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primetime maret 2010

note from us

telkomvision team
Penanggung Jawab
Elvizar KH

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Redaktur Pelaksana
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Public Relations
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Schedule & Highlight

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PT Indonusa Telemedia
Gedung TELKOMVision AIR merupakan komponen terpenting dalam kehidupan. Sebagian besar aktivitas
Jl Prof. Dr. Supomo No 139 Jakarta 12810 manusia sangat bergantung pada air. Namun kebutuhan akan air tidak diimbangi
Tlp Redaksi: 021-83785655
Tlp advertising: 021-8298800 ext 110 dengan pemeliharaan sumber air secara baik. Dapat Anda bayangkan, apa yang
Fax : 021- 8317400 akan terjadi jika kita mengalami krisis air? Tidak dapat dipungkiri, krisis air tengah
mengancam penduduk bumi. UNESCO memprediksi, bukan tidak mungkin di
tahun 2020, dunia akan mengalami krisis global air karena pada faktanya kini
sebagian besar masyarakat di seluruh dunia mengalami kekurangan air ataupun
menderita penyakit akibat pencemaran air.
Di beberapa kota besar di Indonesia mulai sulit mendapatkan air bersih akibat
editorial team eksploitasi air tanah besar-besaran, pencemaran air karena limbah industri yang
tidak diolah dengan baik serta karena pengalihan fungsi hutan dan daerah resapan
Managing Editor:
A. Hermawan Lalu apa saja yang bisa kita lakukan untuk mencegah terjadinya krisis air? Kita
dapat memulainya dengan melakukan penghematan air, membuat lahan atau
Executive Editor:
Wahyu Kartawijaya area resapan air, menanam lebih banyak pohon, dan menghindari segala bentuk
pencemaran air yang berakibat rusaknya ekosistem kehidupan.
Deputy Editor:
Alif Abdullah
Isu di atas menggelitik kami tim redaksi PRIME TIME untuk mengulas lebih
dalam mengenai eksistensi air yang kian langka pada peringatan hari air sedunia
Reporter: yang jatuh di tanggal 22 Maret.
Ade Saputra
Tidak lupa, pada edisi kali ini, kami tampilkan profil perusahaan pengelola
Fotografer: sumber daya mineral yang peduli terhadap lingkungan yakni, PT Newmont, PT
Bayu Asmara INCO dan Pertamina. Ketiga perusahaan raksasa tersebut merupakan pelanggan
Visual & Art Director: setia TELKOMVision. Simak bagaimana kesan-kesan mereka setelah sekian lama
Dedy Damping setia menggunakan layanan TELKOMVision.
Design Grafis:
Pembaca setia, di bulan Maret ini, sederetan film-film box office akan mewarnai
Hendra Andrian, layar kaca anda. Di antaranya yaitu The Curios Case of Benjamin Buttons (HBO),
Lukman Max Payne (Star Movies), The Band of Brothers (HBO Signature), dan masih banyak
Frederic Thomas, TTN MX, Ikuti juga kuis K-ON! Animax untuk bisa memenangkan PSP dan hadiah
Amanda menarik lainnya!
Published by: Tidak lupa kami dari tim manajemen TELKOMVision – YesTV berpesan
Trimedia Consultant “Gunakan air sesuai kebutuhan untuk menjaga keseimbangan alam dan
Jl. Asem Baris IX No.25 Kebon Baru kelangsungan hidup generasi penerus”.
Jakarta Selatan 12830
Telp. (021) 830 2706 Happy World Water Day!
PT Gramedia
Prime Time diterbitkan satu bulan sekali. Elvizar KH
Dilarang mengutip maupun memproduksi
isi majalah baik secara keseluruhan maupun President Director
sebagian tanpa persetujuan penerbit PT Indonusa Telemedia

Maret 2010 | primetime | 

content Maret 2010

6 Cover Story
Serunya Band Siswi SMA

8 SpotS

10 Fashion & Beauty

Coretan graffiti dan
patchwork bergaya 10
playful dan modern.


12 feature
20 Tips Hemat Air
14 Destination
Wisata Bahari Indonesia

16 report 6
Telkomvision Hingga
Pelosok Nusantara

17 review
Informasi film, buku
dan musik

18 health
Sumber Kehidupan
Kita Air

19 interview
Interview with Riche Ren
and Wong Xiao Ming

20 sport
Liga Italia & Liga Inggris

22 Highlight
Referensi Film Terbaru

25 funtastic channel
10 Channel Terfavorit Pilihan 19
Anda Bulan ini

26 daily schedule
16 58 weekly schedule
62 event

 | primetime | Maret 2010






cover story

 | primetime | Maret
Extreme 76 Key. Ia berbakat
main piano lantaran sudah
berlatih sejak umur 4 tahun
dan memenangkan berbagai
penghargaan. Awalnya, Tsumugi
berniat masuk ekskul paduan

Serunya Band Siswi SMA suara. Tapi Ritsu dan Mio berhasil
merayunya masuk band. Tsumugi
berkepribadian halus dan manis.
Animax mempersembahkan anime terbaru yang pasti kamu Ia biasa membawa makanan ringan
suka. Ikuti serial baru K-On! yang lucu dan heboh bulan ini. untuk kawan-kawannya dari kafe milik
Sambil menonton, kami beberkan sedikit cerita dan para karakter ayahnya, dan pandai membuatkan teh untuk
tokoh utamanya. mereka. Kendati anak orang kaya (ayahnya
punya banyak villa di Jepang, bahkan
Anime paling top di Jepang saat ini siap Untuk memacu Yui, kawan-kawannya Finlandia), Tsumugi bekerja paruh waktu di
tayang di channel Animax! Anime itu tak mengandalkan tekad Yui untuk jadi yang restoran cepat saji. Ia paling takut gemuk.
lain serial lucu dan menggemaskan K-On! terbaik dan berlatih sepenuh hati demi band. Azusa Nakano
Pastikan kamu tidak melewatkan seru dan Penampilannya di panggung sangat energik Azusa adalah adik kelas anggota band
kocaknya anime ini yang mulai tayang bulan dan tanpa beban, memikat setiap penonton. lain—satu tahun di bawah mereka. Ia baru
Maret ini. Suaranya juga bagus. Hanya saja, gara-gara bergabung belakangan dan bermain gitar
Kisahnya tentang lima siswi SMA sifat mudah lupa, ia kerap lupa lanjutan elektrik merek Fender Mustang. Azusa belum
Yui, Ritsu, Mio, Tsumugi dan Azusa yang lirik lagu yang tengah dinyanyikannya. Yui lama mengenal gitar dan penuh semangat
bergabung belakangan dalam suka-duka hobi makan dan tak pernah khawatir berat untuk berlatih. Ia heran melihat kebiasaan
mereka menyelamatkan group band sekolah badannya naik. Yui punya adik bernama Ui band yang suka pesta teh di tengah latihan.
dan ikut festival band. Awalnya, tinggal Ritsu yang kebalikan darinya. Ia malah lebih sering Ia tak habis pikir bagaimana band itu tetap
dan Mio yang tersisa dari ekskul group band dijaga adiknya. tampil bagus meski jarang latihan. Ia kerap
sekolah. Pihak sekolah sudah ingin menutup Ritsu Tainaka merasa kesepian dan khawatir kawan-
ekskul itu karena tak kunjung punya anggota Ritsu (atau Ricchan, panggilan Yui padanya) kawannya meninggalkannya sendirian
baru. Akhirnya, Ritsu dan Mio berhasil mengklaim dirinya pemimpin band. Ritsu setelah lulus nanti.
mengajak Tsumugi jadi pemain keyboard. memilih main drum merek Yamaha Hippig
Mereka hanya perlu satu orang lagi agar band karena menurutnya keren—padahal alasan
itu tetap jalan. sebenarnya ia tak mahir main alat musik
Yang terpilih menjadi anggota baru adalah petik. Ritsu suka bercanda, bicara kasar,
Yui, murid baru yang tak bisa membaca dan tomboi. Dalam memimpin band, Ritsu
not balok atau main alat musik apapun sering membuat banyak keteledoran dalam
selain kastanyet, itu lho kepingan 2 kayu administrasi. Kendati begitu, ia ingin dapat
yang diikatkan pada jari lalu diketukkan. uang dari band-nya Ritsu sudah berkawan Tentang K-On!
Sementara itu, tiga anggota lainnya dengan Mio sejak TK dan senang menggoda K-On! pertama muncul sebagai
mengiranya sebagai anak berbakat yang Miu setiap ada kesempatan. manga karya Kakifly di majalah
pintar main gitar. Segala kelucuan terjadi Mio Akiyama manga Manga Time Kirara sejak
saat mereka tahu Yui tak berbakat dan lalu Mio adalah bassist group band SMA yang Mei 2007. Sejak April 2009, versi
mengajarinya main gitar. memainkan gitar bass secara kidal. Ia animenya tayang. Di Jepang, season
Anime yang awalnya manga karya memakai gitar bass Fender Jazz. Semula, keduanya akan diputar April tahun
Kakifly ini diangkat jadi serial TV oleh Kyoto Mio hendak masuk ekskul klub sastra. Tapi ini. Judulnya adalah kependekan
Animation, studio anime yang berhasil kawannya sejak TK, Ritsu memaksanya dari bahasa Jeppang keiongaku yang
bikin hit lewat The Melancholy of Harumi ikut ekskul group band sekolah. Mio yang kurang lebih artinya musik pop.
Suzumiya. Bahkan, kisah K-On! tak berhenti pemalu memilih gitar bass karena ia tak Opening theme serial K-On! berjudul
hanya jadi manga dan anime. K-On! tercatat mau jadi pusat perhatian saat manggung. “Cagayake! Girls” langsung duduk
sebagai group band fiksi pertama yang Sebagai pemusik penuh bakat, ia sering di posisi keempat tangga lagu J-Pop,
meluncurkan album betulan dan merajai bertugas mengajari Yui. Saat Yui lupa lirik Oricon. Single itu laku terjual 62
tangga lagu J-Pop di Jepang. di tengah panggung, Mio yang menambal ribu copy. Sedang lagu penutupnya,
Berikut adalah karakter utama serial K- bolong dengan jadi penyanyi kedua. Hal itu “Don’t Say ‘lazy” langsung meroket ke
On!. Mari kenali mereka… dimungkinkan karena semua lirik lagu ia posisi kedua dan terjual 67 ribu copy.
Yui Hirasawa yang tulis. Meski super pemalu dan ogah jadi Di toko musik digital, kedua lagu
Kendati tak bisa membaca not balok atau pusat perhatian, Mio malah popular sampai- itu di-download lebih dari 100 ribu
main alat musik apapun selain kastanyet, Yui sampai ada fans klub khusus baginya—itu kali dan mendapat sertifikat emas
malah dipercaya jadi gitaris dan vokalis band membuatnya malu dan keringat dingin. dari Asosiasi Perusahaan Rekaman
sekolah. Ia menggunakan gitar elektrik merek Di antara yang lain, Mio paling cantik dan Jepang. Saat dibuat versi album, K-
Les Paul. Yui punya sifat mudah bergaul, pintar. Cewek yang takut cerita-cerita seram On! langsung bertengger di posisi
kikuk, ceroboh, dan suka melamun. Yui ini, punya sisi lain sebagai gadis berpikiran jawara, jadi album pertama buatan
bukan gadis pintar di sekolah. Tapi ia bisa jadi dewasa dan matang. karakter fiksi yang memuncaki
amat berbakat bila diajari dengan sungguh- Tsumugi Kotobuki tangga lagu Jepang.
sungguh. Maka, Yui bisa seketika jadi jago Tsumugi, atau biasa dipanggil Mugi oleh
gitar usai diajari kawannya. Hanya saja, ia kawan-kawannya, adalah pianis yang Saksikan K-On!,
16 Maret,
bisa gampang lupa dengan hal yang sudah kebagian bermain keyboard band sekolah. Pukul 19.00 WIB
diajarkan padanya sebelumnya. Ia memakai keyboard merek Korg Triton

Teks: Alif/berbagai sumber foto: dok. Animax/Ist. Maret 2010 | primetime |

The Real Cinema at Home
PRODUK Philips ini melabelkan Cinema 21:9 pada dirinya sehingga
semua teknologi pengalaman nonton bioskop dapat Anda rasakan.
Teknologi yang diusung meliputi prosesor cepat Perfect Pixel
HD yang dapat me-rezise resolusi gambar 2560x1080 tanpa ada
masalah. Selain itu si cantik ini dilengkapi dengan lima slot HDMI,
D-Sub for PC, USB, Ethernet, dan Wi-Fi untuk koneksi internet
melalui NetTV. Untuk hiburan Anda dapat mengaktifkan fitur MP3
dan WMA audio melalui lima slot USB yang kompatibel dengan file
DivX, AVI and MPEG4 video. Fitur baru yang mengagumkan adalah
Ambilight Spectra 3 di mana TV akan mengeluarkan cahaya di
bagian belakang dan menyesuaikan tampilan dengan brightness TV
sehingga menciptakan efek dramatis pada tembok di belakang TV.

Mint White Notebook

BERSELIMUT warna putih disertai aksen hijau mint membuat notebook
ini tampak hangat dan segar. Apalagi saat Anda tahu bahwa Notebook
berlabel Sony Vaio ini dibuat dari bahan plastik yang di daur ulang. Tidak
hanya enak dilihat, notebook seri VPCW21EAG/WI selain dipersenjatai
Intel Atom Processor N450 1.66 Ghz, Hard Disk 250 GB, Graphic Media
Accelerator dari Intel didukung pula dengan layar lebar 10,1 inci dengan
display warna TFT (WXGA: 1366 x 768) membuat Anda tidak akan ragu
memilikinya. Sebuah tas yang cantik menjadi asesoris pelengkap buatnya.

The Expert Zone

ANDA tentu khawatir saat rambut dan kulit kepala Anda
bermasalah. Di Liberty Salon, Pantai Indah Kapuk memberikan
konsultasi dan diagnosa merupakan langkah awal terhadap
masalah rambut dan kulit kepala. Dengan menggunakan hair
scanner, mengetahui secara mendalam tentang kulit kepala
Anda bukanlah masalah. Pijatan khusus dan Micro Mist pada saat
perawatan akan membuat Anda relaks. Serangkaian perawatan
Serie Expert Zone khusus dihadirkan untuk menfasilitasi berbagai
kondisi rambut dan kulit kepala Anda.

Perfect Skin with Dual Yellow

SETIAP orang mendambakan kulit yang sehat dan cantik. Crystal
Aesthetic Clinic menyodorkan metode baru perawatan kulit
menggunakan laser teknologi terkini, Dual Yellow. Teknologi
laser mengatasi masalah-masalah kulit dengan cepat, aman, dan
nyaman. Perawatan laser dengan alat ini dua kali lebih sederhana
dan efektif. Sinar laser Dual Yellow diarahkan hanya pada bagian
kulit yang ingin disembuhkan dan tidak merusak bagian kult lain.
Aman digunakan di setiap permukaan kulit seperti wajah, leher,
dada, punggung, tangan, dan kaki.

 | primetime | Maret 2010 Teks: alif,HERMAWAN,ttn mx Foto: Dok L´oréal Professionnel, IST
fashion & beauty

Butik Coach yang terletak di Plaza Senayan menghadirkan koleksi tas edisi terbatas
yang mengaplikasikan coretan graffiti dan patchwork bergaya playful dan modern.
Paduan warna kontras yang harmonis memberikan kesan mewah khas karya seni kepada
pemakainya. Hadir dalam model tas jinjing hingga tas pundak, tas ini sangat sesuai
dikenakan dengan celana denim kesayangan Anda dan atasan polos.

Long-Lasting Lips
Apakah Anda lelah harus berulang
kali memberikan sentuhan ulang pada
bibir dengan lipstik andalan yang saat
ini dikenakan? Ucapkan selamat tinggal
pada produk tersebut dan segeralah
beralih kepada Estee Lauder Double
Wear Stay-in-Place Lipstick. Dengan
tekstur krim yang memiliki kadar kilap
seperti satin, akan bertahan kurang lebih
12 jam di bibir-semua berkat teknologi
polymeric. Tersedia dalam 12 jenis warna,
kenakanlah di pagi hari dan beraktifitaslah
seperti biasa hingga malampun tiba. Rona
bibirpun tetap prima seperti pertama kali

Les Espadrilles
Bagi Anda yang senang berbelanja sepatu di Linea, awal tahun ini
butik tersebut mendatangkan brand terbaru yakni Le Crabe Rouge.
Didominasi dengan model sepatu espadrilles dalam materi
suede dan nappa leather, sesuai dikenakan dengan balutan
busana kasual yang ringan dan melambai. Hadir dalam
Full Bloom warna tropis yang segar, sepatu yang memiliki hak
Riasan wajah seperti apakah yang tinggi ini tetap nyaman dikenakan berkat sol
cocok untuk kulit wanita Indonesia di yang tebal dan empuk.
tahun ini? Jawabannya cukup mudah.
Warna kelopak mawar merah muda yang
lembut akan memberikan rona manis
pada pipi Anda. Lancome melansir Pop
‘N’Cheeks yang sapuan warnanya terdiri
atas sentuhan kilau emas dan pink.
Terinspirasi dari gaya riasan perempuan
Paris tahun ’60an yang sensual namun
tetap romantis. Sapukan di bawah tulang
pipi mengarah ke pangkal kuping dan
lihatlah perbedaan wajah yang semakin

10 | primetime | Maret 2010 TEKS: FREDERIC THOMAS FOTO: DOK. PRIMETIME


Air, Bagaimana
Bijak Padanya?
20 Tips Hemat Air
Manusia tidak bisa hidup tanpa air. Menyambut hari air
sedunia 22 Maret ini, kami mengingatkan Anda untuk hemat
air. Untuk Anda, kami, kita, dan cucu-cucu kita kelak.

bercocok tanam ini ketergantungan manusia pada air makin besar.

Air tak lagi sekadar untuk minum, tapi juga dipakai menyiram
ladang gandum atau sawah. Aliran sungai disedot atau dibendung
untuk mengairi ladang dan persawahan.
Kita semua tahu air merupakan komponen dasar bagi Air sungai yang kita gunakan untuk irigasi, minum, dan
kehidupan. Jika tak ada air di bumi, bisa dipastikan planet ini tak sebagainya sebenarnya hanya sebagian kecil air yang ada di bumi.
lagi layak huni. Sejak manusia ada, air tak pernah bisa lepas dari sisi Bagian permukaan dan perut bumi sesungguhnya mengandung
kita. banyak air. Namun, 97 persen air di permukaan bumi adalah air
Manusia jaman pra sejarah yang hidup nomaden kerap memilih laut yang rasanya asin dan tak layak dikonsumsi manusia. Hanya
tinggal di sisi sungai atau danau. Saat manusia mulai menetap dan 3 persen air tawar. Dari 3 persen itu, sebanyak 67,8 persen di
tinggal di satu tempat, pinggir sungai jadi pilihan utama. Peradaban antaranya membeku jadi gunung es di kutub dan gletser, sebanyak
manusia di mulai di tempat-tempat di tepian sungai. Peradaban 30,1 persen ada di perut bumi, 0,3 persen muncul ke permukaan
Mesopotamia, yang sering disebut peradaban paling awal, berada dalam bentuk sungai dan danau, dan sisanya 0,9 persen.
di antara aliran sungai Tigris dan Eufrat di Irak sekarang; negeri Anda juga tentu tahu perihal siklus air. Bagaimana air menguap
Mesir kuno amat tergantung pada sungai Nil; India memulai jadi udara, lalu jadi awan hujan, dan diturunkan kembali ke bumi.
peradabannya dari tepian sungai Gangga. Lalu, banyak kota besar Siklus itu jadi fakta kalau sejatinya, jumlah total debit air di bumi
dunia macam Rotterdam, London, Montreal, Paris, New York, sejak bumi ini diciptakan relatif sama. Artinya, bisa jadi air yang
Buenos Aires, Shanghai, Tokyo, Chicago, dan Hong Kong memulai digunakan manusia pra sejarah pithecanthropus erectus di pulau
kemakmurannya dari penggunaan aliran sungai sebagai faktor Jawa sejuta tahun lalu, yang mungkin juga digunakan si Pitung,
penting dalam praktek lalu lintas perdagangan. adalah sama dengan air yang Anda pakai mandi pagi tadi.
Itu baru menyangkut urusan sungai. Lain lagi soal irigasi. Ya, Bayangkan, pada sekitar tahun 1000 masehi jumlah manusia di
sejak manusia memilih tinggal menetap dan tak lagi jadi makhluk bumi baru sekitar 310 juta jiwa. Lebih dari seribu tahun kemudian,
yang kerjanya berburu binatang dari satu tempat ke tempat lain, tepatnya tahun 2009 lalu, berdasar perkiraan PBB, berjumlah 6,8
bercocok tanam jadi pilihan untuk bertahan hidup. Nah, saat miliar jiwa. Jika jumlah total air di bumi relatif sama sejak dulu,

12 | primetime | Maret
akankah tersedia cukup air bagi kita dan anak cucu kita nanti?
Itu pertanyaan kritis yang harus dijawab setiap orang di bumi.
Karena menurut perkiraan PBB, pada 2025 nanti terdapat 3,4 miliar
8 Untuk membersihkan lantai semen halaman rumah dari
sampah, sebaiknya gunakan sapu, jangan air.

penduduk bumi yang akan tinggal di negeri yang kekurangan air.

Persoalannya bukan lantas kita ngeri melihat ramalan itu, tapi
bagaimana agar ramalan PBB itu tak jadi kenyataan.
9 Jika shower di kamar mandi Anda bisa mengeluarkan air
sebanyak 1 galon dalam 20 detik, sebaiknya Anda menggantinya
dengan tipe yang lebih hemat mengeluarkan air. Atau, Anda bisa
Jalan satu-satunya bisa jadi hanya dengan bersikap bijak sepenuhnya tak pakai shower, tapi menampungnya dengan bak
pada air. Leluhur manusia, karena menganggap air penting bagi mandi. Pengunaan bath tub tidak disarankan bila ingin menghemat
kehidupan, telah menempatkan air pada tempat yang suci. Lihat air.
bagaimana dewa-dewa di peradaban India menganggap suci sungai
Gangga. Kita hanya tinggal meneruskan apa yang sudah leluhur
kita lakukan. Bukan dengan menyembah air, tapi berhemat saat
10 Air bekas mencuci sayuran atau buah-buahan sebaiknya tak
dibuang, tapi digunakan kembali untuk menyiram tanaman.

Tulisan ini tak hendak berpanjang-panjang mengulik arti

air bagi kehidupan. Karena Anda, sebagai manusia, tentulah
tahu arti penting air. Kami justru mengajak Anda untuk bijak
Mematikan air dari keran selama menyikat gigi sama dengan
menghemat 25 galon air sebulan. Pakai air saat berkumur

menggunakannya. Berikut serangkaian tip hemat air yang bisa

dengan mudah Anda lakukan sendiri. Ya, kami ingin memulainya
dari masing-masing individu. Urusan pemerintah biarlah
pemerintah yang urus. Bayangkan, bila 10 juta penduduk Jakarta
12 Cuci mobil Anda di daerah berumput, Anda juga menyiram
tanaman saat itu. Jika tak mungkin, pastikan airnya tidak
menggenang tapi mengalir ke saluran pembuangan atau got.
membuang sampah ke tempatnya setiap hari, Jakarta mungkin
akan bebas dari banjir yang disebabkan pendangkalan sungai, atau
aliran air yang tersumbat sampah.
Sekarang, saatnya berhenti membayangkan. Tapi bertindak.
13 Satu cara lagi agar Anda memenuhi kuota minum air 8 gelas
sehari adalah dengan menyantap kuah sayur atau sup yang
Anda makan. Selain rasanya lezat, pada kuah terdapat gizi dari
Berikut tip-tip sederhana yang bisa Anda lakukan sendiri dari kami: makanan.

1 Saat mencuci tangan, jangan biarkan air terus mengalir. Siapkan

tempat atau ember yang khusus digunakan untuk mencuci
14 Jangan mencuci rambut sambil air terus mengalir dari
pancuran. Mematikan air saat mencuci rambut bisa
menghenat air sampai 150 galon sebulan.
tangan. Anda cukup mengambil satu gayung untuk sekali cuci
15 Anda punya binatang peliharaan, kucing atau anjing? Saat
memandikannya, sebaiknya di rerumputan agar airnya juga
ikut menyiram tanaman dan diserap tanah.

2 Gunakan kulkas dan AC yang tak menghasilkan air bila

digunakan. Produk jenis ini biasanya juga hemat energi.

3 Saat menyiram tanaman, hanya siram rumput, tanaman dan

pepohonan saja. Anda tak perlu menyiram seluruh halaman
rumah yang tertutup semen atau ubin.
16 Saat mengganti air minum hewan peliharaan Anda, buang
air yang lama ke tanaman. Anda sama saja menyiram

4 Gunakan mesin cuci hanya saat cucian Anda sudah penuh.

Anda bisa menghemat seribu galon air dari situ. Saat mencuci,
tanaman saat itu.

gunakan air sesuai jumlah cucian.

17 Saat Anda menyisakan es batu bekas air minum. Jangan
buang es ke tong sampah. Sebaiknya dibuang ke tanaman

5 Untuk memeroleh air dingin, simpan air di kulkas. Sebaiknya

jangan gunakan pengatur air panas dan dingin pada galon.
agar diserap tanaman.

Anda bisa menghemat listrik dari situ.

18 Setiap anggota keluarga sebaiknya jangan sering mengganti
gelas. Hal ini akan menghemat air dan tak perlu banyak

6 Jika Anda membayar air pada perusahan macam PDAM,

monitor penggunaan air dan cocokkan tagihan setiap bulan.
mencuci gelas.

Dari situ Anda bisa mengukur apakah pengunaannya sudah hemat

atau malah boros. 19 Cuci buah-buahan dan sayuran Anda dengan air bersih yang
sudah disediakan. Jangan mencuci dengan air yang mengalir
dari keran. Itu lebih menghabiskan air.

7 Siram tanaman di pagi atau sore hari saat cuaca lebih sejuk agar
air tidak cepat menguap kena sinar matahari. Siram seperlunya
saja. Lebih banyak tanaman mati karena kebanyakan air ketimbang 20 Yakini hal ini: saat Anda hemat air, berarti Anda telah
menghemat uang juga. Hemat air mudah dilakukan siapa
kekurangan air. saja.

Teks: Alif/berbagai sumber ilustrasi: ist. Oktober 2009 | primetime |

Maret 2010 13

Indonesia Berbicara liburan ke pantai mungkin nama
Bali yang langsung terlintas. Memang di
Pulau Dewata itu banyak spot pantai yang
menarik. Namun kali ini kami sengaja
sedikit berburu spot lain yang tak kalah
menarik. Tenang saja, tempat ini tidak
berada di luar negeri, namun berada di
Indonesia. Saatnya menyelam, berjemur,
berlarian di pasir putih, atau ber-snorkeling
di Raja Ampat dan Karimun Jawa.

mengundang para pemburu karang untuk mengebom dan

menyebar sianida. Untung saja penduduk sekitar bersikeras
melindungi. Terumbu karang di laut Raja Ampat dinilai paling
lengkap di dunia. Dari 537 jenis karang dunia, 75 persennya berada
di perairan ini. Ditemukan pula 1.104 jenis ikan, 669 jenis moluska
(hewan lunak), dan 537 jenis hewan karang. Karena kekayaannya,
Bank Dunia yang bekerjasama dengan LSM global menetapkan
Raja Ampat sebagai lokasi yang mendapat bantuan Coral Reef
Rehabilitation and Management Program (Coremap) II sejak 2005.
Program ini mencakup 17 kampung dan melibatkan penduduk
RAJA AMPAT lokal, termasuk nelayan juga dilatih membudidayakan ikan kerapu
Siang itu sejumlah turis tampak asyik bersantap dan mengobrol dan rumput laut.
santai sambil memandang lepas ke arah laut yang didominasi
warna biru. Mereka tengah menikmati indahnya pemandangan dari Beragam pilihan
sebuah resor di perairan Irian Jaya Barat. Panasnya terik matahari Jika ingin diving, Anda harus menghubungi Papua Diving sebagai
segera memancing para turis untuk menyelam ke dalam air untuk satu-satunya resor eksotis yang menawarkan wisata bahari tersebut.
menikmati indahnya karang, biota laut, dan tak ketinggalan sinar Di sini Anda bisa menginap di penginapan sederhana berdinding
matahari yang menembus ke celah-celah gelombang. dan beratap anyaman bambu.
Surga bagi pecinta wisata bahari ini terkenal dengan Biaya penginapannya berkisar
sebutan Raja Ampat. Rp. 900,000 per malam dan
jika ingin menyelam Anda
Dilindungi dapat membayar sekitar Rp.
Raja Ampat sangat dikenal bahkan dinilai terbaik di 360,000 per sekali menyelam
dunia untuk kualitas terumbu karangnya. pada lokasi tertentu.
Banyak fotografer bawah laut internasional Setelah mendarat di bandara
mengabadikan pesona laut Raja Ampat. Raja Ampat Domne Eduard Osok, Sorong,
adalah pecahan Kabupaten Sorong, sejak 2003. Anda dapat langsung menuju
Kabupaten berpenduduk 31.000 jiwa ini memiliki lokasi dengan kapal cepat
610 pulau (hanya 35 pulau yang dihuni) dengan luas berkapasitas sekitar 10
wilayah sekitar 46.000 km2, namun hanya 6.000 km2 orang yang tarifnya Rp 3,2
berupa daratan, 40.000 km2 lagi lautan. Pulau-pulau juta sekali jalan. Diperlukan
yang belum terjamah dan lautnya yang masih asri waktu sekitar 3-4 jam untuk
membuat wisatawan langsung terpikat. mencapai Mansuar, pulau di
Melihat alam yang masih perawan jelas mana Papua Diving berada.

14 | primetime | Maret 2010 Teks: TTN MX foto: Ist

tunggu apalagi segera menyelam dan nikmati harta karun bawah
laut Papua.

Karimun Jawa merupakan kawasan pantai yang terdiri dari 27
pulau kecil di selatan Pulau
Jawa. Keindahannya membuat
kawasan ini dijadikan cagar
alam yang dilindungi oleh
pemerintah. Kawasan ini amat
pas bagi mereka yang ingin
menghilangkan kepenatan kota
namun tidak mau terlalu jauh.

Petualangan bawah air

Bagi penggemar diving yang
sekaligus memiliki jiwa
petualang, Karimun Jawa adalah
tempat yang tepat. Anda dapat
menyelam dan berpetualang
di antara bangkai kapal karam.
Suasananya pun amat sunyi dan misterius sehingga membuat
Anda seperti masuk ke dunia lain. Belum lagi pilar-pilar besi yang
berkarat karena dimakan usia atau terumbu karang berwarna-warni
seakan menemani Anda berpetualang.
Selain diving Anda juga dapat belajar sedikit sejarah. Konon
sebuah kapal pengangkut batu bara milik armada Belanda karam
di perairan tersebut 60 tahun silam. Kapal tersebut karam karena
sang nahkoda menyangka Kepulauan Karimun Jawa adalah pesisir

Pulau Mansuar pun amat asri karena hutan dan air lautnya terjaga
sehingga Anda dapat dengan mudah melihat biota laut. Atau jika
ingin berenang atau snorkeling pun silahkan.
Selain wisata bahari, pulau ini juga menawarkan paket wisata
yakni kunjungan ke perkampungan penduduk untuk melihat
tanaman dan berbagai hewan khas seperti burung Cendrawasih.
Selain berwisata tak sedikit turis yang ikut menjadi donator bagi
pembangunan gereja atau
pendidikan sekolah bagi
anak-anak. Yang perlu
Anda ketahui, Raja Ampat
juga menyimpan banyak
kekayaan alam seperti
minyak bumi dan nikel.
Sementara di dasar lautnya
banyak sekali ditemukan
bangkai kapal bekas Perang
Dunia II yang karam. Jadi
pantai Semarang, Jawa Tengah. Dasar pantai-pantai di
Karimun Jawa yang relatif rendah membuat kapal kandas
dan akhirnya karam. Wisata petualangan bawah air ini
terdapat di Pulau Kemojan, salah satu dari 27 pulau yang
terdapat di Karimun Jawa.

Penangkaran Hiu
Adrenalin masih belum terpacu? Anda dapat berlayar menuju Pulau
Menjangan yang menawarkan petualangan memacu adrenalin:
berhadapan langsung dengan ikan hiu! Hal ini memungkinkan
karena Pulau Menjangan memiliki sebuah  penangkaran ikan hiu.
Akan sangat menarik melihat predator laut tersebut berenang
di depan mata. Jika ingin menguji nyali lagi silahkan berenang
bersama mereka, tentu saja Anda akan ditemani oleh pemandu.
Untuk beberapa saat Anda bisa menjadi sahabat mereka. Menarik

Maret 2010 | primetime | 15


TELKOMVision Hingga
ke Pelosok Nusantara
SEJUMLAH ORANG berkesempatan perekonomian bangsa melalui penciptaan Selatan juga telah bergabung sebagai
mendapat pekerjaan jauh di daerah pelosok lapangan kerja, pembayaran royalti dan pelanggan corporate SMA TV
Nusantara, entah di tengah laut, di hutan pajak. Saat ini PT NNT menyediakan TELKOMVision sejak 2006. Pertamina,
belantara, pegunungan, atau daerah yang lapangan kerja langsung bagi lebih dari sebagai perusahaan penghasil minyak
sulit dijangkau sarana telekomunikasi 7.000 orang. Dari jumlah itu, lebih dari 60 bumi milik negara tentunya berfungsi amat
dan listrik selayaknya kota besar. Kendati persen berasal dari Provinsi NTB. vital bagi bangsa ini. Untuk menghasilkan
minim sarana telekomunikasi, bukan Sejak 2008, PT Newmont Nusa Tenggara mutu produk yang baik, perusahaan ini
berarti karyawan atau perusahaan di tercatat sebagai pelanggan corporate SMA memberi fasilitas terbaik pada karywannya.
tempat mereka bekerja berpangku tangan. TV milik TELKOMVision. Sebanyak 500 Salah satunya fasilitas TV berbayar
Sejumlah perusahaan menyediakan sarana rumah karyawan PT NNT sudah bisa yang bisa dinikmati di perumahan
telekomunikasi dan kelistrikkan bagi menikmati tayangan 20 channel premium karyawan. Sebanyak 700 rumah karyawan
operasional perusahaan dan karyawannya. layanan TV berbayar TELKOMVision. telah dipasang layanan TV berbayar
Beberapa perusahaan berbaik hati Begitu pula dengan PT International TELKOMVision. Perusahaan Pertamina di
menyediakan sarana TV berbayar (pay Nickel Indonesia (PT INCO). PT INCO wilayah ini telah berlangganan sejak 2006.
TV) bagi karyawannya. Perusahaan itu, tercatat sebagai salah satu produsen nikel Bagi TELKOMVision, keuntungan
PT Newmont Nusa Tenggara di Nusa terkemuka di dunia. PT Inco menghasilkan perusahaan-perusahaan itu menjadi
Tenggara Barat, PT International Nickel nikel dalam matte, yaitu produk setengah pelanggan tidak hanya dalam bentuk
Indonesia di Sulawesi Selatan, dan PT jadi yang diolah dari bijih laterit di fasilitas nominal uang. Lebih dari itu, ini adalah
Pertamina Area Sumatera Prabumulih dan pertambangan dan pengolahan terpadu bukti nyata kalau teknologi TELKOMVision
Pendopo di Sumatera Selatan menggunakan dekat Sorowako, Sulawesi Selatan. Seluruh terdepan untuk SMA TV. Tidak ada
layanan TELKOMVision bagi perumahan produksi PT Inco dijual dalam dolar halangan bagi warga yang tinggal di pelosok
karyawannya. Ketiga perusahaan itu telah Amerika Serikat berdasarkan kontrak- Nusantara untuk menikmati tontonan
tercatat sebagai pelanggan corporate SMA kontrak jangka panjang untuk dimurnikan kelas dunia lewat TV berbayar. Sebab,
TV TELKOMVision. SMA TV (Satellite di Jepang. Kelebihan daya saing PT Inco sebelumnya muncul anggapan masyarakat
Master Antenna TV) adalah layanan terletak pada cadangan bijih besi berlimpah, yang tinggal di daerah pertambangan
televisi berbayar via kabel melalui satelit tenaga kerja terampil dan terlatih, atau pelosok terpencil sulit menerima
atau parabola dalam sebuah komunitas pembangkit listrik tenaga air berbiaya siaran TV. Kemajuan teknologi telah
yang mengelompok. Untuk SMA TV, rendah, fasilitas produksi modern dan pasar menghapus anggapan itu. “Walau tinggal di
pendistribusian tayangan didasarkan pada terjamin untuk produknya. pelosok, mereka bisa menikmati tayangan
jumlah dan jenis channel yang diminta Sebagai bentuk pemberian fasilitas TELKOMVision dengan kualitas gambar
pelanggan. terbaik bagi karyawannya, PT INCO yang jernih,” kata Direktur Utama PT
PT Newmont Nusa Tenggara (NNT) menyediakan pemasangan TV berbayar Indonusa Telemedia, selaku pemilik merek
adalah perusahaan patungan antara Nusa TELKOMVision di kawasan perumahan TELKOMVision, Elvizar KH.
Tenggara Partnership dan PT Pukuafu karyawan sebanyak 330 rumah. Karyawan Kemudian diharapkan, para karyawan
Indah. PT NNT menandatangani Kontrak PT INCO telah bisa menikmati tayangan yang telah menikmati tayangan TV
Karya pada 1986 dengan Pemerintah RI kelas dunia dalam 25 channel premium di berbayar itu menjadi brand ambassador
untuk melakukan eksplorasi dan eksploitasi kanal TELKOMVision. PT INCO tercatat TELKOMVision. “Sehingga akan
di dalam wilayah Kontrak Karya di provinsi sebagai pelanggan corporate SMA TV semakin meningkatkan brand awareness
Nusa Tenggara Barat (NTB). Sebagai TELKOMVision sejak 2007. TELKOMVision sebagai TV berbayar yang
kontraktor Pemerintah Indonesia, PT PT Pertamina Area Sumatera memiliki jangkauan siaran yang luas,”
NNT memberikan kontribusi besar bagi Prabumulih dan Pendopo di Sumatera tambah Elvizar.

16 | primetime | Maret 2010 TEKS: ALIF sumber: TelkomVision FOTO: IST.


Dear John The Book of Eli

Sutradara: Lasse Hallstrom Sutradara: Allen Hughes, Albert
Pemain: Channing Tatum, Amanda Hughes
Seyfried, Henry Thomas, Richard Pemain: Denzel Washington, Gary
Jenkins, Keith Robinson Oldman, Mila Kunis, Ray Stevenson,
Film Dear John menggambarkan Jennifer Beals, Evan Jones
bahwa cinta itu tidak harus memiliki. Kembali sebuah film yang menceritakan
Sebuah ungkapan yang tepat untuk latar belakang dunia yang telah
menggambarkan perjuangan cinta mengalami kehancuran atau disebut
John Tyree (Channing Tatum) terhadap post-apocalyptic. Seperti di dalam
Savannah Lynn Curtis (Amanda film I Am Legend yang diperankan
Seyfield). Saat tengah cuti dari tugas Will Smith, aktor Denzel Washington
kemiliteran, John secara tidak sengaja harus beraksi sendirian. Denzel
berkenalan dengan Savannah dan memerankan tokoh Eli yang bertugas
Tim (Henry Thomas). Tak perlu waktu menjaga Book of Eli, sebuah buku yang
lama, benih-benih cinta pun tumbuh berisi ilmu pengetahuan yang dapat
di hati John dan Savannah. Sayang, menyelamatkan umat manusia di muka
John harus menyelesaikan tugas militernya sebelum ia bisa melamar bumi.
Savannah. Saat berpisah John pun berjanji bahwa ia akan kembali, Sekali lagi, kehebatan akting Denzel diuji karena ia harus bermain
begitu juga dengan sang kekasih yang akan setia menunggu. Di kebanyakan seorang diri. Anda masih ingat bukan film I Am Legend?
saat masa tugas John sudah berakhir, terjadi peristiwa tragis 11 Ya lebih kurang hampir sama ide ceritanya. Tak hanya itu Denzel
September yang membuat John berubah pikiran dan merasa bahwa juga akan beradu akting dengan Gary Oldman dan Mila Kunis. Oh
tenaganya masih diperlukan. Sayang, Tim menderita sakit keras dan iya, kiprah sutradara Hughes bersaudara bisa Anda lihat dalam film
hampir tidak ada harapan untuk hidup. Di saat inilah John akhirnya garapan mereka From Hell. Kami yakin film ini akan dipenuhi oleh
mengerti bahwa cinta itu tidak harus memiliki. akting watak dan fisik seorang Denzel Washington.

Album ini sepertinya terinspirasi 14 tahun, 6 album studio, cukup
tembang-tembang Halmahera rasanya untuk merangkum perjalan
dan Kahitna dan memuat para karier band eks drummer Nirvana
pendengarnya lebih bergoyang. Dave Grohl. Belum lagi 3 album di
Dengan kata lain Bibus (vokal & antaranya memenangkan Grammy
gitar), Ari (gitar & vokal), Tendra Awards untuk kategori Best Rock
(bass & backing vokal) dan Derry Album dan menggondol 6 nominasi
(drum) mencoba untuk lebih jujur Grammy. Album Greatest Hits
dalam penggarapan album. Lirik-lirik ini berisi 16 track yang tentu saja
yang ditulis pun bercerita tentang cinta ringan, bahasa sehari-hari, mewakili sejarah panjang band ini. Beberapa yang sudah dikenal
tidak jaim, tanpa basa-basi, seru, dan fun. Tembang yang pantas tembang-tembang seperti “This Is a Call” dan “Big Me”. Kemudian
ditengok adalah “Bilang-bilang Cinta” yang bernuansa centil, ceria, tembang “Everlong”, “Monkey Wrench”, dan “My Hero” yang
dan easy listening. Lalu ada juga tembang “Dadah I Love You” yang diambil dari album The Colour and the Shape pada tahun 1997.
tampil unik. Dalam lagu ini Gruvi memasukan irama dangdut dengan Tidak ketinggalan pula “All My Life”, “Best of You”, “Breakout”,
tambahan vocal Karin. Selain lagu-lagu yang eye catchy dan easy “Learn to Fly” dan “Times Like These” yang sayang dilewatkan.
listening, sepertinya Gruvi memang ingin membuat kesan bahwa Ingin mendengarkan versi live-nya? Anda bisa menyimak lagu“Skin
mereka adalah band yang penuh warna, penuh kreatifitas, dan tentu and Bones”. Album ini ditutup dengan manis lewat tembang akustik
saja fun. Penasaran? Dengarkan saja albumnya. “Everlong”.



Meskipun wajahnya bertato daun Kesehatan memang amat perlu dijaga
bayam, Ogbanje Ojebeta sebenarnya dengan berolahraga. Namun bagaimana
masih terlihat cantik. Semakin unik jika alasan Anda sibuk dan tidak punya
lagi ketika lonceng yang terbuat dari waktu? Dengan membaca buku ini
cangkang kerang berbunyi ketika berarti alasan yang diutarakan tadi sudah
ia berjalan. Lonceng itu sebuah menjadi basi. Anda seorang pekerja
jimat baginya. Setelah bapak dan kantoran yang menghabiskan waktu
ibunya meninggal dan saat itu masih sepanjang hari di depan komputer?
berumur tujuh tahun, Ogbanje dijual Jika jawabnya iya, buku ini adalah solusi
kakaknya dengan harga yang amat paling tepat. Buku ini menerapkan
murah 8 poundsterling. Namun alasan prinsip dasar-dasar peregangan. Anda
sesungguhnya adalah uang itu untuk akan mendapatkan manfaat-manfaat
biaya pesta akil balig demi menjaga seperti merasa lebih bugar, menghindari
gengsi sang kakak. Ia mengamati tingkah laku keluarga majikannya. cedera, dan tentu saja kerja yang
Novel karangan Bucchi Emecheta ini menceritakan sebuah kisah produktif. Bob Anderson mengutarakan yang biasa Anda lakukan di
mengharukan dan potret tentang hal-hal yang terjadi di dalam sela-sela waktu saat Anda duduk di depan komputer, mengunduh,
sekelompok masyarakat di Ibuza, Nigeria. Termasuk apa yang atau menggugah foto di Facebook. Kemudian menunggu kertas
terjadi ketika pengaruh asing termasuk agama masuk ke dalam keluar dari printer atau fax. Lalu ada juga di sela-sela rapat,
tatanan nilai masyarakat yang telah ada sejak lama? menyeduh kopi didispenser, bahkan saat Anda terjebak kemacetan.

teks: TTN MXf foto: ist.

Maret 2010 | primetime | 17
AIR. Kata sederhana yang dapat berdampak Bahkan, seluruh sel dan fungsi organ Asam urat (uric acid) dapat menyebabkan
dahsyat. Selain udara, air sangat mengandalkan air untuk berfungsi secara sakit pinggang. Jadi, mereka yang
dibutuhkan untuk keselamatan jiwa kita. maksimal. sedang menjalani pola makan tinggi
Dua per tiga tubuh manusia terdiri atas air -Air adalah cairan pelumas protein membutuhkan asupan air lebih
dan tanpanya, kita bisa meninggal dunia -Air merupakan bentuk dasar ludah banyak dari biasanya, karena air akan
hanya dalam beberapa hari saja. Sembilan -Air membentuk cairan yang terdapat di melarutkannya. Risiko berpola makan
puluh lima persen bagian otak terbuat sekeliling sendi tinggi protein yang bisa dinetralisir oleh
dari air, darah 82 persen dan paru-paru 90 -Air mengatur suhu tubuh air adalah dehidrasi akibat pembuangan
persen. Kekurangan asupan air sebanyak -Air membantu melegakan sembelit dengan kompon kimia yang dikenal sebagai keton
2 persen dari kebutuhan harian sudah mendorong makanan di dalam saluran secara berlebihan melalui urin.
bisa mencetuskan tanda-tanda dehidrasi cerna dan ini artinya sampah tubuh dapat Sembelit adalah salah satu efek
seperti tidak dapat berkonsentrasi dan dibuang dengan segera—detoksifikasi yang samping saat kita mengasup makanan
sulit menyelesaikan hitungan sederhana. mudah dilakukan. tinggi serat. Hal ini disebabkan karena
Dehidrasi ringan adalah salah satu Selain menjaga kelangsungan kesehatan serat, walaupun baik untuk kesehatan,
penyebab kelelahan. Di Amerika Serikat, tubuh sehari-hari, air juga memegang dapat menyerap cairan di dalam saluran
sebanyak 75 persen penduduk mengalami peranan penting dalam membentengi cerna. Minum banyak air dapat mencegah
dehidrasi mulai dari tingkat ringan hingga tubuh dari beragam penyakit. Tahukah terjadinya sembelit.
kronis. Angka yang fantastis mengingat air Anda jika mengonsumsi delapan gelas • Menderita penyakit yang disertai
bukanlah sesuatu yang sulit ditemukan di sehari akan memperkecil risiko terkena muntah dan diare
negara tersebut. kanker usus besar sebesar 45 persen, Dehidrasi biasanya terjadi setelah muntah
dan diare. Minum lebih banyak air akan

membuat tubuh tidak lemas dan lebih
berenergi. Biasanya bagi mereka yang
sedang mengalami sakit disertai muntah

dan diare, flu atau penyakit lain yang
disebabkan oleh virus, dianjurkan untuk
mengonsumsi 2-3 liter air per hari.
• Manula

Hipertensi, sirkulasi darah kurang lancar,
batu ginjal, artritis, masalah pencernaan
serta sembelit adalah masalah kesehatan
yang umum untuk manula, secara
langsung maupun tidak disebabkan
Air sangatlah penting bagi oleh kurangnya asupan air. Menurut
mekanisme tubuh manusia. hasil penelitian yang dilansir www.
Tanpanya, tubuh kita tidak dapat, rasa haus mudah
bekerja. Hubungannya sama ‘hilang’ saat kita berusia di atas 65 tahun
seperti mobil dengan bensin. dan kita tidak akan meminum air jika
tidak benar-benar memikirkannya.
• Wanita hamil dan menyusui
Menurut Institute of Medicine—yang
kanker kandung kemih menyarankan asupan harian air untuk
sebanyak 50 persen dan para wanita adalah 2,2 liter dan pria 3 liter—
wanita, kanker payudara? Itu memberikan angka aman 2,4 liter (sekitar
hanya sebagian kecil contoh 9 gelas) untuk wanita hamil dan 3 liter
manfaat air. (sekitar 12,5 gelas) untuk ibu menyusui
Angka rata-rata kebutuhan sebagai patokan asupan air harian.
manusia akan air adalah Mengapa ibu menyusui membutuhkan
delapan gelas per hari. Tetapi lebih banyak air? Karena cairan tubuh
kebutuhan tiap individu berkurang cukup banyak saat sedang
tidaklah sama, ada yang menyusui.
membutuhkan lebih, ada • Anak-anak
pula yang membutuhkan Karena aktivitasnya yang banyak
kurang dari anjuran tersebut. menguras energi, anak-anak sebaiknya
Namun ada kalanya tubuh tidak diberikan batasan mengonsumsi
membutuhkan asupan air lebih air—kekurangan 2 persen cairan tubuh
banyak dari biasanya. Hal ini dapat menurunkan performa aktivitas
dipengaruhi oleh beberapa fisik dan mental sebanyak 20 persen. The
kondisi: American Academy of Pediatrics bahkan
memberikan pernyataan bahwa hingga
• Sedang menjalani pola bayi siap diberikan makanan pendamping,
makan tinggi protein atau yang ia butuhkan hanyalah cairan ASI atau
serat susu formula.

18 | primetime | Maret 2010 TEKS: AMANDA FOTO: ist.

Interview Richie Ren dan Wong Xiao Ming

“Kami Berakting Sepenuh

Hati di The Sniper” mampu menunjukkan beragam emosi dan
perasaan tanpa banyak bicara.
Bagaimana rasanya bekerja dengan
Salah satu film unggulan Celestial sulit saat syuting? sesama aktor di film ini?
Movies bulan ini adalah The Sniper besutan Richie Ren: Memang sulit, tapi hasilnya Richie Ren: Kami sangat menikmati
sutradara spesialis film aksi Dante Lam. sepadan dengan kerja keras kami. kerja bareng di sini. Kami belajar bersama
Ia mengajak 3 bintang idola Mandarin, Wong Xiao Ming: Syutingnya sih biasa bagaimana caranya memegang senapan,
Richie Ren, Wong Xiao Ming, dan Edison saja buat saya, tapi belajar menembak membidik seperti penembak profesional
Chen dalam film tentang penembak jitu dengan baik lain lagi. Itu sulit sekali. dan lainnya. Rasanya seperti sedang masuk
di kepolisian Hong Kong ini. Kisahnya Bagaimana menurut kalian soal akademi militer.
tentang Hartman Fong (Richie Ren) yang karakter yang kalian perankan? Wong Xiao Ming: Saya mengagumi
dikenal sebagai penambak jitu paling top Richie Ren: Hartman seorang pria Richie dan Edison. Kami jadi kenal lebih
di unit penembak jitu kepolisian Hong yang senang kompetisi dan penembak jitu baik setelah syuting film ini dan rasanya
Kong, Special Unit Duties. Namun, dibalik paling jago. Sialnya, ia punya saingan yang sudah seperti saudara.
legendanya sebagai yang paling jago ada lebih hebat, Lincoln Ching. Ia menghadapi Saat tayang di bioskop, The Sniper
masa lalu yang ingin dikuburnya. tekanan berat, termasuk dalam dirinya meraih box office dan sambutan
Kini, masa lalu itu kembali untuk menghadapi Lincoln. Yang menarik kritikus juga baik, menurut kalian apa
mengintainya. Bekas kawannya sesama dari film ini adalah konfliknya dengan yang menyebabkan sambutan positif
anggota tim penembak jitu, Ching Huang Lincoln. itu?
(Wong Xiao Ming), yang dipenjara karena Wong Xiao Ming: Saya berperan Richie Ren: Menurut saya karena
tak sengaja membunuh sandera, baru saja sebagai Lincoln Ching. Ia begitu percaya kisahnya sesuatu yang baru bagi publik.
bebas. Ching ingin membalas dendam diri dan amat mahir menembak. Jadi ia Sutradara berpengalaman dan 3 aktor yang
pada Fong dan kesatuannya yang dianggap paling tak senang ada yang menyaingi atau berakting di sini adalah kombinasi yang
bersalah membuatnya dipenjara. Di lain lebih baik darinya. Tapi sesungguhnya ia menarik perhatian
pihak, ada OJ (Edison Chen), anggota polisi pria kesepian. Wong Xiao Ming: Sutradara dan
baru yang terjebak di tengah seteru dua jago Apa yang paling berat berakting jadi penulis skenario telah bekerja dengan baik,
tembak ini. penembak jitu di film ini? dan juga orang ingin lihat kami betiga
Celestial Movies mengirim transkrip Richie Ren: Harus mampu memegang berakting bersama. Saya pikir itu yang
wawancara dengan dua bintangnya, Richie beragam jenis senjata yang beratnya beda- membuat film ini sukses.
Ren dan Wong Xiao Ming khusus untuk beda. Itu mensyaratkan latihan fisik yang
pembaca Prime Time. Berikut petikannya: berat, dan amat menantang buat saya. Saksikan The Sniper
Wong Xiao Ming: Karakter yang saya Minggu 7 Maret
pukul 20.00 WIB.
Celestial Movies akan memutar film mainkan seorang pendiam, tapi saya harus
The Sniper bulan ini. Bisa diceritakan
apa yang kalian rasakan saat syuting
film ini?
Richie Ren: Gaya penyutradaraan Dante
Lam saat adegan tembak-menembak di
kota akan membuatmu menahan nafas.
Syutingnya sangat menyenangkan, saya
jadi tahu seperti apa rasanya jadi anggota
penembak jitu kepolisian. Mereka bisa
berlama-lama diam demi membidik tepat
sasaran. Saya jadi makin hormat pada
Wong Xiao Ming: Saya gugup sekaligus
senang di saat bersamaan bekerjasama
dengan orang-orang baru di film ini. Film
ini sangat spesial.
Bagaimana rasanya syuting bersama
Dante Lam?
Richie Ren: Ia sutradara yang baik,
bersedia menghabiskan waktu untuk riset.
Ia juga sangat detil mensyut demi mendapat
gambar terbaik.
Wong Xiao Ming: Ia sutradara yang
membuat film dengan sungguh-sungguh. Ia
juga pintar membangun suasana kerja agar
aktornya lebih masuk ke dalam karakter
yang dimainkan.
The Sniper adalah film aksi. Apakah

teks: alif abdullah foto: telkomvision Februari 2009 | primetime |

Maret 2010 19

Sang Kapten
Tahta, harta, dan wanita adalah dalam asal Perancis. Vanessa adalah mantan
tiga hal yang kini amat lekat kekasih bek tim nasional Inggris Wayne
dengan sosok Kapten tim nasional Bridge dan memiliki anak bernama Jaydon
Inggris John Terry. Belakangan yang berumur 2 tahun. Publik menilai
publik Inggris mengecam tingkah Terry bukan hanya telah mengkhianati
laku Terry yang dinilai amat tidak keluarganya tapi juga sang rekan di tim
layak dilakukan sebagai seorang Three Lions. Tak hanya itu kini kecaman
kapten Inggris. Seperti diketahui untuk mencopot ban kapten pun terus
berselingkuh dengan Vanessa menyeruak.
Perroncel, seorang model pakaian Di tengah kecaman, ada beberapa pihak
yang tetap membela sang kapten. Ia adalah
Carlo Ancelotti, pelatih Chelsea. Ancelotti
berpandapat Terry akan tetap menjadi
seorang profesional dan akan sangat sulit
membayangkan Chelsea tanpa kehadiran
Terry. Sementara di kubu timnas, pelatih
Fabio Capello rupanya belum mengambil
sikap atas permintaan pencopotan
ban kapten, namun ia tetap yakin akan
profesionalisme Terry. Apakah masalah moral
ini bisa mengganggu persiapan Inggris
jelang Piala Dunia 2010? Bisa saja, karena
sosok kapten adalah cerminan wajah negara
di ruang publik, apalagi di event akbar
Piala Dunia. Saatnya melihat ketangguhan
seorang John Terry di dalam dan luar

Perubahan Roma
Klub AS Roma belakangan performanya memecut prestasi bek-bek Roma seperti
tengah menanjak. Maka tak heran publik Philipe Mexes dan Juan. Keduanya memang
amat menantikan duet punggawa timnas belakangan kerap agak santai seakan tak
Italia Francesco Totti dan Luca Toni di tersentuh dalam starting eleven Roma.
depan. Pelatih Claudio Ranieri memang tak Memang sejak Toni bergabung dari klub
banyak melakukan perubahan sepeninggal Bayern Munchen, keduanya belum pernah
pelatih sebelumnya Luciano Spalletti. bermain bersama. Awalnya Totti pulih
Sedikit yang dilakukannya adalah merekrut dari cedera. Namun kini giliran Toni yang
bek Nicolas Burdisso asal Inter Milan demi mengalami cedera. Keberadaan Toni diyakini
akan mengubah fungsi
Totti sebagai penyerang
target. Namun Anda juga
jangan melupakan peran
penyerang Mirko Vucinic
yang belakangan kerap
menjadi mesin gol Roma.
Menarik jika melihat
ketiga pemain ini bermain
bersama. Toni dan Vucinic
sebagai penyerang dan Totti
yang mensuplai bola. Ingat
Totti juga dapat menjadi
penyerang lubang dan
sering membuat gol lewat
tendangan kerasnya.

20 | primetime | Maret 2010 Teks: TTNMX Foto: Ist

60 | prime time | juni 2009
River Without Frontiers
adalah bagian dari jurang pemisah antara
bagian timur dan barat Eropa, mengalir di
sepanjang wilayah negara yang dipengaruhi
tirai besi Uni Soviet dan jadi penanda
perbatasan tiga negara. Morova adalah
sungai yang ada sejak zaman purba.
Kemunculannya bahkan mendahului
pegunungan Alpen. Saat Morava meluap,
ia bisa menimbulkan bencana banjir yang
skalanya menyamai jika sungai besar
Amazon dan Orinoco meluap. Sekarang,
Morava mengalir di jantung Eropa tengah.
Ia jadi penanda dataran basah dan kering,
pembatas antara negara dan bangsa, bahkan
di antara benua. Labirin sungai Morava
membelah Eropa, mengular mulai dari laut
Baltik hinga terus ke Laut Hitam.
Nah, program ini mengungkap segala
sisi unik alam liar yang tersaji di sepanjang
Morava. Lihat betapa nyamannya sungai ini
BULAN MARET ini, Animal Planet mengajak hewan yang tak terhitung jumlahnya. seperti angsa, burung bangau, rusa merah,
Anda dalam perjanan ke alam liar dan Menyadari hal itu, Animal Planet babi hutan, elang raja, dan beragam unggas
menyingkap keindahan magis Morava menyajikan River Without Frontiers yang air lain. Bersiaplah dibuat terpukau pada
lewat River Without Frontiers. Morava mengikuti migrasi hewan-hewan penghuni keindahan alam nan alami dan beragamnya
adalah sungai yang arusnya melintasi Morava dari timur ke barat, termasuk habitat yang menjadikan Morava jadi rumah
jantung benua Eropa. Panjangnya kira-kira menjadi saksi burung-burung yang setiap bersama bagi banyak satwa—sebuah bentuk
354 km. Sungai itu mengalir di sepanjang tahun datang ke Eropa utara setelah harmonisasi alam yang mengagumkan.
perbatasan, menyusup ke dalam Slovakia terbang jauh dari Afrika lalu kembali ke Binatang-binatang itu saling membagi
dan Austria sebelum bertemu dengan arus sana—sebuah siklus yang tak mengenal tempat dan hidup damai menyatu dengan
sungai Danube. Dataran lembab pinggir perbatasan negara dan rumitnya birokrasi alam. Jadi, tak ada alasan menolak ajakan
sungai, rawa-rawa dan air sungai jadi tempat saat bepergian. Animal Planet ke Eropa menyusuri sungai
persembunyian nyaman bagi beragam jenis Tidak lama sebelumnya, sungai Morava Morava.

Saksikan River Without Frontiers, Minggu, 28 Maret, pukul 19.00 WIB

The Simple Life (Season 4)

KITA tahu mereka putri orang kaya. Paris mengerjakan tugas seorang ibu
Hilton kelak akan mewarisi jaringan Hotel seperti memasak, membersihkan
Hilton dan bisnis real estate dari ayahnya. rumah, dan mengasuh anak.
Sedang satunya lagi, Nicole Richie, anak Kemudian, keluarga yang mereka
angkat dari penyanyi Lionel Richie. Sejak tinggali akan menilai siapa di
kecil mereka sudah dimanja dan hidup antara keduanya yang paling benar
serba enak. Maka, ketika mereka diminta mengerjakan tugas. Kekacauan
hidup sederhana seperti orang kebanyakan, apa yang mereka timbulkan dan
orang ingin tahu seperti apa jadinya. Kira- bagaimana mereka beradaptasi
kira, itulah mengapa acara reality show The dengan tugas ibu rumah tangga
Simple Life disukai orang. Rasanya senang adalah yang membuat tayangan ini
melihat orang yang biasa hidup enak, kikuk tetap dinanti.
saat mesti hidup sederhana. Memang, Saat tayang perdana di AS
seringkali keduanya malah bikin kacau. sana, season keempat membetot
Tapi itu malah bikin kita makin senang perhatian 1,3 juta pasang mata
menertawakannya. penonton TV. Itu angka yang
Lantaran disuka penonton, The Simple tergolong besar untuk sebuah
Life bertahan melewati season ketiga. Bulan tayangan reality show. Apalagi,
ini, Star World menayangkan season keempat di season kali ini Paris dan Nicole
yang diberi tajuk “’Til Death do us Part”. sedikit tampil beda. Tidak seperti
Menengok season sebelumnya, Paris dan sebelum-sebelumnya yang menyita
Nicole telah jadi anggota keluarga sebuah handphone dan kartu kredit mereka,
pemilik peternakan di Arkansas (season kali ini Paris dan Nicole dibolehkan
satu), mengelilingi pedalaman Amerika menggunakannya. Mereka bahkan
mencoba berbagai hal (season dua), dan bebas menyandang status sebagai
magang jadi pegawai berbagai perusahaan selebritas dan sosialita Hollywood. Ini direpotkan oleh kehidupan pribadi mereka
(season tiga). Kali ini, keduanya ditantang dimungkinkan lantaran keluarga yang sesungguhnya sebagai selebritas. Season
peran baru: jadi ibu rumah tangga. Ya, kali mereka singgahi semuanya berada di Los ini berakhir dengan sebuah kejutan, Paris
ini, kedua bintang dan sosialita kelas atas Angeles, tak jauh dari tempat mereka memelototi Nicole sambil berujar, “Kita
itu mesti mengerjakan semua tugas ibu tinggal. Hal ini malah membuat tontonan perlu bicara,” dan Nicole tidak terima sambil
rumah tangga. Dalam setiap episode, Paris makin menarik. Di sela kesibukan berperan menjawab, “Mari bicara...” Apa yang terjadi
dan Nicole tinggal di rumah orang dan harus jadi ibu rumah tangga, keduanya mesti di antara mereka? Tonton saja sendiri, ya.

Saksikan The Simple Life (Season 4), Sabtu, mulai 6 Maret, pukul 22.00 WIB

22 | primetime | Maret 2010

The Curious Case Of Benjamin Button
KEKUATAN utama film ini, The 28 Agustus 1962 ini adalah salah satu
Curious Case of Benjamin Button sutradara Hollywood generasi baru
adalah premisnya; seorang anak (membuat film sejak 1990-an) paling
manusia terlahir sebagai bayi diperhitungkan di angkatannya. Ia dikenal
berusia 80 tahun. Ia menjalani hidup pada gaya bertuturnya yang penuh gaya
HBO ® is a registered trademark of Home Box Office, Inc. Used with permission. © 2008 Warner Bros Entertainment, Inc. All rights reserved

berbalikan dengan kita, bila kita dan gelap di setiap film-filmnya. Sejak
tumbuh dewasa dan semakin tua, kemunculannya, penyutradaraan Fincher
ia malah tumbuh semakin muda. sudah jadi perbincangan. Setiap filmnya
Hidupnya mundur. Aslinya, kisah ditafsirkan sedemikian rupa oleh kritikus
ini diangkat dari cerita pendek dan akademisi film. Namun, saat ia jadi
sastrawan F. Scott Fitzgerald. Eric gunjingan, kekaguman, atau bikin iri selama
Roth, yang juga menulis skenario dua dekade terakhir, Fincher terus membuat
Forrest Gump, mengadaptasinya jadi film. Ia berkembang dari satu film ke film
naskah film. lain. Perhatikan film-film yang dibuatnya
Hm, temanya saja sudah menarik di awal kariernya, Se7en (1995), The Game
hati. Apalagi begitu melihat siapa (1997), Fight Club (1999), lalu ke filmnya di
yang mengusung kisahnya jadi dekade 2000-an, Zodiac (2007) lalu ini, The
film. Nama Brad Pitt dan Cate Curious Case of Benjamin Button. Anda akan
Blanchett di poster film mungkin lihat Fincher semakin matang menguasai
langsung yang paling menarik medium film. Ia mungkin tak segelap di
perhatian. Mereka memang yang tahun 1990-an dulu, tapi sisi personal
paling mudah dikenali. Pitt, kita manusia tetaplah ia kulik habis. Kali ini ia
tahu, termasuk aktor paling tampan membincangkan tentang kematian, usia tua,
sejagad yang bikin gemas wanita hakikat umur, dan pencarian peran manusia
seluruh dunia. Kalau Cate Blanchett bagi kehidupan. Di tangan sutradara lain,
adalah aktris cantik yang berakting film ini mungkin akan berakhir seperti
bak bunglon. Ia selalu beruntung Forrest Gump yang jatuhnya jadi pamer
diajak main di film-film bermutu. kecanggihan teknologi merendengkan
Sudah begitu aktingnya tak pernah tokoh lampau di film. Beruntung, sentuhan
mengecewakan. dingin Fincher membuat film ini lebih
Tapi, yang membuat film ini personal dan meninggalkan kesan mendalam
istimewa adalah sutradaranya, usai ditonton. Sungguh. Bila tak percaya,
David Fincher. Pria kelahiran buktikan saja sendiri.

Saksikan The Curious Case of Benjamin Button, Sabtu, 20 Maret, pukul 20.00 WIB
Supernatural (Season 5)
Dunia terancam kiamat. Keselamatan ayahnya
umat manusia bergantung pada Winchester pergi. Sang
bersaudara yang harus berjuang dalam ayah telah
pertarungan besar melawan makhluk paling melatihnya
jahat yang pernah ada, Sang Anti Kristus. melawan
Di ujung season 4, perisai 66 telah patah, makhluk
membuat sang setan bebas dan turun gaib. Mereka
ke bumi. Para malaikat dengan maksud juga mencari
terselubung meminta bantuan Dean dalam jawab atas
rencananya melawan kekuatan iblis. Tapi, kematian
karena tahu cara itu akan juga membunuh sang ibu
jutaan umat manusia, Dean menolak yang masih
membantu. Maka, Dean dan Sam melakukan menghantui.
hal yang tak mungkin: membunuh sendiri Season 5
sang iblis. Dalam usahanya melakukan itu, rencananya
mereka harus berhadapan dengan berbagai akan tayang
jenis makhluk jahat, seperti roh jahat, vampir, dalam 22
Trickster, benda-benda yang dikutuk, orang episode.
kesurupun, sampai setan paling jahat, Sang Bila serial
Anti Kristus. lain mulai
Itulah kira-kira kisah season 5 dari serial kelihatan
Supernatural yang tayang bulan ini di AXN melantur,
Beyond. Jared Padalecki dan Jensen Ackles berpanjang-panjang, atau melebar dari Pencipta serial ini, Eric Kripke, pernah
kembali berperan sebagai dua bersaudara konsep awal kisahnya, tak demikian dengan mengatakan kalau serialnya akan berakhir
Sam dan Dean Winchester. Saat tayang Supernatural. Serial yang setiap episodenya di season kelima. Hal ini membuat season
pertama kali 2006 lalu, serial ini punya digarap maksimal ini malah makin memikat 5 menjadi yang paling menyita perhatian.
konsep menggabungkan Route 66 dengan diikuti. Supernatural tetap membuat asyik Sementara itu, ada kabar dua bintangnya
aura The X-Files dan sedikit Star Wars serta ditonton, tanpa Anda merasa dibodohi. telah tanda tangan kontrak untuk season 6.
The Matrix. Sebuah genre horor dengan Tanpa perlu berdalih macam-macam, Hm, akankah serial ini betulan berakhir atau
tema besar selayaknya road movie. Tema kisahnya menyajikan tanya tentang Tuhan berlanjut, kita tunggu saja.
kisahnya, Sam dan Dean mengendarai mobil sambil tetap menyuguhkan efek seram dan
Chevy Impala tahun ‘67 mencari kemana seru sebagai tontonan.

