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Al resolution = tut» The City Council x City of Chicago, Illinois om _May 14,2008, Whereas. sso sercngron isan individual whose kindaess and willingness to Delp has sed ves and foxtered a wondrous sease of Human decency inthe Cy of Eagan society 3 age: and WHEREAS, The Chicago City Council has been informed of the mess of this remarkable individual by Alderman Edward M. Burke; and ‘WHEREAS, A modern-day ‘Good Samaritan’, Matt Hartington is a man of charity ‘o whom individuals and their families are grateful; and WHEREAS, Matt Hartingtor's generosity saved the life of Rosalyn Metntosh aftor hhe donated his left kidney and ensured her survival and good health; and WHEREAS, Never passing up an opportunity to help a stranger in need, Matt Harrington eame 10 the aid of the late Patrick Mort ia 1999 and administered impromptu medical assistance that sustained his life long enough to allow his farnily to say their farewell; and WHEREAS, Thanks to the swift and couregeous response of Matt Harrington, a forunate resident was able 10 evacuate 2 bumiag apartment building in 1989 following Matt's spontaneous search to confirm that no one was let behind; and ‘WHEREAS, While riding aboard the “L? downtown in 1998, Matt Harrington came to the rescue of a woman suffering « heart attack on the train in front of him by rushing to administer CPR: and WHEREAS, On vacation in Colorado in 1993, Matt Harrington performed CPR on a five-year-old child at a hotel swimming pool after noticing she was drowning: and os

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