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Sabean/Ethiopian Clay Tablet

Old Ethiopic inscription at the Temple of Yeha in Ethiopia

The Father loves his children so very much that

He incarnated for them
and as many of them,
who accept what he came down to give,
will not perish with this world.
Those who accept their fate, not faith,
will return from where they originated,
to be with Him.

Paa Nabab: Yaanuwn speaks

I am sleep in the darkness of my cell. I hear, AasurAwake Yaanuwn,
Awake. My first feeling is that its from outside my cell, an officer, yet Im behind
two doors sleeping. I sit up to try to see in darkness, nothing. I lay back down.
Again I hear, Awake Yaanuwn, wake. It is time I sit up to look at my watch. Its
2:30 a.m. So I wash my face, sit on the bed, relax and close my eyes. The voice is
not one, yet in harmony, three voices together, Yaanuwn Anzhur, Anzhur,
Yaanuwn warn, warn. Now I am aware that these are muaKaK-u Muakhakh-u
Etherians. I remember from times past. I keep my eyes closed and listen, Panan
Kawun Paa Balagh Li-Huum. This is The Message For Them. I then heard
chanting. It rose and fell in tone sounds as the three leads were followed by many
others. I cant make out what is being ranuma Ranuma Chanted. It seems the
second voice is far off from the three in harmony which is near. I want to open my
eyes. Yet, I felt that if I did, it may go away again. So I sat and listened to this song
being chanted and then the three in one voices said, Yaanuwn open your eyes.
Nuwaupuyee words in the air; they shined gold. I first felt it was a yellow light, yet
it was not. Then an orange light; still it was not. I thought of it as an amber fire.
That was not it. The letters formed in rows, letter after letter from my left to my
right and became words. I begin to realize these shining gold words were the song
they chanted. Then I began to sing along with the voice that was far off repeating
with the three who were chanting the gold words, and this went on. I dont know
exactly how long this occurred. I woke up at the sound from outside movement. It
was morning. I knew it was not a dream, and I was compelled to take pen in hand
and write the golden words, which I could see repeated in my minds eye. When my
hand tired, I just stopped. Later I was compelled to take the pen again until I was
finished. The song was sung, the chant was chanted. I remember the three voices
singing, This is Paa Balagh The Message for them, so I called these, The
Message. I still see the golden glowing words in my mind. I sent them to you after
I translated and transliterated them and with Nuwaupic script as I saw them in
gold. I know this will happen, to be read and chanted.

paa balaG Paa Balagh The Message not only is a writing to be

ranuma Ranuma Chanted and/or Ganuya Ghanuya Sang in your own
language, Nuwaupuyee Nuwaupuyee Nuwaupic; yet it gives you an
explanation of time and where time began with us in paa Eafah Salel
waqut Paa afah Shalel Waqut The Book of Time; an explanation of Love
Divine that sustains your existence in paa Eafah Salel AaSuq Paa
afah Shalel ashuq The Book of Divine Love. Remembering who you are,
who you are not, and where you came from in paa Eafah Salel Xakary
Paa afah Shalel Zhakary The Book of Memory.
I, paa nabab: y@@nuwn Paa Nabab: Yaanuwn, have given you a
chant, that began with a call from your salaf-u Salaf-u Ancestors and a
response which is the ranam Ranam Chant in your tone, Nuwaupic, that you
practice regularly that not only is a communication to paa n@Z@r-u Paa
Nadjar-u The Overseers; yet, a way to align yourselves from afar with them by
way of, myself, paa n@b@b: y@@nuwn Paa Nabab: Yaanuwn to prepare
you for the journey home.
One of the first signs that your namaz-uh-aat Namaz-uh-aat
Prayers were being heard and answered, was revealed in Paa afaf-aat The
Hieroglyphs that were on the cover of paa haqaqtal haqaq-aat Paa
Haqaqtal Haqaq-aat The Actual Facts in the first column. It reads how we
present the great offering. You see a herald plant which means presenting a great
offering. This offering is the conical bread which is an offering of peace is
illustrated by the reed mat.
These are the offerings of anpu Anpu, Anubis. Anpu was the son of
A@E@R aar and n@b@btat-h@t@t Nababtat-Hatat of EabaL-aat
aba-aat Sirius Star System, commonly called The Dog Star.

Nadjar: Anpu Anubis


You see in anpu Anpus name a reed,

water, a stool and a chick or baby quail.
Anpu is the guardian of the dead and
prepares the deceases KaLaL Khaa
Body for the journey to the
underworld or Amduat and the spirits
journey through paa najam-aat Paa
Najam-aat The Stars, in The Opening
of The Mouth Ceremony.

The Sarakh/Sarukh

Herald plant Presenting Royalty = S

Tatat = T
Conical cake = M
Raday symbol of offering at Marat Pyramid or Egipt
Reed Mat Peace offering = HTP
Reed = A
Water = N
Stool =P
Chick or Quail =U
Sarakh- emblem of a rank of royal =Harar
(Eternal house, Palace Wall)
Flag = a Nadjar =
Pylon = Gateway
Prayer Temple, Chant
Darap forearm cake, offering

The name itself means Putrefy, as protector of the deceased. Then you see
the Sarakh Serekh which a representation of a palace gate or wall that denotes
royalty. Usually Harar, Heru, Horus as a bakan Bakan Falcon sits above,
other times you will see Satakh Sutukh, Sets emblem or symbol above.