Saksikan Supernatural (Season 5), mulai 8 Maret, setiap Senin, pukul 22.00 WIB

Maret 2010 | primetime | 23

percintaan, Nie tak kunjung menemukan cinta Batman, ksatria kegelapan, bergabung
sejati. Hingga ia bermimpi buruk dan bertemu 7 bersama pahlawan super lainnya di DC
malaikat yang mengatakannya akan ketemu Universe, menghadirkan aksi petualangan
12 kesempatan yang membuatnya bertemu seru. Blue Beetle, Green Arrow, Aquaman, dan
Mr. Right. Maka, Nie mengalami petualangan yang lainnya bertarung bersama Batman, meski
cintanya yang penuh kejutan. kekuatan dan kepribadian mereka terasa aneh

bagi pahlawan dari kota Gotham ini. Dalam
8 Maret, 20.30 WIB beraksi di serial ini, Batman bepergian keluar
Gotham memerangi kejahatan mengandalkan
Rules of Engagement gadget canggih dan kemampuan beladirinya.
(Season 2)
channel Ditulis oleh tim penulis peraih Emmy
10 Channel Terfavorit 4 Awards lewat Everybody Loves Raymond,
Pilihan Anda Bulan Ini Star World mempersembahkan Rules
of Engagement, serial komedi tentang dua
pasangan dan seorang kawan yang harus
berurusan dengan rumitnya kencan, komitmen,
7 Maret, 20.00 WIB dan perkawinan. Season ini diisi persoalan Jeff
Yes Man (Patrick Warburton) yang suka mendengkur
harus menerima untuk pindah tidur ke kamar
Carl Allen sudah bercerai, dan merasa terjebak tamu, Adam (Oliver Hudson) dan Jennifer (Bianca
1 dalam pekerjaan yang rutin tiada akhir tapi Kajlich) mencoba merekam video seksi mereka,
kariernya tak maju-maju. Ia merasa hidupnya Audrey (Megyn Price) melindungi adiknya dari
jalan di tempat. Kendati begitu, segalanya berubah ”the pery” Russell (David Spade), dan kelompok
ini menghabiskan waktu berlibur bersama. Setiap Kamis, 20.00 WIB
setelah ia menghadiri seminar motivasi-diri dan
menerima tantangan untuk mengatakan ”ya” Dhani Tackles theGlobe
pada apa saja. Sejak itu, Carl punya kekasih baru,
mendapat promosi dan punya banyak teman. Ia Dhani Jones percaya untuk mengerti benar
menjadi sosok yang lebih terbuka. Tapi Carl kini 8 budaya suatu tempat, haruslah memahami
bukan lagi orang yang bijaksana. Dibintangi Jim permainan yang orang-orang di tempat
Carrey, Zooey Deschanel, Bradley Cooper, dan John itu mainkan. Dengan dasar itu, pemain football
Michael Higgins. American NFL ini berkeliling bumi mencoba
berbagai permainan olahraga paling unik di
dunia—sambil menyantap makanan khas dan
menyelami budaya setempat. Berbagai permainan
ia coba, entah pakai bola, raket, atau yang sekadar
mengandalkan otot. Jadi, ikutlah bersama Dhani
di acara Dhani Tackles the Golbe.
20 Maret, 20.00 WIB
13-14 Maret, 13.00 WIB
Vacancy 2: The First Cut Stitch! The Marathon
Mengira hanya akan menginap semalaman Akhir pekan ini mari beruka ria bersama
5 saja, Caleb dan tunangannya yang seksi, 9 karakter Disney Channel, Stitch! The
Jessica dan sahabatnya Tanner, memilih Marathon. Ikuti petualangan Stitch yang
14 Maret, 20.00 WIB motel kecil Meadow View Inn yang sepi. biasanya berakhir kacau dalam melakukan
Mereka tak pernah mengira kalau motel itu 43 perbuatan baik untuk memenuhi legenda
Max Payne tak sekadar motel yang sepi, tapi perangkap Batu Spiritual, yang akan membuat apapun
telah dipasang untuk menjebak, mensiksa, lalu permintaannya dikabulkan. Dengan bantuan
Diangkat dari video game interaktif membunuh siapa saja yang masuk ke motel itu. Yuna, anak cewek berumur 7 tahun tak kenal
2 legendaries, Max Payne mengisahkan Mr. Smith, pembunuh maniak dan sadis, dan takut yang tinggal di pulau, Profesor Jumba
tentang polisi jagoan yang diperankan komplotannya telah menunggu dengan tekun. dan Plakley, Stitch mendapati, terkadang
Mark Wahlberg, mencari orang-orang yang Saat mereka tahu bahaya mangancam, mereka persahabatan adalah satu-satunya hal yang kau
bertanggungjawab membunuh keluarga dan harus menyelamatkan diri agar tak jadi mangsa. perlukan.
rekannya. Terobsesi oleh dendam, investigasi Dibintangi David Moscow, Agnes Bruckner, dan
yang dilakukannya membawa pada mimpi Scott Anderson.
buruk kehidupan penjahat bawah tanah. Saat 17 Maret, 20.00 WIB
misteri makin terungkap, Max Payne dihadapkan
21 Maret, 21.00 WIB Sea Patrol (Season 3)
pada musuh yang di luar nalar manusia dan
pengkhianatan yang tak pernah ia duga. S.I.S. Ini adalah program TV Australia paling
Dibintangi Mark Wahlberg, Mila Kunis, Beau 10 mahal ongkos produksinya. Di wilayah laut
Bridges. Sebuah tim pasukan elit dinas polisi rahasia Australia, kapal patroli laut yang tergabung
6 Los Angeles dibentuk untuk memerangi dalam kesatuan Royal Australian Navy (RAN)
kebrutalan penjahat di Los Angeles. Tim berpatroli menjaga dan menegakkan hukum
ini dikenal atas caranya yang tak kalah keras di laut Australia. Setiap episode menampilkan
dibanding penjahat yang diburunya. Namun, bagaimana patrol menangani pelanggaran
tim ini mendapat lawan sepadan saat harus hukum seperti penangkapan ikan secara ilegal,
berhadapan dengan penjahat licin yang meneror pendatang haram, dan lain-lain. Season 3 dimulai
kota. Dibintangi Matt Nable, Peter Stebbings, dengan kematian Josh “ET” Holiday (David
Omari Hardwick. Lyons), yang tewas dalam kecelakaan saat

22 Maret, 18.00 WIB

Fit Lover
Sutradara Zhang Jia-ya kembali ingin
3 mengulang sukses film box office-nya
terdahulu, Call For Love tentang 12 Cewek
cantik mencari seorang pria pujaan. Kini, ia
memutar premisnya lewat Fit Lover. Aktris peraih
penghargaan Karena Lam berperan sebagai Setiap Jumat, 18.00 WIB
Nie Bing, pemandu talk show tenar. Meski
cantik, anggun, dan selalu tampil sebagai ahli
Batman: The Brave and The Bold TM
Sumber: Polling Website Telkomvision

Maret 2009 | primetime | 25

1 maret

06:00 Whose Line Is It Anyway? 03:15 Vancouver 2010 Olympic 20:00 Dirty Jobs S4
06:30 According To Jim Winter Games - Ice Hockey 21:00 Survivorman S2
00:00 21 07:00 Friends 05:45 Vancouver 2010 Olympic 22:00 Tattoo Hunter
02:00 Rachel Getting Married 07:30 EVERYBODY LOVES Winter Games - Figure 23:00 Dirty Jobs S4
04:00 Jimmy Hollywood RAYMOND Skating
06:00 Contact 08:00 Murder She Wrote 08:30 Vancouver 2010 Olympic
08:25 The Ruins 09:00 Boston Legal Winter Games - Closing
09:50 Spanglish 10:00 Asia Uncut Ceremony 00:00 Theme Week
12:00 Rachel Getting Married 11:00 UGLY BETTY 10:30 Planet Speed 2009/10 01:00 Theme Week
14:00 The Jane Austen Book Club 12:00 90210 10:59 Sportscenter Right Now 02:00 Theme Week
16:00 Micki + Maude 13:00 Murder She Wrote 11:00 Football Asia 2009/10 03:00 Hunter Hunted
18:00 Welcome Home Roscoe 14:00 7TH HEAVEN 11:30 Fina Aquatics World 04:00 Theme Week
Jenkins 15:00 Boston Legal 12:00 Sportscenter Right Now 05:00 Theme Week
20:00 Bored To Death S103: 16:00 Are You Smarter Than A 5th 12:01 2010 US Figure Skating 06:00 Theme Week
The Case Of The Missing
Grader? Championships 07:00 Air Crash Investigation 11:00 Globo Loco 18:00 My Friends Tigger & Pooh
Screenplay 17:00 Whose Line Is It Anyway? 14:00 Sportscenter Right Now 08:00 ABOUT ASIA 11:30 Yin Yang Yo! 18:30 Little Einsteins
20:30 Bored To Death S104: 17:30 According To Jim 14:01 Incredible Dog Challenge 09:00 Locked Up Abroad 12:00 Mr.Bean - The Animated 19:00 WordWorld
The Case Of The Stolen 18:00 Friends 15:00 Sportscenter Right Now 10:00 Cliffhangers 19:30 Mickey Mouse Clubhouse
Skateboard 18:30 EVERYBODY LOVES 15:01 PBA Tour : 67th Lumber 11:00 The Living Edens 20:00 Handy Manny
12:30 Mr.Bean - Live Action Series
21:00 Band Of Brothers S104: RAYMOND Liquidators US Open 12:00 ABOUT ASIA 20:30 Animal Mechanicals
13:00 Chicken Little
Replacements 19:00 The King Of Queens 16:30 Football Asia 2009/10 13:00 Food Lovers Guide To The 21:00 Chuggington
14:30 Upin & Ipin
22:00 Band Of Brothers S105: 19:30 SCRUBS 17:00 Simply The Best Plane 21:25 Bert And Ernie’s Great
15:00 Oggy And The Cockroaches
Crossroads 20:00 How I Met Your Mother 17:30 Vancouver 2010 - Day 17 13:30 Food Lovers Guide To The Adventures
15:30 Shaun The Sheep
23:00 Sex And The City S303: 20:30 RULES OF ENGAGEMENT - Morning H/L Plane 21:30 Special Agent Oso
16:00 Pucca
Attack Of The 5’ 10” Woman 21:00 Eli Stone 18:30 Sportscenter Asia 14:00 Built For The Kill 22:00 Dive Olly Dive
16:30 Pucca
23:30 Sex And The City S304: Boy, 22:00 TWO AND HALF MEN 19:00 FIFA Beach Soccer World Cup 15:00 Locked Up Abroad 22:25 Boowa And Kwala
17:00 Phineas And Ferb
Girl, Boy, Girl... 23:00 Whose Line Is It Anyway? 2009 Qualifiers Concacaf 16:00 My Brilliant Brain 22:30 Higglytown Heroes
17:30 Mr.Bean - The Animated
23:30 According To Jim 20:00 Vancouver 2010 - Day 17 17:00 Theme Week 23:00 Johnny And The Sprites
- Afternoon H/L 18:00 Air Crash Investigation 23:25 Boowa And Kwala
18:00 Mr.Bean - Live Action Series
21:00 Sportscenter Asia 19:00 ABOUT ASIA 23:30 Make Way For Noddy
18:30 Aladdin
21:30 FIFA Beach Soccer World Cup 20:00 Helicopter Wars
00:45 Fit To Kill 20:30 Mr.Bean - The Animated
2009 Qualifiers Concacaf 21:00 Megastructures
02:30 The Man Who Shot Liberty 00:00 Greek (S2) Series
22:30 Vancouver 2010 - Day 17 22:00 Theme Week
Valance 01:00 Midsomer Murders (S11) 21:00 Upin & Ipin
- Morning H/L 23:00 Super Factories 01:20 A Mongolian Tale
04:30 Reno 911: Miami 03:00 Word Of Honor 21:30 Shaun The Sheep
23:30 Vancouver 2010 - Day 17 03:20 Lamb Killer
06:00 A Man Called Gannon 05:00 Curse Of King Tut’s Tomb 22:00 Phineas And Ferb
- Afternoon H/L 04:55 Say Hello For Me
08:00 The Wire S303: Dead Soldiers 07:00 The Nanny (S4) 22:30 Wizards Of Waverly Place
06:55 Hearty Paw
08:55 The Wire S304: Hamsterdam 07:30 The Nanny (S4) 23:00 Hannah Montana
08:55 Women Prison
10:00 The Pigeon That Took Rome 08:00 The Oprah Winfrey Show 23:30 Shaun The Sheep
12:00 The Thirteenth Floor (S23) 00:00 2009 East Asian Games 00:00 Sex And The City S315: Hot 12:05 The Dragon Family
14:00 Fit To Kill 09:00 Haunting Sarah - Badminton Child In The City 13:40 Cinema Today
15:45 Helter Skelter 11:00 Greek (S2) 01:00 Malaysian Open 2010 00:30 Sex And The City S316: 14:40 Super Fans
18:00 Epad On Max 48 12:00 The Oprah Winfrey Show 02:30 Malaysian Open 2010 Frenemies 00:00 Bunnytown 16:20 Return Engagement
18:15 The Valley Of Gwangi 13:00 The Biggest Loser (S5) 04:00 Planet Speed 2009/10 01:00 Sex And The City S317: What 00:30 Thomas & Friends 18:15 Kung Fu Hip Hop
20:00 The Day Of The Jackal 14:00 Mystery Woman: Game Time 04:30 Hot Water 2009/10 Goes Around Comes Around 00:50 Pororo - The Little Penguin 20:00 Cop Unbowed
22:15 Fit To Kill 16:00 ER (S8) 05:30 Malaysian Open 2010 01:30 Sex And The City S318: Cock 01:00 Mickey Mouse Clubhouse 21:30 SPL
17:00 The Nanny (S4) 07:00 2009/10 GP 2 Asia Series A Doodle Do! 01:25 Tiny Planets 23:05 Death Note
17:30 The Nanny (S4) 09:00 2009 East Asian Games 02:00 Harold & Kumar Escape From 01:30 My Friends Tigger & Pooh
18:00 The Biggest Loser (S5) Guantanamo Bay 02:00 Handy Manny
- Swimming (Day 3)
01:45 Feast 19:00 The Oprah Winfrey Show 03:40 One Missed Call 02:30 System Maintenance – Ph
11:00 Malaysian Open 2010
03:15 Flu Birds 20:00 Without A Trace (S4) 05:00 Stripes Asia
12:30 Malaysian Open 2010 00:00 ANIMAL PLANET
21:00 Hidden Places 07:00 The Tudors S201: Everything 03:25 Mouss & Boubidi
04:50 Solar Destruction 14:00 Malaysian Open 2010 SHOWCASE
23:00 The Nanny (S4) Is Beautiful 03:30 Mighty Jungle, The
06:20 Death At A Funeral 15:30 2009/10 GP 2 Asia Series 01:00 ANIMAL PLANET
23:30 The Nanny (S4) 08:00 New Best Friend 03:55 Adventures Of Little Brown
07:55 Doctor Dolittle: Tail To The 17:30 KFC Malaysia World SHOWCASE
09:25 Front Of The Class Bear, The
Chief Band Competition 2009 02:00 New Breed Vets with Steve
11:00 Revolution 04:00 Play With Me Sesame
09:30 Two Weeks - Highlights 04:30 Clifford, The Big Red Dog Irwin
11:15 Diminished Capacity 12:30 The House Of Yes
18:30 FA Cup 09/10 04:55 Toopy And Binoo 03:00 Animal Planet Reveals Asia
12:50 Before The Devil Knows 00:00 Masters Of Illusion 14:00 Batman: Gotham Knight
20:30 Score Tonight 05:00 JoJo’s Circus 04:00 Fooled By Nature
You’re Dead 01:00 Csi: Crime Scene 15:15 Stripes
21:00 Lives In The Fast Lane 05:25 Boowa And Kwala 04:30 Fooled By Nature
14:40 Legally Blondes Investigation (Season 10) 17:00 The Fighting Temptations
21:30 Engine Block 2010 05:30 Barney & Friends 05:00 ANIMAL PLANET
16:10 Talk To Me 02:00 Csi: Miami (Season 6) 19:00 The Tudors S201: Everything
22:00 F1 Classics - 2000 German 06:00 Pocoyo SHOWCASE
18:10 Mad Money 03:00 Csi: Ny (Season 5) Is Beautiful
Grand Prix 06:30 Higglytown Heroes 06:00 ANIMAL PLANET
20:00 Silence Of The Lambs, The 04:00 Chuck (Season 2) 20:00 The Wire S501: More With
23:00 Lives In The Fast Lane 07:00 My Friends Tigger & Pooh SHOWCASE
22:00 Thelma And Louise 05:00 Wipeout (Season 1) Less
23:30 Engine Block 2010 07:25 Bert And Ernie’s Great 07:00 Echo and the Elephants of
06:00 Leverage 21:00 Alive
Adventures Amboseli
07:00 Csi: Crime Scene 23:00 Cool World 07:30 Little Einsteins 07:30 Meerkat Manor
Investigation (Season 9) 08:00 WordWorld 08:00 Wild Hearts
08:00 Csi: Miami (Season 7) 08:30 Mickey Mouse Clubhouse
00:00 Human Cloning 09:00 Groomer Has It 2
01:00 Last Rites 09:00 Wipeout (Season 1) 09:00 Handy Manny
01:00 Machines Of Malice 10:00 Great Ocean Adventures 2
02:45 Tank Girl 10:00 Leverage 09:30 Animal Mechanicals
02:00 Octoman 00:00 Shaolin Wuzang 11:00 Planet’s Funniest Animals 6
04:30 Youngblood 11:00 Csi: Crime Scene 09:55 Classic Tales
03:00 Solved S2 00:30 Donald Duck Presents 11:30 Planet’s Funniest Animals 6
06:15 Without you I’m Nothing Investigation (Season 9) 10:00 Chuggington
04:00 Extreme Forensics 01:00 Replacements, The 12:00 Big Cat Diary 5
07:45 Texasville 12:00 Spider-man 2 10:20 Pororo - The Little Penguin
05:00 Treasure Quest 01:30 American Dragon: Jake Long 12:30 Monkey Business 8
10:00 Pope of Greenwich Village 14:30 Ebuzz 10:30 Special Agent Oso
06:00 Survivorman S2 02:00 Kim Possible 13:00 The Animals’ Guide to
11:45 Dreamchild 15:00 Csi: Crime Scene 11:00 Dive Olly Dive
07:00 Human Body: Pushing The 02:30 System Maintenance – Dc Survival
13:30 Madhouse Investigation (Season 9) 11:25 Tiny Planets
Limits Asia 14:00 Echo and the Elephants of
15:00 Oleanna 16:00 Whacked Out Sports (Season 11:30 Higglytown Heroes
08:00 Human Cloning 03:30 Suite Life Of Zack And Cody, Amboseli
16:30 The Mercenary 2) 12:00 Animal Mechanicals
09:00 Sci Fi Science The 14:30 Meerkat Manor
18:15 Sometimes They Come Back 16:30 Spider-man 2 12:25 Bert And Ernie’s Great
09:30 Sci Fi Science 04:00 Hannah Montana 15:00 Wild Hearts
20:00 Kiss the Sky 19:00 The Amazing Race (Season Adventures
10:00 Rampage! 04:30 Wizards Of Waverly Place 12:30 Dibo The Gift Dragon 16:00 Groomer Has It 2
22:00 A Guy Thing 16)
11:00 How Do They Do It? S5 05:00 Good Morning Mickey 13:00 My Friends Tigger & Pooh 17:00 Planet’s Funniest Animals 6
23:45 Hidden Agenda 20:00 So You Think You Can Dance
11:30 How It’s Made S11 05:30 Good Morning Mickey 13:30 Handy Manny 17:30 Planet’s Funniest Animals 6
(Season 6)
12:00 Mythbusters S4 06:00 House Of Mouse 14:00 Special Agent Oso 18:00 Big Cat Diary 5
22:00 The Amazing Race (Season
13:00 Human Body: Pushing The 06:30 Donald Duck Presents 14:30 Dive Olly Dive 18:30 Monkey Business 8
Limits 07:00 Animal Mechanicals 15:00 Chloe’s Closet 19:00 The Animals’ Guide to
23:00 So You Think You Can Dance
01:00 AMERICAN IDOL 14:00 Human Cloning 07:30 Dibo The Gift Dragon 15:25 Classic Tales Survival
(Season 6)
02:00 DAVID LETTERMAN 15:00 Survivorman S2 08:00 Twisted Whiskers 15:30 Clifford, The Big Red Dog 20:00 Echo and the Elephants of
03:00 7TH HEAVEN 16:00 Deadliest Catch S5 08:30 Replacements, The 16:00 Dibo The Gift Dragon Amboseli
04:00 According To Jim 17:00 How It’s Made S11 09:00 Phineas And Ferb 16:30 Mickey Mouse Clubhouse 20:30 Meerkat Manor
04:30 Friends 00:30 Vancouver 2010 Olympic 17:30 How Do They Do It? S5 09:30 Totally Spies 17:00 Pocoyo 21:00 Wild Hearts
05:00 RULES OF ENGAGEMENT Winter Games - Cross- 18:00 Gateway Asia 10:00 Totally Spies 17:30 Higglytown Heroes 22:00 Groomer Has It 2
05:30 RULES OF ENGAGEMENT Country Skiing 19:00 Man Vs Wild S4 10:30 Monster Allergy 17:55 Tiny Planets 23:00 Great Ocean Adventures 2

Scrubs (Season 9)
Serial komedi dunia medis, Scrubs memasuki season final! Setelah berhenti untuk
bekerja di rumah sakit lain, J.D. (Zach Braff), yang baru menikah, kembali ke Sacred
Heart untuk mengajar mahasiswa kedokteran bersama Chris Turk (Donald Faison),
Perry Cox (John C. McGinley), Denise (Eliza Coupe), dan Bob Kelso (Ken Jenkins).
Bersama, mereka jadi dosen (dan menginspirasi) mahasiswa baru fakultas kedokteran,
Pukul 19.30 WIB termasuk si cantik Lucy (Kerry Bish), mantan mahasiswa drop out Drew (Michael
Mosley), dan si congkak Cole (Dave Franco).

26 | primetime | Maret 2010

2 maret

02:00 DAVID LETTERMAN 16) 01:00 Deadliest Catch S5 Series 17:55 Tiny Planets
02:55 Dilbert 19:00 Csi: Miami (Season 6) 02:00 Rampage! 03:30 Suite Life Of Zack And Cody, 18:00 My Friends Tigger & Pooh
03:00 7TH HEAVEN 20:00 Terminator: The Sarah 03:00 Mythbusters S4 The 18:30 Little Einsteins
00:00 Rachel Getting Married 03:55 MARRIED WITH CHILDREN Connor Chronicles (Season 2) 04:00 Survivorman S2 04:00 Hannah Montana 19:00 WordWorld
01:50 The Ruins 04:00 According To Jim 21:00 Supernatural (Season 4) 05:00 Gateway Asia 04:30 Wizards Of Waverly Place 19:30 Mickey Mouse Clubhouse
03:15 Band Of Brothers S104: 04:30 Friends 22:00 24 (Season 7) 06:00 Rampage! 05:00 Good Morning Mickey 20:00 Handy Manny
Replacements 05:00 Are You Smarter Than A 5th 23:00 Terminator: The Sarah 07:00 Dirty Jobs S4 05:30 Good Morning Mickey 20:30 Animal Mechanicals
04:15 Band Of Brothers S105: Grader? Connor Chronicles (Season 2) 08:00 Tattoo Hunter 06:00 House Of Mouse 21:00 Chuggington
Crossroads 06:00 Whose Line Is It Anyway? 09:00 Storm Chasers S3 06:30 Donald Duck Presents 21:25 Bert And Ernie’s Great
05:05 Bored To Death S103: 06:30 According To Jim 10:00 Gateway Asia 07:00 Animal Mechanicals Adventures
The Case Of The Missing 07:00 Friends 11:00 How Do They Do It? S5 07:30 Dibo The Gift Dragon 21:30 Special Agent Oso
Screenplay 00:30 Sportscenter Asia
07:30 EVERYBODY LOVES 11:30 How It’s Made S11 08:00 Twisted Whiskers 22:00 Dive Olly Dive
05:30 Bored To Death S104: 01:00 ACC Sunday Night Hoops
RAYMOND 12:00 Mythbusters S5 08:30 Replacements, The 22:25 Boowa And Kwala
The Case Of The Stolen 03:00 US Open 9-Ball
08:00 Murder She Wrote 13:00 Seven Wonders Of Ancient 09:00 Phineas And Ferb 22:30 Higglytown Heroes
Skateboard Championship 2009
08:55 Bewitched Rome 09:30 Totally Spies 23:00 Johnny And The Sprites
06:00 Bernard And Doris 04:00 Incredible Dog Challenge
09:00 Boston Legal 14:00 Tattoo Hunter 10:00 Totally Spies 23:25 Boowa And Kwala
08:00 Rachel Getting Married 05:00 New Pollution Series 3 #1
09:55 Dilbert 15:00 Dirty Jobs S4 10:30 Monster Allergy 23:30 Make Way For Noddy
10:00 Coming To America 05:30 Sportscenter Asia
10:00 The King Of Queens 16:00 Octoman 11:00 Globo Loco
12:00 Murder By Numbers 06:00 Beach Soccer Eurocup 2009
10:30 SCRUBS 17:00 How It’s Made S11 11:30 Yin Yang Yo!
14:00 Free Willy 07:00 Vancouver 2010 - Day 17
11:00 How I Met Your Mother 17:30 How Do They Do It? S5 12:00 Mr.Bean - The Animated
16:00 Rachel Getting Married - Afternoon H/L 01:15 Free Fighter
11:30 RULES OF ENGAGEMENT 18:00 Man Made Marvels: Shanghai Series
17:55 The Making Of The Ruins 08:00 Sportscenter Right Now 03:05 Springtime
12:00 Eli Stone Makeover 12:30 Mr.Bean - Live Action Series
18:10 The Ruins 08:01 Incredible Dog Challenge 05:20 City Kids 1989
13:00 Murder She Wrote 19:00 Seven Wonders Of China 13:00 Aladdin
19:35 Hbo Central 09:00 ACC Sunday Night Hoops 06:45 Nana
13:55 Bewitched 20:00 Half Man Half Tree 14:30 Upin & Ipin
20:00 Not Easily Broken 10:59 Sportscenter Right Now 08:45 My Mother The Mermaid
14:00 7TH HEAVEN 21:00 River Monsters 15:00 Oggy And The Cockroaches
21:40 Tmz 181 11:00 FIFA Beach Soccer World 10:40 Funeral March
14:55 Dilbert 22:00 Rampage! 15:30 Shaun The Sheep
22:00 Coming To America Cup 2009 Qualifiers 12:20 The Bare-Footed Kid
15:00 Boston Legal 23:00 Half Man Half Tree 16:00 Pucca
Concacaf 13:50 Hot Cops In The City
12:00 2010 US Figure Skating 15:10 My Name Is Fame
16:00 Are You Smarter Than A 5th 17:00 Phineas And Ferb
Championships 16:50 The Best Of Best
Grader? 17:30 Mr.Bean - The Animated
14:00 Sportscenter Right Now 18:25 Naked Weapon
00:00 The Thirteenth Floor 17:00 Whose Line Is It Anyway? 00:00 Air Crash Investigation Series
14:01 Sydney Running Festival 2009 20:00 Forest of Death
01:45 The Day Of The Jackal 17:30 According To Jim 01:00 Helicopter Wars 18:00 Mr.Bean - Live Action Series
15:00 Sportscenter Right Now 21:45 Rob-B-Hood
04:15 The Valley Of Gwangi 18:00 Friends 02:00 Megastructures 18:30 Hunchback Of Notre Dame,
15:01 ACC Sunday Night Hoops 23:55 252 Signal of Life
06:00 Helter Skelter 18:30 EVERYBODY LOVES 03:00 Super Factories The
17:00 Almost Anything Goes
08:15 Reno 911: Miami RAYMOND 04:00 Helicopter Wars 20:30 Mr.Bean - The Animated
17:30 FIFA Beach Soccer World
09:30 The Day Of The Jackal 19:00 90210 05:00 Megastructures Series
Cup 2009 Qualifiers
11:45 Epad On Max 48 20:00 UGLY BETTY 06:00 Theme Week 21:00 Upin & Ipin
12:00 Iron Eagle 21:00 Lipstick Jungle 07:00 Air Crash Investigation 21:30 Shaun The Sheep 00:00 Big Cat Diary 5
18:30 Sportscenter Asia
14:30 A Man Called Gannon 22:00 TWO AND HALF MEN 08:00 ABOUT ASIA 22:00 Phineas And Ferb 00:30 Monkey Business 8
19:00 Football Focus With John
16:30 The Thirteenth Floor 23:00 Whose Line Is It Anyway? 09:00 Situation Critical 22:30 Wizards Of Waverly Place 01:00 The Animals’ Guide to
18:30 Reno 911: Miami 23:30 According To Jim 10:00 Animal Extractors 23:00 Hannah Montana Survival
20:00 Simply The Best
20:00 Best Of The Best 4: Without 11:00 Animal Autopsy 23:30 Shaun The Sheep 02:00 Echo and the Elephants of
20:30 Contenders, The
Warning 21:00 Sportscenter Asia 12:00 ABOUT ASIA Amboseli
21:30 Iron Eagle 21:30 Football Focus With John 13:00 Meet The Natives - USA 02:30 Meerkat Manor
23:30 The Day Of The Jackal Dykes 14:00 Built For The Kill 03:00 Wild Hearts
00:00 ER (S8)
15:00 Situation Critical 00:00 Bunnytown 04:00 Groomer Has It 2
01:00 Just A Dream 22:30 Football Asia 2009/10
16:00 Hayden Turner’s Wildlife 00:30 Thomas & Friends 05:00 Planet’s Funniest Animals 6
03:00 The Final Days Of Planet 23:00 Sportscenter Asia
Chall 00:50 Pororo - The Little Penguin 05:30 Planet’s Funniest Animals 6
Earth 23:30 Cev Beach Volleyball
16:30 Hidden World 30min 01:00 Mickey Mouse Clubhouse 06:00 Big Cat Diary 5
00:15 Shrooms 05:00 Curse Of King Tut’s Tomb European Championship Tour
17:00 Theme Week 01:25 Tiny Planets 06:30 Monkey Business 8
01:55 Tropa De Elite 07:00 The Nanny (S4) - Austrian Masters
18:00 Air Crash Investigation 01:30 My Friends Tigger & Pooh 07:00 Incredible Journeys with
03:55 Mad Money 07:30 The Nanny (S4)
19:00 ABOUT ASIA 02:00 Handy Manny Steve Leonard
05:45 Urgency 08:00 The Oprah Winfrey Show
20:00 Perilous Journeys 02:30 Special Agent Oso 08:00 Nick Baker’s Weird Creatures
07:20 Riddles Of The Sphinx, The (S23)
21:00 Cruise Ship Diaries 03:00 Barney & Friends II
09:00 Mrs. Doubtfire 09:00 Hidden Places 00:00 Score Tonight
22:00 Theme Week 03:30 Mighty Jungle, The 09:00 Rogue Nature with Dave
11:10 Silence Of The Lambs, The 11:00 Without A Trace (S4) 00:30 International Motorsport
23:00 Super Factories 04:00 Play With Me Sesame Salmoni
13:10 Death Sentence 12:00 The Oprah Winfrey Show News 2010
04:30 Clifford, The Big Red Dog 10:00 Great Ocean Adventures 2
15:00 Jingle All The Way 13:00 The Biggest Loser (S5) 01:30 Behind The Baseline
05:00 JoJo’s Circus 11:00 Planet’s Funniest Animals 6
16:35 Education Of Charlie Banks, 14:00 Just A Dream 02:00 Planet Speed 2009/10
05:25 Boowa And Kwala 11:30 Planet’s Funniest Animals 6
The 16:00 ER (S8) 02:30 Malaysian Open 2010
05:30 Barney & Friends 12:00 Big Cat Diary 5
18:20 Kill Switch 17:00 The Nanny (S4) 04:00 2009 East Asian Games
06:00 Pocoyo 12:30 Monkey Business 8
20:00 Elegy 17:30 The Nanny (S4) - Swimming (Day 3) 00:45 Batman: Gotham Knight
06:30 Higglytown Heroes 13:00 K9 Cops
21:50 Misery 18:00 The Biggest Loser (S5) 06:00 Lives In The Fast Lane 02:00 American Gigolo
07:00 My Friends Tigger & Pooh 14:00 Incredible Journeys with
23:45 Blank Slate 19:00 The Oprah Winfrey Show 06:30 Engine Block 2010 04:00 The Wire S501: More With
07:25 Bert And Ernie’s Great Steve Leonard
20:00 The Biggest Loser - Asia 07:00 International Motorsport Less
Adventures 15:00 Nick Baker’s Weird Creatures
21:20 Merlin (S2) News 2010 05:00 See You In The Morning
07:30 Little Einsteins II
22:20 The Starter Wife (S1) 08:00 Planet Speed 2009/10 07:00 The Tudors S202: Tears Of
08:00 WordWorld 16:00 Rogue Nature with Dave
23:15 The Nanny (S4) 08:30 Engine Block 2010 Blood
08:30 Mickey Mouse Clubhouse Salmoni
01:30 Chattahoochee 23:45 The Nanny (S4) 09:00 2009 East Asian Games 08:00 The House Of Yes
09:00 Handy Manny 17:00 Planet’s Funniest Animals 6
03:00 The Pride and the Passion - Swimming (Day 4) 09:30 Joe’s Apartment
09:30 Animal Mechanicals 17:30 Planet’s Funniest Animals 6
05:15 Dirty Pictures 11:00 International Motorsport 11:00 Harold & Kumar Escape From
09:55 Classic Tales 18:00 Big Cat Diary 5
07:00 The Couch Trip News 2010 Guantanamo Bay
01:00 Spider-man 2 10:00 Chuggington 18:30 Monkey Business 8
08:45 Convicts 12:00 KFC Malaysia World 12:30 New Best Friend
03:30 Ebuzz 10:20 Pororo - The Little Penguin 19:00 K9 Cops
10:15 The Christine Jorgensen Band Competition 2009 14:00 The New Guy
04:00 Csi: Miami (Season 7) 10:30 Special Agent Oso 20:00 Incredible Journeys with
Story - Highlights 15:30 Jesse Stone: Thin Ice
05:00 Wipeout (Season 1) 11:00 Dive Olly Dive Steve Leonard
11:45 Nothing Personal 13:00 Engine Block 2010 17:00 See You In The Morning
06:00 Leverage 11:25 Tiny Planets 21:00 Nick Baker’s Weird Creatures
13:30 A Prayer for the Dying 13:30 International Motorsport 19:00 The Tudors S202: Tears Of
07:00 Csi: Crime Scene 11:30 Higglytown Heroes II
15:15 Timebomb News 2010 Blood
Investigation (Season 9) 12:00 Animal Mechanicals 22:00 Rogue Nature with Dave
16:45 CrissCross 14:30 Malaysian Open 2010 20:00 The Wire S502: Unconfirmed
08:00 Csi: Miami (Season 7) 12:25 Bert And Ernie’s Great Salmoni
18:15 Electric Dreams 16:00 Malaysian Open 2010 Reports
09:00 Wipeout (Season 1) Adventures 23:00 Great Ocean Adventures 2
20:00 Straight out of Brooklyn 17:30 Lives In The Fast Lane 21:00 Front Of The Class
10:00 Leverage 12:30 Dibo The Gift Dragon
21:45 Fellini’s Roma 18:00 FA Cup 2009/10 Preview 23:00 Doomsday
11:00 Csi: Crime Scene 13:00 My Friends Tigger & Pooh
23:30 A Star for Two Show, The
Investigation (Season 9) 13:30 Handy Manny
18:30 FA Cup 09/10
12:00 So You Think You Can Dance 14:00 Special Agent Oso
20:30 Score Tonight
(Season 6) 14:30 Dive Olly Dive
21:00 Immortals, The
14:00 Csi: Miami (Season 7) 00:00 Shaolin Wuzang 15:00 Chloe’s Closet
21:30 Golf Focus 2010
00:00 Friends 15:00 Csi: Crime Scene 00:30 Donald Duck Presents 15:25 Classic Tales
22:00 Umac
00:30 EVERYBODY LOVES Investigation (Season 9) 01:00 Replacements, The 15:30 Clifford, The Big Red Dog
23:00 Classic Boxing 01:00hrs
RAYMOND 16:00 Wipeout (Season 1) 01:30 American Dragon: Jake Long 16:00 Dibo The Gift Dragon
01:00 Are You Smarter Than A 5th 17:00 World’s Most Amazing 02:00 Kim Possible 16:30 Mickey Mouse Clubhouse
Grader? Videos (Season 4) 02:30 Phineas And Ferb 16:30 Pocoyo
01:55 Bewitched 18:00 The Amazing Race (Season 00:00 Survivorman S2 03:00 Disney’s Lilo & Stitch: The 17:30 Higglytown Heroes

Forest of Death
Detektif Ha (Shu Qi) menyelidiki kasus di mana Patrick (Lawrence Chou) jadi tersangka
pembunuhan anak perdana menteri di hutan. Saat buntu tak menemukan petunjuk, ia
meminta bantuan ilmuwan Steven (Ekin Cheng), yang menganggap pepohonan punya
perasaan dan bisa berbicara dalam bahasanya sendiri. Kekasih Steven, May (Rain Lee),
Pukul 20.00 WIB penyiar TV, ikut penyelidikan mereka. Lantas, apa yang diungkap pohon-pohon itu?

Maret 2010 | primetime | 27

3 maret

03:55 MARRIED WITH CHILDREN 23:00 Wipeout (Season 2) 11:30 How It’s Made S11 08:30 Replacements, The 16:30 Mickey Mouse Clubhouse
04:00 According To Jim 12:00 Mythbusters S5 09:00 Phineas And Ferb 17:00 Pocoyo
00:00 Spanglish 04:30 Friends 13:00 Half Man Half Tree 09:30 Totally Spies 17:30 Higglytown Heroes
02:15 Welcome Home Roscoe 05:00 Are You Smarter Than A 5th 14:00 Storm Chasers S3 10:00 Totally Spies 17:55 Tiny Planets
00:30 Sportscenter Asia
Jenkins Grader? 15:00 Mean Machines: The 10:30 Monster Allergy 18:00 My Friends Tigger & Pooh
01:00 PBA Tour : 67th Lumber
04:10 The Jane Austen Book Club 06:00 Whose Line Is It Anyway? Transatlantic Challenge 11:00 Globo Loco 18:30 Little Einsteins
Liquidators US Open
06:00 Murder By Numbers 06:30 According To Jim 15:30 Mean Machines: The 11:30 Yin Yang Yo! 19:00 WordWorld
02:30 Planet Speed 2009/10
08:00 21 07:00 Friends Transatlantic Challenge 12:00 Mr.Bean - The Animated 19:30 Mickey Mouse Clubhouse
03:00 US Open 9-Ball
10:00 Not Easily Broken 07:30 EVERYBODY LOVES 16:00 Raging Planet S2 Series 20:00 Handy Manny
Championship 2009
11:35 Hbo Central RAYMOND 17:00 How It’s Made S11 12:30 Mr.Bean - Live Action Series 20:30 Animal Mechanicals
04:00 Sydney Running Festival 2009
12:00 Welcome Home Roscoe 08:00 Murder She Wrote 17:30 How Do They Do It? S5 13:00 Hunchback Of Notre Dame, 21:00 Chuggington
05:00 New Pollution Series 3 #2
Jenkins 08:55 Bewitched 18:00 Deadliest Catch S5 The 21:25 Bert And Ernie’s Great
05:30 Sportscenter Asia
14:00 Micki + Maude 09:00 Boston Legal 19:00 Planet Green 14:30 Upin & Ipin Adventures
06:00 Football Focus With John
15:50 Hollywood One On One 76 09:55 Dilbert 20:00 Prehistoric Disasters 15:00 Oggy And The Cockroaches 21:30 Special Agent Oso
16:20 Rocket Science
10:00 90210 21:00 Clash Of The Dinosaurs 15:30 Shaun The Sheep 22:00 Dive Olly Dive
07:00 Big East Conference
18:00 21 10:55 MARRIED WITH CHILDREN 22:00 Monsters Resurrected 16:00 Pucca 22:25 Boowa And Kwala
20:00 Sex And The City (The Movie) 11:00 UGLY BETTY 23:00 Prehistoric Disasters 16:30 Pucca 22:30 Higglytown Heroes
09:00 Sportscenter Right Now
22:20 Tmz 182 12:00 Lipstick Jungle 17:00 Phineas And Ferb 23:00 Johnny And The Sprites
09:01 ACC Sunday Night Hoops
22:40 Sex And The City S305: No 13:00 Murder She Wrote 17:30 Mr.Bean - The Animated 23:25 Boowa And Kwala
10:59 Sportscenter Right Now
Ifs, Ands, Or Butts 13:55 Bewitched Series 23:30 Make Way For Noddy
11:00 Football Focus With John
23:10 Sex And The City S306: Are 14:00 7TH HEAVEN 00:00 Air Crash Investigation 18:00 Mr.Bean - Live Action Series
We Sluts? 14:55 Dilbert 01:00 Perilous Journeys 18:30 Good Boy!
12:00 2010 US Figure Skating
23:35 Hollywood One On One 76 15:00 Boston Legal 02:00 Cruise Ship Diaries 20:30 Mr.Bean - The Animated
Championships 02:15 12 Lotus
15:55 MARRIED WITH CHILDREN 03:00 Super Factories Series
14:00 Sportscenter Right Now 04:25 Night Of The Shooting Stars
16:00 Are You Smarter Than A 5th 04:00 Perilous Journeys 21:00 Upin & Ipin
14:01 Cape To Cape Mtb 06:20 Fighting Fist
Grader? 05:00 Cruise Ship Diaries 21:30 Shaun The Sheep
15:00 Sportscenter Right Now 07:55 The Black Morning Glory
17:00 AMERICAN IDOL 06:00 Theme Week 22:00 Phineas And Ferb
15:01 Big East Conference 09:30 The Sky Crawlers
02:00 Best Of The Best 4: Without 19:00 AMERICAN IDOL 07:00 Seconds From Disaster 22:30 Wizards Of Waverly Place
Basketball 11:35 Happy Funeral
Warning 21:00 GLEE 08:00 ABOUT ASIA 23:00 Hannah Montana
17:00 Contenders, The 13:20 Ah Sou
03:30 Samson And Delilah 22:00 TWO AND HALF MEN 09:00 Carrier 23:30 Shaun The Sheep
17:30 Football Focus With John 14:55 Ming Ming
06:00 The Thirteenth Floor 23:00 AMERICAN IDOL 10:00 New Frontiers
Dykes 16:45 Return Of The Lucky Stars
08:00 Fit To Kill 11:00 Bite Me With Dr. Mike Leahy
18:30 Sportscenter Asia 18:15 Beast Cops
10:00 Reno 911: Miami 12:00 ABOUT ASIA
19:00 Tiger World Of Football 20:00 Eye In The Sky
12:00 The Wire S303: Dead 13:00 Lockdown
20:00 Football Asia 2009/10 00:00 Bunnytown 21:35 On His Majesty’s Secret
Soldiers 14:00 Built For The Kill
20:30 Contenders, The 00:30 Thomas & Friends Service
12:55 The Wire S304: Hamsterdam 00:15 ER (S8) 15:00 Carrier
21:00 Sportscenter Asia 00:50 Pororo - The Little Penguin 23:20 Cinema Today
14:00 Helter Skelter 01:10 Breaking Through 16:00 Wild Detectives
21:30 Tiger World Of Football 01:00 Mickey Mouse Clubhouse
16:30 Best Of The Best 4: Without 03:00 The Final Days Of Planet 16:30 Food Lovers Guide To The
22:30 Immortals, The 01:25 Tiny Planets
Warning Earth Plane
23:00 Sportscenter Asia 01:30 My Friends Tigger & Pooh
18:15 Fit To Kill 05:00 LaVyrle Spencer’s Home 17:00 Theme Week
23:30 Cev Beach Volleyball 02:00 Handy Manny
20:00 The Colony Song 18:00 Seconds From Disaster 00:00 Big Cat Diary 5
European Championship Tour 02:30 Special Agent Oso
21:30 The Wire S303: Dead 07:00 The Nanny (S4) 19:00 ABOUT ASIA 00:30 Monkey Business 8
- Austrian Masters 03:00 Barney & Friends
Soldiers 07:30 The Nanny (S4) 20:00 Wild Wednesday 01:00 K9 Cops
03:30 Mighty Jungle, The
22:25 The Wire S304: Hamsterdam 08:00 The Oprah Winfrey Show 21:00 Wild Wednesday 02:00 Incredible Journeys with
04:00 Play With Me Sesame
23:30 Reno 911: Miami (S22) 22:00 Theme Week Steve Leonard
04:30 Clifford, The Big Red Dog
08:55 Merlin (S2) 23:00 Super Factories 03:00 Nick Baker’s Weird Creatures
00:00 Score Tonight 05:00 JoJo’s Circus
09:50 The Starter Wife (S1) II
00:30 Max Power 2010/11 05:25 Boowa And Kwala
10:45 The Biggest Loser - Asia 04:00 New Breed Vets with Steve
01:30 Golf Focus 2010 05:30 Barney & Friends
01:25 Malibu Shark Attack 12:05 The Oprah Winfrey Show Irwin
02:00 Glitch 06:00 Pocoyo
03:05 Vip Access 13:00 The Biggest Loser (S5) 05:00 Planet’s Funniest Animals 6
02:30 Malaysian Open 2010 06:30 Higglytown Heroes
03:35 Kill Switch 14:00 Breaking Through 05:30 Planet’s Funniest Animals 6
04:00 2009 East Asian Games 00:45 Harold & Kumar Escape From 07:00 My Friends Tigger & Pooh
16:00 ER (S8) 06:00 Big Cat Diary 5
05:15 Shut Up & Sing Dixie Chicks - Swimming (Day 4) Guantanamo Bay 07:25 Bert And Ernie’s Great
17:00 The Nanny (S4) 06:30 Monkey Business 8
06:55 Planet B-boy 06:00 Golf Focus 2010 02:15 Front Of The Class Adventures 07:00 Raptors Uncovered
08:45 Boy A 17:30 The Nanny (S4) 06:30 Immortals, The 04:00 The Wire S502: Unconfirmed 07:30 Little Einsteins 08:00 BITE NITE
10:30 Elegy 18:00 The Biggest Loser (S5) 07:00 Max Power 2010/11 Reports 08:00 WordWorld 09:00 Night
12:20 27 Dresses 19:00 The Oprah Winfrey Show 08:00 Golf Focus 2010 05:00 A Mighty Heart 08:30 Mickey Mouse Clubhouse 09:30 Night
14:20 Get Shorty 20:00 American Dreams (S3) 08:30 Immortals, The 07:00 The Tudors S203: Checkmate 09:00 Handy Manny 10:00 The Crocodile Hunter 5
16:10 Flawless 21:00 Jane Doe: Til Death Do Us 09:00 2009 East Asian Games 07:55 One Missed Call 09:30 Animal Mechanicals 11:00 Planet’s Funniest Animals 6
18:05 Mermaids Part - Swimming (Day 5) 09:30 Revolution 09:55 Classic Tales 11:30 Planet’s Funniest Animals 6
20:00 Jumper 23:00 The Nanny (S4) 11:30 Planet Speed 2009/10 11:00 Radio Flyer 10:00 Chuggington 12:00 Big Cat Diary 5
21:35 Zathura: A Space Adventure 23:30 The Nanny (S4) 12:00 Golf Focus 2010 13:00 Harold & Kumar Escape From 10:20 Pororo - The Little Penguin 12:30 Monkey Business 8
23:25 Cyborg Soldier 12:30 Glitch Guantanamo Bay 10:30 Special Agent Oso 13:00 Spotlight: Earth
13:00 Immortals, The 14:45 The Fighting Temptations 11:00 Dive Olly Dive 14:00 Raptors Uncovered
13:30 Europe Top 12 17:00 A Mighty Heart 11:25 Tiny Planets 15:00 BITE NITE
00:00 Supernatural (Season 4) 16:00 Jet Sprint World 19:00 The Tudors S203: Checkmate 11:30 Higglytown Heroes 16:00 Night
01:00 Shield, The (Season 7) Championships 20:00 The Wire S503: Not For 12:00 Animal Mechanicals 16:30 Night
01:15 The Rosary Murders 02:00 Supernatural (Season 4) 17:00 FEI World Cup Jumping Arbitration 12:25 Bert And Ernie’s Great 17:00 Planet’s Funniest Animals 6
03:00 Eureka 03:00 Leverage 2009/10 21:00 Boyz N The Hood Adventures 17:30 Planet’s Funniest Animals 6
05:00 The Burning Bed 04:00 Csi: Miami (Season 7) 18:00 Global Football 23:00 American Gigolo 12:30 Dibo The Gift Dragon 18:00 Lemur Street
06:45 Yanks 05:00 Wipeout (Season 1) 18:30 FA Cup 09/10 13:00 My Friends Tigger & Pooh 18:30 Monkey Business 8
09:00 Hard Promises 06:00 Leverage 20:30 Score Tonight 13:30 Handy Manny 19:00 Spotlight: Earth
10:45 Reckless 07:00 Csi: Crime Scene 21:00 Masters Official Films 2005 14:00 Special Agent Oso 20:00 Elephants Uncovered
12:15 Peter’s Friends Investigation (Season 9) 22:00 FA Classics 14:30 Dive Olly Dive 20:30 Elephants Uncovered
14:00 In The Time of the Butterflies 08:00 Csi: Miami (Season 7) 00:00 Shaolin Wuzang
23:00 Golf Focus 2010 15:00 Chloe’s Closet 21:00 BITE NITE
15:30 Cool Blue 09:00 Wipeout (Season 1) 00:30 Donald Duck Presents
23:30 Score Tonight 15:25 Classic Tales 22:00 Night
17:00 River’s Edge 10:00 Leverage 01:00 Replacements, The
18:30 Zone Troopers 15:30 Clifford, The Big Red Dog 22:30 Night
11:00 Csi: Crime Scene 01:30 American Dragon: Jake Long 16:00 Dibo The Gift Dragon 23:00 The Crocodile Hunter 5
20:00 Cuba Investigation (Season 9) 02:00 Kim Possible
22:15 Company Business 12:00 Terminator: The Sarah 00:00 River Monsters 02:30 Phineas And Ferb
23:45 Love Bites Connor Chronicles (Season 2) 01:00 Man Vs Wild S4 03:00 Disney’s Lilo & Stitch: The
13:00 24 (Season 7) 02:00 Survivorman S2 Series
14:00 Csi: Miami (Season 7) 03:00 Mythbusters S5 03:30 Suite Life Of Zack And Cody,
15:00 Csi: Crime Scene 04:00 Tattoo Hunter The
00:00 Friends Investigation (Season 9) 05:00 Man Made Marvels: Shanghai 04:00 Hannah Montana
00:30 EVERYBODY LOVES 16:00 Wipeout (Season 1) Makeover 04:30 Wizards Of Waverly Place
RAYMOND 17:00 24 (Season 7) 06:00 Half Man Half Tree 05:00 Good Morning Mickey
01:00 Are You Smarter Than A 5th 18:00 Guardian, The (Season 1) 07:00 Raging Planet S2 05:30 Good Morning Mickey
Grader? 19:00 House (Season 5) 08:00 River Monsters 06:00 House Of Mouse
01:55 Bewitched 20:00 Wipeout (Season 2) 09:00 Survivorman S2 06:30 Donald Duck Presents
02:00 DAVID LETTERMAN 21:00 Csi: Crime Scene 10:00 Man Made Marvels: Shanghai 07:00 Animal Mechanicals
02:55 Dilbert Investigation (Season 10) Makeover 07:30 Dibo The Gift Dragon
03:00 7TH HEAVEN 22:00 Csi: Ny (Season 5) 11:00 How Do They Do It? S5 08:00 Twisted Whiskers

American Dreams (Season 3 Finale)

Impian Chris dan Meg di tahun 1960-an lenyap saat Chris harus pergi ke Berkeley
untuk menghindari wajib militer. Meg harus memutuskan apa akan ikut Chris atau
bersama keluarganya. Meg makin bimbang saat Jack mengancamnya tak diakui
Pukul 20.00 WIB sebagai keluarga jika meninggalkan rumah.

28 | primetime | Maret 2010

4 maret

05:00 Are You Smarter Than A 5th 05:30 Sportscenter Asia 21:00 Mega Engineering 15:30 Shaun The Sheep 10:20 Pororo - The Little Penguin
Grader? 06:00 Tiger World Of Football 22:00 Mega Builders S1 16:00 Pucca 10:30 Special Agent Oso
00:00 Not Easily Broken 06:00 AMERICAN IDOL 07:00 Atlantic Coast Conference 23:00 Really Big Things With Matt 16:30 Pucca 11:00 Dive Olly Dive
01:35 Hbo Central 08:00 Murder She Wrote Basketball Rogers S2 17:00 Phineas And Ferb 11:25 Tiny Planets
02:00 Murder By Numbers 08:55 Bewitched 09:00 Atlantic Coast Conference 17:30 Mr.Bean - The Animated 11:30 Higglytown Heroes
03:45 Into The Wild 09:00 Boston Legal Basketball Series 12:00 Animal Mechanicals
06:00 Welcome Home Roscoe 09:55 Dilbert 11:00 Sportscenter Right Now 18:00 Mr.Bean - Live Action Series 12:25 Bert And Ernie’s Great
Jenkins 10:00 Are You Smarter Than A 5th 11:01 Tiger World Of Football 00:00 Seconds From Disaster 18:30 Finding Nemo Adventures
07:50 Spanglish Grader? 12:00 2010 US Figure Skating 01:00 Wild Wednesday 20:30 Mr.Bean - The Animated 12:30 Dibo The Gift Dragon
10:00 Murder By Numbers 11:00 GLEE Championships 02:00 Wild Wednesday Series 13:00 My Friends Tigger & Pooh
12:00 The Ruins 12:00 AMERICAN IDOL 14:00 Sportscenter Right Now 03:00 Super Factories 21:00 Upin & Ipin 13:30 Handy Manny
13:30 Into The Wild 14:00 7TH HEAVEN 14:01 Planet Speed 2009/10 04:00 Wild Wednesday 21:30 Shaun The Sheep 14:00 Special Agent Oso
15:55 The Jane Austen Book Club 14:55 Dilbert 14:30 Sportscenter Right Now 05:00 Wild Wednesday 22:00 Phineas And Ferb 14:30 Dive Olly Dive
17:35 Hollywood One On One 76 15:00 Boston Legal 14:31 Atlantic Coast Conference 06:00 Theme Week 22:30 Wizards Of Waverly Place 15:00 Chloe’s Closet
18:00 Rachel Getting Married 15:55 MARRIED WITH CHILDREN Basketball 07:00 Seconds From Disaster 23:00 Hannah Montana 15:25 Classic Tales
20:00 The Bucket List 16:00 Are You Smarter Than A 5th 16:29 Sportscenter Right Now 08:00 ABOUT ASIA 23:30 Shaun The Sheep 15:30 Clifford, The Big Red Dog
21:35 Tmz 183 Grader? 16:30 NBA Fastbreak 2009/10 09:00 Against All Odds 16:00 Dibo The Gift Dragon
22:00 The Ruins 17:00 AMERICAN IDOL 17:00 Tiger World Of Football 10:00 Animal Autopsy 16:30 Mickey Mouse Clubhouse
23:25 Sex And The City (The Movie) 19:00 AMERICAN IDOL 18:00 Almost Anything Goes 11:00 Hunter Hunted 17:00 Pocoyo
21:00 PRIVATE PRACTICE 18:30 Sportscenter Asia 12:00 ABOUT ASIA 00:00 Bunnytown 17:30 Higglytown Heroes
22:00 TWO AND HALF MEN 19:00 Castrol Football Crazy 13:00 Somewhere In China 00:30 Thomas & Friends 17:55 Tiny Planets
23:00 AMERICAN IDOL 19:30 Immortals, The 14:00 Built For The Kill 00:50 Pororo - The Little Penguin 18:00 My Friends Tigger & Pooh
20:00 Global Football 15:00 Against All Odds 01:00 Mickey Mouse Clubhouse 18:30 Little Einsteins
01:00 The War Of The Worlds 20:30 Simply The Best 16:00 Monkey Thieves 19:00 WordWorld
01:25 Tiny Planets
(1953) 21:00 Sportscenter Asia 16:30 More Amazing Moments 19:30 Mickey Mouse Clubhouse
01:30 My Friends Tigger & Pooh
02:30 The Colony 21:30 Castrol Football Crazy 17:00 Theme Week 20:00 Handy Manny
02:00 Handy Manny
04:00 A Man Called Gannon 00:00 ER (S8) 22:00 Almost Anything Goes 20:30 Animal Mechanicals
18:00 Seconds From Disaster 02:30 Special Agent Oso
06:00 The War Of The Worlds 01:00 Recipe For Murder 22:30 Contenders, The 21:00 Chuggington
19:00 ABOUT ASIA 03:00 Barney & Friends
(1953) 03:00 Reasons Of The Heart 23:00 Sportscenter Asia 21:25 Bert And Ernie’s Great
20:00 Megastructures 03:30 Mighty Jungle, The
08:00 Iron Eagle 05:00 Mind Games 23:30 Cev Beach Volleyball Adventures
21:00 Megastructures 04:00 Play With Me Sesame
10:00 Fit To Kill 07:00 The Nanny (S4) European Championship Tour 21:30 Special Agent Oso
22:00 Theme Week 04:30 Clifford, The Big Red Dog
12:00 Best Of The Best 4: Without 07:30 The Nanny (S4) - Austrian Masters 22:00 Dive Olly Dive
23:00 Super Factories 05:00 JoJo’s Circus
Warning 08:00 The Oprah Winfrey Show 22:25 Boowa And Kwala
05:25 Boowa And Kwala
13:30 Samson And Delilah (S24) 22:30 Higglytown Heroes
05:30 Barney & Friends
16:00 The Colony 09:00 Recipe For Murder 23:00 Johnny And The Sprites
06:00 Pocoyo
18:00 Iron Eagle 11:00 American Dreams (S3) 00:00 Sports Max 23:25 Boowa And Kwala
06:30 Higglytown Heroes
20:00 The Wire S305: Straight And 12:00 The Oprah Winfrey Show 00:55 UEFA European U21 23:30 Make Way For Noddy
00:50 One Missed Call 07:00 My Friends Tigger & Pooh
True 13:00 The Biggest Loser (S5) Championship Qualifier
02:15 Boyz N The Hood 07:25 Bert And Ernie’s Great
20:55 The Wire S306: Homecoming 14:00 Jane Doe: Til Death Do Us 02:55 England Friendlies 2009/10
04:00 The Wire S503: Not For Adventures
22:00 Best Of The Best 4: Without Part 05:00 Malaysian Open 2010
Arbitration 07:30 Little Einsteins 00:20 Missing
Warning 16:00 ER (S8) 06:30 Malaysian Open 2010
05:00 One Missed Call 08:00 WordWorld 02:25 The Outlaw Brothers
23:30 Helter Skelter 17:00 The Nanny (S4) 08:00 Sports Max
07:00 The Tudors S204: The Act Of 08:30 Mickey Mouse Clubhouse 04:15 Rainbow Song
17:30 The Nanny (S4) 09:00 England Friendlies 2009/10
Succession 09:00 Handy Manny 06:20 Voice of a Murderer
18:00 The Biggest Loser (S5) 11:00 Sports Max
08:00 Harold & Kumar Escape From 09:30 Animal Mechanicals 08:30 Say Goodbye... Luisa
19:00 The Oprah Winfrey Show 12:00 FEI World Cup Jumping
Guantanamo Bay 09:55 Classic Tales 09:20 The Tigers
01:00 Carny 20:00 Army Wives (S2) 2009/10
09:30 New Best Friend 10:00 Chuggington 11:05 Elixir of Love
02:35 Goya’s Ghosts 21:00 The Good Wife (S1) 13:00 Europe Top 12
04:35 Mermaids 22:00 Crossing Jordan (S3) 11:00 Stripes 12:55 Gigolo Wannabe
15:30 Golf Focus 2010
06:30 Xtra Credit 23:00 The Nanny (S4) 13:00 One Missed Call 14:50 McDull, The Alumni
16:00 Jet Sprint World
08:05 Cutting Edge, The: Chasing 23:30 The Nanny (S4) 14:45 See You In The Morning 16:25 Gen-Y Cops
The Dream 17:10 Roger & Me 18:15 Curry & Pepper
17:00 Supa Strikas Tape 00:30hrs
09:45 Darjeeling Limited, The 19:00 The Tudors S204: The Act Of 20:00 Lifeline
17:30 Supa Strikas Tape 00:30hrs
11:25 Jumper Succession 21:50 The Beast Stalker
00:00 Csi: Crime Scene 18:00 Game
13:00 Flashbacks Of A Fool 20:00 The Wire S504: Transitions 23:45 To Sir With Love
Investigation (Season 10) 18:30 England Friendlies 2009/10
14:50 Nine Months 21:00 Black Hawk Down
01:00 Csi: Ny (Season 5) 20:30 Score Tonight
16:40 Cry Of The Owl 23:15 Harold & Kumar Escape From
02:00 House (Season 5) 21:00 Simply The Best
18:25 Way Of War Guantanamo Bay
03:00 Leverage 21:30 MYEG Xtra Time
20:00 Rogue Assassin 00:00 Lemur Street
04:00 Csi: Miami (Season 7) 22:00 Ace 2010
21:45 Into The Blue 2: The Reef 00:30 Monkey Business 8
05:00 Wipeout (Season 1) 22:30 Game 01:00 Spotlight: Earth
23:20 Romeo Is Bleeding 23:00 Behind The Baseline
06:00 Leverage 02:00 Elephants Uncovered
07:00 Csi: Crime Scene 23:30 Score Tonight 00:00 Shaolin Wuzang
02:30 Elephants Uncovered
Investigation (Season 9) 00:30 Donald Duck Presents
08:00 Csi: Miami (Season 7) 01:00 Replacements, The
04:00 Night
01:30 True Confessions 09:00 Wipeout (Season 1) 01:30 American Dragon: Jake Long 04:30 Night
00:00 Clash Of The Dinosaurs 02:00 Kim Possible
03:15 Dirty Dozen: The Deadly 10:00 Leverage 05:00 Planet’s Funniest Animals 6
01:00 Monsters Resurrected 02:30 Phineas And Ferb
Mission 11:00 Csi: Crime Scene 05:30 Planet’s Funniest Animals 6
02:00 Sci Fi Science 03:00 Disney’s Lilo & Stitch: The
05:00 Summer Heat Investigation (Season 9) 06:00 Lemur Street
02:30 Sci Fi Science Series
06:15 Clean Slate 12:00 House (Season 5) 06:30 Monkey Business 8
03:00 Mythbusters S5 03:30 Suite Life Of Zack And Cody, 07:00 Up Close & Dangerous
08:00 The Long Riders 13:00 Guardian, The (Season 1)
04:00 Mega Engineering The 07:30 Up Close & Dangerous
09:45 The Bride Wore Black 14:00 Csi: Miami (Season 7)
05:00 Treasure Quest 04:00 Hannah Montana 08:00 Monsters Inside Me
11:30 Miss Julie 15:00 Csi: Crime Scene
06:00 Sci Fi Science 04:30 Wizards Of Waverly Place 09:00 Venom ER 2
13:15 Crime and Punishment in Investigation (Season 9)
06:30 Sci Fi Science 05:00 Good Morning Mickey 10:00 The Crocodile Hunter 5
Suburbia 16:00 Wipeout (Season 1)
07:00 Man Vs Wild S4 05:30 Good Morning Mickey 11:00 Planet’s Funniest Animals 6
15:00 Palookaville 17:00 Wipeout (Season 2)
08:00 Planet Green 06:00 House Of Mouse 11:30 Planet’s Funniest Animals 6
16:30 Stay Hungry 18:00 Csi: Ny (Season 5)
09:00 Half Man Half Tree 06:30 Donald Duck Presents 12:00 Lemur Street
18:15 Dream Lover 19:00 Csi: Crime Scene
10:00 Mega Engineering 07:00 Animal Mechanicals 12:30 Monkey Business 8
20:00 The Greatest Story Ever Told Investigation (Season 10)
11:00 How Do They Do It? S5 07:30 Dibo The Gift Dragon 13:00 Animal Cops South Africa
23:15 The Whales of August 20:00 Masters Of Illusion
11:30 How It’s Made S11 08:00 Twisted Whiskers 14:00 Up Close & Dangerous
21:00 Chuck (Season 2)
12:00 Mythbusters S5 08:30 Replacements, The 14:30 Up Close & Dangerous
22:00 Caught On Camera (Season
13:00 Planet Green 09:00 Phineas And Ferb 15:00 Monsters Inside Me
14:00 River Monsters 09:30 Totally Spies 16:00 Venom ER 2
23:00 Masters Of Illusion
01:00 Are You Smarter Than A 5th 15:00 Sci Fi Science 10:00 Totally Spies 17:00 Planet’s Funniest Animals 6
Grader? 15:30 Sci Fi Science 10:30 Monster Allergy 17:30 Planet’s Funniest Animals 6
01:55 Bewitched 16:00 Rampage! 11:00 Globo Loco 18:00 Lemur Street
02:00 DAVID LETTERMAN 00:30 Sportscenter Asia 17:00 How It’s Made S11 11:30 Yin Yang Yo! 18:30 Monkey Business 8
02:55 Dilbert 01:00 Big East Conference 17:30 How Do They Do It? S5 12:00 Mr.Bean - The Animated 19:00 Animal Cops South Africa
03:00 7TH HEAVEN Basketball 18:00 Human Body: Pushing The Series 20:00 Up Close & Dangerous
03:55 MARRIED WITH CHILDREN 03:00 US Open 9-Ball Limits 12:30 Mr.Bean - Live Action Series 20:30 Up Close & Dangerous
04:00 EVERYBODY LOVES Championship 2009 19:00 Human Cloning 13:00 High School Musical 21:00 Monsters Inside Me
RAYMOND 04:00 Cape To Cape Mtb 20:00 Really Big Things With Matt 14:30 Upin & Ipin 22:00 Venom ER 2
04:30 Friends 05:00 Immortals, The Rogers S2 15:00 Oggy And The Cockroaches 23:00 The Crocodile Hunter 5

The Gathering Storm

Inilah film tentang pemadam kebakaran. Lifeline menangkap dengan jelas betapa
berbahayanya pekerjaan mereka. Kisahnya tentang seorang anggota pemadam
kebakaran, Sean Lau Ching-wan, yang berani mengambil risiko menerjang api saat
memadamkan kebakaran. Tapi, apakah keberaniannya ini juga bisa menyelesaikan
Pukul 20.00 WIB persoalan pribadinya?

Maret 2010 | primetime | 29

5 maret

11:00 Are You Smarter Than A 5th 08:00 Sportscenter Right Now 23:00 Half Man Half Tree 18:30 Extremely Goofy Movie, An
Grader? 08:01 Sec Women’s Gymnastics 20:30 Mr.Bean - The Animated
01:45 Contact 12:00 AMERICAN IDOL 09:30 PBA Tour : 67th Lumber Series
04:10 Rachel Getting Married 14:00 7TH HEAVEN Liquidators US Open 21:00 Upin & Ipin
06:00 Not Easily Broken 14:55 Dilbert 11:00 Anz Ladies Masters 2010 21:30 Shaun The Sheep
00:00 Seconds From Disaster
07:35 Contact 15:00 Boston Legal - Day 2 22:00 Phineas And Ferb
01:00 Megastructures
10:00 21 15:55 MARRIED WITH CHILDREN 13:00 Sportscenter Right Now 22:30 Wizards Of Waverly Place
02:00 Megastructures
12:00 The Bucket List 16:00 Are You Smarter Than A 5th 13:01 2010 US Figure Skating 23:00 Hannah Montana
03:00 Super Factories
13:40 Welcome Home Roscoe Grader? Championships 23:30 Shaun The Sheep
04:00 Megastructures
Jenkins 17:00 AMERICAN IDOL 15:00 Sportscenter Right Now
05:00 Megastructures
15:30 Into The Wild 18:00 Friends 15:01 Atlantic Coast Conference
06:00 Theme Week
18:00 Mission Impossible 18:30 EVERYBODY LOVES Basketball
07:00 Situation Critical
20:00 Fool’s Gold RAYMOND 16:59 Sportscenter Right Now 00:00 Bunnytown
21:50 Tmz 184 19:00 AMERICAN IDOL 17:00 Contenders, The 00:30 Thomas & Friends
09:00 Hunter Hunted
22:10 21
20:00 MONK 17:30 Castrol Football Crazy 00:50 Pororo - The Little Penguin
10:00 Bite Me With Dr. Mike Leahy
21:00 HEROES 18:00 Planet Speed 2009/10 00:50 Mickey Mouse Clubhouse
11:00 New Frontiers
22:00 TWO AND HALF MEN 18:30 Sportscenter Asia 01:25 Tiny Planets
23:00 AMERICAN IDOL 19:00 Football Forecast 01:30 My Friends Tigger & Pooh
13:00 By Any Means
19:30 Global Football 02:00 Handy Manny
14:00 Built For The Kill
01:45 Fit To Kill 20:00 First Edition 02:30 Special Agent Oso
15:00 Hunter Hunted
04:00 The Wire S305: Straight And 20:30 Planet Speed 2009/10 03:00 Barney & Friends
16:00 The Living Edens
True 21:00 Sportscenter Asia 03:30 Mighty Jungle, The
00:00 ER (S8) 17:00 Theme Week
04:55 The Wire S306: Homecoming 21:30 Football Forecast 04:00 Play With Me Sesame
01:00 Mind Games 18:00 Situation Critical
06:00 The Valley Of Gwangi 22:00 First Edition 04:30 Clifford, The Big Red Dog
03:00 Terror In The Family 19:00 ABOUT ASIA
07:35 The Day Of The Jackal 22:30 Contenders, The 05:00 JoJo’s Circus
05:00 Within These Walls 20:00 History’s Secrets
09:50 Iron Eagle 23:00 Sportscenter Asia 05:25 Boowa And Kwala
07:00 The Nanny (S4) 21:00 Naked Science
12:00 Shane 23:30 Cev Beach Volleyball 05:30 Barney & Friends
07:30 The Nanny (S4) 22:00 Theme Week
14:30 Reno 911: Miami European Championship Tour 06:00 Pocoyo
08:00 The Oprah Winfrey Show 23:00 Megastructures
16:00 The War Of The Worlds (1953) - Austrian Masters 06:30 Higglytown Heroes
17:30 The Day Of The Jackal (S24) 07:00 My Friends Tigger & Pooh
19:45 Epad On Max 49 09:00 Crossing Jordan (S3) 07:25 Bert And Ernie’s Great
20:00 Mindwarp 10:00 The Good Wife (S1) Adventures
21:35 Reno 911: Miami 10:55 Army Wives (S2) 07:30 Little Einsteins
00:00 Umac
23:00 Iron Eagle 11:50 The Oprah Winfrey Show 00:40 The New Guy
01:00 Ace 2010 08:00 WordWorld
12:45 The Biggest Loser (S5) 02:00 See You In The Morning
01:30 Hot Water 2009/10 08:30 Mickey Mouse Clubhouse
13:40 The Biggest Loser - Asia 04:00 The Wire S504: Transitions
02:30 Max Power 2010/11 09:00 Handy Manny
15:00 Merlin (S2) 05:00 Revolution
03:30 2009 East Asian Games 09:30 Animal Mechanicals
16:00 ER (S8) 07:00 The Tudors S205: His
01:10 Teeth - Swimming (Day 5) 09:55 Classic Tales
17:00 The Nanny (S4) Majesty’s Pleasure
02:40 Dim Sum Funeral 06:00 FA Cup 2009/10 Preview 10:00 Chuggington
17:30 The Nanny (S4) 07:55 Deep Blue Sea
04:15 Way Of War Show, The 10:20 Pororo - The Little Penguin
18:00 The Biggest Loser (S5) 09:40 Not Another Teen Movie
05:50 Under The Same Moon 06:30 Ace 2010 10:30 Special Agent Oso
19:00 The Oprah Winfrey Show 11:00 One Missed Call
07:45 Driving Lessons 07:00 Hot Water 2009/10 11:00 Dive Olly Dive
20:00 Midsomer Murders (S9) 12:30 Alive
09:25 Tell No One 08:00 NBA Regular Season 2009/10 11:25 Tiny Planets
22:00 The Biggest Loser - Asia 14:45 Revolution
11:35 Rogue Assassin 10:30 UEFA European U21 11:30 Higglytown Heroes
23:30 The Nanny (S4) 16:30 The Age Of Innocence
13:20 Grace Is Gone Championship Qualifier 12:00 Animal Mechanicals
19:00 The Tudors S205: His
14:50 Hot Chick, The 12:30 Behind The Baseline 12:25 Bert And Ernie’s Great 23:40 Tactical Unit V - Comrades in
Majesty’s Pleasure
16:40 High Plains Invaders 13:00 Ace 2010 Adventures Arms
20:00 The Wire S505: React Quotes
18:15 Longshots, The 13:30 2009/10 GP 2 Asia Series 12:30 Dibo The Gift Dragon
00:00 Chuck (Season 2) 21:00 My House In Umbria
20:00 Hellraiser 15:30 FA Cup 2009/10 Preview 13:00 My Friends Tigger & Pooh
01:00 Caught On Camera (Season 23:00 One Missed Call
21:35 Quantum Of Solace Show, The 13:30 Handy Manny
23:30 Things To Do In Denver When 16:00 Jet Sprint World 14:00 Special Agent Oso
02:00 Early Edition (Season 3) 00:00 Lemur Street
Championships 14:30 Dive Olly Dive
You’re Dead 03:00 Leverage 00:30 Monkey Business 8
17:00 MYEG Xtra Time 15:00 Chloe’s Closet
04:00 Csi: Miami (Season 7) 01:00 Animal Cops South Africa
17:30 Ace 2010 00:00 Shaolin Wuzang 15:25 Classic Tales
05:00 Wipeout (Season 1) 02:00 Up Close & Dangerous
18:00 World Sport 2010 00:30 Donald Duck Presents 15:30 Clifford, The Big Red Dog
06:00 Leverage 02:30 Up Close & Dangerous
18:30 UEFA European U21 01:00 Replacements, The 16:00 Dibo The Gift Dragon
07:00 Csi: Crime Scene 03:00 Monsters Inside Me
00:45 CQ Championship Qualifier 01:30 American Dragon: Jake Long 16:30 Mickey Mouse Clubhouse
Investigation (Season 9) 04:00 Venom ER 2
02:15 The Man Who Loved Women 20:30 Score Tonight 02:00 Kim Possible 17:00 Pocoyo
08:00 Csi: Miami (Season 7) 05:00 Planet’s Funniest Animals 6
04:15 The Legend of Johnny Lingo 21:00 NBA Regular Season 2009/10 02:30 Phineas And Ferb 17:30 Higglytown Heroes
09:00 Wipeout (Season 1) 05:30 Planet’s Funniest Animals 6
05:45 For Better or For Worse 23:00 Simply The Best 03:00 Disney’s Lilo & Stitch: The 17:55 Tiny Planets
10:00 Leverage 06:00 Lemur Street
07:15 Valley Girl 23:30 Score Tonight Series 18:00 My Friends Tigger & Pooh
11:00 Csi: Crime Scene 06:30 Monkey Business 8
08:45 Under Fire 03:30 Suite Life Of Zack And Cody, 18:30 Little Einsteins
Investigation (Season 9) 07:00 Animal Planet Reveals Asia
11:00 Swimming to Cambodia The 19:00 WordWorld
12:00 Caught On Camera (Season 08:00 Lords of the Animals
12:15 Wild Orchid 04:00 Hannah Montana 19:30 Mickey Mouse Clubhouse
1) 00:00 Mega Engineering 08:30 Young and Wild 2
14:00 Fiddler on the Roof 04:30 Wizards Of Waverly Place 20:00 Handy Manny
13:00 Chuck (Season 2) 01:00 Rampage! 09:00 Fooled By Nature
17:00 Storefront Hitchcock 05:00 Good Morning Mickey 20:30 Animal Mechanicals
14:00 Csi: Miami (Season 7) 02:00 Gateway Asia 09:30 Fooled By Nature
18:15 Mr. Majestyk 05:30 Good Morning Mickey 21:00 Chuggington
15:00 Csi: Crime Scene 03:00 Mythbusters S5 10:00 The Crocodile Hunter 5
20:00 UHF 06:00 House Of Mouse 21:25 Bert And Ernie’s Great
Investigation (Season 9) 04:00 Half Man Half Tree 11:00 Planet’s Funniest Animals 6
21:45 Yentl 06:30 Donald Duck Presents Adventures
16:00 Wipeout (Season 1) 05:00 Deadliest Catch S5 11:30 Planet’s Funniest Animals 6
07:00 Animal Mechanicals 21:30 Special Agent Oso
17:00 Masters Of Illusion 06:00 Really Big Things With Matt 12:00 Lemur Street
07:30 Dibo The Gift Dragon 22:00 Dive Olly Dive
18:00 World’s Most Amazing Videos Rogers S2 12:30 Monkey Business 8
08:00 Twisted Whiskers 22:25 Boowa And Kwala
(Season 4) 07:00 Prehistoric Disasters 13:00 Crime Scene Wild
08:30 Replacements, The 22:30 Higglytown Heroes
19:00 Video Zonkers (Season 2) 08:00 Half Man Half Tree 14:00 Animal Planet Reveals Asia
01:00 Are You Smarter Than A 5th 09:00 Phineas And Ferb 23:00 Johnny And The Sprites
19:30 Ebuzz 09:00 Treasure Quest 15:00 Lords of the Animals
Grader? 09:30 Totally Spies 23:25 Boowa And Kwala
20:00 Panic Room 10:00 Mega Builders S1 15:30 Young and Wild 2
01:55 Bewitched 10:00 Totally Spies 23:30 Make Way For Noddy
22:30 Las Vegas (Season 5) 11:00 How Do They Do It? S5 16:00 Fooled By Nature
02:00 DAVID LETTERMAN 10:30 Monster Allergy
23:30 Numb3rs (Season 4) 11:30 How It’s Made S11 16:30 Fooled By Nature
02:55 Dilbert 11:00 Globo Loco
03:00 7TH HEAVEN 12:00 Mythbusters S5 11:30 Yin Yang Yo! 17:00 Planet’s Funniest Animals 6
03:55 MARRIED WITH CHILDREN 13:00 Man Vs Wild S4 12:00 Mr.Bean - The Animated 01:25 G.Y. Sir 17:30 Planet’s Funniest Animals 6
04:00 EVERYBODY LOVES 00:30 Sportscenter Asia 14:00 Really Big Things With Matt Series 03:00 Repechage 18:00 Lemur Street
RAYMOND 01:00 Atlantic Coast Conference Rogers S2 12:30 Mr.Bean - Live Action Series 04:45 The Floating Landscape 18:30 Monkey Business 8
04:30 Friends Basketball 15:00 Mega Engineering 13:00 Finding Nemo 06:25 Star Reformers 19:00 Crime Scene Wild
05:00 Are You Smarter Than A 5th 03:00 US Open 9-Ball 16:00 Survivorman S2 15:00 Oggy And The Cockroaches 08:40 Magic Touch 20:00 Animal Planet Reveals Asia
Grader? Championship 2009 17:00 How It’s Made S11 15:30 Yin Yang Yo! 10:40 SPL 21:00 The Pack
06:00 AMERICAN IDOL 04:00 Australasian Safari 2009 17:30 How Do They Do It? S5 16:00 Pucca 12:15 The Banquet 21:30 Young and Wild 2
08:00 Murder She Wrote 05:00 New Pollution Series 3 #3 18:00 Hip Korea 16:30 Super Robot Monkey Team 14:25 A1 22:00 Fooled By Nature
08:55 Bewitched 05:30 Sportscenter Asia 19:00 Mythbusters S6 Hyperforce Go! 16:15 Tactical Unit III - Partners 22:30 Fooled By Nature
09:00 Boston Legal 06:00 Planet Speed 2009/10 20:00 Sci Fi Science 17:00 Phineas And Ferb 17:50 Invisible Target 23:00 The Crocodile Hunter 5
09:55 Dilbert 06:30 NBA Fastbreak 2009/10 20:30 Sci Fi Science 17:30 Mr.Bean - The Animated 20:00 The Empress and The
10:00 PRIVATE PRACTICE 07:00 Castrol Football Crazy 21:00 Solved S2 Series Warriors
10:55 MARRIED WITH CHILDREN 07:30 Almost Anything Goes 22:00 Extreme Forensics 18:00 Mr.Bean - Live Action Series 21:40 Shinjuku Incident

My House In Umbria
Emily Delahunty adalah novelis Inggris dan seorang yang secara misterius selamat
dalam kecelakaan ledakan kereta di Milan. Ia mengajak 3 korban selamat lain tinggal
di rumahnya di Umbria sambil menghadapi penyelidikan polisi. Girotti, penyelidik,
Pukul 21.00 WIB mencurigai ada motif lain di balik ledakan itu.

