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7 KCLB -- Casey & Shelly in the Morning (Palm Springs, CA) -- 2/24/10

DJs: Casey and Shelly

Casey: Joining us this morning, American Idol winner. He sold, uh, 1.3 million copies
of his self-titled debut CD. He's gonna be out at, uh, Casino Morongo this Saturday
night. David Cook, good morning sir.

David: Good mornin', how are ya'?

Casey: Uh, I am doin' great, and uh, I'm sure you know this, because you remember
everybody along the way.

[Shelly laughs]

Casey: Our uh, our paths have crossed before, sir.

David: Ummm...

Casey: And I know you know. I know you know what I'm talkin' about, cuz you
remember everything.

David: Yeah, but for, for those, for those that may not know...

Casey: Ok...for-- you were, you were good people. Uh, just real quick, you were--
you did uh, a show up in the Seattle area a few months ago.

David: Yeah

Casey: Uh, and I actually happened to be in the Whiskey bar, uh, on, on a night I
guess you weren't performing.

David: Sure

Casey: And lo and behold, in the corner of this bar, is the one and only David Cook.

Shelly: I remember this.

David: Ohhh I-- I remember that place. Yeah yeah yeah yeah.

Casey: Ok. Now, I don't like to be that guy that disturbs you while you're out, cuz
you're tryin' to have a good time. I mean, you know, you're doin', I don't know how
many concerts a year, you don't want to draw attention. So, my lady who I was
with at the time, super huge uber fan of you. Uh, we approached you for a picture, I
know you didn't want to do it. But you know what, you sucked it up, you did a
picture. You made her whole day. And David Cook?

David: Yes?

Casey: That night...

David: uh-huh

Casey: I may have got a little because of you. And I appreciate it.

[Shelly laughs]

David: Nice, man. That's, see those-- those are the kinda stories that make all of
this worthwhile.

Casey: Yeah , she--

David: So glad to hear that.

Casey: She may have called me David Cook a few times, but I didn't mind. I was

David: Well, hey...

Casey: ...and that's all that matters to me.

David: Ya' know, you gotta take the good with the bad.

[Shelly and Casey laugh]

Casey: So, uh, I'm glad to see things are goin' well. And, and we've got, uh, uh, uh,
a ton of stuff to. to go over, here. But, uh, I, I know the number one thing, uh,
when, when we announced that you were comin' on the show that people wanted to
know is uh, the, the next CD. Are we gonna see it before the year is done?

David: Absolutely, yeah. We uh, I've been writing nonstop since uh, really since I
got off the road. I remember we, we played our last, uh, official tour show, on
December 1st. And I was in New York December 2nd writing. So...

Casey: Nice

David: Uh, we're, we're gonna get this record out as soon as we possibly can. We're
up to around thirty songs right now, or somethin' like that. So I'll, I'm uh, I'm
workin' real hard to get it out.

Casey: Now are you uh, are you in the process now of whittling it down, uh, with the
number of songs?

David: Ummm

Casey: Or are you just gonna release...

David: Well I'm still--

Casey:, a box set?

David: ...still writing, actually.

Casey: Ok

David: What uh-- uh, ideally, what I would like to do is kinda get up to about forty
songs. And then...

Shelly: Wow

David: ...pick, uh, the cream of the crop. So...

Casey: That's--

David: ...we're getting close.

Casey: That's smart. That's the Tupac thing. Uh, the Elvis thing. That even uh--
and David, I hope you live a long life. But one day-- that way your heirs can go
ahead and still make money off of you.

David: Uh, I, ya' know, hey, whatev-- whatever makes it sound great, you know
what I mean?

[Casey laughs]

Casey: Now for your show, the same night that you're playing out at Casino
Morongo, right down the road, uh, Adam Lambert's doin' a show, uh, as well. And
I'm, I'm curious with you, because, you know, you go through the process. And I
know that, you know, there's different winners on each season. Is there any sort of
rivalry between you guys? Are you, are you tryin' to sell more tickets to the show?
Are you guys cool with each other? Are you--

David: Um, ya' know, I'm, I'm, my main concern is me doin' me. I'm gonna let Adam
do Adam, and...kinda leave it at that. So uh, ya' know, as long as uh, as long as
neither concert's loud enough to where it's bleeding over...

Casey: Ok

David: ...into the other concert...

[Casey laughs]

Shelly: Think we'll be alright, there.

Casey: But thank God...

David: Yeah

Casey:'re not gonna try to be Adam, because I don't think I'd want to see
David Cook tryin' to be Adam. Uh...
David: Uh, no, I'm, I'm, I'm havin' uh, I'm havin' too good a time bein' me.