A a b
c C d D e
f g G h H i j
k K l m n o p P O
q r s S E t T L u v w
x y z X J 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7


! ? % ;

: , = *

- x

Nuwaupuyee Haraf-aat Wu Rakam-aat

Nuwaupic Letter and Numbers
paa Eafaf-aat Paa afaf-aat The Hieroglyphics showed our
connection, that they heard the cries of those willing to do what was asked. They
are here and are near. August 12, 2013 A.D., another opening of the Sayay
Shayay Vortex, although because they have read just how they have logged

time, we really are not truly aware of the zamut Zamut Day and waqut
Waqut Time we are living in. In any case we are in the Hereafter, in the 7,000th
year and in the first year of the first 6,000 years of the next 24,000 year cycle. paa
taAbadyal naqal Paa Tabadyal Naqal The Dimensional Shift has
already happened. What so many think will be a physical sign or a detectible shift
has already occurred in the Aaqal-aat aqal-aat Minds and Aabab-aat
abab-aat Hearts of the people. Just look around and you will see just as plain
as day for yourselves. Who is still resisting, who is listening? Who is progressing,
who is regressing? There have been so many ways to say the same things over the
years, in many HaXab-aat azhab-aat Cultures the world over. Are you a
descending being or ascending being? Smoking or non smoking? Two were in the
field one was taken. The separating of the goat from the sheep has already begun
and continues. Which will you be?
You must tune in to re-align to raise your vibration to a certain level. Your
muslaf-u Muslaf-u Ancestors, your etheric parents, yasar-kuum YasarKuum Your Family will be there to guide you through the gates when that time
comes. You must be ready. You must not let the disagreeable salaf-u Salaf-u
Ancestors, or outside influences deter you and cause you to descend lower than
you are. Two beings will come munkar Munkar and nakar Nakar, demon
beings with black skin and blue eyes who will try to trick you with religious
questions- ignore then and think on my own relatives, my own ancestors and
they will fade from sight. You must pass through the 9 gates of tamwat Tamwat
Death to leave this realm.
The gates shift like a second hand on a clock. In each madrsr Madrar
Realm are beings some good, others wicked, most trapped over time. Not all are
haman-u kaaaH Haman-u Kaaa Human Spirits. Some are demons of
other realms and extraterrestrials who came in and could not get out. After a
wicked person died, the first 9 hours you linger near your KaLaL Khaa Body
until all the life is out of the damaG Damagh Brain and then you can separate.
Yet, for 60 to 90 days, you can visit using those close to you. Meanwhile you will
be taken by relatives, who passed before you to go to spirit orientation on the rules
of the spirit world and to see if you will have to come back. Some right away,
within hours of your death. Others reincarnate into new bodies to live out what
they did not complete in this life or suffer for what they did to others. If so, they go
into limbo to await a return; while others pass on through the 9 gates. Remember, it
seems long to you, yet just like when you go to sleep and hours pass fast in the
sleep state, yet, in the physical its still the same. This happens in death. Then at

3:00 AM you come to in one night after death that same day, is the same as when
you sleep. How time seems so fast, once morning comes; it is the same with death.

The 9 Gates of Death that must be passed through

during your journey to the other side
Your etheric parents can only descend to a certain level themselves. If you
have not raised up enough they cannot carry you. In ancient, maKmat Makhmat
Egipt we were always doing rituals that constantly kept you properly aligned
and in tune with the planet and the heavenly bodies above. After being assimilated
into a foreign land, tongue, and mind, what was natural for you, has become
foreign. You are regaining that knowledge by way of paa naJkr-u Paa

Nadjar-u The Overseers by way of myself, paa nabab: y@@nuwn Paa

Nabab: Yaanuwn. Now paa naJkr-u Paa Nadjar-u The Overseers have
given you all a way of guidance, paa Laraq Paa araq The Way to align
your Aaqal aqal Mind to The Sound Right Reasoning. The Aaqal aqal
Mind of todays world only reflects detriment, derelicts, debauched and
perverted fakar-aat Fakar-aat Thoughts. dawaw Dawaw Evil has
truly been made fair seeming and the forms of entertainment is a reflection of that
demented or diminished mentality, showing the lack of creativity of these
disagreeable beings whose objective is to keep you from becoming divine, which
you will return to as it is with natural nature, that is who you are. They know this
and do everything they can to prevent you from returning to your natural nature,
which would lead to rebirth the Eamen amen Divine you. You must return
everything that is not naturally for and to you and give it back, give everything
back to them and reclaim your own, your true self. Your language Nuwaupuyee,
Nuwaupic, your own land Nuwaupia, your own way of life Wu-Nuwaup, your
own music, your own HaXab azhab Culture your own dress, even the fabric
you wear. Everything gives off a vibration, colour, sound or tone. All of this
affects the tone that your KaLaL Khaa Body naturally vibrates at and does
alter what is natural to you. So if your body vibrates on F and you are constantly
exposing your body to another note, higher, more pitchy, it will affect your
KaLaL Khaa Body down to the molecular level, the very cells of your body
can be altered. You must return to your own, to become the divine you again.
Those who have not made this shift will be left behind.
Those left behind and the mentally dead will be Food for the Gods in the
very literal sense of these words. The beings who have gained control of this
kawak Kawak Planet and their offspring are preparing for a departure as well,
yet, have secured food for their journey; theirs and those of you who choose not to
love yourself and have not only sought to live in anothers image other than your
natural own, yet have given up what they no longer have and have lost long ago,
their baaaH Baaa Soul. It is the emotional body, naSaL Nasha
Energy in motion, which will propel your kaaaH Kaaa Spirit to the next
plane, where they cannot go. The ancient muKmat-u Mukhmat-u Egiptians
illustrated this concept by protecting your sacred name in a Cartouche, which
we call as SanaS Shanash. That is why they used what was called a big name
Throne Name or a known name and a little name or hidden name whispered into
the ear.