30 | primetime | Maret 2010

6 maret

08:30 Are You Smarter Than A 5th 07:00 NBA Regular Season 2009/10 17:30 Oggy And The Cockroaches 14:30 Higglytown Heroes
Grader? 09:30 Anz Ladies Masters 2010 18:00 Mr.Bean - Live Action Series 14:55 Tiny Planets
00:10 Murder By Numbers 09:30 EVERYBODY LOVES - Day 3 00:00 Situation Critical 18:30 Bolt 15:00 Dibo The Gift Dragon
01:55 Spanglish RAYMOND 13:00 Sportscenter Week In Review 01:00 History’s Secrets 20:30 Sonny With A Chance 15:30 Chuggington
04:00 Not Easily Broken 10:00 EVERYBODY LOVES 13:30 Planet Speed 2009/10 02:00 Naked Science 21:00 Labou 15:55 Global Grover
05:35 Hbo Central RAYMOND 14:00 NBA Action 2009/10 03:00 Megastructures 23:00 Shaun The Sheep 15:55 Mickey Mouse Clubhouse
06:00 Fool’s Gold 10:30 EVERYBODY LOVES 14:28 Sportcenter Weekend 04:00 History’s Secrets 16:30 Mickey Mouse Clubhouse
08:00 The Bucket List RAYMOND 14:30 Australasian Safari 2009 05:00 Naked Science 17:00 Dibo The Gift Dragon
10:00 Rachel Getting Married 11:00 AMERICAN IDOL 15:30 PBA Tour : 67th Lumber 06:00 Theme Week 17:15 Handy Manny
12:00 Mission Impossible 13:00 PRIVATE PRACTICE Liquidators US Open 07:00 Locked Up Abroad 17:25 JoJo’s Circus
00:00 Bunnytown
13:50 Not Easily Broken 14:00 90210 16:58 Sportcenter Weekend 08:00 Helicopter Wars 17:40 Chloe’s Closet
00:30 Thomas & Friends
15:30 Places In The Heart 15:00 UGLY BETTY 17:00 Football Forecast 09:00 Megastructures 17:50 Pororo - The Little Penguin
00:50 Pororo - The Little Penguin
17:30 The Dark Knight 16:00 MONK 17:28 Sportcenter Weekend 10:00 Nat Geo Junior 18:00 Special Agent Oso
01:00 Mickey Mouse Clubhouse
20:00 Milk (2008) 17:00 HEROES 17:30 2010 Winter X Games 14 11:00 Food Lovers Guide To The 18:30 Little Einsteins
01:25 Tiny Planets
22:05 Tmz 185 18:00 GLEE Slammed/stomped Plane 19:00 Imagination Movers
01:30 My Friends Tigger & Pooh
22:25 Rachel Getting Married 19:00 AMERICAN IDOL 18:30 Sportscenter Week In Review 11:30 Food Lovers Guide To The 19:25 Classic Tales
02:00 Handy Manny
21:00 Most Shocking 19:00 NBA Regular Season 2009/10 Plane 19:30 Mickey Mouse Clubhouse
02:30 Special Agent Oso
22:00 THE SIMPLE LIFE 21:30 Anz Ladies Masters 2010 12:00 Grizzly Cauldron 20:00 My Friends Tigger & Pooh
03:00 Barney & Friends
22:30 THE GOODE FAMILY - Day 3 13:00 Built For The Kill 20:30 Dibo The Gift Dragon
03:30 Mighty Jungle, The
23:00 AMERICAN IDOL 14:00 Mega Factories 21:00 Handy Manny
00:55 Epad On Max 49 03:30 Play With Me Sesame
15:00 World’s Toughest Fixes 21:25 Bert And Ernie’s Great
01:15 The Thirteenth Floor 04:30 Clifford, The Big Red Dog
16:00 ABOUT ASIA Adventures
02:50 A Man Called Gannon 05:00 JoJo’s Circus
00:00 F1 Classics - 2000 German 17:00 ABOUT ASIA 21:30 Harry And His Bucket Full Of
04:30 Mindwarp 05:25 Boowa And Kwala
Grand Prix 18:00 Cruise Ship Diaries Dinosaurs
06:00 The Day Of The Jackal 00:00 ER (S8) 05:30 Johnny And The Sprites
01:00 2009/10 GP 2 Asia Series 19:00 Megastructures 22:00 Thomas & Friends
08:15 The Colony 01:00 Within These Walls 06:00 Harry And His Bucket Full Of
03:00 Planet Speed 2009/10 20:00 Helicopter Wars 22:20 Pororo - The Little Penguin
09:45 The Wire S305: Straight And 03:00 Midsomer Murders (S9) Dinosaurs
03:30 Behind The Baseline 21:00 Mega Factories 22:30 Bob The Builder Project:
True 05:00 Desolation Canyon 06:25 Global Grover
04:00 Ace 2010 22:00 Naked Science Build It
10:40 The Wire S306: Homecoming 07:00 The Nanny (S4) 06:30 Mighty Jungle, The
04:30 Glitch 23:00 Megastructures 22:55 Classic Tales
12:00 Reno 911: Miami 07:30 The Nanny (S4) 07:00 Elmo’s World
05:00 Golf Focus 2010 23:00 Johnny And The Sprites
13:15 Epad On Max 49 08:00 Mystery Woman: Vision Of A 07:30 Dive Olly Dive
05:30 Engine Block 2010 23:25 Boowa And Kwala
14:00 The Thirteenth Floor Murder 07:55 Tiny Planets
06:00 MYEG Xtra Time 23:30 Make Way For Noddy
16:00 Shane 10:00 The Nanny (S1) 08:00 Jungle Junction
06:30 World Sport 2010 08:30 Mickey Mouse Clubhouse
18:30 The Colony 10:30 The Nanny (S1)
07:00 KFC Malaysia World 09:00 Handy Manny
20:00 Vacancy 11:00 The Nanny (S1) 00:30 Doomsday
Band Competition 2009 09:30 Little Einsteins
21:20 Epad On Max 49 11:30 The Nanny (S2) 02:15 My House In Umbria 01:15 Kakashi
- Highlights 10:00 My Friends Tigger & Pooh
21:35 The Day Of The Jackal 12:00 The Oprah Winfrey Show 04:00 The Wire S505: React Quotes 02:50 Attack on the Pin-Up Boy
08:00 Simply The Best 10:30 Special Agent Oso
13:00 The Biggest Loser - Asia 05:00 Radio Flyer 04:20 Women On The Run
08:30 Glitch 11:00 Imagination Movers
14:20 Merlin (S2) 07:00 The Tudors S206: The 05:50 New Police Story
09:00 Game 11:30 JoJo’s Circus
15:15 The Good Wife (S1) Definition Of Love 08:00 Gun N’ Rose
09:30 Lives In The Fast Lane 12:00 Animal Mechanicals
16:10 Crossing Jordan (S3) 08:10 The Age Of Innocence 09:45 Seoul Raiders
01:25 Hellbound: Hellraiser Ii 10:00 MYEG Xtra Time 12:25 Bert And Ernie’s Great
17:05 Without A Trace (S4) 10:30 The Making Of Band Of 11:25 Shaolin Girl
03:10 Longshots, The 10:30 World Sport 2010 Adventures
18:00 Army Wives (S2) Brothers 13:20 Option Zero
04:50 Vip Access 11:00 Europe Top 12 12:30 Dibo The Gift Dragon
19:00 The Oprah Winfrey Show 11:00 Gossip 15:10 Seven Swords
05:20 Christmas Caper 13:30 Global Football 13:00 My Friends Tigger & Pooh
20:00 The Biggest Loser - Asia 12:30 Black Hawk Down 17:40 Infernal Affairs 2
07:00 Baby’s Day Out 14:00 Behind The Baseline 13:30 Handy Manny
21:20 Merlin (S2) 15:00 Radio Flyer 19:40 Celestial Cameos
08:45 Doctor Dolittle: Tail To The 14:30 2009 East Asian Games 14:00 Jungle Junction
22:20 Mystery Woman: Vision Of A 17:15 My House In Umbria 20:00 Three Kingdoms:
Chief - Badminton
Murder 19:00 The Tudors S206: The Resurrection of the Dragon
10:20 College Road Trip 15:30 Sbk Superbike World
Definition Of Love 21:45 Connected
11:50 Abandon Championship 2010 - Hl
20:00 The Wire S506: The 23:40 Breaking News
13:35 Thelma And Louise 16:00 Contenders, The
Dickensian Aspect
15:50 Bangkok Dangerous 00:30 Terminator: The Sarah 16:30 Contenders, The
21:00 Changeling
17:35 Dirty Rotten Scoundrels Connor Chronicles (Season 2) 17:00 Game
23:15 The Age Of Innocence
19:30 Vip Access: Face2face 01:30 Las Vegas (Season 5) 17:30 F1 Classics - 2000 German
20:00 Marley & Me 02:30 Video Zonkers (Season 2) Grand Prix 00:00 Lemur Street
22:00 Babylon A.d. 03:00 Leverage 18:30 FA Cup 2009/10 Preview 00:30 Monkey Business 8
23:35 Abandon 04:00 Csi: Miami (Season 7) Show, The 01:00 Crime Scene Wild
05:00 Csi: Ny (Season 4) 19:00 FA Cup 09/10 Live 00:00 Shaolin Wuzang 02:00 Animal Planet Reveals Asia
06:00 Csi: Ny (Season 4) 21:30 Players Lives 00:30 Donald Duck Presents 03:00 The Pack
07:00 Slamball 22:00 2009 East Asian Games 01:00 Replacements, The 03:30 Young and Wild 2
07:30 Slamball - Badminton 01:30 American Dragon: Jake Long 04:00 Fooled By Nature
00:00 Extremities
08:00 Numb3rs (Season 4) 23:00 Engine Block 2010 02:00 Kim Possible 04:30 Fooled By Nature
01:30 Coming Home
09:00 Panic Room 23:30 Sbk Superbike World 02:30 Phineas And Ferb 05:00 Planet’s Funniest Animals 6
03:30 Hoosiers
11:30 Ebuzz Championship 2010 - Hl 03:00 Disney’s Lilo & Stitch: The 05:30 Planet’s Funniest Animals 6
05:30 3 Strikes
12:00 The Amazing Race (Season Series 06:00 Lemur Street
07:00 In the Heat of the Night
16) 03:30 Suite Life Of Zack And Cody, 06:30 Monkey Business 8
09:00 Final Combination
13:00 Numb3rs (Season 4) The 07:00 K9 Cops
10:30 A Dry White Season
14:00 Panic Room 00:00 Sci Fi Science 04:00 Hannah Montana 08:00 Chasing Nature
12:15 Married to the Mob
16:30 Video Zonkers (Season 2) 00:30 Sci Fi Science 04:30 Wizards Of Waverly Place 09:00 Wild Island
14:15 Nobody’s Perfect
17:00 Terminator: The Sarah 01:00 Extreme Forensics 05:00 Good Morning Mickey 09:30 Breed All About It
16:00 Igby Goes Down
Connor Chronicles (Season 2) 02:00 Man Made Marvels: Shanghai 05:30 Good Morning Mickey 10:00 Echo and the Elephants of
17:45 The French Lieutenant’s
18:00 The Amazing Race (Season Makeover 06:00 House Of Mouse Amboseli
16) 03:00 Mythbusters S5 06:30 Donald Duck Presents 10:30 Meerkat Manor
20:00 Once Upon a Crime
19:00 Wind Chill 04:00 Solved S2 07:00 Shaun The Sheep 11:00 Wild Hearts
22:00 Interiors
21:00 Ebuzz 05:00 Mega Engineering 07:30 Mr.Bean - The Animated 12:00 BITE NITE
23:30 No Such Thing
21:30 Lost (Season 5) 06:00 Half Man Half Tree Series 13:00 Dragons: A Fantasy Made
22:30 Terminator: The Sarah 07:00 Treasure Quest 08:00 Stitch! Real
Connor Chronicles (Season 2) 08:00 Hip Korea 08:30 Phineas And Ferb 15:00 ANIMAL PLANET
23:30 Wind Chill 09:00 Seven Wonders Of China 09:00 Mickey’s House Of Villains SHOWCASE
00:00 Friends 10:00 What If: The Oil Runs Out 11:00 Pucca 16:00 ANIMAL PLANET
00:30 EVERYBODY LOVES 11:00 Half Man Half Tree 11:30 Oggy And The Cockroaches SHOWCASE
RAYMOND 12:00 Sci Fi Science 12:00 Mr.Bean - Live Action Series 17:00 Groomer Has It 2
01:00 Are You Smarter Than A 5th 00:30 Sportscenter Asia 12:30 Sci Fi Science 12:30 Mr.Bean - The Animated 18:00 The Pack
Grader? 01:00 Anz Ladies Masters 2010 13:00 Prehistoric Disasters Series 18:30 Young and Wild 2
02:00 AMERICAN IDOL - Day 2 14:00 Survivorman S2 13:00 Replacements, The 19:00 Elephants Uncovered
03:00 Friends 03:00 US Open 9-Ball 15:00 Discovery Turbo 13:30 Phineas And Ferb 19:30 Elephants Uncovered
03:30 EVERYBODY LOVES Championship 2009 16:00 Discovery Turbo 14:00 Stitch! 20:00 BITE NITE
RAYMOND 04:00 Football Forecast 17:00 Survivorman S2 14:30 Pucca 21:00 Sharkman
04:00 DAVID LETTERMAN 04:30 Planet Speed 2009/10 18:00 Monsters Resurrected 15:00 Totally Spies 23:00 Groomer Has It 2
05:00 MONK 05:00 New Pollution Series 3 #4 19:00 Half Man Half Tree 15:30 Suite Life On Deck, The
06:00 AMERICAN IDOL 05:30 Sportscenter Asia 20:00 Tattoo Hunter 16:00 Hannah Montana
07:00 HEROES 06:00 First Edition 21:00 Takeoff: The A380 Saga 16:30 Jonas
08:00 According To Jim 06:30 NBA Action 2009/10 23:00 Mega Engineering 17:00 Phineas And Ferb

Sean Penn berperan sebagai ikon dan aktivis gay Harvey Milk, yang jadi politisi
pertama dari kaum gay yang terpilih di pemerintahan kota San Fransisco pada tahun
Pukul 20.00 WIB

Maret 2010 | primetime | 31

7 maret

RAYMOND Slammed/stomped 14:30 Engine Block 2010 19:00 The Tudors S207: Matters Of 14:00 Jungle Junction
06:30 EVERYBODY LOVES 09:00 Anz Ladies Masters 2010 15:00 Masters Official Films 2005 State 14:30 Higglytown Heroes
00:15 Fool’s Gold RAYMOND - Day 4 16:00 Golf Focus 2010 20:00 The Wire S507: Took 14:55 Tiny Planets
02:05 American Pie 2 07:00 The King Of Queens 13:00 Football Asia 2009/10 16:30 Behind The Baseline 21:00 Crazy In Alabama 15:00 Dibo The Gift Dragon
03:45 Milk (2008) 07:30 How I Met Your Mother 13:30 Immortals, The 17:00 Ace 2010 22:45 Deep Blue Sea 15:30 Chuggington
06:00 Mission Impossible 08:00 According To Jim 14:00 Sec Women’s Gymnastics 17:30 Final Score - FA Cup 2009/10 15:55 Global Grover
08:00 Not Easily Broken 08:30 Friends 15:30 Simply The Best 18:00 FA Cup 09/10 16:00 Mickey Mouse Clubhouse
10:00 The Bucket List 09:00 Friends 15:58 Sportcenter Weekend 20:00 FA Cup 09/10 Live 16:30 Mickey Mouse Clubhouse
12:00 Milk (2008) 09:30 Friends 16:00 2010 Winter X Games All 22:30 FA Cup 09/10 Live 17:00 Dibo The Gift Dragon
00:00 Shaolin Wuzang
14:05 Bored To Death S103: 10:00 Friends Access 17:15 Handy Manny
00:30 Donald Duck Presents
The Case Of The Missing 10:30 Friends 17:00 Planet Speed 2009/10 17:25 JoJo’s Circus
01:00 Replacements, The
Screenplay 11:00 AMERICAN IDOL 17:28 Sportcenter Weekend 17:40 Chloe’s Closet
00:00 Prehistoric Disasters 01:30 American Dragon: Jake Long
14:30 Bored To Death S104: 13:00 AMERICAN IDOL 17:30 Football Asia 2009/10 17:50 Pororo - The Little Penguin
01:00 Rampage! 02:00 Kim Possible
The Case Of The Stolen 14:00 GLEE 18:00 Players Lives 18:00 Special Agent Oso
02:00 Planet Green 02:30 Phineas And Ferb
15:00 How I Met Your Mother 18:30 Contenders, The 18:30 Little Einsteins
03:00 Human Body: Pushing The 03:00 Disney’s Lilo & Stitch: The
15:00 Rachel Getting Married 15:30 RULES OF ENGAGEMENT 18:58 Sportcenter Weekend 19:00 Imagination Movers
Limits Series
17:00 3 Ninjas: High Noon At Mega 16:00 Eli Stone 19:00 Contenders, The 19:25 Classic Tales
04:00 Human Cloning 03:30 Suite Life Of Zack And Cody,
Mountain 17:00 THE SIMPLE LIFE 19:28 Sportcenter Weekend 19:30 Mickey Mouse Clubhouse
05:00 Half Man Half Tree The
18:30 Fandango 17:30 THE GOODE FAMILY 19:30 Anz Ladies Masters 2010 20:00 My Friends Tigger & Pooh
06:00 Deadliest Catch S5 04:00 Hannah Montana
20:00 Yes Man 18:00 MONK - Day 4 20:30 Dibo The Gift Dragon
07:00 Human Body: Pushing The 04:30 Wizards Of Waverly Place
21:45 The Bucket List 19:00 AMERICAN IDOL 22:28 Sportcenter Weekend 21:00 Handy Manny
Limits 05:00 Good Morning Mickey
23:30 Milk (2008) 21:00 AMERICAN IDOL 22:30 Sec Women’s Gymnastics 21:25 Bert And Ernie’s Great
08:00 Human Cloning 05:30 Good Morning Mickey
22:00 HEROES Adventures
09:00 Dirty Jobs S4 06:00 House Of Mouse
23:00 AMERICAN IDOL 21:30 Harry And His Bucket Full Of
10:00 Discovery Kids 06:30 Donald Duck Presents
00:00 FA Cup 09/10 Live 11:00 Discovery Kids 07:00 Shaun The Sheep
22:00 Thomas & Friends
00:00 The Wire S305: Straight And 02:30 Final Score - FA Cup 2009/10 11:30 Discovery Kids 07:30 Mr.Bean - The Animated
22:20 Pororo - The Little Penguin
True 03:00 KFC Malaysia World 12:00 River Monsters Series
22:30 Bob The Builder Project:
00:55 The Wire S306: Homecoming 00:00 American Dreams (S3) Band Competition 2009 13:00 What If: The Oil Runs Out 08:00 Stitch!
Build It
02:00 Reno 911: Miami 01:00 The Nanny (S1) - Highlights 14:00 Hip Korea 08:30 Phineas And Ferb
22:55 Classic Tales
03:30 Helter Skelter 01:30 The Nanny (S1) 04:00 FEI World Cup Jumping 15:00 Half Man Half Tree 09:00 Bolt
23:00 Johnny And The Sprites
06:00 The Wire S305: Straight And 02:00 The Nanny (S1) 2009/10 16:00 Really Big Things With Matt 11:00 Super Robot Monkey Team
23:25 Boowa And Kwala
True 02:30 The Nanny (S2) 05:00 FA Classics Rogers S2 Hyperforce Go!
23:30 Make Way For Noddy
06:55 The Wire S306: Homecoming 03:00 Desolation Canyon 06:00 Final Score - FA Cup 2009/10 17:00 Mega Engineering 11:30 Amazing Spiez, The
08:00 The War Of The Worlds (1953) 05:00 Midsomer Murders (S9) 06:30 2009 East Asian Games 18:00 River Monsters 12:00 Mr.Bean - Live Action Series
09:45 Epad On Max 49 07:00 The Nanny (S1) - Badminton 19:00 Secrets Of Interrogation 12:30 Mr.Bean - The Animated
10:00 The Colony 07:30 The Nanny (S2) 07:30 Engine Block 2010 20:00 Everything You Need To Series 01:10 Death Note
12:00 Mindwarp 08:00 Merlin (S2) 08:00 Sbk Superbike World Know: Serial Killers 13:00 Replacements, The 03:20 A Chinese Odyssey Part II
13:45 Roger Corman’s Frankenstein 09:00 The Biggest Loser - Asia Championship 2010 - Hl 21:00 Jack The Ripper In America 13:30 Phineas And Ferb - Cinderella
Unbound 10:25 The Biggest Loser - Asia 08:30 Ace 2010 22:00 Storm Chasers S3 14:00 Stitch! 05:00 The Sky Crawlers
15:30 The Day Of The Jackal 11:40 The Biggest Loser - Asia 09:00 Masters Official Films 2005 23:00 Everything You Need To 14:30 Pucca 07:05 Theft Under The Sun
17:45 Epad On Max 49 12:50 The Biggest Loser - Asia 10:00 Engine Block 2010 Know: Serial Killers 15:00 Totally Spies 08:50 A Chinese Tall Story
18:00 The Wire S305: Straight And 14:00 The Biggest Loser - Asia 10:30 Final Score - FA Cup 2009/10 15:30 Suite Life On Deck, The 10:40 Cinema Today
True 15:20 The Biggest Loser - Asia 11:00 F1 Classics - 2000 German 16:00 Hannah Montana 11:35 As Tears Go By
18:55 The Wire S306: Homecoming 16:35 The Biggest Loser - Asia Grand Prix 16:30 Jonas 13:15 Confession of Pain
20:00 Vacancy 2: The First Cut 17:55 The Biggest Loser - Asia 12:00 FA Cup 09/10 00:00 Helicopter Wars 17:00 Phineas And Ferb 15:05 Kidnap
21:30 Vacancy 19:15 The Biggest Loser - Asia 14:00 Game 01:00 Mega Factories 17:30 Oggy And The Cockroaches 16:45 On His Majesty’s Secret
23:00 The Colony 20:35 The Biggest Loser - Asia 02:00 History’s Secrets 18:00 Mr.Bean - Live Action Series Service
21:55 The Biggest Loser - Asia 03:00 Perilous Journeys 18:30 Wendy Wu: Homecoming 18:30 Tactical Unit II - No Way Out
23:15 The Biggest Loser - Asia 04:00 Helicopter Wars Warrior 20:00 The Sniper
05:00 Mega Factories 20:30 Zeke And Luther 21:50 Red Cliff
01:20 Lava Storm 06:00 History’s Secrets 21:00 Tiger Cruise
03:00 Sea Beast 07:00 Against All Odds 23:00 Shaun The Sheep
04:35 Dirty Rotten Scoundrels 01:30 Lost (Season 5) 08:00 World’s Toughest Fixes
06:35 Where The Red Fern Grows 02:30 Ebuzz 09:00 Mega Factories
00:00 The Pack
08:05 Home Alone 03:00 Csi: Ny (Season 4) 10:00 Nat Geo Junior
00:30 Young and Wild 2
09:55 Mad Money 04:00 Csi: Ny (Season 4) 10:30 Nat Geo Junior 00:00 Bunnytown 01:00 Elephants Uncovered
11:45 Marley & Me 05:00 Csi: Ny (Season 4) 11:00 Food Lovers Guide To The 00:30 Thomas & Friends 01:30 Elephants Uncovered
13:45 Tortured 06:00 Csi: Ny (Season 4) Plane 00:50 Pororo - The Little Penguin 02:00 BITE NITE
15:35 Silence Of The Lambs, The 07:00 Masters Of Illusion 11:30 Food Lovers Guide To The 01:00 Mickey Mouse Clubhouse 03:00 Sharkman
17:40 Edward Scissorhands 08:00 Chuck (Season 2) Plane 01:25 Tiny Planets 05:00 Monsters Inside Me
19:30 Vip Access 09:00 Lost (Season 5) 12:00 Animal Autopsy 01:30 My Friends Tigger & Pooh 06:00 Venom ER 2
20:00 Australia 10:00 Wipeout (Season 2) 13:00 Built For The Kill 02:00 Handy Manny 07:00 Animal Cops South Africa
22:50 88 Minutes 11:00 Csi: Ny (Season 5) 14:00 Cruise Ship Diaries 02:30 Special Agent Oso 08:00 Animal Planet at the Movies
12:00 Csi: Miami (Season 6) 15:00 Food Lovers Guide To The 03:00 Barney & Friends 08:30 Wild on the Set II
13:00 Csi: Crime Scene Plane 03:30 Mighty Jungle, The 09:00 Planet Action
Investigation (Season 10) 15:30 Food Lovers Guide To The 04:00 Play With Me Sesame 10:00 Night
01:15 Gothic 14:00 Wind Chill Plane 04:30 Clifford, The Big Red Dog 10:30 Night
02:45 La Cage Aux Folles 16:00 Ebuzz 16:00 Grizzly Cauldron 05:00 JoJo’s Circus 11:00 ANIMAL PLANET
04:30 F.I.S.T 16:30 Whacked Out Sports (Season 17:00 Animal Autopsy 05:25 Boowa And Kwala SHOWCASE
07:00 Sweet Lies 2) 18:00 By Any Means 05:30 Johnny And The Sprites 12:00 ANIMAL PLANET
08:45 Mississippi Mermaid 17:00 Chuck (Season 2) 19:00 Animals in Danger 06:00 Harry And His Bucket Full Of SHOWCASE
10:45 Blow Out 18:00 Masters Of Illusion 20:00 Theme Week Dinosaurs 13:00 Elephants Uncovered
12:30 Sometimes They Come Back 19:00 Wipeout (Season 2) 21:00 Theme Week 06:25 Global Grover 13:30 Elephants Uncovered
14:15 Kuffs 20:00 Csi: Crime Scene 22:00 Theme Week 06:30 Mighty Jungle, The 14:00 Rogue Nature with Dave
16:00 Who’ll Stop the Rain? Investigation (Season 10) 23:00 Helicopter Wars 07:00 Elmo’s World Salmoni
18:15 Retroactive 21:00 Csi: Miami (Season 6) 07:30 Dive Olly Dive 15:00 Fooled By Nature
20:00 Delirious 22:00 Csi: Ny (Season 5) 07:55 Tiny Planets 15:30 Fooled By Nature
21:45 Madison 23:00 Wipeout (Season 2) 08:00 Jungle Junction 16:00 Sharkman
23:30 The Boyfriend School 08:30 Mickey Mouse Clubhouse 18:00 Night
01:30 Black Hawk Down 09:00 Handy Manny 18:30 Night
00:30 2010 US Figure Skating 04:00 The Wire S506: The 09:00 Little Einsteins 19:00 ANIMAL PLANET
Championships Dickensian Aspect 10:00 My Friends Tigger & Pooh SHOWCASE
01:00 HEROES 02:30 Planet Speed 2009/10 05:00 Devil In A Blue Dress 10:30 Special Agent Oso 20:00 ANIMAL PLANET
02:00 MONK 03:00 Anz Ladies Masters 2010 07:00 The Tudors S207: Matters Of 11:00 Imagination Movers SHOWCASE
03:00 Most Shocking - Day 3 State 11:30 JoJo’s Circus 21:00 Rogue Nature with Dave
04:00 DAVID LETTERMAN 06:00 Bass : The Bassmaster 07:55 Not Another Teen Movie 12:00 Animal Mechanicals Salmoni
05:00 EVERYBODY LOVES Tournament Trail Classic 09:15 Deep Blue Sea 12:25 Bert And Ernie’s Great 22:00 Animal Planet Reveals Asia
RAYMOND Preview 11:00 Changeling Adventures 23:00 Night
05:30 EVERYBODY LOVES 07:00 Simply The Best 13:30 My House In Umbria 12:30 Dibo The Gift Dragon 23:30 Night
RAYMOND 07:30 Sportscenter Week In Review 15:30 Front Of The Class 13:00 My Friends Tigger & Pooh
06:00 EVERYBODY LOVES 08:00 2010 Winter X Games 14 17:15 Devil In A Blue Dress 13:30 Handy Manny

Bersetting Australia barat saat Perang Dunia II, seorang bangsawan Inggris (Nicole
Kidman) mewarisi peternakan seluas kota Maryland. Saat pengusaha ingin menguasai
tanahnya, ia bersama seorang supir peternakan mengembara sejauh ratusan mil,
Pukul 20.00 WIB hingga sampai Darwin saat kota itu dibombardir pesawat Jepang.

32 | primetime | Maret 2010

8 maret

04:00 My Wife and Kids 16:30 Stranger Than Fiction 09:00 Sci Fi Science 11:00 Globo Loco 19:30 Mickey Mouse Clubhouse
04:30 My Wife and Kids 19:00 The Amazing Race (Season 09:30 Sci Fi Science 11:30 Yin Yang Yo! 20:00 Handy Manny
01:45 The Making Of Yes Man 05:00 Are You Smarter Than A 5th 16) 10:00 Rampage! 12:00 Mr.Bean - The Animated 20:30 Animal Mechanicals
02:00 Yes Man Grader? 20:00 So You Think You Can Dance 11:00 How Do They Do It? S5 Series 21:00 Chuggington
04:00 Mission Impossible 06:00 Whose Line Is It Anyway? (Season 6) 11:30 How It’s Made S11 12:30 Mr.Bean - Live Action Series 21:25 Bert And Ernie’s Great
06:30 According To Jim 22:00 The Amazing Race (Season 12:00 Mythbusters S5 13:00 Adventures Of Food Boy, The Adventures
06:00 The Bucket List
07:00 Friends 16) 13:00 Everything You Need To 14:30 Upin & Ipin 21:30 Special Agent Oso
07:45 Mission Impossible
07:30 EVERYBODY LOVES 23:00 So You Think You Can Dance Know: Serial Killers 15:00 Oggy And The Cockroaches 22:00 Dive Olly Dive
09:45 Micki + Maude
RAYMOND (Season 6) 14:00 Jack The Ripper In America 15:30 Shaun The Sheep 22:25 Boowa And Kwala
11:45 The Making Of Yes Man
08:00 7TH HEAVEN 15:00 Survivorman S2 16:00 Pucca 22:30 Higglytown Heroes
12:00 Yes Man 16:00 Deadliest Catch S5 16:30 Pucca
13:45 3 Ninjas: High Noon At Mega 09:00 Boston Legal 23:00 Johnny And The Sprites
10:00 Asia Uncut 17:00 How It’s Made S11 17:00 Phineas And Ferb 23:25 Boowa And Kwala
Mountain 00:00 2010 Winter X Games All 17:30 How Do They Do It? S5 17:30 Mr.Bean - The Animated
15:15 A Very Brady Sequel 11:00 UGLY BETTY Access 23:30 Make Way For Noddy
18:00 921 Earthquake Special Series
16:45 Not Easily Broken 12:00 90210 01:00 Air Sri Lanka Maldives Pro 19:00 Survivorman S1 18:00 Mr.Bean - Live Action Series
18:20 The End Of The Affair 13:00 EVERYBODY LOVES 2009 20:00 Dirty Jobs S4 18:30 Tarzan
20:00 Bored To Death S105: The RAYMOND 01:30 Football Asia 2009/10 21:00 Survivorman S2 20:30 Mr.Bean - The Animated
Case Of The Lonely White 13:30 Friends 02:00 PBA Tour : Don Johnson 00:20 Purple Storm
22:00 Tattoo Hunter Series
Dove 14:00 SCRUBS Eliminator 23:00 Dirty Jobs S4 21:00 Upin & Ipin 02:15 Kirei? The Terror Of Beauty
20:30 Bored To Death S106: The 14:30 SCRUBS 03:30 Anz Ladies Masters 2010 21:30 Shaun The Sheep 03:35 Free Fighter
Case Of The Beautiful 15:00 Boston Legal - Day 4 22:00 Phineas And Ferb 05:15 Way Of Blue Sky
Blackmailer 16:00 Are You Smarter Than A 5th 06:30 World Of Gymnastics 22:30 Wizards Of Waverly Place 07:00 G.Y. Sir
21:00 Band Of Brothers S106: Grader? 07:00 Football Asia 2009/10 00:00 Theme Week 23:00 Hannah Montana 08:35 Cop Unbowed
Bastogne 17:00 Whose Line Is It Anyway? 07:30 Planet Speed 2009/10 01:00 Theme Week 23:30 Shaun The Sheep 10:05 My Name Is Fame
22:10 Band Of Brothers S107: The 17:30 According To Jim 08:00 Sportscenter Right Now 02:00 Theme Week 11:45 The Luckiest Man
Breaking Point 18:00 Friends 08:01 Sydney Running Festival 2009 03:00 Hunter Hunted 13:20 Cinema Today
23:30 Sex And The City S305: No 18:30 EVERYBODY LOVES 09:00 2010 US Figure Skating 04:00 Theme Week 14:20 12 Lotus
Ifs, Ands, Or Butts RAYMOND Championships 06:00 Theme Week 16:25 Infernal Affairs 3
10:59 Sportscenter Right Now 00:00 Bunnytown
19:00 The King Of Queens 07:00 Air Crash Investigation 18:25 Hero Beyond The Boundary
11:00 Football Asia 2009/10 00:30 Thomas & Friends
19:30 SCRUBS 08:00 ABOUT ASIA Of Time
11:30 Planet Speed 2009/10 00:50 Pororo - The Little Penguin
20:00 How I Met Your Mother 09:00 Locked Up Abroad 20:00 Triangle
12:00 PBA Tour : Don Johnson 01:00 Mickey Mouse Clubhouse
20:30 RULES OF ENGAGEMENT 10:00 Cliffhangers 21:35 Naked Weapon
00:30 Samson And Delilah Eliminator 01:25 Tiny Planets
21:00 Eli Stone 11:00 The Living Edens 23:10 The Haunted Cop Shop II
02:45 Mindwarp 13:30 World Of Gymnastics 01:30 My Friends Tigger & Pooh
04:30 Vacancy 2: The First Cut 14:00 Sportscenter Right Now 13:00 Food Lovers Guide To The 02:00 Handy Manny
23:00 Whose Line Is It Anyway?
06:00 Shane 14:01 2010 Winter X Games All Plane 02:00 Special Agent Oso
23:30 According To Jim
08:00 The Wire S305: Straight And Access 13:30 Food Lovers Guide To The 03:00 Barney & Friends
True 15:00 Sportscenter Right Now Plane 03:30 Mighty Jungle, The 00:00 ANIMAL PLANET
08:55 The Wire S306: Homecoming 15:01 Planet Speed 2009/10 14:00 Built For The Kill 04:00 Play With Me Sesame SHOWCASE
10:00 Best Of The Best 4: Without 15:30 ACC Sunday Night Hoops 15:00 Locked Up Abroad 04:30 Clifford, The Big Red Dog 01:00 ANIMAL PLANET
00:35 The Nanny (S1) 17:30 Football Asia 2009/10 16:00 My Brilliant Brain 05:00 JoJo’s Circus SHOWCASE
01:05 Midsomer Murders (S9) 18:00 Simply The Best 17:00 Theme Week 05:25 Boowa And Kwala 02:00 New Breed Vets with Steve
12:00 The War Of The Worlds
03:00 Gentle Ben: Black Gold 18:30 Sportscenter Asia 18:00 Air Crash Investigation 05:30 Barney & Friends Irwin
05:00 The Lives Of The Saints 19:00 FIFA Beach Soccer World Cup 19:00 ABOUT ASIA 06:00 Pocoyo 03:00 Animal Planet Reveals Asia
14:00 Mindwarp
07:00 The Nanny (S4) 2009 Qualifiers Concacaf 20:00 Helicopter Wars 06:30 Higglytown Heroes 04:00 Fooled By Nature
15:35 Epad On Max 49 20:00 Football Asia 2009/10
16:00 Samson And Delilah 07:30 The Nanny (S4) 21:00 Megastructures 07:00 My Friends Tigger & Pooh 04:30 Fooled By Nature
08:00 The Oprah Winfrey Show 20:30 Immortals, The 22:00 Theme Week 07:25 Bert And Ernie’s Great 05:00 ANIMAL PLANET
18:30 Fortress 2: Re-entry 21:00 Sportscenter Asia
(S23) 23:00 Megastructures Adventures SHOWCASE
20:00 The Sting 21:30 PBA Tour : Don Johnson
08:50 The Oprah Winfrey Show 07:30 Little Einsteins 06:00 ANIMAL PLANET
22:00 Mindwarp Eliminator
(S24) 08:00 WordWorld SHOWCASE
23:35 Epad On Max 49 23:00 Sportscenter Asia
09:45 The Oprah Winfrey Show 08:30 Mickey Mouse Clubhouse 07:00 Echo and the Elephants of
(S24) 23:30 Cev Beach Volleyball 09:00 Handy Manny Amboseli
10:40 The Oprah Winfrey Show European Championship Tour
00:25 Joe’s Apartment 09:30 Animal Mechanicals 07:30 Meerkat Manor
(S23) - Austrian Masters
01:45 Changeling 09:55 Classic Tales 08:00 Wild Hearts
00:40 Tropa De Elite 11:35 The Oprah Winfrey Show 10:00 Chuggington 09:00 Groomer Has It 2
04:00 The Wire S507: Took
02:35 Nuclear Hurricane (S23) 05:00 Roger & Me 10:20 Pororo - The Little Penguin 10:00 The Crocodile Hunter 5
04:10 Cry Of The Owl 12:30 The Oprah Winfrey Show 07:00 The Tudors S208: Lady In 10:30 Special Agent Oso 11:00 Planet’s Funniest Animals 6
05:50 City On Fire (S24) 01:00 Final Score - FA Cup 2009/10
Waiting 11:00 Dive Olly Dive 11:30 Planet’s Funniest Animals 6
07:20 Flirting With Disaster 13:20 The Oprah Winfrey Show 01:30 Pattaya Women’s Open
08:00 One Missed Call 11:25 Tiny Planets 12:00 Lemur Street
08:55 Edward Scissorhands (S23) 03:00 Hot Water 2009/10
09:30 Jesse Stone: Thin Ice 11:30 Higglytown Heroes 12:30 Monkey Business 8
10:45 Vip Access 14:15 The Oprah Winfrey Show 04:00 Planet Speed 2009/10
11:00 Black Hawk Down 12:00 Animal Mechanicals 13:00 The Animals’ Guide to
11:15 Education Of Charlie Banks, (S23) 04:30 Behind The Baseline
13:30 Radio Flyer 12:25 Bert And Ernie’s Great Survival
The 15:10 The Oprah Winfrey Show 05:00 FA Cup 09/10
15:40 Roger & Me Adventures 14:00 Echo and the Elephants of
12:55 Carny (S24) 07:00 Pattaya Women’s Open
17:25 Jesse Stone: Thin Ice 12:30 Dibo The Gift Dragon Amboseli
16:05 The Oprah Winfrey Show 08:30 Final Score - FA Cup 2009/10
14:25 War, Inc. 19:00 The Tudors S208: Lady In 13:00 My Friends Tigger & Pooh 14:30 Meerkat Manor
(S23) 09:00 FA Cup 09/10
16:15 Meet The Spartans Waiting 13:30 Handy Manny 15:00 Wild Hearts
17:00 Ambulance Girl 11:00 Final Score - FA Cup 2009/10
17:45 Vip Access: Face2face 20:00 The Wire S508: Clarifications 14:00 Special Agent Oso 16:00 Groomer Has It 2
18:45 Hello Sister, Goodbye Life 11:30 World Of Gymnastics
18:15 My Mom’s New Boyfriend 21:00 A Mighty Heart 14:30 Dive Olly Dive 17:00 Animal Planet at the Movies
20:30 Their Eyes Were Watching 12:00 Pattaya Women’s Open
20:00 Dead Poet’s Society 22:45 Radio Flyer 15:00 Chloe’s Closet 17:30 Animal Planet at the Movies
God 13:30 Pattaya Women’s Open
22:15 Mississippi Burning 15:00 FA Cup 09/10 15:25 Classic Tales 18:00 Lemur Street
22:30 Beautiful Girl
17:00 Final Score - FA Cup 2009/10 15:30 Clifford, The Big Red Dog 18:30 Monkey Business 8
17:30 KFC Malaysia World 16:00 Dibo The Gift Dragon 19:00 The Animals’ Guide to
Band Competition 2009 00:00 Shaolin Wuzang 16:30 Mickey Mouse Clubhouse Survival
01:15 Last Rites 00:00 Masters Of Illusion - Highlights 00:30 Donald Duck Presents 17:00 Pocoyo 20:00 Echo and the Elephants of
03:00 The End 01:00 Csi: Crime Scene 18:30 FA Cup 09/10 01:00 Replacements, The 17:30 Higglytown Heroes Amboseli
04:45 A Prayer for the Dying Investigation (Season 10) 20:30 Score Tonight 01:30 American Dragon: Jake Long 17:55 Tiny Planets 20:30 Meerkat Manor
06:30 Stella 02:00 Csi: Miami (Season 6) 21:00 Lives In The Fast Lane 02:00 Kim Possible 18:00 My Friends Tigger & Pooh 21:00 Wild Hearts
08:15 The Dirty Dozen: The Fatal 03:00 Csi: Ny (Season 5) 21:30 Engine Block 2010 02:30 Phineas And Ferb 18:30 Little Einsteins 22:00 Groomer Has It 2
Mission 04:00 Chuck (Season 2) 22:00 F1 Season Preview 03:00 Disney’s Lilo & Stitch: The 19:00 WordWorld 23:00 The Crocodile Hunter 5
10:00 The Pride and the Passion 05:00 Wipeout (Season 1) 23:00 Lives In The Fast Lane Series
12:15 True Confessions 06:00 Leverage 23:30 Score Tonight 03:30 Suite Life Of Zack And Cody,
14:00 The Music Lovers 07:00 Csi: Crime Scene The
16:00 Rush Investigation (Season 9) 04:00 Hannah Montana
18:00 From Noon Till Three 08:00 Csi: Miami (Season 7) 04:30 Wizards Of Waverly Place
20:00 Fluke 09:00 Wipeout (Season 1) 00:00 Jack The Ripper In America 05:00 Good Morning Mickey
22:00 Rockula 10:00 Leverage 01:00 Mega Builders S1 05:30 Good Morning Mickey
23:30 Love and Death 11:00 Csi: Crime Scene 02:00 Half Man Half Tree 06:00 House Of Mouse
Investigation (Season 9) 03:00 Solved S2 06:30 Donald Duck Presents
12:00 Stranger Than Fiction 04:00 Extreme Forensics 07:00 Animal Mechanicals
14:30 Ebuzz 05:00 Treasure Quest 07:30 Dibo The Gift Dragon
15:00 Csi: Crime Scene 06:00 Survivorman S2 08:00 Twisted Whiskers
01:00 AMERICAN IDOL Investigation (Season 9) 07:00 Everything You Need To 08:30 Replacements, The
02:00 DAVID LETTERMAN 16:00 Whacked Out Sports (Season Know: Serial Killers 09:00 Ducktales The Movie -
03:00 7TH HEAVEN 2) 08:00 Jack The Ripper In America Treasure Of The Lost Lamp

Rules Of Engagement (Season 2)

Dari penulis Everybody Loves Raymond, serial Rules of Engagement berkisah tentang
dua pasangan dan kawan mereka yang masih jomblo dalam rumitnya hubungan cinta,
komitmen, dan perkawinan.
Pukul 20.30 WIB

Maret 2010 | primetime | 33

9 maret

RAYMOND 15:00 Csi: Crime Scene 01:00 Deadliest Catch S5 05:00 Good Morning Mickey 21:25 Bert And Ernie’s Great
01:00 Are You Smarter Than A 5th Investigation (Season 9) 02:00 Rampage! 05:30 Good Morning Mickey Adventures
00:00 Sex And The City S306: Are Grader? 16:00 Wipeout (Season 1) 03:00 Mythbusters S5 06:00 House Of Mouse 21:30 Special Agent Oso
We Sluts? 01:55 Bewitched 17:00 Keith Barry: The Escape 04:00 Survivorman S2 06:30 Donald Duck Presents 22:00 Dive Olly Dive
00:30 Yes Man 02:00 DAVID LETTERMAN 18:00 The Amazing Race (Season 05:00 921 Earthquake Special 07:00 Animal Mechanicals 22:25 Boowa And Kwala
02:35 Band Of Brothers S106: 02:55 Dilbert 16) 06:00 Rampage! 07:30 Dibo The Gift Dragon 22:30 Higglytown Heroes
Bastogne 03:00 7TH HEAVEN 19:00 Csi: Miami (Season 6) 07:00 Dirty Jobs S4 08:00 Twisted Whiskers 23:00 Johnny And The Sprites
03:45 Band Of Brothers S107: The 03:55 MARRIED WITH CHILDREN 20:00 Keith Barry: The Escape 08:00 Tattoo Hunter 08:30 Replacements, The 23:25 Boowa And Kwala
Breaking Point 04:00 My Wife and Kids 21:00 David Blaine: Magic Man 09:00 Clash Of The Dinosaurs 09:00 Aladdin And The King Of 23:30 Make Way For Noddy
05:00 Bored To Death S105: The 04:30 My Wife and Kids 22:00 24 (Season 7) 10:00 921 Earthquake Special Thieves
Case Of The Lonely White 05:00 Are You Smarter Than A 5th 23:00 Keith Barry: The Escape 11:00 How Do They Do It? S5 11:00 Globo Loco
Dove Grader? 11:30 How It’s Made S11 11:30 Yin Yang Yo!
05:30 Bored To Death S106: The 06:00 Whose Line Is It Anyway? 12:00 Mythbusters S5 12:00 Mr.Bean - The Animated 00:45 Angel
Case Of The Beautiful 06:30 According To Jim 13:00 Seven Wonders Of China Series 02:50 My Mother The Mermaid
00:30 Sportscenter Asia 04:45 Be With You
07:00 Friends 14:00 Tattoo Hunter 12:30 Mr.Bean - Live Action Series
01:00 US Open 9-Ball 06:50 Springtime
06:00 Yes Man 07:30 EVERYBODY LOVES 15:00 Dirty Jobs S4 13:00 Tarzan
Championship 2009 09:05 Truth Or Dare: 6th Floor Rear
08:00 Fool’s Gold RAYMOND 16:00 Half Man Half Tree 14:30 Upin & Ipin
02:00 Football Asia 2009/10 Flat
10:00 Bernard And Doris 08:00 7TH HEAVEN 17:00 How It’s Made S11 15:00 Oggy And The Cockroaches
02:30 Players Lives 10:50 Everlasting Regret
12:00 Sleepless In Seattle 08:55 Bewitched 17:30 How Do They Do It? S5 15:30 Shaun The Sheep
03:00 World Of Gymnastics 12:45 Return Engagement
13:45 Funny About Love 09:00 Boston Legal 18:00 Man Made Marvels: China’s 16:00 Pucca
03:30 Top Volley International 14:40 Accuracy of Death
15:25 Bored To Death S105: The 09:55 Dilbert National Theatre 16:30 Pucca
05:00 King Of Wake World Cup 16:40 Elixir of Love
Case Of The Lonely White 10:00 The King Of Queens 19:00 Dark Fellowships: The Vril 17:00 Phineas And Ferb
Series ‘08 #1 18:30 Black Panther’s Warrior
Dove 10:30 SCRUBS 20:00 Half Man Half Tree 17:30 Mr.Bean - The Animated
05:30 Sportscenter Asia 20:00 A1
15:55 Bored To Death S106: The 11:00 How I Met Your Mother 21:00 River Monsters Series
06:00 2010 Winter X Games All 21:50 The Detective
Case Of The Beautiful 11:30 RULES OF ENGAGEMENT 22:00 Rampage! 18:00 Mr.Bean - Live Action Series
Access 23:45 City Kids 1989
Blackmailer 12:00 Eli Stone 23:00 Treeman: The Cure 18:30 Jump In!
07:00 FIFA Beach Soccer World Cup
16:30 Happy Gilmore 13:00 According To Jim 20:30 Mr.Bean - The Animated
2009 Qualifiers Concacaf
18:00 Fool’s Gold 13:30 Friends Series
08:00 Sportscenter Right Now
20:00 This Christmas 14:00 SCRUBS 21:00 Upin & Ipin
08:01 Cape To Cape Mtb
21:55 Tmz 186 14:30 SCRUBS 00:00 Air Crash Investigation 21:30 Shaun The Sheep 00:00 Lemur Street
09:00 2010 US Figure Skating
22:15 Sex And The City (The Movie) 14:55 Dilbert 01:00 Helicopter Wars 22:00 Phineas And Ferb 00:30 Monkey Business 8
15:00 Boston Legal 02:00 Megastructures 22:30 Wizards Of Waverly Place 01:00 The Animals’ Guide to
10:59 Sportscenter Right Now
15:55 MARRIED WITH CHILDREN 03:00 Megastructures 23:00 Hannah Montana Survival
11:00 FIFA Beach Soccer World Cup
16:00 Are You Smarter Than A 5th 04:00 Helicopter Wars 23:30 Shaun The Sheep 02:00 Echo and the Elephants of
2009 Qualifiers Concacaf
Grader? 05:00 Megastructures Amboseli
00:00 Best Of The Best 4: Without 12:00 ACC Sunday Night Hoops
17:00 Whose Line Is It Anyway? 06:00 Theme Week 02:30 Meerkat Manor
Warning 14:00 Sportscenter Right Now
17:30 According To Jim 07:00 Air Crash Investigation 03:00 Wild Hearts
02:00 The Sting 14:01 Players Lives
18:00 Friends 08:00 ABOUT ASIA 00:00 Bunnytown 04:00 Groomer Has It 2
04:15 Roger Corman’s Frankenstein 14:30 PBA Tour : Don Johnson
18:30 EVERYBODY LOVES 09:00 Situation Critical 00:30 Thomas & Friends 05:00 Animal Planet at the Movies
Unbound Eliminator
RAYMOND 10:00 Animal Extractors 00:50 Pororo - The Little Penguin 05:30 Animal Planet at the Movies
06:00 Fortress 2: Re-entry 16:00 2010 Winter X Games 14
19:00 90210 11:00 Animal Autopsy 01:00 Mickey Mouse Clubhouse 06:00 Lemur Street
07:45 Epad On Max 49 Slammed/stomped
20:00 UGLY BETTY 12:00 ABOUT ASIA 01:25 Tiny Planets 06:30 Monkey Business 8
08:00 The Sting 16:59 Sportscenter Right Now
21:00 Lipstick Jungle 13:00 Meet The Natives - USA 01:30 My Friends Tigger & Pooh 07:00 Incredible Journeys with
10:30 Vacancy 2: The First Cut 17:00 Almost Anything Goes
22:00 TWO AND HALF MEN 14:00 Built For The Kill 02:00 Handy Manny Steve Leonard
12:00 Vacancy 17:30 FIFA Beach Soccer World Cup
23:00 Whose Line Is It Anyway? 15:00 Situation Critical 02:30 Special Agent Oso 08:00 Nick Baker’s Weird Creatures
13:30 The Colony 2009 Qualifiers Concacaf
23:30 According To Jim 16:00 Hayden Turner’s Wildlife 03:00 Barney & Friends II
15:00 Bullitt 18:30 Sportscenter Asia
Chall 03:30 Mighty Jungle, The 09:00 Rogue Nature with Dave
17:00 The Gorgon 19:00 Football Focus With John
16:30 Hidden Worlds 04:00 Play With Me Sesame Salmoni
18:30 Vacancy 2: The First Cut Dykes
17:00 Theme Week 04:30 Clifford, The Big Red Dog 10:00 The Crocodile Hunter 5
20:00 The Flash 20:00 Simply The Best
18:00 Air Crash Investigation 05:00 JoJo’s Circus 11:00 Animal Planet at the Movies
21:30 Fortress 2: Re-entry 00:15 ER (S8) 20:30 Contenders, The
19:00 ABOUT ASIA 05:25 Boowa And Kwala 11:30 Animal Planet at the Movies
23:00 Roger Corman’s Frankenstein 01:10 No Ordinary Baby 21:00 Sportscenter Asia
20:00 Long Way Down 05:30 Barney & Friends 12:00 Lemur Street
Unbound 03:00 Mary Bryant 21:30 Football Focus With John
21:00 Cruise Ship Diaries 06:00 Pocoyo 12:30 Monkey Business 8
05:00 The Lives Of The Saints Dykes
22:00 Theme Week 06:30 Higglytown Heroes 13:00 K9 Cops
07:00 The Nanny (S4) 22:30 AFC Champions League 2010
23:00 Megastructures 07:00 My Friends Tigger & Pooh 14:00 Incredible Journeys with
07:30 The Nanny (S5)
07:25 Bert And Ernie’s Great Steve Leonard
00:30 88 Minutes 08:00 The Oprah Winfrey Show
Adventures 15:00 Nick Baker’s Weird Creatures
02:20 Solar Destruction (S23)
00:00 Engine Block 2010 07:30 Little Einsteins II
03:55 Tell No One 09:00 Audrey’s Rain
00:30 Pattaya Women’s Open 08:00 WordWorld 16:00 Rogue Nature with Dave
06:05 Vip Access: Face2face 11:00 Without A Trace (S4)
02:00 Pattaya Women’s Open 00:45 One Missed Call 08:30 Mickey Mouse Clubhouse Salmoni
06:35 Rain Man 12:00 The Oprah Winfrey Show
03:30 Engine Block 2010 02:15 A Mighty Heart 09:00 Handy Manny 17:00 Animal Planet at the Movies
08:55 Dead Poet’s Society (S24)
04:00 FA Cup 09/10 04:00 The Wire S508: Clarifications 09:30 Animal Mechanicals 17:30 Animal Planet at the Movies
11:10 Mississippi Burning 13:00 The Biggest Loser (S5)
06:00 Lives In The Fast Lane 05:00 Boyz N The Hood 09:55 Classic Tales 18:00 Lemur Street
13:25 Blank Slate 14:00 No Ordinary Baby
06:30 Engine Block 2010 07:00 The Tudors S209: The Act Of 10:00 Chuggington 18:30 Monkey Business 8
15:00 Strange Wilderness 16:00 ER (S8)
07:00 International Motorsport Treason 10:20 Pororo - The Little Penguin 19:00 K9 Cops
16:30 While She Was Out 17:00 The Nanny (S4)
News 2010 07:55 Crazy In Alabama 10:30 Special Agent Oso 20:00 In Too Deep
18:00 Courage Under Fire 17:30 The Nanny (S5)
08:00 Planet Speed 2009/10 09:45 Batman: Gotham Knight 11:00 Dive Olly Dive 20:30 In Too Deep
20:00 Phoebe In Wonderland 18:00 The Biggest Loser (S5)
08:30 Engine Block 2010 11:00 Alive 11:25 Tiny Planets 21:00 Nick Baker’s Weird Creatures
21:45 Skinwalkers 19:00 The Oprah Winfrey Show
09:00 FA Cup 09/10 13:15 One Missed Call 11:30 Higglytown Heroes II
23:30 Into The Blue 2: The Reef 20:00 Hallmark Channel
11:00 International Motorsport 15:00 My House In Umbria 12:00 Animal Mechanicals 22:00 Anacondas with Nigel
News 2010 17:00 Crazy In Alabama 12:25 Bert And Ernie’s Great Marven
21:20 Hallmark Channel
12:00 KFC Malaysia World 19:00 The Tudors S209: The Act Of Adventures 23:00 The Crocodile Hunter 5
Band Competition 2009 Treason 12:30 Dibo The Gift Dragon
23:00 The Nanny (S5)
01:00 Eight Men Out - Highlights 20:00 The Wire S509: Late Editions 13:00 My Friends Tigger & Pooh
23:30 The Nanny (S5)
03:00 Tank Girl 13:00 Engine Block 2010 21:00 The Wire S510: -30- 13:30 Handy Manny
04:45 Robot Jox 13:30 Pattaya Women’s Open 22:45 Alive 13:30 Special Agent Oso
06:15 The Favor 14:55 FA Cup 09/10 14:30 Dive Olly Dive
08:00 Molly 01:00 Stranger Than Fiction 15:55 Engine Block 2010 15:00 Chloe’s Closet
09:45 Red Corner 03:30 Ebuzz 16:25 AFC Champions League 2010 15:25 Classic Tales
11:45 Company Business 04:00 Csi: Miami (Season 7) 18:30 F1 Classics - 1994 British 15:30 Clifford, The Big Red Dog
13:15 Without you I’m Nothing 05:00 Wipeout (Season 1) Grand Prix 00:00 Shaolin Wuzang 16:00 Dibo The Gift Dragon
14:45 Summer Heat 06:00 Leverage 19:30 F1 Classics - 1994 Australian 00:30 Donald Duck Presents 16:30 Mickey Mouse Clubhouse
16:00 1984 07:00 Csi: Crime Scene Grand Prix 01:00 Replacements, The 17:00 Pocoyo
17:45 Texasville Investigation (Season 9) 20:30 Score Tonight 01:30 American Dragon: Jake Long 17:30 Higglytown Heroes
20:00 The Package 08:00 Csi: Miami (Season 7) 21:00 Immortals, The 02:00 Kim Possible 17:55 Tiny Planets
22:00 Kiss the Sky 09:00 Wipeout (Season 1) 21:30 Golf Focus 2010 02:30 Phineas And Ferb 18:00 My Friends Tigger & Pooh
23:45 Just Between Friends 10:00 Leverage 22:00 Neofight 03:00 Disney’s Lilo & Stitch: The 18:30 Little Einsteins
11:00 Csi: Crime Scene 23:30 Classic Boxing 00:30hrs Series 19:00 WordWorld
Investigation (Season 9) 03:30 Suite Life Of Zack And Cody, 19:30 Mickey Mouse Clubhouse
12:00 So You Think You Can Dance The 20:00 Handy Manny
00:00 Friends (Season 6) 04:00 Hannah Montana 20:30 Animal Mechanicals
00:30 EVERYBODY LOVES 14:00 Csi: Miami (Season 7) 00:00 Survivorman S2 04:30 Wizards Of Waverly Place 21:00 Chuggington

Extreme Loggers
Film besutan Gordon Chan ini mempertanyakan satu hal: jika pers bertugas
mengawasi kita, lalu siapa yang mengawasi pers? Dibintang aktor-aktor kelas
berat, Anthony Wong, Tony Leung Ka-fai, Angelica Lee, dan Edison Chen, film ini
menjanjikan tontonan bermutu. Sebuah kematian misterius membuat reporter handal,
Pukul 20.00 WIB Ling (Lee) bertekad mencari kebenaran. Polisi tak mau membantunya. Apa yang
sebenarnya terjadi?

34 | primetime | Maret 2010

10 maret

Grader? 17:00 How It’s Made S11 13:00 Dinosaur Island 10:00 Chuggington
06:00 Whose Line Is It Anyway? 17:30 How Do They Do It? S5 14:30 Upin & Ipin 10:20 Pororo - The Little Penguin
06:30 According To Jim 00:30 Sportscenter Asia 18:00 Deadliest Catch S5 15:00 Oggy And The Cockroaches 10:30 Special Agent Oso
00:35 Mission Impossible
07:00 Friends 01:00 US Open 9-Ball 19:00 Planet Green 15:30 Shaun The Sheep 11:00 Dive Olly Dive
02:20 Micki + Maude
07:30 EVERYBODY LOVES Championship 2009 20:00 Prehistoric Disasters 16:00 Pucca 11:25 Tiny Planets
04:15 Yes Man
RAYMOND 02:00 Sportscenter Asia 21:00 Clash Of The Dinosaurs 16:30 Pucca 11:30 Higglytown Heroes
06:00 Micki + Maude
08:00 7TH HEAVEN 02:30 European Short Course 22:00 Monsters Resurrected 17:00 Phineas And Ferb 12:00 Animal Mechanicals
07:55 Milk (2008)
08:55 Bewitched Swimming Championship 23:00 Prehistoric Disasters 17:30 Mr.Bean - The Animated 12:25 Bert And Ernie’s Great
10:00 This Christmas
09:00 Boston Legal 05:00 ACC Sunday Night Hoops Series Adventures
12:00 Eraser
09:55 Dilbert 07:00 Football Focus With John 18:00 Mr.Bean - Live Action Series 12:30 Dibo The Gift Dragon
14:00 Mission Impossible
10:00 90210 Dykes 18:30 Dadnapped 13:00 My Friends Tigger & Pooh
16:00 Fandango
10:55 MARRIED WITH CHILDREN 08:00 Sportscenter Right Now 20:30 Mr.Bean - The Animated 13:30 Handy Manny
17:55 Milk (2008) 00:00 Air Crash Investigation
11:00 UGLY BETTY 08:01 Australasian Safari 2009 Series 14:00 Special Agent Oso
20:00 The Other Boleyn Girl 01:00 Long Way Down
09:00 2010 US Figure Skating 21:00 Upin & Ipin 14:30 Dive Olly Dive
21:50 Tmz 187 12:00 Lipstick Jungle 02:00 Cruise Ship Diaries
Championships 21:30 Shaun The Sheep 15:00 Chloe’s Closet
22:10 Sex And The City S307: 13:00 According To Jim 03:00 Megastructures
10:59 Sportscenter Right Now 22:00 Phineas And Ferb 15:25 Classic Tales
Drama Queens 13:30 Friends 04:00 Long Way Down
11:00 Football Focus With John 22:30 Wizards Of Waverly Place 15:30 Clifford, The Big Red Dog
22:35 Sex And The City S308: The 14:00 Scrubs 05:00 Cruise Ship Diaries
Dykes 23:00 Hannah Montana 16:00 Dibo The Gift Dragon
Big Time 14:30 Scrubs 06:00 Theme Week 23:30 Shaun The Sheep 16:30 Mickey Mouse Clubhouse
14:55 Dilbert 12:00 AFC Champions League 2010
23:10 This Christmas 07:00 Seconds From Disaster 17:00 Pocoyo
15:00 Kyle XY 14:00 Sportscenter Right Now
14:01 2010 US Figure Skating 08:00 ABOUT ASIA 17:30 Higglytown Heroes
15:55 MARRIED WITH CHILDREN 09:00 Carrier 17:55 Tiny Planets
16:00 Are You Smarter Than A 5th Championships
16:00 Australasian Safari 2009 10:00 Monsters Of The Forest 00:00 Bunnytown 18:00 My Friends Tigger & Pooh
Grader? 11:00 Grizzly Cauldron 18:30 Little Einsteins
00:30 The Sting 17:00 AMERICAN IDOL 16:59 Sportscenter Right Now 00:30 Thomas & Friends
17:00 Contenders, The 12:00 ABOUT ASIA 00:50 Pororo - The Little Penguin 19:00 WordWorld
02:45 The Flash 18:00 Friends 13:00 Lockdown 19:30 Mickey Mouse Clubhouse
04:15 Epad On Max 49 17:30 Football Focus With John 01:00 Mickey Mouse Clubhouse
18:30 EVERYBODY LOVES 14:00 Built For The Kill 20:00 Handy Manny
04:30 The Naked Prey Dykes 01:25 Tiny Planets
RAYMOND 15:00 Carrier 20:30 Animal Mechanicals
18:30 Sportscenter Asia 01:30 My Friends Tigger & Pooh
06:00 Mindwarp 19:00 AMERICAN IDOL 16:00 Wild Detectives 21:00 Chuggington
19:00 Tiger World Of Football 02:00 Handy Manny
08:00 Vacancy 2: The First Cut 20:00 GLEE 16:30 Food Lovers Guide To The 21:25 Bert And Ernie’s Great
20:00 Almost Anything Goes 02:30 Special Agent Oso
09:30 Samson And Delilah 21:00 30 Rock Plane Adventures
20:30 Contenders, The 03:00 Barney & Friends
12:00 The Wire S305: Straight And 21:30 30 Rock 17:00 Theme Week 21:30 Special Agent Oso
21:00 Sportscenter Asia 03:30 Mighty Jungle, The
True 22:00 TWO AND HALF MEN 18:00 Seconds From Disaster 22:00 Dive Olly Dive
21:30 Tiger World Of Football 04:00 Play With Me Sesame
12:55 The Wire S306: Homecoming 23:00 AMERICAN IDOL 19:00 ABOUT ASIA 04:30 Clifford, The Big Red Dog 22:25 Boowa And Kwala
14:00 Starship Troopers 3: 22:30 Immortals, The 22:30 Higglytown Heroes
23:00 Sportscenter Asia 20:00 Wild Wednesday 05:00 JoJo’s Circus
Marauder 21:00 Wild Wednesday 05:25 Boowa And Kwala 23:00 Johnny And The Sprites
16:00 The Flash 23:30 Cev Beach Volleyball 23:25 Boowa And Kwala
European Championship Tour 22:00 Theme Week 05:30 Barney & Friends
18:15 Mindwarp 06:00 Pocoyo 23:30 Make Way For Noddy
- Austrian Masters 23:00 Inside: FBI Stake Out
20:00 Solo 00:00 ER (S8) 06:30 Higglytown Heroes
21:30 The Wire S305: Straight And 01:00 Charms For The Easy Life 07:00 My Friends Tigger & Pooh
True 03:00 Mary Bryant 07:25 Bert And Ernie’s Great
22:25 The Wire S306: Homecoming 05:00 Conundrum 01:15 Star Reformers
23:30 Vacancy 2: The First Cut 07:00 The Nanny (S5) 00:00 Score Tonight 03:30 Visible Secret
07:30 Little Einsteins
07:30 The Nanny (S5) 00:30 Pattaya Women’s Open 00:45 My House In Umbria 05:15 Say Hello For Me
08:00 WordWorld
08:00 The Oprah Winfrey Show 02:00 Max Power 2010/11 02:30 The Wire S509: Late Editions 07:15 Funeral March
08:30 Mickey Mouse Clubhouse
(S23) 02:45 2009 East Asian Games 03:30 The Wire S510: -30- 09:00 As Tears Go By
09:00 Handy Manny
- Athletics 05:00 Alive 10:40 Bet To Basic
01:05 Lava Storm 09:00 Jane Doe: The Ties That Bind 09:30 Animal Mechanicals
04:45 Pattaya Women’s Open 07:00 The Tudors S210: Destiny 12:20 Murder
02:40 Courage Under Fire 10:40 Hallmark Channel 09:55 Classic Tales
06:00 Golf Focus 2010 And Fortune 14:15 Rob-B-Hood
04:40 Talk To Me Programming
06:30 Immortals, The 08:00 Black Hawk Down 16:25 Wait ‘Til You’re Older
06:40 Christmas Caper 12:00 The Oprah Winfrey Show
07:00 Max Power 2010/11 10:30 The Making Of Band Of 18:00 Connected
08:15 Two Weeks 13:00 The Biggest Loser (S5)
08:00 Golf Focus 2010 Brothers 20:00 Death Note
10:00 Phoebe In Wonderland 14:00 Mary Bryant 22:10 Confession of Pain
16:00 ER (S8) 08:30 Immortals, The 11:00 My House In Umbria
11:45 Kill Switch 09:00 AFC Champions League 2010 12:45 Changeling
13:25 Babylon A.d. 17:00 The Nanny (S5)
17:30 The Nanny (S5) 11:00 Golf Focus 2010 15:00 Radio Flyer
15:00 Promotion, The 11:30 Glitch 16:55 Front Of The Class
16:30 Vip Access: Face2face 18:00 The Biggest Loser (S5)
12:00 Pattaya Women’s Open 18:30 The Making Of Band Of 00:00 Lemur Street
17:00 Marley & Me 19:00 The Oprah Winfrey Show 00:30 Monkey Business 8
20:00 American Dreams (S3) 13:30 Pattaya Women’s Open Brothers
19:00 The 82nd Annual Academy 15:00 FA Cup 09/10 19:00 The Tudors S210: Destiny 01:00 K9 Cops
Awards 21:00 Jane Doe: The Ties That Bind 02:00 In Too Deep
23:00 The Nanny (S5) 16:00 Jet Sprint World And Fortune
22:30 Reader, The Championships 20:00 Band Of Brothers S101: 02:30 In Too Deep
23:30 The Nanny (S5) 03:00 Nick Baker’s Weird Creatures
17:00 FA Cup 2009/10 Highlights, Currahee
The II
21:15 Devil In A Blue Dress
18:00 Global Football 04:00 Anacondas with Nigel
23:00 Not Another Teen Movie
18:30 F1 Classics - 1994 Brazilian Marven
01:45 Hard Promises 00:00 David Blaine: Magic Man 05:00 Animal Planet at the Movies
03:30 To Kill for 01:00 Shield, The (Season 7) Grand Prix
19:30 F1 Classics - 1995 Belgian 05:30 Animal Planet at the Movies
05:00 Palookaville 02:00 Mondo Magic Singapore 06:00 Lemur Street
06:30 Madhouse 02:30 Mondo Magic Singapore Grand Prix
00:00 Shaolin Wuzang 06:30 Monkey Business 8
08:00 The Last Waltz 20:30 Score Tonight
03:00 Leverage 00:30 Donald Duck Presents 07:00 Elephants Uncovered
21:00 Masters Official Films 2006
10:00 Body and Soul 04:00 Csi: Miami (Season 7) 01:00 Replacements, The 07:30 Elephants Uncovered
22:00 FA Cup 09/10
11:45 The Rosary Murders 05:00 Wipeout (Season 1) 01:30 American Dragon: Jake Long 08:00 BITE NITE
13:30 Zone Troopers 06:00 Early Edition (Season 3) 02:00 Kim Possible 09:00 Night
15:00 Impromptu 07:00 Csi: Crime Scene 02:30 Phineas And Ferb 09:30 Night
16:45 Dead of Winter Investigation (Season 9) 00:00 River Monsters 03:00 Disney’s Lilo & Stitch: The 10:00 The Crocodile Hunter 4
18:30 Cohen & Tate 08:00 Csi: Miami (Season 7) 01:00 Survivorman S1 Series 11:00 Animal Planet at the Movies
20:00 Thrashin’ 09:00 Wipeout (Season 1) 03:30 Suite Life Of Zack And Cody, 11:30 Animal Planet at the Movies
02:00 Survivorman S2
21:45 The Greatest Story Ever Told 10:00 Early Edition (Season 3) The 12:00 Lemur Street
03:00 Mythbusters S5
11:00 Csi: Crime Scene 04:00 Hannah Montana 12:30 Monkey Business 8
04:00 Tattoo Hunter
Investigation (Season 9) 04:30 Wizards Of Waverly Place 13:00 Spotlight: Earth
05:00 Man Made Marvels: China’s
12:00 David Blaine: Magic Man 05:00 Good Morning Mickey 14:00 Elephants Uncovered
National Theatre
05:30 Good Morning Mickey 14:30 Elephants Uncovered
00:00 Friends 13:00 24 (Season 7) 06:00 Half Man Half Tree 06:00 House Of Mouse 15:00 BITE NITE
00:30 EVERYBODY LOVES 14:00 Csi: Miami (Season 7) 07:00 Monsters Resurrected 06:30 Donald Duck Presents 16:00 Night
RAYMOND 15:00 Csi: Crime Scene 08:00 River Monsters 07:00 Animal Mechanicals 16:30 Night
01:00 Are You Smarter Than A 5th Investigation (Season 9) 09:00 Survivorman S2 07:30 Dibo The Gift Dragon 17:00 Animal Planet at the Movies
Grader? 16:00 Wipeout (Season 1) 10:00 Man Made Marvels: China’s 08:00 Twisted Whiskers 17:30 Animal Planet at the Movies
01:55 Bewitched 17:00 24 (Season 7) National Theatre 08:30 Replacements, The 18:00 Lemur Street
02:00 DAVID LETTERMAN 18:00 Guardian, The (Season 1) 11:00 How Do They Do It? S5 09:00 Mickey, Donald, Goofy: The 18:30 Monkey Business 8
02:55 Dilbert 19:00 House (Season 5) 11:30 How It’s Made S11 Three Musketeers 19:00 Spotlight: Earth
03:00 7TH HEAVEN 20:00 Wipeout (Season 2) 12:00 Mythbusters S5 11:00 Globo Loco 20:00 Elephants Uncovered
03:55 MARRIED WITH CHILDREN 21:00 Csi: Crime Scene 13:00 Treeman: The Cure 11:30 Yin Yang Yo! 21:00 BITE NITE
04:00 My Wife and Kids Investigation (Season 10) 14:00 Clash Of The Dinosaurs 12:00 Mr.Bean - The Animated 22:00 Night
04:30 My Wife and Kids 22:00 Csi: Ny (Season 5) 15:00 Prehistoric Disasters Series 22:30 Night
05:00 Are You Smarter Than A 5th 23:00 Wipeout (Season 2) 16:00 Monsters Resurrected 12:30 Mr.Bean - Live Action Series 23:00 The Crocodile Hunter 4

The Making Of Band Of Brothers

Telusuri apa yang terjadi di balik layar dari mini seri tentang Perang Dunia II produksi
HBO Original yang memenangkan penghargaan ini, yang diangkat dari buku Stephen
Ambrose dan diproduseri Steven Spielberg.
Pukul 18.30 WIB

Maret 2010 | primetime | 35

11 maret

07:00 Friends 13:00 Planet Green

07:30 EVERYBODY LOVES 14:00 River Monsters
RAYMOND 00:30 Sportscenter Asia 15:00 Sci Fi Science
01:05 The Making Of Sex And The
08:00 7TH HEAVEN 01:00 2010 US Figure Skating 15:30 Sci Fi Science
City (The Movie)
08:55 Bewitched Championships 16:00 Rampage!
01:30 Sex And The City (The Movie)
09:00 Kyle XY 03:00 US Open 9-Ball 17:00 How It’s Made S11
04:10 Sleepless In Seattle
09:55 Dilbert Championship 2009 17:30 How Do They Do It? S5
06:00 Free Willy
10:00 30 Rock 04:00 European Short Course 18:00 Jack The Ripper In America
08:00 Yes Man
10:30 30 Rock Swimming Championship 19:00 Revealed: Behind China’s
09:45 Sphere
10:55 MARRIED WITH CHILDREN 06:30 Simply The Best Digital Wall
12:00 Fool’s Gold
11:00 GLEE 07:00 Tiger World Of Football 20:00 Really Big Things With Matt
14:00 She’s Having A Baby
12:00 AMERICAN IDOL 08:00 Sportscenter Right Now Rogers S2
15:45 Hollywood One On One 77
13:00 EVERYBODY LOVES 08:01 2010 Winter X Games All 21:00 Mega Engineering
16:15 Funny About Love
RAYMOND Access 22:00 Mega Builders S1
18:00 The Making Of Yes Man
13:30 Friends 09:00 2010 US Figure Skating 23:00 Really Big Things With Matt
18:15 Yes Man

14:00 Scrubs Championships Rogers S2 08:00 Twisted Whiskers 17:00 Pocoyo

20:00 Margot At The Wedding
14:30 Scrubs 10:59 Sportscenter Right Now 08:30 Replacements, The 17:30 Higglytown Heroes
21:30 Tmz 188
14:55 Dilbert 11:00 European Short Course 09:00 Return Of Jafar, The 17:55 Tiny Planets
22:00 Fool’s Gold
15:00 Kyle XY Swimming Championship 11:00 Globo Loco 18:00 My Friends Tigger & Pooh
15:55 MARRIED WITH CHILDREN 13:30 Sportscenter Right Now 11:30 Yin Yang Yo! 18:30 Little Einsteins
00:00 Seconds From Disaster
16:00 Are You Smarter Than A 5th 13:31 Anz Ladies Masters 2010 12:00 Mr.Bean - The Animated 19:00 WordWorld
01:00 Wild Wednesday
Grader? - Day 4 Series 19:30 Mickey Mouse Clubhouse
02:00 Wild Wednesday
01:00 Vacancy 17:00 AMERICAN IDOL 16:29 Sportscenter Right Now 12:30 Mr.Bean - Live Action Series 20:00 Handy Manny
03:00 Inside: FBI Stake Out
02:30 Bullitt 18:00 Friends 16:30 NBA Fastbreak 2009/10 13:00 Tarzan II 20:30 Animal Mechanicals
04:00 Wild Wednesday
04:30 Solo 18:30 EVERYBODY LOVES 17:00 Tiger World Of Football 14:30 Upin & Ipin 21:00 Chuggington
05:00 Wild Wednesday
06:00 Vacancy RAYMOND 18:00 Almost Anything Goes 15:00 Oggy And The Cockroaches 21:25 Bert And Ernie’s Great
06:00 Theme Week
07:45 Shane 19:00 AMERICAN IDOL 18:30 Sportscenter Asia 15:30 Shaun The Sheep Adventures
07:00 Seconds From Disaster
10:00 Mindwarp 20:00 Life 19:00 Castrol Football Crazy 16:00 Pucca 21:30 Special Agent Oso
12:00 The Flash 21:00 PRIVATE PRACTICE 19:30 Immortals, The 16:30 Pucca 22:00 Dive Olly Dive
09:00 Against All Odds
13:30 Fortress 2: Re-entry 22:00 TWO AND HALF MEN 20:00 Global Football 17:00 Phineas And Ferb 22:25 Boowa And Kwala
10:00 Animal Autopsy
15:00 The Pigeon That Took Rome 23:00 AMERICAN IDOL 20:30 Simply The Best 17:30 Mr.Bean - The Animated 22:30 Higglytown Heroes
11:00 Hunter Hunted
16:45 A Man Called Gannon 21:00 Sportscenter Asia Series 23:00 Johnny And The Sprites
18:30 Vacancy 21:30 Castrol Football Crazy 18:00 Mr.Bean - Live Action Series 23:25 Boowa And Kwala
13:00 Somewhere In China
20:00 The Wire S307: Back Burners 22:00 Almost Anything Goes 18:30 Little Mermaid, The: Ariel’s 23:30 Make Way For Noddy
14:00 Built For The Kill
20:55 The Wire S308: Moral 22:30 Contenders, The Beginning
15:00 Against All Odds
Midgetry 00:00 ER (S8) 23:00 Sportscenter Asia 20:30 Mr.Bean - The Animated
16:00 Monkey Thieves
22:00 The Flash 01:00 Ambulance Girl 23:30 Cev Beach Volleyball Series
16:30 Hayden Turner’s Wildlife
23:30 Mindwarp 03:00 What Kind Of Mother Are European Championship 21:00 Upin & Ipin 00:00 Cinema Today
You? Tour - Austrian Masters 21:30 Shaun The Sheep 01:00 The Fatality
17:00 Theme Week
05:00 Hearts Adrift 18:00 Seconds From Disaster 22:00 Phineas And Ferb 02:45 Rainbow Song
07:00 The Nanny (S5) 19:00 ABOUT ASIA 22:30 Wizards Of Waverly Place 05:05 Night Of The Shooting Stars
00:30 Sea Beast
07:30 The Nanny (S5) 20:00 Megastructures 23:00 Hannah Montana 06:55 The Big Spender
02:00 Hit And Run 00:00 Score Tonight
08:00 The Oprah Winfrey Show 21:00 Megastructures 23:30 Shaun The Sheep 08:35 Ah Sou
03:30 Love In The Time Of Cholera 00:30 Pattaya Women’s Open
(S22) 22:00 Theme Week 10:10 Midnight Eagle
05:45 Malibu Shark Attack 02:00 Sports Max
09:00 Charms For The Easy Life 23:00 Inside 12:30 MOONLIGHT IN TOKYO
07:20 Iron Will 03:00 International Motorsport
11:00 American Dreams (S3) 14:05 The Bare-Footed Kid
09:15 Shortcut To Happiness News 2010
12:00 The Oprah Winfrey Show 00:00 Bunnytown 15:35 Kung Fu Hip Hop
11:00 The 82nd Annual Academy 04:00 FA Cup 09/10
13:00 The Biggest Loser (S5) 00:30 Thomas & Friends 17:30 Seven Swords
Awards 06:00 Global Football
14:00 Mary Bryant 00:50 Pororo - The Little Penguin 20:00 Gen-Y Cops
14:30 Slumdog Millionaire 06:30 World Of Gymnastics
16:00 ER (S8) 00:30 Changeling 01:00 Mickey Mouse Clubhouse 21:50 Power Kids
16:35 Diminished Capacity 07:00 Sports Max
17:00 The Nanny (S5) 02:45 Black Hawk Down 01:25 Tiny Planets 23:25 Invisible Target
18:10 Red Baron 08:00 FA Cup 2009/10 Highlights,
17:30 The Nanny (S5) 05:00 The House Of Yes 01:30 My Friends Tigger & Pooh
20:00 Mutant Chronicles The
21:50 All The Boys Love Mandy 18:00 The Biggest Loser (S5) 06:45 Head Case S201: The 02:00 Handy Manny
19:00 The Oprah Winfrey Show 09:00 FA Cup 09/10
Lane Wedding Ringer 02:30 Special Agent Oso
20:00 Army Wives (S2) 11:00 Sports Max 00:00 Lemur Street
23:25 Way Of War 07:10 Head Case S202: Talk To The 03:00 Barney & Friends
21:00 The Good Wife (S1) 12:00 F1 Season Preview 00:30 Monkey Business 8
List 03:30 Mighty Jungle, The
22:00 Crossing Jordan (S3) 13:00 World Of Gymnastics 01:00 Spotlight: Earth
07:30 Changeling 04:00 Play With Me Sesame
23:00 The Nanny (S5) 13:30 Pattaya Women’s Open 02:00 Elephants Uncovered
09:45 Not Another Teen Movie 04:30 Clifford, The Big Red Dog
23:30 The Nanny (S5) 15:00 FA Cup 09/10 03:00 BITE NITE
11:00 Deep Blue Sea 05:00 JoJo’s Circus
01:00 For Better or For Worse 16:00 Jet Sprint World 04:00 Night
13:00 My House In Umbria 05:25 Boowa And Kwala
02:30 Panga Championships 04:30 Night
15:00 The Age Of Innocence 05:30 Barney & Friends
04:00 Pope of Greenwich Village 17:00 Supa Strikas Tape 00:30hrs 05:00 Animal Planet at the Movies
17:30 Batman: Gotham Knight 06:00 Pocoyo
05:45 Storefront Hitchcock 00:00 Csi: Crime Scene 17:30 Supa Strikas Tape 00:30hrs 05:30 Animal Planet at the Movies
19:00 Head Case S201: The 06:30 Higglytown Heroes
07:00 3 Strikes Investigation (Season 10) 18:00 Game 06:00 Lemur Street
Wedding Ringer 07:00 My Friends Tigger & Pooh
08:30 Wild Orchid 01:00 Csi: Ny (Season 5) 18:30 F1 Classics - 1998 Belgian 06:30 Monkey Business 8
19:25 Head Case S202: Talk To The 07:25 Bert And Ernie’s Great
10:15 Youngblood 02:00 House (Season 5) Grand Prix 07:00 Up Close & Dangerous
List Adventures
12:00 Mr. Majestyk 03:00 Early Edition (Season 3) 19:30 F1 Classics - 1998 British 07:30 Up Close & Dangerous
20:00 Band Of Brothers S102: Day 07:30 Little Einsteins
13:45 Fellini’s Roma 04:00 Csi: Miami (Season 7) Grand Prix 08:00 Monsters Inside Me
Of Days 08:00 WordWorld
15:30 The Whales of August 05:00 Wipeout (Season 1) 20:30 Score Tonight 09:00 Venom ER 2
21:00 The Fighting Temptations 08:30 Mickey Mouse Clubhouse
17:00 Swimming to Cambodia 06:00 Early Edition (Season 3) 21:00 Simply The Best 10:00 The Crocodile Hunter 4
23:00 My House In Umbria 09:00 Handy Manny
18:15 Love Bites 07:00 Csi: Crime Scene 21:30 MYEG Xtra Time 11:00 Animal Planet at the Movies
09:30 Animal Mechanicals
20:00 The Story of Adele H Investigation (Season 9) 22:00 Ace 2010 11:30 Animal Planet at the Movies
09:55 Classic Tales
21:45 Joe 08:00 Csi: Miami (Season 7) 22:30 FA Cup 09/10 12:00 Lemur Street
10:00 Chuggington
23:30 Electric Dreams 09:00 Wipeout (Season 1) 10:20 Pororo - The Little Penguin 12:30 Monkey Business 8
10:00 Early Edition (Season 3) 00:00 Shaolin Wuzang 10:30 Special Agent Oso 13:00 Animal Cops South Africa
11:00 Csi: Crime Scene 00:30 Donald Duck Presents 11:00 Dive Olly Dive 14:00 Up Close & Dangerous
Investigation (Season 9) 00:00 Clash Of The Dinosaurs 01:00 Replacements, The 11:25 Tiny Planets 14:30 Up Close & Dangerous
00:00 Friends 12:00 House (Season 5) 01:00 Monsters Resurrected 01:30 American Dragon: Jake Long 11:30 Higglytown Heroes 15:00 Monsters Inside Me
00:30 EVERYBODY LOVES 13:00 Guardian, The (Season 1) 02:00 Sci Fi Science 02:00 Kim Possible 12:00 Animal Mechanicals 16:00 Venom ER 2
RAYMOND 14:00 Csi: Miami (Season 7) 02:30 Sci Fi Science 02:30 Phineas And Ferb 12:25 Bert And Ernie’s Great 17:00 Animal Planet at the Movies
01:00 Are You Smarter Than A 5th 15:00 Csi: Crime Scene 03:00 Mythbusters S5 03:00 Disney’s Lilo & Stitch: The Adventures 17:30 Animal Planet at the Movies
Grader? Investigation (Season 9) 04:00 Mega Engineering Series 12:30 Dibo The Gift Dragon 18:00 Lemur Street
01:55 Bewitched 16:00 Wipeout (Season 1) 05:00 Treasure Quest 03:30 Suite Life Of Zack And Cody, 13:00 My Friends Tigger & Pooh 18:30 Monkey Business 8
02:00 DAVID LETTERMAN 17:00 Wipeout (Season 2) 06:00 Sci Fi Science The 13:30 Handy Manny 19:00 Animal Cops South Africa
02:55 Dilbert 18:00 Csi: Ny (Season 5) 06:30 Sci Fi Science 04:00 Hannah Montana 14:00 Special Agent Oso 20:00 Up Close & Dangerous
03:00 7TH HEAVEN 19:00 Csi: Crime Scene 07:00 Survivorman S1 04:30 Wizards Of Waverly Place 14:30 Dive Olly Dive 20:30 Up Close & Dangerous
03:55 MARRIED WITH CHILDREN Investigation (Season 10) 08:00 Planet Green 05:00 Good Morning Mickey 15:00 Chloe’s Closet 21:00 Monsters Inside Me
04:00 My Wife and Kids 20:00 Masters Of Illusion 09:00 Treeman: The Cure 05:30 Good Morning Mickey 15:25 Classic Tales 22:00 Venom ER 2
04:30 My Wife and Kids 21:00 Chuck (Season 2) 10:00 Mega Engineering 06:00 House Of Mouse 15:30 Clifford, The Big Red Dog 23:00 The Crocodile Hunter 4
05:00 Are You Smarter Than A 5th 22:00 Caught On Camera (Season 11:00 How Do They Do It? S5 06:30 Donald Duck Presents 16:00 Dibo The Gift Dragon
Grader? 1) 11:30 How It’s Made S11 07:00 Animal Mechanicals 16:30 Mickey Mouse Clubhouse
06:00 AMERICAN IDOL 23:00 Masters Of Illusion 12:00 Mythbusters S5 07:30 Dibo The Gift Dragon

The Good Wife (Marathon)

Apa yang terjadi saat suami menelantarkan keluarga, dan istri mesti sendirian
menyelamatkan yang tersisa? Dibintang peraih Emmy, Juliana Margulies sebagai istri
dan ibu yang harus kembali bekerja setelah suaminya terlibat skandal seks dan korupsi
yang membawanya ke penjara. Sang istri jadi rekanan paling tua di sebuah firma
Pukul 21.00 WIB hukum di Chicago. Setelah bertahun-tahun jadi istri yang berpangku tangan pada
suami, ia kini harus menghadapi segalanya sendirian.