Shelly: That's good.

Casey: After, after bein' on the show, did you watch any of last season, or you
watch any of this season of American Idol?

David: Uh, you know, I have. I've, I've, I've kept up with it. And uh, it's...uh, ya'
know, I don't know. It's, it's always entertaining.

[Casey laughs]

Shelly: Especially knowing...

David: I don't even know...

Shelly: ...the other side of things.

David: I don't even know what that means. But Ok. So...

Casey: You know, I, I have to say, I'm, I'm, I'm not the biggest American Idol guy.
But I watched your season. I think mostly because of you. Because when you were
on there, I could tell, uh, even just the first few glimpses of you, that you were
actually a musician. Like, you knew what you were doing.

Shelly: Right

Casey: You're passionate about it. And it seems to be that there's a lot of people on
there that are just karaoke singers. Why don't we see more of people like you try
out for the show?

David: Oh man, I don't know. Um...I really don't know. I, I think, you
know...everything's gonna be perceived however it's gonna be perceived. And, and,
and I, I don't know that uh, that people necessarily view the show as, as a, as a
bunch of musicians. I mean, they view it as a bunch of singers. So that might be
why. ya' know, ob-- obviously, obviously they leave the door open for,
for musicians, and stuff like that. So i-- if, if anybody's listening...

Casey: Mm-hmm

David: it. You know what I mean? It, it works out from time to time.

Casey: And it's worked out, I, I mean, incredibly for you. Obviously. We're talkin' to
David Cook, who's got the uh, the show out at Casino Morongo on Saturday night.
Another album comin' out this year. Already sold 1.3 million copies of his debut
album. Uh, since, since going on the show, uh, you've done a lot. You've, you-- ok.
You're, you're touring. You did a Guitar Hero commercial in your skivvies.

[Shelly laughs]
Casey: Uh, you sang for Hilary Clinton.

David: Yeah

Casey: Uh, have you uh, have you had a moment, or maybe two along the way, that
was kinda like a, a "pinch me, is this really happening?" moment?

David: Um... [sigh] yeah, actually, um...God, it was back in...I wanna say it was in
May. Um...ya' know we, we went out, uh, to the Philippines.

Casey: Ok.

David: And uh, it was uh, myself and, and uh, my good friend Mr. Archuleta. We
went out and uh, and did the show for, for Manila. And uh, we played to about
115,000 people.

Casey: Wow.

David: And...just...I mean, transcendent. Like, to look out into the audience and not
be able to see where it ended. Ya' know? It was was unreal. And uh, and,
and it was funny for me, because I remember, like, we came back to the States
after that show, and our next tour date was in oh, uh, believe some place in Ohio.
And we played, we played uh, a show to 900 people. And it was like: Ahh, Ok.

Shelly: Wow [laughs]

Casey: Well...

Shelly: Big difference.

David: Still got a little bit of work to do, ya' know? Um...

Casey: We're gonna try to get that same amount of people out at Casino Morongo
for ya' on Saturday.

David: I love it, yeah, yeah, I love it.

Shelly: 100,000?

Casey: Yeah. You're welcome, sir.

David: I was, I was wonderin' if you meant 900. I was like: really?

[Shelly laughs]

Casey: No, no, no, no. No, no, no, no, no.

Casey: And uh, we got David Cook joinin' us on the line this morning. We had to do
a little break, but comin' up, uh, we asked for some of your questions on our
facebook fan page here this week. We'll get to some of those questions here in just
a couple minutes. Also, hook you guys up with some tickets for his show this
Saturday night out at Casino Morongo. Stick around. More David Cook up next.

[song break]

Casey: 8:25, it's 93.7 KCLB rocks. Casey in the morning. Online at
We are joined this morning by David Cook, who has his self-titled debut CD out
there in stores right now. Workin' on another one later on this year. And gonna be
out at Casino Morongo, uh, this Saturday night. We'll hook you guys up with some
tickets here in, uh, just a couple of minutes.

Casey: Uh, but last time we were talkin' to you, in the last break, David, we were
talkin' to you about, uh, David Archuleta. And just the one quick question on, on
him. I-- is he part hobbit? I know you guys were pals and stuff.

David: Ohhhhh. You're talkin' about my friend, now. So...

Casey: I-- you guys are pr-- he uh, is he-- how tall is he?

David: oh, God. David's probably....uh, he's like, 5'7", 5'8". Ya' know.

Casey: Ok, so you're a, you're a, you're a tall...

Shelly: Yes

Casey: ...strapping man.

David: No...

Shelly: That makes you a hobbit too, Casey.

David: Oh, yeah yeah yeah.

Casey: Ok, I guess I'm a hobbit.