For example the Golden Child, Tut

Hidden of was more commonly known as
Tutankhamun/Tutankhatun. The end
name switched with the changing of the
priesthood however his Throne name was
Nabab Khap-Rayay-u Rayay.
(Suns rays)

Tut Aanakh Atun

Tut Aanakh Amun Throne Name
inside the Cartouches (above)
and right between the Sphinxes

Tut Aanakh Amun



Arising One

Thalu Tabath
3 Resurrections

Ruler of


Tut Aanakh Amun Throne Name inside the Cartouches

between the Sphinxes

Sabean Plate
There are other ancient stone tablets, which show other languages that also came
from our ancient Napatan, Nuwaupuyee language.

Pre-Axumite (Ethiopian) language, Sabean or Sabatic

It is so very important to learn your language Nuwaupuyee Nuwaupic to
realign. In ancient times we were constantly performing rituals as natural nature,
thus we were always in tune with nature. Today we are so distracted by the tones
that are constantly pumped in the air via, radio, T.V, cinemas, and now on small
portable gadgets: smart phones, ipods, tablets etc. So you are constantly exposed to
tones and sounds that are tones other than our own, whether you hear them or not.
If a T.V. is left on in a room upstairs in the house in which you live, although you
can not hear it, the vibrations are still in the air and your body is exposed to the
tahzaz-aat Tahzaz-aat Vibrations.


Many people are confused about Nuwaupuyee, Nubic, Arabic, and

Hebrew taught over the years from 1970 A.D. So being I was there and now here,
let me Set The Record Straight once and for all times. Back in 1962 A.D. we
were not known by any name and dressed in all African dress, males and females
and I taught what was then called Nuwaup-u, pronounced Noo-wah-poo. Note the
3 parts or root letters N.W.P. No one ever asked me as, Amunubi Rahkaptah,
Amun Nabab Rayay Aakhakh Ptah, what language that was. Or who or what
was Wu.Nupu, Asu.Nupu and Naba.Nupu. I did not say it was related to Napata
in ancient maKmat Makhmat Egipt found in their Bible in Genesis 10:13 and
the first book of Chronicles 1:11 as Naphtuhim, Hebrew Strongs Number 5320
for the word Naphtukhim Naphtuhim who is the fourth son out of Mizraims 7
sons; Mizraim being another variation and a dual form of Egipt. Genesis 10:13
And Mizraim begat Ludim, and Anamim, and Lehabim, and Naphtuhim,

p n



Called an Egiptian Tribe
n Na, xtp PhTKh Ptah, Opening My Ym which denotes something
plural. Under the Hebrew Strongs Number Naphtuhum listed as an Egiptian
tribe meaning openings and the word of a foreign origin and nothing more. The
letters PHT above come from the Mukhamat-u Nadjar Egiptian Overseer
Ptah. Naphtuhum is related to Hagars son, Ishmael. When Hagar also an
Egiptian was sent away in Genesis 21:14, she eventually returned to Makhmat
Egipt and selected an Egiptian wife for Ishmael (Genesis 21:21) of which, he
had 12 sons and 1 daughter; Most dont know the link between the yaSam-u
Yasham-u Ishmaelites and Sasas-u Shasas-u Israelites as qadar-u
Qadar-u Kedarites and yaHad-u Yaad-u Judahites sides of the family
and how it related to you. Ishmael is the first bre Arab Arab Hebrew
Strongs Number 6148 which actual means to Mix or Mingle, born to a
Chaldean man Abraham or Ubru.UM and an Egiptian woman, Ishmaels mother
Hagar or Marartat Aanakhtat En Emaap Mery Ankh Nes; which means
Ishmael was a mixed seed, the first Arab Aarab-u arab-u Arabs
who spoke Arabic; and Ishmael was the first Nubian. As far as the Shasas-u
Israelites they are kin to the Ishmaelites as they share the same father Abraham
and Esau married Ishmaels only daughter, Mahalath also called Basemah
(Genesis 28:9). This is one way the seed of the Anunnaqi is mixed in with our
blood as well.

