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Type | + Teleplsone No. & Et Content Ri Uncticliod I Depart . PRIVACY MARKING In Coutldence he hed war auch fe agriculture wi ‘ Briteaia would mast p: exporting meat to frauce. Re President Pomsidou said in his View agricultural prices % too high withia the Gomuunit Cereals were growing every.. France ow, bacauss of the adv orice conditions. le felt tier to be price stabilisation but h: not sey 30 iu public beguuse it would J thee dy Gifficult. ke thous Migister would egr ster assauted. & the orlces wars high The Pring why tie Serwans’ dig Hot to leave tne lund G TO BE WRITTEN IN THIS MARGIN —— Cbu. whether opportuni t, reform. Pr wcollor rity aud The > this position. a Bresident pidou, revertlug to the question of orices, said tua he thought that the Germans would revalue the DM.- This would cause a storm z ong furmers beceuse of tus don prices. ie ING TO BE WRITTEN IN THIS MARGIN

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