36 | primetime | Maret 2010

12 maret

07:00 Friends 14:00 Really Big Things With Matt

RAYMOND 00:30 Sportscenter Asia 15:00 Mega Engineering
00:00 Mad Max Beyond
08:00 7TH HEAVEN 01:00 2010 US Figure Skating 16:00 Survivorman S2
08:55 JACKIE CHAN ADVENTURES Championships 17:00 How It’s Made S11
02:00 Outland
09:00 Kyle XY 03:00 US Open 9-Ball 17:30 How Do They Do It? S5
04:00 Eraser
09:55 Dilbert Championship 2009 18:00 Treasure Quest
06:00 This Christmas
10:00 PRIVATE PRACTICE 04:00 Fina Aquatics World 19:00 Mythbusters S6
08:00 Free Willy
10:55 MARRIED WITH CHILDREN 04:30 NBA Fastbreak 2009/10 20:00 Sci Fi Science
09:50 Milk (2008)
11:00 Life 05:00 New Pollution Series 3 #5 20:30 Sci Fi Science
12:00 The Other Boleyn Girl
12:00 AMERICAN IDOL 05:30 Sportscenter Asia 21:00 Solved S2
14:00 Margot At The Wedding
13:00 EVERYBODY LOVES 06:00 2010 Winter X Games 14 22:00 Extreme Forensics
15:30 B.a.p.s
RAYMOND Slammed/stomped 23:00 Treeman: The Cure
17:00 Rock Star
13:30 Friends 07:00 Castrol Football Crazy
18:35 The Sweetest Thing
14:00 Scrubs 07:30 Planet Speed 2009/10
20:00 Hellboy Ii: The Golden Army 11:30 Yin Yang Yo! 18:30 Little Einsteins
14:30 Scrubs 08:00 Sportscenter Right Now
21:55 Tmz 189 12:00 Mr.Bean - The Animated 19:00 WordWorld
14:55 Dilbert 08:01 2008 Vans Triple Crown Of
22:15 Milk (2008) 00:00 Seconds From Disaster Series 19:30 Mickey Mouse Clubhouse
15:00 Kyle XY Surfing #1
01:00 Megastructures 12:30 Mr.Bean - Live Action Series 20:00 Handy Manny
15:55 MARRIED WITH CHILDREN 09:00 Women’s Australian Open
02:00 Megastructures 13:00 Shuriken School: The Ninja’s 20:30 Animal Mechanicals
16:00 Are You Smarter Than A 5th - Day 2
03:00 Inside Secret 21:00 Chuggington
Grader? 13:00 Sportscenter Right Now
04:00 Megastructures 14:30 Upin & Ipin 21:25 Bert And Ernie’s Great
01:00 Roger Corman’s Frankenstein 17:00 AMERICAN IDOL 13:01 Pac - 10 Men’s Basketball
05:00 Megastructures 15:00 Oggy And The Cockroaches Adventures
Unbound 18:00 Friends 14:59 Sportscenter Right Now
06:00 Theme Week 15:30 Yin Yang Yo! 21:30 Special Agent Oso
02:30 The Naked Prey 18:30 EVERYBODY LOVES 15:00 Pac - 10 Men’s Basketball
07:00 Situation Critical 16:00 Pucca 22:00 Dive Olly Dive
04:00 The Wire S307: Back Burners RAYMOND 16:59 Sportscenter Right Now
08:00 ABOUT ASIA 16:30 Super Robot Monkey Team 22:25 Boowa And Kwala
04:55 The Wire S308: Moral 19:00 AMERICAN IDOL 17:00 Contenders, The
09:00 Hunter Hunted Hyperforce Go! 22:30 Higglytown Heroes
Midgetry 20:00 MONK 17:30 Castrol Football Crazy
10:00 Bite Me With Dr. Mike Leahy 17:00 Phineas And Ferb 23:00 Johnny And The Sprites
06:00 The Sting 21:00 HEROES 18:00 Planet Speed 2009/10
11:00 Monsters Of The Forest 17:30 Mr.Bean - The Animated 23:25 Boowa And Kwala
08:15 The Gorgon 22:00 TWO AND HALF MEN 18:30 Sportscenter Asia
12:00 ABOUT ASIA Series 23:30 Make Way For Noddy
10:00 Vacancy 23:00 AMERICAN IDOL 19:00 Football Forecast
13:00 By Any Means 18:00 Mr.Bean - Live Action Series
12:00 Solo 19:30 Global Football
14:00 Built For The Kill 18:30 Totally Spies! The Movie
13:35 Justice League: The New 20:00 First Edition
15:00 Hunter Hunted 20:30 Mr.Bean - The Animated
Frontier 20:30 Planet Speed 2009/10
16:00 Animals in Danger Series
15:00 Samson And Delilah 21:00 Sportscenter Asia 01:35 Nana
17:00 Theme Week 21:00 Upin & Ipin
17:30 The Sting 00:00 ER (S8) 21:30 Football Forecast 03:35 Kirei? The Terror Of Beauty
18:00 Situation Critical 21:30 Shaun The Sheep
19:45 Epad On Max 50 01:00 Hearts Adrift 22:00 First Edition 04:55 Mommy, Dearest
19:00 ABOUT ASIA 22:00 Phineas And Ferb
20:00 Not Of This World 03:00 My Son Is Innocent 22:30 Contenders, The 06:45 The Tigers
20:00 History’s Secrets 22:30 Wizards Of Waverly Place
21:30 Vacancy 2: The First Cut 05:00 Killer Instinct: From The Files 23:00 Sportscenter Asia 08:30 1 Litre of Tears
21:00 Naked Science 23:00 Hannah Montana
23:00 Vacancy Of Agent Candice DeLong 23:30 Cev Beach Volleyball 10:15 Curse Of Lola
22:00 Theme Week 23:30 Shaun The Sheep
07:00 The Nanny (S5) European Championship Tour 11:45 Gun N’ Rose
23:00 Jaguar
07:30 The Nanny (S5) - Austrian Masters 13:30 McDull, The Alumni
08:00 The Oprah Winfrey Show 15:05 Breaking News
(S24) 16:35 Seoul Raiders
01:00 Cyborg Soldier 18:15 Eye In The Sky
09:00 Crossing Jordan (S3) 00:30 Behind The Baseline 00:00 Bunnytown
02:35 Before The Devil Knows 20:00 Ip Man
10:00 The Good Wife (S1) 01:00 Hot Water 2009/10 00:30 Thomas & Friends
You’re Dead 00:45 Doomsday 22:10 The Sniper
11:00 Army Wives (S2) 02:00 Score Tonight 00:50 Pororo - The Little Penguin
04:25 Red Baron 02:45 Changeling 23:40 Triangle
12:00 The Oprah Winfrey Show 02:30 Ace 2010 01:00 Mickey Mouse Clubhouse
06:15 Vip Access 05:00 New Best Friend
13:00 The Biggest Loser (S5) 03:00 AFC Champions League 2010 01:25 Tiny Planets
06:45 Under The Same Moon 06:45 Head Case S203: Tying The…
14:00 Hallmark Channel 05:00 FA Cup 2009/10 Highlights, 01:30 My Friends Tigger & Pooh
08:40 Get Shorty Not
Programming 02:00 Handy Manny
10:25 Mutant Chronicles The 07:10 Head Case S204: Elizabeth
15:30 The Nanny (S5) 06:00 Ace 2010 02:30 Special Agent Oso 00:00 Lemur Street
12:15 Tortured Hughes
16:00 ER (S5) 06:30 Simply The Best 03:00 Barney & Friends 00:30 Monkey Business 8
14:05 Silence Of The Lambs, The 07:40 Stripes
17:00 The Nanny (S5) 07:00 Hot Water 2009/10 03:30 Mighty Jungle, The 01:00 Animal Cops South Africa
16:05 Blonde & Blonder 09:30 The New Guy
17:30 The Nanny (S5) 08:00 NBA Regular Season 2009/10 04:00 Play With Me Sesame 02:00 Up Close & Dangerous
17:45 Thelma And Louise 11:00 Changeling
18:00 The Biggest Loser (S5) 10:30 Game 04:30 Clifford, The Big Red Dog 02:30 Up Close & Dangerous
20:00 1408 13:15 Front Of The Class
19:00 The Oprah Winfrey Show 11:00 Pac - 10 Men’s Basketball 05:00 JoJo’s Circus 03:00 Monsters Inside Me
21:50 Transporter 3 15:00 Stripes
20:00 Midsomer Murders (S9) 13:00 AFC Champions League 2010 05:25 Boowa And Kwala 04:00 Venom ER 2
23:40 While She Was Out 17:00 A Mighty Heart
22:00 Hallmark Channel 15:00 Hot Water 2009/10 05:30 Barney & Friends 05:00 Animal Planet at the Movies
Programming 19:00 Head Case S203: Tying The…
16:00 Jet Sprint World 06:00 Pocoyo 05:30 Animal Planet at the Movies
23:30 The Nanny (S5) Not
Championships 06:30 Higglytown Heroes 06:00 Lemur Street
19:25 Head Case S204: Elizabeth
17:00 MYEG Xtra Time 07:00 My Friends Tigger & Pooh 06:30 Monkey Business 8
01:15 Jinxed! 17:30 Spirit Of Yachting Viii : Isaf 07:25 Bert And Ernie’s Great 07:00 Animal Planet Reveals Asia
20:00 Band Of Brothers S103:
03:00 A Guy Thing Rolex World Sailor Of The Adventures 08:00 The Pack
00:00 Chuck (Season 2) Carentan
04:45 Coming Home Year Awards 07:30 Little Einsteins 08:30 Young and Wild 2
01:00 Caught On Camera (Season 21:00 S.i.s.
06:45 Fiddler on the Roof 18:00 World Sport 2010 08:00 WordWorld 09:00 Fooled By Nature
1) 23:00 The Wire S501: More With
09:45 CrissCross 18:30 F1 Classics - 2000 Italian 08:30 Mickey Mouse Clubhouse 09:30 Fooled By Nature
02:00 Early Edition (Season 3) Less
11:15 Delirious Grand Prix 09:00 Handy Manny 10:00 The Crocodile Hunter 4
13:00 A Dry White Season 03:00 Early Edition (Season 3) 09:30 Animal Mechanicals 11:00 Animal Planet at the Movies
19:30 F1 Classics - 2000 Japanese
14:45 Convicts 04:00 Csi: Miami (Season 7) 09:55 Classic Tales 11:30 Animal Planet at the Movies
Grand Prix
16:15 The End 05:00 Wipeout (Season 1) 10:00 Chuggington 12:00 Lemur Street
20:30 Score Tonight
18:00 Married to the Mob 06:00 Early Edition (Season 3) 00:00 Shaolin Wuzang 10:20 Pororo - The Little Penguin 12:30 Monkey Business 8
21:00 NBA Regular Season 2009/10
20:00 Soul Plane 07:00 Csi: Crime Scene 00:30 Donald Duck Presents 10:20 Special Agent Oso 13:00 Crime Scene Wild
23:00 Simply The Best
21:30 UHF Investigation (Season 9) 23:30 Score Tonight 01:00 Replacements, The 11:00 Dive Olly Dive 14:00 Animal Planet Reveals Asia
23:15 Kuffs 08:00 Csi: Miami (Season 7) 01:30 American Dragon: Jake Long 11:25 Tiny Planets 15:00 The Pack
09:00 Wipeout (Season 1) 02:00 Kim Possible 11:30 Higglytown Heroes 15:30 Young and Wild 2
10:00 Early Edition (Season 3) 02:30 Phineas And Ferb 12:00 Animal Mechanicals 16:00 Fooled By Nature
11:00 Csi: Crime Scene 00:00 Mega Engineering 03:00 Disney’s Lilo & Stitch: The 12:00 Bert And Ernie’s Great 16:30 Fooled By Nature
00:00 Friends Investigation (Season 9) 01:00 Rampage! Series Adventures 17:00 Animal Planet at the Movies
00:30 EVERYBODY LOVES 12:00 Caught On Camera (Season 02:00 921 Earthquake Special 03:30 Suite Life Of Zack And Cody, 12:30 Dibo The Gift Dragon 17:30 Animal Planet at the Movies
RAYMOND 1) 03:00 Mythbusters S5 The 13:00 My Friends Tigger & Pooh 18:00 Lemur Street
01:00 Are You Smarter Than A 5th 13:00 Chuck (Season 2) 04:00 Treeman: The Cure 04:00 Hannah Montana 13:30 Handy Manny 18:30 Monkey Business 8
Grader? 14:00 Csi: Miami (Season 7) 05:00 Deadliest Catch S5 04:30 Wizards Of Waverly Place 14:00 Special Agent Oso 19:00 Crime Scene Wild
01:55 JACKIE CHAN ADVENTURES 15:00 Csi: Crime Scene 06:00 Really Big Things With Matt 05:00 Good Morning Mickey 14:30 Dive Olly Dive 20:00 Animal Planet Reveals Asia
02:00 DAVID LETTERMAN Investigation (Season 9) Rogers S2 05:30 Good Morning Mickey 15:00 Chloe’s Closet 21:00 The Pack
02:55 Dilbert 16:00 Wipeout (Season 1) 07:00 Prehistoric Disasters 06:00 House Of Mouse 15:25 Classic Tales 21:30 Young and Wild 2
03:00 7TH HEAVEN 17:00 Masters Of Illusion 08:00 Half Man Half Tree 06:30 Donald Duck Presents 15:30 Clifford, The Big Red Dog 22:00 Fooled By Nature
03:55 MARRIED WITH CHILDREN 18:00 David Blaine: Magic Man 09:00 Treasure Quest 07:00 Animal Mechanicals 16:00 Dibo The Gift Dragon 22:30 Fooled By Nature
04:00 My Wife and Kids 19:00 Video Zonkers (Season 2) 10:00 Mega Builders S1 07:30 Dibo The Gift Dragon 16:30 Mickey Mouse Clubhouse 23:00 The Crocodile Hunter 4
04:30 My Wife and Kids 19:30 Ebuzz 11:00 How Do They Do It? S5 08:00 Twisted Whiskers 17:00 Pocoyo
05:00 Are You Smarter Than A 5th 20:00 Bad Boys Ii 11:30 How It’s Made S11 08:30 Replacements, The 17:30 Higglytown Heroes
Grader? 22:30 Las Vegas (Season 5) 12:00 Mythbusters S5 09:00 Inspector Gadget’s Last Case 17:55 Tiny Planets
06:00 AMERICAN IDOL 23:30 Numb3rs (Season 4) 13:00 Survivorman S1 11:00 Globo Loco 18:00 My Friends Tigger & Pooh

Saksikan si Bengal penuh semangat, Pucca saat ia harus memikat hati ninja
kekasihnya, Garu.
Pukul 16.00 WIB

Maret 2010 | primetime | 37

13 maret

07:00 HEROES 04:30 Football Forecast 21:00 Real Superhumans

08:00 According To Jim 05:00 Planet Speed 2009/10 23:00 Mega Engineering
00:20 Beverly Hills Cop 08:30 EVERYBODY LOVES 05:30 Sportscenter Asia
02:00 Beverly Hills Cop Ii RAYMOND 06:00 First Edition
04:00 This Christmas 09:00 EVERYBODY LOVES 06:30 NBA Action 2009/10
06:00 Hellboy Ii: The Golden Army RAYMOND 07:00 NBA Regular Season 2009/10 00:00 Situation Critical
08:00 Mad Max Beyond 09:30 EVERYBODY LOVES 09:30 Women’s Australian Open 01:00 History’s Secrets
Thunderdome RAYMOND - Day 3 02:00 Naked Science
10:00 Yes Man 10:00 EVERYBODY LOVES 13:00 Tiger World Of Football 03:00 Jaguar
12:00 Rock Star RAYMOND 13:58 Sportcenter Weekend 04:00 History’s Secrets
14:00 This Christmas 10:30 EVERYBODY LOVES 14:00 NBA Action 2009/10 05:00 Naked Science
16:00 Jurassic Park RAYMOND 14:28 Sportcenter Weekend 06:00 Theme Week
18:05 E.t. 11:00 AMERICAN IDOL 14:30 NBA Regular Season 2009/10 07:00 Locked Up Abroad
20:00 The Golden Compass 12:00 Life 16:58 Sportcenter Weekend 08:00 Helicopter Wars
21:50 Tmz 190
13:00 PRIVATE PRACTICE 17:00 World Of Gymnastics 09:00 Megastructures 11:00 Pucca 20:00 My Friends Tigger & Pooh
22:15 Yes Man 14:00 30 Rock 17:28 Sportcenter Weekend 10:00 Nat Geo Junior 11:30 Oggy And The Cockroaches 20:30 Dibo The Gift Dragon
14:30 30 Rock 17:30 Football Forecast 11:00 Animals in Danger 12:00 Mr.Bean - Live Action Series 21:00 Handy Manny
15:00 The King Of Queens 18:00 First Edition 12:00 Lizard Kings 12:30 Mr.Bean - The Animated 21:25 Bert And Ernie’s Great
15:30 How I Met Your Mother 18:30 Sportscenter Week In Review 13:00 Built For The Kill Series Adventures
16:00 MONK 19:00 Pac - 10 Men’s Basketball 14:00 Mega Factories 13:00 Stitch! 21:30 Harry And His Bucket Full Of
00:30 Starship Troopers 3: 17:00 HEROES 21:00 Pac - 10 Men’s Basketball 15:00 World’s Toughest Fixes 13:30 Stitch! Dinosaurs
Marauder 18:00 GLEE 23:00 2010 Winter X Games 14 16:00 ABOUT ASIA 14:00 Stitch! 22:00 Thomas & Friends
02:10 Epad On Max 50 19:00 AMERICAN IDOL Slammed/stomped 17:00 ABOUT ASIA 14:30 Pucca 22:20 Pororo - The Little Penguin
02:30 Leprechaun Back 2 Tha’ Hood 20:00 Most Daring 18:00 Cruise Ship Diaries 15:00 Totally Spies 22:30 Bob The Builder Project:
04:30 Not Of This World 21:00 Most Shocking 19:00 Megastructures 15:30 Suite Life On Deck, The Build It
06:00 Solo 22:00 THE SIMPLE LIFE 20:00 Helicopter Wars 16:00 Hannah Montana 22:55 Classic Tales
08:00 Roger Corman’s Frankenstein 22:30 THE GOODE FAMILY 00:00 F1 Season Preview 21:00 Mega Factories 16:30 Jonas 23:00 Johnny And The Sprites
Unbound 23:00 AMERICAN IDOL 01:00 Neofight 22:00 Naked Science 17:00 Phineas And Ferb 23:25 Boowa And Kwala
09:45 The Wire S307: Back Burners 02:30 World Of Gymnastics 23:00 Megastructures 17:30 Oggy And The Cockroaches 23:30 Make Way For Noddy
10:40 The Wire S308: Moral 03:00 Spirit Of Yachting Viii : Isaf 18:00 Mr.Bean - Live Action Series
Midgetry Rolex World Sailor Of The 18:30 Snow White And The Seven
12:00 Vacancy 2: The First Cut Year Awards Dwarfs
13:30 Vacancy 00:00 ER (S5) 03:30 Behind The Baseline 01:15 To Sir With Love
20:30 Sonny With A Chance
14:50 Epad On Max 50 01:00 Killer Instinct: From The Files 04:00 Ace 2010 02:55 See You In You Tube
00:00 The Wire S502: Unconfirmed 21:00 Tinker Bell
15:05 The Gorgon Of Agent Candice DeLong 04:30 Glitch 04:55 Gigolo Wannabe
Reports 23:00 Shaun The Sheep
16:30 Starship Troopers 3: 03:00 Midsomer Murders (S9) 05:00 Golf Focus 2010 06:50 The Longest Summer
Marauder 05:00 Monster Makers 00:55 The Wire S503: Not For
05:30 Engine Block 2010 09:05 Hot Cops In The City
18:15 Solo 07:00 The Nanny (S5) Arbitration
06:00 MYEG Xtra Time 10:25 Beast Cops
20:00 Impact Point 07:30 The Nanny (S5) 01:50 The Wire S504: Transitions
06:30 World Sport 2010 12:10 The Last Blood
21:25 Epad On Max 50 08:00 Love’s Long Journey 02:45 The Wire S505: React Quotes 00:00 Bunnytown
07:00 KFC Malaysia World 13:45 Fear Factors
21:45 The Sting 10:00 The Nanny (S2) 03:40 The New Guy 00:30 Thomas & Friends
Band Competition 2009 15:20 Love On Delivery
10:30 The Nanny (S2) 05:00 Crazy In Alabama 00:50 Pororo - The Little Penguin
- Highlights 17:00 Cop Unbowed
11:00 The Nanny (S2) 06:45 Head Case S205: Back In The 01:00 Mickey Mouse Clubhouse
08:00 Simply The Best 18:30 Flash Point
11:30 The Nanny (S2) Game 01:25 Tiny Planets
08:30 Glitch 20:00 The Beast Stalker
12:00 The Oprah Winfrey Show 07:10 Head Case S206: Short On 01:30 My Friends Tigger & Pooh
01:10 Hottie And The Nottie, The 09:00 Game 21:55 The Warlords
13:00 Hallmark Channel Love 02:00 Handy Manny
02:45 Flashbacks Of A Fool 09:30 Lives In The Fast Lane
Programming 07:30 The House Of Yes 02:30 Special Agent Oso
04:30 Vip Access: Face2face 10:00 MYEG Xtra Time
14:30 The Nanny (S5) 09:00 The Wire S501: More With 03:00 Barney & Friends
05:00 Thelma And Louise 10:30 World Sport 2010
15:00 The Good Wife (S1) Less 03:30 Mighty Jungle, The
07:15 Planet B-boy 11:00 F1 Season Preview 00:00 Lemur Street
16:00 Crossing Jordan (S3) 10:00 The Wire S502: Unconfirmed 04:00 Play With Me Sesame
09:05 Anastasia 12:00 Pattaya Women’s Open 00:30 Monkey Business 8
17:00 Without A Trace (S4) Reports 04:30 Clifford, The Big Red Dog
10:45 Nine Months 13:30 Behind The Baseline 01:00 Crime Scene Wild
18:00 Army Wives (S2) 11:00 The Wire S503: Not For 05:00 JoJo’s Circus
12:35 Elegy 14:00 Global Football 02:00 Animal Planet Reveals Asia
19:00 The Oprah Winfrey Show Arbitration 05:25 Boowa And Kwala
14:25 Flawless 14:30 FA Cup 2009/10 Highlights, 03:00 The Pack
20:00 Hallmark Channel 12:00 The Wire S504: Transitions 05:30 Johnny And The Sprites
16:20 Death Sentence The 03:30 Young and Wild 2
Programming 13:00 The Wire S505: React Quotes 06:00 Harry And His Bucket Full Of
18:10 Three Amigos! 15:30 Engine Block 2010 04:00 Fooled By Nature
21:30 The Nanny (S5) 14:00 Jesse Stone: Thin Ice Dinosaurs
20:00 My Best Friend’s Girl 16:00 Contenders, The 06:25 Global Grover 04:30 Fooled By Nature
22:00 McBride: Requiem 15:30 Crazy In Alabama
21:45 Deception 16:30 Contenders, The 06:30 Mighty Jungle, The 05:00 Animal Planet at the Movies
17:30 S.i.s.
23:35 Skinwalkers 17:00 Game 07:00 Elmo’s World 05:30 Animal Planet at the Movies
19:00 Head Case S205: Back In The
17:30 Engine Block 2010 07:30 Dive Olly Dive 06:00 Lemur Street
00:30 The Amazing Race (Season 17:50 FIA F1 World Championship 07:55 Tiny Planets 06:30 Monkey Business 8
19:25 Head Case S206: Short On
16) Qualifying 2010 08:00 Jungle Junction 07:00 K9 Cops
01:30 Las Vegas (Season 5) 19:30 Pattaya Women’s Open 08:30 Mickey Mouse Clubhouse 08:00 Chasing Nature
01:00 Dr. Heckyl and Mr. Hype 20:00 Band Of Brothers S104:
02:30 Video Zonkers (Season 2) 21:00 2009/10 GP 2 Asia Series 09:00 Handy Manny 09:00 Wild Island
02:45 Peter’s Friends Replacements
03:00 Early Edition (Season 3) 23:00 FIA F1 World Championship 09:30 Little Einsteins 09:30 Breed All About It
04:30 Crime and Punishment in 21:00 Forgetting Sarah Marshall
04:00 Csi: Miami (Season 7) Qualifying 2010 10:00 My Friends Tigger & Pooh 10:00 Echo and the Elephants of
Suburbia 23:00 The Wire S506: The
05:00 Csi: Ny (Season 4) Dickensian Aspect 10:30 Special Agent Oso Amboseli
06:15 Dreamchild
06:00 Csi: Ny (Season 4) 11:00 Imagination Movers 10:30 Meerkat Manor
08:00 The Music Lovers
07:00 Slamball 11:30 JoJo’s Circus 11:00 Wild Hearts
10:00 The Man Who Loved Women 00:00 Sci Fi Science
07:30 Slamball 12:00 Animal Mechanicals 12:00 BITE NITE
12:00 Oleanna 00:30 Sci Fi Science
08:00 Numb3rs (Season 4) 12:25 Bert And Ernie’s Great 13:00 Sharkman
13:30 Miracle Beach 01:00 Extreme Forensics 00:00 Shaolin Wuzang
09:00 Bad Boys Ii Adventures 15:00 ANIMAL PLANET
15:00 Love and Death 02:00 Man Made Marvels: China’s 00:30 Donald Duck Presents 12:30 Dibo The Gift Dragon
11:30 Ebuzz SHOWCASE
16:30 Dream Lover National Theatre 01:00 Replacements, The 13:00 My Friends Tigger & Pooh
12:00 The Amazing Race (Season 16:00 ANIMAL PLANET
18:15 Reckless 03:00 Mythbusters S5 01:30 American Dragon: Jake Long 13:30 Handy Manny
20:00 Saved 04:00 Solved S2 02:00 Kim Possible 14:00 Jungle Junction
13:00 Numb3rs (Season 4) 17:00 Groomer Has It 2
21:45 Straight out of Brooklyn 05:00 Mega Engineering 02:30 Phineas And Ferb 14:30 Higglytown Heroes
14:00 Bad Boys Ii 18:00 The Pack
23:15 Under Fire 06:00 Half Man Half Tree 03:00 Disney’s Lilo & Stitch: The 14:55 Tiny Planets
16:30 Video Zonkers (Season 2) 18:30 Young and Wild 2
17:00 David Blaine: Magic Man 07:00 Treasure Quest Series 15:00 Dibo The Gift Dragon 19:00 Elephants Uncovered
18:00 The Amazing Race (Season 08:00 921 Earthquake Special 03:30 Suite Life Of Zack And Cody, 15:30 Chuggington 20:00 BITE NITE
16) 09:00 Dark Fellowships: The Vril The 15:55 Global Grover 21:00 Animal Games
00:00 Friends 19:00 Lost City Raiders 10:00 Secrets Of Interrogation 04:00 Hannah Montana 16:00 Mickey Mouse Clubhouse 22:00 Animal Winter Games
00:30 EVERYBODY LOVES 21:00 Ebuzz 11:00 Half Man Half Tree 04:30 Wizards Of Waverly Place 16:30 Mickey Mouse Clubhouse 23:00 Groomer Has It 2
RAYMOND 21:30 Lost (Season 5) 12:00 Sci Fi Science 05:00 Good Morning Mickey 17:00 Dibo The Gift Dragon
01:00 Are You Smarter Than A 5th 22:30 Lost City Raiders 12:30 Sci Fi Science 05:30 Good Morning Mickey 17:15 Handy Manny
Grader? 13:00 Prehistoric Disasters 06:00 House Of Mouse 17:25 JoJo’s Circus
02:00 AMERICAN IDOL 14:00 Survivorman S2 06:30 Donald Duck Presents 17:40 Chloe’s Closet
03:00 Friends 15:00 Discovery Turbo 07:00 Shaun The Sheep 17:50 Pororo - The Little Penguin
03:30 EVERYBODY LOVES 00:30 Sportscenter Asia 16:00 Discovery Turbo 07:30 Mr.Bean - The Animated 18:00 Special Agent Oso
RAYMOND 01:00 Pac - 10 Men’s Basketball 17:00 Survivorman S2 Series 18:30 Little Einsteins
04:00 DAVID LETTERMAN 03:00 US Open 9-Ball 18:00 Monsters Resurrected 08:00 Stitch! 19:00 Imagination Movers
05:00 MONK Championship 2009 19:00 Treeman: The Cure 08:30 Phineas And Ferb 19:25 Classic Tales
06:00 AMERICAN IDOL 04:00 New Pollution Series 3 #6 20:00 Tattoo Hunter 09:00 Totally Spies! The Movie 19:30 Mickey Mouse Clubhouse

Elephant Uncovered
Saba Douglas Hamilton, yang tumbuh bersama gajah-gajah, mengajak kita ke hutan
lindung Samburu, Kenya dan memerlihatkan kecintaannya pada gajah-gajah Afrika.
Jadi saksi bagaimana gajah jantan saling bersaing dengan betina, seekor bayi gajah
Pukul 19.00 WIB yang tersapu banjir, dan gajah yatim-piatu yang kelaparan ditinggal sendirian.

38 | primetime | Maret 2010

14 maret

05:30 EVERYBODY LOVES 12:00 River Monsters Series 19:00 Imagination Movers
RAYMOND 13:00 Secrets Of Interrogation 03:30 Suite Life Of Zack And Cody, 19:25 Classic Tales
06:00 EVERYBODY LOVES 00:00 2010 US Figure Skating 14:00 Planet Green The 19:30 Mickey Mouse Clubhouse
00:00 E.t.
RAYMOND Championships 15:00 Treeman: The Cure 04:00 Hannah Montana 20:00 My Friends Tigger & Pooh
02:00 Hellboy Ii: The Golden Army
06:30 EVERYBODY LOVES 02:00 Simply The Best 16:00 Really Big Things With Matt 04:30 Wizards Of Waverly Place 20:30 Dibo The Gift Dragon
04:00 Jurassic Park
RAYMOND 02:30 Women’s Australian Open Rogers S2 05:00 Good Morning Mickey 21:00 Handy Manny
06:00 The Golden Compass
07:00 30 Rock - Day 3 17:00 Mega Engineering 05:30 Good Morning Mickey 21:25 Bert And Ernie’s Great
08:00 E.t.
07:30 30 Rock 05:30 Sportscenter Week In Review 18:00 River Monsters 06:00 House Of Mouse Adventures
10:00 Free Willy
08:00 According To Jim 06:00 Players Lives 19:00 Scandals Of The Ancient 06:30 Donald Duck Presents 21:30 Harry And His Bucket Full Of
12:00 This Christmas
08:30 Friends 06:30 Almost Anything Goes World 07:00 Shaun The Sheep Dinosaurs
14:00 Bored To Death S105: The
09:00 Friends 07:00 Pac - 10 Men’s Basketball 20:00 Blood For The Gods 07:30 Mr.Bean - The Animated 22:00 Thomas & Friends
Case Of The Lonely White
09:30 Friends 09:00 Women’s Australian Open 21:00 Blood For The Gods Series 22:20 Pororo - The Little Penguin
10:00 Friends - Day 4 22:00 Blood For The Gods 08:00 Stitch! 22:30 Bob The Builder Project:
14:30 Bored To Death S106: The
10:30 Friends 13:00 Immortals, The 23:00 Blood For The Gods 08:30 Phineas And Ferb Build It
Case Of The Beautiful
11:00 AMERICAN IDOL 13:30 Planet Speed 2009/10 09:00 Snow White And The Seven 22:55 Classic Tales
12:00 AMERICAN IDOL 13:58 Sportcenter Weekend Dwarfs 23:00 Johnny And The Sprites
15:00 Yes Man
13:00 GLEE 14:00 Pac - 10 Men’s Basketball 11:00 Super Robot Monkey Team 23:25 Boowa And Kwala
16:40 Beverly Hills Cop
14:00 The King Of Queens 15:58 Sportcenter Weekend Hyperforce Go! 23:30 Make Way For Noddy
18:20 Beverly Hills Cop Ii 00:00 Helicopter Wars
14:30 SCRUBS 16:00 Pac - 10 Men’s Basketball 11:30 Amazing Spiez, The
20:00 Seven Pounds 01:00 Mega Factories
15:00 How I Met Your Mother 17:58 Sportcenter Weekend 12:00 Mr.Bean - Live Action Series
22:00 The Other Boleyn Girl 02:00 History’s Secrets
15:30 RULES OF ENGAGEMENT 18:00 Football Asia 2009/10 12:30 Mr.Bean - The Animated
03:00 Megastructures
16:00 Eli Stone 18:30 Contenders, The Series 00:20 The Detective
04:00 Helicopter Wars
17:00 THE SIMPLE LIFE 19:00 Contenders, The 13:00 Stitch! 02:15 252 Signal of Life
05:00 Mega Factories
17:30 THE GOODE FAMILY 19:28 Sportcenter Weekend 13:30 Stitch! 04:50 Return Engagement
06:00 History’s Secrets
00:00 The Wire S307: Back Burners 18:00 MONK 19:30 Planet Speed 2009/10 14:00 Stitch! 06:50 Touch
07:00 Long Way Down
00:55 The Wire S308: Moral 19:00 AMERICAN IDOL 20:00 Women’s Australian Open 14:30 Pucca 08:55 Return Of The Lucky Stars
08:00 World’s Toughest Fixes
Midgetry 20:00 AMERICAN IDOL - Day 4 15:00 Totally Spies 10:25 Cinema Today
09:00 Mega Factories
02:30 Vacancy 2: The First Cut 21:00 Asia Uncut 22:58 Sportcenter Weekend 15:30 Suite Life On Deck, The 11:25 Lifeline
10:00 Nat Geo Junior
04:00 Vacancy 22:00 HEROES 23:00 European Short Course 16:00 Hannah Montana 13:15 Lady Cop and Papa Crook
10:30 Nat Geo Junior
06:00 The Wire S307: Back Burners 23:00 AMERICAN IDOL Swimming Championship 16:30 Jonas 14:50 The Sparrow
11:00 Food Lovers Guide To The
06:55 The Wire S308: Moral Plane 17:00 Phineas And Ferb 16:25 Hero
Midgetry 11:30 Food Lovers Guide To The 17:30 Oggy And The Cockroaches 18:00 Infernal Affairs 3
08:00 Justice League: The New Plane 18:00 Mr.Bean - Live Action Series 20:00 Dragon Tiger Gate
Frontier 00:30 Spirit Of Yachting Viii : Isaf 18:30 Princess Protection Program 21:35 Red Cliff 2
12:00 Monster Fish
09:45 Epad On Max 50 00:00 American Dreams (S3) Rolex World Sailor Of The (What’s What Edition)
13:00 Built For The Kill
10:00 Solo 01:00 The Nanny (S2) Year Awards 20:30 Zeke And Luther
14:00 Cruise Ship Diaries
12:00 Not Of This World 01:30 The Nanny (S2) 01:00 Jet Sprint World 21:00 Wild, The
15:00 Food Lovers Guide To The
13:45 The Sting 02:00 The Nanny (S2) Championships 23:00 Shaun The Sheep
Plane 00:00 The Pack
16:00 Impact Point 02:30 The Nanny (S2) 02:00 FIA F1 World Championship
15:30 Food Lovers Guide To The 00:30 Young and Wild 2
17:45 Epad On Max 50 03:00 Monster Makers Qualifying 2010
Plane 01:00 Elephants Uncovered
18:00 The Wire S307: Back Burners 05:00 Midsomer Murders (S9) 03:30 KFC Malaysia World
16:00 Lizard Kings 02:00 BITE NITE
18:55 The Wire S308: Moral 07:00 The Nanny (S2) Band Competition 2009
17:00 Monster Fish 00:00 Bunnytown 03:00 Animal Games
Midgetry 07:30 The Nanny (S2) - Highlights
18:00 By Any Means 00:30 Thomas & Friends 04:00 Animal Winter Games
20:00 The Lodger 08:00 The Nanny (S2) 04:30 Planet Speed 2009/10
19:00 Animals In Danger 30min 00:50 Pororo - The Little Penguin 05:00 Monsters Inside Me
21:45 Solo 08:30 Hallmark Channel 05:00 FA Classics
19:30 Hidden Worlds 01:00 Mickey Mouse Clubhouse 06:00 Venom ER 2
23:30 Leprechaun Back 2 Tha’ Programming 06:00 FIA F1 World Championship
20:00 Theme Week 01:25 Tiny Planets 07:00 Animal Cops South Africa
Hood 10:00 Crossing Jordan (S3) Qualifying 2010
21:00 Theme Week 01:30 My Friends Tigger & Pooh 08:00 Animal Planet at the Movies
11:00 The Good Wife (S1) 07:30 Behind The Baseline
22:00 Theme Week 02:00 Handy Manny 08:30 Wild on the Set II
11:50 The Good Wife (S1) 08:00 Spirit Of Yachting Viii : Isaf
23:00 Mega Factories 02:30 Special Agent Oso 09:00 Planet Action
12:40 The Good Wife (S1) Rolex World Sailor Of The
03:00 Barney & Friends 10:00 Night
13:30 The Good Wife (S1) Year Awards
01:20 Vip Access 03:30 Mighty Jungle, The 10:30 Night
14:20 The Good Wife (S1) 08:30 Ace 2010
01:50 Shrooms 04:00 Play With Me Sesame 11:00 ANIMAL PLANET
15:15 The Good Wife (S1) 09:00 Masters Official Films 2006
03:25 City On Fire 04:30 Clifford, The Big Red Dog SHOWCASE
16:10 The Good Wife (S1) 10:00 FA Classics
04:55 Three Amigos! 00:00 The Wire S507: Took 05:00 JoJo’s Circus 12:00 ANIMAL PLANET
17:05 The Good Wife (S1) 11:00 FIA F1 World Championship
06:40 Riddles Of The Sphinx, The 01:00 The Wire S508: Clarifications 05:25 Boowa And Kwala SHOWCASE
18:00 Greek (S2) Qualifying 2010
08:20 Iron Will 02:00 The Wire S509: Late Editions 05:30 Johnny And The Sprites 13:00 Elephants Uncovered
19:00 The Oprah Winfrey Show 12:30 2009/10 GP 2 Asia Series
10:15 Cutting Edge, The: Chasing 03:00 The Wire S510: -30- 06:00 Harry And His Bucket Full Of 14:00 Rogue Nature with Dave
20:00 McBride: The Doctor Is Out... 14:30 Masters Official Films 2006
The Dream 05:00 Forgetting Sarah Marshall Dinosaurs Salmoni
15:30 Spirit Of Yachting Viii : Isaf
11:50 My Best Friend’s Girl Really Out 06:45 Head Case S207: That’s 06:25 Global Grover 15:00 Fooled By Nature
Rolex World Sailor Of The
13:35 Mississippi Burning 21:40 The Biggest Loser - Asia Produce 06:30 Mighty Jungle, The 15:30 Fooled By Nature
Year Awards
15:50 Vip Access 23:00 Hallmark Channel 07:10 Head Case S208: Twinkle, 07:00 Elmo’s World 16:00 Animal Games
16:00 Ace 2010
16:20 Quantum Of Solace Programming Twinkle 07:30 Dive Olly Dive 17:00 Animal Winter Games
16:30 FIA F1 World Championship
18:15 Rogue Assassin 07:30 S.i.s. 07:55 Tiny Planets 18:00 Night
Qualifying 2010
20:00 Max Payne 09:00 The Wire S506: The 08:00 Jungle Junction 18:30 Night
18:00 FIA F1 World Championship
21:50 Jumper Dickensian Aspect 08:30 Mickey Mouse Clubhouse 19:00 ANIMAL PLANET
00:30 The Duke Raceday 2010
23:25 Wyvern 10:00 The Wire S507: Took 09:00 Handy Manny SHOWCASE
01:30 Lost (Season 5) 18:45 FIA F1 World Championship
11:00 The Wire S508: Clarifications 09:30 Little Einsteins 20:00 ANIMAL PLANET
02:30 Ebuzz 2010 - Main Race
12:00 The Wire S509: Late Editions 10:00 My Friends Tigger & Pooh SHOWCASE
03:00 Csi: Ny (Season 4) 20:45 FIA F1 World Championship
13:00 The Wire S510: -30- 10:30 Special Agent Oso 21:00 Anacondas with Nigel
04:00 Csi: Ny (Season 4) Chequered Flag 2010
01:30 Extremities 14:45 A Mighty Heart 11:00 Imagination Movers Marven
05:00 Csi: Ny (Season 4) 21:30 Ace 2010
03:00 Rush 16:45 Forgetting Sarah Marshall 11:30 JoJo’s Circus 22:00 Animal Planet Reveals Asia
06:00 Csi: Ny (Season 4) 22:00 Game
05:00 Cuba 18:30 The Making Of Band Of 12:00 Animal Mechanicals 23:00 Night
07:00 Masters Of Illusion 22:30 Simply The Best
07:00 In The Time of the Butterflies Brothers 12:25 Bert And Ernie’s Great 23:30 Night
08:00 Chuck (Season 2) 23:00 Behind The Baseline
08:30 The Pride and the Passion 19:00 Head Case S207: That’s Adventures
09:00 Lost (Season 5) 23:30 Europe Top 12
10:45 Once Upon a Crime Produce 12:30 Dibo The Gift Dragon
10:00 Wipeout (Season 2) 13:00 My Friends Tigger & Pooh
12:30 The Burning Bed 11:00 Csi: Ny (Season 5) 19:25 Head Case S208: Twinkle,
14:15 A Star for Two Twinkle 13:30 Handy Manny
12:00 Csi: Miami (Season 6) 00:00 Prehistoric Disasters 14:00 Jungle Junction
16:00 Yentl 20:00 Band Of Brothers S105:
13:00 Csi: Crime Scene 01:00 Rampage! 14:30 Higglytown Heroes
18:15 Robot Jox Crossroads
Investigation (Season 10) 02:00 Planet Green 14:55 Tiny Planets
20:00 Stanley and Iris 21:00 61*
14:00 Lost City Raiders 03:00 Everything You Need To 15:00 Dibo The Gift Dragon
22:00 Red Corner 23:15 S.i.s.
16:00 Ebuzz Know: Serial Killers 15:30 Chuggington
16:30 Whacked Out Sports (Season 04:00 Jack The Ripper In America 15:55 Global Grover
2) 05:00 Treeman: The Cure 16:00 Mickey Mouse Clubhouse
17:00 Chuck (Season 2) 06:00 Deadliest Catch S5 16:30 Mickey Mouse Clubhouse
00:00 HEROES 18:00 Masters Of Illusion 07:00 Everything You Need To 00:00 Shaolin Wuzang 17:00 Dibo The Gift Dragon
01:00 MONK 19:00 Wipeout (Season 2) Know: Serial Killers 00:30 Donald Duck Presents 17:15 Handy Manny
02:00 Most Daring 20:00 Csi: Crime Scene 08:00 Jack The Ripper In America 01:00 Replacements, The 17:25 JoJo’s Circus
03:00 Most Shocking Investigation (Season 10) 09:00 Dirty Jobs S4 01:30 American Dragon: Jake Long 17:40 Chloe’s Closet
04:00 DAVID LETTERMAN 21:00 Csi: Miami (Season 6) 10:00 Discovery Kids 02:00 Kim Possible 17:50 Pororo - The Little Penguin
05:00 EVERYBODY LOVES 22:00 Csi: Ny (Season 5) 11:00 Discovery Kids 02:30 Phineas And Ferb 18:00 Special Agent Oso
RAYMOND 23:00 Wipeout (Season 2) 11:30 Discovery Kids 03:00 Disney’s Lilo & Stitch: The 18:30 Little Einsteins

Seven Pounds
Ben Thomas tengah di simpang jalan. Ia dalam perjalanan mengubah nasib 7 orang
yang mendapat kesempatan kedua. Tapi, saat ia terpikat pada wanita cantik yang
ditolongnya, ia mempertaruhkan segala hal yang sudah direncanakannya.
Pukul 20.00 WIB

Maret 2010 | primetime | 39

15 maret

04:00 My Wife and Kids 22:00 So You Think You Can Dance 18:00 Unknown Taiwan
04:30 My Wife and Kids (Season 6) 19:00 Survivorman S1
00:00 Eraser 05:00 Are You Smarter Than A 5th 23:00 The Amazing Race (Season 20:00 Dirty Jobs S4
02:00 Seven Pounds Grader? 16) 21:00 Survivorman S2
04:00 Illegal Tender 06:00 Whose Line Is It Anyway? 22:00 Tattoo Hunter
06:00 E.t. 06:30 According To Jim 23:00 Dirty Jobs S4
08:00 The Golden Compass 07:00 Friends
10:00 Sleepless In Seattle 07:30 EVERYBODY LOVES 01:30 Football Asia 2009/10
12:00 Seven Pounds RAYMOND 02:00 Top Volley International
14:00 E.t. 08:00 7TH HEAVEN 03:30 Air Sri Lanka Maldives Pro
00:00 Theme Week
16:00 This Christmas 09:00 Kyle XY 2009
01:00 Theme Week
18:00 The Other Boleyn Girl 10:00 Asia Uncut 04:00 Women’s Australian Open
02:00 Theme Week
20:00 Bored To Death S107: The 11:00 UGLY BETTY - Day 4
03:00 Mega Factories
Case Of The Stolen Sperm 12:00 90210 07:00 Football Asia 2009/10
04:00 Theme Week
20:30 Bored To Death S108: Take A
13:00 According To Jim 07:30 Fina Aquatics World
05:00 Theme Week 11:00 Globo Loco 19:30 Mickey Mouse Clubhouse
Dive 13:30 Friends 08:00 Sportscenter Right Now
06:00 Theme Week 11:30 Yin Yang Yo! 20:00 Handy Manny
21:00 Band Of Brothers S108: The 14:00 Scrubs 08:01 Gravity Games
07:00 Air Crash Investigation 12:00 Mr.Bean - The Animated 20:30 Animal Mechanicals
Last Patrol 14:30 Scrubs 09:00 ACC Basketball Tournament
08:00 ABOUT ASIA Series 21:00 Chuggington
22:00 Band Of Brothers S109: Why 15:00 Kyle XY 10:59 Sportscenter Right Now
09:00 Locked Up Abroad 12:30 Mr.Bean - Live Action Series 21:25 Bert And Ernie’s Great
We Fight 16:00 Are You Smarter Than A 5th 11:00 Football Asia 2009/10
10:00 Dangerous Encounters 13:00 Wild, The Adventures
23:00 Sex And The City S307: Grader? 11:30 2009 East Asian Games
11:00 The Living Edens 15:00 Upin & Ipin 21:30 Special Agent Oso
Drama Queens 17:00 Whose Line Is It Anyway? - Swimming (Day 1)
12:00 ABOUT ASIA 15:30 Upin & Ipin 22:00 Dive Olly Dive
23:30 Sex And The City S308: The 17:30 According To Jim 14:00 Sportscenter Right Now
13:00 Food Lovers Guide To The 16:00 Pucca 22:25 Boowa And Kwala
Big Time 18:00 Friends 14:01 ACC Basketball Tournament
Plane 16:30 Pucca 22:30 Higglytown Heroes
18:30 EVERYBODY LOVES 16:00 Sportscenter Right Now
13:30 Food Lovers Guide To The 17:00 Phineas And Ferb 23:00 Johnny And The Sprites
RAYMOND 16:01 Gravity Games
Plane 17:30 Mr.Bean - The Animated 23:25 Boowa And Kwala
19:00 The King Of Queens 17:00 Players Lives
14:00 The Living Edens Series 23:30 Make Way For Noddy
19:30 SCRUBS 17:30 Football Asia 2009/10
15:00 Locked Up Abroad 18:00 Mr.Bean - Live Action Series
01:00 Fortress 2: Re-entry 20:00 HOW I MET YOUR MOTHER 18:00 Simply The Best
16:00 Wild Chronicles 18:30 Enchanted
02:30 Not Of This World 20:30 RULES OF ENGAGEMENT 18:30 Sportscenter Asia
16:30 Wild Chronicles 20:30 Mr.Bean - The Animated
04:00 The Lodger 21:00 Eli Stone 19:00 FIFA Beach Soccer World
17:00 Theme Week Series 00:00 Tactical Unit III - Partners
06:00 The Gorgon 22:00 TWO AND HALF MEN Cup 2009 Qualifiers UEFA
18:00 Air Crash Investigation 21:00 Upin & Ipin 01:35 Voice of a Murderer
08:00 The Wire S307: Back Burners 23:00 Whose Line Is It Anyway? 20:00 Football Asia 2009/10
19:00 ABOUT ASIA 21:30 Upin & Ipin 03:45 Be With You
08:55 The Wire S308: Moral 23:30 According To Jim 20:30 Immortals, The
20:00 Helicopter Wars 22:00 Phineas And Ferb 05:50 12 Lotus
Midgetry 21:00 Sportscenter Asia
21:00 Megastructures 22:30 Wizards Of Waverly Place 08:10 Magic Touch
10:00 The Flash 21:30 FIFA Beach Soccer World
22:00 Theme Week 23:00 Hannah Montana 09:55 Purple Storm
12:00 Leprechaun Back 2 Tha’ Hood Cup 2009 Qualifiers UEFA
23:00 Inside 23:30 Shaun The Sheep 11:50 Funeral March
14:00 Not Of This World 22:30 Simply The Best
00:20 Greek (S2) 23:00 Sportscenter Asia 13:30 Cinema Today
15:30 Epad On Max 50 01:20 Midsomer Murders (S9) 23:30 Cev Beach Volleyball 14:30 Option Zero
16:00 Behold A Pale Horse 03:10 Gentle Ben: Terror On The European Championship Tour 16:20 Connected
18:15 Starship Troopers 3: Mountain - German Masters 18:15 As Tears Go By
Marauder 05:00 The Final Days Of Planet 00:00 Bunnytown
01:00 Stripes 20:00 Kidnap
20:00 Telefon Earth 00:30 Thomas & Friends
03:00 A Mighty Heart 21:40 Invisible Target
21:45 Not Of This World 07:00 The Nanny (S5) 00:50 Pororo - The Little Penguin
05:00 Joe’s Apartment 23:50 Midnight Eagle
23:15 Epad On Max 50 07:30 The Nanny (S5) 01:00 Mickey Mouse Clubhouse
06:45 Head Case S209: All About
08:00 The Oprah Winfrey Show 02:00 Hot Water 2009/10 01:25 Tiny Planets
(S23) 03:00 Sports Max 01:30 My Friends Tigger & Pooh
07:15 Head Case S210: The Big
09:00 McBride: The Doctor Is Out... 04:00 Behind The Baseline 02:00 Handy Manny
01:00 Vip Access: Face2face Really Out 04:30 Europe Top 12 02:30 Special Agent Oso 00:00 ANIMAL PLANET
07:40 Changeling
01:30 Lava Storm 11:00 Greek (S2) 07:00 2009/10 GP 2 Asia Series 03:00 Barney & Friends SHOWCASE
09:50 Batman: Gotham Knight
03:10 Deadly Game 12:00 The Oprah Winfrey Show 09:00 FA Cup 09/10 03:30 Mighty Jungle, The 01:00 ANIMAL PLANET
11:00 The Tudors S201: Everything
04:50 Rogue Assassin 13:00 The Biggest Loser (S5) 11:00 2009/10 GP 2 Asia Series 04:00 Play With Me Sesame SHOWCASE
Is Beautiful
06:35 Flirting With Disaster 14:00 Drive Time Murders 13:00 Jet Sprint World 04:30 Clifford, The Big Red Dog 02:00 Anacondas with Nigel
12:00 The Tudors S202: Tears Of
08:10 Driving Lessons 16:00 ER (S5) Championships 05:00 JoJo’s Circus Marven
09:55 Cutting Edge, The: Chasing 17:00 The Nanny (S5) 14:00 Jet Sprint World 05:25 Boowa And Kwala 03:00 Animal Planet Reveals Asia
13:00 Forgetting Sarah Marshall
The Dream 17:30 The Nanny (S5) Championships 05:30 Barney & Friends 04:00 Fooled By Nature
14:45 The Fighting Temptations
11:35 Jumper 18:00 The Biggest Loser (S5) 15:00 FIA F1 World Championship 06:00 Pocoyo 04:30 Fooled By Nature
17:00 See You In The Morning
13:10 Malibu Shark Attack 19:00 The Oprah Winfrey Show Raceday 2010 06:30 Higglytown Heroes 05:00 ANIMAL PLANET
19:00 Head Case S209: All About
14:45 Dirty Rotten Scoundrels 20:00 Without A Trace (S4) 15:45 FIA F1 World Championship 07:00 My Friends Tigger & Pooh SHOWCASE
16:40 Bangkok Dangerous 21:00 Defending Our Kids 2010 - Main Race 07:25 Bert And Ernie’s Great 06:00 ANIMAL PLANET
19:30 Head Case S210: The Big
18:25 Dunston Checks In 23:00 The Nanny (S5) 17:45 FIA F1 World Championship Adventures SHOWCASE
20:00 Kalifornia 23:30 The Nanny (S5) Chequered Flag 2010 07:30 Little Einsteins 07:00 Echo and the Elephants of
20:00 Band Of Brothers S106:
21:55 Marley & Me 18:30 Gp2 Asia Repeat 08:00 WordWorld Amboseli
23:55 Hellraiser 20:30 Score Tonight 08:30 Mickey Mouse Clubhouse 07:30 Meerkat Manor
21:00 American Gigolo
21:00 Lives In The Fast Lane 09:00 Handy Manny 08:00 Wild Hearts
00:00 Masters Of Illusion 23:00 The Tudors S201: Everything
21:30 Engine Block 2010 09:30 Animal Mechanicals 09:00 Groomer Has It 2
01:00 Csi: Crime Scene Is Beautiful
22:00 FIA F1 World Championship 09:55 Classic Tales 10:00 The Crocodile Hunter 4
Investigation (Season 10) Highlights 2010 10:00 Chuggington 11:00 Animal Planet at the Movies
00:00 Nothing Personal 02:00 Csi: Miami (Season 6) 23:30 Score Tonight 10:20 Pororo - The Little Penguin 11:30 Animal Planet at the Movies
01:45 From Noon Till Three 03:00 Csi: Ny (Season 5) 10:30 Special Agent Oso 12:00 Lemur Street
03:30 To Kill for 04:00 Chuck (Season 2) 00:00 Shaolin Wuzang 11:00 Dive Olly Dive 12:30 Monkey Business 8
05:00 Panga 05:00 Wipeout (Season 1) 00:30 Donald Duck Presents 11:25 Tiny Planets 13:00 The Animals’ Guide to
06:30 Impromptu 06:30 Ebuzz 00:00 Blood For The Gods 01:00 Replacements, The 11:30 Higglytown Heroes Survival
08:15 River’s Edge 07:00 Csi: Crime Scene 01:00 Mega Builders S1 01:30 American Dragon: Jake Long 12:00 Animal Mechanicals 14:00 Echo and the Elephants of
09:45 The Favor Investigation (Season 9) 02:00 Treeman: The Cure 02:00 Kim Possible 12:25 Bert And Ernie’s Great Amboseli
11:30 Timebomb 08:00 Csi: Miami (Season 7) 03:00 Solved S2 02:30 Phineas And Ferb Adventures 14:30 Meerkat Manor
13:00 CQ 09:00 Wipeout (Season 1) 04:00 Extreme Forensics 03:00 Disney’s Lilo & Stitch: The 12:30 Dibo The Gift Dragon 15:00 Wild Hearts
14:30 Yanks 10:30 Ebuzz 05:00 Treasure Quest Series 13:00 My Friends Tigger & Pooh 16:00 Groomer Has It 2
16:45 The Christine Jorgensen 11:00 Csi: Crime Scene 06:00 Survivorman S2 03:30 Suite Life Of Zack And Cody, 13:30 Handy Manny 17:00 Animal Planet at the Movies
Story Investigation (Season 9) 07:00 Blood For The Gods The 14:00 Special Agent Oso 17:30 Animal Planet at the Movies
18:15 Madison 12:00 Anaconda 08:00 Blood For The Gods 04:00 Hannah Montana 14:30 Dive Olly Dive 18:00 Lemur Street
20:00 Il Tango Della Gelosia 14:00 Csi: Miami (Season 7) 09:00 Blood For The Gods 04:30 Wizards Of Waverly Place 15:00 Chloe’s Closet 18:30 Monkey Business 8
22:00 La Cage Aux Folles 15:00 Csi: Crime Scene 10:00 Rampage! 05:00 Good Morning Mickey 15:25 Classic Tales 19:00 The Animals’ Guide to
23:45 Eureka Investigation (Season 9) 11:00 How Do They Do It? S5 05:30 Good Morning Mickey 15:30 Clifford, The Big Red Dog Survival
16:00 Whacked Out Sports (Season 11:30 How It’s Made S11 06:00 House Of Mouse 16:00 Dibo The Gift Dragon 20:00 Echo and the Elephants of
2) 12:00 Mythbusters S5 06:30 Donald Duck Presents 16:00 Mickey Mouse Clubhouse Amboseli
16:30 Ebuzz 13:00 Blood For The Gods 07:00 Animal Mechanicals 17:00 Pocoyo 20:30 Meerkat Manor
17:00 Anaconda 14:00 Blood For The Gods 07:30 Dibo The Gift Dragon 17:30 Higglytown Heroes 21:00 Wild Hearts
00:00 AMERICAN IDOL 19:00 The Amazing Race (Season 15:00 Blood For The Gods 08:00 Twisted Whiskers 17:55 Tiny Planets 22:00 Groomer Has It 2
01:00 90210 16) 16:00 Deadliest Catch S5 08:30 Replacements, The 18:00 My Friends Tigger & Pooh 23:00 The Crocodile Hunter 4
02:00 DAVID LETTERMAN 20:00 So You Think You Can Dance 17:00 How It’s Made S11 09:00 Tinker Bell And The Lost 18:30 Little Einsteins
03:00 7TH HEAVEN (Season 6) 17:30 How Do They Do It? S5 Treasure 19:00 WordWorld

Mari bermain dan belajar dalam dunia kata-kata penuh warna bersama hewan-hewan
Word Friends yang tubuhnya terbuat dari susunan huruf yang bila dibaca membentuk
satu kata nama jenis hewan.
Pukul 19.00 WIB

40 | primetime | Maret 2010

16 maret

08:00 Csi: Miami (Season 7) News 2010 19:00 The Wire S501: More With 12:30 Dibo The Gift Dragon
09:00 Masters Of Illusion 16:00 Trans Tasman Touch Rugby Less 13:00 My Friends Tigger & Pooh
00:00 Seven Pounds 10:00 Early Edition (Season 3) Test Series - Men 20:00 Band Of Brothers S107: The 13:30 Handy Manny
00:00 Friends 14:00 Special Agent Oso
02:00 Bored To Death S105: The 00:30 EVERYBODY LOVES 11:00 Csi: Crime Scene 17:00 FEI Equestrian World Breaking Point
Investigation (Season 9) 17:30 Engine Block 2010 21:15 Deep Blue Sea 14:30 Dive Olly Dive
Case Of The Lonely White RAYMOND
12:00 So You Think You Can Dance 18:00 Lives In The Fast Lane 23:00 The Tudors S203: Checkmate 15:00 Chloe’s Closet
Dove 01:00 Are You Smarter Than A 5th
(Season 6) 18:30 FIA F1 World Championship 15:25 Classic Tales
02:30 Bored To Death S106: The Grader?
14:00 Csi: Miami (Season 7) Highlights 2010 15:30 Clifford, The Big Red Dog
Case Of The Beautiful 01:55 JACKIE CHAN ADVENTURES
15:00 Csi: Crime Scene 20:00 Engine Block 2010 16:00 Dibo The Gift Dragon
Blackmailer 02:00 DAVID LETTERMAN
Investigation (Season 9) 20:30 Score Tonight 16:30 Mickey Mouse Clubhouse
03:00 Band Of Brothers S108: The 02:55 Dilbert 00:00 Shaolin Wuzang 17:00 Pocoyo
03:00 7TH HEAVEN 16:00 Masters Of Illusion 21:00 Immortals, The
Last Patrol 00:30 Donald Duck Presents 17:30 Higglytown Heroes
03:55 MARRIED WITH CHILDREN 17:00 So You Think You Can Dance 21:30 Golf Focus 2010
04:00 Band Of Brothers S109: Why 01:00 Replacements, The 17:55 Tiny Planets
04:00 My Wife and Kids (Season 6) 22:00 Classic Boxing 01:00hrs
We Fight 01:30 American Dragon: Jake Long 18:00 My Friends Tigger & Pooh
04:30 My Wife and Kids 18:00 The Amazing Race (Season 23:00 Classic Boxing 01:00hrs
05:00 Bored To Death S107: The 02:00 Kim Possible 18:30 Little Einsteins
05:00 Are You Smarter Than A 5th 16)
Case Of The Stolen Sperm 02:30 Phineas And Ferb 19:00 WordWorld
Grader? 19:00 Csi: Miami (Season 6)
05:30 Bored To Death S108: Take A 03:00 Disney’s Lilo & Stitch: The 19:30 Mickey Mouse Clubhouse
06:00 Whose Line Is It Anyway? 20:00 David Blaine: Street Magic
Dive 21:00 David Blaine: What Is Magic? 00:00 Survivorman S2 Series 20:00 Handy Manny
06:00 Seven Pounds 06:30 According To Jim 01:00 Deadliest Catch S5 03:30 Suite Life Of Zack And Cody, 20:30 Animal Mechanicals
07:00 Friends 22:00 24 (Season 7)
08:00 Hellboy Ii: The Golden Army 23:00 David Blaine: Street Magic 02:00 Rampage! The 21:00 Chuggington
10:00 E.t. 07:30 EVERYBODY LOVES 03:00 Mythbusters S5 04:00 Hannah Montana 21:25 Bert And Ernie’s Great
12:00 Margot At The Wedding RAYMOND 04:00 Survivorman S2 04:30 Wizards Of Waverly Place Adventures
13:30 The Sweetest Thing 08:00 7TH HEAVEN 05:00 Unknown Taiwan 05:00 Good Morning Mickey 21:30 Special Agent Oso
14:55 Bored To Death S107: The 08:55 JACKIE CHAN ADVENTURES 06:00 Rampage! 05:30 Good Morning Mickey 22:00 Dive Olly Dive
09:00 Kyle XY 00:30 Sportscenter Asia
Case Of The Stolen Sperm 07:00 Dirty Jobs S4 06:00 House Of Mouse 22:25 Boowa And Kwala
09:55 Dilbert 01:00 Pegasus New Zealand
15:25 Bored To Death S108: Take A 08:00 Tattoo Hunter 06:30 Donald Duck Presents 22:30 Higglytown Heroes
10:00 The King Of Queens Women’s Open Hosted By
Dive 09:00 Clash Of The Dinosaurs 07:00 Animal Mechanicals 23:00 Johnny And The Sprites
10:30 SCRUBS Christchurch
16:00 Seven Pounds 10:00 Unknown Taiwan 07:30 Dibo The Gift Dragon 23:25 Boowa And Kwala
11:00 HOW I MET YOUR MOTHER 02:00 US Open 9-Ball
18:00 Hellboy Ii: The Golden Army 11:00 How Do They Do It? S5 08:00 Twisted Whiskers 23:30 Make Way For Noddy
11:30 RULES OF ENGAGEMENT Championship 2009
20:00 Virtuality 11:30 How It’s Made S11 08:30 Replacements, The
12:00 Eli Stone 03:00 ACC Basketball Tournament
21:30 Tmz 191 12:00 Mythbusters S5 09:00 High School Musical 2
13:00 According To Jim 05:00 New Pollution Series 3 #7
13:00 Dark Fellowships: The Vril 11:00 Globo Loco
21:55 Traitor 13:30 Friends 05:30 Sportscenter Asia
14:00 Tattoo Hunter 11:30 Yin Yang Yo! 02:10 The Floating Landscape
23:45 Primal Fear 14:00 Scrubs 06:00 2008 Vans Cup At Tahoe :
15:00 Dirty Jobs S4 12:00 Mr.Bean - The Animated 03:55 To Sir With Love
14:30 Scrubs Show 1
16:00 Treeman: The Cure Series 05:35 Way Of Blue Sky
14:55 Dilbert 07:00 FIFA Beach Soccer World
17:00 How It’s Made S11 12:30 Mr.Bean - Live Action Series 07:25 McDull, The Alumni
15:00 KYLE XY Cup 2009 Qualifiers UEFA
17:30 How Do They Do It? S5 13:00 Enchanted 09:00 Hearty Paw
15:55 MARRIED WITH CHILDREN 08:00 Sportscenter Right Now
00:00 Return Of The Living Dead 18:00 Man Made Marvels: The 15:00 Upin & Ipin 10:45 Super Fans
16:00 Are You Smarter Than A 5th 08:01 Gravity Games
Part Ii Great Wall 15:30 Upin & Ipin 12:25 Ming Ming
Grader? 09:00 Pac - 10 Men’s Basketball
02:00 Telefon 19:00 Colossal Squid 16:00 Pucca 14:15 Tactical Unit V - Comrades in
17:00 Whose Line Is It Anyway? 10:59 Sportscenter Right Now
04:00 Last Train From Gun Hill 20:00 Extreme Bodies 16:30 Pucca Arms
17:30 According To Jim 11:00 World Of Gymnastics
06:00 Justice League: The New 21:00 River Monsters 17:00 Phineas And Ferb 15:55 See You In You Tube
18:00 Friends 11:30 2009 East Asian Games
Frontier 22:00 Destroyed In Seconds 17:30 Mr.Bean - The Animated 18:00 Missing
18:30 EVERYBODY LOVES - Swimming (Day 2)
07:45 Epad On Max 50 22:30 Destroyed In Seconds Series 20:00 The Sniper
RAYMOND 14:00 Sportscenter Right Now
23:00 Extreme Bodies 18:00 Mr.Bean - Live Action Series 21:30 Night and Fog
08:00 The Lodger 19:00 90210 14:01 2010 US Figure Skating
10:00 Telefon Championships 18:30 Finding Nemo 23:35 Kakashi
20:00 UGLY BETTY 20:30 Mr.Bean - The Animated
12:00 Impact Point 21:00 Lipstick Jungle 16:00 Sportscenter Right Now
14:00 Solo 16:01 Gravity Games Series
22:00 TWO AND HALF MEN 21:00 Upin & Ipin
16:00 The Spy Who Came In From 17:00 Almost Anything Goes 00:00 Air Crash Investigation
23:00 Whose Line Is It Anyway? 21:30 Upin & Ipin
The Cold 17:30 FIFA Beach Soccer World 01:00 Helicopter Wars 00:00 Lemur Street
23:30 According To Jim 22:00 Phineas And Ferb
18:15 The Lodger Cup 2009 Qualifiers UEFA 02:00 Megastructures 00:30 Monkey Business 8
18:30 Sportscenter Asia 03:00 Inside 22:30 Wizards Of Waverly Place
20:00 Wonder Woman 01:00 The Animals’ Guide to
19:00 Football Focus With John 04:00 Helicopter Wars 23:00 Hannah Montana
21:15 Impact Point Survival
Dykes 05:00 Megastructures 23:30 Shaun The Sheep
22:45 Chameleon 02:00 Echo and the Elephants of
00:00 ER (S5) 20:00 Simply The Best 06:00 Theme Week Amboseli
01:00 Strange Relations (Aka 20:30 Contenders, The 07:00 Air Crash Investigation 02:30 Meerkat Manor
Comfort Zone) 21:00 Sportscenter Asia 08:00 ABOUT ASIA 03:00 Wild Hearts
03:00 Curse Of King Tut’s Tomb 21:30 Football Focus With John 09:00 Situation Critical 00:00 Bunnytown 04:00 Groomer Has It 2
01:35 Malibu Shark Attack 05:00 The Final Days Of Planet Dykes 10:00 Animal Extractors 00:30 Thomas & Friends 05:00 Animal Planet at the Movies
03:15 Xtra Credit Earth 22:30 Football Asia 2009/10 11:00 Monster Fish 00:50 Pororo - The Little Penguin 05:30 Animal Planet at the Movies
04:50 Dunston Checks In 07:00 The Nanny (S5) 23:00 Sportscenter Asia 12:00 ABOUT ASIA 01:00 Mickey Mouse Clubhouse 06:00 Lemur Street
06:25 Baby’s Day Out 07:30 The Nanny (S5) 23:30 Cev Beach Volleyball 13:00 Meet The Natives - USA 01:25 Tiny Planets 06:30 Monkey Business 8
08:10 Legally Blondes 08:00 The Oprah Winfrey Show European Championship Tour 14:00 The Living Edens 01:30 My Friends Tigger & Pooh 07:00 In Too Deep
09:40 Vip Access: Face2face (S24) - German Masters 15:00 Situation Critical 02:00 Handy Manny 07:30 In Too Deep
10:10 Kalifornia 09:00 Defending Our Kids 16:00 Hayden Turner’s Wildlife 02:30 Special Agent Oso 08:00 Nick Baker’s Weird Creatures
12:05 High Plains Invaders 11:00 Without A Trace (S4) Chall 03:00 Barney & Friends II
13:40 Three Amigos! 12:00 The Oprah Winfrey Show 16:30 Hidden Worlds 03:30 Mighty Jungle, The 09:00 Anacondas with Nigel
15:30 Thelma And Louise 13:00 The Biggest Loser (S5) 00:00 Engine Block 2010 17:00 Theme Week 04:00 Play With Me Sesame Marven
17:45 Vip Access 14:00 Strange Relations (Aka 18:00 Air Crash Investigation 10:00 The Crocodile Hunter 4
00:30 FIA F1 World Championship 04:30 Clifford, The Big Red Dog
18:15 Spaceballs Comfort Zone) 19:00 ABOUT ASIA
Raceday 2010 05:00 JoJo’s Circus 11:00 Animal Planet at the Movies
16:00 ER (S5) 20:00 Long Way Down
20:00 Fanboys 01:15 FIA F1 World Championship 05:25 Boowa And Kwala 11:30 Animal Planet at the Movies
17:00 The Nanny (S5) 21:00 Cruise Ship Diaries
21:40 Edward Scissorhands 2010 - Main Race 05:30 Barney & Friends 12:00 Lemur Street
17:30 The Nanny (S5) 22:00 Theme Week
23:30 Hellbound: Hellraiser Ii 03:15 FIA F1 World Championship 06:00 Pocoyo 12:30 Monkey Business 8
18:00 The Biggest Loser (S5) 23:00 Inside
Chequered Flag 2010 06:30 Higglytown Heroes 13:00 K9 Cops
19:00 The Oprah Winfrey Show
20:00 The Biggest Loser Special 04:00 2009 East Asian Games 07:00 My Friends Tigger & Pooh 14:00 In Too Deep
Edition - Badminton 07:25 Bert And Ernie’s Great 14:30 In Too Deep
21:00 Recipe For Murder 06:00 Lives In The Fast Lane Adventures 15:00 Nick Baker’s Weird Creatures
01:45 Cool Blue
23:00 The Nanny (S5) 06:30 Engine Block 2010 07:30 Little Einsteins II
03:15 The Couch Trip 07:00 International Motorsport 00:00 The Tudors S202: Tears Of 08:00 WordWorld 16:00 Anacondas with Nigel
05:00 New Year’s Evil 23:30 The Nanny (S5)
News 2010 Blood 08:30 Mickey Mouse Clubhouse Marven
06:30 Wild Orchid 08:00 Planet Speed 2009/10 01:00 See You In The Morning 09:00 Handy Manny 17:00 Animal Planet at the Movies
08:15 Dirty Dozen: The Deadly 08:30 Engine Block 2010 03:15 Doomsday 09:30 Animal Mechanicals 17:30 Animal Planet at the Movies
Mission 00:00 So You Think You Can Dance 09:00 FA Cup 09/10 05:00 Front Of The Class 09:55 Classic Tales 18:00 Lemur Street
10:00 Sometimes They Come Back (Season 6) 11:00 International Motorsport 06:45 The Wire S501: More With 10:00 Chuggington 18:30 Monkey Business 8
11:45 Retroactive 02:00 So You Think You Can Dance News 2010 Less 10:20 Pororo - The Little Penguin 19:00 NYPD Animal Squad
13:15 Blow Out (Season 6) 12:00 Lives In The Fast Lane 08:15 The Age Of Innocence 10:30 Special Agent Oso 20:00 In Too Deep
15:00 Nobody’s Perfect 03:00 Early Edition (Season 3) 12:30 Engine Block 2010 11:00 The Tudors S203: Checkmate 11:00 Dive Olly Dive 20:30 In Too Deep
16:30 The Bride Wore Black 04:00 Csi: Miami (Season 7) 13:00 Jet Sprint World 12:00 The Tudors S204: The Act Of 11:25 Tiny Planets 21:00 Nick Baker’s Weird Creatures
18:15 Molly 05:00 Masters Of Illusion Championships Succession 11:30 Higglytown Heroes II
20:00 Double Trouble 06:00 Early Edition (Season 3) 14:00 2008 Vans Triple Crown Of 12:55 Changeling 12:00 Animal Mechanicals 22:00 Bull Shark: World’s Deadliest
21:45 Fluke 07:00 Csi: Crime Scene Surfing #1 15:30 S.i.s. 12:25 Bert And Ernie’s Great Shark with Nigel Marven
23:30 Gothic Investigation (Season 9) 15:00 International Motorsport 17:00 Front Of The Class Adventures 23:00 The Crocodile Hunter 4

The Lodger
Seorang pembunuh kejam membunuhi pelacur-pelacur di West Hollywood Sunset
Trip. Sepertinya, ia terinspirasi aksi Jack the Ripper di Inggris abad ke-19. Polisi
mengendus aksinya mirip dengan rangkaian pembunuhan berantai di masa lalu.
Pukul 08.00 WIB Mampukah sang pembunuh ditangkap?