Daughter of Rashaa
and Emhaap

Son of Abraham
and Hagar

son of Terah
and Nuwna

Then you have Isaac, Abrahams other son by Sarah (Genesis 21:3), the father of
Jacob (Genesis 25:28) whose name was later changed to Israel, who spoke

Son of Abraham
Abraham and Sarah

Daughter of
Aiydah and Terah

Son of Isaac
and Rebecca

So you had two dialects of Chaldean, Akkadian of Mesopotamia, the

language of the spell, Genesis 11:9 Therefore is the name of it called Babel;
because the Lord did there confound the language of all earth; and from thence
did the Lord scatter them abroad upon the face of all the earth. that all in this
land were under until Nimrod, son of Ham son of Cush, who was in
Mesopotamia and left to return home to Africa in Napata and Meroe or Makhmat
Egipt now called Sudan and Eritrea and Ethiopia which included Arabia. You
will find Ethiopia in the Bible in Hebrew as Swk Kuwsh Black under Hebrew
Strongs Number 3568.

S w k




Now look up Hebrew Strongs Number 3571 tySwk Kuwshiyth

Ethiopian for Cushite found in Numbers 12:1.




And look at this Hebrew Strongs Number 3572 for the word Cushan their
Blackness found in Habakkuk 3:7, which is a place in Arabia,

w k


N Sh W K

where the tribe of Kedar rdq Qedar black-skinned dwelled Ishmaels second
son, by his Egiptian wife. In Arabic, Kedar is ( ) Qiydaar.(Genesis 25:13)

Nimrod son of
Kush and Semiramis

Kuwsh son of
Nuba and Nuballa
So Arabia was part of Cush as was
later called Sheba, Saba, Sabaeans, Sabaic
and Nabataean or Napataean. Being the
letters B and P are interchangeable many
sub-dialects came out of Napatan or
Nuwaupuyee Nuwaupic, the Aramaic,
Hebrew, Arabic, Gheezic, Syriac and
Amharic all have their roots in a mixture of
the Ancient Egiptian language and the
Mesopotamian tongues and the scripts. All
are also of the same root language. (Genesis
15:18 from Egipt to Euphrates)
Once Ni.Marad or Nimrod returned
from these ancient lands of Napata and
Egipt which were under En.qis control,
Nimrod set up in Mesopotamia.

The Queen of Sheba

Those people in that saqaH Saqa Land were under the influence of
the beings there, the Anaqi Anakim found in the Bible also as Rephaims,
Zuzims and Emims (Genesis 14:5). In Sumeria, they are called, who
were under the rule of En.Lil who noticed a change in the thinking of the people.
En.Lil son of ANU who saw that the people of this city were building a tower that
has been interpreted as so many things. The people were building this tower as the
Bible says to make a name for themselves.
Genesis 11:4 And they said, Go to, let us build us a city and a tower,
whose top may reach unto heaven; and let us make us a name, lest we be scattered
abroad upon the face of the whole earth.
-King James Version 1611 A.D.
This showed that the people were no longer under the mental control of
these beings who ruled over Shinar, Sumeria and those under Nimrods empire.
They were looking to be recognized by ANU The Heavenly One instead of
En.Lil and his two sons Nan.nar and Nin.ur.ta. That means they were on a
different vibration frequency or channel and they were no longer under their mind

Enqi son of
Anu and Nimul

Enlil son of
Anu and Antum

Nannar son of
Enlil and Ninlil

When Nu-Marad, Nimrod returned to Mesopotamia, he brought back his

laHaj Laaj Language, Napatan, Nuwaupuyee of his father Kash, Kuwsh,

Cush, his muslaq-u Muslaf-u Ancestors and taught it to the people. So,
Nimrod, changed the station and the people began to think differently and unite
together to reach to their muslaq-u Muslaf-u Ancestors by building a giant
antenna so they would be able to reach their muslaq-u Muslaf-u Ancestors
instead of dealing with Sumerian Deity Enlil. This antenna was a Ziggurat many
of them are still standing in ruins today. They are just now admitting that the giant
pyramids were not burial monuments yet giant antennas that connect with the
EuAah-aat aah-aat Orion Star System. These giant antennas still exist
today only they are place on tall towers, or on top of church steeples.

A Sumerian Ziggurat
Antennae on a Church Steeple
And on a Mosque (below)

This is the reason the Sumerian God, Enlil, had to come down to see what
the people began to do, Genesis Chapter 11:1-9, because they were no longer
under his control since Nimrod changed the station they were listening to by
teaching them the correct tones to speak, their language, your language,
Nuwaupuyee which changed how they thought, just like it will happen again,
today. The correct tones that we will chant in are FAC on the music scale. They
are the notes of the human body -A, the note of nature -C and the note of the
universe -F. The three together is F-A-C for both: males on the left side of Middle
C and females on the right side of Middle C which is located at the center of
the keyboard. Now there are two ways you can tune yourself. One way is to chant
in unison where all are in the key of A and the other way is to chant in for
harmony which would be the notes F-A-C.

Music Scale
Yes, it is that easy, change your mind change the broadcast station. An
example of this would be if you turn on the radio and you just listen to that one
station because thats all you have ever heard. Then you have someone older
who may say that is not real music. You turn the station and tune in to what they
were listening to and discover what real masak Masak Music is with soul, so
you tune back to your muslaf-u Muslaf-u Ancestors.
In Sumeria or Mesopotamia they speak Sumerian and wrote in Cuneiform Script.
In Bolivia, South America they have discovered a bowl called the Magna Fuente,

Magna Fuente Bowl inside showing the name of Anu

which is a large bowl with Cuneiform script. Engraved in a part of the bow you can
see the Anunnaqi, Most High God, the name Anu.