[Shelly laughs]

David: You, you could be. It's simply--

Shelly: [laughs] Uh, ok.

Casey: Uh, how your Royals go-- I know you're a big Kansas City Royals fan. How
they gonna stack up this year?

David: [sighs] Um....God, I don't know. I always feel weird doing-- cuz li-- ya' know,
hope springs eternal. And I, I'm, ya' know, bein' a hard-core Royals fan, I'm like:
They're gonna win the Series!

Casey: Yeah
David: That may not be the most logistically possible.

[Shelly and Casey laugh]

Casey: But you were what-- did you, did you serve up a, a home run ball to uh,
Pujols back in the day?

David: I did, I did. I hung a curve ball. And, and uh, it may-- ya' know I'm, I'm
hoping that it's landed by now. So...

[Shelly and Casey laugh]

Casey: Uh, David Cook joinin' us on the uh, on the line. Uh, Casino Morongo on
Saturday night. We got a couple minutes left with ya'. And, when we announced
you were gonna be here on our uh, on our Facebook page, it went, um, it went
insane, David. We had a...

David: Yeah, yeah

Casey: ...bunch of people that wanted to-- had questions that they wanted us to ask

David: Ok

Casey: So I've got a couple of these for you right now. And then if you should find a
couple hours, and you'd like to go on and answer all of them individually with a
comment, that's, that's your prerogative.

David: Sure, sure.

Shelly: And that makes us look really cool if you do.

[Casey laughs]

David: I understand. I'm with ya', I'm with ya'.

Casey: Alright, uh, so I'm just gonna go through a few of these. Um, Kimberly wants
to know: What are the elements of that-- that make up a perfect song. Sorry, her
grammar's not very good. So, what are the elements that make up a perfect song?

David: Alright, now that we've dissected her grammar...

[Shelly laughs]

Casey: You're welcome

David: Uhhh, let's see. What, what uh, what's a-- what makes a perfect song? Oh
God, I...if I knew that, I mean [laughs] I would write nothing but perfect songs.

[Shelly and Casey laugh]

David: I don't know, I mean...I, I think for a song to be great, ya' know, it has to has to be universal. It has to be something that everybody can, can, pull, uh,
ya' know, experience from. So...

Casey: Ok

David: Uh, and then past that, uh...I'm-- ya' know, just uh...dynamics, ya' know. You
don't want to hear a song that does the same thing from start to finish. You wanna
hear a song that has some movement to it.

Casey: Now, listen very closely to Gia's question.

David: Ok

Casey: Gia wants to know...she says: Please ask him for three or four words to
describe the sound of the new album. So only three or four words.

David: Um.... [sighs]...I'm gonna say, uh, well, this kinda ties into the last question, I
guess. Uh, dynamic.

Casey: Mm-hmm

David: um...loud

Casey: Ok

David: Um...interesting?

Casey: How 'bout "really effing good"?

Shelly: Yeah, I like it!

Casey: Ahhh?

David: That's-- Well, if you don't put the spaces in there...

[Shelly and Casey laugh]

David: ...I'll go with that.

Casey: Uh, final one from the uh, folks on the Facebook. Uh, and this is from a n-- a
number of women. But I'll just go with Lisa's. Uh, "ask him if he's single, because I
will be at his concert on Saturday. And I'm single and ready to mingle."

[David laughs]

Casey: And we got, like, a million of those.

Shelly: Yeah, there were a lot of those.

Casey: Not just one.

David: Yeah. Uh, yeah. Yeah, yeah.

Casey: You're a single guy?

David: Yeah, yeah.

Casey: Are you ready to mingle?

David: Always ready.

[Casey laughs]

Shelly: Oh, boy. Thatta boy.

Casey: Are you-- please tell me, cuz I was lookin' at your tour schedule, and for the
last year it was, it was crazy. You were out there, like, every night. Are you d-- are
you gonna have any down time any time soon?

David: I-- my, I-- ya' know, I don't wanna take down time. I get bored when I take
down time.

Casey: Ok

David: So...uh, I'm gonna get this record done, get out, and get back out on the

Casey: Well, uh, you know what, man, uh, we appreciate you droppin' by this
morning. And so cool you're comin' to town. Uh, Casino Morongo on Saturday
night. Look for the uh, next CD a little bit later on this year. David Cook, we
appreciate it, man.

David: Hey, thank you guys very much. You guys have a good one.

[call ends]

Casey: I like him.

Shelly: What a nice gent.

Casey: I actually uh, I-- American Idol, uh, I think uh, puts out a bunch of karaoke
artists. But uh, I think he's the real deal, actually. I like him.

Shelly: He's some pretty good talent, right there.


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