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Do you love a crazy-maker?

Do you sometimes feel like tearing your

hair out? Do you really know what people mean when they say,
“You can pick your friends, but you can’t pick your family”?

Loving You
Killing Me
Tips & Tools for Those Who
Love a Crazy-Maker
By Kate Thompson

Crazy-makers are your loved ones who tional issues, are easily victimized, self- 2.Taking care of yourself, which is a lov-
drive you crazy! They are adult friends absorbed, cruel, or manipulative. Others ing thing to do that also benefits others.
or family who repeatedly engage in may be chronic liars, neglect themselves
actions that cause serious stress for or their loved ones’ needs, be abusers, or This is not about letting go of your TLO;
themselves and those who love them. control freaks. it’s about letting go of trying to change
They are the needy folks that suck the him or her. Learning to separate your
life out of you, and take an inordinate If someone you love is a “crazy-maker” TLO's actions from his or her worth, and
amount of your thought, time, money or then chances are you’re feeling frustrat- from your own worth, is what letting go
energy. They come in all shapes and ed, frightened, angry, sad, and worried. with love is all about. Learn to recognize
sizes, and all income and education lev- TLO’s can bring a great deal of and accept your own feelings and
els. It’s what crazy-makers both do and heartache, stress and trouble to your life. thoughts; look at difficult situations in
don’t do that causes problems and cre- new ways and plan new approaches; act
ates chaos and stress. Is There Any on your views and decisions.
Good News Here? Self-awareness. As you come to under-
For purposes of this article, we’ll now The good news is that you can learn to
politely refer to these crazy-makers as stand and accept your thoughts, feelings,
use tools that will help you live more and actions, you’ll be in a better position
“TLO’s” (troublesome loved ones). happily and deal with your loved one
Take a look at these examples of TLO’s: to make choices that honor your own
more calmly. Many people who care preferences. What often happens is that
DYour brother gambles so much that about troublesome people have learned people either get so worn out they shut
there often isn’t enough food in the to deal with their “crazy-making” loved the door on their TLO, or they spend
fridge for his kids, his phone’s been cut ones in satisfying, productive ways – years trying to help him get the message
off, and he’s missed two rent payments. and you can too. Take a look at some that his actions are harming others. They
tools you can add to your relationship get very good at predicting what the
DYour mother is drinking everyday toolbox. TLO will do in various situations, learn-
now, and you know she hides bottles
ing to read his body language and tone
around the house. You often confront her
My Relationship Toolbox of voice to know what’s going to happen
about it, but can’t stand the lies and
Acceptance. Don’t worry; this doesn’t next. They tune in like a radio to the
scenes that follow.
mean you have to accept the stuff your TLO's problems and either make excus-
DYour adult daughter keeps hanging TLO dishes out! It means your life will es or give up in disgust.
out with people who party wildly and get easier if you accept two simple facts:
often. She’s been taking big risks more 1.You can only change yourself. Unfortunately, none of this improves
and more often, and you’re really wor- 2.You cannot change the TLO. things much, because all that energy is
ried she’ll get hurt, arrested, or even being invested in learning about the
killed. Let go with love. This handy tool is wrong person. You are the only person
made up of two parts: you can change, so in order to do that,
Add to this short list other adult loved get to know your feelings and your
ones who are addicted to one thing or 1. Accepting your TLO without accept- thoughts. Learn to recognize your
another, have untreated mental or emo- ing their harmful behavior. actions and reactions, and you will