Cuneiform is a wedge script used by the Sumerians and Akkadians who were
taught by the was an who after coming to this
planet, after being cast out or off Nibiru, is responsible for the large constructions
of the temples in Central and South America.

Magna Fuente full bowl view


Magna Fuente bowl

Magna Fuente bowl


The structures built under were made from granite, and diorite, and
the only other stone harder than those two is the diamond. Being was an
extraterrestrial visitor he had the technology. also conducted breeding
experiments. Thats why you see in what appears to be an open court area, the
Kalasasaya Platform where there are many heads of different sizes and features
showing the different combinations of beings used to create his people as they
show in the cinema Stargate.

The Faces of Puma Punko, Tiahuanaco, Bolivia


Kalasasaya Platform

Kalasasaya Platform wide view


Map of Tiahuanaco /Tiwanaku and Puma Punku came to paa kawak LaHaH Paa Kawak aa The Planet
Earth, fleeing punishment after he tried to take the throne from Anu. While on Anu was on the throne, also desired to be on the throne being a
part of the bloodline and fought and defeated Anu for the throne. Once Anu was
placed back on the throne was to be put to death or be cast out of
to aa Earth. Once on Earth, set up in South America among the
Toltecs who became known as the Maya. The sons of Anu, En.qi then En.Lil
came to paa kawak LaHaH Paa Kawak aa The Planet Earth. En.qi
came to the planet first and told En.qi of the gold that could protect from the suns rays that was damaged by the first war with, who
also offered En.qi his daughter who became known as Nin.qi; thinking
this would end the conflict between the families for the wrong did to Anu,
in taking the throne by force. It did not. Once En.lil came down to LaHaH
aa Earth, he convinced Anu not to forgive, who fled to the kawak
lahmu Kawak Lahmu Planet Mars. Once reached the planet Mars, he
continued building the pyramid structures and genetic experiments, which is why
the face on Mars is there as a marker of that project. The face is actually that of There is also a statue of a woman, the wife of Alalu, Nimug who went to
Mars with as seen in a book called Mysterious Monuments by Texe Marrs
page 111.

Kalasasaya Platform wide view

Pyramid of Puma Punku

Temple of Kalasasaya

Temple Center

Tiahuanaco (Tiwanaku) Puma Punku and Kalasasaya


Face on Mars

Statue of a Ni.mug,
wife of Alalu seen on Mars
The script used by the was a wedge or
Cuneiform script and can be
found in ancient maKmat
Makhmat Egipt. Back in
1998 A.D. archaeologist found
a stela showing ancient writing
came from ancient Egipt first.
If mortals have been proven to
originate in afaf rayay
kaaaH Afaf-Rayay-Kaaa
Africa and to date this is the
actual fact,

Cuneiform Wedge Script

then the first spoken and written words or picture grafts had to have been
first done there also. You see all came from the same marks from pictures that are
called Hieroglyphic and its writing variations of Hieratic Script and later Demotic

Stela from Ancient Egipt


Demotic script used for

business and social purposes

Hieratic Limestone Tablet

Ancient Egiptian Script used
by priests and for religious


Hieratic Script on Papyrus /Hieratic Script on Papyrus with a variation

The ancient scripts of Hieratic and Hieroglyphics of the muKmt-u
Mukhmat-u Egiptians and even Cuneiform Script used by the Sumerians can
be seen reflected in Asian scripts as well as they evolved from pictures or symbols
to the simplified forms you see today.




Below you see more variations of script formed found in different

nationalities the world over. Pictures have been found in the deserts of AfafRayay-Kaaa Africa, besides those inscribed on temple and pyramids. Dont
believe me, go check it out.




59,000 years ago zazaztat-u Zazaztat-u Women spoke what was

first taught to them by visitors from EabaL-aat aba-aat Sirius. 58,000
years ago she taught zazaz-u Zazaz-u Men to speak. Cacas-u Caucasians
race of Adamites Hebrew Strongs Number 119-132 on this kawak Kawak

Planet did not learn to speak until 10,000 on down to 6,000 years ago. They too
were taught to speak by visitors called or Anaqim or the gods of the
Bible and Quraan, where Adam was taught and given dominion and named
Gods creation. Quraan 2:31. Genesis 1:28, 2:19-20.
Quraan 2:31


All of it

Al Asmaa-a
The names




Al Malaa-ikati
The Heavenly Hosts

To, upon

Show them



By way of names

predict for
Me, inform

So He said

Those Trusted

You all are

And (The Arabs God Allah) taught Adam (The Ruddy One, rosy
coloured white man) the names of all of it; then showed them to the
Owners Heavenly Hosts. So He (The Arabs God Allah) said: predict
for Me by way of their attributes, if you all (Heavenly Hosts) are to be
-Translated and Transliterated by As Sayyid: Issa Al Haadi Al Mahdi 1970 A.D.

