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macros automate housekeeping (inline substitution of systemverilog code)

Tom Fitzpatrick, Mentor Graphics Verification Technologist

Circles = exports
Squares = ports
Diamonds = analysis ports

Know when to stop running useless cycles or when coverage is not increasing.
Try to figure out how to run in half-the-time.
Simulation cycles are non-renewal resource. Once it’s used it’s gone.
u1 = red, u2 = red
set_type_override (u1= blue, u2 = blue)
set_inst_override (u1=green, u2= blue)
set_config_string (u1=green, u2 = green)
add a fork join to wait for all child processes to complete
tests are components from the factory

Kathleen Meade, Application Engineer, Systemverilog, Cadence

Vi = virtual interface
aka UVM
See ovm-1.0/examples/xbus/sv/
one sequencer on a driver at a time
Easy to deply all key randomization concepts !
everytime do is executed the sequence is randomized
Doug Smith, Senior Engineer & Trainer at Doulos
test is hard instantied but only used for example
use packages to avoid scoping issues
run_test kicks off the simulation
random is not good enough
should one use OVM transaction or OVM sequence?
It depends upon the situation.
to add more drivers : AHB, PCIE, add more ovm_sequencers
not an OVM sequencer
Use virtual sequencer
can have multiple scoreboards
check to see iterations. If none set then use default

wrap up objects, structures and then use factory or virtual interface

downside of using strings, is that systemverilog has to do searching for objects and OVM
plans to add checking for mistyped strings.
can run test by itself

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