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Statement of the Independent Council of Roma of Serbia

On the Vatican Bank Lawsuit



Beograd: The lawsuit, Alperin v. Vatican Bank, has given hope to the Roma people of Serbia that the
injustices of the Second World War might finally be addressed. But the U.S Ninth Circuit. Appellate Court
decision of December 30, 2010 granting immunity to the Vatican Bank for war crimes is a great
disappointment. The US Courts can no longer be considered hospitable to human rights cases. The Vatican
Bank has been granted immunity to commit crimes.

There can be no immunity for complicity in genocide. By laundering the gold teeth of our relatives, the
Vatican Bank joined with the Ustasha butchers and mad men who terrorized Yugoslavia during the Second
World – killing, raping, and looting with impunity. Now the US Court system has seemingly absolved these
killers of any guilt through its actions.

There is irrefutable evidence in the form of statements of the witnesses, authenticated historical documents,
and transcripts that our lawyer, Dr. Jonathan Levy, and others have submitted to the court.

The Vatican Bank is not a religious institution but is in fact well known through out the world for money
laundering. It stands for illegal profiteering and not religion.

The US Courts have set back the cause of human rights to the dark days of the Second World War through its
studied indifference to our plight. The US Courts remind us of Pope Pius XII who while feigning holiness
encouraged the Nazis and Ustasha to commit genocide due to his inaction.

Today the vaults of the Vatican Bank still gleam with our ancestor’s gold. This blood stained gold was bought
dearly with the lives of our kin and is now retained ironically with the help of the courts of the so called
former champion of liberty, the United States.

Because of all these facts:

Independent Council of Roma of Serbia urges U.S. State Court of Appeals for the Ninth District to
immediately revoke the unjust decision in the interest of justice.

This shameful ruling is anti-Gypsy and anti-Roma. Further it tarnishes the reputation of the United States
courts internationally.

The message of the US Courts is unmistakable – the lives of Roma are worthless in their eyes when compared
to the golden allure of the Vatican. The message to neo Nazis, fascists, and racists everywhere is clear as well
– it is OK to kill and rob Roma as long as you can make a legal argument for immunity.
In the name of Independent Council of Roma of Serbia
which represents 80 Roma associations
General Secretary Bojic B. Slobodan
phone: +381 11 406 167
phone: +381 08 233 49
mail: bputko59@hotmail .com

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