Maret 2010 | primetime | 41

17 maret

01:55 JACKIE CHAN ADVENTURES 21:00 Csi: Crime Scene 06:00 Extreme Bodies 04:00 Hannah Montana 15:25 Classic Tales
02:00 DAVID LETTERMAN Investigation (Season 10) 07:00 Monsters Resurrected 04:30 Wizards Of Waverly Place 15:30 Clifford, The Big Red Dog
02:00 Mad City 02:55 Dilbert 22:00 Csi: Ny (Season 5) 08:00 River Monsters 05:00 Good Morning Mickey 16:00 Dibo The Gift Dragon
03:50 Sphere 03:00 7TH HEAVEN 23:00 Wipeout (Season 2) 09:00 Survivorman S2 05:30 Good Morning Mickey 16:30 Mickey Mouse Clubhouse
06:00 The Other Boleyn Girl 03:55 MARRIED WITH CHILDREN 10:00 Man Made Marvels: The 06:00 House Of Mouse 17:00 Pocoyo
08:00 The 11th Hour 04:00 My Wife and Kids Great Wall 06:30 Donald Duck Presents 17:30 Higglytown Heroes
10:00 Virtuality 04:30 My Wife and Kids 11:00 How Do They Do It? S5 07:00 Animal Mechanicals 17:55 Tiny Planets
11:45 The Making Of The Golden 05:00 Are You Smarter Than A 5th 00:30 Sportscenter Asia 11:30 How It’s Made S11 07:30 Dibo The Gift Dragon 18:00 My Friends Tigger & Pooh
Compass Grader? 01:00 US Open 9-Ball 12:00 Mythbusters S5 08:00 Twisted Whiskers 18:30 Little Einsteins
12:00 The Golden Compass 06:00 Whose Line Is It Anyway? Championship 2009 13:00 Extreme Bodies 08:30 Replacements, The 19:00 WordWorld
06:30 According To Jim 02:00 Fina Aquatics World 14:00 Clash Of The Dinosaurs 09:00 Hunchback Of Notre Dame II, 19:30 Mickey Mouse Clubhouse
13:50 The Kite Runner
07:00 Friends 02:30 European Short Course 15:00 Prehistoric Disasters The 20:00 Handy Manny
16:00 Ferris Bueller’s Day Off
07:30 EVERYBODY LOVES Swimming Championship 16:00 Monsters Resurrected 11:00 Globo Loco 20:30 Animal Mechanicals
17:35 Hollywood One On One 78
RAYMOND 05:00 2009 Remax World Long 17:00 How It’s Made S7 11:30 Yin Yang Yo! 21:00 Chuggington
18:00 Snow Angels
Drive Championship 17:30 How Do They Do It? S2 12:00 Mr.Bean - The Animated 21:25 Bert And Ernie’s Great
20:00 30 Days Of Night
08:00 7TH HEAVEN
06:30 Football Asia 2009/10 18:00 Deadliest Catch S5 Series Adventures
21:50 Tmz 192 08:55 JACKIE CHAN ADVENTURES
07:00 Football Focus With John 12:30 Mr.Bean - Live Action Series 21:30 Special Agent Oso
22:10 Sex And The City S309: Easy 09:00 KYLE XY 19:00 Planet Green
Dykes 13:00 Finding Nemo 22:00 Dive Olly Dive
Come, Easy Go 09:55 Dilbert 20:00 Prehistoric Disasters
08:00 Sportscenter Right Now 15:00 Upin & Ipin 22:00 Boowa And Kwala
22:35 Sex And The City S310: All Or 10:00 90210 21:00 Clash Of The Dinosaurs
08:01 Gravity Games 15:30 Upin & Ipin 22:30 Higglytown Heroes
Nothing 10:55 MARRIED WITH CHILDREN 22:00 Monsters Resurrected
09:00 Pac - 10 Men’s Basketball 16:00 Pucca 23:00 Johnny And The Sprites
23:00 The Jane Austen Book Club 11:00 UGLY BETTY 23:00 Prehistoric Disasters 23:25 Boowa And Kwala
10:59 Sportscenter Right Now 16:30 Pucca
12:00 Lipstick Jungle 23:30 Make Way For Noddy
11:00 Football Focus With John 17:00 Phineas And Ferb
13:00 According To Jim
Dykes 17:30 Mr.Bean - The Animated
13:30 Friends Series
14:00 Scrubs 12:00 2009 East Asian Games 00:00 Air Crash Investigation 18:00 Mr.Bean - Live Action Series
00:30 Telefon 14:30 Scrubs - Swimming (Day 3) 01:00 Long Way Down 18:30 Monsters Inc. 01:20 Springtime
02:15 Epad On Max 50 14:55 Dilbert 14:00 Sportscenter Right Now 02:00 Cruise Ship Diaries 20:30 Mr.Bean - The Animated 03:35 The Night Time Picnic
02:30 Wonder Woman 15:00 KYLE XY 14:01 2010 US Figure Skating 03:00 Inside Series 05:35 My Mother The Mermaid
04:00 Return Of The Living Dead 15:55 MARRIED WITH CHILDREN Championships 04:00 Long Way Down 21:00 Upin & Ipin 07:30 Angel
Part Ii 16:00 Are You Smarter Than A 5th 16:00 Sportscenter Right Now 05:00 Cruise Ship Diaries 21:30 Upin & Ipin 09:35 My Name Is Fame
06:00 The Spy Who Came In From Grader? 16:01 Gravity Games 06:00 Theme Week 22:00 Phineas And Ferb
17:00 Contenders, The 11:15 G.Y. Sir
The Cold 17:00 AMERICAN IDOL 07:00 Seconds From Disaster 22:30 Wizards Of Waverly Place
17:30 Football Focus With John 12:50 Theft Under The Sun
08:00 Not Of This World 19:00 AMERICAN IDOL 08:00 ABOUT ASIA 23:00 Hannah Montana
Dykes 14:35 A1
10:00 The Lodger 21:00 GLEE 09:00 Carrier 23:30 Shaun The Sheep
18:30 Sportscenter Asia 16:25 Look for a Star
12:00 The Wire S307: Back Burners 22:00 TWO AND HALF MEN 10:00 The Beast Within 18:25 Power Kids
12:55 The Wire S308: Moral 23:00 AMERICAN IDOL 19:00 Tiger World Of Football 11:00 Lizard Kings 20:00 Tactical Unit II - No Way Out
Midgetry 20:00 Almost Anything Goes 12:00 ABOUT ASIA 21:30 The Detective
14:00 Last Train From Gun Hill 20:30 Contenders, The 13:00 Lockdown 23:25 Cinema Today
15:45 Wonder Woman 21:00 Sportscenter Asia 14:00 The Living Edens 00:00 Bunnytown
17:00 Justice League: The New 21:30 Tiger World Of Football 15:00 Carrier 00:30 Thomas & Friends
Frontier 00:00 ER (S5) 22:30 Immortals, The 16:00 Wild Detectives 00:50 Pororo - The Little Penguin
18:15 Not Of This World 01:00 Redeemer 23:00 Sportscenter Asia 16:30 Food Lovers Guide To The 01:00 Mickey Mouse Clubhouse
03:00 Curse Of King Tut’s Tomb 23:30 Cev Beach Volleyball 01:25 Tiny Planets 00:00 Lemur Street
20:00 Letter To My Killer Plane
European Championship 01:30 My Friends Tigger & Pooh 00:30 Monkey Business 8
21:30 The Wire S307: Back Burners 05:00 Reasons Of The Heart 17:00 Theme Week
Tour - German Masters 02:00 Handy Manny 01:00 NYPD Animal Squad
22:25 The Wire S308: Moral 07:00 The Nanny (S5) 18:00 Seconds From Disaster
02:30 Special Agent Oso 02:00 In Too Deep
Midgetry 07:30 The Nanny (S5) 19:00 ABOUT ASIA
03:00 Barney & Friends 02:30 In Too Deep
23:30 The Lodger 08:00 The Oprah Winfrey Show 20:00 Wild Wednesday
03:30 Mighty Jungle, The 03:00 Nick Baker’s Weird Creatures
(S24) 21:00 Wild Wednesday
04:00 Play With Me Sesame II
09:00 Curse Of King Tut’s Tomb 00:00 Score Tonight 22:00 Theme Week 04:30 Clifford, The Big Red Dog 04:00 Bull Shark: World’s Deadliest
11:00 The Biggest Loser Special 00:30 Trans Tasman Touch Rugby 23:00 Inside Shark with Nigel Marven
05:00 JoJo’s Circus
01:10 Romeo Is Bleeding Edition Test Series - Men 05:00 Animal Planet at the Movies
05:25 Boowa And Kwala
03:00 Hard Ride To Hell 12:00 The Oprah Winfrey Show 01:30 Glitch 05:30 Barney & Friends 05:30 Animal Planet at the Movie
04:40 Spaceballs 13:00 The Biggest Loser (S5) 02:00 Max Power 2010/11 06:00 Pocoyo 06:00 Lemur Street
06:20 Dim Sum Funeral 14:00 Redeemer 03:00 Trans Tasman Touch Rugby 06:30 Higglytown Heroes 06:30 Monkey Business 8
08:00 Riddles Of The Sphinx, The 16:00 ER (S5) Test Series - Men 07:00 My Friends Tigger & Pooh 07:00 Elephants Uncovered
17:00 The Nanny (S5) 04:00 Golf Focus 2010 00:00 The Tudors S204: The Act Of
09:40 Doctor Dolittle: Tail To The Succession 07:25 Bert And Ernie’s Great 08:00 BITE NITE
Chief 17:30 The Nanny (S5) 04:30 2009 East Asian Games Adventures 09:00 Night
18:00 The Biggest Loser (S5) - Badminton 01:00 Changeling
11:15 Fanboys 07:30 Little Einsteins 09:30 Night
19:00 The Oprah Winfrey Show 06:30 Immortals, The 03:15 Deep Blue Sea
12:55 Into The Blue 2: The Reef 08:00 WordWorld 10:00 The Crocodile Hunter 4
20:00 Sea Patrol (S3) 07:00 Max Power 2010/11 05:00 Gossip
14:30 Bringing Down The House 08:30 Mickey Mouse Clubhouse 11:00 Animal Planet at the Movies
21:00 Thicker Than Water 08:00 Golf Focus 2010 06:45 The Wire S502: Unconfirmed
16:20 Dick Tracy 09:00 Handy Manny 11:30 Animal Planet at the Movies
23:00 The Nanny (S5) 08:30 Immortals, The Reports 12:00 Lemur Street
18:10 Quantum Of Solace 09:30 Animal Mechanicals
23:30 The Nanny (S5) 09:00 FA Cup 09/10 08:00 Revolution 12:30 Monkey Business 8
20:00 Four Weddings And A 09:55 Classic Tales
11:00 Max Power 2010/11 09:30 Jesse Stone: Thin Ice 13:00 Spotlight: Earth
Funeral 10:00 Chuggington
12:00 Golf Focus 2010 11:00 The Tudors S205: His 10:20 Pororo - The Little Penguin 14:00 Elephants Uncovered
22:00 1408 Majesty’s Pleasure
12:30 Glitch 10:30 Special Agent Oso 15:00 BITE NITE
23:55 Hellraiser Iii: Hell On Earth 12:00 The Tudors S206: The
00:00 David Blaine: What Is Magic? 13:00 Jet Sprint World 11:00 Dive Olly Dive 16:00 Night
01:00 Shield, The (Season 7) Championships Definition Of Love 11:25 Tiny Planets 16:30 Night
02:00 Mondo Magic Singapore 14:00 2008 Vans Triple Crown Of 13:00 S.i.s. 11:30 Higglytown Heroes 17:00 Off the Leash
02:30 Mondo Magic Singapore Surfing #2 14:30 The New Guy 12:00 Animal Mechanicals 17:30 Off the Leash
01:00 In the Heat of the Night 03:00 Early Edition (Season 3) 15:00 Max Power 2010/11 16:00 Joe’s Apartment 12:25 Bert And Ernie’s Great 18:00 Lemur Street
03:00 The Long Riders 04:00 Csi: Miami (Season 7) 16:00 Trans Tasman Touch Rugby 17:30 Revolution Adventures 18:30 Monkey Business 8
04:45 Swimming to Cambodia 05:00 Masters Of Illusion Test Series - Women 19:00 The Wire S502: Unconfirmed 12:30 Dibo The Gift Dragon 19:00 Spotlight: Earth
06:00 A Dry White Season 06:00 Early Edition (Season 3) 17:00 FEI World Cup Jumping Reports 13:00 My Friends Tigger & Pooh 20:00 Elephants Uncovered
07:45 Stay Hungry 07:00 Csi: Crime Scene 2009/10 20:00 Band Of Brothers S108: The 13:30 Handy Manny 21:00 BITE NITE
09:30 The Whales of August Investigation (Season 9) 18:00 Global Football Last Patrol 14:00 Special Agent Oso 22:00 Night
11:00 Clean Slate 21:00 New Best Friend 14:30 Dive Olly Dive 22:30 Night
08:00 Csi: Miami (Season 7) 18:30 FA Cup 09/10
12:45 The Mercenary 23:00 The Tudors S205: His 15:00 Chloe’s Closet 23:00 The Crocodile Hunter 4
09:00 Masters Of Illusion 20:30 Score Tonight
14:30 Married to the Mob 10:00 Early Edition (Season 3) 21:00 Masters Official Films 2007 Majesty’s Pleasure
16:15 The Boyfriend School 11:00 Csi: Crime Scene 22:00 FA Classics
18:00 Just Between Friends Investigation (Season 9) 23:00 Golf Focus 2010
20:00 Fatal Instinct 12:00 David Blaine: What Is Magic? 23:30 Score Tonight
21:45 UHF 13:00 24 (Season 7)
23:30 Joe 00:00 Shaolin Wuzang
14:00 Csi: Miami (Season 7) 00:30 Donald Duck Presents
15:00 Csi: Crime Scene 01:00 Replacements, The
Investigation (Season 9) 00:00 River Monsters 01:30 American Dragon: Jake Long
16:00 Masters Of Illusion 01:00 Survivorman S1 02:00 Kim Possible
00:00 Friends 17:00 24 (Season 7) 02:00 Survivorman S2 02:30 Phineas And Ferb
00:30 EVERYBODY LOVES 18:00 Guardian, The (Season 1) 03:00 Mythbusters S5 03:00 Disney’s Lilo & Stitch: The
RAYMOND 19:00 World’s Most Amazing Videos 04:00 Tattoo Hunter Series
01:00 Are You Smarter Than A 5th (Season 4) 05:00 Man Made Marvels: The 03:30 Suite Life Of Zack And Cody,
Grader? 20:00 Wipeout (Season 2) Great Wall The

Finding Nemo
Saat Nemo, seekor ikan badut muda, secara tak sengaja terbawa jauh dari rumahnya,
ayahnya yang over-protektif, Marlin dan Dory, si ikan biru pelupa, memulai perjalanan
besar mengarungi samudera mencari Nemo.
Pukul 13.00 WIB

42 | primetime | Maret 2010

18 maret

11:00 GLEE 06:30 Immortals, The 16:00 Destroyed In Seconds 12:00 Mr.Bean - The Animated 09:55 Classic Tales
12:00 AMERICAN IDOL 07:00 Tiger World Of Football 16:30 Destroyed In Seconds Series 10:00 Chuggington
00:45 Virtuality 14:00 Scrubs 08:00 Sportscenter Right Now 17:00 How It’s Made S7 12:30 Mr.Bean - Live Action Series 10:20 Pororo - The Little Penguin
02:20 The Golden Compass 14:30 Scrubs 08:01 Gravity Games 17:30 How Do They Do It? S2 13:00 Monsters Inc. 10:30 Special Agent Oso
04:15 Mad Max Beyond 14:55 Dilbert 09:00 Pac - 10 Men’s Basketball 18:00 Blood For The Gods 15:00 Upin & Ipin 11:00 Dive Olly Dive
Thunderdome 15:00 KYLE XY 10:59 Sportscenter Right Now 19:00 Blood For The Gods 16:00 Pucca 11:25 Tiny Planets
06:00 Margot At The Wedding 15:55 MARRIED WITH CHILDREN 11:00 Tiger World Of Football 20:00 Blood For The Gods 16:30 Pucca 11:30 Higglytown Heroes
08:00 Seven Pounds 16:00 Are You Smarter Than A 5th 12:00 2009 East Asian Games 21:00 Mega Engineering 17:00 Phineas And Ferb 12:00 Animal Mechanicals
Grader? - Swimming (Day 4) 22:00 Mega Builders S1 17:30 Mr.Bean - The Animated 12:25 Bert And Ernie’s Great
10:00 Beverly Hills Cop
17:00 AMERICAN IDOL 14:00 Sportscenter Right Now 23:00 Really Big Things With Matt Series Adventures
12:00 Hellboy Ii: The Golden Army
18:00 Friends 14:01 Sec Women’s Gymnastics Rogers S2 18:00 Mr.Bean - Live Action Series 12:30 Dibo The Gift Dragon
14:00 Innocent Moves
18:30 EVERYBODY LOVES 15:30 NBA Fastbreak 2009/10 18:30 Dinosaur 13:00 My Friends Tigger & Pooh
16:00 Starter For 10
RAYMOND 16:00 Sportscenter Right Now 20:30 Mr.Bean - The Animated 13:30 Handy Manny
18:00 Seven Pounds
16:01 Gravity Games Series 14:00 Special Agent Oso
20:00 The Missing 19:00 AMERICAN IDOL
21:00 Upin & Ipin 14:30 Dive Olly Dive
22:15 Tmz 193 20:00 LIFE 17:00 Tiger World Of Football 00:00 Seconds From Disaster
22:00 Phineas And Ferb 15:00 Chloe’s Closet
22:35 Hellboy Ii: The Golden Army 21:00 PRIVATE PRACTICE 18:00 Almost Anything Goes 01:00 Wild Wednesday
22:30 Wizards Of Waverly Place 15:25 Classic Tales
22:00 TWO AND HALF MEN 18:30 Sportscenter Asia 02:00 Wild Wednesday
23:00 Hannah Montana 15:30 Clifford, The Big Red Dog
23:00 AMERICAN IDOL 19:00 Castrol Football Crazy 03:00 Inside
23:30 Shaun The Sheep 16:00 Dibo The Gift Dragon
19:30 Immortals, The 04:00 Wild Wednesday
20:00 Global Football 05:00 Wild Wednesday 16:30 Mickey Mouse Clubhouse
01:30 Chameleon 20:30 Simply The Best 06:00 Theme Week 17:00 Pocoyo
07:00 Seconds From Disaster 17:30 Higglytown Heroes
03:00 Letter To My Killer 21:00 Sportscenter Asia
08:00 ABOUT ASIA 17:55 Tiny Planets
04:30 Leprechaun Back 2 Tha’ 00:00 ER (S5) 21:30 Castrol Football Crazy 00:00 Bunnytown
09:00 Interpol Investigates 18:00 My Friends Tigger & Pooh
Hood 01:00 Jane Doe: Eye Of The 22:00 Almost Anything Goes 00:30 Thomas & Friends
10:00 Animal Autopsy 18:30 Little Einsteins
06:00 Last Train From Gun Hill Beholder 22:30 Contenders, The 00:50 Pororo - The Little Penguin
11:00 Hunter Hunted 19:00 WordWorld
08:00 Impact Point 03:00 LaVyrle Spencer’s Home 23:00 Sportscenter Asia 01:00 Mickey Mouse Clubhouse
12:00 ABOUT ASIA 19:30 Mickey Mouse Clubhouse
10:00 Not Of This World Song 23:30 Cev Beach Volleyball 01:25 Tiny Planets 20:00 Handy Manny
12:00 Wonder Woman 05:00 Terror In The Family European Championship Tour 13:00 Perilous Journeys 01:30 My Friends Tigger & Pooh
14:00 The Living Edens 20:30 Animal Mechanicals
13:15 Leprechaun Back 2 Tha’ 07:00 The Nanny (S5) - German Masters 02:00 Handy Manny 21:00 Chuggington
Hood 07:30 The Nanny (S5) 15:00 Interpol Investigates 02:30 Special Agent Oso
16:00 Monkey Thieves 21:25 Bert And Ernie’s Great
14:45 Operation Pacific 08:00 The Oprah Winfrey Show 03:00 Barney & Friends Adventures
16:45 Letter To My Killer (S22) 16:30 Hayden Turner’s Wildlife 03:30 Mighty Jungle, The
Chall 21:30 Special Agent Oso
18:30 Impact Point 09:00 Curse Of King Tut’s Tomb 04:00 Play With Me Sesame 22:00 Dive Olly Dive
00:00 Trans Tasman Touch Rugby 17:00 Theme Week 04:30 Clifford, The Big Red Dog
20:00 The Wire S309: Slapstick 11:00 Sea Patrol (S3) Test Series - Women 22:25 Boowa And Kwala
18:00 Seconds From Disaster 05:00 JoJo’s Circus
20:55 The Wire S310: Reformation 12:00 The Oprah Winfrey Show 01:00 FEI World Cup Jumping 22:30 Higglytown Heroes
19:00 ABOUT ASIA 05:25 Boowa And Kwala
22:00 Wonder Woman 13:00 The Biggest Loser (S5) 2009/10 23:00 Johnny And The Sprites
20:00 Megastructures 05:30 Barney & Friends
23:15 Not Of This World 14:00 Thicker Than Water 02:00 Sports Max 23:25 Boowa And Kwala
21:00 Megastructures 06:00 Pocoyo
16:00 ER (S5) 03:00 Trans Tasman Touch Rugby 22:00 Theme Week 23:30 Make Way For Noddy
17:00 The Nanny (S5) 06:30 Higglytown Heroes
Test Series - Women 23:00 Inside 07:00 My Friends Tigger & Pooh
17:30 The Nanny (S5) 04:00 Glitch 07:25 Bert And Ernie’s Great
18:00 The Biggest Loser (S5) 04:30 2009 East Asian Games
01:35 Blank Slate Adventures
19:00 The Oprah Winfrey Show - Badminton 00:25 Women Prison
03:15 Talk To Me 07:30 Little Einsteins
20:00 Army Wives (S2) 06:00 Global Football 02:00 Say Hello For Me
05:15 Quantum Of Solace 08:00 WordWorld
21:00 The Good Wife (S1) 06:30 FEI Equestrian World 04:00 Star Reformers
07:05 Stolen Life: Caught On Tape 08:30 Mickey Mouse Clubhouse
22:00 Crossing Jordan (S3) 00:00 The Tudors S206: The 06:30 Touch
08:35 Vip Access 07:00 Sports Max 09:00 Handy Manny
23:00 The Nanny (S5) Definition Of Love 08:30 Happy Funeral
09:05 Home Alone 08:00 Trans Tasman Touch Rugby 09:30 Animal Mechanicals
23:30 The Nanny (S5) 01:00 Alive 10:15 Beast Cops
10:55 Four Weddings And A Test Series - Men
03:15 Joe’s Apartment 12:15 Everlasting Regret
Funeral 09:00 FA Cup 09/10 05:00 Forgetting Sarah Marshall
12:55 Carny 11:00 Sports Max 14:10 The Wedding Game
06:45 The Wire S503: Not For 16:00 The Banquet
14:30 My Best Friend’s Girl 12:00 FEI World Cup Jumping Arbitration
00:00 Csi: Crime Scene 2009/10 18:10 A Chinese Tall Story
16:20 88 Minutes 08:00 New Best Friend
Investigation (Season 10) 13:00 Jet Sprint World 20:00 Flash Point
18:15 Zathura: A Space Adventure 09:25 Front Of The Class
01:00 Csi: Ny (Season 5) Championships 21:30 On His Majesty’s Secret
20:00 X2: X-men United 11:00 The Tudors S207: Matters Of
02:00 World’s Most Amazing 14:00 2008 Vans Triple Crown Of Service
22:20 Untraceable State
Videos (Season 4) Surfing #3 23:15 Lady Cop and Papa Crook
12:00 The Tudors S208: Lady In
03:00 Early Edition (Season 3) 15:00 Sports Max Waiting
04:00 Csi: Miami (Season 7) 16:00 Trans Tasman Touch Rugby 13:00 Deep Blue Sea
05:00 Masters Of Illusion Test Series - Mixed 15:00 Forgetting Sarah Marshall
01:15 Texasville 06:00 Early Edition (Season 3) 17:00 Supa Strikas Tape 00:30hrs 17:00 Crazy In Alabama 00:00 Lemur Street
03:30 The Legend of Johnny Lingo 07:00 Csi: Crime Scene 17:30 Supa Strikas Tape 00:30hrs 19:00 The Wire S503: Not For 00:30 Monkey Business 8
05:00 Rush Investigation (Season 9) 18:00 Game Arbitration 01:00 Spotlight: Earth
07:00 Dead of Winter 08:00 Csi: Miami (Season 7) 18:30 FA Cup 09/10 20:00 Band Of Brothers S109: Why 02:00 Elephants Uncovered
08:45 Hoosiers 09:00 Masters Of Illusion 20:30 Score Tonight We Fight 03:00 BITE NITE
10:45 Kuffs 10:00 Early Edition (Season 3) 21:00 Simply The Best 21:00 Radio Flyer 04:00 Night
12:30 A Guy Thing 11:00 Csi: Crime Scene 21:30 MYEG Xtra Time 23:00 The Tudors S207: Matters Of 04:30 Night
14:15 Youngblood Investigation (Season 9) 22:00 Ace 2010 State 05:00 Off the Leash
16:00 Eight Men Out 12:00 World’s Most Amazing 22:30 Game 05:30 Off the Leash
18:00 Stella Videos (Season 4) 23:00 Behind The Baseline 06:00 Lemur Street
20:00 Rob Roy 13:00 Guardian, The (Season 1) 23:30 Score Tonight 06:30 Monkey Business 8
22:30 Midnight Cowboy 14:00 Csi: Miami (Season 7) 07:00 Up Close & Dangerous
15:00 Csi: Crime Scene 00:00 Shaolin Wuzang 07:30 Up Close & Dangerous
Investigation (Season 9) 00:30 Donald Duck Presents 08:00 Monsters Inside Me
16:00 Masters Of Illusion 01:00 Replacements, The 09:00 Venom ER 2
00:00 Clash Of The Dinosaurs
17:00 Wipeout (Season 2) 01:30 American Dragon: Jake Long 10:00 The Crocodile Hunter 4
01:00 Monsters Resurrected
18:00 Csi: Ny (Season 5) 02:00 Kim Possible 11:00 Off the Leash
01:00 Are You Smarter Than A 5th 02:00 Sci Fi Science
19:00 Csi: Crime Scene 02:30 Phineas And Ferb 11:30 Off the Leash
Grader? 02:30 Sci Fi Science
Investigation (Season 10) 03:00 Disney’s Lilo & Stitch: The 12:00 Lemur Street
01:55 JACKIE CHAN ADVENTURES 03:00 Mythbusters S5
20:00 Chuck (Season 2) Series 12:30 Monkey Business 8
02:00 DAVID LETTERMAN 04:00 Mega Engineering 03:30 Suite Life Of Zack And Cody, 13:00 Animal Cops South Africa
02:55 Dilbert 21:00 House (Season 6) 05:00 Treasure Quest The 14:00 Up Close & Dangerous
03:00 7TH HEAVEN 22:00 Damages (Season 3) 06:00 Sci Fi Science 04:00 Hannah Montana 14:30 Up Close & Dangerous
03:55 MARRIED WITH CHILDREN 23:00 Chuck (Season 2) 06:30 Sci Fi Science 04:30 Wizards Of Waverly Place 15:00 Monsters Inside Me
04:00 My Wife and Kids 07:00 Survivorman S1 05:00 Good Morning Mickey
04:30 My Wife and Kids 16:00 Venom ER 2
08:00 Planet Green 05:30 Good Morning Mickey
05:00 Are You Smarter Than A 5th 17:00 Off the Leash
09:00 Extreme Bodies 06:00 House Of Mouse 17:30 Off the Leash
Grader? 00:30 Sportscenter Asia 10:00 Mega Engineering 06:30 Donald Duck Presents 18:00 Escape to Chimp Eden
06:00 AMERICAN IDOL 01:00 Top Volley International 11:00 How Do They Do It? S2 07:00 Animal Mechanicals 19:00 Animal Cops South Africa
08:00 7TH HEAVEN 02:30 World Of Gymnastics 11:30 How It’s Made S7 07:30 Dibo The Gift Dragon 20:00 Up Close & Dangerous
08:55 JACKIE CHAN ADVENTURES 03:00 US Open 9-Ball 12:00 Mythbusters S5 08:00 Twisted Whiskers 21:00 Human Prey
09:00 KYLE XY Championship 2009 13:00 Planet Green 08:30 Replacements, The 22:00 Venom ER 2
09:55 Dilbert 04:00 New Pollution Series 3 #8 14:00 River Monsters 09:00 Camp Rock 23:00 The Crocodile Hunter 4
10:00 Are You Smarter Than A 5th 04:30 2010 US Figure Skating 15:00 Sci Fi Science 11:00 Globo Loco
Grader? Championships 15:30 Sci Fi Science 11:30 Yin Yang Yo!

On His Majesty’s Secret Service

Royal Dog (Louis Koo), seorang ilmuwan, adalah anggota elit pengawal istana yang
bertugas melindungi permaisuri (Sandra Ng). Tak seperti saudaranya, Royal Tiger
(Tong Da-wei) yang jago kung fu, Royal Dog tak pandai berkelahi dan malah lebih
tertarik pada senjata-senjata temuannya. Saat sayembara untuk meminang putri raja,
Pukul 21.30 WIB Princess Rainbow, Royal Dog malah jadi kandidat kuat, dan membuat kekasihnya
Faithful (Barbie Hsu) cemburu.

Maret 2010 | primetime | 43

19 maret

06:00 AMERICAN IDOL 03:00 2009 International Challenge 11:00 How Do They Do It? S2 07:00 Animal Mechanicals 16:30 Mickey Mouse Clubhouse
07:00 Friends Of Champions 11:30 How It’s Made S7 07:30 Dibo The Gift Dragon 17:00 Pocoyo
00:30 Traitor 07:30 EVERYBODY LOVES 04:00 Planet Speed 2009/10 12:00 Mythbusters S5 08:00 Twisted Whiskers 17:30 Higglytown Heroes
02:30 30 Days Of Night RAYMOND 04:30 NBA Fastbreak 2009/10 13:00 Survivorman S1 08:30 Replacements, The 17:55 Tiny Planets
04:20 Beverly Hills Cop 08:00 7TH HEAVEN 05:00 New Pollution Series 3 #9 14:00 Really Big Things With Matt 09:00 Goofy Movie, A 18:00 My Friends Tigger & Pooh
06:00 Virtuality 08:55 JACKIE CHAN ADVENTURES 05:30 Sportscenter Asia Rogers S2 11:00 Globo Loco 18:30 Little Einsteins
07:30 The Enforcer 09:00 KYLE XY 06:00 2008 Vans Cup At Tahoe: 15:00 Mega Engineering 11:30 Yin Yang Yo! 19:00 WordWorld
09:00 Passenger 57 09:55 Dilbert Show 2 16:00 Survivorman S2 12:00 Mr.Bean - The Animated 19:30 Mickey Mouse Clubhouse
10:20 Beverly Hills Cop Ii 10:00 PRIVATE PRACTICE 07:00 Castrol Football Crazy 17:00 How It’s Made S7 Series 20:00 Handy Manny
12:00 The Missing 10:55 MARRIED WITH CHILDREN 07:30 Planet Speed 2009/10 17:30 How Do They Do It? S2 12:30 Mr.Bean - Live Action Series 20:30 Animal Mechanicals
14:15 Ferris Bueller’s Day Off 11:00 LIFE 08:00 Sportscenter Right Now 18:00 Treasure Quest: Battle For 13:00 Dinosaur 21:00 Chuggington
16:00 E.t. 12:00 AMERICAN IDOL 08:01 2010 US Figure Skating The Black Swan 15:00 Upin & Ipin 21:25 Bert And Ernie’s Great
18:00 The Golden Compass 13:00 EVERYBODY LOVES Championships 19:00 Mythbusters S6 15:30 Upin & Ipin Adventures
20:00 Made Of Honor RAYMOND 10:00 2010 Winter X Games 14 20:00 Human Body: Pushing The 16:00 Pucca 21:30 Special Agent Oso
21:40 Tmz 194
13:30 Friends Slammed/stomped Limits 16:30 Super Robot Monkey Team 22:00 Dive Olly Dive
22:00 Virtuality 14:00 Scrubs 10:59 Sportscenter Right Now 21:00 Solved S2 Hyperforce Go! 22:25 Boowa And Kwala
23:30 30 Days Of Night 14:30 Scrubs 11:00 Castrol Football Crazy 22:00 Extreme Forensics 17:00 Phineas And Ferb 22:30 Higglytown Heroes
14:55 Dilbert 11:30 Planet Speed 2009/10 23:00 Extreme Bodies 17:30 Mr.Bean - The Animated 23:00 Johnny And The Sprites
15:00 KYLE XY 12:00 ACC Basketball Tournament Series 23:25 Boowa And Kwala
15:55 MARRIED WITH CHILDREN 14:00 Sportscenter Right Now 18:00 Mr.Bean - Live Action Series 23:30 Make Way For Noddy
16:00 Are You Smarter Than A 5th 14:01 2010 US Figure Skating 18:30 Chicken Little
00:45 The Spy Who Came In From Grader? Championships 00:00 Seconds From Disaster 20:30 Mr.Bean - The Animated
The Cold 17:00 Whose Line Is It Anyway? 16:00 Sportscenter Right Now 01:00 Megastructures Series
02:30 The Wire S309: Slapstick 17:30 According To Jim 16:01 Paradise Regatta 02:00 Megastructures 21:00 Upin & Ipin 00:50 The Haunted Cop Shop II
03:25 The Wire S310: Reformation 18:00 Friends 16:30 Almost Anything Goes 03:00 Inside 21:30 Upin & Ipin 02:25 Rainbow Song
04:30 Justice League: The New 18:30 EVERYBODY LOVES 17:00 Contenders, The 04:00 Megastructures 22:00 Phineas And Ferb 04:30 Night Of The Shooting Stars
Frontier RAYMOND 17:30 Castrol Football Crazy 05:00 Megastructures 22:30 Wizards Of Waverly Place 06:20 Hot Cops In The City
06:00 Chameleon 19:00 PSYCH 18:00 Planet Speed 2009/10 06:00 Theme Week 23:00 Hannah Montana 07:40 Attack on the Pin-Up Boy
08:00 Telefon 20:00 MONK 18:30 Sportscenter Asia 07:00 Situation Critical 23:30 Shaun The Sheep 09:05 Elixir of Love
10:00 Impact Point 21:00 HEROES 19:00 Football Forecast 08:00 ABOUT ASIA 10:55 Confession of Pain
12:00 Ogre 22:00 TWO AND HALF MEN 19:30 Global Football 09:00 Hunter Hunted 12:45 252 Signal of Life
14:00 The Lodger 23:00 Whose Line Is It Anyway? 20:00 First Edition 10:00 Grizzly Cauldron 15:05 The Sparrow
16:00 Last Train From Gun Hill 23:30 According To Jim 20:30 Planet Speed 2009/10 11:00 The Beast Within 16:35 MOONLIGHT IN TOKYO
18:00 Telefon 21:00 Sportscenter Asia 00:00 Bunnytown 18:10 Brothers
19:45 Epad On Max 51 21:30 Football Forecast 00:30 Thomas & Friends 20:00 Connected
13:00 Locked Up Abroad
20:00 Tropic Thunder 22:00 First Edition 00:50 Pororo - The Little Penguin 21:55 Crouching Tiger, Hidden
14:00 The Living Edens
22:00 The Lodger 22:30 Contenders, The 01:00 Mickey Mouse Clubhouse Dragon
15:00 Hunter Hunted
23:45 Impact Point 00:00 ER (S5) 23:00 Sportscenter Asia 01:25 Tiny Planets 23:55 Infernal Affairs 3
16:00 Animals In Danger 30min
01:00 Terror In The Family 23:30 Cev Beach Volleyball 01:30 My Friends Tigger & Pooh
16:30 Hidden Worlds
03:00 Mind Games European Championship Tour 02:00 Handy Manny
17:00 Theme Week
05:00 Assignment Berlin - German Masters 02:30 Special Agent Oso
18:00 Situation Critical
00:05 Mississippi Burning 07:00 The Nanny (S5) 03:00 Barney & Friends
02:20 Education Of Charlie Banks, 07:30 The Nanny (S5) 03:30 Mighty Jungle, The 00:00 Escape to Chimp Eden
20:00 Riddles Of The Bible
The 08:00 The Oprah Winfrey Show 04:00 Play With Me Sesame 01:00 Animal Cops South Africa
21:00 Nasca Lines Decoded
04:05 Zathura: A Space Adventure (S23) 04:30 Clifford, The Big Red Dog 02:00 Up Close & Dangerous
00:00 Trans Tasman Touch Rugby 22:00 Theme Week
05:50 Flawless 09:00 Crossing Jordan (S3) 05:00 JoJo’s Circus 03:00 Human Prey
Test Series - Mixed 23:00 Inside
07:45 Christmas Caper 10:00 The Good Wife (S1) 05:25 Boowa And Kwala 04:00 Venom ER 2
01:00 Hot Water 2009/10
09:20 College Road Trip 11:00 Army Wives (S2) 05:30 Barney & Friends 05:00 Off the Leash
02:00 Ace 2010
10:50 X2: X-men United 12:00 The Oprah Winfrey Show 06:00 Pocoyo 05:30 Off the Leash
02:30 International Motorsport
13:10 Sea Beast 13:00 The Biggest Loser (S5) 06:30 Higglytown Heroes 06:00 Escape to Chimp Eden
News 2010
14:40 Longshots, The 14:00 Pizza My Heart 07:00 My Friends Tigger & Pooh 07:00 Animal Planet Reveals Asia
03:30 FEI Equestrian World
16:20 Mad Money 16:00 ER (S5) 00:00 The Tudors S208: Lady In 07:25 Bert And Ernie’s Great 08:00 The Pack
04:00 2009 East Asian Games
18:10 Penelope 17:00 The Nanny (S5) Waiting Adventures 08:30 Young and Wild 2
- Badminton
20:00 100 Feet 17:30 The Nanny (S5) 01:00 Front Of The Class 07:30 Little Einsteins 09:00 Fooled By Nature
06:00 Ace 2010
21:40 Silence Of The Lambs, The 18:00 The Biggest Loser (S5) 02:45 Crazy In Alabama 08:00 WordWorld 09:30 Fooled By Nature
06:30 Simply The Best
23:40 Fanboys 19:00 The Oprah Winfrey Show 05:00 Devil In A Blue Dress 08:30 Mickey Mouse Clubhouse 10:00 The Crocodile Hunter 4
07:00 Hot Water 2009/10
20:00 Midsomer Murders (S9) 06:45 The Wire S504: Transitions 09:00 Handy Manny 11:00 Off the Leash
08:00 Game
22:00 Sea Patrol (S3) 07:45 Joe’s Apartment 09:30 Animal Mechanicals 11:30 Off the Leash
08:30 NBA Regular Season 2009/10
23:00 The Nanny (S5) 09:00 Forgetting Sarah Marshall 09:55 Classic Tales 12:00 Escape to Chimp Eden
11:00 Hot Water 2009/10
23:30 The Nanny (S5) 11:00 The Tudors S209: The Act Of 10:00 Chuggington 13:00 Crime Scene Wild
00:15 CrissCross 12:00 Behind The Baseline
Treason 10:20 Pororo - The Little Penguin 14:00 Animal Planet Reveals Asia
01:45 1984 12:30 Ace 2010
12:00 The Tudors S210: Destiny 10:20 Special Agent Oso 15:00 The Pack
03:30 Last Rites 13:00 Jet Sprint World
And Fortune 11:00 Dive Olly Dive 15:30 Young and Wild 2
05:15 Oleanna 00:00 House (Season 6) Championships
12:45 Black Hawk Down 11:25 Tiny Planets 16:00 Fooled By Nature
06:45 No Such Thing 01:00 Damages (Season 3) 14:00 2008 Vans Triple Crown Of
15:15 Jesse Stone: Thin Ice 11:30 Higglytown Heroes 16:30 Fooled By Nature
08:30 To Kill for 02:00 Early Edition (Season 3) Surfing #4
16:45 Devil In A Blue Dress 11:30 Animal Mechanicals 17:00 Off the Leash
10:00 3 Strikes 03:00 Early Edition (Season 3) 15:00 Game
18:30 The Making Of Band Of 12:25 Bert And Ernie’s Great 17:30 Off the Leash
11:30 Final Combination 04:00 Csi: Miami (Season 7) 15:30 FIA F1 World Championship
Brothers Adventures 18:00 Lemur Street
13:00 Interiors 05:00 Masters Of Illusion Highlights 2010
19:00 The Wire S504: Transitions 12:30 Dibo The Gift Dragon 18:30 Escape to Chimp Eden
14:30 Zone Troopers 06:00 Early Edition (Season 3) 17:00 MYEG Xtra Time
20:00 Band Of Brothers S110: Points 13:00 My Friends Tigger & Pooh 19:00 Crime Scene Wild
16:00 The Music Lovers 07:00 Csi: Miami (Season 6) 17:30 Ace 2010
21:00 Appaloosa 13:30 Handy Manny 20:00 Animal Planet Reveals Asia
18:00 Kiss the Sky 08:00 House (Season 5) 18:00 World Sport 2010
23:00 The Tudors S209: The Act Of 14:00 Special Agent Oso 21:00 The Pack
20:00 Modern Girls 09:00 Masters Of Illusion 18:30 FA Cup 09/10
Treason 14:30 Dive Olly Dive 21:30 Young and Wild 2
21:45 Thrashin’ 10:00 Early Edition (Season 3) 20:30 Score Tonight
15:00 Chloe’s Closet 22:00 Fooled By Nature
23:15 Miracle Beach 11:00 Csi: Miami (Season 6) 21:00 NBA Regular Season 2009/10
15:25 Classic Tales 22:30 Fooled By Nature
12:00 The Duke 23:00 Simply The Best
15:30 Clifford, The Big Red Dog 23:00 The Crocodile Hunter 4
13:00 Chuck (Season 2) 23:30 Score Tonight
00:00 Shaolin Wuzang 16:00 Dibo The Gift Dragon
14:00 House (Season 5)
00:30 Donald Duck Presents
15:00 Csi: Miami (Season 6)
00:00 Friends 01:00 Replacements, The
16:00 Masters Of Illusion
00:30 EVERYBODY LOVES 00:00 Mega Engineering 01:30 American Dragon: Jake Long
17:00 Damages (Season 3)
RAYMOND 01:00 Destroyed In Seconds 02:00 Kim Possible
18:00 House (Season 6)
01:00 Are You Smarter Than A 5th 01:30 Destroyed In Seconds 02:30 Phineas And Ferb
19:00 Video Zonkers (Season 2)
Grader? 02:00 Unknown Taiwan 03:00 Disney’s Lilo & Stitch: The
19:30 Ebuzz
01:55 JACKIE CHAN ADVENTURES 03:00 Mythbusters S5 Series
20:00 Xxx
02:00 DAVID LETTERMAN 04:00 Extreme Bodies 03:30 Suite Life Of Zack And Cody,
22:30 Las Vegas (Season 5)
02:55 Dilbert 05:00 Deadliest Catch S5 The
23:30 Numb3rs (Season 4)
03:00 7TH HEAVEN 06:00 Really Big Things With Matt 04:00 Hannah Montana
03:55 MARRIED WITH CHILDREN Rogers S2 04:30 Wizards Of Waverly Place
04:00 My Wife and Kids 07:00 Prehistoric Disasters 05:00 Good Morning Mickey
04:30 My Wife and Kids 00:30 Sportscenter Asia 08:00 Extreme Bodies 05:30 Good Morning Mickey
05:00 Are You Smarter Than A 5th 01:00 2010 US Figure Skating 09:00 Treasure Quest 06:00 House Of Mouse
Grader? Championships 10:00 Mega Builders S1 06:30 Donald Duck Presents

Everett Hitch dan Virgil Cole sudah berkawan lama dan jadi jagoan kota yang
tugasnya mengusir siapa pun yang kehadirannya tak diinginkan. Keduanya direkrut
jadi penegak hukum di Appaloosa, dan harus berhadapan dengan peternak jahat
Pukul 21.00 WIB sekaligus cerdik.

44 | primetime | Maret 2010

20 maret

09:00 EVERYBODY LOVES 12:30 First Edition 23:00 Mega Engineering

RAYMOND 13:00 Tiger World Of Football
01:20 Hit List 09:30 EVERYBODY LOVES 13:58 Sportcenter Weekend
02:40 Traitor RAYMOND 14:00 NBA Action 2009/10
04:30 Beverly Hills Cop Ii 10:30 EVERYBODY LOVES 14:28 Sportcenter Weekend
RAYMOND 14:30 European Short Course 00:00 Situation Critical
06:15 Made Of Honor
11:00 AMERICAN IDOL Swimming Championship 01:00 Riddles Of The Bible
08:00 3 Ninjas: High Noon At Mega
13:00 PRIVATE PRACTICE 16:58 Sportcenter Weekend 02:00 Nasca Lines Decoded
14:00 LIFE 17:00 First Edition 03:00 Inside
10:00 Seven Pounds
15:00 PSYCH 17:28 Sportcenter Weekend 04:00 Riddles Of The Bible
12:00 Another 48 Hrs.
16:00 MONK 17:30 Pegasus New Zealand 05:00 Nasca Lines Decoded
13:30 Ghostbusters
17:00 HEROES Women’s Open Hosted By 06:00 Theme Week
15:45 The Grinch
18:00 GLEE Christchurch 07:00 Locked Up Abroad
17:30 Elizabeth
19:00 AMERICAN IDOL 18:30 Sportscenter Week In Review 08:00 Helicopter Wars
19:35 The Making Of The Curious
21:00 Most Shocking 19:00 NBA Regular Season 2009/10 09:00 Megastructures
Case Of Benjamin Button
22:00 THE SIMPLE LIFE 21:30 World 10-Ball Championship 10:00 Nat Geo Junior 12:30 Mr.Bean - The Animated 21:25 Bert And Ernie’s Great
20:00 The Curious Case Of
22:30 THE GOODE FAMILY 2009 10:30 Nat Geo Junior Series Adventures
Benjamin Button
23:00 AMERICAN IDOL 11:00 Animals In Danger 30min 13:00 Replacements, The 21:30 Harry And His Bucket Full Of
22:40 Tmz 195
11:30 Hidden Worlds 13:30 Phineas And Ferb Dinosaurs
23:00 Seven Pounds
12:00 Fishzilla 14:00 Stitch! 22:00 Thomas & Friends
00:00 FIA F1 World Championship 13:00 The Living Edens 14:30 Pucca 22:20 Pororo - The Little Penguin
Highlights 2010 14:00 Mega Factories 15:00 Totally Spies 22:30 Bob The Builder Project:
00:00 ER (S5) 01:30 2009/10 GP 2 Asia Series 15:00 World’s Toughest Fixes 15:30 Suite Life On Deck, The Build It
01:10 Epad On Max 51 01:00 Pizza My Heart 03:30 Behind The Baseline 16:00 ABOUT ASIA 16:00 Hannah Montana 22:55 Classic Tales
02:00 Return Of The Living Dead 03:00 Midsomer Murders (S9) 04:00 Ace 2010 17:00 ABOUT ASIA 16:30 Jonas 23:00 Johnny And The Sprites
Part Ii 05:00 NightScream 04:30 Glitch 18:00 Cruise Ship Diaries 17:00 Phineas And Ferb 23:25 Boowa And Kwala
04:00 Tropic Thunder 07:00 The Nanny (S5) 05:00 Golf Focus 2010 19:00 Megastructures 17:30 Oggy And The Cockroaches 23:30 Make Way For Noddy
06:00 Telefon 07:30 The Nanny (S5) 05:30 Engine Block 2010 20:00 Helicopter Wars 18:00 Mr.Bean - Live Action Series
08:00 Last Train From Gun Hill 08:00 Mystery Woman: Redemption 06:00 MYEG Xtra Time 21:00 Mega Factories 18:30 Muppet Treasure Island
09:45 The Wire S309: Slapstick 10:00 The Nanny (S2) 06:30 World Sport 2010 22:00 Nasca Lines Decoded 20:30 Sonny With A Chance
10:40 The Wire S310: Reformation 10:30 The Nanny (S2) 07:00 FA Cup 2009/10 Highlights, 23:00 Megastructures 21:00 Cheetah Girls, The 01:55 Shaolin Girl
12:00 The Lodger 11:00 The Nanny (S2) The 23:00 Shaun The Sheep 03:50 The Sky Crawlers
13:35 Epad On Max 51 11:30 The Nanny (S2) 08:00 Simply The Best 06:05 Voice of a Murderer
14:00 Wonder Woman 12:00 The Oprah Winfrey Show 08:30 Glitch 08:15 Death Note
15:15 Justice League: The New 13:00 Hidden Places 09:00 Game 10:25 The Bare-Footed Kid
Frontier 15:00 The Good Wife (S1) 09:30 Lives In The Fast Lane 11:55 Kidnap
00:00 The Tudors S210: Destiny 00:00 Bunnytown
16:30 The Spirit 16:00 Crossing Jordan (S3) 10:00 MYEG Xtra Time 13:35 The Dragon Family
And Fortune 00:30 Thomas & Friends
18:00 Letter To My Killer 17:00 Without A Trace (S4) 10:30 World Sport 2010 15:10 On His Majesty’s Secret
01:00 Forgetting Sarah Marshall 00:50 Pororo - The Little Penguin
20:00 Severed Ties 18:00 Army Wives (S2) 11:00 Immortals, The Service
03:00 Appaloosa 01:00 Mickey Mouse Clubhouse
21:35 Epad On Max 51 19:00 The Oprah Winfrey Show 11:30 Trans Tasman Touch Rugby 16:55 Ah Sou
05:00 The Gathering Storm 01:25 Tiny Planets
22:00 Telefon 20:00 The One Test Series - Men 18:30 Breaking News
06:45 The Wire S505: React Quotes 01:30 My Friends Tigger & Pooh
22:00 Mystery Woman: Redemption 12:30 Trans Tasman Touch Rugby 20:00 Kung Fu Hustle
07:45 Batman: Gotham Knight 02:00 Handy Manny
Test Series - Women 21:40 Three Kingdoms:
09:00 Band Of Brothers S101: 02:30 Special Agent Oso
13:30 Behind The Baseline Resurrection of the Dragon
Currahee 03:00 Barney & Friends
14:00 Global Football 23:25 Rob-B-Hood
01:20 Misery 00:30 The Amazing Race (Season 10:15 Band Of Brothers S102: Day 03:30 Mighty Jungle, The
14:30 Pegasus New Zealand
03:15 Vip Access 16) Of Days 04:00 Play With Me Sesame
Women’s Open Hosted By
03:45 Date With Murder, A 01:30 Las Vegas (Season 5) 11:00 Band Of Brothers S103: 04:30 Clifford, The Big Red Dog
05:15 Penelope 02:30 Video Zonkers (Season 2) Carentan 05:00 JoJo’s Circus
15:30 Engine Block 2010
07:05 Phoebe In Wonderland 03:00 Early Edition (Season 3) 12:10 Band Of Brothers S104: 05:25 Boowa And Kwala 00:00 Lemur Street
16:00 Contenders, The
08:50 Why Did I Get Married 04:00 House (Season 5) Replacements 05:30 Johnny And The Sprites 00:30 Escape to Chimp Eden
16:30 Contenders, The
10:55 Kill Switch 05:00 Csi: Ny (Season 4) 13:15 Band Of Brothers S105: 06:00 Harry And His Bucket Full Of 01:00 Crime Scene Wild
17:00 Game
12:30 My Mom’s New Boyfriend 06:00 Csi: Ny (Season 4) Crossroads Dinosaurs 02:00 Animal Planet Reveals Asia
17:30 Golf Focus 2010
14:15 Skinwalkers 07:00 Slamball 14:15 Batman: Gotham Knight 06:25 Global Grover 03:00 The Pack
18:00 Engine Block 2010
15:55 Vip Access: Face2face 07:30 Slamball 15:30 See You In The Morning 06:30 Mighty Jungle, The 03:30 Young and Wild 2
18:30 FIA F1 World Championship
16:25 Rogue Assassin 08:00 Numb3rs (Season 4) 17:30 The Gathering Storm 07:00 Elmo’s World 04:00 Fooled By Nature
Highlights 2010
18:10 Get Shorty 09:00 Xxx 19:00 The Wire S505: React Quotes 07:30 Dive Olly Dive 04:30 Fooled By Nature
20:00 2009 East Asian Games
20:00 Australia 11:30 Ebuzz 20:00 Head Case S201: The 07:55 Tiny Planets 05:00 Off the Leash
- Athletics
22:50 Mutant Chronicles 12:00 The Amazing Race (Season Wedding Ringer 08:00 Jungle Junction 05:30 Off the Leash
22:00 Pegasus New Zealand
16) 20:25 Head Case S202: Talk To The 08:30 Mickey Mouse Clubhouse 06:00 Lemur Street
Women’s Open Hosted By
13:00 Numb3rs (Season 4) List 09:00 Handy Manny 06:30 Escape to Chimp Eden
14:00 Xxx 21:00 10,000 B.c. 09:30 Little Einsteins 07:00 NYPD Animal Squad
23:00 Engine Block 2010
16:30 House (Season 6) 23:00 Band Of Brothers S101: 10:00 My Friends Tigger & Pooh 08:00 Chasing Nature
00:45 Without you I’m Nothing 23:30 Ace 2010
17:30 Video Zonkers (Season 2) Currahee 10:30 Special Agent Oso 09:00 Wild Island
02:15 Tank Girl
18:00 The Amazing Race (Season 11:00 Imagination Movers 09:30 Breed All About It
04:00 Coming Home
16) 11:30 JoJo’s Circus 10:00 Echo and the Elephants of
06:00 Rockula 00:00 Human Body: Pushing The
19:00 Exorcism Of Emily Rose, The 12:00 Animal Mechanicals Amboseli
07:30 Cuba Limits
21:30 Lost (Season 5) 12:25 Bert And Ernie’s Great 10:30 Meerkat Manor
09:30 Mississippi Mermaid 01:00 Extreme Forensics 00:00 Shaolin Wuzang
22:30 House (Season 6) Adventures 11:00 Wild Hearts
11:30 Dirty Pictures 02:00 Man Made Marvels: The 00:30 Donald Duck Presents
23:30 Exorcism Of Emily Rose, The 12:30 Dibo The Gift Dragon 12:00 BITE NITE
13:15 The End Great Wall 01:00 Replacements, The 13:00 My Friends Tigger & Pooh 13:00 Animal Games
15:00 Love and Death 03:00 Mythbusters S5 01:30 American Dragon: Jake Long 13:30 Handy Manny 14:00 Animal Winter Games
16:30 The Dirty Dozen: The Fatal 04:00 Solved S2 02:00 Kim Possible 14:00 Jungle Junction 15:00 ANIMAL PLANET
Mission 00:30 Sportscenter Asia 05:00 Mega Engineering 02:30 Phineas And Ferb 14:30 Higglytown Heroes SHOWCASE
18:15 Delirious 01:00 Football Forecast 06:00 Extreme Bodies 03:00 Disney’s Lilo & Stitch: The 14:55 Tiny Planets 16:00 ANIMAL PLANET
20:00 The Killer Elite 01:30 World Of Gymnastics 07:00 Treasure Quest: Battle For Series 15:00 Dibo The Gift Dragon SHOWCASE
22:15 Il Tango Della Gelosia 02:00 First Edition The Black Swan 03:30 Suite Life Of Zack And Cody, 15:30 Chuggington 17:00 Groomer Has It 2
02:30 Fina Aquatics World 08:00 Unknown Taiwan The 15:55 Global Grover 18:00 The Pack
03:00 2009 International Challenge 09:00 Colossal Squid 04:00 Hannah Montana 16:00 Mickey Mouse Clubhouse 18:30 Young and Wild 2
Of Champions 10:00 Scandals Of The Ancient 04:30 Wizards Of Waverly Place 16:30 Mickey Mouse Clubhouse 19:00 Elephants Uncovered
00:00 Friends 04:00 New Pollution Series 3 #10 World 05:00 Good Morning Mickey 17:00 Dibo The Gift Dragon 20:00 BITE NITE
00:30 EVERYBODY LOVES 04:30 Football Forecast 11:00 Extreme Bodies 05:30 Good Morning Mickey 17:15 Handy Manny 21:00 Into the Lion’s Den
RAYMOND 05:00 Planet Speed 2009/10 12:00 How Do They Do It? S6 06:00 House Of Mouse 17:25 JoJo’s Circus 23:00 Groomer Has It 2
01:00 Are You Smarter Than A 5th 05:30 Sportscenter Asia 12:30 One Step Beyond S2 06:30 Donald Duck Presents 17:40 Chloe’s Closet
Grader? 06:00 First Edition 13:00 Prehistoric Disasters 07:00 Shaun The Sheep 17:50 Pororo - The Little Penguin
02:00 AMERICAN IDOL 06:30 NBA Action 2009/10 14:00 Survivorman S2 07:30 Mr.Bean - The Animated 18:00 Special Agent Oso
04:00 DAVID LETTERMAN 07:00 NBA Regular Season 2009/10 15:00 Discovery Turbo Series 18:30 Little Einsteins
05:00 PSYCH 09:30 Football Forecast 16:00 Discovery Turbo 08:00 Stitch! 19:00 Imagination Movers
06:00 MONK 10:00 Fina Aquatics World 17:00 Survivorman S2 08:30 Phineas And Ferb 19:25 Classic Tales
07:00 HEROES 10:30 Castrol Football Crazy 18:00 Monsters Resurrected 09:00 Chicken Little 19:30 Mickey Mouse Clubhouse
08:00 According To Jim 11:00 Sportscenter Week In Review 19:00 Extreme Bodies 11:00 Pucca 20:00 My Friends Tigger & Pooh
08:30 EVERYBODY LOVES 11:30 Planet Speed 2009/10 20:00 Tattoo Hunter 11:30 Oggy And The Cockroaches 20:30 Dibo The Gift Dragon
RAYMOND 12:00 Players Lives 21:00 Jonestown: Paradise Lost 12:00 Mr.Bean - Live Action Series 21:00 Handy Manny

Mickey Mouse Clubhouse

Meeska Mooska Mickey Mouse! Bola Super-Duper Bouncy Ball kesukaan Pluto
memantul entah kemana, jadi Mickey dan Pluto harus pergi menangkapnya hingga ke
jauh sekali.
Pukul 08.30 WIB

Maret 2010 | primetime | 45


11:00 AMERICAN IDOL Christchurch 03:00 Megastructures 12:00 Mr.Bean - Live Action Series
12:00 GLEE 13:58 Sportcenter Weekend 04:00 Helicopter Wars 12:30 Mr.Bean - The Animated Series
01:00 Primal Fear 13:00 The King Of Queens 14:00 Gravity Games 05:00 Mega Factories 13:00 Replacements, The
13:30 HOW I MET YOUR MOTHER 15:00 Gravity Games 06:00 Riddles Of The Bible 13:30 Phineas And Ferb 00:00 Bunnytown
03:15 The Curious Case Of Benjamin 00:30 Thomas & Friends
Button 14:00 RULES OF ENGAGEMENT 15:58 Sportcenter Weekend 07:00 Perilous Journeys 14:00 Stitch!
14:30 SCRUBS 16:00 Gravity Games 08:00 World’s Toughest Fixes 14:30 Pucca 00:50 Pororo - The Little Penguin
06:00 The Missing 01:00 Mickey Mouse Clubhouse
08:15 Virtuality 15:00 Eli Stone 17:00 Gravity Games 09:00 Mega Factories 15:00 Totally Spies
16:00 THE SIMPLE LIFE 17:58 Sportcenter Weekend 10:00 Nat Geo Junior 15:30 Suite Life On Deck, The 01:25 Tiny Planets
10:00 Mad City 01:30 My Friends Tigger & Pooh
12:00 The Curious Case Of Benjamin 16:30 THE GOODE FAMILY 18:00 Football Asia 2009/10 10:30 Nat Geo Junior 16:00 Mr.Bean - The Animated Series
17:00 Most Shocking 18:30 Contenders, The 11:00 Food Lovers Guide To The 16:30 Mr.Bean - Live Action Series 02:00 Handy Manny
Button 02:30 Special Agent Oso
14:40 Bored To Death S107: The 18:00 MONK 19:00 Contenders, The Plane 17:00 Mr.Bean - Live Action Series
19:00 AMERICAN IDOL 19:28 Sportcenter Weekend 11:30 Food Lovers Guide To The 17:30 Best Of Mr Bean, The 03:00 Barney & Friends
Case Of The Stolen Sperm 03:30 Mighty Jungle, The
15:10 Bored To Death S108: Take A 20:00 JIMMY KIMMEL 19:30 European Short Course Plane 18:30 High School Musical 3: Senior
21:00 Asia Uncut Swimming Championship 12:00 Monster Fish Year 04:00 Play With Me Sesame
Dive 04:30 Clifford, The Big Red Dog
15:40 Seven Pounds 22:00 HEROES 22:00 World 10-Ball Championship 13:00 The Living Edens 20:30 Zeke And Luther
23:00 AMERICAN IDOL 2009 14:00 Cruise Ship Diaries 21:00 Honey, We Shrunk Ourselves 05:00 JoJo’s Circus
18:00 Hamlet 2 05:25 Boowa And Kwala
20:00 The Unborn (2009) 15:00 Food Lovers Guide To The 23:00 Shaun The Sheep
Plane 05:30 Johnny And The Sprites
21:30 The Missing 06:00 Harry And His Bucket Full Of
15:30 Food Lovers Guide To The
Plane Dinosaurs
00:00 Sea Patrol (S3) 00:00 Classic Boxing 01:00hrs 06:25 Global Grover
01:00 The Nanny (S2) 16:00 Fishzilla
01:00 Classic Boxing 01:00hrs 01:50 To Sir With Love 06:30 Mighty Jungle, The
01:30 The Nanny (S2) 17:00 Monster Fish
02:00 2009 East Asian Games - 03:30 Accuracy of Death 07:00 Elmo’s World
00:00 The Wire S309: Slapstick 02:00 The Nanny (S2) 18:00 Perilous Journeys
Athletics 05:45 Kung Fu Hip Hop 07:30 Dive Olly Dive
00:55 The Wire S310: Reformation 02:30 The Nanny (S2) 19:00 Animals in Danger
04:00 FEI World Cup Jumping 07:25 Option Zero 07:55 Tiny Planets
02:00 The Lodger 03:00 NightScream 20:00 Theme Week
2009/10 09:15 Cinema Today 08:00 Jungle Junction
04:00 Severed Ties 05:00 Mom At Sixteen 21:00 Theme Week
05:00 FA Classics 10:15 Curry & Pepper 08:30 Mickey Mouse Clubhouse
06:00 The Wire S309: Slapstick 07:00 The Nanny (S2) 22:00 Theme Week
06:00 FIA F1 World Championship 11:55 Seven Swords 09:00 Handy Manny
06:55 The Wire S310: Reformation 07:30 The Nanny (S2) 23:00 Mega Factories
Highlights 2010 14:25 Gun N’ Rose 09:30 Little Einsteins
08:00 Wonder Woman 08:00 Midsomer Murders (S9) 16:10 Seoul Raiders
07:30 Behind The Baseline 10:00 My Friends Tigger & Pooh
09:45 Epad On Max 51 10:00 Crossing Jordan (S3) 17:50 Invisible Target
08:00 Engine Block 2010 10:30 Special Agent Oso
10:00 Letter To My Killer 11:00 The Good Wife (S1) 20:00 Shinjuku Incident
08:30 Ace 2010 11:00 Imagination Movers
12:00 Tropic Thunder 12:00 The Oprah Winfrey Show 22:00 Ip Man
09:00 Masters Official Films 2007 11:30 JoJo’s Circus
14:00 Telefon 13:00 Without A Trace (S4) 00:15 Band Of Brothers S102: Day Of 23:50 Gen-Y Cops
10:00 Pegasus New Zealand 12:00 Animal Mechanicals
16:00 Chameleon 14:00 Army Wives (S2) Days
Women’s Open Hosted By 12:25 Bert And Ernie’s Great
17:45 Epad On Max 51 15:00 Sea Patrol (S3) 01:15 Band Of Brothers S103:
Christchurch Adventures
18:00 The Wire S309: Slapstick 16:00 The One Carentan
11:00 FIA F1 World Championship 12:30 Dibo The Gift Dragon
18:55 The Wire S310: Reformation 18:00 Greek (S2) 02:25 Band Of Brothers S104:
Highlights 2010 00:00 The Pack 13:00 My Friends Tigger & Pooh
20:00 My Bloody Valentine 19:00 The Oprah Winfrey Show Replacements
12:30 Trans Tasman Touch Rugby 00:30 Young and Wild 2 13:30 Handy Manny
21:30 Return Of The Living Dead Part Ii 20:00 McBride: Tune In For Murder 03:30 Band Of Brothers S105:
Test Series - Mixed 01:00 Elephants Uncovered 14:00 Jungle Junction
23:00 Ogre 22:00 Jane Doe: The Wrong Face Crossroads
13:30 Ace 2010 02:00 BITE NITE 14:30 Higglytown Heroes
14:00 FA Cup 2009/10 Highlights, 05:00 10,000 B.c.
03:00 Into the Lion’s Den 14:55 Tiny Planets
The 06:45 The Wire S506: The Dickensian
05:00 Human Prey 15:00 Dibo The Gift Dragon
15:00 Masters Official Films 2007 Aspect
06:00 Venom ER 2 15:30 Chuggington
00:40 1408 02:00 Lost (Season 5) 16:00 Pegasus New Zealand 07:40 Not Another Teen Movie
07:00 Animal Cops South Africa 15:55 Global Grover
02:30 Courage Under Fire 03:00 Csi: Ny (Season 4) Women’s Open Hosted By 09:00 Band Of Brothers S106:
08:00 Animal Planet at the Movies 16:00 Mickey Mouse Clubhouse
04:30 Get Shorty 04:00 Csi: Ny (Season 4) Christchurch Bastogne
08:30 Wild on the Set II 16:30 Mickey Mouse Clubhouse
06:20 Planet B-boy 05:00 Csi: Ny (Season 4) 17:00 Top Volley International 10:05 Band Of Brothers S107: The
09:00 Saving a Species: Gorillas on 17:00 Dibo The Gift Dragon
08:10 Jingle All The Way 06:00 Csi: Ny (Season 4) 18:30 Top Volley International Breaking Point
the Brink 17:15 Handy Manny
09:45 Mermaids 07:00 World’s Most Amazing Videos 20:00 2009 East Asian Games - 11:15 Band Of Brothers S108: The
10:00 Night 17:25 JoJo’s Circus
11:40 Australia (Season 4) Athletics Last Patrol
10:30 Night 17:40 Chloe’s Closet
14:30 Babylon A.d. 08:00 Chuck (Season 2) 22:30 2009 East Asian Games - 12:15 Band Of Brothers S109: Why
11:00 ANIMAL PLANET SHOWCASE 17:50 Pororo - The Little Penguin
16:05 Transporter 3 09:00 Lost (Season 5) Athletics We Fight
12:00 ANIMAL PLANET SHOWCASE 18:00 Special Agent Oso
17:55 Slumdog Millionaire 10:00 Wipeout (Season 2) 23:30 2009 East Asian Games - 13:15 Band Of Brothers S110: Points
13:00 Elephants Uncovered 18:30 Little Einsteins
20:00 Crossing Over 11:00 Csi: Ny (Season 5) Athletics 14:30 10,000 B.c.
14:00 Anacondas with Nigel Marven 19:00 Imagination Movers
22:00 Dick Tracy 12:00 Csi: Miami (Season 6) 16:30 The Age Of Innocence
15:00 Fooled By Nature 19:25 Classic Tales
23:50 While She Was Out 13:00 Csi: Crime Scene Investigation 19:00 The Wire S506: The Dickensian
15:30 Fooled By Nature 19:30 Mickey Mouse Clubhouse
(Season 10) Aspect
16:00 Into the Lion’s Den 20:00 My Friends Tigger & Pooh
14:00 I Spy 00:00 Prehistoric Disasters 20:00 Head Case S203: Tying The…
18:00 Night 20:30 Dibo The Gift Dragon
16:00 Ebuzz 01:00 Destroyed In Seconds Not
18:30 Night 21:00 Handy Manny
16:30 Whacked Out Sports (Season 2) 01:30 Destroyed In Seconds 20:25 Head Case S204: Elizabeth
19:00 ANIMAL PLANET SHOWCASE 21:25 Bert And Ernie’s Great
00:00 Soul Plane 17:00 Chuck (Season 2) 02:00 Planet Green Hughes
01:30 Pope of Greenwich Village 18:00 World’s Most Amazing Videos 03:00 Blood For The Gods 21:00 In Bruges
21:00 Bull Shark: World’s Deadliest 21:30 Harry And His Bucket Full Of
03:15 True Confessions (Season 4) 04:00 Blood For The Gods 23:00 Band Of Brothers S106:
Shark with Nigel Marven Dinosaurs
05:00 The Greatest Story Ever Told 19:00 Wipeout (Season 2) 05:00 Blood For The Gods Bastogne
22:00 Animal Planet Reveals Asia 22:00 Thomas & Friends
08:15 Double Trouble 20:00 Csi: Crime Scene Investigation 06:00 Deadliest Catch S5 23:00 Night 22:20 Pororo - The Little Penguin
09:45 River’s Edge (Season 10) 07:00 Blood For The Gods 23:30 Night 22:30 Bob The Builder Project: Build
11:15 F.I.S.T 21:00 Csi: Miami (Season 6) 08:00 Blood For The Gods It
13:45 Fiddler on the Roof 22:00 Csi: Ny (Season 5) 09:00 Blood For The Gods 00:00 Shaolin Wuzang 22:55 Classic Tales
16:45 Valley Girl 23:00 Wipeout (Season 2) 10:00 Discovery Kids 00:30 Donald Duck Presents 23:00 Johnny And The Sprites
18:15 Dr. Heckyl and Mr. Hype 11:00 Discovery Kids 23:25 Boowa And Kwala
01:00 Replacements, The
20:00 The Program 11:30 Discovery Kids 23:30 Make Way For Noddy
01:30 American Dragon: Jake Long
22:00 Saved 12:00 River Monsters
00:30 Pegasus New Zealand 02:00 Kim Possible
23:30 Pocket Money 13:00 Scandals Of The Ancient World
Women’s Open Hosted By 02:30 Phineas And Ferb
Christchurch 14:00 Planet Green 03:00 Disney’s Lilo & Stitch: The
01:30 Sec Women’s Gymnastics 15:00 Extreme Bodies Series
03:00 2010 US Figure Skating 16:00 Really Big Things With Matt 03:30 Suite Life Of Zack And Cody,
01:00 HEROES Championships Rogers S2 The
02:00 MONK 05:00 Sportscenter Week In Review 17:00 Mega Engineering 04:00 Hannah Montana
03:00 PSYCH 05:30 Simply The Best 18:00 River Monsters 04:30 Wizards Of Waverly Place
04:00 DAVID LETTERMAN 06:00 Almost Anything Goes 19:00 Stephen Hawking And The 05:00 Good Morning Mickey
05:00 EVERYBODY LOVES RAYMOND 06:30 Players Lives Theory Of Everything 05:30 Good Morning Mickey
05:30 EVERYBODY LOVES RAYMOND 07:00 Fina Aquatics World 20:00 Crashes That Changed Flying 06:00 House Of Mouse
06:00 EVERYBODY LOVES RAYMOND 07:30 Sportscenter Week In Review 21:00 Crashes That Changed Flying 06:30 Donald Duck Presents
07:00 The King Of Queens 08:00 Pegasus New Zealand 22:00 Clash Of The Dinosaurs 07:00 Shaun The Sheep
07:30 HOW I MET YOUR MOTHER Women’s Open Hosted By 23:00 Crashes That Changed Flying 07:30 Mr.Bean - The Animated Series
08:00 According To Jim Christchurch 08:00 Stitch!
08:30 Friends 09:00 ACC Basketball Tournament 08:30 Phineas And Ferb
09:00 Friends 11:00 Football Asia 2009/10 09:00 Muppet Treasure Island
09:30 Friends 11:30 Sec Women’s Gymnastics 00:00 Helicopter Wars 11:00 Super Robot Monkey Team
10:00 Friends 13:00 Pegasus New Zealand 01:00 Mega Factories Hyperforce Go!
10:30 Friends Women’s Open Hosted By 02:00 Riddles Of The Bible 11:30 Amazing Spiez, The

The Unborn
Casey Bell membenci ibunya karena menelantarkannya sejak kecil. Tapi, saat hal-hal di
luar nalar terjadi, Casey memahami mengapa ibunya pergi. Ia dihantui mimpi buruk dan
disambangi hantu menyeramkan. Yang bisa menyelamatkannya hanya Sendak, seorang
21 Maret paranormal. Dari situ Casey mengungkap kutukan keluarganya yang berakar pada masa
Pukul 20.00 WIB Nazi Jerman.