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regain control of situations that once felt Maybe you feel frustrated, lost, or 3. Fair warning
hopeless. afraid, which are all common reactions Here’s a helpful communication tool
to stress. A wonderful replacement for that can diminish the discomfort or guilt
Choice. It’s very common for people Why? Is: “What am I going to do about you may feel when you start changing
who love a TLO to feel stuck – really, it?” Think positively and gratefully how you relate to your TLO. With fair
really stuck. But this does not have to be about what you can do to improve your warning, before you make the change
the case. Every minute of every day we part of the troublesome relationship. you’ve decided to make, you can tell
all have choices. Some are small, such your TLO what’s coming. For example:
as which shoes to wear or what to eat for Always & Never. Emotional words like
lunch. Some choices are bigger – whom “always” and “never” rarely have any D“I want to let you know that the next
to marry or where to move. We also have helpful effect, because they’re exaggera- time I see you put the kids in the car
the choice, at every single turn, of what tions. For example, if someone makes when you’ve been drinking, I’m going
we will think, feel, say, and do. Consider risky choices, do they always make risky to call the police. I love all of you, and I
these examples of how to think about choices? Probably not. Even a serious am not going to beg anymore or silently
your options: drug addict sometimes spends money on watch you risk all your lives.”
food or rent. Telling someone, “You
D“Will I stay in the room while she never listen to me!” or “You’re always D“I’m making some changes, so the
yells at me, or will I go somewhere late!” is probably not accurate, but even next time you start to yell at me or try to
else?” if it were, many people, and TLO’s in blame me for your problems, I’m going
particular, are likely to respond defen- to leave the room. When you want to
D“Just because he blames me for his talk about anything else, I’ll be all ears.”
problems doesn’t mean I have to feel sively, making the conversation very
guilty or responsible. He made his situa- unproductive. Accurate, non-blaming Learning to use these three communica-
tion himself. I love him, but I can’t fix words are more neutral and helpful, tion tools can help decrease stress and
his life.” especially in stressful relationships. increase your confidence in difficult sit-
D“Do I have to give my thirty-year-old 2. I-messages
sister money to cover her rent? No, I An I-message is a statement that sup-
ports open, more productive communi-
A personal boundary is like a fence
cation. It expresses how you feel, and
Clear language. Here are three tools between two properties. If Mrs. Misery
what you want. The opposite type of
that can clear up communication and next door bugs the heck out of you, you
message is called a “you-message.” It is
demonstrate your decision to become can build a fence. In relationships, you
the way many people talk when they’re
more responsible for yourself, and less can do the same sort of thing. When
upset, and its main effect is to cast blame
responsible for your TLO. your TLO (or anyone, for that matter)
by telling the other person what they’ve
causes you strife, you can set a personal
done wrong or why they’re no good.
1. Four words worth losing: should, boundary to help yourself stay on a more
Look at these examples:
why, always & never even keel. Boundaries can be defined as:
Dyou-message: “Well, you screwed up
Should. Don’t inflict your “shoulds” on Dsomething you will or will not accept
again. Can’t you ever get home when
anyone else, especially your TLO. You Dsomething you will or will not do.
you say you will?”
can’t actually know what’s best for
somebody else. We often think we know, For example, let’s take a look at Devin
DI-message: “I get worried when you
of course, and therein lies the problem. say you’ll be home at midnight, but and Josie:
We’re wrong. Even if we’re right, do we you’re still not home at 2 a.m. I’d really Josie and Devin had been married for
have the right to prescribe how another appreciate a phone call.” ten years. Their marriage was pretty
adult lives? Do you want anyone else good, but they had one big problem –
dictating what you should or shouldn’t Dyou-message: “Can’t you ever call
just to see how I’m doing!? I’m sick of Devin’s dad, Cal. He was angry, critical,
do? No! and touchy, and he was driving them
you always wanting money from me!”
Why. This word is the dark key that both crazy.
opens the portal to a twisting, downward DI-message: “I’ve been feeling used
because you only seem to call me to ask At first Devin had thought Josie was
spiral of despair! “Why doesn’t she take making too big a deal of it, but he came
for money. I’d love it if you’d call just to
care of her kids?!” “Why won’t they quit to realize that he’d just gotten used to
chat sometimes.”
fighting?” “Why is this happening to his dad, so Cal’s behavior seemed nor-
me?” What we actually mean when we I-messages encourage calm, productive mal. But that didn’t make it okay or easy
moan the why’s is, “I don’t like this!! I communication, while you-messages to be around. It caused really serious
feel helpless to do anything about it! I’m generally incite defensive, closed friction between him and Josie.
having a rough time here!” If you find responses.
yourself asking “Why?” try noticing continued next page
what you feel underneath the question.

