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Is Life Fair?

Es ingrata la vida?
Why is it that so often those who are
loving, kind, and unselfish suffer,
while those who only look out for
themselves seem to have it better?
Isn't life unfair in that way?
Shouldn't right living be rewarded
and wrongdoing be punished?

Por qu ocurre con frecuencia que

quienes son amorosos, buenos y
desinteresados sufren, mientras que
los que van a lo suyo parecen
tenerlo todo a pedir de boca? No es
ingrata la vida? No debera
premiarse la buena conducta y
castigarse la mala?

Yes, that's the way it should be, and one

day it will. Justice will come in the next
life. Judgment will be meted out to
those who were unloving and caused
others to suffer. But when those who
lived right pass on, although they may
have suffered or gone without on earth,
they will be blessed with greater
rewards and joy than they ever

En efecto, as debiera ser, y un da as

ser. En la otra vida prevalecer la
justicia. Se sancionar a quienes hayan
sido desconsiderados y causado
sufrimiento a los dems. En cambio,
quienes se portan bien en este mundo
obtendrn en el otro recompensas y
alegras que ni se imaginan, por muchas
penalidades o privaciones que hayan
sufrido en la Tierra.

And besides being rewarded in the next

life, I bless the loving and unselfish in this
life. I bless them with happiness and
contentment, peace of mind and a clear
So pursue the blessings of My Spiritthe
love, joy, contentment, and feeling of
fulfillment that comes only from knowing that
you've done your best to lead a godly life.
Only then will you truly appreciate that life is

Adems de galardonarlos en el ms all,

Yo bendigo a los que en esta vida se
conducen con amor y desinters. Los bendigo
espiritualmente, dndoles felicidad y
contentamiento, paz interior y una
conciencia tranquila.
Procura, pues, las
bendiciones de Mi
Espritu: el amor, el
gozo y la satisfaccin
de haber hecho lo
posible por llevar una
vida acorde con Mis
principios. Entonces te
dars cuenta de que la
vida en verdad no es

Wow, shes
really nice!

Art The Family International. Text adapted from From Jesus with Love for Troubled Times. Used with permission.
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