46 | primetime | Maret 2010

22 maret

06:30 According To Jim 07:30 Planet Speed 2009/10 17:30 How Do They Do It? S2
07:00 Friends 08:00 Sportscenter Right Now 18:00 Unknown Taiwan
00:00 The Curious Case Of Benjamin 07:30 EVERYBODY LOVES 08:01 Winter X Games 02:58hrs 19:00 Survivorman S1
Button RAYMOND 10:59 Sportscenter Right Now 20:00 Dirty Jobs S4
02:40 The Unborn (2009) 08:00 7TH HEAVEN 11:00 Football Asia 2009/10 21:00 Survivorman S2
04:10 Pale Rider 09:00 KYLE XY 11:30 2009 East Asian Games 22:00 Lobestermen
06:00 Mad Max Beyond 10:00 Asia Uncut - Swimming (Day 5) 23:00 Dirty Jobs S4
Thunderdome 11:00 UGLY BETTY 14:00 Sportscenter Right Now
08:00 Outland 12:00 90210 14:01 Anz Ladies Masters
10:00 Elizabeth 13:00 According To Jim 15:00 World Of Gymnastics
12:00 The Unborn (2009) 13:30 Friends 15:30 Sportscenter Right Now 00:00 Theme Week
13:30 Down To Earth 14:00 Scrubs 15:31 Planet Speed 2009/10 01:00 Theme Week
14:55 Virtuality 14:30 Scrubs 16:00 PBA Tour : Go Rving Match 02:00 Theme Week
16:20 Ghostbusters 15:00 KYLE XY Play Championship 03:00 Mega Factories
18:05 Eraser 16:00 Are You Smarter Than A 5th 17:30 Football Asia 2009/10 04:00 Theme Week
20:00 True Blood S101: Strange Love Grader? 18:00 Simply The Best 05:00 Theme Week 11:00 Globo Loco
21:00 True Blood S102: The First 17:00 Whose Line Is It Anyway? 18:30 Sportscenter Asia 06:00 Theme Week 11:30 Yin Yang Yo!
Taste 17:30 According To Jim 19:00 FIFA Beach Soccer World Cup 07:00 Air Crash Investigation 12:00 Mr.Bean - The Animated Series
00:00 Bunnytown
22:00 Band Of Brothers S110: Points 18:00 Friends 2009 Qualifiers UEFA 08:00 ABOUT ASIA 12:30 Mr.Bean - Live Action Series
00:30 Thomas & Friends
23:00 Sex And The City S309: Easy 18:30 EVERYBODY LOVES 20:00 Football Asia 2009/10 09:00 Locked Up Abroad 13:00 High School Musical 3: Senior
00:50 Pororo - The Little Penguin
Come, Easy Go RAYMOND 20:30 Immortals, The 10:00 Dangerous Encounters Year
01:00 Mickey Mouse Clubhouse
23:30 Sex And The City S310: All Or 19:00 The King Of Queens 21:00 Sportscenter Asia 11:00 The Living Edens 15:00 Upin & Ipin
01:25 Tiny Planets
Nothing 19:30 SCRUBS 21:30 PBA Tour : Go Rving Match 12:00 ABOUT ASIA 15:30 Oggy And The Cockroaches
01:30 My Friends Tigger & Pooh
20:00 HOW I MET YOUR MOTHER Play Championship 13:00 Food Lovers Guide To The 16:00 Pucca
02:00 Handy Manny
20:30 RULES OF ENGAGEMENT 23:00 Sportscenter Asia Plane 16:30 Pucca
02:30 Special Agent Oso
21:00 Eli Stone 23:30 Cev Beach Volleyball European 13:30 Food Lovers Guide To The 17:00 Phineas And Ferb
03:00 Barney & Friends
22:00 TWO AND HALF MEN Championship Tour - German Plane 17:30 Mr.Bean - The Animated Series
03:30 Mighty Jungle, The
00:30 Letter To My Killer 23:00 Whose Line Is It Anyway? Masters 14:00 The Living Edens 18:00 Mr.Bean - Live Action Series
04:00 Play With Me Sesame
02:00 Tropic Thunder 23:30 According To Jim 15:00 Locked Up Abroad 18:30 Skyrunners
04:30 Clifford, The Big Red Dog
04:00 My Bloody Valentine 16:00 Wild Chronicles 20:30 Mr.Bean - The Animated Series
05:00 JoJo’s Circus
06:00 Letter To My Killer 16:30 Wild Chronicles 21:00 Upin & Ipin
05:25 Boowa And Kwala
08:00 The Wire S309: Slapstick 00:30 Sports Max 17:00 Theme Week 21:30 Shaun The Sheep
05:30 Barney & Friends
08:55 The Wire S310: Reformation 01:30 2009 East Asian Games 18:00 Air Crash Investigation 22:00 Phineas And Ferb
06:00 Pocoyo
10:00 Wonder Woman 00:00 Greek (S2) - Athletics 19:00 ABOUT ASIA 22:30 Wizards Of Waverly Place
06:30 Higglytown Heroes
12:00 Chameleon 01:00 Midsomer Murders (S9) 04:00 Hot Water 2009/10 20:00 Helicopter Wars 23:00 Hannah Montana
07:00 My Friends Tigger & Pooh
14:00 Tropic Thunder 03:00 Mom At Sixteen 05:00 Planet Speed 2009/10 21:00 Megastructures 23:30 Shaun The Sheep
07:25 Bert And Ernie’s Great
16:00 Cool Hand Luke 05:00 Mary Bryant 05:30 Behind The Baseline 22:00 Theme Week Adventures
18:30 Ogre 07:00 The Nanny (S5) 06:00 Pegasus New Zealand 23:00 The Living Weapon 07:30 Little Einsteins
20:00 Westworld 07:30 The Nanny (S5) Women’s Open Hosted By
01:40 Libera Me 08:00 WordWorld
21:30 Tropic Thunder 08:00 The Oprah Winfrey Show (S23) Christchurch
03:45 Kirei? The Terror Of Beauty 08:30 Mickey Mouse Clubhouse
23:20 Epad On Max 51 09:00 McBride: Tune In For Murder 07:00 2009 East Asian Games
05:05 Way Of Blue Sky 09:00 Handy Manny
23:45 Wonder Woman 11:00 Greek (S2) - Athletics
06:50 Nana 09:30 Animal Mechanicals
12:00 The Oprah Winfrey Show 09:00 Top Volley International 00:10 Band Of Brothers S107: The
08:50 Love On Delivery 09:55 Classic Tales
13:00 The Biggest Loser (S5) 10:30 Behind The Baseline Breaking Point
10:30 Look for a Star 10:00 Chuggington
14:00 Jane Doe: The Wrong Face 11:00 2009 East Asian Games 01:30 Band Of Brothers S108: The
12:30 Loving You 10:20 Pororo - The Little Penguin
16:00 ER (S5) - Athletics Last Patrol
13:55 Cinema Today 10:30 Special Agent Oso
01:20 Mother Of Tears: The Third 17:00 The Nanny (S5) 12:00 2009 East Asian Games 02:30 Band Of Brothers S109: Why
14:50 Tactical Unit III - Partners 11:00 Dive Olly Dive
Mother 17:30 The Nanny (S5) - Athletics We Fight
16:25 Hero 11:25 Tiny Planets
03:00 Hellraiser 18:00 The Biggest Loser (S5) 13:00 King Of Wake World Cup 03:30 Band Of Brothers S110: Points
18:00 Fit Lover 11:30 Higglytown Heroes
04:35 Vip Access 19:00 The Oprah Winfrey Show Series ‘08 #1 05:00 Revolution
20:00 Beast Cops 12:00 Animal Mechanicals
05:05 Iron Will 20:00 Without A Trace (S4) 13:30 King Of Wake World Cup 06:45 The Wire S507: Took
21:45 Lady Cop and Papa Crook 12:25 Bert And Ernie’s Great
07:00 Anastasia 21:00 Reading Room Series ‘08 #2 07:45 The New Guy
23:20 Fear Factors Adventures
08:40 Slumdog Millionaire 23:00 The Nanny (S5) 14:00 2009 East Asian Games 09:15 Boyz N The Hood 12:30 Dibo The Gift Dragon
10:50 Love In The Time Of Cholera 23:30 The Nanny (S5) - Badminton 11:00 Devil In A Blue Dress 13:00 My Friends Tigger & Pooh
13:05 Boy A 15:00 Top Volley International 13:00 Appaloosa 13:30 Handy Manny
14:50 Edward Scissorhands 16:30 Planet Speed 2009/10 15:00 Crazy In Alabama 14:00 Special Agent Oso
16:40 Fanboys 17:00 2009 East Asian Games 17:00 Forgetting Sarah Marshall 00:00 ANIMAL PLANET SHOWCASE
00:00 World’s Most Amazing Videos 14:30 Dive Olly Dive
18:20 Blonde & Blonder - Athletics 19:00 The Wire S507: Took 01:00 ANIMAL PLANET SHOWCASE
(Season 4) 15:00 Chloe’s Closet
20:00 Walk In The Clouds, A 18:00 Fina Aquatics World 20:00 Head Case S205: Back In The 02:00 Bull Shark: World’s Deadliest
01:00 Csi: Crime Scene Investigation 15:25 Classic Tales
21:50 Way Of War 18:30 2009 East Asian Games Game Shark with Nigel Marven
(Season 10) 15:30 Clifford, The Big Red Dog
23:25 High Plains Invaders - Badminton 20:25 Head Case S206: Short On 03:00 Animal Planet Reveals Asia
02:00 Csi: Miami (Season 6) 16:00 Dibo The Gift Dragon
20:30 Score Tonight Love 04:00 Fooled By Nature
03:00 Csi: Ny (Season 5) 16:30 Mickey Mouse Clubhouse
21:00 Lives In The Fast Lane 21:00 Stripes 04:30 Fooled By Nature
04:00 Chuck (Season 2) 17:00 Pocoyo
21:30 Engine Block 2010 23:00 Appaloosa 05:00 ANIMAL PLANET SHOWCASE
05:00 Masters Of Illusion 17:30 Higglytown Heroes
22:00 V8 Supercars Highlight 06:00 ANIMAL PLANET SHOWCASE
01:15 Reckless 06:00 Early Edition (Season 3) 17:55 Tiny Planets
23:00 Lives In The Fast Lane 07:00 Echo and the Elephants of
02:45 In the Heat of the Night 07:00 Csi: Miami (Season 6) 18:00 My Friends Tigger & Pooh
23:30 Score Tonight Amboseli
04:45 The Bride Wore Black 08:00 House (Season 5) 18:30 Little Einsteins
07:30 Meerkat Manor
06:30 Fellini’s Roma 09:00 Masters Of Illusion 19:00 WordWorld
00:00 Shaolin Wuzang 08:00 Wild Hearts
08:15 Miss Julie 10:00 Early Edition (Season 3) 19:30 Mickey Mouse Clubhouse
00:30 Donald Duck Presents 09:00 Groomer Has It 2
10:00 A Star for Two 11:00 Csi: Miami (Season 6) 20:00 Handy Manny
00:00 Crashes That Changed Flying 01:00 Replacements, The 10:00 The Crocodile Hunter 4
11:45 Igby Goes Down 12:00 Man Of The House 20:30 Animal Mechanicals
01:00 Mega Builders S1 01:30 American Dragon: Jake Long 11:00 Off the Leash
13:15 New Year’s Evil 14:00 House (Season 5) 21:00 Chuggington
02:00 Extreme Bodies 02:00 Kim Possible 11:30 Off the Leash
14:45 Who’ll Stop the Rain? 15:00 Csi: Miami (Season 6) 21:25 Bert And Ernie’s Great
03:00 Solved S2 02:30 Phineas And Ferb 12:00 Lemur Street
16:45 The Whales of August 16:00 Masters Of Illusion Adventures
04:00 Extreme Forensics 03:00 Disney’s Lilo & Stitch: The 12:30 Escape to Chimp Eden
18:15 UHF 17:00 Man Of The House 21:30 Special Agent Oso
05:00 Treasure Quest: Battle For The Series 13:00 The Animals’ Guide to Survival
20:00 Chattahoochee 19:00 The Amazing Race (Season 16) 22:00 Dive Olly Dive
Black Swan 03:30 Suite Life Of Zack And Cody, 14:00 Echo and the Elephants of
21:45 Once Upon a Crime 20:00 So You Think You Can Dance 22:25 Boowa And Kwala
06:00 Survivorman S2 The Amboseli
23:30 Under Fire (Season 6) 22:30 Higglytown Heroes
07:00 Crashes That Changed Flying 04:00 Hannah Montana 14:30 Meerkat Manor
22:00 So You Think You Can Dance 23:00 Johnny And The Sprites
08:00 Crashes That Changed Flying 04:30 Wizards Of Waverly Place 15:00 Wild Hearts
(Season 6) 23:25 Boowa And Kwala
09:00 How Do They Do It? S6 05:00 Good Morning Mickey 16:00 Groomer Has It 2
23:00 The Amazing Race (Season 16) 23:30 Make Way For Noddy
09:30 One Step Beyond S2 05:30 Good Morning Mickey 17:00 Downsize My Pet
10:00 Destroyed In Seconds 06:00 House Of Mouse 18:00 Lemur Street
00:00 UGLY BETTY 10:30 Destroyed In Seconds 06:30 Donald Duck Presents 18:30 Escape to Chimp Eden
01:00 90210 01:00 Football Asia 2009/10 11:00 How Do They Do It? S2 07:00 Animal Mechanicals 19:00 The Animals’ Guide to Survival
02:00 DAVID LETTERMAN 01:30 2010 US Figure Skating 11:30 How It’s Made S7 07:30 Dibo The Gift Dragon 20:00 Echo and the Elephants of
03:00 7TH HEAVEN Championships 12:00 Mythbusters S5 08:00 Twisted Whiskers Amboseli
04:00 My Wife and Kids 03:30 Fina Aquatics World 13:00 Crashes That Changed Flying 08:30 Replacements, The 20:30 Meerkat Manor
04:30 My Wife and Kids 04:00 Paradise Regatta 14:00 Crashes That Changed Flying 09:00 Phineas And Ferb 21:00 Wild Hearts
05:00 Are You Smarter Than A 5th 04:30 Planet Speed 2009/10 15:00 Survivorman S2 09:30 Totally Spies 22:00 Groomer Has It 2
Grader? 05:00 ACC Basketball Tournament 16:00 Deadliest Catch S5 10:00 Totally Spies 23:00 The Crocodile Hunter 4
06:00 Whose Line Is It Anyway? 07:00 Football Asia 2009/10 17:00 How It’s Made S7 10:30 Monster Allergy

Best Of Upin & Ipin

Saatnya gembira dan tertawa melihat aksi kocak dua bocah kembar dalam Best of Upin
& Ipin di Disney Channel! Maret ini, Disney Channel menayangkan kembali episode-
22 Maret, episode terbaik serial ini. Jangan lewatkan ya.
Pukul 15.00 WIB

Maret 2010 | primetime | 47


06:30 According To Jim 14:30 In Too Deep

07:00 Friends 15:00 Nick Baker’s Weird Creatures II
00:30 Sportscenter Asia
00:00 The Unborn (2009) 07:30 EVERYBODY LOVES 16:00 Bull Shark: World’s Deadliest
01:00 2009 East Asian Games -
01:30 Passenger 57 RAYMOND Shark with Nigel Marven
03:00 True Blood S101: Strange Love 08:00 7TH HEAVEN 17:00 Downsize My Pet
03:00 2009 International Challenge Of
04:00 True Blood S102: The First 08:55 JACKIE CHAN ADVENTURES 17:30 Downsize My Pet
Taste 09:00 KYLE XY 18:00 Lemur Street
04:00 Gravity Games
05:00 Band Of Brothers S110: Points 09:55 Dilbert 18:30 Escape to Chimp Eden
05:00 New Pollution Series 3 #11
06:00 The Unborn (2009) 10:00 The King Of Queens 19:00 NYPD Animal Squad
05:30 Sportscenter Asia
08:00 Made Of Honor 10:30 SCRUBS 20:00 In Too Deep
06:00 Anz Ladies Masters
10:00 The Anniversary Party 11:00 HOW I MET YOUR MOTHER 20:30 In Too Deep
07:00 FIFA Beach Soccer World Cup
12:00 Elizabeth 11:30 RULES OF ENGAGEMENT 21:00 Nick Baker’s Weird Creatures II
2009 Qualifiers UEFA
14:00 Another 48 Hrs. 12:00 Eli Stone 22:00 Meerkats with Nigel Marven
08:00 Sportscenter Right Now
15:30 Hollywood One On One 79 13:00 According To Jim 23:00 The Crocodile Hunter 4
08:01 Winter X Games 02:58hrs
16:00 Innocent Moves 13:30 Friends
10:59 Sportscenter Right Now 04:00 Hannah Montana
18:00 Made Of Honor 14:00 Scrubs 13:00 Colossal Squid
11:00 FIFA Beach Soccer World Cup 04:30 Wizards Of Waverly Place
20:00 The Tenth Circle 14:30 Scrubs 14:00 Lobestermen
2009 Qualifiers UEFA 05:00 Good Morning Mickey
21:25 Tmz 196 14:55 Dilbert 15:00 Dirty Jobs S4
12:00 Trans Tasman Touch Rugby 05:30 Good Morning Mickey 00:00 Bunnytown
22:00 The Anniversary Party 15:00 KYLE XY 16:00 Extreme Bodies
Test Series - Men 06:00 House Of Mouse 00:30 Thomas & Friends
23:45 Lethal Weapon 2 15:55 MARRIED WITH CHILDREN 17:00 How It’s Made S7
13:00 Gravity Games 06:30 Donald Duck Presents 00:50 Pororo - The Little Penguin
16:00 Are You Smarter Than A 5th 17:30 How Do They Do It? S2
14:00 Sportscenter Right Now 07:00 Animal Mechanicals 01:00 Mickey Mouse Clubhouse
Grader? 18:00 Man Made Marvels: Hangzhou
14:01 Winter X Games 01:59hr 07:30 Dibo The Gift Dragon 01:25 Tiny Planets
17:00 Whose Line Is It Anyway? Bay Bridge
16:00 Sportscenter Right Now 08:00 Twisted Whiskers 01:30 My Friends Tigger & Pooh
17:30 According To Jim 19:00 Real Wolf Kids
16:01 Anz Ladies Masters 08:30 Replacements, The 02:00 Handy Manny
01:00 The Spirit 18:00 Friends 20:00 Extreme Bodies
17:00 Almost Anything Goes 09:00 Phineas And Ferb 02:30 Special Agent Oso
02:30 Westworld 18:30 EVERYBODY LOVES 21:00 River Monsters
17:30 FIFA Beach Soccer World Cup 09:30 Totally Spies 03:00 Barney & Friends
04:00 Ogre RAYMOND 22:00 Destroyed In Seconds
2009 Qualifiers UEFA 10:00 Totally Spies 03:30 Mighty Jungle, The
06:00 My Bloody Valentine 19:00 90210 22:30 Destroyed In Seconds
18:30 Sportscenter Asia 10:30 Monster Allergy 04:00 Play With Me Sesame
08:00 The Spirit 20:00 UGLY BETTY 23:00 Extreme Bodies
19:00 Football Focus With John Dykes 11:00 Globo Loco 04:30 Clifford, The Big Red Dog
10:00 Westworld 21:00 Lipstick Jungle
20:00 Simply The Best 11:30 Yin Yang Yo! 05:00 JoJo’s Circus
11:45 Epad On Max 51 22:00 TWO AND HALF MEN
20:30 Contenders, The 12:00 Mr.Bean - The Animated Series 05:25 Boowa And Kwala
12:00 Severed Ties 23:00 Whose Line Is It Anyway?
21:00 Sportscenter Asia 12:30 Mr.Bean - Live Action Series 05:30 Barney & Friends
14:00 Letter To My Killer 23:30 According To Jim 00:00 Air Crash Investigation
21:30 Football Focus With John Dykes 13:00 Extremely Goofy Movie, An 06:00 Pocoyo
15:30 Dream Man 01:00 Helicopter Wars
22:30 AFC Champions League 2010 15:00 Upin & Ipin 06:30 Higglytown Heroes
17:00 Alien Hunter 02:00 Megastructures
18:30 My Bloody Valentine 15:30 Oggy And The Cockroaches 07:00 My Friends Tigger & Pooh
03:00 The Living Weapon 07:25 Bert And Ernie’s Great
20:00 American Ninja 3 Blood Hunt 04:00 Helicopter Wars 16:00 Pucca
00:00 ER (S5) Adventures
21:30 Severed Ties 05:00 Megastructures 16:30 Pucca
01:00 Murder 101: College Can Be 07:30 Little Einsteins
23:00 Night Of The Scarecrow 00:00 Engine Block 2010 06:00 Theme Week 17:00 Phineas And Ferb
Murder 08:00 WordWorld
00:30 International Motorsport News 07:00 Air Crash Investigation 17:30 Mr.Bean - The Animated Series
03:00 The Lives Of The Saints 08:30 Mickey Mouse Clubhouse
2010 08:00 ABOUT ASIA 18:00 Mr.Bean - Live Action Series
05:00 Mary Bryant 09:00 Handy Manny
01:30 2009 East Asian Games - 09:00 Situation Critical 18:30 Peter Pan II: Return To
07:00 The Nanny (S5) 09:30 Animal Mechanicals
Swimming (Day 1) 10:00 Animal Extractors Neverland
01:00 Hard Ride To Hell 07:30 The Nanny (S5) 09:55 Classic Tales
04:00 Top Volley International 11:00 Monster Fish 20:30 Mr.Bean - The Animated Series
02:45 Things To Do In Denver When 08:00 The Oprah Winfrey Show (S24) 10:00 Chuggington
06:00 Lives In The Fast Lane 12:00 ABOUT ASIA 21:00 Upin & Ipin
You’re Dead 09:00 Reading Room 10:20 Pororo - The Little Penguin
06:30 Engine Block 2010 13:00 Locked Up Abroad 21:30 Shaun The Sheep
04:40 Vip Access: Face2face 11:00 Without A Trace (S4) 10:30 Special Agent Oso
07:00 International Motorsport News 14:00 The Living Edens 22:00 Phineas And Ferb
05:10 Under The Same Moon 12:00 The Oprah Winfrey Show 11:00 Dive Olly Dive
2010 15:00 Situation Critical 22:30 Wizards Of Waverly Place
07:05 Christmas Caper 13:00 The Biggest Loser (S5) 11:25 Tiny Planets
08:00 Planet Speed 2009/10 16:00 Hayden Turner’s Wildlife Chall 23:00 Hannah Montana
08:40 Blonde & Blonder 14:00 Murder 101: College Can Be 11:30 Higglytown Heroes
08:30 Engine Block 2010 16:30 Hidden Worlds 23:30 Shaun The Sheep
10:20 Walk In The Clouds, A Murder 12:00 Animal Mechanicals
12:10 Vip Access 16:00 ER (S5) 09:00 Top Volley International 17:00 Theme Week 12:25 Bert And Ernie’s Great
12:40 Death Sentence 17:00 The Nanny (S5) 10:30 Planet Speed 2009/10 18:00 Air Crash Investigation Adventures
14:30 Four Weddings And A Funeral 17:30 The Nanny (S5) 11:00 International Motorsport News 19:00 ABOUT ASIA
00:55 Mommy, Dearest 12:30 Dibo The Gift Dragon
16:30 Goya’s Ghosts 18:00 The Biggest Loser (S5) 2010 20:00 Long Way Down
02:45 Touch 13:00 My Friends Tigger & Pooh
18:25 Jumper 19:00 The Oprah Winfrey Show 12:00 Fina Aquatics World 21:00 Cruise Ship Diaries
04:50 Springtime 13:30 Handy Manny
20:00 Brideshead Revisited 20:00 The Biggest Loser Special 12:30 Engine Block 2010 22:00 Theme Week
07:05 Gigolo Wannabe 14:00 Special Agent Oso
22:15 Bangkok Dangerous Edition 13:00 King Of Wake World Cup 23:00 Everyday Things
09:00 Truth Or Dare: 6th Floor Rear 14:30 Dive Olly Dive
21:00 Love’s Abiding Joy Series ‘08 #3
Flat 15:00 Chloe’s Closet
23:00 The Nanny (S5) 13:30 King Of Wake World Cup
10:45 The Best Of Best 15:25 Classic Tales
23:30 The Nanny (S5) Series ‘08 #4
12:20 The Longest Summer 15:30 Clifford, The Big Red Dog
14:00 2009 East Asian Games -
01:45 The Last Waltz 14:35 New Police Story 16:00 Dibo The Gift Dragon
03:45 Convicts 01:00 Crazy In Alabama 16:45 On His Majesty’s Secret Service 16:30 Mickey Mouse Clubhouse
15:00 International Motorsport News
05:15 Storefront Hitchcock 03:00 Forgetting Sarah Marshall 18:30 Cop Unbowed 17:00 Pocoyo
00:00 So You Think You Can Dance 2010
06:30 Crime and Punishment in 05:00 The House Of Yes 20:00 The Tigers 17:30 Higglytown Heroes
(Season 6) 15:55 Engine Block 2010
Suburbia 06:45 The Wire S508: Clarifications 21:45 Rule No.1 17:55 Tiny Planets
02:00 So You Think You Can Dance 16:25 AFC Champions League 2010
08:15 Summer Heat 07:45 Jesse Stone: Thin Ice 23:20 The Outlaw Brothers 18:00 My Friends Tigger & Pooh
(Season 6) 18:30 2009 East Asian Games -
09:30 The Package 09:25 New Best Friend 18:30 Little Einsteins
03:00 Early Edition (Season 3) Badminton
11:15 A Dry White Season 11:00 Forgetting Sarah Marshall 19:00 WordWorld
04:00 House (Season 5) 20:30 Score Tonight
13:00 Dreamchild 13:00 See You In The Morning 19:30 Mickey Mouse Clubhouse
05:00 Masters Of Illusion 21:00 Immortals, The
14:45 Youngblood 15:25 Roger & Me 00:00 Lemur Street 20:00 Handy Manny
06:00 Early Edition (Season 3) 21:30 Golf Focus 2010
16:30 The Story of Adele H 17:15 The New Guy 00:30 Escape to Chimp Eden 20:30 Animal Mechanicals
07:00 Csi: Miami (Season 6) 22:00 Classic Boxing 01:00hrs
18:15 Jinxed! 19:00 The Wire S508: Clarifications 01:00 The Animals’ Guide to Survival 21:00 Chuggington
08:00 House (Season 5) 23:00 Classic Boxing 01:00hrs
20:00 A Prayer for the Dying 20:00 Head Case S207: That’s 02:00 Echo and the Elephants of 21:25 Bert And Ernie’s Great
09:00 Masters Of Illusion
22:15 Stanley and Iris Produce Amboseli Adventures
10:00 Early Edition (Season 3)
20:25 Head Case S208: Twinkle, 02:30 Meerkat Manor 21:30 Special Agent Oso
11:00 Csi: Miami (Season 6)
Twinkle 03:00 Wild Hearts 22:00 Dive Olly Dive
12:00 So You Think You Can Dance 00:00 Survivorman S2
21:00 Black Hawk Down 04:00 Groomer Has It 2 22:25 Boowa And Kwala
(Season 6) 01:00 Deadliest Catch S5
23:15 Forgetting Sarah Marshall 05:00 Downsize My Pet 22:30 Higglytown Heroes
00:00 Friends 14:00 House (Season 5) 02:00 Destroyed In Seconds
00:30 EVERYBODY LOVES RAYMOND 15:00 Csi: Miami (Season 6) 02:30 Destroyed In Seconds 06:00 Lemur Street 23:00 Johnny And The Sprites
01:00 Are You Smarter Than A 5th 16:00 Masters Of Illusion 03:00 Mythbusters S5 06:30 Escape to Chimp Eden 23:25 Boowa And Kwala
Grader? 17:00 So You Think You Can Dance 04:00 Survivorman S2 07:00 In Too Deep 23:30 Make Way For Noddy
01:55 JACKIE CHAN ADVENTURES (Season 6) 05:00 Unknown Taiwan 00:00 Shaolin Wuzang 07:30 In Too Deep
02:00 DAVID LETTERMAN 18:00 The Amazing Race (Season 16) 06:00 Destroyed In Seconds 00:30 Donald Duck Presents 08:00 Nick Baker’s Weird Creatures II
02:55 Dilbert 19:00 Video Zonkers (Season 2) 06:30 Destroyed In Seconds 01:00 Replacements, The 09:00 Bull Shark: World’s Deadliest
03:00 7TH HEAVEN 19:30 Sony Style Tv Magazine (Season 07:00 Dirty Jobs S4 01:30 American Dragon: Jake Long Shark with Nigel Marven
03:55 MARRIED WITH CHILDREN 4) 08:00 Lobestermen 02:00 Kim Possible 10:00 The Crocodile Hunter 4
04:00 My Wife and Kids 20:00 Terminator 3: Rise Of The 09:00 Clash Of The Dinosaurs 02:30 Phineas And Ferb 11:00 Downsize My Pet
04:30 My Wife and Kids Machines 10:00 Unknown Taiwan 03:00 Disney’s Lilo & Stitch: The 12:00 Lemur Street
05:00 Are You Smarter Than A 5th 22:30 24 (Season 7) 11:00 How Do They Do It? S2 Series 12:30 Escape to Chimp Eden
Grader? 23:30 Terminator 3: Rise Of The 11:30 How It’s Made S7 03:30 Suite Life Of Zack And Cody, 13:00 NYPD Animal Squad
06:00 Whose Line Is It Anyway? Machines 12:00 Mythbusters S5 The 14:00 In Too Deep

So You Think You Can Dance (Season 6)

Kontes adu bakat ini menampilkan penari terbaik seluruh Amerika dalam kompetisi untuk
meraih gelar America’s Favorite Dancer. Berbagai jenis aliran dansa, mulai dari hip hop
sampai Ballroom hingga tari kontemporer harus mereka tundukkan.
23 Maret,
Pukul 17.00 WIB

48 | primetime | Maret 2010

24 maret

04:00 My Wife and Kids - Badminton 13:00 Extreme Bodies 04:30 Wizards Of Waverly Place 14:00 Elephants Uncovered
04:30 My Wife and Kids 03:00 2009 Women’s Tournament Of 14:00 Clash Of The Dinosaurs 05:00 Good Morning Mickey 15:00 BITE NITE
01:35 Lethal Weapon 4 05:00 Are You Smarter Than A 5th Champions 15:00 Prehistoric Disasters 05:30 Good Morning Mickey 16:00 Night
03:45 The Missing Grader? 04:00 Gravity Games 16:00 Monsters Resurrected 06:00 House Of Mouse 16:30 Night
06:00 Hit List 06:00 Whose Line Is It Anyway? 05:00 New Pollution Series 3 #12 17:00 How It’s Made S7 06:30 Donald Duck Presents 17:00 Downsize My Pet
07:30 The Curious Case Of Benjamin 06:30 According To Jim 05:30 Sportscenter Asia 17:30 How Do They Do It? S2 07:00 Animal Mechanicals 17:30 Downsize My Pet
Button 07:00 Friends 06:00 Uca/uda College Cheerleading 18:00 Deadliest Catch S5 07:30 Dibo The Gift Dragon 18:00 Lemur Street
10:15 The Tenth Circle 07:30 EVERYBODY LOVES Championships 19:00 Planet Green 08:00 Twisted Whiskers 18:30 Escape to Chimp Eden
12:00 Mad City RAYMOND 07:00 Football Focus With John 20:00 Prehistoric Disasters 08:30 Replacements, The 19:00 Spotlight: Earth
13:50 Hollywood One On One 79 08:00 7TH HEAVEN Dykes 21:00 Clash Of The Dinosaurs 09:00 Phineas And Ferb 20:00 Elephants Uncovered
14:30 The Missing 08:55 JACKIE CHAN ADVENTURES 08:00 Sportscenter Right Now 22:00 Monsters Resurrected 09:30 Totally Spies 21:00 BITE NITE
16:45 The Making Of The Curious 09:00 KYLE XY 08:01 Winter X Games 02:58hrs 23:00 Prehistoric Disasters 10:00 Totally Spies 22:00 Night
Case Of Benjamin Button 09:55 Dilbert 10:59 Sportscenter Right Now 10:30 Monster Allergy 22:30 Night
17:15 The Curious Case Of Benjamin 10:00 90210 11:00 Football Focus With John 11:00 Globo Loco 23:00 The Crocodile Hunter 4
Button 10:55 MARRIED WITH CHILDREN Dykes 11:30 Yin Yang Yo!
20:00 Notting Hill 11:00 UGLY BETTY 12:00 Trans Tasman Touch Rugby 00:00 Air Crash Investigation 12:00 Mr.Bean - The Animated Series
22:00 Tmz 197 12:00 Lipstick Jungle Test Series - Women 01:00 Long Way Down 12:30 Mr.Bean - Live Action Series
22:20 Sex And The City S311: Running 13:00 According To Jim 13:00 Gravity Games 02:00 Cruise Ship Diaries 13:00 Peter Pan II: Return To
With Scissors 13:30 Friends 14:00 Sportscenter Right Now 03:00 Everyday Things Neverland 00:00 Bunnytown
22:50 Sex And The City S312: Don’t 14:00 Scrubs 14:01 Winter X Games 01:59hr 04:00 Long Way Down 15:00 Upin & Ipin 00:30 Thomas & Friends
Ask, Don’t Tell 14:30 Scrubs 16:00 Sportscenter Right Now 05:00 Cruise Ship Diaries 15:30 Oggy And The Cockroaches 00:50 Pororo - The Little Penguin
23:20 The Tenth Circle 14:55 Dilbert 16:01 Uca/uda College Cheerleading 06:00 Theme Week 16:00 Pucca 01:00 Mickey Mouse Clubhouse
15:00 KYLE XY Championships 07:00 Seconds From Disaster 16:30 Pucca 01:25 Tiny Planets
15:55 MARRIED WITH CHILDREN 17:00 Contenders, The 08:00 ABOUT ASIA 17:00 Phineas And Ferb 01:30 My Friends Tigger & Pooh
16:00 Are You Smarter Than A 5th 17:30 Football Focus With John 09:00 Carrier 17:30 Mr.Bean - The Animated Series 02:00 Handy Manny
Grader? Dykes 10:00 Dogtown 18:00 Mr.Bean - Live Action Series 02:30 Special Agent Oso
00:30 Westworld 17:00 AMERICAN IDOL 18:30 Sportscenter Asia 11:00 Fishzilla 18:30 Minutemen 03:00 Barney & Friends
02:05 American Ninja 3 Blood Hunt 19:00 AMERICAN IDOL 19:00 Tiger World Of Football 12:00 ABOUT ASIA 20:30 Mr.Bean - The Animated Series 03:30 Mighty Jungle, The
03:30 Epad On Max 51 21:00 GLEE 20:00 Almost Anything Goes 13:00 Lockdown 21:00 Upin & Ipin 04:00 Play With Me Sesame
03:45 King Rat 22:00 TWO AND HALF MEN 20:30 Contenders, The 14:00 The Living Edens 21:30 Shaun The Sheep 04:30 Clifford, The Big Red Dog
06:00 Alien Hunter 23:00 AMERICAN IDOL 21:00 Sportscenter Asia 15:00 Carrier 22:00 Phineas And Ferb 05:00 JoJo’s Circus
08:00 Tropic Thunder 21:30 Tiger World Of Football 16:00 Wild Detectives 22:30 Wizards Of Waverly Place 05:25 Boowa And Kwala
10:00 My Bloody Valentine 22:30 Immortals, The 16:30 Food Lovers Guide To The 23:00 Hannah Montana 05:30 Barney & Friends
12:00 The Wire S309: Slapstick 23:00 Sportscenter Asia Plane 23:30 Shaun The Sheep 06:00 Pocoyo
12:55 The Wire S310: Reformation 23:30 Cev Beach Volleyball European 17:00 Theme Week 06:30 Higglytown Heroes
14:00 Severed Ties 00:00 ER (S5) Championship Tour - German 07:00 My Friends Tigger & Pooh
01:00 Beautiful Girl 18:00 Seconds From Disaster
16:00 American Ninja 3 Blood Hunt Masters 19:00 ABOUT ASIA 07:25 Bert And Ernie’s Great
18:00 Tropic Thunder 03:00 The Lives Of The Saints Adventures
05:00 What Kind Of Mother Are You? 20:00 Wild Wednesday 01:05 1 Litre of Tears
20:00 Body Parts 21:00 Wild Wednesday 02:50 Return Of The Lucky Stars 07:30 Little Einsteins
21:30 The Wire S309: Slapstick 07:00 The Nanny (S5) 08:00 WordWorld
07:30 The Nanny (S5) 22:00 Theme Week 04:20 My Mother The Mermaid
22:25 The Wire S310: Reformation 23:00 Everyday Things 06:15 Be With You 08:30 Mickey Mouse Clubhouse
23:30 My Bloody Valentine 08:00 The Oprah Winfrey Show (S22) 00:00 Score Tonight
09:00 Handy Manny
09:00 Beautiful Girl 00:30 Max Power 2010/11
09:30 Animal Mechanicals
11:00 The Biggest Loser Special 01:30 2009 East Asian Games
09:55 Classic Tales
Edition - Swimming (Day 2)
10:00 Chuggington
12:00 The Oprah Winfrey Show 04:00 Top Volley International
00:00 Tortured 10:20 Pororo - The Little Penguin
13:00 The Biggest Loser (S5) 05:30 Fina Aquatics World
01:50 All The Boys Love Mandy Lane 10:30 Special Agent Oso
14:00 Love’s Abiding Joy 06:00 Golf Focus 2010
03:20 Jumper 11:00 Dive Olly Dive
16:00 ER (S5) 06:30 Immortals, The
04:55 Darjeeling Limited, The 11:25 Tiny Planets
17:00 The Nanny (S5) 07:00 Max Power 2010/11
06:30 Death Sentence 11:30 Higglytown Heroes
17:30 The Nanny (S5) 08:00 Golf Focus 2010
08:20 Elegy 12:00 Animal Mechanicals
18:00 The Biggest Loser (S5) 08:30 Immortals, The
10:10 Brideshead Revisited 12:25 Bert And Ernie’s Great
19:00 The Oprah Winfrey Show 09:00 AFC Champions League 2010
12:25 Kalifornia Adventures
20:00 Sea Patrol (S3) 11:00 Max Power 2010/11
14:20 Mermaids 12:30 Dibo The Gift Dragon
21:00 Picking Up And Dropping Off 12:00 Golf Focus 2010
16:15 Tropa De Elite 13:00 My Friends Tigger & Pooh
23:00 The Nanny (S6) 12:30 Glitch
18:10 Nine Months 13:30 Handy Manny
23:30 The Nanny (S6) 13:00 King Of Wake World Cup
20:00 Resident Evil: Extinction 14:00 Special Agent Oso
Series ‘08 #5
21:35 100 Feet 08:20 Hearty Paw 14:30 Dive Olly Dive
13:30 King Of Wake World Cup
23:15 Kill Switch 10:05 Black Panther’s Warrior 15:00 Chloe’s Closet
Series ‘08 #6
02:00 Shield, The (Season 7) 11:35 Wait ‘Til You’re Older 15:25 Classic Tales
14:00 2009 East Asian Games
03:00 Sony Style Tv Magazine (Season 13:10 Happy Funeral 15:30 Clifford, The Big Red Dog
- Badminton 00:55 Appaloosa
4) 14:55 Kidnap 16:00 Dibo The Gift Dragon
15:00 Max Power 2010/11 02:45 Black Hawk Down
03:30 Video Zonkers (Season 2) 16:35 Super Fans 16:30 Mickey Mouse Clubhouse
00:00 Company Business 16:00 Immortals, The 05:00 Stripes
04:00 House (Season 5) 18:30 The Sniper 17:00 Pocoyo
01:30 La Cage Aux Folles 16:30 Glitch 06:45 The Wire S509: Late Editions
05:00 Masters Of Illusion 20:00 Visible Secret 17:30 Higglytown Heroes
03:15 Extremities 17:00 V8 Supercars Highlight 07:45 Batman: Gotham Knight
06:00 Early Edition (Season 3) 21:45 Flash Point 17:55 Tiny Planets
04:45 Kuffs 18:00 Global Football 09:10 Appaloosa
07:00 Csi: Miami (Season 6) 23:15 Cinema Today 18:00 My Friends Tigger & Pooh
06:30 Electric Dreams 18:30 AFC Champions League 2010 11:00 Crazy In Alabama
08:00 House (Season 5) 18:30 Little Einsteins
08:15 A Guy Thing 20:30 Score Tonight 13:00 Devil In A Blue Dress
09:00 Masters Of Illusion 19:00 WordWorld
10:00 Midnight Cowboy 21:00 Masters Official Films 2008 14:45 The Age Of Innocence
10:00 Early Edition (Season 3) 19:30 Mickey Mouse Clubhouse
11:45 The French Lieutenant’s 22:00 FA Classics 17:15 Stripes
11:00 Csi: Miami (Season 6) 20:00 Handy Manny
Woman 23:00 Golf Focus 2010 19:00 The Wire S509: Late Editions 00:00 Lemur Street
12:00 24 (Season 7) 20:30 Animal Mechanicals
13:45 Straight out of Brooklyn 23:30 Score Tonight 20:00 Head Case S209: All About 00:30 Escape to Chimp Eden
13:00 Sony Style Tv Magazine (Season 21:00 Chuggington
15:15 The Long Riders Steve 01:00 NYPD Animal Squad
4) 21:25 Bert And Ernie’s Great
17:00 The Christine Jorgensen Story 20:30 Head Case S210: The Big Book 02:00 In Too Deep
13:30 Video Zonkers (Season 2) Adventures
18:30 Cohen & Tate 21:00 Gossip 02:30 In Too Deep
14:00 House (Season 5) 21:30 Special Agent Oso
20:00 Committed 00:00 River Monsters 23:00 Crazy In Alabama 03:00 Nick Baker’s Weird Creatures II
15:00 Csi: Miami (Season 6) 22:00 Dive Olly Dive
21:45 Modern Girls 01:00 Survivorman S1 04:00 Meerkats with Nigel Marven
16:00 Sony Style Tv Magazine (Season 22:25 Boowa And Kwala
23:15 Nothing Personal 02:00 Survivorman S2 05:00 Downsize My Pet
4) 22:30 Higglytown Heroes
03:00 Mythbusters S5 05:30 Downsize My Pet 23:00 Johnny And The Sprites
16:30 24 (Season 7)
04:00 Lobestermen 06:00 Lemur Street 23:25 Boowa And Kwala
17:30 Terminator 3: Rise Of The
05:00 Man Made Marvels: Hangzhou 00:00 Shaolin Wuzang 06:30 Escape to Chimp Eden 23:30 Make Way For Noddy
00:00 Friends Bay Bridge 00:30 Donald Duck Presents 07:00 Elephants Uncovered
20:00 Wipeout (Season 2)
00:30 EVERYBODY LOVES 06:00 Extreme Bodies 01:00 Replacements, The 08:00 BITE NITE
21:00 Csi: Crime Scene Investigation
RAYMOND 07:00 Monsters Resurrected 01:30 American Dragon: Jake Long 09:00 Night
(Season 10)
01:00 Are You Smarter Than A 5th 08:00 River Monsters 02:00 Kim Possible 09:30 Night
22:00 Csi: Ny (Season 5)
Grader? 09:00 Survivorman S2 02:30 Phineas And Ferb 10:00 The Crocodile Hunter 4
23:00 Wipeout (Season 2)
01:55 JACKIE CHAN ADVENTURES 10:00 Man Made Marvels: Hangzhou 03:00 Disney’s Lilo & Stitch: The 11:00 Downsize My Pet
02:00 DAVID LETTERMAN Bay Bridge Series 11:30 Downsize My Pet
02:55 Dilbert 11:00 How Do They Do It? S2 03:30 Suite Life Of Zack And Cody, 12:00 Lemur Street
00:30 Sportscenter Asia 11:30 How It’s Made S7 The 12:30 Escape to Chimp Eden
03:00 7TH HEAVEN
01:00 2009 East Asian Games 12:00 Mythbusters S5 04:00 Hannah Montana 13:00 Spotlight: Earth

Visible Secret
Ketika Peter (Eason Chan) pertama bertemu June (Shu Qi), ia langsung jatuh cinta, meski
June mengaku bisa melihat hantu dengan mata kanannya. Namun, berbagai kejadian
ganjil segera terjadi. Termasuk, Simon, kawan Peter, yang mengaku didorong Simon dari
24 Maret, tangga hingga celaka.
Pukul 20.00 WIB

Maret 2010 | primetime | 49


10:00 Are You Smarter Than A 5th 07:00 Tiger World Of Football 14:00 River Monsters 11:30 Yin Yang Yo! 06:30 Higglytown Heroes
Grader? 08:00 Sportscenter Right Now 15:00 Human Body: Pushing The 12:00 Mr.Bean - The Animated Series 07:00 My Friends Tigger & Pooh
00:45 The Anniversary Party 11:00 GLEE 08:01 Winter X Games 02:58hrs Limits 12:30 Mr.Bean - Live Action Series 07:25 Bert And Ernie’s Great
02:30 Cold Steel 12:00 AMERICAN IDOL 10:59 Sportscenter Right Now 16:00 Destroyed In Seconds 13:00 D3: The Mighty Ducks Adventures
04:00 Mad City 14:00 Scrubs 11:00 Tiger World Of Football 16:30 Destroyed In Seconds 15:00 Upin & Ipin 07:30 Little Einsteins
06:00 Elizabeth 14:30 Scrubs 12:00 Trans Tasman Touch Rugby 17:00 How It’s Made S7 15:30 Oggy And The Cockroaches 08:00 WordWorld
08:00 Lethal Weapon 2 14:55 Dilbert Test Series - Mixed 17:30 How Do They Do It? S2 16:00 Pucca 08:30 Mickey Mouse Clubhouse
09:55 Lethal Weapon 4 15:00 KYLE XY 13:00 Gravity Games 18:00 Crashes That Changed Flying 16:30 Pucca 09:00 Handy Manny
12:00 Made Of Honor 15:55 MARRIED WITH CHILDREN 14:00 Sportscenter Right Now 19:00 Crashes That Changed Flying 17:00 Phineas And Ferb 09:30 Animal Mechanicals
13:40 Notting Hill 16:00 Are You Smarter Than a 5th 14:01 AFC Champions League 2010 20:00 Really Big Things With Matt 17:30 Mr.Bean - The Animated Series 09:55 Classic Tales
15:40 Hamlet 2 Grader? 16:00 Sportscenter Right Now Rogers S2 18:00 Mr.Bean - Live Action Series 10:00 Chuggington
17:05 Down To Earth 17:00 AMERICAN IDOL 16:01 Uca/uda College Cheerleading 21:00 Mega Engineering 18:30 Aladdin 10:20 Pororo - The Little Penguin
18:30 The Unborn (2009) 18:00 Friends Championships 22:00 Mega Builders S1 20:30 Mr.Bean - The Animated Series 10:30 Special Agent Oso
20:00 Beowulf 18:30 EVERYBODY LOVES 16:30 NBA Fastbreak 2009/10 23:00 Really Big Things With Matt 21:00 Upin & Ipin 11:00 Dive Olly Dive
21:50 Tmz 198 RAYMOND 17:00 Tiger World Of Football Rogers S2 21:30 Shaun The Sheep 11:25 Tiny Planets
22:10 Made Of Honor 19:00 AMERICAN IDOL 18:00 Almost Anything Goes 22:00 Phineas And Ferb 11:30 Higglytown Heroes
23:50 True Blood S101: Strange Love 20:00 LIFE 18:30 Sportscenter Asia 22:30 Wizards Of Waverly Place 12:00 Animal Mechanicals
21:00 PRIVATE PRACTICE 19:00 Castrol Football Crazy 23:00 Hannah Montana 12:25 Bert And Ernie’s Great
22:00 TWO AND HALF MEN 19:30 Immortals, The 00:00 Seconds From Disaster 23:30 Shaun The Sheep Adventures
23:00 AMERICAN IDOL 20:00 Global Football 01:00 Wild Wednesday 12:30 Dibo The Gift Dragon
20:30 Simply The Best 02:00 Wild Wednesday 13:00 My Friends Tigger & Pooh
01:15 When Worlds Collide 21:00 Sportscenter Asia 03:00 Everyday Things 13:30 Handy Manny
03:00 Body Parts 21:30 Castrol Football Crazy 04:00 Wild Wednesday 00:15 Infernal Affairs 2 14:00 Special Agent Oso
04:30 The Spirit 22:00 Almost Anything Goes 05:00 Wild Wednesday 02:15 Night Of The Shooting Stars 14:30 Dive Olly Dive
00:00 ER (S5) 04:05 Women On The Run
06:00 King Rat 22:30 Contenders, The 06:00 Theme Week 15:00 Chloe’s Closet
01:00 For One More Day 05:35 Repechage
08:15 Severed Ties 23:00 Sportscenter Asia 07:00 Seconds From Disaster 15:25 Classic Tales
03:00 Conundrum 07:05 Shaolin Girl
09:45 Tropic Thunder 23:30 Cev Beach Volleyball European 08:00 ABOUT ASIA 15:30 Clifford, The Big Red Dog
05:00 My Son Is Innocent 09:00 A Chinese Odyssey Part II
12:00 American Ninja 3 Blood Hunt Championship Tour - English 09:00 Interpol Investigates 16:00 Dibo The Gift Dragon
07:00 The Nanny (S6) - Cinderella
13:30 The Spirit Masters 10:00 Monster Fish 16:30 Mickey Mouse Clubhouse
07:30 The Nanny (S6) 10:40 Accuracy of Death
14:45 Rio Grande 08:00 The Oprah Winfrey Show (S24) 11:00 Hunter Hunted 17:00 Pocoyo
16:30 The Underneath 12:00 ABOUT ASIA 12:40 Return Engagement 17:30 Higglytown Heroes
09:00 For One More Day 14:35 Elixir of Love
18:15 Severed Ties 11:00 Sea Patrol (S3) 13:00 Perilous Journeys 17:55 Tiny Planets
20:00 The Wire S311: Middle Ground 00:00 Glitch 14:00 The Living Edens 16:25 Eye In The Sky 18:00 My Friends Tigger & Pooh
12:00 The Oprah Winfrey Show 18:00 Lifeline
20:55 The Wire S312: Mission 13:00 The Biggest Loser (S5) 00:30 Sports Max 15:00 Interpol Investigates 18:30 Little Einsteins
Accomplished 01:30 Fina Aquatics World 16:00 Monkey Thieves 20:00 Night and Fog 19:00 WordWorld
14:00 Picking Up And Dropping Off 22:05 Seoul Raiders
22:00 American Ninja 3 Blood Hunt 16:00 ER (S5) 02:00 2009 East Asian Games - 16:30 Hayden Turner’s Wildlife Chall 19:30 Mickey Mouse Clubhouse
23:30 Tropic Thunder Swimming (Day 3) 17:00 Theme Week 23:45 Bet To Basic 20:00 Handy Manny
17:00 The Nanny (S6)
17:30 The Nanny (S6) 04:00 Top Volley International 18:00 Seconds From Disaster 20:30 Animal Mechanicals
18:00 The Biggest Loser (S5) 05:30 Engine Block 2010 19:00 ABOUT ASIA 21:00 Chuggington
19:00 The Oprah Winfrey Show 06:00 Global Football 20:00 Megastructures 21:25 Bert And Ernie’s Great
00:55 Vip Access 20:00 Army Wives (S2) 06:30 Fina Aquatics World 21:00 Megastructures 00:00 Lemur Street Adventures
01:25 Into The Blue 2: The Reef 21:00 The Good Wife (S1) 07:00 Sports Max 22:00 Theme Week 00:30 Escape to Chimp Eden 21:30 Special Agent Oso
03:00 Nine Months 22:00 Crossing Jordan (S3) 08:00 Trans Tasman Touch Rugby Test 23:00 Everyday Things 01:00 Spotlight: Earth 22:00 Dive Olly Dive
04:50 Two Weeks 23:00 The Nanny (S6) Series - Women 02:00 Elephants Uncovered 22:25 Boowa And Kwala
06:35 Red Baron 23:30 The Nanny (S6) 09:00 Pegasus New Zealand Women’s 03:00 BITE NITE 22:30 Higglytown Heroes
08:30 Spaceballs Open Hosted By Christchurch 04:00 Night 23:00 Johnny And The Sprites
10:15 Resident Evil: Extinction 10:00 International Motorsport News 04:30 Night 23:25 Boowa And Kwala
11:50 Silence Of The Lambs, The 2010 05:00 Downsize My Pet 23:30 Make Way For Noddy
00:00 Csi: Crime Scene Investigation 01:00 Doomsday
13:50 Vip Access 11:00 Sports Max 05:30 Downsize My Pet
(Season 10) 03:00 American Gigolo
14:20 Dunston Checks In 12:00 V8 Supercars Highlight 06:00 Lemur Street
01:00 Csi: Ny (Season 5) 05:00 Not Another Teen Movie
15:55 Mississippi Burning 13:00 King Of Wake World Cup Series 06:30 Escape to Chimp Eden
02:00 World’s Most Amazing Videos 06:30 The Wire S510: -30-
18:05 1408 ‘08 #7 07:00 Up Close & Dangerous
(Season 4) 08:00 Joe’s Apartment
20:00 Skinwalkers 13:30 King Of Wake World Cup Series 08:00 Human Prey
03:00 Early Edition (Season 3) 09:15 10,000 B.c.
21:45 Australia ‘08 #9 09:00 Venom ER 2
04:00 House (Season 5) 11:00 Appaloosa
14:00 2009 East Asian Games - 10:00 The Crocodile Hunter 4
05:00 Masters Of Illusion 12:55 Alive
Badminton 11:00 Downsize My Pet
06:00 Early Edition (Season 3) 15:00 In Bruges
15:00 Sports Max 11:30 Downsize My Pet
07:00 Csi: Miami (Season 6) 16:45 10,000 B.c.
16:00 FA Classics 12:00 Lemur Street
01:00 The Man Who Loved Women 08:00 House (Season 5) 18:30 The Wire S510: -30-
17:00 Supa Strikas Tape 00:30hrs 12:30 Escape to Chimp Eden
03:00 Miracle Beach 09:00 Masters Of Illusion 20:00 The Tudors S201: Everything Is
17:30 Supa Strikas Tape 00:30hrs 13:00 Animal Cops South Africa
04:30 Retroactive 10:00 Early Edition (Season 3) Beautiful
18:00 Game 14:00 Up Close & Dangerous
06:00 Dirty Dozen: The Deadly 11:00 Csi: Miami (Season 6) 21:00 Revolution
18:30 2009 East Asian Games - 15:00 Human Prey
Mission 12:00 World’s Most Amazing Videos 22:45 Appaloosa
Badminton 16:00 Venom ER 2
07:45 Timebomb (Season 4) 20:00 Engine Block 2010 17:00 Downsize My Pet
09:15 Hidden Agenda 13:00 Wipeout Australia (Season 1) 20:30 Score Tonight 17:30 Downsize My Pet
11:00 Madison 14:00 House (Season 5) 21:00 Simply The Best 18:00 Lemur Street
12:45 Molly 15:00 Csi: Miami (Season 6) 21:30 MYEG Xtra Time 00:00 Shaolin Wuzang 18:30 Escape to Chimp Eden
14:30 Swimming to Cambodia 16:00 Masters Of Illusion 22:00 Ace 2010 00:30 Donald Duck Presents 19:00 Animal Cops South Africa
15:45 Impromptu 17:00 Wipeout (Season 2) 22:30 Game 01:00 Replacements, The 20:00 Up Close & Dangerous
17:30 Rob Roy 18:00 Csi: Ny (Season 5) 23:00 Behind The Baseline 01:30 American Dragon: Jake Long 21:00 Human Prey
20:00 Topkapi 19:00 Csi: Crime Scene Investigation 23:30 Score Tonight 02:00 Kim Possible 22:00 Eaten Alive
22:30 Thunderbolt and Lightfoot (Season 10) 02:30 Phineas And Ferb 23:00 The Crocodile Hunter 4
20:00 Chuck (Season 2) 03:00 Disney’s Lilo & Stitch: The
21:00 House (Season 6) Series
22:00 Damages (Season 3) 00:00 Clash Of The Dinosaurs
03:30 Suite Life Of Zack And Cody,
23:00 Sony Style Tv Magazine (Season 01:00 Monsters Resurrected
01:00 Are You Smarter Than A 5th The 00:00 Bunnytown
4) 02:00 Human Body: Pushing The
Grader? 04:00 Hannah Montana 00:30 Thomas & Friends
23:30 Chuck (Season 2) Limits
01:55 JACKIE CHAN ADVENTURES 04:30 Wizards Of Waverly Place 00:50 Pororo - The Little Penguin
03:00 Mythbusters S5
02:00 DAVID LETTERMAN 05:00 Good Morning Mickey 01:00 Mickey Mouse Clubhouse
04:00 Mega Engineering
02:55 Dilbert 05:30 Good Morning Mickey 01:25 Tiny Planets
05:00 Treasure Quest: Battle For The
03:00 7TH HEAVEN 00:30 Sportscenter Asia 06:00 House Of Mouse 01:30 My Friends Tigger & Pooh
Black Swan
03:55 MARRIED WITH CHILDREN 01:00 2009 East Asian Games - 06:30 Donald Duck Presents 02:00 Handy Manny
06:00 Human Body: Pushing The
04:00 My Wife and Kids Badminton 07:00 Animal Mechanicals 02:30 Special Agent Oso
04:30 My Wife and Kids 02:30 Planet Speed 2009/10 07:30 Dibo The Gift Dragon 03:00 Barney & Friends
07:00 Survivorman S1
05:00 Are You Smarter Than A 5th 03:00 2009 Women’s Tournament Of 08:00 Twisted Whiskers 03:30 Mighty Jungle, The
08:00 Planet Green
Grader? Champions 08:30 Replacements, The 04:00 Play With Me Sesame
09:00 Extreme Bodies
06:00 AMERICAN IDOL 04:00 Gravity Games 09:00 Phineas And Ferb 04:30 Clifford, The Big Red Dog
10:00 Mega Engineering
08:00 7TH HEAVEN 05:00 Fina Aquatics World 09:30 Totally Spies 05:00 JoJo’s Circus
11:00 How Do They Do It? S2
08:55 JACKIE CHAN ADVENTURES 05:30 Sportscenter Asia 10:00 Totally Spies 05:25 Boowa And Kwala
11:30 How It’s Made S7
09:00 KYLE XY 06:00 Uca/uda College Cheerleading 10:30 Monster Allergy 05:30 Barney & Friends
12:00 Mythbusters S5
09:55 Dilbert Championships 11:00 Globo Loco 06:00 Pocoyo
13:00 Planet Green

Night and Fog 

Hiu Ling (Zhang Jing-chu) asal Cina daratan menikahi pria tua Hong Kong, Sum (Simon
Yam), berharap ia bisa memperbaiki nasib dan keluarganya. Namun, yang terjadi malah
sebaliknya. Sum ternyata agresif, penuh cemburu, dan emosinya tak stabil. Meski
keduanya dan anak kembar mereka hidup pas-pasan dari uang pensiun, niatan Ling
25 Maret, bekerja paruh waktu malah dicurigai. Tak tahan, Ling kabur ke penampungan wanita.
Pukul 20.00 WIB Tapi Sum tak tinggal diam.

50 | primetime | Maret 2010

26 maret

04:00 My Wife and Kids 08:00 Extreme Bodies 07:00 Animal Mechanicals 00:50 Pororo - The Little Penguin
04:30 My Wife and Kids 09:00 Treasure Quest: Battle For The 07:30 Dibo The Gift Dragon 01:00 Mickey Mouse Clubhouse
00:30 Sportscenter Asia
00:45 True Blood S102: The First 05:00 Are You Smarter Than a 5th Black Swan 08:00 Twisted Whiskers 01:25 Tiny Planets
01:00 2009 East Asian Games
Taste Grader? 10:00 Mega Builders S1 08:30 Replacements, The 01:30 My Friends Tigger & Pooh
- Badminton
02:00 Beowulf 06:00 AMERICAN IDOL 11:00 How Do They Do It? S2 09:00 Phineas And Ferb 02:00 Handy Manny
03:00 2009 Women’s Tournament Of
04:00 Notting Hill 07:00 Friends 11:30 How It’s Made S7 09:30 Totally Spies 02:30 Special Agent Oso
06:00 The Tenth Circle 07:30 EVERYBODY LOVES 12:00 Mythbusters S5 10:00 Totally Spies 03:00 Barney & Friends
04:00 Gravity Games
07:25 True Blood S101: Strange Love RAYMOND 13:00 Survivorman S1 10:30 Monster Allergy 03:30 Mighty Jungle, The
05:00 Fins Season 3 #1
08:25 True Blood S102: The First 08:00 7TH HEAVEN 14:00 Really Big Things With Matt 11:00 Globo Loco 04:00 Play With Me Sesame
05:30 Sportscenter Asia
Taste 08:55 JACKIE CHAN ADVENTURES Rogers S2 11:30 Yin Yang Yo! 04:30 Clifford, The Big Red Dog
06:00 Uca/uda College Cheerleading
09:15 The Curious Case Of Benjamin 09:00 KYLE XY 15:00 Mega Engineering 12:00 Mr.Bean - The Animated Series 05:00 JoJo’s Circus
Button 09:55 Dilbert 16:00 Survivorman S2 12:30 Mr.Bean - Live Action Series 05:25 Boowa And Kwala
06:30 NBA Fastbreak 2009/10
12:00 The Anniversary Party 10:00 PRIVATE PRACTICE 17:00 How It’s Made S7 13:00 Aladdin 05:30 Barney & Friends
07:00 Castrol Football Crazy
13:45 Surrender 10:55 MARRIED WITH CHILDREN 17:30 How Do They Do It? S2 15:00 Upin & Ipin 06:00 Pocoyo
07:30 Planet Speed 2009/10
15:15 Marci X 11:00 LIFE 18:00 Hip Korea 15:30 Yin Yang Yo! 06:30 Higglytown Heroes
08:00 Sportscenter Right Now
16:30 Pontiac Moon 12:00 AMERICAN IDOL 19:00 Mythbusters S6 16:00 Pucca 07:00 My Friends Tigger & Pooh
08:01 Winter X Games 02:58hrs
18:15 True Colors 13:00 EVERYBODY LOVES 20:00 Human Body: Pushing The 16:30 Super Robot Monkey Team 07:25 Bert And Ernie’s Great
10:59 Sportscenter Right Now
20:00 Hancock RAYMOND Limits Hyperforce Go! Adventures
11:00 Castrol Football Crazy
21:30 Tmz 199 13:30 Friends 21:00 Solved S2 17:00 Phineas And Ferb 07:30 Little Einsteins
11:30 Planet Speed 2009/10
22:00 The Curious Case Of Benjamin 14:00 Scrubs 22:00 Extreme Forensics 17:30 Mr.Bean - The Animated Series 08:00 WordWorld
12:00 Anz Ladies Masters
Button 14:30 Scrubs 23:00 Extreme Bodies 18:00 Mr.Bean - Live Action Series 08:30 Mickey Mouse Clubhouse
13:00 Gravity Games
14:55 Dilbert 18:30 Finn On The Fly 09:00 Handy Manny
14:00 Sportscenter Right Now
15:00 KYLE XY 20:30 Mr.Bean - The Animated Series 09:30 Animal Mechanicals
14:01 PBA Tour : Go Rving Match
15:55 MARRIED WITH CHILDREN 21:00 Upin & Ipin 09:55 Classic Tales
Play Championship
16:00 Are You Smarter Than a 5th 00:00 Seconds From Disaster 21:30 Shaun The Sheep 10:00 Chuggington
15:30 2008 Wake Awards
01:15 Dream Man Grader? 01:00 Megastructures 22:00 Phineas And Ferb 10:20 Pororo - The Little Penguin
16:00 Sportscenter Right Now
02:45 The Wire S311: Middle Ground 17:00 Whose Line Is It Anyway? 02:00 Megastructures 22:30 Wizards Of Waverly Place 10:30 Special Agent Oso
16:01 Uca/uda College Cheerleading
03:40 The Wire S312: Mission 17:30 According To Jim 03:00 Everyday Things 23:00 Hannah Montana 11:00 Dive Olly Dive
Accomplished 18:00 Friends 04:00 Megastructures 23:30 Shaun The Sheep 11:25 Tiny Planets
17:00 Contenders, The
04:45 Night Of The Scarecrow 18:30 EVERYBODY LOVES 05:00 Megastructures 11:30 Higglytown Heroes
17:30 Castrol Football Crazy
06:00 The Spirit RAYMOND 06:00 Theme Week 12:00 Animal Mechanicals
18:00 Planet Speed 2009/10
08:00 Westworld 19:00 PSYCH 07:00 Situation Critical 12:25 Bert And Ernie’s Great
18:30 Sportscenter Asia
10:00 Severed Ties 20:00 MONK 08:00 ABOUT ASIA 01:25 Angel Adventures
19:00 Football Forecast
12:00 Body Parts 21:00 HEROES 09:00 Hunter Hunted 03:40 Voice of a Murderer 12:30 Dibo The Gift Dragon
19:30 Global Football
13:30 My Bloody Valentine 22:00 TWO AND HALF MEN 10:00 Lizard Kings 06:05 Rainbow Song 13:00 My Friends Tigger & Pooh
20:00 First Edition
15:00 Poison Ivy The New Seduction 23:00 Whose Line Is It Anyway? 11:00 Dogtown 08:10 The Luckiest Man 13:30 Handy Manny
20:30 Planet Speed 2009/10
16:45 When Worlds Collide 23:30 According To Jim 12:00 ABOUT ASIA 09:45 Libera Me 14:00 Special Agent Oso
21:00 Sportscenter Asia
18:15 Westworld 13:00 No Borders 11:50 Fighting Fist 14:30 Dive Olly Dive
21:30 Football Forecast
19:45 Epad On Max 52 14:00 The Living Edens 13:25 Hero Beyond The Boundary Of 15:00 Chloe’s Closet
22:00 First Edition
20:00 Day Of The Warrior 15:00 Hunter Hunted Time 15:25 Classic Tales
22:30 Contenders, The
21:45 My Bloody Valentine 16:00 Animals in Danger 15:00 Triangle 15:30 Clifford, The Big Red Dog
00:00 ER (S5) 23:00 Sportscenter Asia
23:15 Severed Ties 17:00 Theme Week 16:35 The Big Spender 16:00 Dibo The Gift Dragon
01:00 Roman Spring Of Mrs Stone 23:30 Cev Beach Volleyball European
18:00 Situation Critical 18:15 Tactical Unit III - Partners 16:30 Mickey Mouse Clubhouse
03:00 Hearts Adrift Championship Tour - English
19:00 ABOUT ASIA 20:00 Red Cliff 17:00 Pocoyo
05:00 Hello Sister, Goodbye Life Masters
20:00 Riddles Of The Bible 22:30 Red Cliff 2 17:30 Higglytown Heroes
07:00 The Nanny (S6) 17:55 Tiny Planets
00:35 Spaceballs 21:00 Florence Unlocked
07:30 The Nanny (S6) 18:00 My Friends Tigger & Pooh
02:15 Vip Access: Face2face 22:00 Theme Week
08:00 The Oprah Winfrey Show (S24) 18:30 Little Einsteins
02:45 1408 23:00 Megastructures
09:00 Crossing Jordan (S3) 00:00 Ace 2010 19:00 WordWorld
04:35 Riddles Of The Sphinx, The 10:00 The Good Wife (S1) 00:00 Lemur Street
00:30 Hot Water 2009/10 19:30 Mickey Mouse Clubhouse
06:15 Flashbacks Of A Fool 11:00 Army Wives (S2) 00:30 Escape to Chimp Eden
01:30 Planet Speed 2009/10 20:00 Handy Manny
08:00 Jingle All The Way 12:00 The Oprah Winfrey Show 01:00 Animal Cops South Africa
02:00 2009 East Asian Games 20:30 Animal Mechanicals
09:35 Cyborg Soldier 13:00 The Biggest Loser (S5) 02:00 Up Close & Dangerous
- Swimming (Day 4) 21:00 Chuggington
11:05 Skinwalkers 14:00 Roman Spring Of Mrs Stone 01:00 In Bruges 03:00 Human Prey
04:00 AFC Champions League 2010 21:25 Bert And Ernie’s Great
12:45 Misery 16:00 ER (S5) 03:00 Cool World 04:00 Eaten Alive
06:00 Ace 2010 Adventures
14:35 Baby’s Day Out 17:00 The Nanny (S6) 05:00 61* 05:00 Downsize My Pet
06:30 Simply The Best 21:30 Special Agent Oso
16:20 Things To Do In Denver When 17:30 The Nanny (S6) 07:00 The Tudors S201: Everything Is 05:30 Downsize My Pet
07:00 Hot Water 2009/10 22:00 Dive Olly Dive
You’re Dead 18:00 The Biggest Loser (S5) Beautiful 06:00 Lemur Street
08:00 Game 22:25 Boowa And Kwala
18:15 My Best Friend’s Girl 19:00 The Oprah Winfrey Show 08:00 The Tudors S202: Tears Of 06:30 Escape to Chimp Eden
08:30 Behind The Baseline 22:30 Higglytown Heroes
20:00 Mist, The 20:00 Midsomer Murders (S9) Blood 07:00 Animal Planet Reveals Asia
09:00 Ace 2010 23:00 Johnny And The Sprites
22:05 Rogue Assassin 22:00 Sea Patrol (S3) 09:15 Gossip 08:00 The Pack
09:30 NBA Regular Season 2009/10 23:25 Boowa And Kwala
23:50 Untraceable 23:00 The Nanny (S6) 11:00 10,000 B.c. 08:30 Young and Wild 2
12:00 Behind The Baseline 23:30 Make Way For Noddy
23:30 The Nanny (S6) 12:30 Ace 2010 12:45 Boyz N The Hood 09:00 Fooled By Nature
13:00 2008 Vans Cup At Tahoe : 14:45 Radio Flyer 09:30 Fooled By Nature
Show 1 16:45 61* 10:00 The Crocodile Hunter 4
00:30 Mr. Majestyk 13:30 2008 Vans Cup At Tahoe: Show 19:00 The Tudors S201: Everything Is 11:00 Downsize My Pet
00:30 House (Season 6)
02:15 The Killer Elite 2 Beautiful 11:30 Downsize My Pet
01:30 Damages (Season 3)
04:15 Gothic 14:00 2009 East Asian Games 20:00 The Tudors S202: Tears Of 12:00 Lemur Street
02:30 Ebuzz
05:45 Wild Orchid - Badminton Blood 12:30 Escape to Chimp Eden
03:00 Early Edition (Season 3)
07:30 The Rosary Murders 15:00 AFC Champions League 2010 21:00 By The People: The Election Of 13:00 Crime Scene Wild
04:00 House (Season 5)
09:15 Rush 17:00 MYEG Xtra Time Barack Obama 14:00 Animal Planet Reveals Asia
05:00 Masters Of Illusion
11:15 Eureka 17:30 Ace 2010 23:00 10,000 B.c. 15:00 The Pack
06:00 Early Edition (Season 3)
13:15 The Burning Bed 18:00 World Sport 2010 15:30 Young and Wild 2
07:00 Csi: Miami (Season 6)
15:00 Dirty Pictures 18:30 2009 East Asian Games 16:00 Fooled By Nature
08:00 House (Season 5)
16:45 Saved - Badminton 16:30 Fooled By Nature
09:00 Masters Of Illusion
18:15 Hard Promises 20:30 Score Tonight 17:00 Downsize My Pet
10:00 Early Edition (Season 3)
20:00 Alias Jesse James 21:00 NBA Regular Season 2009/10 00:00 Shaolin Wuzang 17:30 Downsize My Pet
11:00 Csi: Miami (Season 6)
21:45 The Program 23:00 Simply The Best 00:30 Donald Duck Presents 18:00 Lemur Street
12:00 Sony Style Tv Magazine (Season
23:45 Il Tango Della Gelosia 23:30 Score Tonight 01:00 Replacements, The 18:30 Escape to Chimp Eden
01:30 American Dragon: Jake Long 19:00 Crime Scene Wild
12:30 Ebuzz
02:00 Kim Possible 20:00 Animal Planet Reveals Asia
13:00 Chuck (Season 2)
02:30 Phineas And Ferb 21:00 The Pack
14:00 House (Season 5) 00:00 Mega Engineering 03:00 Disney’s Lilo & Stitch: The 21:30 Young and Wild 2
00:00 Friends 15:00 Csi: Miami (Season 6) 01:00 Destroyed In Seconds Series 22:00 Fooled By Nature
00:30 EVERYBODY LOVES 16:00 Masters Of Illusion 01:30 Destroyed In Seconds 03:30 Suite Life Of Zack And Cody, 22:30 Fooled By Nature
RAYMOND 17:00 Damages (Season 3) 02:00 Unknown Taiwan The 23:00 The Crocodile Hunter 4
01:00 Are You Smarter Than a 5th 18:00 House (Season 6) 03:00 Mythbusters S5
Grader? 19:00 Sony Style Tv Magazine (Season 04:00 Hannah Montana
04:00 Extreme Bodies 04:30 Wizards Of Waverly Place
01:55 JACKIE CHAN ADVENTURES 4) 05:00 Deadliest Catch S5
02:00 DAVID LETTERMAN 19:30 Ebuzz 05:00 Good Morning Mickey
06:00 Really Big Things With Matt 05:30 Good Morning Mickey
02:55 Dilbert 20:00 Perfect Stranger Rogers S2 06:00 House Of Mouse 00:00 Bunnytown
03:00 7TH HEAVEN 22:30 Las Vegas (Season 5) 07:00 Prehistoric Disasters 06:30 Donald Duck Presents 00:30 Thomas & Friends
03:55 MARRIED WITH CHILDREN 23:30 Numb3rs (Season 4)

By The People: The Election Of Barack Obama

Setahun sebelum Barack Obama mengumumkan dirinya jadi capres pada 2007, sineas
Amy Rice dan Alicia Sams mulai mengikutinya kemana-mana. Lalu, selama 19 bulan
berikutnya mereka jadi saksi bagaimana Obama, keluarganya, para staf, dan sukarelawan
26 Maret, berjuang membawanya jadi presiden. Sudah banyak pers meliput kampanye Obama,
Pukul 21.00 WIB tapi hanya beberapa yang jadi saksi apa yang terjadi di balik layar kampanye itu.