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Loving You Is Killing Me - continued

Cal was hard enough to take in day-to- responses. Let’s say you’re quite poor. Is DTake care of your whole self with rest,
day life, but at special family events, he it selfish to eat some of the food at your enjoyable pastimes, healthy food, exer-
was even worse. He seemed to relish table if it means you’ll be well enough to cise, and friendships. You’ll do no one
criticizing and making everyone miser- go to work to provide for your family? any good if you get sick or run down.
able. And to top it all off, he had recent- Airlines tell parents to put on their oxy-
ly told Devin he wanted to move in with gen masks before they help their chil- DDo your best instead of worrying
them once the family home sold! Devin dren. Is that selfish, or does it make good about what is the best – there’s no such
and Josie had no idea what to say or do sense? After all, parents must be well thing.
about any of it. enough to help their kids. The bottom line is that no matter why
In this case, Devin and Josie have sev- Look at your own situation with your your TLO does what he does, the key is
eral problems as a result of Cal’s nasty TLO. Are you exhausted from running to recognize that his actions are affecting
ways: after him? Are you going broke from you, and that it’s not only okay to take
bailing her out of trouble? Do you feel care of yourself, it’s critical to do so.
1. The conflict of wanting him in their resentment or rage because of your When you look after yourself, you’re
lives while hating how he behaves caus- TLO's irresponsible actions? If so, it’s better able to help the ones you love and
es stress and loyalty confusion in their very important to learn to take care of live the life you want to live. GB
marriage. yourself so you can live a more satisfy-
Kate Thompson is a holistic writer,
2. They now dread holidays and other ing life, no matter what your TLO is educator, life skills coach, and facili-
special events and resent this develop- doing with his or her life. Try these self- tator who lives on Manitoulin Island,
ment in their family life. care tips: Ontario, Canada. She has estab-
lished and operated four social serv-
3. They feel completely lost about how DGive up the fantasy that you can ice programs and has led numerous
change your TLO. workshops and courses on sexual
to handle Cal’s desire to move in with assault, family violence, adult literacy,
them, when they absolutely don’t want DLearn to say “no” when it’s best for writing, and personal growth. With
him to. Yet they feel guilty because he’s you to do so, and when you want to. her brother, Bill Klatte, Kate co-
elderly and probably lonely since his authored the book, “It’s So Hard to
wife died. DDecide for yourself how you feel. No Love You – Staying Sane When Your
one else has to approve of your feelings, Loved One is Manipulative, Needy,
To create a healthy boundary that will Dishonest, or Addicted.” (2007).
thoughts, or actions.
make their relationship with Cal easier,

Josie and Devin decide to start with just DAsk for help from people you trust.
one of the problems Cal causes: special
family events. Before the annual family
DGive yourself credit for your efforts
and accomplishments.
picnic, they decide they’ll no longer Congratuations! Today you beat your
accept his criticism and complaints DAllow yourself to make mistakes as own previous record for number of
about the family picnic. They use fair you ride the learning curve of self- consecutive days you’ve survived.
warning and tell Cal that every time he growth. Practice makes better.
says something negative about the pic-
nic, they will excuse themselves or hang
up the phone. If he starts in at the picnic
itself, they will walk away from him. If
he continues, they will politely tell him
they are leaving.

When you’re first learning to set bound-

aries, it usually works best to start with
one single, clear problem, as Josie and
Devin did. Think about it, talk about it,
and picture how it might play out – then
give it a try. Afterwards, spend a few
minutes assessing how it worked.

“Me” is Not
a Four-letter Word
For many people, putting their own
needs first feels odd or selfish. But think
about these examples, and as you do so,
be willing to question your usual

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