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Paula Corbin Jetails of incident occurring on 11-12-12 at approximately 6:00 pm in the parking Tot of Burger King, 383 mystic aver, Medford, Mass: Fonad a terrifying experience happen to ne this date. 1 pulled up by the garbage FIGePEACTe to throw away trash when a man’ (Offices Steven! Legert) came up to me flasning a Tight in my car. He called me by name and asked for my license. I asked Tet inhere.Was a problem: He informed ne chee he tad heen sitting in his car drinking a milk shake. He said that this mas a°dreg stone et Fim’ that would Offices MNVOlved in any drug activity and that Twas actually s wet neH ete He first called mea liar and then asked what branch i was retired rom, verblg, him that I was a Retired Supervisory immigration oFticere “aS proceeded to yepeally insult me by telling me T'was nothing. that iemgraccon wee nothing. He asked for my credentials. T inforned him that my badue woe coor en LUCITE. “He found this info amusing and mocked me. T questioned hin above hye ‘identity. “He then bizarrely went to hig car and turned on the police siren ad Tights, jumping up and down, yelving tomer? $2 you believe me no nis proof enough... T tried enggt Out Of BY car to’ copy down his plate ner of Me cnmarked eos we inmediately called his polite station Pos ean officer Lawless appeared in a marked cruiser. officer Legert then recai ico vy to Officer Lawiess about my Scegentials in lucite which ‘they found amusing and not creditable” taseer wae Acting Vike a madnan, unprofessional and unbecoming penavior from anverieen® very bizarre behavior. Lebert was totally harassing and threatening we ahic hohe tine, for what reason, 1 have no idea. r questioned Officer Lawless about, what ou® going Routd afaad that this was a travesty and could not believe that officer Laiese Gould allow Officer Legert to talk and treat me tn this manner for ne gost vescon. Officer Lesert informed me that he was going to give me a ticket. fraceey Poa for what, He told me I was not parked correctly in the Burger King parking lot in front gee the rubbish receptacle. He gave me a $25.00 ticket» No. 60230G0 - Gieget tn 50 - rreamarked space, This whole episode was so surreal and bizarre to met Pave never jbeen treated by anyone in such a rude and disrespectful manner. "= immediately called 911 and told the dispatcher 1 was being harassed by the Police and asked if they could send a cruiser. 1 was told that this was not an emergency and to cali fhe business Tine, At this time, Officer Lesert cane to my car windoy amd SckCd te Ae AMas Calting 911 - the police. x told him, yes I was, when Officer Lesed was handing me the ticket, he asked me if 1 had a dead body in ry ack seat. AS he was walking back to his car, he kept asking me if T was married because he was going t drop a bomb on me????? "1 was So Ul set and traumatized by this whole "Twilight Zon, episode, I drove to the Medford police station to try to get some answers. As Feet re ee oegethe desk Officer, officer LeBert appeared behind me, once again i ory to the tho officers at the front desk? jone home to get my credentials. He told me if 1 brought back my credentials, he would tear up the ticket he had ‘issued to me. ‘Once Has In eeang Sut Viated and helpless, f left. I called the surger King Corpor Hqs. in Canada to report to them this incident.

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