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Artificial Intelligence

What is AI?

n Definition. The science of developing

methods to solve problems usually
associated with human intelligence.

n Artificial Intelligence is a branch of Science

which deals with helping machines find
solutions to complex problems in a more
human-like fashion
Recent Development

n 1997 – Deep Blue beats G. Kasparov, first Robo-


n 2000 – Interactive robots

 commercially available,
 Kismet (MIT), robots
 used for real applications.

Recent Development

n 2004 OWL Web Ontology Language

 W3 recommendation.
 (10 February 2004).

n 2005 – Honda's ASIMO robot,

 an artificially intelligent
 humanoid robot, is able to walk as fast as a

 human, delivering trays to customers in

 restaurant settings.

Recent Development

n 2005 Blue Brain is born, a project

 to simulate the brain at
 detail.

 Blue Brain is to study
 the brain's architectural
 and functional
 principles.
Recent Development

n 2006-08 ‘Evolino’ evolution for

 supervised sequence
learning algorithms for supervised
recurrent neural networks.
Co-evolving recurrent neurons for

reinforcement learning.

Recent Developm ent

n 2009 : The first robotic system s

 design to tackle Google’s
Lunar X-prize.

 New IDSIA projects on development

robotics with adaptive humanoids and
artificial hands with elastic muscles
are starting in 2009.

Applications of AI

qTo be useful, a system has to be able to do more
than just correctly perform some task.

-- Johan
 McDermottv
Applicat ions of AI
 Medicine:


 In one of the biggest advances in cancer research

in years, scientists have developed a blood test
that can detect cancer with a greater than 90%

 one day be used to detect many types cancer.

 'All that's needed is a single drop of blood’…

 the test proved 'an astonishing' 100% accurate in

detecting cancer, even at the earliest stages.

Applicat ions of AI
Heavy industry :
Robots have become common in many

Industries. An entire manufacturing

process is now totally automated,
controlled and
 maintained by a computer system.

In mechanical with the help of CAD/CAM

applications including design of the product

as well
Applicat ions of AI
 Chemistry :
Molecular structure analysis

 Cognitive science :
Psychology combined with computer

system. cognitive machine is a

combination of AI and Psychology.

Applicat ions of AI
 Physics and space research :
Space research from artificial satellite

to automatic rocket and plains to

discover an analysis of the space.

 Mathematics :
Theorem proving and problem solving.

Applicat ions of AI
 Finance:
 Banks use intelligent software
applications to screen and analyze
financial data.

 Air lines use expert systems in planes

to monitor atmospheric conditions

and system status. The plane can be
put on auto pilot once a course is set
for the destination

Applicat ions of AI
 Heuristics Classifications:
One of the most feasible kinds of

expert system given the present

knowledge of AI is to put some
information in one of a fixed set of
categories using several sources of
 Music:
Composition, performance, music

theory, sound processing are some

of the major areas.
Applicat ions of AI
 Weather Forecast: Neural networks are
used for predicting weather

 Understanding natural language:

 Game playing

 Speech recognition

Applicat ions of AI
 Transportation:

 Artificial Nose:

 Militiary:

 Education :

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