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My Myth


In the Beginning, when Souls were first created, I was born into being. My initial
sound was Ahn-Tah-RA. From this I created galaxies and saw them spinning,
while I giggled and laughed with delight as I played with the spaces between
spaces between matter between others chanting their names and deep breathy
masculine vibrations speaking my soul into being as I held my consciousness in
sway and allowed this integration. From this space, I took a form, although not
right away.

I sat with the ALL THAT IS for awhile to determine my place in the order of

As it turned out, I became an angelic light being, blue in color. From this
reference point, I was able to create even more splendid realities. My first
assignment was to oversee the development of the human body, of coming into
physical form. Prior to this I acted as liason between the council and the ALL
THAT IS, such as a translator would. The council was formed to determine what
to do with all the matter that had been created through play. We had so much
fun creating and playing and it was now time to utilize the forms that had been
created. Thousands of sparkling stars filled the emptiness of space we call the
Universe. Through the gate of Orion’s belt, which at that time had no name, we
entered this Universe. We were surprised to find sphere-like forms floating in
formations and producing off-gases creating spirals and cycles of time. We knew
that we would be experimenting with forming life and so we took our creations
very seriously and remained committed to the task. It became apparent very
quickly that we would be forming systems of planets that could exist, self-
sustaining. We came upon several galaxies that had been created by different
energies that had been chanted into being by the ALL THAT IS. We chose
vibrational frequencies for each, so they could be recognized individually. This
was the beginning of independence. Identifying each as an individualized
expression did not separate each from the whole but rather gave each
expression a distinction as part of the whole.

Many of us who had created these special expressions of matter worked together
to create groups that could exist within the same space, as it was all
interconnected. Birds of a feather flock together became the group soul formed
from the original soul expression that was created.

As Antara (Ahn-Tah-RA), I created the vibration of transition, from one reality to

the next, and as such I chose to include many life forms from many galaxies that
had been created in that process. So we came to a vibration that has since
carried us through existence, we flow together on the path of Artisan/Sage.
With the development of the first life form in the physical, we discovered that we
could continue creating instantaneous expression in the manifest and therefore
determined to create a physical vehicle for the expression of our experience.
These physical vehicles took on the form of everything from bacteria to trees to
plants, to stones, crystals and rocks.

An anomaly happened when water formed on the surface of a sphere and we

realized that life could be sustained through a physical form. All was happening
at once and therefore it took several experiences of this new universe to grasp
the depth of creation that had taken place.

So, as a light being, I decided to experiment with the elements that were
revealing themselves and create a form, a housing, a physical vehicle with which
to encase my spirit as a temple.

It took many manifestations before I was able to create the splendor of the
humanoid. The Divine Connection that has not been lost was the key to the
operation of this new vehicle, as I was still able to operate outside of this form,
and yet utilize it for the expression of the physical where I could experience the
senses, sight, sound, smell, taste, touch!

I continued to work on the form, experimenting with different ideas, including

wings, tails, and fins. I knew that this vehicle needed to traverse the many
terrains available. Although I knew that being divinely ordained, this vehicle
would have complete control over itself and would be able to shift and change
whenever necessary to meet the needs of any situation.

After visiting several planets, we came up with the idea that many forms of
expression would be greeted with a choice to create a physical body or some
other form of expression so as to experience all aspects of reality. Each soul that
had been created was given a choice to either incarnate into physical form and
create the first race or to stay in the form of light to continue their assignment of
that level where they could assist with the creation and development of new life
forms that were creating.

And so it was, new life had taken shape and form and there could now be a
comprehensive way of experiencing life with a dedicated commitment to the flow
of expression. This brought about many who decided to experiment with the
human form. At this time, the dimensional frequencies were few, although ever
expanding and so easy to make the decision as to where to begin. Most of us
began on one particular planet, to experiment with creating all aspects of reality
within that dimension, while others stayed within the cosmic ocean of light with
the ALL THAT IS, to assist us upon our journey. We would often go back and
forth as to experience the fullness of what we were bringing into form so that we
could truly experience all aspects of our reality from all perspectives and vantage
At one point, a decision was made by the council to create new life forms through
the expression of creating new human bodies that contain new souls being
created. This became the population of souls that are forever expanding and
experiencing life in all forms.

The essential element and key factor in creation of life forms is that they have the
divine spark within them. Regardless of its form, a life form was required to have
a soul. This was usually simple as each soul was assigned a different life
expression from the very beginning and could then live out that existence until
such time as another assignment became prevalent for that soul’s experience.
Death is a human idea, not a Divine idea. It is simply a matter of changing form.
The expression of life expanded almost instantaneously and continued to
manifest new structures as it went along. All life is made of the same structure of
DNA/RNA molecules and that spiraline rope of ecstatic vibrations determines
what life form it will create by the programming that it receives. All this is done
without a thought, it just is. Coming through the DNA structure we see different
manifestations of life forms based on the formulations of the molecules that
produce matter. It is easy to determine that at some point, there became a rent
in this structure as free will was created in the humanoid form.

Animals and other life forms have never lost their initial connection to the all that
is, nor will they ever. The Design of the Universe is such that when something
has reached it’s maximum expression, it naturally expires, so as to move into a
new level of awareness, and can create anew, something that is not yet in

As this cycle continues, it ebbs and flows and creates ever expanding realities
that reveal themselves as time flows on.

Coming into the notion that everything is cyclical and grows from the center helps
awareness of how things expand and contract in order to become one. This
further shows the cycle between birth and death when not given a choice in the
current mindset of the human form. Deeply understanding this notion brings
clarity to the human cycle and creates freedom within the thought process of the
egoic mind, so that innate freedom, which has always been present, can be
experienced. Releasing the bondage of ideas can create the freedom to then
explore the nature of reality without being thwarted by thought forms that do not
align with the true nature of reality. Forever changing, yet ever expanding, the
nature of ALL THAT IS supports ALL life forms in expanding awareness and
experimenting with life in any way chosen. There cannot be judgment in any
other than human form, for it is not a reality that exists.

The notion of holding on to something, a sense of security has come from the
idea that somehow the life form expressed as human is separate from its creator
or its creation. This is in fact not possible as the essence of matter comes from
the essence of life itself and can only continue to express through form or
through space. There is no separation of form and ALL THAT IS. It cannot exist
in two separate places as it is ONE.

So then, it becomes evident that all human life and all other life forms are
innately valued to the whole of existence; nothing is excluded from this. Each life
form has value and has chosen that particular expression for the expansion of
consciousness and its creation as a whole. Therefore once in human form, it
becomes evident that we as a whole have a choice to create an ever expanding
reality. We as humans, in this perspective, can make choices and decisions that
benefit the whole of existence. In fact, this is our responsibility.

Clearing anything that is not in alignment with this truth is the beginning of a
major shift in this current vantage point, which would benefit all beings and bring
alignment with those that are supporting this final transition.

Stretching into all aspects of our beingness brings the awareness of what is, and
not what was or what should be and therefore creates alignment within each
individual expression of human life that can assist with the whole of creation.

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