Quraan 2:31

And he taught Adam all the names, then presented them to the angels;
He said: Tell Me the names of those if you are right.
-Translated by Maulana Muhmmad Ali 1917 A.D.
Quraan 2:31
And he taught Adam the names of all things; then he placed them before
the angels and said: Tell Me the names of these if ye are right.
-Translated by Abdullah Yusuf Ali 1934 A.D.
Quraan 2:31
And He taught Adam the names- all of them. Then He showed them to the
angels and said, Inform Me of the names of these, if you are truthful.
-Translated by Saheeh International 1997 A.D.
Genesis 1:28
And God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful and
multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion over
the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, an over every living thing
that moveth upon the earth.
-King James Version 1611 A.D.
Genesis 2:19-20
And Out of the ground the Lord God formed every beast of the field,
and every fowl of the air; and brought them unto Adam to see what he
would call them: and whatsoever Adam called every living creature, that
was the name thereof. And Adam gave names to all cattle, and to the fowl
of the air, and to every beast of the field; but for Adam there was not
found a help meet for him
-King James Version 1611 A.D.
While in Africa, many thousands of years before it was visited by beings
called n@Z@r-u Nadjar-u Overseers who gave the aaSah Aashah
Female a voice box and taught her to speak. aaSeh Karad-u Aasheh
Kharad-u Female Children spoke before aayaS Aayash Male children
and women speak more and much better than men. Women have a much larger
vocabulary than men. Dont believe me check it out. It has to do with her brain and
the upward movement of the voice box and the Fox p2 gene that deals with speech.
It is actually called the Forkhead box protein P2 commonly called FOXP2. This
protein in humans is encoded by the FOXP2, gene, which is located on
chromosome 7. When there is a disruption in this protein individuals have a break
down in speech. FOXP2 is required for proper brain and lung development.
Damage to one copy of this gene is sufficient to derail speech and language

development in mice. Experiments with mice showed that those with impaired
vocals were those that were born runts. Mutations in one copy of the FOXP2 gene
causes reduced speech and abnormalities. In two copies of the FOXP2 gene causes
major brain and lung developmental issues. In humans, individuals who have
developmental verbal dyspraxia or a mild irregularity in muscle response, or mild
Ataxia are not affected with recognizable handicaps, yet are unable to correctly
perform the coordinated movements required for speech. Thus FOXP2 is called the
language gene. Similar FOXP2 proteins can be found in songbirds, fish, and
reptiles such as alligators and is extremely diverse in echolocating bats. Aside
from a polyglutamine tract, human FOXP2 differs from chimp FOXP2 by only two
amino acids, in a mouse FOXP2 differs by only 3 amino acids, and zebra finch (a
bird) FOXP2 by only 7 amino acids. One of the two amino acid difference between
human and chimps also arose independently in carnivores and bats. Researchers
have speculated that the two amino acid differences between chimps and humans
led to the evolution of language in humans.

Fox P2 Gene
With Wu-Nuwaup and our language, Nuwaupuyee and returning to its
importance, when I came in 1970 A.D., we became known as Pure Sufi and taught
the Sudanese and Egiptian dialects of Arabic for chanting. By 1973 A.D., I was
traveling and in school in Sudan and Egipt receiving my B.A., Bachelor of Arts
degree, from University of Khartoum, Sudan. In 1974 A.D., I decided to bring
some teachers back to teach Arabic to the children. By 1975 A.D. we moved to
743 Bushwick Avenue and 751 Bushwick Avenue and became known as The
Nubian Islamic Hebrews. As you see that included, Nubian (Napata) Islamic
(Ishmael) and Hebrews (those who crossed over as we had). Once the teachers of
Sudan came to teach the children, most were sent by my cousin As-Sayyid:

Saadiyq As Sadiyq Al Mahdi son of As Sayyid: Siddiyq Abdur Rahman Al

Mahdi. We added to our name Ansaarullah. So we became Nubian Islamic
Hebrews, Ansaarullah Community. The children were then learning Classical
Arabic from Sudanese teachers.

Bushwick Avenue Brooklyn, New York


Children of the Nubian Islamic Hebrews, Ansaarullah Community



My Bachelors Degree of Arts in Arabic Received From

The University Of Khartoum written in Arabic in 1975 A.D.


Translation of My Bachelors Degree of Arts in Arabic from

The University of Khartoum in English mentioned on page 31
I wanted more for them so I hired teachers from Egipt, Morocco and
Ghana so they could hear all forms of Arabic and speak their dialect. This went
well. I gained a Sudanese wife, Fatimah Sanousi Omer and an Egiptian wife
named Wahiba Sayyed Ragib. Both returned home to their countries.
So in 1975 A.D. on I sent some of the young men to Fez, Morocco to study.
Now the Karad-u Kharad-u Children of our community being very smart,
wanted to be able to communicate amongst themselves so their teachers would not
understand them and they created their own dialect.
Yes, they spoke a New Arabic, a new form. I could understand only because
Habiba and Najlaaa helped me. After being attacked and slandered by the Sunni
Muslims, in fact one of their assassins, El Sayyid A. Nosair Euro-Egiptian, to
assassinate me who came to a class asking for me then. Later he was convicted for
the murder of Rabbi Kahane and conspiracy involvement with the world trade
Thus, we moved away from
Brooklyn. So, I decided to just
reflect back to the Hebrew of
our name, moved Upstate to
Liberty New York, taught and
changed our dress and used the
childrens dialect. I called it
Nubic, created a script. It was
the new Arabic. I moved them
all away from the Rizq script.
El Sayyid A. Nosair

Nubic Script

Rizq Script

When we moved from Upstate, New York, down to Georgia and it was time
to get back to Wu-Nuwaup, the end time was coming. I had to change it all,

update it or better yet, get real with it all. So we built an Egiptian City, Tama-RE
in Georgia, mixed Nubic and Egiptian script.

