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People v. Steven Raucci Ind. # B-209-4 Courthouse protocols for the press and public 1. No cameras of any kind will be allowed in the courtroom, During jury selection, no cameras will be permitted anywhere within the courthouse, Once jury selection has been completed, cameras may be permitted in limited areas of the courthouse, but not on the 2° fioor, in the discretion of the trial judge, 2. Members of the media will be allowed to use laptops in the courtroom for the limited purpose of taking notes and comm ing with their of ing pocket while in the 3. All cell phones must be turned off and secured in a bag or ch courtroom, 4. No one will be allowed to bring any local newspapers into the courthouse 5. Anyone (other than attorneys or their staff working on the case) who leaves the courtroom while court is in session will not be allowed back inside the courtroom until there is a recess. During jury selection, once the judge is on the bench, no late arrivers will be permitted entry until a recess. After jury selection, no late entries will be permitted once the jury is in the courtroom until a recess, 6. An area in the rear of the courtroom will be set aside for the media. During jury selection, which is expected to last several days, the court requests that members of the press refrain from attending the trial, due to courtroom congestion and concerns related to separating jurors from non-jurors. If any members of the media are present during jury selection, they will be confined to one row of seating. Seating will be available on a first come, first served basis. After jury selection, the area set aside for media seating will be enlarged. 7. The Law Library on the 3° floor can be used by the media to use to do further work on their laptops. ¢ 8. The public and press will not be permitted to linger in hallways where jurors and witnesses must pass by. 9. A copy of exhibits that are received in evidence will be available for viewing in the Court Clerk's Office as soon as practicable during the trial. Copies may be available from the Chief Clerk, subject to a reasonable fee for copying expenses. 10. Any members of the press or public who are disruptive or attempt to have any contact with prospective jurors, swom jurors or witnesses will be expelled for the duration of the trial 11. No photographing of jurors or prospective jurors anywhere will be allowed. No juror’s identity may be revealed by any member of the media.

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