that the Mexican was creating a disturb- lance, ‘Lubbock proceeded to the scene, took’ the Mexican into chstody” and farted ‘walking with him toward the ‘ail holding. him by the arm. After they had watked @ short @istance down Texas avenue, the Mexican, waose Fight arm wad free, mage ‘@ swing at the officer and broke away. ‘Lubbock Started in hot purauit and Fan le tan over a dump In front of a row of negro dwellings, "The officer ordered the Mexican to step up lito the road, and the latter obeved, Dut too quickly, and. with a Uueat that he would” kil Lubbock: Lubbock fired a shot close to the Mex! can to frigaten ‘him ‘and Salvi again took to his heels. It wae at this time that Depsty Sheri? Hanna appeared onthe scene. ‘The Mexican almort ran Into ‘Hanna's arma and. the. tgleer struck at him with his pistol. -The Mexican dodged. and the pistol mitered his beaa and flew out of tae hand of the omicer. Quick as a fash, Salvis stooped to obisin the gun. He was a minute too late, for Officer Lubbock was upon him and deait him a heavy blow just above fae forehead. ‘The Bexican fell-to the ground stunned, and to make 4oubly Sure of hig mab Lubbock clapr vd the Randcutts on him. The Mexicia wa Ufted into a wagon that war near at the ‘next morning and fned 318.76 for drunkenness and disorderty conduct. | The Wazther Forecast. By Untied Preea.— % Washington, Jan. 22—Loulsians ana Ihave not. im thé Basten Texas Fults lent southwest \ WEDDING ENDS PRETTY ROMANCE Grecian Maiden Comes to Houston Where Lover Awaits. A schogi-day pledge mude years ago In far-away Greece willl be fuliled au Z'o'clock ais afternoon, when the hap- Dest kind of @ romance will be con- Summates In the Wedding of. George Peet, a Greek restaurant keeper of this dnd "Vangelus Vangeloukos,& Gark-eyed mata, who arrived in Howe: ton from Greece but five days ago. ‘George and Vungelus were boy and girl together, and “they loved 2s ony boy and girl can love. And they prom- ined “never to forget, these at=reicien thd Universes should Intervene. Thelr furents tought al’rerently, however. ‘There were objections from both sides. But George und Vangelus didn't care ‘The ‘ceremony today” will ‘show ‘that an ocean and a decade of separation feast affected the love that budded In Greece, Diossomed ov fale water ang fe about to. bloom to- aay. ‘Ait arrangements .for the wedding were consummated by" telegraph and cable, “Pe dark-baired Vangelus has 8 brother who bag lived In Houston (or Several years and Who has been friend- Iy with George’Peet. Tne Young lover andthe brother taiked It over some fime ‘ago, with the result that ‘both sect was sent’ for Vangelus’ passage. and She arrived last Toer*ay. ‘The ceremony will take place at 2 orclock ‘this afternoon, end’ a wrlest of the" Greek church. from New. Orleans will be present to pronounce the words Which will make the boy and girl one. Bans happy: ittle celgbrations ave been arranged for the young couple, and there are ecores of friends anxious to xive them a Jolly bon voyage oa the feat of wedded bites. BIGAMY I8 CHARGED. Wite No.1 Steps Planned Journey with ‘Wits No. 2 pect to The Chromite, "abiiche, Texan, Jan. 22.—T. E. Galll- har, cormerly of Hill County, but, more Fecentiy of San Antonio, wae arrested foday st the Wichita Valley passenger Station while about to leave for Mox~ Kev wity wie Now's. Se ‘eae forma Ghagged with bisamy and il be take fo Sen Antonio, Gelltner married aa SEngitsh gink white bia ite. was visite a afisalsippl and went to Sta fara. white Not learned of the nceand Erevinan came to Abbenc. novisiog the Cassie Week days, Sanaass | Saw Rooms MAGI Phone 420. ianDwa ene KENNE ‘Scaulee cr own whit DB WA Hardy &'6

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