Tama-RE, Egipt of the West

Slowly I moved them to Nuwaupuyee, still using Nubic tongue and mixed
scripts. Then it became time to rush, once incarcerated. I sat down and began what
I came originally to give: ranan-aat Ranan-aat Names, a saqaH Saqa
Land, a laHaj Laaj Language, paa Laraq Paa araq The Way,
and to teach Ancient Egiptian language, which is Nuwaupuyee Nuwaupic,
Napatan. It may sound as if Nuwaupuyee came from Arabic. Yet, in fact Arabic
and Hebrew came from Cush or Napatan. Now we are on the right track to be
aligned with our original tone frequency and vibrations to transform ourselves
inside out and outside in.


Napata comes from Naphtuhim Opening mentioned in Genesis 10:13 as a son

of Myrum Mizraim Hebrew Strongs Number 4714 and in Arabic Egiptian is
Misriy. In Semetic languages many letters are interchangeable such as the
letters M is interchanged with N, M becomes B, R and L are confused, G is
exchanged with C and GH, K can be G, S can be SH, P can by F, B can be P and
Kh can be H.
Genesis 10:13
And Mizraim begat Ludim, and Anamim, and Lehabim, and Naphtuhim
(Hebrew Strongs Number 5320)
- King James Version 1611 A.D.


in Arabic

p n



Easton Online Bible Dictionary reads:

Naphtuhim - a Hamitic tribe descended from Mizraim (Gen. 10:13). Others
identify this word with Napata, the name of the city and territory on the
southern frontier of Mizraim, the modern Meroe, at the great bend of the
Nile at Soudan. This city was the royal residence, it is said, of Queen
Candace Axum (Acts 8:27). Here there are extensive and splendid ruins.
In the above commentary they say that the Queens are called Candace also
seen as Kandake; actually that is the name of the female ruler in Axum or
Ethiopia. Napata was a royal residence of Meroe and was a matriarchal society.
The Smith (online Bible) Dictionary says this about Naphtuhim:
If we may judge from their position in the list of the Mizraites, according to
the Masoretic text (in the LXX in (#Gex) they follow the Ludim and precede
the Anamim, GREEK), immediately after the Lehabim, who doubtless dwelt

to the west of Egypt, and before the Pathrusim, who inhabited that country,
the Naphtuhim were probably settled at first, or at the time when (#Gex) was
written, either in Egypt or immediately to the west of it. In Coptic the city
Marea and the neighboring territory, which probably corresponded to the
older Mareotic nome, is called SCRIPT or SCRIPT a name composed of the
word SCRIPT or SCRIPT, of unknown meaning with the plural definite
article SCRIPT prefixed. In hieroglyphics mention is made of a nation or
confederacy of tribes conqured by the Egyptians called the Nine Bows
{a} a name which Champollion read Naphit, or, as we should write it,
NAPETU, the bows though he called them the nine bows literally.


Merotic Script
It is also doubtful whether the Coptic name of Marea contains the word
bow, which is only found in the forms SCRIPT (S. masc.) and SCRIPT
(M.fem a rainbow); but it is possible that the second part of the former
but it is possible that the second part of the former may have been originally
the same as the latter. It is noteworthy that there should be two geographical
names connected with the bow in hieroglyphics, the one of a country,
MERU-PET, the island of the bow probably MERO??? And the other of a
nation or confederacy the Nine bows and that in the list of the Hamites
there should be two similar names, Phut and Naphtuhim, besides Cush,
probably of like sense. No important historical notice of the Nine bows has
been found in the Egyptian inscriptions; they are only spoken of in a general
manner when the kings are said, in laudatory inscriptions, to have subdued
great nations, such as the Negroids or extensive countries, such as the
members of tribes are spoken of separately in records of a more particular
character, treating of special conquests of the Pharoahs or enumerating
their tributaries. R.S. P
{a} Dr. Brugsch reads this name The Nine Peoples (Geographische
Inschriften, ii p. 20)
{b} a bow in hieroglyphics is Pet, Peet, or Petee ARABIC
Meroitic or Napatan as a script is said to have been in use from 800 B.C. - 600
A.D. Napata was the new capital of Ethiopia or Kush, and remained in use after
the capital moved to Meroe until the 7th century A.D. Archaeologists have found
numerous stelae, in addition to inscriptions on temple walls and statues which have
the script, and few linguists have ever attempted to translate the text.
Contrary to popular belief, the Napatan script has been deciphered and is
found to be an African language, with close similarities to modern languages of
Taman (spoken in Darfur and Chad), Niyma (in Northern Sudan) and Nubian
(Southern Egypt).
What is considered to be Old Ethiopian, which is Sabaean, was said to be
in used around 700 B.C. to 600 A.D. Sabean is another ancient African script that
is similar to Ghe'ez and a descendant of the Proto-Saharan system. The word
"Sabaean" comes from the Western name, "Sheba" a Ghe'ez word, Saba, whom
modern Ethiopians call Maqeda, the ruler to whom the "Sabaean" or "Old
Ethiopian" script is attributed.
Sabaean is found all over Ethiopia and Yemen, a former colony of ancient
Ethiopia's called the Da'amat (Dmt) empire, which was a kingdom in Eritrea,

Northern Ethiopian before the Aksum Empire. Not to be mistaken with Damat. It
is important to note that the Arabian Peninsula was first colonized by Ethiopians,
not the other way around as is written in ancient literature.