Maret 2010 | primetime | 51


06:00 Theme Week

10:30 EVERYBODY LOVES 14:00 NBA Action 2009/10 07:00 Locked Up Abroad 18:30 Incredibles, The
RAYMOND 14:28 Sportcenter Weekend 08:00 Helicopter Wars 20:30 Sonny With A Chance
00:45 The Tenth Circle 11:00 AMERICAN IDOL 14:30 European Short Course 09:00 Megastructures 21:00 Ozzie
02:15 Elizabeth 13:00 PRIVATE PRACTICE Swimming Championship 10:00 Nat Geo Junior 23:00 Shaun The Sheep
04:15 Hancock 14:00 LIFE 16:58 Sportcenter Weekend 10:30 Nat Geo Junior
06:00 Notting Hill 15:00 PSYCH 17:00 First Edition 11:00 Animals in Danger
08:00 The Tenth Circle 16:00 MONK 17:28 Sportcenter Weekend 12:00 Monster Fish Of The Congo
09:30 The Unborn (2009) 17:00 HEROES 17:30 Anz Ladies Masters 13:00 The Living Edens 00:55 The Detective
11:00 Hbo Central 18:00 GLEE 18:30 Sportscenter Week In Review 14:00 Mega Factories 02:50 Brothers
11:30 The Godfather 19:00 AMERICAN IDOL 19:00 NBA Regular Season 2009/10 15:00 World’s Toughest Fixes 04:40 The Haunted Cop Shop II
14:20 The Godfather Part Ii 21:00 Most Shocking 21:28 Sportcenter Weekend 16:00 Theme Week 06:15 Attack on the Pin-Up Boy
17:35 Forrest Gump 22:00 THE SIMPLE LIFE 21:30 World 10-Ball Championship 17:00 Theme Week 07:40 A Chinese Tall Story
20:00 No Country For Old Men 22:30 THE GOODE FAMILY 2009 18:00 Six Degrees Could Change The 09:30 Loving You
22:00 Tmz 200 23:00 AMERICAN IDOL World 10:55 Confession of Pain
22:20 The Unborn (2009) 19:00 Gone To Save The Planet 12:45 Hero
19:30 Earth Hour 14:20 Infernal Affairs 3
00:00 V8 Supercars Highlight 20:30 Gone To Save The Planet 16:20 The Sparrow
01:00 2009 East Asian Games - 21:00 Mega Factories 17:50 Purple Storm
00:00 ER (S5) 22:00 Monster Fish
Swimming (Day 5) 20:00 The Sniper
01:00 Hello Sister, Goodbye Life 23:00 Megastructures
00:45 Epad On Max 52 03:30 Behind The Baseline 21:30 Shinjuku Incident
03:00 Midsomer Murders (S9)
01:00 Alien Hunter 04:00 Ace 2010 23:30 Lady Cop and Papa Crook
05:00 Blue River
02:30 Heart Of Darkness 04:30 Glitch
07:00 The Nanny (S6)
04:15 Day Of The Warrior 05:00 Golf Focus 2010
07:30 The Nanny (S6)
06:00 Westworld 05:30 Engine Block 2010
08:00 For One Night
07:30 King Rat 06:00 MYEG Xtra Time 01:00 Radio Flyer 00:00 Lemur Street
10:00 The Nanny (S2)
09:45 The Wire S311: Middle Ground 06:30 World Sport 2010 03:00 By The People: The Election Of 00:30 Escape to Chimp Eden
10:30 The Nanny (S2)
10:40 The Wire S312: Mission 07:00 V8 Supercars Highlight Barack Obama 01:00 Crime Scene Wild
11:00 The Nanny (S2)
Accomplished 08:00 Simply The Best 05:00 Appaloosa 02:00 Animal Planet Reveals Asia
11:30 The Nanny (S2)
12:00 My Bloody Valentine 08:30 Glitch 07:00 The Tudors S203: Checkmate 03:00 The Pack
12:00 The Oprah Winfrey Show
13:30 Epad On Max 52 09:00 Game 08:00 The Tudors S204: The Act Of 03:30 Young and Wild 2
13:00 Breaking Through
13:50 When Worlds Collide 09:30 Lives In The Fast Lane Succession 04:00 Fooled By Nature
15:00 The Good Wife (S1)
15:30 Alien Hunter 10:00 MYEG Xtra Time 09:00 Devil In A Blue Dress 04:30 Fooled By Nature
16:00 Crossing Jordan (S3)
17:00 Perfect Alibi 10:30 World Sport 2010 11:00 Head Case S201: The Wedding 05:00 Downsize My Pet
17:00 Without A Trace (S4)
18:30 Body Parts 11:00 Immortals, The Ringer 05:30 Downsize My Pet
18:00 Army Wives (S2)
20:00 Hangman 11:30 Global Football 11:25 Head Case S202: Talk To The 06:00 Lemur Street
19:00 The Oprah Winfrey Show
21:30 Epad On Max 52 12:00 Fina Aquatics World List 06:30 Escape to Chimp Eden
20:00 The Biggest Loser Special
22:00 Westworld 12:30 Engine Block 2010 11:50 Head Case S203: Tying The… 07:00 NYPD Animal Squad
23:30 The Wire S311: Middle Ground 12:50 FIA F1 World Championship Not 08:00 Chasing Nature
21:00 The Biggest Loser Special
Edition Qualifying 2010 12:15 Head Case S204: Elizabeth 09:00 Pride: Talking with Lions
22:00 For One Night 14:30 Behind The Baseline Hughes 09:30 Breed All About It
15:00 Anz Ladies Masters 12:45 Head Case S205: Back In The 10:00 Echo and the Elephants of
16:00 Contenders, The Game Amboseli
01:35 Carny
16:30 Contenders, The 13:15 In Bruges 10:30 Meerkat Manor
03:05 My Best Friend’s Girl
00:30 The Amazing Race (Season 16) 17:00 Game 15:00 10,000 B.c. 11:00 Wild Hearts
04:50 Driving Lessons
01:30 Las Vegas (Season 5) 17:30 MotoGP Official Test Sdd/tape 17:00 By The People: The Election Of 12:00 BITE NITE
06:30 Vip Access
02:30 Video Zonkers (Season 2) 01:00hr Barack Obama 13:00 Into the Lion’s Den
07:00 Cutting Edge, The: Chasing 11:00 Imagination Movers
03:00 Early Edition (Season 3) 18:30 Euroleague 19:00 The Tudors S203: Checkmate 15:00 ANIMAL PLANET SHOWCASE
The Dream 11:30 JoJo’s Circus
04:00 House (Season 5) 20:25 FIA F1 World Championship 20:00 The Tudors S204: The Act Of 16:00 ANIMAL PLANET SHOWCASE
08:40 Iron Will 12:00 Animal Mechanicals
05:00 Csi: Ny (Season 4) Qualifying 2010 Succession 17:00 Groomer Has It 2
10:35 Grace Is Gone 12:25 Bert And Ernie’s Great
06:00 Csi: Ny (Season 4) 22:00 MotoGP Official Test Sdd/tape 21:00 Truman 18:00 The Pack
12:10 Mist, The Adventures
07:00 David Blaine: Drowned Alive 01:00hr 23:15 Pineapple Express 18:30 Young and Wild 2
14:20 Courage Under Fire 12:30 Dibo The Gift Dragon
08:00 Numb3rs (Season 4) 23:00 Anz Ladies Masters 19:00 Elephants Uncovered
16:20 88 Minutes 13:00 My Friends Tigger & Pooh
09:00 Perfect Stranger 20:00 BITE NITE
18:10 Hot Chick, The 13:30 Handy Manny
11:30 Ebuzz 21:00 Kingdom of the Elephants
20:00 Max Payne 14:00 Jungle Junction
12:00 The Amazing Race (Season 16) 22:00 The Making of Kingdom of the
21:45 Four Weddings And A Funeral 14:30 Higglytown Heroes
13:00 Numb3rs (Season 4) 00:00 Human Body: Pushing The 00:00 Shaolin Wuzang Elephants
23:45 Transporter 3 14:55 Tiny Planets
14:00 Perfect Stranger Limits 00:30 Donald Duck Presents 22:30 Lords of the Animals - Chami &
16:30 House (Season 6) 01:00 Replacements, The 15:00 Dibo The Gift Dragon
01:00 Extreme Forensics Ana the Elephant 15:30 Chuggington
17:30 Sony Style Tv Magazine 02:00 Man Made Marvels: Hangzhou 01:30 American Dragon: Jake Long 23:00 Groomer Has It 2
(Season 4) 02:00 Kim Possible 15:55 Global Grover
Bay Bridge 16:00 Mickey Mouse Clubhouse
18:00 The Amazing Race (Season 16) 03:00 Mythbusters S5 02:30 Phineas And Ferb
01:30 Rockula 16:30 Mickey Mouse Clubhouse
19:00 Clive Barker’s The Plague 04:00 Solved S2 03:00 Disney’s Lilo & Stitch: The
03:00 Joe 17:00 Dibo The Gift Dragon
21:00 Ebuzz 05:00 Mega Engineering Series
04:45 Interiors 17:15 Handy Manny
21:30 Lost (Season 5) 06:00 Extreme Bodies 03:30 Suite Life Of Zack And Cody, 00:00 Bunnytown
06:15 From Noon Till Three 17:25 JoJo’s Circus
22:30 House (Season 6) 07:00 Hip Korea The 00:30 Thomas & Friends
08:00 Fluke 17:40 Chloe’s Closet
23:30 Clive Barker’s The Plague 08:00 Unknown Taiwan 04:00 Hannah Montana 00:50 Pororo - The Little Penguin
09:45 In The Time of the Butterflies 17:50 Pororo - The Little Penguin
09:00 Real Wolf Kids 04:30 Wizards Of Waverly Place 01:00 Mickey Mouse Clubhouse
11:15 The Mercenary 18:00 Special Agent Oso
10:00 Stephen Hawking And The 05:00 Good Morning Mickey 01:25 Tiny Planets
13:00 Peter’s Friends 18:30 Little Einsteins
Theory Of Everything 05:30 Good Morning Mickey 01:30 My Friends Tigger & Pooh
14:45 New Year’s Evil 00:30 Sportscenter Asia 19:00 Imagination Movers
11:00 Extreme Bodies 06:00 House Of Mouse 02:00 Handy Manny
16:15 Pocket Money 01:00 Football Forecast 19:25 Classic Tales
12:00 How Do They Do It? S6 06:30 Donald Duck Presents 02:30 Special Agent Oso
18:00 Hoosiers 01:30 Planet Speed 2009/10 19:30 Mickey Mouse Clubhouse
12:30 One Step Beyond S2 07:00 Shaun The Sheep 03:00 Barney & Friends
20:00 Troll 2 02:00 First Edition 20:00 My Friends Tigger & Pooh
13:00 Prehistoric Disasters 07:30 Mr.Bean - The Animated Series 03:30 Mighty Jungle, The
21:45 Double Trouble 02:30 PBA Tour : Go Rving Match 20:30 Dibo The Gift Dragon
14:00 Survivorman S2 08:00 Stitch! 04:00 Play With Me Sesame
23:15 CQ Play Championship 21:00 Handy Manny
15:00 Discovery Turbo 08:30 Phineas And Ferb 04:30 Clifford, The Big Red Dog
04:00 Extreme Programming 00:30hr 21:25 Bert And Ernie’s Great
16:00 Discovery Turbo 09:00 Little Mermaid, The: Ariel’s 05:00 JoJo’s Circus
04:30 Football Forecast Adventures
17:00 Eco Taiwan: Formosan Salmon Beginning 05:25 Boowa And Kwala
05:00 Planet Speed 2009/10 21:30 Harry And His Bucket Full Of
18:00 Monsters Resurrected 11:00 Pucca 05:30 Johnny And The Sprites
05:30 Sportscenter Asia Dinosaurs
00:00 Friends 19:00 Extreme Bodies 11:30 Oggy And The Cockroaches 06:00 Harry And His Bucket Full Of
06:00 NBA Regular Season 2009/10 22:00 Thomas & Friends
00:30 EVERYBODY LOVES RAYMOND 20:00 Lobestermen 12:00 Mr.Bean - Live Action Series Dinosaurs
08:30 NBA Action 2009/10 22:20 Pororo - The Little Penguin
01:00 Are You Smarter Than a 5th 21:00 Dragons: A Fantasy Made Real 12:30 Mr.Bean - The Animated Series 06:25 Global Grover
09:00 First Edition 22:30 Bob The Builder Project: Build
Grader? 23:00 Mega Engineering 13:00 Replacements, The 06:30 Mighty Jungle, The
09:30 Football Forecast It
02:00 AMERICAN IDOL 13:30 Phineas And Ferb 07:00 Elmo’s World
10:00 Planet Speed 2009/10 22:55 Classic Tales
04:00 DAVID LETTERMAN 14:00 Stitch! 07:30 Dive Olly Dive
10:30 Castrol Football Crazy 23:00 Johnny And The Sprites
05:00 PSYCH 14:30 Pucca 07:55 Tiny Planets
11:00 Sportscenter Week In Review 23:25 Boowa And Kwala
06:00 MONK 15:00 Totally Spies 08:00 Jungle Junction
11:30 Simply The Best 00:00 Situation Critical 23:30 Make Way For Noddy
07:00 HEROES 15:30 Suite Life On Deck, The 08:30 Mickey Mouse Clubhouse
12:00 Players Lives 01:00 Riddles Of The Bible
08:00 According To Jim 16:00 Hannah Montana 09:00 Handy Manny
12:30 First Edition 02:00 Florence Unlocked
08:30 EVERYBODY LOVES RAYMOND 16:30 Jonas 09:30 Little Einsteins
13:00 Football Forecast 03:00 Megastructures
09:00 EVERYBODY LOVES RAYMOND 17:00 Phineas And Ferb 10:00 My Friends Tigger & Pooh
13:30 Immortals, The 04:00 Riddles Of The Bible
09:30 EVERYBODY LOVES RAYMOND 17:30 Oggy And The Cockroaches 10:30 Special Agent Oso
13:58 Sportcenter Weekend 05:00 Florence Unlocked
10:00 EVERYBODY LOVES RAYMOND 18:00 Mr.Bean - Live Action Series

Perfect Stranger
Ketika wartawan Rowena Price (Halle Berry) mencurigai kalau kematian kawannya
berkaitan dengan seorang eksekutif berpengaruh Harrison Hill (Bruce Willis).
Rowena lalu menyamar bekerja di kantor Hill. Semakin dalam Rowena menyelidik,
27 Maret, semakin terancam ia.
Pukul 14.00 WIB

52 | primetime | Maret 2010

28 maret

09:00 Friends 07:30 Sportscenter Week In Review 20:00 Secrets Of The Dinosaur 04:00 Hannah Montana
09:30 Friends 08:00 Bass : 2010 Bassmaster Classic Mummy 04:30 Wizards Of Waverly Place
00:00 Pale Rider 10:00 Friends Highlight Show 21:00 The Four-Winged Dinosaur 05:00 Good Morning Mickey
00:00 Bunnytown
02:00 Lethal Weapon 2 10:30 Friends 09:00 Drug Aware Pro 2009 22:00 Clash Of The Dinosaurs 05:30 Good Morning Mickey
00:30 Thomas & Friends
03:55 Lethal Weapon 4 11:00 AMERICAN IDOL 10:00 Grand American Series : 23:00 Secrets Of The Dinosaur 06:00 House Of Mouse
00:50 Pororo - The Little Penguin
06:00 3 Ninjas: High Noon At Mega 12:00 GLEE Homestead-Miami Mummy 06:30 Donald Duck Presents
01:00 Mickey Mouse Clubhouse
Mountain 13:00 The King Of Queens 11:00 Football Asia 07:00 Shaun The Sheep
01:25 Tiny Planets
07:30 Hbo Central 13:30 HOW I MET YOUR MOTHER 11:30 Fina Aquatics World 07:30 Mr.Bean - The Animated Series
01:30 My Friends Tigger & Pooh
08:00 Notting Hill 14:00 RULES OF ENGAGEMENT 12:00 2010 US Figure Skating 08:00 Stitch!
02:00 Handy Manny
10:00 True Blood S101: Strange Love 14:30 SCRUBS Championships 00:00 Helicopter Wars 08:30 Phineas And Ferb
02:30 Special Agent Oso
11:00 True Blood S102: The First 15:00 Eli Stone 13:58 Sportcenter Weekend 01:00 Mega Factories 09:00 Incredibles, The
03:00 Barney & Friends
Taste 16:00 THE SIMPLE LIFE 14:00 2010 US Figure Skating 02:00 Typhoon Hunters 11:00 Super Robot Monkey Team
03:30 Mighty Jungle, The
12:00 No Country For Old Men 16:30 THE GOODE FAMILY Championships 03:00 Megastructures Hyperforce Go!
04:00 Play With Me Sesame
14:00 Scrooged 17:00 Most Shocking 15:58 Sportcenter Weekend 04:00 Helicopter Wars 11:30 Amazing Spiez, The
04:30 Clifford, The Big Red Dog
15:40 A Very Brady Sequel 18:00 MONK 16:00 Players Lives 05:00 Mega Factories 12:00 Mr.Bean - Live Action Series
05:00 JoJo’s Circus
17:10 Hbo Central 19:00 AMERICAN IDOL 16:30 Planet Speed 2009/10 06:00 Typhoon Hunters 12:30 Mr.Bean - The Animated Series
05:25 Boowa And Kwala
17:35 Into The Wild 20:00 JIMMY KIMMEL 17:00 Football Asia 07:00 Perilous Journeys 13:00 Replacements, The
05:30 Johnny And The Sprites
20:00 Body Of Lies 21:00 Asia Uncut 17:30 Contenders, The 08:00 World’s Toughest Fixes 13:30 Phineas And Ferb
06:00 Harry And His Bucket Full Of
22:15 Beowulf 22:00 HEROES 17:58 Sportcenter Weekend 09:00 Mega Factories 14:00 Stitch!
23:00 AMERICAN IDOL 18:00 Contenders, The 10:00 Nat Geo Junior 14:30 Pucca
06:25 Global Grover
18:28 Sportcenter Weekend 10:30 Nat Geo Junior 15:00 Totally Spies
06:30 Mighty Jungle, The
18:30 Simply The Best 11:00 Food Lovers Guide To The 15:30 Suite Life On Deck, The
07:00 Elmo’s World
19:00 European Short Course Plane 16:00 Hannah Montana
07:30 Dive Olly Dive
00:25 The Wire S312: Mission Swimming Championship 11:30 Food Lovers Guide To The 16:30 Jonas
00:00 Sea Patrol (S3) 07:55 Tiny Planets
Accomplished 21:30 Contenders, The Plane 17:00 Phineas And Ferb
01:00 The Nanny (S2) 08:00 Jungle Junction
01:30 My Bloody Valentine 22:00 Contenders, The 12:00 Monster Fish 17:30 Oggy And The Cockroaches
01:30 The Nanny (S2) 08:30 Mickey Mouse Clubhouse
03:00 Poison Ivy The New Seduction 22:30 European Short Course 13:00 Theme Week 18:00 Mr.Bean - Live Action Series
02:00 The Nanny (S2) 09:00 Handy Manny
04:30 Hangman Swimming Championship 14:00 Theme Week 18:30 Wizards Of Waverly Place: The
02:30 The Nanny (S2) 09:30 Little Einsteins
06:00 The Wire S311: Middle Ground 15:00 Theme Week Movie
03:00 Blue River 10:00 My Friends Tigger & Pooh
06:55 The Wire S312: Mission 16:00 Monster Fish Of The Congo 20:30 Zeke And Luther
05:00 Midsomer Murders (S9) 10:30 Special Agent Oso
Accomplished 17:00 Monster Fish 21:00 Lilo & Stitch
07:00 The Nanny (S2) 11:00 Imagination Movers
08:00 Perfect Alibi 00:00 Classic Boxing 01:00hrs 18:00 Typhoon Hunters 23:00 Shaun The Sheep
07:30 The Nanny (S2) 11:30 JoJo’s Circus
09:45 Epad On Max 52 01:00 Classic Boxing 01:00hrs 19:00 Animals In Danger 30min
08:00 The Biggest Loser Special 12:00 Animal Mechanicals
10:00 Body Parts 02:00 FIA F1 World Championship 19:30 Hidden Worlds
Edition 12:25 Bert And Ernie’s Great
12:00 Day Of The Warrior Qualifying 2010 20:00 Theme Week
09:00 The Biggest Loser Special 01:05 Invisible Target Adventures
13:45 King Rat 03:30 Fina Aquatics World 21:00 Theme Week
Edition 03:20 The Best Of Best 12:30 Dibo The Gift Dragon
16:00 Westworld 04:00 V8 Supercars Highlight 22:00 Theme Week
10:00 Crossing Jordan (S3) 05:10 Say Goodbye... Luisa 13:00 My Friends Tigger & Pooh
17:45 Epad On Max 52 05:00 FA Classics 23:00 Mega Factories
11:00 The Good Wife (S1) 06:00 The Banquet 13:30 Handy Manny
18:00 The Wire S311: Middle Ground 06:00 FIA F1 World Championship
12:00 The Oprah Winfrey Show 08:10 SPL 14:00 Jungle Junction
18:55 The Wire S312: Mission Qualifying 2010
13:00 Without A Trace (S4) 09:45 Cinema Today 14:30 Higglytown Heroes
Accomplished 07:30 Behind The Baseline
14:00 Army Wives (S2) 10:45 Mad Detective 14:55 Tiny Planets
20:00 April Fool’s Day (2008) 08:00 Planet Speed 2009/10
15:00 Sea Patrol (S3) 12:20 Look for a Star 15:00 Dibo The Gift Dragon
21:45 Trick ‘R Treat 08:30 Ace 2010
16:00 Mystery Woman 01:00 Head Case S201: The Wedding 14:25 Tactical Unit V - Comrades in 15:30 Chuggington
23:15 Body Parts 09:00 Masters Official Films 2008
18:00 Greek (S2) Ringer Arms 15:55 Global Grover
10:00 Anz Ladies Masters 16:00 Mickey Mouse Clubhouse
19:00 The Oprah Winfrey Show 01:25 Head Case S202: Talk To The 16:00 A1
11:00 Game 16:30 Mickey Mouse Clubhouse
20:00 McBride: Semper Fi List 17:50 Rob-B-Hood
11:30 Ace 2010 17:00 Dibo The Gift Dragon
22:00 Mystery Woman: Vision Of A 01:50 Head Case S203: Tying The… 20:00 The Warlords
01:35 100 Feet 12:00 FIA F1 World Championship 17:15 Handy Manny
Murder Not 22:10 The Beast Stalker
03:15 My Mom’s New Boyfriend Raceday 2010 17:25 JoJo’s Circus
02:15 Head Case S204: Elizabeth
05:00 Hot Chick, The 12:45 FIA F1 World Championship 17:40 Chloe’s Closet
06:45 College Road Trip 2010 - Main Race 17:50 Pororo - The Little Penguin
01:30 Lost (Season 5) 02:45 Head Case S205: Back In The
08:15 Four Weddings And A Funeral 14:45 FIA F1 World Championship 18:00 Special Agent Oso
02:30 Ebuzz Game 00:00 The Pack
10:15 Fanboys Chequered Flag 2010 18:30 Little Einsteins
03:00 Csi: Ny (Season 4) 03:15 In Bruges 00:30 Young and Wild 2
11:55 Max Payne 15:30 Masters Official Films 2008 19:00 Imagination Movers
04:00 Csi: Ny (Season 4) 05:00 The Fighting Temptations 01:00 Elephants Uncovered
13:40 Longshots, The 16:30 Anz Ladies Masters 19:25 Classic Tales
05:00 Csi: Ny (Season 4) 07:00 The Tudors S205: His Majesty’s 02:00 BITE NITE
15:20 Deception 17:30 V8 Supercars Highlight 19:30 Mickey Mouse Clubhouse
06:00 Ebuzz Pleasure 03:00 Kingdom of the Elephants
17:10 Rain Man 18:30 Euroleague 20:00 My Friends Tigger & Pooh
06:30 World’s Most Amazing Videos 07:55 The Tudors S206: The 04:00 The Making of Kingdom of the
19:30 Vip Access 20:30 FIA F1 World Championship 20:30 Dibo The Gift Dragon
(Season 4) Definition Of Love Elephants
20:00 Killshot Raceday 2010 21:00 Handy Manny
07:30 Sony Style Tv Magazine (Season 08:45 Black Hawk Down 04:30 Lords of the Animals - Chami &
21:45 X2: X-men United 21:15 FIA F1 World Championship 21:25 Bert And Ernie’s Great
4) 11:00 Head Case S206: Short On Ana the Elephant
2010 - Main Race Adventures
08:00 Chuck (Season 2) Love 05:00 Human Prey
23:15 FIA F1 World Championship 21:30 Harry And His Bucket Full Of
09:00 Lost (Season 5) 11:25 Head Case S207: That’s 06:00 Eaten Alive
Chequered Flag 2010 Dinosaurs
10:00 Wipeout (Season 2) Produce 07:00 Animal Cops South Africa
00:45 Pope of Greenwich Village 11:50 Head Case S208: Twinkle, 22:00 Thomas & Friends
11:00 Csi: Ny (Season 5) 08:00 Animal Planet at the Movies
02:30 Red Corner Twinkle 22:20 Pororo - The Little Penguin
12:00 Csi: Miami (Season 6) 08:30 Wild on the Set II
04:30 A Prayer for the Dying 12:15 Head Case S209: All About 22:30 Bob The Builder Project: Build It
13:00 Csi: Crime Scene Investigation 00:00 Prehistoric Disasters 09:00 Almost Human with Jane
06:15 The Last Waltz Steve 22:55 Classic Tales
(Season 10) 01:00 Destroyed In Seconds Goodall
08:15 Final Combination 12:45 Head Case S210: The Big Book 23:00 Johnny And The Sprites
14:00 Mask Of Zorro,the 01:30 Destroyed In Seconds 10:00 Night
09:45 Coming Home 13:15 By The People: The Election Of 23:25 Boowa And Kwala
17:00 Ebuzz 02:00 Planet Green 10:30 Night
11:45 Valley Girl Barack Obama 23:30 Make Way For Noddy
17:30 Chuck (Season 2) 03:00 Crashes That Changed Flying 11:00 ANIMAL PLANET SHOWCASE
13:15 The Story of Adele H 18:30 Whacked Out Sports (Season 2) 04:00 Crashes That Changed Flying 15:25 Batman: Gotham Knight 12:00 ANIMAL PLANET SHOWCASE
15:00 The Greatest Story Ever Told 19:00 Wipeout (Season 2) 05:00 Extreme Bodies 17:00 The Fighting Temptations 13:00 Elephants Uncovered
18:15 Cool Blue 20:00 Csi: Crime Scene Investigation 06:00 Deadliest Catch S5 19:00 The Tudors S205: His Majesty’s 14:00 Bull Shark: World’s Deadliest
20:00 Assassination Tango (Season 10) 07:00 Crashes That Changed Flying Pleasure Shark with Nigel Marven
22:00 Who’ll Stop the Rain? 21:00 Csi: Miami (Season 6) 08:00 Crashes That Changed Flying 20:00 The Tudors S206: The 15:00 Fooled By Nature
22:00 Csi: Ny (Season 5) 09:00 Dirty Jobs S4 Definition Of Love 15:30 Fooled By Nature
23:00 Wipeout (Season 2) 10:00 Discovery Kids 21:00 Doomsday 16:00 Kingdom of the Elephants
11:00 Discovery Kids 22:45 Black Hawk Down 17:00 The Making of Kingdom of the
11:30 Discovery Kids Elephants
01:00 HEROES 12:00 River Monsters 17:30 Lords of the Animals - Chami &
02:00 MONK 00:30 European Short Course 13:00 Stephen Hawking And The Ana the Elephant
03:00 PSYCH Swimming Championship Theory Of Everything 18:00 Night
04:00 DAVID LETTERMAN 03:00 2010 Winter X Games All 14:00 Planet Green 00:00 Shaolin Wuzang 18:30 Night
05:00 EVERYBODY LOVES RAYMOND Access 15:00 Extreme Bodies 00:30 Donald Duck Presents 19:00 ANIMAL PLANET SHOWCASE
05:30 EVERYBODY LOVES RAYMOND 04:00 Anz Ladies Masters 16:00 Really Big Things With Matt 01:00 Replacements, The 20:00 ANIMAL PLANET SHOWCASE
06:00 EVERYBODY LOVES RAYMOND 05:00 Sportscenter Week In Review Rogers S2 01:30 American Dragon: Jake Long 21:00 Meerkats with Nigel Marven
06:30 EVERYBODY LOVES RAYMOND 05:30 Simply The Best 17:00 Eco Taiwan: Green 02:00 Kim Possible 22:00 Animal Planet Reveals Asia
07:00 The King Of Queens 06:00 Almost Anything Goes Architectures 02:30 Phineas And Ferb 23:00 Night
07:30 HOW I MET YOUR MOTHER 06:30 Players Lives 18:00 River Monsters 03:00 Disney’s Lilo & Stitch: The Series 23:30 Night
08:00 According To Jim 07:00 Uca/uda College Cheerleading 19:00 Stephen Hawking And The 03:30 Suite Life Of Zack And Cody,
08:30 Friends Championships Theory Of Everything The

Body Of Lies
Saat agen CIA Roger Ferris ditempatkan di Yordania usai terluka di Irak, tugas utamanya
menghentikan serangan teroris berikutnya. Tapi tak mudah melawan jaringan teroris di
sana. Ferris harus berhadapan dengan intelijen lokal sambil menghadapi tuntutan bosnya
28 Maret, di Washington. Dibintangi Leonardo DiCaprio dan Russell Crowe.
Pukul 20.00 WIB

Maret 2010 | primetime | 53


09:00 KYLE XY 08:01 2009 East Asian Games - Table 17:00 Factory Made 08:30 Replacements, The 20:30 Meerkat Manor
10:00 Asia Uncut Tennis 17:30 How Do They Do It? S2 09:00 Phineas And Ferb 21:00 Wild Hearts
00:15 Notting Hill 11:00 UGLY BETTY 10:30 Planet Speed 2009/10 18:00 Hour Asia 09:30 Totally Spies 22:00 Groomer Has It 2
02:15 Body Of Lies 12:00 90210 10:59 Sportscenter Right Now 19:00 Survivorman 10:00 Totally Spies 23:00 Animal Camera
04:25 The Enforcer 13:00 According To Jim 11:00 Football Asia 20:00 Dirty Jobs S4 10:30 Monster Allergy 23:30 Animal Camera
06:00 The Godfather 13:30 Friends 11:30 Simply The Best 21:00 Survivorman S2 11:00 Globo Loco
08:45 The Godfather Part Ii 14:00 Scrubs 12:00 2009 East Asian Games - 22:00 Lobstermen 11:30 Yin Yang Yo!
12:00 Body Of Lies 14:30 Scrubs Athletics 23:00 Dirty Jobs S4 12:00 Mr.Bean - The Animated Series
14:10 Pontiac Moon 15:00 KYLE XY 14:00 Sportscenter Right Now 12:30 Mr.Bean - Live Action Series
00:00 Bunnytown
16:00 The Tenth Circle 16:00 Are You Smarter Than a 5th 14:01 Drug Aware Pro 2009 13:00 Lilo & Stitch
00:30 Thomas & Friends
17:30 Hbo Central Grader? 15:00 Uca/uda College Cheerleading 15:00 Upin & Ipin
00:50 Pororo - The Little Penguin
18:00 No Country For Old Men 17:00 Whose Line Is It Anyway? Championships 00:00 Theme Week 15:30 Oggy And The Cockroaches
01:00 Mickey Mouse Clubhouse
20:00 True Blood S103: Mine 17:30 According To Jim 15:30 Sportscenter Right Now 01:00 Theme Week 16:00 Pucca
01:25 Tiny Planets
20:55 True Blood S104: Escape From 18:00 Friends 15:31 Fina Aquatics World 02:00 Theme Week 16:30 Pucca
01:30 My Friends Tigger & Pooh
Dragon House 18:30 EVERYBODY LOVES 16:00 PBA Tour : Geico Mark Roth 03:00 Mega Factories 17:00 Phineas And Ferb
02:00 Handy Manny
23:00 Sex And The City S311: RAYMOND Plastic Ball Championship 04:00 Theme Week 17:30 Mr.Bean - The Animated Series
02:30 System Maintenance – Ph Asia
Running With Scissors 19:00 The King Of Queens 17:30 Football Asia 05:00 Theme Week 18:00 Mr.Bean - Live Action Series
03:30 Mighty Jungle, The
23:30 Sex And The City S312: Don’t 19:30 SCRUBS 18:00 Simply The Best 06:00 Theme Week 18:30 Tinker Bell And The Lost
04:00 Play With Me Sesame
Ask, Don’t Tell 20:00 HOW I MET YOUR MOTHER 18:30 Sportscenter Asia 07:00 Air Crash Investigation Treasure
04:30 Clifford, The Big Red Dog
20:30 RULES OF ENGAGEMENT 19:00 FIFA Beach Soccer World Cup 08:00 ABOUT ASIA 20:30 Mr.Bean - The Animated Series
05:00 JoJo’s Circus
21:00 Eli Stone 2009 Qualifiers UEFA 09:00 Locked Up Abroad 21:00 Upin & Ipin
05:25 Boowa And Kwala
22:00 TWO AND HALF MEN 20:00 Football Asia 10:00 Dangerous Encounters 21:30 Shaun The Sheep
05:30 Barney & Friends
23:00 Whose Line Is It Anyway? 20:30 Immortals, The 11:00 The Living Edens 22:00 Phineas And Ferb
06:00 Pocoyo
00:45 Day Of The Warrior 23:30 According To Jim 21:00 Sportscenter Asia 12:00 ABOUT ASIA 22:30 Wizards Of Waverly Place
06:30 Higglytown Heroes
02:30 The Underneath 21:30 PBA Tour : Geico Mark Roth 13:00 Food Lovers Guide To The 23:00 Hannah Montana
07:00 My Friends Tigger & Pooh
04:15 April Fool’s Day (2008) Plastic Ball Championship Plane 23:30 Shaun The Sheep
07:25 Bert And Ernie’s Great
06:00 Rio Grande 23:00 Sportscenter Asia 13:30 Food Lovers Guide To The Adventures
08:00 The Wire S311: Middle Ground 23:30 Cev Beach Volleyball European Plane
00:00 Greek (S2) 07:30 Little Einsteins
08:55 The Wire S312: Mission Championship Tour - English 14:00 The Living Edens
01:00 Midsomer Murders (S9) 08:00 WordWorld
Accomplished Masters 15:00 Locked Up Abroad 00:05 Tactical Unit II - No Way Out
03:00 Mystery Woman 08:30 Mickey Mouse Clubhouse
10:00 American Ninja 3 Blood Hunt 16:00 Wild Chronicles 01:35 Midnight Eagle
05:00 The Deliverance Of Elaine 09:00 Handy Manny
12:00 Perfect Alibi 16:30 Wild Chronicles 03:55 Repechage
07:00 The Nanny (S6) 09:30 Animal Mechanicals
14:00 Day Of The Warrior 17:00 Theme Week 30m 05:25 Shaolin Girl
07:30 The Nanny (S6) 09:55 Classic Tales
15:40 Epad On Max 52 17:30 Theme Week 30m 07:30 A Family
08:00 The Oprah Winfrey Show (S24) 00:00 Top Volley International 10:00 Chuggington
16:00 King Rat 18:00 Air Crash Investigation 09:10 Kung Fu Hip Hop
09:00 McBride: Semper Fi 01:30 Top Volley International 10:20 Pororo - The Little Penguin
18:30 Alien Hunter 19:00 ABOUT ASIA 10:50 Ah Sou
11:00 Greek (S2) 03:00 Sports Max 10:30 Special Agent Oso
20:00 Logan’s Run 20:00 Mega Factories 12:25 Return Of The Lucky Stars
12:00 The Oprah Winfrey Show 04:00 Hot Water 2009/10 11:00 Dive Olly Dive
22:00 Day Of The Warrior 21:00 Naked Science 13:55 Cinema Today
13:00 The Biggest Loser (S5) 05:00 Planet Speed 2009/10 11:25 Tiny Planets
23:40 Epad On Max 52 22:00 Theme Week 30m 14:55 My Name Is Fame
14:00 Mystery Woman: Vision Of A 05:30 Behind The Baseline 11:30 Higglytown Heroes
22:30 Theme Week 30m 16:35 Kidnap 12:00 Animal Mechanicals
Murder 06:00 Anz Ladies Masters
16:00 ER (S5) 23:00 Strongman 18:15 The Sailfish 12:25 Bert And Ernie’s Great
07:00 MotoGP Official Test Sdd/tape
17:00 The Nanny (S6) 20:00 Seven Swords Adventures
00:05 Kalifornia 17:30 The Nanny (S6) 22:30 Infernal Affairs 2 12:30 Dibo The Gift Dragon
08:00 Fina Aquatics World
01:55 Skinwalkers 18:00 The Biggest Loser (S5) 08:30 Behind The Baseline 13:00 My Friends Tigger & Pooh
03:35 Hellbound: Hellraiser Ii 19:00 The Oprah Winfrey Show 09:00 V8 Supercars Highlight 13:30 Handy Manny
05:15 Rain Man 20:00 Without A Trace (S4) 10:00 Trans Tasman Touch Rugby Test 01:00 Head Case S206: Short On 14:00 Special Agent Oso
07:30 Where The Red Fern Grows 21:00 Falling In Love With The Girl Series - Men Love 00:00 ANIMAL PLANET SHOWCASE 14:30 Dive Olly Dive
09:00 Flawless Next Door 11:00 Fina Aquatics World 01:25 Head Case S207: That’s 01:00 ANIMAL PLANET SHOWCASE 15:00 Chloe’s Closet
10:50 Kill Switch 23:00 The Nanny (S6) 11:30 Behind The Baseline Produce 02:00 Meerkats with Nigel Marven 15:25 Classic Tales
12:25 Misery 23:30 The Nanny (S6) 12:00 MotoGP Official Test Sdd/tape 01:50 Head Case S208: Twinkle, 03:00 Animal Planet Reveals Asia 15:30 Clifford, The Big Red Dog
14:15 Phoebe In Wonderland 01:00hr Twinkle 04:00 Fooled By Nature 16:00 Dibo The Gift Dragon
16:00 Get Shorty 13:00 2009 East Asian Games - 02:15 Head Case S209: All About 04:30 Fooled By Nature 16:30 Mickey Mouse Clubhouse
17:45 Vip Access Badminton Steve 05:00 ANIMAL PLANET SHOWCASE 17:00 Pocoyo
00:00 World’s Most Amazing Videos
18:15 Shortcut To Happiness 15:00 FIA F1 World Championship 02:45 Head Case S210: The Big Book 06:00 ANIMAL PLANET SHOWCASE 17:30 Higglytown Heroes
(Season 4)
20:00 Behind Enemy Lines: Colombia Raceday 2010 03:25 Batman: Gotham Knight 07:00 Echo and the Elephants of 17:55 Tiny Planets
01:00 Csi: Crime Scene Investigation
21:40 Longshots, The 15:45 FIA F1 World Championship 05:00 10,000 B.c. Amboseli 18:00 My Friends Tigger & Pooh
(Season 10)
23:20 Hottie And The Nottie, The 2010 - Main Race 07:00 The Tudors S207: Matters Of 07:30 Meerkat Manor 18:30 Little Einsteins
02:00 Csi: Miami (Season 6)
03:00 Csi: Ny (Season 5) 17:45 FIA F1 World Championship State 08:00 Wild Hearts 19:00 WordWorld
04:00 Chuck (Season 2) Chequered Flag 2010 08:00 The Tudors S208: Lady In 09:00 Groomer Has It 2 19:30 Mickey Mouse Clubhouse
05:00 Masters Of Illusion 18:30 Anz Ladies Masters Waiting 10:00 My Daddy The Croc Hunter 20:00 Handy Manny
06:00 Early Edition (Season 3) 19:30 2009 East Asian Games - 09:10 Joe’s Apartment 11:00 Downsize My Pet 20:30 Animal Mechanicals
00:00 Blow Out
07:00 Csi: Miami (Season 6) Badminton 11:00 Boyz N The Hood 11:30 Downsize My Pet 21:00 Chuggington
01:45 Stella
08:00 House (Season 5) 20:30 Score Tonight 13:00 Deep Blue Sea 12:00 Lemur Street 21:25 Bert And Ernie’s Great
03:30 Married to the Mob
09:00 Masters Of Illusion 21:00 Lives In The Fast Lane 15:00 Devil In A Blue Dress 12:30 Escape to Chimp Eden Adventures
04:45 Jinxed!
10:00 Early Edition (Season 3) 21:30 Engine Block 2010 17:00 10,000 B.c. 13:00 The Animals’ Guide to Survival 21:30 Special Agent Oso
06:30 Stay Hungry
11:00 Csi: Miami (Season 6) 22:00 FIA F1 World Championship 19:00 The Tudors S207: Matters Of 14:00 Echo and the Elephants of 22:00 Dive Olly Dive
08:15 The Boyfriend School
12:00 Men In Black Highlights 2010 State Amboseli 22:25 Boowa And Kwala
10:00 Midnight Cowboy
14:00 House (Season 5) 23:30 Score Tonight 20:00 The Tudors S208: Lady In 14:30 Meerkat Manor 22:30 Higglytown Heroes
11:45 Stanley and Iris
15:00 Csi: Miami (Season 6) Waiting 15:00 Wild Hearts 23:00 Johnny And The Sprites
13:30 The Legend of Johnny Lingo
16:00 Masters Of Illusion 21:00 See You In The Morning 16:00 Groomer Has It 2 23:25 Boowa And Kwala
15:00 Robot Jox
17:00 Men In Black 23:00 Deep Blue Sea 17:00 Downsize My Pet 23:30 Make Way For Noddy
16:30 Clean Slate
19:00 The Amazing Race (Season 16) 00:00 The Four-Winged Dinosaur 18:00 Lemur Street
18:15 Dream Lover
20:00 So You Think You Can Dance 01:00 Mega Builders S1 18:30 Escape to Chimp Eden
20:00 Malone
(Season 6) 02:00 Extreme Bodies 19:00 A Dodo’s Guide To Surviving
21:45 No Such Thing
22:00 So You Think You Can Dance 03:00 Solved S2 Extinction
23:30 Love Bites 00:00 Shaolin Wuzang
(Season 6) 04:00 Extreme Forensics 20:00 Echo and the Elephants of
05:00 Hip Korea 00:30 Donald Duck Presents Amboseli
23:00 The Amazing Race (Season 16)
07:00 Eco Taiwan: Formosan Salmon 01:00 Replacements, The
08:00 The Four-Winged Dinosaur 01:30 American Dragon: Jake Long
00:00 UGLY BETTY 02:00 Kim Possible
01:00 90210 09:00 How Do They Do It? S6
01:00 PBA Tour : Geico Mark Roth 09:30 One Step Beyond S2 02:30 System Maintenance – Dc Asia
02:00 DAVID LETTERMAN Plastic Ball Championship 03:30 Suite Life Of Zack And Cody,
03:00 7TH HEAVEN 10:00 Destroyed In Seconds
02:30 2010 Winter X Games 14 10:30 Destroyed In Seconds The
04:00 My Wife and Kids Slammed/stomped 04:00 Hannah Montana
04:30 My Wife and Kids 11:00 How Do They Do It? S2
03:30 World Of Gymnastics 11:30 How It’s Made S7 04:30 Wizards Of Waverly Place
05:00 Are You Smarter Than a 5th 04:00 Bass : 2010 Bassmaster Classic 05:00 Good Morning Mickey
Grader? 12:00 Mythbusters S5
Highlight Show 13:00 Secrets Of The Dinosaur 05:30 Good Morning Mickey
06:00 Whose Line Is It Anyway? 05:00 2010 US Figure Skating 06:00 House Of Mouse
06:30 According To Jim Mummy
Championships 14:00 The Four-Winged Dinosaur 06:30 Donald Duck Presents
07:00 Friends 07:00 Football Asia 07:00 Animal Mechanicals
07:30 EVERYBODY LOVES RAYMOND 15:00 Survivorman S2
07:30 Planet Speed 2009/10 16:00 Deadliest Catch S5 07:30 Dibo The Gift Dragon
08:00 7TH HEAVEN 08:00 Sportscenter Right Now 08:00 Twisted Whiskers

The Sailfish
Di umur 12 tahun, Yue Hai-guang (Yu Xiao-guang) bercita-cita jadi perenang paling
cepat. Tapi, Yue dan ibunya (Teresa Mao) harus mengungsi dari desa saat Revolusi
Kebudayaan terjadi. Di tempat baru, Yue bertemu Bai Ling (Vanessa Yu) yang punya
mimpi sama dengannya. Delapan tahun kemudian, keduanya, bersama Gao Ming (Wang
29 Maret, Jun-yi) berjuang meraih mimpi jadi atlet renang.
Pukul 18.15 WIB

54 | primetime | Maret 2010

30 maret

05:00 Are You Smarter Than a 5th 22:30 24 (Season 7) 06:00 Destroyed In Seconds 04:00 Hannah Montana
Grader? 23:30 S.w.a.t 06:30 Destroyed In Seconds 04:30 Wizards Of Waverly Place
00:00 Body Of Lies 06:00 Whose Line Is It Anyway? 07:00 Eco Taiwan: Green 05:00 Good Morning Mickey
00:00 Bunnytown
02:00 No Country For Old Men 06:30 According To Jim Architectures 05:30 Good Morning Mickey
00:30 Thomas & Friends
04:00 True Blood S103: Mine 07:00 Friends 00:30 Sportscenter Asia 08:00 Lobstermen 06:00 House Of Mouse
00:50 Pororo - The Little Penguin
05:00 True Blood S104: Escape From 07:30 EVERYBODY LOVES 01:00 2009 World Cup Of Trick Shots 09:00 Clash Of The Dinosaurs 06:30 Donald Duck Presents
01:00 Mickey Mouse Clubhouse
Dragon House RAYMOND 02:00 Women’s Australian Open 10:00 Surging Cities 07:00 Animal Mechanicals
01:25 Tiny Planets
06:00 Body Of Lies 08:00 7TH HEAVEN 03:00 Drug Aware Pro 2009 11:00 How Do They Do It? S2 07:30 Dibo The Gift Dragon
01:30 My Friends Tigger & Pooh
08:00 Hancock 08:55 JACKIE CHAN ADVENTURES 04:00 Uca/uda College Cheerleading 11:30 Factory Made 08:00 Twisted Whiskers
02:00 Handy Manny
09:30 Hbo Central 09:00 KYLE XY Championships 12:00 Mythbusters S5 08:30 Replacements, The
02:30 Special Agent Oso
10:00 No Country For Old Men 09:55 ONE DAY AT A TIME 05:00 Fins Season 3 #2 13:00 Real Wolf Kids 09:00 Phineas And Ferb
03:00 Barney & Friends
12:00 Beowulf 10:00 The King Of Queens 05:30 Sportscenter Asia 14:00 Lobstermen 09:30 Totally Spies
03:30 Mighty Jungle, The
14:00 Body Of Lies 10:30 SCRUBS 06:00 Women’s Australian Open 15:00 Dirty Jobs S4 10:00 Totally Spies
04:00 Play With Me Sesame
16:10 The End Of The Affair 11:00 HOW I MET YOUR MOTHER 07:00 FIFA Beach Soccer World Cup 16:00 Extreme Bodies 10:30 Monster Allergy
04:30 Clifford, The Big Red Dog
18:00 Hancock 11:30 RULES OF ENGAGEMENT 2009 Qualifiers UEFA 17:00 Factory Made 11:00 Globo Loco
05:00 JoJo’s Circus
19:30 Hbo Central 12:00 Eli Stone 08:00 Sportscenter Right Now 17:30 How Do They Do It? S2 11:30 Yin Yang Yo!
05:25 Boowa And Kwala
20:00 The Memory Keeper’s Daughter 13:00 According To Jim 08:01 2009 East Asian Games - Table 18:00 Tattoo Hunter 12:00 Mr.Bean - The Animated Series
05:30 Barney & Friends
21:30 Tmz 201 13:30 Friends Tennis 19:00 Nazi UFO Conspiracy 12:30 Mr.Bean - Live Action Series
06:00 Pocoyo
21:50 No Country For Old Men 14:00 Scrubs 10:59 Sportscenter Right Now 20:00 Extreme Bodies 13:00 Mickey’s House Of Villains
06:30 Higglytown Heroes
23:50 The Godfather 14:30 Scrubs 11:00 Immortals, The 21:00 River Monsters 15:00 Upin & Ipin
07:00 My Friends Tigger & Pooh
14:55 ONE DAY AT A TIME 11:30 2009 East Asian Games - 22:00 Destroyed In Seconds 15:30 Oggy And The Cockroaches
07:25 Bert And Ernie’s Great
15:00 KYLE XY Athletics 22:30 Destroyed In Seconds 16:00 Pucca
15:55 MARRIED WITH CHILDREN 14:00 Sportscenter Right Now 23:00 Extreme Bodies 16:30 Pucca
07:30 Little Einsteins
16:00 Are You Smarter Than a 5th 14:01 Grand American Series : 17:00 Phineas And Ferb
08:00 WordWorld
00:00 American Ninja 3 Blood Hunt Grader? Homestead-Miami 17:30 Mr.Bean - The Animated Series
08:30 Mickey Mouse Clubhouse
01:30 King Rat 17:00 Whose Line Is It Anyway? 15:00 Sportscenter Right Now 18:00 Mr.Bean - Live Action Series
09:00 Handy Manny
04:00 Logan’s Run 17:30 According To Jim 15:01 2010 US Figure Skating 00:00 Air Crash Investigation 18:30 Tarzan
09:30 Animal Mechanicals
06:00 The Underneath 18:00 Friends Championships 01:00 Mega Factories 20:30 Mr.Bean - The Animated Series
09:55 Classic Tales
07:35 Epad On Max 52 18:30 EVERYBODY LOVES 17:00 Almost Anything Goes 02:00 Naked Science 21:00 Upin & Ipin
10:00 Chuggington
08:00 April Fool’s Day (2008) RAYMOND 17:30 FIFA Beach Soccer World Cup 03:00 Strongman 21:30 Shaun The Sheep
10:20 Pororo - The Little Penguin
10:00 Logan’s Run 19:00 90210 2009 Qualifiers UEFA 04:00 Mega Factories 22:00 Phineas And Ferb
10:30 Special Agent Oso
12:00 Hangman 20:00 UGLY BETTY 18:30 Sportscenter Asia 05:00 Naked Science 22:30 Wizards Of Waverly Place
11:00 Dive Olly Dive
14:00 Body Parts 21:00 Lipstick Jungle 19:00 Football Focus With John 06:00 Theme Week 30m 23:00 Hannah Montana
11:25 Tiny Planets
16:00 Rio Grande 22:00 TWO AND HALF MEN Dykes 06:30 Theme Week 30m 23:30 Shaun The Sheep
11:30 Higglytown Heroes
18:15 April Fool’s Day (2008) 23:00 Whose Line Is It Anyway? 20:00 Simply The Best 07:00 Air Crash Investigation 12:00 Animal Mechanicals
20:00 Storm Cell 23:30 According To Jim 20:30 Contenders, The 08:00 ABOUT ASIA 12:25 Bert And Ernie’s Great
21:30 Hangman 21:00 Sportscenter Asia 09:00 Situation Critical Adventures
23:00 Logan’s Run 21:30 Football Focus With John 10:00 Animal Extractors 00:30 Power Kids 12:30 Dibo The Gift Dragon
Dykes 11:00 Monster Fish 02:05 Murder 13:00 My Friends Tigger & Pooh
00:00 ER (S5) 22:30 AFC Champions League 2010 12:00 ABOUT ASIA 03:45 Say Hello For Me 13:30 Handy Manny
01:00 Their Eyes Were Watching 13:00 Locked Up Abroad 06:00 Mommy, Dearest 14:00 Special Agent Oso
01:00 The Last Samurai God 14:00 The Living Edens 07:35 Accuracy of Death 14:30 Dive Olly Dive
02:40 Hellraiser Iii: Hell On Earth 03:00 The Deliverance Of Elaine 15:00 Situation Critical 09:35 Curry & Pepper 15:00 Chloe’s Closet
04:20 Vip Access 05:00 No One Would Tell 00:00 Engine Block 2010 16:00 Hayden Turner’s Wildlife Chall 11:30 Gen-Y Cops 15:25 Classic Tales
04:50 Shortcut To Happiness 07:00 The Nanny (S6) 00:30 FIA F1 World Championship 16:30 Hidden Worlds 13:20 The Black Morning Glory 15:30 Clifford, The Big Red Dog
06:35 Christmas Caper 07:30 The Nanny (S6) Raceday 2010 17:00 Theme Week 30m 14:55 MOONLIGHT IN TOKYO 16:00 Dibo The Gift Dragon
08:10 Planet B-boy 08:00 The Oprah Winfrey Show (S24) 01:15 FIA F1 World Championship 17:30 Theme Week 30m 16:35 As Tears Go By 16:30 Mickey Mouse Clubhouse
09:55 Dunston Checks In 09:00 Falling In Love With The Girl 2010 - Main Race 18:00 Air Crash Investigation 18:15 On His Majesty’s Secret Service 17:00 Pocoyo
11:30 Behind Enemy Lines: Colombia Next Door 03:15 FIA F1 World Championship 19:00 ABOUT ASIA 20:00 Lady Cop and Papa Crook 17:30 Higglytown Heroes
13:10 Mad Money 11:00 Without A Trace (S4) Chequered Flag 2010 20:00 Long Way Down 21:35 Triangle 17:55 Tiny Planets
15:00 Hottie And The Nottie, The 12:00 The Oprah Winfrey Show 04:00 International Motorsport News 21:00 Cruise Ship Diaries 23:10 The Fatality 18:00 My Friends Tigger & Pooh
16:35 Nine Months 13:00 The Biggest Loser (S5) 2010 22:00 Theme Week 30m 18:30 Little Einsteins
18:25 Cyborg Soldier 14:00 Their Eyes Were Watching 05:00 Trans Tasman Touch Rugby Test 22:30 Theme Week 30m 19:00 WordWorld
20:00 Bottle Shock God Series - Men 23:00 Steroids 19:30 Mickey Mouse Clubhouse
21:55 Resident Evil: Extinction 16:00 ER (S5) 06:00 Lives In The Fast Lane 00:00 Lemur Street 20:00 Handy Manny
23:35 Rogue Assassin 17:00 The Nanny (S6) 06:30 Engine Block 2010 00:30 Escape to Chimp Eden 20:30 Animal Mechanicals
17:30 The Nanny (S6) 07:00 International Motorsport News 01:00 A Dodo’s Guide To Surviving 21:00 Chuggington
18:00 The Biggest Loser (S5) 2010 Extinction 21:25 Bert And Ernie’s Great
19:00 The Oprah Winfrey Show 08:00 Planet Speed 2009/10 00:45 Pineapple Express 02:00 Echo and the Elephants of Adventures
20:00 The Biggest Loser Special 08:30 Engine Block 2010 02:45 See You In The Morning Amboseli 21:30 Special Agent Oso
01:15 Cuba
Edition 09:00 Anz Ladies Masters 05:00 Radio Flyer 02:30 Meerkat Manor 22:00 Dive Olly Dive
03:15 The Package
21:00 Love’s Long Journey 10:00 Trans Tasman Touch Rugby Test 07:00 The Tudors S209: The Act Of 03:00 Wild Hearts 22:25 Boowa And Kwala
05:00 Storefront Hitchcock
23:00 The Nanny (S6) Series - Women Treason 04:00 Groomer Has It 2 22:30 Higglytown Heroes
06:15 Igby Goes Down
23:30 The Nanny (S6) 11:00 International Motorsport News 08:00 The Tudors S210: Destiny And 05:00 Downsize My Pet 23:00 Johnny And The Sprites
07:45 Chattahoochee
2010 Fortune 06:00 Lemur Street 23:25 Boowa And Kwala
09:15 The Dirty Dozen: The Fatal
12:00 Lives In The Fast Lane 08:55 Alive 06:30 Escape to Chimp Eden 23:30 Make Way For Noddy
12:30 Engine Block 2010 11:00 Revolution 07:00 In Too Deep
11:00 Modern Girls 00:00 So You Think You Can Dance 13:00 2009 East Asian Games - 12:45 10,000 B.c. 07:30 In Too Deep
12:30 Madhouse (Season 6) Badminton 15:00 By The People: The Election Of 08:00 Nick Baker’s Weird Creatures II
14:00 The French Lieutenant’s 02:00 So You Think You Can Dance 15:00 International Motorsport News Barack Obama 09:00 Meerkats with Nigel Marven
Woman (Season 6) 2010 17:00 Radio Flyer 10:00 Animal Camera
16:00 The Killer Elite 03:00 Early Edition (Season 3) 15:55 Engine Block 2010 19:00 The Tudors S209: The Act Of 10:30 Animal Camera
18:00 Thunderbolt and Lightfoot 04:00 House (Season 5) 16:25 AFC Champions League 2010 Treason 11:00 Downsize My Pet
20:00 Soda Cracker 05:00 Masters Of Illusion 18:30 MotoGP Official Test Sdd/tape 20:00 The Tudors S210: Destiny And 12:00 Lemur Street
22:00 Committed 06:00 Early Edition (Season 3) 01:00hr Fortune 12:30 Escape to Chimp Eden
23:30 Dr. Heckyl and Mr. Hype 07:00 Csi: Miami (Season 6) 19:30 2009 East Asian Games - 21:00 The Age Of Innocence 13:00 NYPD Animal Squad
08:00 House (Season 5) Badminton 23:15 10,000 B.c. 14:00 In Too Deep
09:00 Masters Of Illusion 20:30 Score Tonight 14:30 In Too Deep
10:00 Early Edition (Season 3) 21:00 Immortals, The 15:00 Nick Baker’s Weird Creatures II
11:00 Csi: Miami (Season 6) 21:30 Golf Focus 2010
00:00 Friends 16:00 Meerkats with Nigel Marven
12:00 So You Think You Can Dance 22:00 Classic Boxing 01:00hrs
00:30 EVERYBODY LOVES 17:00 Amazing Animal Inventions!
(Season 6) 23:00 Classic Boxing 01:00hrs
RAYMOND 00:00 Shaolin Wuzang 18:00 Lemur Street
14:00 House (Season 5)
01:00 Are You Smarter Than a 5th 00:30 Donald Duck Presents 18:30 Escape to Chimp Eden
15:00 Csi: Miami (Season 6)
Grader? 01:00 Replacements, The 19:00 Rocket Dogs
16:00 Masters Of Illusion
01:55 JACKIE CHAN ADVENTURES 01:30 American Dragon: Jake Long 20:00 In Too Deep
17:00 So You Think You Can Dance 00:00 Survivorman S2
02:00 DAVID LETTERMAN 02:00 Kim Possible 20:30 In Too Deep
(Season 6) 01:00 Deadliest Catch S5
02:55 ONE DAY AT A TIME 02:30 Phineas And Ferb 21:00 Nick Baker’s Weird Creatures II
18:00 The Amazing Race (Season 16) 02:00 Destroyed In Seconds
03:00 7TH HEAVEN 03:00 Disney’s Lilo & Stitch: The 22:00 Piranha Adventure
19:00 Video Zonkers (Season 2) 02:30 Destroyed In Seconds
03:55 MARRIED WITH CHILDREN Series 23:00 Animal Camera
19:30 Sony Style Tv Magazine (Season 03:00 Mythbusters S5
04:00 My Wife and Kids 03:30 Suite Life Of Zack And Cody, 23:30 Animal Camera
4) 04:00 Survivorman S2
04:30 My Wife and Kids The
20:00 S.w.a.t 05:00 Surging Cities

April’s Fool Day

Kala Muffy mengundang klub dramanya ke rumah terasing dalam acara “akhir pekan
pembunuh”, tak ada yang mengira kalau pembunuh sungguhan mengincar mereka
di sana. Kini mereka saling curiga, jangan-jangan salah satu dari mereka adalah
30 Maret, pembunuhnya.
Pukul 18.15 WIB

Maret 2010 | primetime | 55


06:00 Whose Line Is It Anyway? 06:00 Drug Aware Pro 2009 21:00 The Four-Winged Dinosaur 11:00 Globo Loco
06:30 According To Jim 07:00 Football Focus With John 22:00 The Greatest Ever 11:30 Yin Yang Yo!
02:45 The Godfather Part Ii 07:00 Friends Dykes 23:00 Prehistoric Disasters 12:00 Mr.Bean - The Animated Series
07:30 EVERYBODY LOVES 08:00 Sportscenter Right Now 12:30 Mr.Bean - Live Action Series 00:00 Bunnytown
06:00 Beowulf 00:30 Thomas & Friends
07:50 Sphere RAYMOND 08:01 2009 East Asian Games - Table 13:00 Tarzan
08:00 7TH HEAVEN Tennis 15:00 Upin & Ipin 00:50 Pororo - The Little Penguin
10:00 The Memory Keeper’s 01:00 Mickey Mouse Clubhouse
Daughter 08:55 JACKIE CHAN ADVENTURES 10:00 Women’s Australian Open 00:00 Air Crash Investigation 15:30 Oggy And The Cockroaches
09:00 KYLE XY 10:59 Sportscenter Right Now 16:00 Pucca 01:25 Tiny Planets
11:30 Hbo Central 01:00 Long Way Down
09:55 ONE DAY AT A TIME 11:00 Football Focus With John 16:30 Pucca 01:30 My Friends Tigger & Pooh
12:00 Hancock 02:00 Cruise Ship Diaries
10:00 90210 Dykes 17:00 Phineas And Ferb 02:00 Handy Manny
13:30 Beverly Hills Cop 03:00 Steroids
10:55 MARRIED WITH CHILDREN 12:00 Bwf Super Series - Malaysian 17:30 Mr.Bean - The Animated Series 02:30 Special Agent Oso
15:10 Beverly Hills Cop Ii 04:00 Long Way Down
11:00 UGLY BETTY Open 18:00 Mr.Bean - Live Action Series 03:00 Barney & Friends
16:50 A Very Brady Sequel 05:00 Cruise Ship Diaries
12:00 Lipstick Jungle 13:00 2009 East Asian Games - 18:30 Muppet Treasure Island 03:30 Mighty Jungle, The
18:25 Scrooged 06:00 Theme Week 30m
13:00 According To Jim Athletics 20:30 Mr.Bean - The Animated Series 04:00 Play With Me Sesame
20:00 Marci X 06:30 Theme Week 30m
13:30 Friends 14:00 Sportscenter Right Now 21:00 Upin & Ipin 04:30 Clifford, The Big Red Dog
21:20 Tmz 202 07:00 Seconds From Disaster
14:00 Scrubs 14:01 2010 US Figure Skating 21:30 Shaun The Sheep 05:00 JoJo’s Circus
21:35 Hollywood One On One 80 08:00 ABOUT ASIA
14:30 Scrubs Championships 22:00 Phineas And Ferb 05:25 Boowa And Kwala
22:00 Sex And The City S313: Escape 09:00 Carrier
14:55 ONE DAY AT A TIME 16:00 Sportscenter Right Now 22:30 Wizards Of Waverly Place 05:30 Barney & Friends
From New York 10:00 Dogtown
15:00 KYLE XY 16:01 Women’s Australian Open 23:00 Hannah Montana 06:00 Pocoyo
22:30 Sex And The City S314: Sex 11:00 Monster Fish Of The Congo
15:55 MARRIED WITH CHILDREN 17:00 Contenders, The 23:30 Shaun The Sheep 06:30 Higglytown Heroes
And Another City 12:00 ABOUT ASIA
16:00 Are You Smarter Than a 5th 17:30 Football Focus With John 07:00 My Friends Tigger & Pooh
23:00 Hancock 13:00 Lockdown
Grader? Dykes 07:25 Bert And Ernie’s Great
14:00 The Living Edens
17:00 AMERICAN IDOL 18:30 Sportscenter Asia Adventures
15:00 Carrier
19:00 AMERICAN IDOL 19:00 Tiger World Of Football 00:55 Say Goodbye... Luisa 07:30 Little Einsteins
16:00 Wild Detectives
21:00 GLEE 20:00 Almost Anything Goes 01:45 McDull, The Alumni 08:00 WordWorld
16:30 Food Lovers Guide To The
01:00 Perfect Alibi 22:00 TWO AND HALF MEN 20:30 Contenders, The 03:20 The Night Time Picnic 08:30 Mickey Mouse Clubhouse
02:30 Epad On Max 52 21:00 Sportscenter Asia 05:25 Gigolo Wannabe 09:00 Handy Manny
17:00 Theme Week 30m
02:45 Trick ‘R Treat 21:30 Tiger World Of Football 07:20 The Longest Summer 09:30 Animal Mechanicals
17:30 Theme Week 30m
04:15 Storm Cell 22:30 Immortals, The 09:35 Wait ‘Til You’re Older 09:55 Classic Tales
18:00 Seconds From Disaster
06:00 Perfect Alibi 11:10 Flash Point 10:00 Chuggington
08:00 Day Of The Warrior 00:00 ER (S5) 10:20 Pororo - The Little Penguin
20:00 Wild Wednesday 12:40 Love On Delivery
10:00 April Fool’s Day (2008) 01:00 See Jane Date 10:30 Special Agent Oso
21:00 Wild Wednesday 14:20 Death Note
12:00 The Wire S311: Middle Ground 03:00 No One Would Tell 11:00 Dive Olly Dive
22:00 Theme Week 30m 16:30 Bet To Basic
12:55 The Wire S312: Mission 05:00 Summer Of Fear 00:00 Score Tonight 11:25 Tiny Planets
22:30 Theme Week 30m 18:10 The Wedding Game
Accomplished 07:00 The Nanny (S6) 00:30 Glitch 11:30 Higglytown Heroes
23:00 Across Asia 20:00 New Police Story
14:00 Hangman 07:30 The Nanny (S6) 01:00 Max Power 2010/11 12:00 Animal Mechanicals
22:10 The Sparrow
16:00 Storm Cell 08:00 The Oprah Winfrey Show (S22) 02:00 2009 East Asian Games - 12:25 Bert And Ernie’s Great
23:40 Cinema Today
18:15 Day Of The Warrior 09:00 See Jane Date Badminton Adventures
20:00 Child’s Play 3 11:00 The Biggest Loser Special 03:00 2009 East Asian Games - 12:30 Dibo The Gift Dragon
21:30 The Wire S311: Middle Ground Edition Badminton 13:00 My Friends Tigger & Pooh
12:00 The Oprah Winfrey Show 04:00 Max Power 2010/11 01:00 By The People: The Election Of 13:30 Handy Manny
22:25 The Wire S312: Mission
13:00 The Biggest Loser (S5) 05:00 Trans Tasman Touch Rugby Barack Obama 00:00 Lemur Street 14:00 Special Agent Oso
14:00 Love’s Long Journey Test Series - Women 03:00 American Gigolo 00:30 Escape to Chimp Eden 14:30 Dive Olly Dive
16:00 ER (S5) 06:00 Golf Focus 2010 05:00 The Gathering Storm 01:00 Rocket Dogs 15:00 Chloe’s Closet
17:00 The Nanny (S6) 06:30 Immortals, The 06:30 The Making Of Band Of 02:00 In Too Deep 15:25 Classic Tales
17:30 The Nanny (S6) 07:00 Max Power 2010/11 Brothers 02:30 In Too Deep 15:30 Clifford, The Big Red Dog
01:20 Silence Of The Lambs, The
18:00 The Biggest Loser (S6) 08:00 Golf Focus 2010 07:00 Band Of Brothers S101: 03:00 Nick Baker’s Weird Creatures II 16:00 Dibo The Gift Dragon
03:20 Cyborg Soldier
19:00 The Oprah Winfrey Show 08:30 Immortals, The Currahee 04:00 Piranha Adventure 16:30 Mickey Mouse Clubhouse
04:50 Talk To Me
20:00 Sea Patrol (S3) 09:00 AFC Champions League 2010 08:15 Band Of Brothers S102: Day Of 05:00 Amazing Animal Inventions! 17:00 Pocoyo
06:50 Legally Blondes
21:00 Jane Doe: Now You See It, 11:00 Max Power 2010/11 Days 06:00 Lemur Street 17:30 Higglytown Heroes
08:20 Home Alone
Now You Don’t 12:00 Golf Focus 2010 09:15 Deep Blue Sea 06:30 Escape to Chimp Eden 17:55 Tiny Planets
10:10 Vip Access
23:00 The Nanny (S6) 12:30 Glitch 11:00 By The People: The Election Of 07:00 Elephants Uncovered 18:00 My Friends Tigger & Pooh
10:40 Bottle Shock
23:30 The Nanny (S6) 13:00 2009 East Asian Games - Barack Obama 08:00 BITE NITE 18:30 Little Einsteins
12:35 Two Weeks
Badminton 13:00 The Age Of Innocence 09:00 Night 19:00 WordWorld
14:20 Marley & Me
14:30 Golf Focus 2010 15:30 The Gathering Storm 09:30 Night 19:30 Mickey Mouse Clubhouse
16:20 Mutant Chronicles
15:00 Max Power 2010/11 17:00 Jesse Stone: Thin Ice 10:00 Animal Camera 20:00 Handy Manny
18:10 Walk In The Clouds, A 02:00 Shield, The (Season 7)
16:00 Immortals, The 18:30 The Making Of Band Of 10:30 Animal Camera 20:30 Animal Mechanicals
20:00 Rogue 03:00 Sony Style Tv Magazine (Season
16:30 Glitch Brothers 11:00 Amazing Animal Inventions! 21:00 Chuggington
21:40 Death Sentence 4)
17:00 MotoGP Official Test Sdd/tape 19:00 Band Of Brothers S101: 12:00 Lemur Street 21:25 Bert And Ernie’s Great
03:30 Video Zonkers (Season 2) Currahee
01:00hr 12:30 Escape to Chimp Eden Adventures
04:00 House (Season 5) 20:10 Band Of Brothers S102: Day Of
18:00 Global Football 13:00 Spotlight: Earth 21:30 Special Agent Oso
05:00 Masters Of Illusion Days
18:30 AFC Champions League 2010 14:00 Elephants Uncovered 22:00 Dive Olly Dive
01:15 Sweet Lies 06:00 Early Edition (Season 3) 21:00 In Bruges
20:30 Score Tonight 15:00 BITE NITE 22:25 Boowa And Kwala
03:00 Miss Julie 07:00 Csi: Miami (Season 6) 23:00 Pineapple Express
21:00 Masters Official Films 2009 16:00 Night 22:30 Higglytown Heroes
04:45 Panga 08:00 House (Season 5)
22:00 FA Classics 16:30 Night 23:00 Johnny And The Sprites
06:15 Fatal Instinct 09:30 Video Zonkers (Season 2)
17:00 Amazing Animal Inventions! 23:25 Boowa And Kwala
07:45 1984 10:00 Early Edition (Season 3)
18:00 Lemurs of Madagascar 23:30 Make Way For Noddy
09:30 The Couch Trip 11:00 Csi: Miami (Season 6)
18:30 Escape to Chimp Eden
11:15 Madison 12:00 24 (Season 7) 00:00 Shaolin Wuzang
00:00 River Monsters 19:00 Spotlight: Earth
13:00 Hidden Agenda 13:00 Sony Style Tv Magazine (Season 00:30 Donald Duck Presents
01:00 Survivorman S1 20:00 Elephants Uncovered
14:45 Thrashin’ 4) 01:00 Replacements, The
02:00 Survivorman S2 21:00 BITE NITE
16:15 Yanks 13:30 House (Season 5) 01:30 American Dragon: Jake Long
03:00 Mythbusters S5 22:00 Night
18:30 Soul Plane 15:00 Csi: Miami (Season 6) 02:00 Kim Possible
04:00 Lobstermen 22:30 Night
20:00 Deadly Intent 16:00 Sony Style Tv Magazine (Season 02:30 Phineas And Ferb
05:00 Tattoo Hunter 23:00 Animal Camera
21:30 Alias Jesse James 4) 03:00 Disney’s Lilo & Stitch: The
06:00 Extreme Bodies 23:30 Animal Camera
23:00 Topkapi 16:30 24 (Season 7) Series
07:00 Monsters Resurrected
17:30 S.w.a.t 03:30 Suite Life Of Zack And Cody,
08:00 River Monsters
20:00 Wipeout (Season 2) The
09:00 Eco Taiwan: Formosan Salmon
21:00 Csi: Crime Scene Investigation 04:00 Hannah Montana
10:00 Tattoo Hunter
(Season 10) 04:30 Wizards Of Waverly Place
00:00 Friends 11:00 How Do They Do It? S2
22:00 Csi: Ny (Season 5) 05:00 Good Morning Mickey
00:30 EVERYBODY LOVES RAYMOND 11:30 Factory Made
23:00 Wipeout (Season 2) 05:30 Good Morning Mickey
01:00 Are You Smarter Than a 5th 12:00 Mythbusters S5
13:00 Eco Taiwan: Formosan Salmon 06:00 House Of Mouse
Grader? 06:30 Donald Duck Presents
01:55 JACKIE CHAN ADVENTURES 14:00 Clash Of The Dinosaurs
00:30 Sportscenter Asia 15:00 Prehistoric Disasters 07:00 Animal Mechanicals
02:00 DAVID LETTERMAN 07:30 Dibo The Gift Dragon
02:55 ONE DAY AT A TIME 01:00 European Short Course 16:00 Human Body: Pushing The
Swimming C’ship Taped Limits 08:00 Twisted Whiskers
03:00 7TH HEAVEN 08:30 Replacements, The
03:55 MARRIED WITH CHILDREN 02:30hrs 17:00 Factory Made
03:30 Uca/uda College Cheerleading 17:30 How Do They Do It? S2 09:00 Phineas And Ferb
04:00 My Wife and Kids 09:30 Totally Spies
04:30 My Wife and Kids Championships 18:00 Deadliest Catch S5
04:30 PBA Tour : Geico Mark Roth 19:00 Planet Green 10:00 Totally Spies
05:00 Are You Smarter Than a 5th 10:30 Monster Allergy
Grader? Plastic Ball Championship 20:00 Prehistoric Disasters

Trick ‘R Treat
Trick ‘r Treat adalah kumpulan 4 film pendek yang berkisah di malam Halooween. Ada
kisah kepala sekolah yang dituduh jadi pembunuh berantai, seorang gadis perawan
yang mimpinya pada kencan spesial malah berujung sebaliknya, sekelompok remaja
31 Maret, yang bercanda kelewatan dan berujung maut, dan seorang tua yang harus berhadapan
Pukul 02.45 WIB dengan hantu Halloween.

