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Ae AEMO Ela rLii ie Bob Friedrich Doesn’t Think Hate Crimes Deserve Special Punishment... 208.07 Hillside Avenue PRSAT STO. PAID NY 11423 be Bem OiREcr suka Rah AE eH EAAECREOTHCO1L $245 CKERPEN OR CURRENT RESIDENT 25226 60TH AVE 701 LITTLE NECK, NY 11362-2441 aie im gated (eb [ol cde mem OM LLL Republican/Conservative candidate Bob Friedrich doesn’t believe that crimes driven by anti-Semitism or bigotry warrant extra-tough criminal penalties. When asking for the Republican party’s support, he told them “all crimes are hate crimes.” That’s outrageous. Friedrich is an extremist Republican who opposes gun control and would restrict a woman's right to choose. He is out of touch with our community's values. We need to stop Friedrich and his extremist agenda. How? By voting against ch in the special election for State Assembly on Tuesday, February 9". Only if we vole can we stop Friedrich’s extremist agenda. Polls are open from 6:00 AM to 9:00 PM. Frie 4 SOURCE: Bob Friedrich’s Republican Paety Questionmaice 2009 Sa\ Extremist Friedrich: Bad for Queens. Bad for our families. Vote ‘‘NO”’ on Bob Friedrich in the Special Election Tuesday, February 9".

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