Sabean/Ethiopian Clay Tablet

Old Ethiopic inscription at the Temple of Yeha


Secondly, the oldest examples of the "Sabaean" are inscribed at the Temple
of Yeha in modern-day Ethiopia, where Maqeda, the Queen of Sheba (or Saba
from which the word Sabean originates) was said to have ruled, yet this is not the
only city which local historians generally date to 700 B.C. Recently they
discovered a city in Yemen that belonged to the Queen of Sheba.

Ancient Temple at Yeha in Ethiopia

The script found at this Temple of Yeha is older than any other script ever
found in the Arabian Peninsula. Even by the 19th century only subtle differences
between the Old Ethiopian, Sabean and Arabian/ Sabean script are seen.
According to Faussets Bible Dictionary Napthuhim is a Mizraimite tribe
(Genesis 10:13, I Chronicles 1:11) coming in order after the Lehabim or Lubyans.
Niphaiat is Coptic for the country west of the Nile on Egypts Northwest borders,
about the Mareotic lake. The Na-petu, the people called the nine bows are
mentioned in the Egyptian monuments (G. Rawlinson), Gesenius from Plutarch (de
Isaiah 355) thinks the Naptuhim were on the West coast of the Red Sea, sacred to
the goddess Nabt Hat, Nepthys wife of Sutukh, Typhon. Knobel derives
Napthuhim from the deity Ptah.
It would seem that these lands were more spread out than from what is
illustrated today. By that I mean the fact that Naphtuhim, the name is associated
with the Egiptian n@Z@r: P@h Nadjar: Ptah. If you break the name down by

roots you can clearly see N- Ph T. Ph T would be the root letters of Ptahs name
as a singular as the IM suffix on the end of the Hebrew name Naphtuhim
makes it a plural, as Hebrew word with (My) Yod Mim words always indicate
plural, not a single.


Napata, Ethiopia in relation to the Red Sea


Ancient Map of Napata

The English translation of the Bible often times speaks of people or tribes
under a singular connotation yet when you look in Hebrew the plural form is there.
The name Naphtuhim itself only appears two times in the Bible, Genesis 10:13 as
seen above and 1 Chronicles 1:11And Mizraim begat Ludim, and Anamim, and
Lehabim, and Naphtuhim.
Lastly, according to The Holman Bible Dictionary Napthuhim (Naf; tyoo him)
refers to Residents of Naptuh, an unidentified geographic area (Genesis 10:13; 1
Chronicles 1:11; Naphtuhites, NIV and REB). The Naptuhim were most likely
residents of Nile delta or else inhabitants of the oases to the west of the Nile
Valley. The term may come from Egyptian for Ptah, pointing to Middle Egypt.
The different commentaries of Fausset and Holman tie Naphtuhim back to
maKmat Makhmat Egipt and the Nile, and Smith and Easton tie Naphtuhim
back to ancient Meroe.
You, nuwaup-u Nuwaup-u Nuwaupian, must return to our own mind,
your own tones, nuwaupuyee Nuwaupuyee Nuwaupic ancient Egiptian,
Napatan, which is why it is so important to learn your language: to naLuq Nauq
Speak, to ranum Ranum Chant, to Ganuy Ghanuy Sing to be in your
right mind again, your nine mind. Whatever you expose your KaLuL Khaa
Body, to it naturally will gravitate towards or adapt. You are constantly exposed
to a state of mind that is not your own and thus you act accordingly. Out of your
Aaqal aqal Mind, out sane state of mind, in the mind set of anothers that is
contrary to your KaLaL Khaa Body, your health, and your genetic make-up.
You must return to your own and become insane again, sane from inside knowing
your tones, your Eawat awat Voice, knowing what do to maintain yourself,
keeping your genetics pure, and turning yourselves inside out, outside in. Only in
that way can you be transformed back to your state as Karad-u afaf paa
NaJar-u Kharad-u Afaf Paa Nadjar-u Children of The Overseers or
munJar-u Mundjar-u Ones of the Overseers
You must first learn the correct tones, then you must align your KaLaL
Khaa Body, then with the kawak Kawak Planet or tabaH Taba
Nature, and then with the wahu makwantwy Wahu Makwantwy
Universe or cosmos. Thus, becoming one Aaqal aqal Mind and become
one body and be transformed, Love is the Key; The lock is your heart.
paa nabab: yaanuwn (Jadtwy)

Paa Nabab: Yaanuwn (Djadtwy)

The Master: Yaanuwn (Djadtwy)


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