56 | primetime | Maret 2010

No. Pelanggan Nama Pelanggan 135289 BUBUN 144509 AKSIYANTO
10299 BODHIWAN TANU 136809 NI KETUT SARIANI 153449 Nandang Ibnu Affand
10359 BERNARD TANTO 136839 PRASETYO BUDI SAKSO 153469 Ganda Kusuma / NIK(
10379 TONY KURNIAWAN 136989 YOKE LUDIYANTO ST 156639 Elizabet Susilawaty
109149 HARRY OESMAN 140129 Dr. Ir. Sujana Roya 44409 OLGA SUYONO

Maret 2010 | primetime | 57


21:00 Parental Control Double Bill 09:00 [V] Tunes 02:00 World News Today with Zeinab 10:00 BBC World News 19:00 GMT with George Alagiah
22:00 [V] Tunes 12:00 Backtracks Badawi 10:30 Asia Business Report 19:30 GMT with George Alagiah
23:00 Backtracks 13:00 [V] Special 02:30 World News Today with Zeinab 10:45 Asia Today 20:00 Impact Asia with Mishal Husain
14:00 [V] Countdown Badawi 11:00 BBC World News 20:30 Impact Asia with Mishal Husain
SENIN 16:00 The Playlist 03:00 World News Today with Zeinab 11:30 HARDtalk 21:00 Impact Asia with Mishal Husain
00:00 [V] Tunes 18:30 Double Shot Badawi 12:00 BBC World News 21:30 World Business Report
00:00 [V] Tunes 19:00 [V] Special 03:30 World Business Report 12:30 World Business Report 21:45 Sport Today
01:00 [V] Plug
01:00 [V] Plug 20:00 The List 03:45 Sport Today 12:45 BBC World News 22:00 BBC World News
01:30 The Playlist
01:30 The Playlist 21:00 Keys To The VIP Double Bill 04:00 BBC World News 13:00 BBC World News 22:30 HARDtalk
02:00 Loop
02:00 Loop 22:00 Parental Control Double Bill 04:30 HARDtalk 13:30 World Business Report 23:00 The Hub with Nik Gowing
03:00 [V] Special
03:00 Parental Control Double Bill 23:00 Backtracks 05:00 Business Edition with Tanya 13:45 BBC World News 23:30 The Hub with Nik Gowing
04:00 [V] Tunes
04:00 [V] Tunes Beckett 14:00 BBC World News
05:00 [V] Plug
05:00 [V] Plug 05:30 Asia Business Report 14:30 World Business Report
05:30 The Playlist JUMAT
05:30 The Playlist 05:45 Sport Today 14:45 Sport Today
06:00 Loop 00:00 The Hub with Nik Gowing
06:00 Loop 06:00 BBC World News 15:00 BBC World News
07:00 Backtracks 00:30 World Business Report
07:00 Backtracks 06:30 Asia Business Report 15:30 World Business Report
08:00 Double Shot 00:45 Sport Today
08:00 Double Shot 06:45 Asia Today 15:45 Sport Today
09:00 [V] Plug 01:00 BBC World News
09:00 [V] Plug 07:00 BBC World News America 16:00 BBC World News
09:30 The Playlist 01:30 World Business Report
09:30 The Playlist SENIN 08:00 BBC World News 16:30 HARDtalk
10:00 Loop 01:45 Sport Today
10:00 Loop 00:00 BBC World News 08:30 Asia Business Report 17:00 BBC World News
11:00 [V] Special 02:00 World News Today with Zeinab
11:00 Parental Control Double Bill 00:30 Our World 08:45 Asia Today 17:30 BBC World News
12:00 [V] Tunes Badawi
12:00 [V] Tunes 01:00 BBC World News 09:00 BBC World News 18:00 BBC World News
13:00 Double Shot 02:30 World News Today with Zeinab
13:00 Double Shot 01:10 World Features 09:30 Asia Business Report 18:30 World Business Report
14:00 Backtracks Badawi
14:00 Backtracks 01:30 The Real... 09:45 Asia Today 18:45 Sport Today
15:00 Loop 03:00 World News Today with Zeinab
15:00 Loop 02:00 BBC World News 10:00 BBC World News 19:00 GMT with George Alagiah
16:00 [V] Plug Badawi
16:00 [V] Plug 02:15 Sport Today 10:30 Asia Business Report 19:30 GMT with George Alagiah
16:30 Double Shot 03:30 World Business Report
16:30 Double Shot 02:30 Click 10:45 Asia Today 20:00 Impact Asia with Mishal Husain
17:00 Backtracks 03:45 Sport Today
17:00 Backtracks 03:00 BBC World News 11:00 BBC World News 20:30 Impact Asia with Mishal Husain
18:00 [V] Tunes 04:00 BBC World News
18:00 [V] Tunes 03:10 World Features 11:30 HARDtalk 21:00 Impact Asia with Mishal Husain
19:00 [V] Plug 04:30 HARDtalk
19:00 [V] Plug 03:30 Roger Federer: Spirit Of A 12:00 BBC World News 21:30 World Business Report
19:30 The Playlist 05:00 Business Edition with Tanya
19:30 The Playlist Champion 12:30 World Business Report 21:45 Sport Today
20:00 Loop Beckett
20:00 Loop 04:00 BBC World News 12:45 BBC World News 22:00 BBC World News
21:00 The List 05:30 Asia Business Report
21:00 Videoscope 04:30 Alvin’s Guide To Good 13:00 BBC World News 22:30 HARDtalk
22:00 Keys To The VIP 05:45 Sport Today
22:00 [V] Tunes Business 13:30 World Business Report 23:00 The Hub with Nik Gowing
23:00 Backtracks 06:00 BBC World News
23:00 Backtracks 05:00 BBC World News 13:45 BBC World News 23:30 The Hub with Nik Gowing
06:30 Asia Business Report
05:10 TBA 14:00 BBC World News
SELASA 06:45 Asia Today
JUMAT 06:00 BBC World News 14:30 World Business Report KAMIS
00:00 [V] Tunes 07:00 BBC World News America
00:00 [V] Tunes 06:30 Asia Business Report 14:45 Sport Today
01:00 [V] Plug 00:00 The Hub with Nik Gowing 08:00 BBC World News
01:00 [V] Plug 06:45 Asia Today 15:00 BBC World News
01:30 The Playlist 00:30 World Business Report 08:30 Asia Business Report
01:30 The Playlist 07:00 BBC World News 15:30 World Business Report
02:00 Loop 00:45 Sport Today 08:45 Asia Today
02:00 Parental Control Double Bill 07:10 World Features 15:45 Sport Today
03:00 The List 01:00 BBC World News 09:00 BBC World News
03:00 Videoscope 07:30 India Business Report 16:00 BBC World News
04:00 Keys To The VIP 01:30 World Business Report 09:30 Asia Business Report
04:00 [V] Tunes 08:00 BBC World News 16:30 HARDtalk
05:00 [V] Plug 01:45 Sport Today 09:45 Asia Today
05:00 [V] Plug 08:30 Asia Business Report 17:00 BBC World News
05:30 The Playlist 02:00 World News Today with Zeinab 10:00 BBC World News
05:30 The Playlist 08:45 Asia Today 17:30 BBC World News
06:00 Loop Badawi 10:30 Asia Business Report
06:00 Loop 09:00 BBC World News 18:00 BBC World News
07:00 Backtracks 02:30 World News Today with Zeinab 10:45 Asia Today
07:00 Backtracks 09:30 Asia Business Report 18:30 World Business Report
08:00 Double Shot Badawi 11:00 BBC World News
08:00 Double Shot 09:45 Asia Today 18:45 Sport Today
09:00 [V] Plug 03:00 World News Today with Zeinab 11:30 The Bottom Line
09:00 [V] Plug 10:00 BBC World News 19:00 GMT with George Alagiah
09:30 The Playlist Badawi 12:00 BBC World News
09:30 The Playlist 10:30 Asia Business Report 19:30 GMT with George Alagiah
10:00 Loop 03:30 World Business Report 12:30 World Business Report
10:00 Loop 10:45 Asia Today 20:00 Impact Asia with Mishal Husain
11:00 The List 03:45 Sport Today 12:45 BBC World News
11:00 Videoscope 11:00 BBC World News 20:30 Impact Asia with Mishal Husain
12:00 [V] Tunes 04:00 BBC World News 13:00 BBC World News
12:00 [V] Tunes 11:30 HARDtalk 21:00 Impact Asia with Mishal Husain
13:00 Double Shot 04:30 HARDtalk 13:30 World Business Report
13:00 Double Shot 12:00 BBC World News 21:30 World Business Report
14:00 Backtracks 05:00 Business Edition with Tanya 13:45 BBC World News
14:00 Backtracks 12:30 World Business Report 21:45 Sport Today
15:00 Loop Beckett 14:00 BBC World News
15:00 Loop 12:45 BBC World News 22:00 BBC World News
16:00 [V] Plug 05:30 Asia Business Report 14:30 World Business Report
16:00 [V] Plug 13:00 BBC World News 22:30 HARDtalk
16:30 Double Shot 05:45 Sport Today 14:45 Sport Today
16:30 Double Shot 13:30 World Business Report 23:00 The Hub with Nik Gowing
17:00 Backtracks 06:00 BBC World News 15:00 BBC World News
17:00 Backtracks 13:45 BBC World News 23:30 The Hub with Nik Gowing
18:00 [V] Tunes 06:30 Asia Business Report 15:30 World Business Report
18:00 [V] Tunes 14:00 BBC World News
19:00 [V] Plug 06:45 Asia Today 15:45 Sport Today
19:00 [V] Plug 14:30 World Business Report RABU
19:30 The Playlist 07:00 BBC World News America 16:00 BBC World News
19:30 The Playlist 14:45 Sport Today
20:00 Loop 00:00 The Hub with Nik Gowing 08:00 BBC World News 16:30 The Bottom Line
20:00 Loop 15:00 BBC World News
21:00 [V] Countdown 00:30 World Business Report 08:30 Asia Business Report 17:00 BBC World News
21:00 [V] Special 15:30 World Business Report
23:00 Backtracks 00:45 Sport Today 08:45 Asia Today 17:30 BBC World News
22:00 [V] Tunes 15:45 Sport Today
01:00 BBC World News 09:00 BBC World News 18:00 BBC World News
16:00 BBC World News
01:30 World Business Report 09:30 Asia Business Report 18:30 World Business Report
RABU 16:30 HARDtalk
SABTU 01:45 Sport Today 09:45 Asia Today 18:45 Sport Today
00:00 [V] Tunes 17:00 BBC World News
00:00 Loop 02:00 World News Today with Zeinab 10:00 BBC World News 19:00 GMT with George Alagiah
01:00 [V] Plug 17:30 BBC World News
01:00 Backtracks Badawi 10:30 Asia Business Report 19:30 GMT with George Alagiah
01:30 The Playlist 18:00 BBC World News
02:00 [V] Tunes 02:30 World News Today with Zeinab 10:45 Asia Today 20:00 World News Today with Lyse
02:00 Loop 18:30 World Business Report
05:00 The Playlist Badawi 11:00 BBC World News Doucet
03:00 [V] Countdown 18:45 Sport Today
07:30 Double Shot 03:00 World News Today with Zeinab 11:30 HARDtalk 20:30 World News Today with Lyse
05:00 [V] Plug 19:00 GMT with George Alagiah
08:00 Loop Badawi 12:00 BBC World News Doucet
05:30 The Playlist 19:30 GMT with George Alagiah
09:00 [V] Plug 03:30 World Business Report 12:30 World Business Report 21:00 World News Today with Lyse
06:00 Loop 20:00 Impact Asia with Mishal Husain
11:30 Keys To The VIP 03:45 Sport Today 12:45 BBC World News Doucet
07:00 Backtracks 20:30 Impact Asia with Mishal Husain
12:00 Backtracks 04:00 BBC World News 13:00 BBC World News 21:30 World Business Report
08:00 Double Shot 21:00 Impact Asia with Mishal Husain
13:00 [V] Tunes 04:30 HARDtalk 13:30 World Business Report 21:45 Sport Today
09:00 [V] Plug 21:30 World Business Report
16:00 [V] Plug 05:00 Business Edition with Tanya 13:45 BBC World News 22:00 BBC World News
09:30 The Playlist 21:45 Sport Today
18:30 Double Shot Beckett 14:00 BBC World News 22:30 Click
10:00 Loop 22:00 BBC World News
19:00 Videoscope 05:30 Asia Business Report 14:30 World Business Report 23:00 The Hub with Nik Gowing
11:00 [V] Countdown 22:30 HARDtalk
20:00 [V] Countdown 05:45 Sport Today 14:45 Sport Today 23:30 BBC World News
13:00 Double Shot 23:00 The Hub with Nik Gowing
22:00 [V] Tunes 06:00 BBC World News 15:00 BBC World News 23:40 Weekend World
14:00 Backtracks 23:30 The Hub with Nik Gowing
06:30 Asia Business Report 15:30 World Business Report
15:00 Loop
MINGGU 06:45 Asia Today 15:45 Sport Today SABTU
16:00 [V] Plug SELASA 07:00 BBC World News America 16:00 BBC World News
16:30 Double Shot 00:00 Loop 00:00 The Hub with Nik Gowing
00:00 The Hub with Nik Gowing 08:00 BBC World News 16:30 HARDtalk
17:00 Backtracks 01:00 Backtracks 00:30 World Business Report
00:30 World Business Report 08:30 Asia Business Report 17:00 BBC World News
18:00 [V] Tunes 02:00 [V] Special 00:45 Sport Today
00:45 Sport Today 08:45 Asia Today 17:30 BBC World News
19:00 [V] Plug 03:00 [V] Countdown 01:00 BBC World News
01:00 BBC World News 09:00 BBC World News 18:00 BBC World News
19:30 The Playlist 05:00 [V] Plug 01:30 Middle East Business Report
01:30 World Business Report 09:30 Asia Business Report 18:30 World Business Report
20:00 Loop 07:30 Double Shot 02:00 World News Today with Zeinab
01:45 Sport Today 09:45 Asia Today 18:45 Sport Today
08:00 Loop Badawi

[V] Countdown
Jika tak ada di tangga lagu [V] Countdown, berarti belum bisa dibilang hit di Asia!
Channel [V] menyuguhkan acara peringkat lagu yang berpengaruh di asia. Bergabung
bersama para VJ menikmati 20 lagu paling top di channel ini. Saksikan nama-nama
Setiap Sabtu, besar dan video musik terbaru mereka.
Pukul 20.00 WIB

58 | primetime | Maret 2010


02:30 BBC World News 15:30 Dateline London 11:00 The Pink Panther Show 16:30 The Garfield Show 20:00 New Woody Woodpecker of BackStory
02:40 Weekend World 16:00 BBC World News 12:00 Tom & Jerry Show 17:00 Transformers- Animated Show 05:30 Talk Asia /Mar 01 World
03:00 BBC World News 16:10 Virtual Revolution 13:00 Naruto- Double Episodes 17:25 Ben 10- Double Episodes 20:30 Tom & Jerry Tales Report/Mar 08 World Report
03:30 Fast Track 17:00 BBC World News 14:00 Ben 10- Double Episodes 18:30 Batman- The Brave & the Bold 21:00 The Grim Adventures of Billy 06:00 World Report
04:00 BBC World News 17:10 World Features 15:00 Chowder 19:00 Ben 10 Alien Force and Mandy 06:30 World Report /Mar 01 Talk
04:30 The Bottom Line 17:30 Newsnight 15:25 Sushi Pack 19:30 Speed Racer- The Next 21:35 Sushi Pack Asia/Mar 08 Talk Asia
05:00 Business Edition with Tanya 18:00 BBC World News 16:00 Tom & Jerry Tales Generation 22:00 Ben 10- Double Episodes 07:00 World Business Today /Mar 01
Beckett 18:10 World Features 16:30 The Garfield Show 20:00 Tom & Jerry Tales 23:00 The Pink Panther Show World Report/Mar 08 World
05:30 Sport Today 18:30 TBA 17:00 Transformers- Animated 20:30 Star Wars- The Clone Wars Report
05:40 Weekend World 19:00 BBC World News 17:25 Ben 10- Double Episodes 21:00 Naruto- Double Episodes 07:30 World Sport /Mar 01 World
06:00 BBC World News 19:30 Click 18:30 Batman- The Brave & the Bold 22:00 Tom & Jerry Show Report/Mar 08 World Report
00:00 Ben 10 08:00 World Report /Mar 01 World
06:30 The Real... 20:00 BBC World News 19:00 Ben 10 Alien Force 23:00 The Pink Panther Show 00:25 Codename: Kids Next Door Business Today/Mar 08 World
07:00 BBC World News America 20:15 Sport Today 19:30 Speed Racer- The Next 01:00 The Powerpuff Girls Business Today
08:00 BBC World News 20:30 The Real... Generation JUMAT 02:00 Chowder 08:30 World View /Mar 01 World
08:10 Virtual Revolution 21:00 BBC World News 20:00 Tom & Jerry Tales
00:00 Ben 10 02:25 Sushi Pack Sport/Mar 08 World Sport
09:00 BBC World News 21:30 Alvin’s Guide To Good 20:30 Star Wars- The Clone Wars
00:25 Ben 10 Alien Force 03:00 The Grim Adventures of Billy 09:00 World’s Untold Stories /Mar 01
09:30 Alvin’s Guide To Good Business 21:00 Naruto- Double Episodes
00:50 The Powerpuff Girls and Mandy World Report/Mar 08 World
Business 22:00 BBC World News 22:00 Tom & Jerry Show
02:00 Foster’s Home for Imaginary 03:35 Dexter’s Laboratory Report/Mar 22 MainSail
10:00 BBC World News 22:10 The World Debate 23:00 The Pink Panther Show
Friends 04:00 Ben 10 09:30 World View /Mar 15 Eco
10:30 TBA 23:00 BBC World News
02:25 My Gym Partner’s A Monkey 04:25 Codename: Kids Next Door Solutions/Mar 22 iReport:
11:00 BBC World News 23:30 India Business Report RABU 03:00 The Grim Adventures of Billy 04:50 The Powerpuff Girls Caught on Camera/Mar 29
11:30 Our World
00:00 Ben 10 and Mandy 06:00 Chowder International Correspondents
12:00 BBC World News 10:00 Mar 01 World’s Untold Stories/
00:25 Ben 10 Alien Force 03:35 The Powerpuff Girls Z 06:25 Sushi Pack
12:30 Middle East Business Report Mar 08 CNN Special/Mar 15
00:50 The Powerpuff Girls 04:00 Ben 10 07:00 Tom & Jerry Show
13:00 BBC World News CNN Business Traveller/Mar
02:00 Foster’s Home for Imaginary 04:25 Ben 10 Alien Force 07:30 Tom & Jerry Tales
13:10 World Features 22 Revealed/Mar 29 The
Friends 04:50 The Powerpuff Girls 08:00 League of Super Evil (All New)
13:30 Click Screening Room
02:25 My Gym Partner’s A Monkey 06:00 Foster’s Home for Imaginary 08:25 Secret Saturdays

14:00 BBC World News 10:30 World Sport / The Screening

SENIN 03:00 The Grim Adventures of Billy Friends 09:00 Ben 10- Double Episodes
14:30 The Real... Room Xtra/Mar 01 International
00:00 Ben 10 and Mandy 06:25 My Gym Partner’s A Monkey 10:00 Cartoon Network Popcorn-
15:00 BBC World News Correspondents/Mar 08 My
00:25 Ben 10 Alien Force 03:35 The Powerpuff Girls Z 07:00 Tom & Jerry Show 10:30 Naruto- Ninja Clash in the Land
15:10 World Features City My Life
01:00 The Powerpuff Girls 04:00 Ben 10 07:30 Tom & Jerry Tales of Snow
15:30 Alvin’s Guide To Good 11:00 World Report /Mar 01 The
02:00 Foster’s Home for Imaginary 04:25 Ben 10 Alien Force 08:00 Ben 10- Double Episodes 11:45 Tom & Jerry Show
Business Screening Room/Mar 08 Inside
Friends 04:50 The Powerpuff Girls 09:00 Ben 10 Alien Force 12:00 Toonilicious- Ben 10 Alien
16:00 BBC World News the Middle East
02:25 My Gym Partner’s A Monkey 06:00 Foster’s Home for Imaginary 09:30 Secret Saturdays Force
16:10 The World Debate 11:30 World Sport /Mar 15 The Best
03:00 The Grim Adventures of Billy Friends 10:00 Teen Titans- Double Episodes 16:00 League of Super Evil (All New)
17:00 BBC World News of BackStory/Mar 22 Back
and Mandy 06:25 My Gym Partner’s A Monkey 11:00 The Pink Panther Show 16:25 Secret Saturdays
17:10 World Features Story/Mar 29 Back Story
03:35 The Powerpuff Girls Z 07:00 Tom & Jerry Show 12:00 Tom & Jerry Show 17:00 Cartoon Network Popcorn-
17:30 Our World 12:00 World Report
04:00 Ben 10 07:30 Tom & Jerry Tales 13:00 Naruto- Double Episodes 17:25 Naruto- Ninja Clash in the Land 12:30 World Report /Mar 01 Back
18:00 BBC World News
04:25 Ben 10 Alien Force 08:00 Ben 10- Double Episodes 14:00 Ben 10- Double Episodes of Snow Story/Mar 08 Back Story
18:10 World Features
04:50 The Powerpuff Girls 09:00 Ben 10 Alien Force 15:00 Chowder 18:45 Tom & Jerry Show 13:00 World Report
18:30 Newsnight
06:00 Foster’s Home for Imaginary 09:30 Secret Saturdays 15:25 Sushi Pack 19:00 Tom & Jerry Show 13:30 World Sport /Mar 01 World
19:00 BBC World News
Friends 10:00 Teen Titans- Double Episodes 16:00 Tom & Jerry Tales 19:30 The Pink Panther Show Report/Mar 08 World Report
19:30 Fast Track
06:25 My Gym Partner’s A Monkey 11:00 The Pink Panther Show 16:30 The Garfield Show 20:00 New Woody Woodpecker 14:00 World Report
20:00 BBC World News
07:00 Tom & Jerry Show 12:00 Tom & Jerry Show 17:00 Transformers- Animated Show 14:30 World Business Today /Mar
20:15 Sport Today
07:30 Tom & Jerry Tales 13:00 Naruto- Double Episodes 17:25 Ben 10 20:30 Tom & Jerry Tales 01 World Sport/Mar 08 World
20:30 Talking Movies
08:00 Ben 10- Double Episodes 14:00 Ben 10- Double Episodes 18:00 Friday Premiere- (All New) 21:00 The Grim Adventures of Billy Sport
21:00 BBC World News
09:00 Ben 10 Alien Force 15:00 Chowder 18:30 Batman: The Brave & the Bold and Mandy 15:00 World Report /Mar 01 World
21:30 Dateline London
09:30 Secret Saturdays 15:25 Sushi Pack 19:00 Friday Premiere- (All New) 21:35 Sushi Pack Report/Mar 08 World Report
22:00 BBC World News
10:00 Teen Titans- Double Episodes 16:00 Tom & Jerry Tales 19:30 Tricky TV 22:00 Ben 10- Double Episodes 15:30 World View /Mar 01 World
22:10 Virtual Revolution
11:00 The Pink Panther Show 16:30 The Garfield Show 20:00 Tom & Jerry Tales 23:00 The Pink Panther Show Business Today/Mar 08 World
23:00 BBC World News
12:00 Tom & Jerry Show 17:00 Transformers- Animated 20:30 Star Wars- The Clone Wars Business Today
23:30 Middle East Business Report
17:25 Ben 10- Double Episodes 21:00 Naruto- Double Episodes 16:00 Larry King Live /Mar 01 World
13:00 Naruto- Double Episodes
18:30 Batman- The Brave & the Bold 22:00 Tom & Jerry Show Report/Mar 08 World Report
MINGGU 14:00 Ben 10- Double Episodes
19:00 Ben 10 Alien Force 23:00 The Pink Panther Show 16:30 Larry King Live /Mar 01 World
15:00 Chowder
00:00 BBC World News 19:30 Speed Racer- The Next View/Mar 08 World View
15:25 Sushi Pack
00:30 Final Score Generation 17:00 World Report /Mar 01 Larry
16:00 Tom & Jerry Tales SABTU
01:00 BBC World News 20:00 Tom & Jerry Tales King Live/Mar 08 Larry King
16:30 The Garfield Show 00:00 Ben 10 Live
01:10 World Features 20:30 Star Wars- The Clone Wars SENIN
17:00 Transformers- Animated 00:25 Codename: Kids Next Door 17:30 World Sport /Mar 01 Larry King
01:30 TBA 21:00 Naruto- Double Episodes 00:00 African Voices /Mar 01 Prism/
17:25 Ben 10- Double Episodes 00:50 The Powerpuff Girls Live/Mar 08 Larry King Live
02:00 BBC World News 22:00 Tom & Jerry Show Mar 08 State of the Union with
18:30 Batman- The Brave & the Bold 02:00 Chowder 18:00 World Report /Mar 01 World
02:15 Sport Today 23:00 The Pink Panther Show John King
19:00 New Mondays- (All New) 02:25 Sushi Pack Report/Mar 08 World Report
02:30 Fast Track 00:30 CNN Marketplace Middle
19:30 Jimmy Two Shoes 03:00 The Grim Adventures of Billy 18:30 World Report /Mar 01 World
03:00 BBC World News KAMIS East/Mar 01 Prism/Mar 08
20:00 Tom & Jerry Tales and Mandy Sport/Mar 08 World Sport
03:10 World Features State of the Union with John
20:30 Star Wars- The Clone Wars 00:00 Ben 10 03:35 Dexter’s Laboratory 19:00 Amanpour /Mar 01 World
03:30 The Real... King/Mar 15 CNN Business
21:00 Naruto- Double Episodes 00:25 Ben 10 Alien Force 04:00 Ben 10 Report/Mar 08 World Report
04:00 BBC World News Traveller/Mar 22 Revealed/Mar
22:00 Tom & Jerry Show 00:50 The Powerpuff Girls 04:25 Codename: Kids Next Door 29 The Screening Room 19:30 Amanpour /Mar 01 World
04:30 Dateline London
23:00 The Pink Panther Show 02:00 Foster’s Home for Imaginary 04:50 The Powerpuff Girls 01:00 The Best of BackStory /Mar 01 Report/Mar 08 World Report
05:00 BBC World News
Friends 06:00 Chowder African Voices/Mar 08 African 20:00 World Business Today /Mar 01
05:10 The World Debate
SELASA 02:25 My Gym Partner’s A Monkey 06:25 Sushi Pack Voices Amanpour/Mar 08 Amanpour
06:00 BBC World News
03:00 The Grim Adventures of Billy 07:00 Tom & Jerry Show 01:30 World’s Untold Stories /Mar 01 20:30 World Business Today /Mar 01
06:30 Newsnight 00:00 Ben 10
and Mandy 07:30 Tom & Jerry Tales The Screening Room/Mar 08 Amanpour/Mar 08 Amanpour
07:00 BBC World News 00:25 Ben 10 Alien Force
03:35 The Powerpuff Girls Z 08:00 League of Super Evil (All New) Inside the Middle East/Mar 22 21:00 International Desk /Mar 01
07:10 World Features 00:50 The Powerpuff Girls
04:00 Ben 10 08:25 Secret Saturdays World Report World Business Today/Mar 08
07:30 Talking Movies 02:00 Foster’s Home for Imaginary World Business Today
Friends 04:25 Ben 10 Alien Force 09:00 Ben 10 - Double Episodes 02:00 Amanpour /Mar 01 The Best of
08:00 BBC World News 21:30 International Desk /Mar 01
02:25 My Gym Partner’s A Monkey 04:50 The Powerpuff Girls 10:00 Batman: The Brave & the Bold BackStory/Mar 08 The Best of
08:30 Dateline London World Business Today/Mar 08
03:00 The Grim Adventures of Billy 06:00 Foster’s Home for Imaginary 10:30 Cartoon Network Popcorn- BackStory
09:00 BBC World News World Business Today
and Mandy Friends 11:00 Naruto- Legend of Stone of 02:30 Amanpour /Mar 01 World’s
09:10 The World Debate 22:00 The Brief /Mar 01 International
06:25 My Gym Partner’s A Monkey Gelel Untold Stories/Mar 08 CNN
10:00 BBC World News 03:35 The Powerpuff Girls Z Desk/Mar 08 International Desk
07:00 Tom & Jerry Show 12:30 Tom & Jerry Show Special
10:30 Our World 04:00 Ben 10 22:30 World Sport /Mar 01
07:30 Tom & Jerry Tales 13:00 Teen Titans- Double Episodes 03:00 Fareed Zakaria GPS /Mar 01
11:00 BBC World News 04:25 Ben 10 Alien Force International Desk/Mar 08
08:00 Ben 10- Double Episodes 14:00 Justice League Unlimited Amanpour/Mar 08 Amanpour
11:30 Newsnight 04:50 The Powerpuff Girls International Desk
09:00 Ben 10 Alien Force 15:00 Ben 10 Alien Force- Double 03:30 Fareed Zakaria GPS /Mar 01
12:00 BBC World News 06:00 Foster’s Home for Imaginary 23:00 World Report /Mar 02 The
09:30 Secret Saturdays Episodes Amanpour/Mar 08 Amanpour
12:30 India Business Report Friends 04:00 The Best of BackStory /Mar 01 Brief/Mar 03 The Brief/Mar 04
06:25 My Gym Partner’s A Monkey 10:00 Teen Titans- Double Episodes 16:00 League of Super Evil (All New)
13:00 BBC World News Fareed Zakaria GPS/Mar 08 The Brief/Mar 05 The Brief/Mar
07:00 Tom & Jerry Show 11:00 The Pink Panther Show 16:25 Secret Saturdays 09 The Brief/Mar 10 The
13:10 World Features Fareed Zakaria GPS
07:30 Tom & Jerry Tales 12:00 Tom & Jerry Show 17:00 Cartoon Network Popcorn- Brief/Mar 11 The Brief/Mar 12
13:30 Fast Track 04:30 World Report /Mar 01 Fareed
08:00 Ben 10- Double Episodes 13:00 Naruto- Double Episodes 17:25 Naruto- Legend of Stone of The Brief
14:00 BBC World News Zakaria GPS/Mar 08 Fareed
09:00 Ben 10 Alien Force 14:00 Ben 10- Double Episodes Gelel 23:30 World Sport /Apr 01 Inside
14:30 Talking Movies Zakaria GPS
09:30 Secret Saturdays 15:00 Chowder 19:00 Tom & Jerry Show the Middle East/Mar 16
15:00 BBC World News 05:00 World Report /Mar 01 The Best
10:00 Teen Titans- Double Episodes 15:25 Sushi Pack 19:30 The Pink Panther Show CNN Special/Mar 17 CNN
15:10 World Features of BackStory/Mar 08 The Best
16:00 Tom & Jerry Tales

League Of Super Evil Tm

Serial The League of Super Evil (disingkat L.O.S.E.) berkisah tentang 4 Super Villains
(penjahat super) yang ingin menguasai seluruh lingkungan perumahan. Dipimpin
Great Voltar, “kejahatan” L.O.S.E. direncanakan dengan ceroboh dan kekanakkan.
Selain dia ada anggota lain, Doktor Frogg, si jenius yang selalu bernasib sial. Si kekar
dari pertanian Siberia, reginald, “Red” Menace, malah hobi berkebun dan binatang
Pukul 16.00 WIB
lucu. Dan tak lupa Doomageddon, yang membawa istilah “anjing nakal” pada

Maret 2010 | primetime | 59


Special/Mar 18 Revealed/Mar Story/Mar 09 Back Story/Mar Talk Asia/Mar 26 International Mar 04 World Report/Mar 05 International Desk Voices/Mar 27 African Voices
19 MainSail/Mar 23 CNN 10 Back Story/Mar 11 Back Correspondents/Mar 30 World World Report/Mar 09 World 01:00 Quest Means Business /Mar 1900 Talk Asia /Mar 20 Amanpour/
Special/Mar 24 World’s Untold Story/Mar 12 Back Story/Mar View/Mar 31 Inside Africa Report/Mar 10 World Report/ 06 International Desk/Mar 13 Mar 27 Amanpour
Stories/Mar 25 The Screening 17 World News Europe 11:00 World Report /Mar 02 World Mar 11 World Report/Mar 12 International Desk 19:30 African Voices /Mar 20
Room/Mar 26 Vital Signs/Mar 05:30 The Situation Room /Mar 02 Report/Mar 03 World Report/ World Report/Mar 17 World 01:30 Quest Means Business /Mar Amanpour/Mar 27 Amanpour
30 CNN Special/Mar 31 CNN World Sport/Mar 03 World Mar 04 World Report/Mar 05 Report 06 International Desk/Mar 13 20:00 Political Mann /Mar 06
Special Sport/Mar 04 World Sport/Mar World Report/Mar 09 World 18:30 World Report /Mar 02 World International Desk Amanpour/Mar 13 Amanpour
05 World Sport/Mar 09 World Report/Mar 10 World Report/ Sport/Mar 03 World Sport/Mar 02:00 Quest Means Business /Mar 20 20:30 World View /Mar 06
SELASA sd. JUMAT Sport/Mar 10 World Sport/Mar Mar 11 World Report/Mar 12 04 World Sport/Mar 05 World Amanpour/Mar 27 Amanpour Amanpour/Mar 13 Amanpour
00:00 International Desk /Mar 02 11 World Sport/Mar 12 World World Report/Mar 17 Inside Sport/Mar 09 World Sport/Mar 02:30 Quest Means Business /Mar 20 21:00 World Report /Mar 06 Political
World Report/Mar 03 World Sport/Mar 17 World News Africa 10 World Sport/Mar 11 World Amanpour/Mar 27 Amanpour Mann/Mar 13 Political Mann
Report/Mar 04 World Report/ Europe 11:30 World Report / The Screening Sport/Mar 12 World Sport/Mar 03:00 Amanpour /Mar 20 Connect 21:30 World View /Mar 20 iReport:
Mar 05 World Report/Mar 09 06:00 World Report /Mar 02 The Room Xtra/Mar 02 World 17 World Sport the World/Mar 27 Connect the Caught on Camera/Mar 27
World Report/Mar 10 World Situation Room/Mar 03 The View/Mar 03 Inside Africa/Mar 19:00 World Report /Mar 16 World International Correspondents
Report/Mar 11 World Report/ Situation Room/Mar 04 The 04 Talk Asia/Mar 05 My City My Amanpour/Mar 18 Amanpour/ 03:30 Amanpour /Mar 20 Connect 22:00 Inside Africa /Mar 06 World
Mar 12 World Report Situation Room/Mar 05 The Life/Mar 09 World View/Mar Mar 19 Amanpour/Mar 23 the World/Mar 27 Connect the Report/Mar 13 World Report
00:30 International Desk /Mar 02 Situation Room/Mar 09 The 10 Inside Africa/Mar 11 Talk Amanpour/Mar 24 Amanpour/ World 22:30 World Sport / The Screening
CNN Special/Mar 03 CNN Situation Room/Mar 10 The Asia/Mar 12 Eco Solutions/Mar Mar 25 Amanpour/Mar 26 04:00 Connect the World /Mar 20 Room Xtra/Mar 06 My City My
Special/Mar 04 Inside the Situation Room/Mar 11 The 17 World Sport Amanpour/Mar 30 Amanpour/ Back Story/Mar 27 Back Story Life/Mar 13 Eco Solutions
Middle East/Mar 05 Living Situation Room/Mar 12 The 12:00 World Report Mar 31 Amanpour 04:30 World Sport /Mar 06 Connect 23:00 World Report /Mar 07 Inside
Golf/Mar 09 CNN Special/Mar Situation Room/Mar 17 The 12:30 World Report 19:30 World Report /Mar 16 the World/Mar 13 Connect the Africa/Mar 14 Inside Africa
10 World’s Untold Stories/Mar Situation Room 13:00 World Report World’s Untold Stories/Mar World 23:30 World Sport /Mar 21 CNN
11 CNN Business Traveller/Mar 06:30 World Report /Mar 02 The 13:30 World Sport /Mar 02 World 18 MainSail/Mar 19 The Best 05:00 The Situation Room /Mar 06 Special/Mar 28 World’s Untold
12 CNN Special Situation Room/Mar 03 The Report/Mar 03 World Report/ of BackStory/Mar 23 World’s Back Story/Mar 13 Back Story Stories
01:00 Quest Means Business /Mar Situation Room/Mar 04 The Mar 04 World Report/Mar 05 Untold Stories/Mar 24 Talk 05:30 The Situation Room /Mar 06
02 International Desk/Mar Situation Room/Mar 05 The World Report/Mar 09 World Asia/Mar 25 Vital Signs/Mar 26 World Sport/Mar 13 World MINGGU
03 International Desk/Mar Situation Room/Mar 09 The Report/Mar 10 World Report/ The Best of BackStory/Mar 30 Sport 00:00 World Report /Mar 21
04 International Desk/Mar 05 Situation Room/Mar 10 The Mar 11 World Report/Mar 12 World’s Untold Stories/Mar 31 06:00 World Report /Mar 06 The Revealed/Mar 28 The
International Desk/Mar 09 Situation Room/Mar 11 The World Report/Mar 17 World Talk Asia Situation Room/Mar 13 The Screening Room
International Desk/Mar 10 Situation Room/Mar 12 The Report 20:00 World Business Today /Mar 02 Situation Room 00:30 Mar 07 CNN Special/Mar 14
International Desk/Mar 11 Situation Room/Mar 17 The 14:00 World Report Amanpour/Mar 03 Amanpour/ 06:30 World Report /Mar 06 The World’s Untold Stories/Mar 21
International Desk/Mar 12 Situation Room 14:30 World Business Today /Mar Mar 04 Amanpour/Mar 05 Situation Room/Mar 13 The MainSail/Mar 28 Vital Signs
International Desk/Mar 17 07:00 World Business Today /Mar 02 02 World Sport/Mar 03 World Amanpour/Mar 09 Amanpour/ Situation Room 01:00 World Report /Mar 07 Inside
World Report World Report/Mar 03 World Sport/Mar 04 World Sport/Mar Mar 10 Amanpour/Mar 11 07:00 World Business Today /Mar 06 the Middle East/Mar 14 CNN
01:30 Quest Means Business /Mar Report/Mar 04 World Report/ 05 World Sport/Mar 09 World Amanpour/Mar 12 Amanpour/ World Report/Mar 13 World Business Traveller
02 International Desk/Mar Mar 05 World Report/Mar 09 Sport/Mar 10 World Sport/Mar Mar 17 World Report Report 01:30 African Voices /Mar 07 Living
03 International Desk/Mar World Report/Mar 10 World 11 World Sport/Mar 12 World 20:30 World Business Today /Mar 02 07:30 World Sport /Mar 06 World Golf/Mar 14 CNN Special
04 International Desk/Mar 05 Report/Mar 11 World Report/ Sport/Mar 17 World Sport World’s Untold Stories/Mar 03 Report/Mar 13 World Report 02:00 World Report /Mar 21 Political
International Desk/Mar 09 Mar 12 World Report/Mar 17 15:00 World Report /Mar 16 World Talk Asia/Mar 04 Living Golf/ 08:00 Larry King Live /Mar 06 World Mann/Mar 28 Political Mann
International Desk/Mar 10 World Report Report/Mar 18 World Report/ Mar 05 South Africa 2010/Mar Business Today/Mar 13 World 02:30 Talk Asia /Mar 07 African
International Desk/Mar 11 07:30 World Sport /Mar 02 World Mar 19 World News & CNN 09 World’s Untold Stories/Mar Business Today Voices/Mar 14 African Voices
International Desk/Mar 12 Report/Mar 03 World Report/ Marketplace Middle East/Mar 10 Talk Asia/Mar 11 CNN 08:30 Larry King Live /Mar 06 World 03:00 Political Mann /Mar 21
International Desk/Mar 17 Mar 04 World Report/Mar 05 23 World Report/Mar 24 World Special/Mar 12 The Best of Sport/Mar 13 World Sport MainSail/Mar 28 Vital Signs
World’s Untold Stories World Report/Mar 09 World Report/Mar 25 World Report/ BackStory/Mar 17 Talk Asia 09:00 Anderson Cooper 360° /Mar 03:30 Talk Asia /Mar 21 Revealed/
02:00 Quest Means Business /Mar 16 Report/Mar 10 World Report/ Mar 26 World News & CNN 21:00 World Business Today /Mar 06 Larry King Live/Mar 13 Larry Mar 28 The Screening Room
Amanpour/Mar 18 Amanpour/ Mar 11 World Report/Mar 12 Marketplace Middle East/Mar 16 International Desk/Mar 18 King Live 04:00 The Best of BackStory /Mar
Mar 19 Amanpour/Mar 23 World Report/Mar 17 World 30 World Report/Mar 31 World International Desk/Mar 19 09:30 Anderson Cooper 360° /Mar 07 Living Golf/Mar 14 CNN
Amanpour/Mar 24 Amanpour/ Report Report International Desk/Mar 23 06 Larry King Live/Mar 13 Larry Special
Mar 25 Amanpour/Mar 26 08:00 World Report /Mar 02 World 15:30 World Business Today /Mar 16 International Desk/Mar 24 King Live 04:30 World Sport /Mar 07 Inside
Amanpour/Mar 30 Amanpour/ Business Today/Mar 03 World Inside Africa/Mar 18 iReport: International Desk/Mar 25 10:00 World Report /Mar 06 the Middle East/Mar 14 CNN
Mar 31 Amanpour Business Today/Mar 04 World Caught on Camera/Mar 19 The International Desk/Mar 26 Anderson Cooper 360°/Mar 13 Business Traveller
02:30 Quest Means Business /Mar Business Today/Mar 05 World Best of BackStory/Mar 23 Inside International Desk/Mar 30 Anderson Cooper 360° 05:00 The Best of BackStory /Mar 21
16 World One/Mar 18 World Business Today/Mar 09 World Africa/Mar 24 The Screening International Desk/Mar 31 10:30 Anderson Cooper 360° /Mar 20 World Report/Mar 28 World
One/Mar 19 World One/Mar Business Today/Mar 10 World Room/Mar 25 International International Desk Political Mann/Mar 27 Political Report
23 World One/Mar 24 World Business Today/Mar 11 World Correspondents/Mar 26 The 21:30 World Business Today /Mar Mann 05:30 World Sport /Mar 21 iReport:
One/Mar 25 World One/Mar Business Today/Mar 12 World Best of BackStory/Mar 30 Inside 16 International Desk/Mar 18 11:00 World Report /Mar 06 World Caught on Camera/Mar 28
26 World One/Mar 30 World Business Today Africa/Mar 31 CNN Special International Desk/Mar 19 Report/Mar 13 World Report International Correspondents
One/Mar 31 World One 08:30 World Report /Mar 02 World 16:00 Larry King Live /Mar 02 International Desk/Mar 23 11:30 Political Mann /Mar 20 Back 06:00 World Report /Mar 07 World
03:00 Connect the World /Mar 02 Sport/Mar 03 World Sport/Mar World Report/Mar 03 World International Desk/Mar 24 Story/Mar 27 Back Story Report/Mar 14 World Report
Amanpour/Mar 03 Amanpour/ 04 World Sport/Mar 05 World Report/Mar 04 World Report/ International Desk/Mar 25 12:00 World Report 06:30 Inside Africa / The Screening
Mar 04 Amanpour/Mar 05 Sport/Mar 09 World Sport/Mar Mar 05 World News & CNN International Desk/Mar 26 12:30 World View /Mar 06 Back Room Xtra/Mar 07 My City My
Amanpour/Mar 09 Amanpour/ 10 World Sport/Mar 11 World Marketplace Middle East/Mar International Desk/Mar 30 Story/Mar 13 Back Story Life/Mar 14 Eco Solutions
Mar 10 Amanpour/Mar 11 Sport/Mar 12 World Sport 09 World Report/Mar 10 World International Desk/Mar 31 13:00 World Report/ CNN 07:00 World Report /Mar 21 World
Amanpour/Mar 12 Amanpour/ 09:00 Anderson Cooper 360° /Mar Report/Mar 11 World Report/ International Desk Marketiplace Middle East /Mar Business Today & CNN
Mar 17 World News Europe 02 World Report/Mar 03 World Mar 12 World News & CNN 22:00 The Brief /Mar 02 International 06 World Report/Mar 13 World Marketplace Middle East/Mar
03:30 Connect the World /Mar 02 Report/Mar 04 World Report/ Marketplace Middle East/Mar Desk/Mar 03 International Report 28 World Business Today &
World One/Mar 03 World Mar 05 World Report/Mar 09 17 World Report Desk/Mar 04 International 13:30 World Sport /Mar 06 World CNN Marketplace Middle East
One/Mar 04 World One/Mar World Report/Mar 10 World 16:30 Larry King Live / The Screening Desk/Mar 05 International View/Mar 13 World View 07:30 World Sport /Mar 07 Inside
05 World One/Mar 09 World Report/Mar 11 World Report/ Room Xtra/Mar 02 Inside Desk/Mar 09 International 14:00 World Report/ CNN Africa/Mar 14 Inside Africa
One/Mar 10 World One/Mar Mar 12 World Report/Mar 17 Africa/Mar 03 CNN Special/Mar Desk/Mar 10 International Marketiplace Middle East /Mar 08:00 Larry King Live /Mar 07 World
11 World One/Mar 12 World World Report 04 My City My Life/Mar 05 Desk/Mar 11 International 20 World Report/Mar 27 World Business Today & CNN
One/Mar 17 World News 09:30 Anderson Cooper 360° /Mar The Best of BackStory/Mar Desk/Mar 12 International Report Marketplace Middle East/Mar
Europe 02 World Report/Mar 03 World 09 Inside Africa/Mar 10 CNN Desk/Mar 17 World Report 14:30 World Sport /Mar 20 MainSail/ 14 World Business Today &
04:00 Back Story /Mar 02 Connect Report/Mar 04 World Report/ Business Traveller/Mar 11 Eco 22:30 World Sport /Mar 02 Mar 27 Vital Signs CNN Marketplace Middle East
the World/Mar 03 Connect Mar 05 World Report/Mar 09 Solutions/Mar 12 The Best of International Desk/Mar 03 15:00 World Report /Mar 20 iReport: 08:30 Larry King Live /Mar 07 World
the World/Mar 04 Connect the World Report/Mar 10 World BackStory/Mar 17 Revealed International Desk/Mar 04 Caught on Camera/Mar 27 Sport/Mar 14 World Sport
World/Mar 05 Connect the Report/Mar 11 World Report/ 17:00 World Report /Mar 02 Larry International Desk/Mar 05 International Correspondents 09:00 Larry King Live /Mar 21 The
World/Mar 09 Connect the Mar 12 World Report/Mar 17 King Live/Mar 03 Larry King International Desk/Mar 09 15:30 Mar 06 Living Golf/Mar 13 CNN Best of Situation Room/Mar 28
World/Mar 10 Connect the World Report Live/Mar 04 Larry King Live/Mar International Desk/Mar 10 Special/Mar 20 Revealed/Mar The Best of Situation Room
World/Mar 11 Connect the 10:00 World Report /Mar 02 05 Larry King Live/Mar 09 Larry International Desk/Mar 11 27 The Screening Room 09:30 Larry King Live /Mar 21 The
World/Mar 12 Connect the Anderson Cooper 360°/Mar 03 King Live/Mar 10 Larry King International Desk/Mar 12 16:00 Larry King Live / The Screening Best of Situation Room/Mar 28
World Anderson Cooper 360°/Mar 04 Live/Mar 11 Larry King Live/Mar International Desk/Mar 17 Room Xtra/Mar 06 My City My The Best of Situation Room
04:30 World Sport /Mar 02 Connect Anderson Cooper 360°/Mar 05 12 Larry King Live/Mar 17 Larry World Report Life/Mar 13 Eco Solutions 10:00 The Best of Situation Room
the World/Mar 03 Connect the Anderson Cooper 360°/Mar 09 King Live 23:00 World Report /Mar 06 The 16:30 Larry King Live /Mar 06 Inside /Mar 21 MainSail/Mar 28 Vital
World/Mar 04 Connect the Anderson Cooper 360°/Mar 10 17:30 World Sport /Mar 02 Larry King Brief/Mar 13 The Brief the Middle East/Mar 13 CNN Signs
World/Mar 05 Connect the Anderson Cooper 360°/Mar 11 Live/Mar 03 Larry King Live/Mar 23:30 World Sport /Mar 20 Political Business Traveller 10:30 World Sport /Mar 07 The Best
World/Mar 09 Connect the Anderson Cooper 360°/Mar 12 04 Larry King Live/Mar 05 Larry Mann/Mar 27 Political Mann 17:00 World Report /Mar 06 Larry of Situation Room/Mar 14 The
World/Mar 10 Connect the Anderson Cooper 360°/Mar 17 King Live/Mar 09 Larry King King Live/Mar 13 Larry King Best of Situation Room
World/Mar 11 Connect the Anderson Cooper 360° Live/Mar 10 Larry King Live/Mar SABTU Live 11:00 World Report /Mar 07 Living
World/Mar 12 Connect the 10:30 Anderson Cooper 360° /Mar 11 Larry King Live/Mar 12 Larry 00:00 International Desk /Mar 06 17:30 World Sport /Mar 06 Larry King Golf/Mar 14 CNN Special
World 16 World View/Mar 18 Talk King Live/Mar 17 Larry King World Report/Mar 13 World Live/Mar 13 Larry King Live 11:30 The Best of BackStory /Mar
05:00 The Situation Room /Mar 02 Asia/Mar 19 iReport: Caught on Live Report 18:00 Talk Asia /Mar 06 World 07 World Sport/Mar 14 World
Back Story/Mar 03 Back Story/ Camera/Mar 23 World View/ 18:00 World Report /Mar 02 World 00:30 Political Mann /Mar 20 Report/Mar 13 World Report Sport
Mar 04 Back Story/Mar 05 Back Mar 24 Inside Africa/Mar 25 Report/Mar 03 World Report/ International Desk/Mar 27 18:30 World Sport /Mar 20 African 12:00 World Report

World Sport
Siaran berita olahraga dari seluruh penjuru dunia, disajikan dengan potongan aksi
terbaik, analisis, wawancara, dan profil atlet dalam perspektif global. Tayang tujuh hari
Setiap hari, seminggu
Pukul 08.30 WIB

60 | primetime | Maret 2010


12:30 The Best of BackStory /Mar 21 05:00 Squawk Australia 03:00 CNBC Original Productions 12:40 Beyonce Revealed 09:15 Halle Berry THS 05:55 E! News
Revealed/Mar 28 The Screening 06:00 Squawk Box 04:00 Asia Market Week 14:25 Invictus Behind the Scenes 10:05 Keeping Up with the 06:20 Giuliana & Bill
Room 09:00 CNBC’s Cash Flow 04:30 Business Pakistan 14:50 Miami Style Star Kardashians 06:45 E! News
13:00 World Report 11:00 Fast Money 05:00 Europe This Week 15:15 Stripped 10:30 Leave it to Lamas 07:10 Daily 10, The
13:30 World Sport /Mar 07 Living 12:00 Capital Connection 05:30 Business Arabia 15:40 Leave it to Lamas 11:00 E! News 07:35 Cop Out Behind the Scenes
Golf/Mar 14 CNN Business 13:00 Squawk Box Europe 06:00 Asia Market Week 16:10 Keeping Up with the 11:25 Daily 10, The 08:00 Shutter Island Behind the
Traveller 16:00 Worldwide Exchange 06:30 Business Pakistan Kardashians 11:50 Denise Richards: It’s Scenes
14:00 World Report/ CNN 18:00 Squawk Box 07:00 Europe This Week 16:35 Giuliana & Bill Complicated 08:25 My Celebrity Home
Marketiplace Middle East /Mar 21:00 Squawk on the Street 07:30 Business Arabia 17:00 E! News 12:15 Gastineau Girls 09:15 Fashion Police: The 2010
07 World Report/Mar 14 World 23:00 The Call 08:00 Asia Market Week 17:25 Daily 10, The 12:40 Kimora Lee Simmons THS Academy Awards
Report 08:30 Barefoot Investor 17:50 Star Jones THS 13:30 Fashion Police: The 2010 10:05 Leave it to Lamas
14:30 World Sport /Mar 21 MainSail/ RABU 09:00 Managing Asia 18:40 15 Remarkable Celebrity Body Academy Awards 10:30 Dallas Divas & Daughters
Mar 28 Vital Signs 09:30 World Business Bouncebacks 14:25 The Wolfman Behind the 11:00 E! News
00:00 Power Lunch
15:00 World Report/ CNN 10:00 CNBC Original Productions 20:20 Dallas Divas & Daughters Scenes 11:25 Daily 10, The
02:00 Street Signs
Marketiplace Middle East 11:00 CNBC Sports 20:45 Dallas Divas & Daughters 14:50 Vanessa Williams Style Star 11:50 Giuliana & Bill
03:00 Closing Bell
/Mar 21 Political Mann/Mar 28 13:00 Tonight Show With Conan 21:10 E! News 15:15 Stripped 12:15 Forbes Presents Michael
05:00 Squawk Australia
Political Mann O’Brien 21:35 Daily 10, The 15:40 Dallas Divas & Daughters Jackson: Where’s The Money?
06:00 Squawk Box
15:30 Talk Asia /Mar 07 Living 14:00 Tonight Show With Conan 22:00 Extreme Hollywood 16:10 Keeping Up with the 12:40 15 Unforgettable Hollywood
09:00 CNBC’s Cash Flow
Golf/Mar 14 CNN Special O’Brien 22:50 Miami Style Star Kardashians Tragedies
11:00 Fast Money
16:00 Larry King Live /Mar 07 Political 15:00 Suze Orman Show 23:15 Stripped 16:35 Giuliana & Bill 14:25 The Life and Death Of Anna
12:00 Capital Connection
Mann/Mar 14 Political Mann 16:00 Barefoot Investor 23:40 Denise Richards: It’s 17:00 E! News Nicole: An E! News Special
13:00 Squawk Box Europe
16:30 Larry King Live /Mar 07 Talk 16:30 World Business Complicated 17:25 Daily 10, The 17:00 E! News
16:00 Worldwide Exchange
Asia/Mar 14 Talk Asia 17:00 Luxury Channel 17:50 Cameron Diaz: Sexy Angel 17:25 Daily 10, The
18:00 Squawk Box
17:00 World Report /Mar 07 Larry 17:30 Managing Asia RABU 18:40 Kate Hudson THS 17:50 Addicted to Pills E! Investigates
21:00 Squawk on the Street
King Live 18:00 CNBC Original Productions 19:30 Renee Zellweger THS 18:40 Last Days of Michael Jackson E!
23:00 The Call 00:05 Gastineau Girls
17:30 World Sport /Mar 07 Larry King 19:00 CNBC Original Productions 20:20 Keeping Up with the Investigates
00:30 My Celebrity Home
Live 20:00 CNBC Original Productions Kardashians 19:30 Heath Ledger THS
KAMIS 21:00 Tonight Show With Conan 01:20 Invictus Behind the Scenes 20:45 Dallas Divas & Daughters 20:20 Dallas Divas & Daughters
18:00 World’s Untold Stories /Mar 01:45 Streets of Hollywood
07 World Report/Mar 21 CNN 00:00 Power Lunch O’Brien 21:10 E! News 20:45 Leave it to Lamas
22:00 Tonight Show With Conan 02:15 The O’Neals THS 21:35 Daily 10, The 21:10 E! News
Special 02:00 Street Signs
O’Brien 04:05 Farrah Fawcett THS 22:00 25 Most Stylish 21:35 Daily 10, The
18:30 Inside Africa /Mar 07 World 03:00 Closing Bell
23:00 Tonight Show With Conan 05:00 My Celebrity Home 22:50 Vanessa Williams Style Star 22:00 Fashion Police: The 2010
Sport 05:00 Squawk Australia
O’Brien 05:55 E! News 23:15 Stripped Academy Awards
19:00 Fareed Zakaria GPS /Mar 07 06:00 Squawk Box
06:20 Giuliana & Bill 23:40 Denise Richards: It’s 22:50 Beyonce Style Star
CNN Special 09:00 CNBC’s Cash Flow
06:45 E! News Complicated 23:15 Stripped
19:30 Fareed Zakaria GPS /Mar 07 11:00 Fast Money
07:10 Daily 10, The 23:40 Denise Richards: It’s
Inside Africa 12:00 Capital Connection
07:35 Valentine’s Day Behind the Complicated
20:00 State of the Union with John 13:00 Squawk Box Europe JUMAT
16:00 Worldwide Exchange
King /Mar 07 Fareed Zakaria 08:00 Stripped 00:05 Gastineau Girls
18:00 Squawk Box MINGGU
GPS 08:25 Forbes Top 20 Celebrity 00:30 My Celebrity Home
21:00 Squawk on the Street
20:30 State of the Union with John Cash Couples: Crazy Double 01:20 The Wolfman Behind the 00:05 Gastineau Girls
23:00 The Call
King /Mar 07 Fareed Zakaria SENIN Incomes Scenes 00:30 My Celebrity Home

GPS 09:15 Eva Longoria Parker THS 01:45 Streets of Hollywood 01:20 Cop Out Behind the Scenes
JUMAT 00:05 Gastineau Girls
21:00 World Report /Mar 07 State of 10:05 Dallas Divas & Daughters 02:15 The Osbournes THS 01:45 Streets of Hollywood
00:30 Forbes Most Bankable Stars
the Union with John King 00:00 Power Lunch 10:30 Giuliana & Bill 04:05 The Cosby Kids THS 02:15 Serial Killers on the Loose THS
01:00 25 Most Stylish
21:30 Mar 07 State of the Union 02:00 Street Signs 11:00 E! News 05:00 My Celebrity Home Investigates
02:00 Countdown to the Red Carpet:
with John King/Mar 14 Eco 03:00 Closing Bell 11:25 Daily 10, The 05:55 E! News 04:05 Husbands Who Kill THS
The 2010 Academy Awards
Solutions/Mar 21 iReport: 05:00 Squawk Australia 11:50 Fashion Police: The 2010 06:20 Giuliana & Bill Investigates
06:00 Live from the Red Carpet: The
Caught on Camera/Mar 28 06:00 Squawk Box Academy Awards 06:45 E! News 05:00 My Celebrity Home
2010 Academy Awards
International Correspondents 09:00 CNBC’s Cash Flow 12:40 Glamour’s 25 Biggest Do’s and 07:10 Daily 10, The 05:55 E! News
08:00 Live from the Red Carpet: The
22:00 Mar 07 World Report/Mar 14 11:00 Fast Money Don’ts 07:35 Shutter Island Behind the 06:20 Daily 10, The
2010 Academy Awards
CNN Special/Mar 21 MainSail/ 12:00 Capital Connection 13:30 Courteney Cox THS Scenes 06:45 Behind the Scenes
10:00 Shutter Island Behind the
Mar 28 Vital Signs 13:00 Squawk Box Europe 14:25 Valentine’s Day Behind the 08:00 Stripped 07:10 Cop Out Behind the Scenes
22:30 World Sport / The Screening 16:00 Worldwide Exchange Scenes 08:25 Forbes TV 20: Famous, 07:35 E! News
10:30 Invictus Behind the Scenes
Room Xtra/Mar 07 My City My 18:00 Asia Market Week 14:50 Las Vegas Style Star Fabulous, and Filthy Rich 08:25 My Celebrity Home
11:00 Nine Behind the Scenes
Life 18:30 Managing Asia 15:15 Fashion Police: The 2010 09:15 Seinfeld THS 09:15 Stripped
11:30 E! After Party: The 2010
23:00 State of the Union with John 19:00 Squawk Box Academy Awards 10:05 Fashion Police: The 2010 09:40 Latina Fashionistas Style Star
Academy Awards
King /Mar 01 Vital Signs/Mar 08 21:00 Squawk on the Street 16:10 Keeping Up with the Academy Awards 10:05 Leave it to Lamas
13:30 Live from the Red Carpet: The
Living Golf/Mar 29 Prism 23:00 The Call Kardashians 11:00 E! News 10:30 Dallas Divas & Daughters
2010 Academy Awards
2330 World Sport /CNN Marketplace 17:00 E! News 11:25 Daily 10, The 11:00 E! News
15:30 Live from the Red Carpet: The
Middle East/Mar 15 State of SABTU 17:25 Daily 10, The 11:50 Denise Richards: It’s 11:50 Giuliana & Bill
2010 Academy Awards
the Union with John King/Mar 17:50 Angelina Jolie THS Complicated 12:15 Keeping Up with the
00:00 Power Lunch 17:30 Live from the Red Carpet: The
22 State of the Union with John 18:40 Fashion Police: The 2010 12:15 Gastineau Girls Kardashians
02:00 Street Signs 2010 Academy Awards
King/Mar 29 Prism Academy Awards 12:40 Friends THS 12:40 Fashion Police: The 2010
03:00 Closing Bell 19:30 E! After Party: The 2010
19:30 Heidi Klum THS 14:25 Shutter Island Behind the Academy Awards
05:00 Fast Money Academy Awards
20:20 Leave it to Lamas Scenes 13:30 Behind the Scenes
06:00 Asia Market Week 21:10 Live from the Red Carpet: The
20:45 Forbes Most Bankable Stars 14:50 Nelly Furtado Style Star 13:55 Cop Out Behind the Scenes
06:30 Europe This Week 2010 Academy Awards
21:10 E! News 15:15 Stripped 14:25 Christina Aguilera
07:00 The Kudlow Report 22:50 Ashlee Simpson Style Star
21:35 Daily 10, The 15:40 Dallas Divas & Daughters 16:10 Dallas Divas & Daughters
08:00 Closing Bell 23:15 Stripped
22:00 Extreme Hollywood 16:10 Fashion Police: The 2010 16:35 Giuliana & Bill
10:00 Asia Market Week 23:40 Denise Richards: It’s
22:50 Las Vegas Style Star Academy Awards 17:00 E! News
10:30 Europe This Week Complicated
23:15 Stripped 17:00 E! News 17:50 Fashion Police: The 2010
11:00 CNBC Sports
23:40 Denise Richards: It’s 17:25 Daily 10, The Academy Awards
13:00 Tonight Show With Conan SELASA Complicated 17:50 Patrick Swayze THS 18:40 40 (More) Crimes Of Fashion
00:05 Gastineau Girls 18:40 Michael Jackson THS 20:20 Keeping Up with the
00:00 Suze Orman Show 14:00 Tonight Show With Conan 20:20 Giuliana & Bill Kardashians
00:30 My Celebrity Home KAMIS
01:00 CNBC Original Productions O’Brien 20:45 Keeping Up with the 20:45 Leave it to Lamas
01:20 Brothers Behind the Scenes
02:00 CNBC Original Productions 15:00 Suze Orman Show 00:05 Gastineau Girls Kardashians 21:10 E! News
01:45 Streets of Hollywood
03:00 CNBC Original Productions 16:00 Asia Market Week 00:30 My Celebrity Home 21:10 E! News 22:00 Sandra Bullock Revealed
02:15 20 Acts Of Love Gone Wrong
04:00 Meet The Press 16:30 Luxury Channel 01:20 Valentine’s Day Behind the 21:35 Daily 10, The 22:50 Latina Fashionistas Style Star
04:05 Stalkers E! Investigates
05:00 Squawk Australia 17:00 Managing Asia Scenes 22:00 25 Most Stylish 23:15 Stripped
05:00 My Celebrity Home
06:00 Squawk Box 17:30 World Business 01:45 Streets of Hollywood 22:50 Nelly Furtado Style Star 23:40 Denise Richards: It’s
05:55 E! News
09:00 CNBC’s Cash Flow 18:00 CNBC Original Productions 02:15 50 Cutest Child Stars: All 23:15 Stripped Complicated
06:20 Giuliana & Bill
11:00 Meet The Press 19:00 CNBC Original Productions Grown Up 23:40 Denise Richards: It’s
06:45 E! News
12:00 Capital Connection 20:00 CNBC Original Productions 04:05 Forbes Top 20 Celebrity Complicated
07:10 Daily 10, The
13:00 Squawk Box Europe 21:00 Tonight Show With Conan Cash Couples: Crazy Double
07:35 Invictus Behind the Scenes
16:00 Worldwide Exchange O’Brien Incomes
08:00 Stripped SABTU
18:00 World Business 22:00 Tonight Show With Conan 05:00 My Celebrity Home
08:25 Live from the Red Carpet: The
18:30 Squawk Box O’Brien 05:55 E! News 00:05 Gastineau Girls
2010 Academy Awards
21:00 Squawk on the Street 23:00 Tonight Show With Conan 06:20 Giuliana & Bill 00:30 My Celebrity Home
10:05 Dallas Divas & Daughters
23:00 The Call O’Brien 06:45 E! News 01:20 Shutter Island Behind the
10:30 Giuliana & Bill
07:10 Daily 10, The Scenes
11:00 E! News
SELASA MINGGU 07:35 The Wolfman Behind the 01:45 Streets of Hollywood
11:25 Daily 10, The
Scenes 02:15 The Last Days Of Elvis THS
00:00 Power Lunch 00:00 Suze Orman Show 11:50 Denise Richards: It’s
08:00 Stripped 04:05 Forbes TV 20: Famous,
02:00 Street Signs 01:00 CNBC Original Productions Complicated
08:25 Fashion Police: The 2010 Fabulous, and Filthy Rich
03:00 Closing Bell 02:00 CNBC Original Productions 12:15 Gastineau Girls
Academy Awards 05:00 My Celebrity Home

Spotlight Artist: Cheryl Cole

Bulan ini, penyanyi seksi Inggris Cheryl Cole dinobatkan sebagai artis [V] Spotlight.
Cole menyita perhatian saat bergabung dengan group vokal cewek Girls Aloud
yang lahir dari reality show popstars: The Rivals. Group itu vakum. Tahun 2009, Cole
bersolo karier dengan merilis album debut 3 Words. Album yang pengerjaannya
dibantu dari Black Eyed Peas ini jadi jawara di Inggris selama 2 pekan dan
Sepanjang Maret meraih Platinum. Single pertamanya, “Fighting for this Love” yang menampilkan will. jadi single paling cepat laku keempat pada 2009 kemarin. Single keduanya, “3
Words” sedang merajai tangga lagu saat ini.

Maret 2010 | primetime | 61


Speedy Games Championship

Ajang Temu dan
Kompetisi Games Mania
Sebagai bagian dari TELKOM Group, interaktif bersama
Speedy dan YesTV saling bersinergi dalam YesTV dalam
joint event Speedy Games Championship. games berhadiah,
Event ini merupakan ajang temu dan unjuk pantomim dan
gigi para gamers. Setelah mendulang humanoid performance. Tidak ketinggalan, bulan Juni mendatang. Penawaran ini,
sukses pada Event Speedy Games pengunjung langsung merasakan sensasi hanya bisa didapatkan di event Speedy
Championship pertama di La Piazza Kelapa menyaksikan tayangan mancanegara Games Championship.
Gading, Jakarta, kini giliran Bandung berkualitas persembahan YesTV.
mendapatkan kehormatan menjadi tuan Bagi Anda pecinta Liga Inggris, jangan Bundling SPEEDY YESTV
rumah event akbar ini. Bertempat di Mall lewatkan untuk menyaksikan satu musim Kabar baik untuk keluarga Indonesia karena
Paris Van Java, 23 – 24 Januari lalu berbagai penuh pertandingan Liga Inggris dengan tahun ini promo bundling Speedy YesTV
content diperkenalkan untuk para internet berlangganan Paket YesTV ala carte Liga terus berlanjut hingga Desember 2010.
lovers antara lain games, kanal bola (Liga Inggris (BPL) hingga bulan Mei dengan TELKOM maupun PT Indonusa Telemedia
Inggris) dan Internet radio. harga spesial, hanya Rp 200.000,- saja, menawarkan dua kombinasi produk yang
Pengunjung Mall Paris Van Java juga Anda sudah dapat menikmati tayangan menguntungkan dengan harga yang
berkesempatan melakukan kegiatan Liga Inggris satu musim penuh hingga terjangkau.

Tahun 2010 TELKOMVision dan

YesTV Siap Jadi Pay TV Terdepan
TEKAD itu bergema di sebuah restoran dan corporate. Kedua, menjadikan
yang terletak di mal Cilandak Town Square, penguna berbagai produk TELKOM
Jakarta, Jumat, 29 Januari silam. Malam yang jumlah totalnya 100 juta sebagai
itu, dalam sebuah acara Media Gathering target spesifik. Caranya dengan
Business Outlook 2010, jajaran direksi dan bersinergi dengan perusahaan
staf PT Indonusa Telemedia, selaku pemilik yang tergabung dalam TELKOM
produk TELKOMVision dan YesTV bertekad Group (Speedy, Flexi, TELKOM,
menjadi pay TV (TV berbayar) terdepan di dan TELKOMSEL) melalui berbagai
Indonesia dengan target jumlah pelanggan kemudahan dan sistem pembayaran
400.000 pada 2010. menarik. Ketiga, meneruskan
PT Indonusa Telemedia bertekad jadi program unggulan berupa Liga Italia
market leader pada 2010 ini. Serangkaian dan Liga Inggris di berbagai platform lewat produk Luxio dan Sirion.
strategi telah disusun agar target itu tayangan. Keempat, menampilkan content Dalam sambutannya, Elvizar KH,
tercapai. Adapun strategi yang dirancang program terbaru akan dihadirkan untuk Direktur Utama PT Indonusa Telemedia
adalah sebagai berikut: Pertama, pada 2010 memperkenalkan keunggulan budaya yakin target 2010 tercapai. “Kami
target pelanggan ditargetkan mencapai Indonesia melalui sinergi dengan swasta menyambut positif tahun 2010 untuk
400 ribu dari berbagai target market dan pemerintah. Kelima, pada Januari lalu menjadi pay TV terdepan dengan
yakni retail, direct sales, modern market, telah dimulai co-branding dengan Daihatsu mengutamakan layanan terbaik,” ujarnya.

Bersama XL, Nexian

Luncurkan Seri NX-G801
(fixed) dan bergerak (mobile) di Indonesia. Dalam launcing produk Nexian seri NX-
Nexian merupakan pelopor ponsel lokal di G801 ini, Nexian kembali menggandeng
Indonesia dan dinobatkan para wartawan XL. Karena jaringan XL luas ke seantero
telekomunikasi sebagai The Most Favourite negeri. Meskipun begitu ponsel ini tetap
Local Brand pada acara Global Ring bisa dipakai kartu lainnya, karena memang
Award 2009. “Kami belajar mengadaptasi tersedia dua slot simcard GSM, yang dapat
perkembangan dunia informasi sekarang, diaktifkan bersamaan.
sebagai basic arus informasi yang banyak Selain memiliki fasilitas yang di
masyarakat pergunakan. Maka terpikir sebut Nexian Messenger, NX-G801 ini
oleh kami, kenapa tidak menciptakan juga memiliki seabreg fasilitas. Untuk
Di tengah gempuran produk di era produk sendiri untuk memenuhi kebutuhan memanfaatkan fasilitas dari Nexian
perdagangan bebas, Nexian, brand masyarakat Indonesia. Lahirnya Nexian Messenger ini, konsumen hanya dikenakan
merek yang didaulat milik PT Metrotech NX-G801 adalah jawaban dari itu semua. biaya Rp. 500/hari atau Rp. 15.000/bulan.
Jaya Komunika ini, justru semakin eksis Tutur Martono Jaya Kusuma, CEO Khusus untuk para pembeli pertama dari
menembus pasar dalam dan luar negeri. PT Metrotech Jaya Komunika, pada produk ini mendapatkan bonus pemakaian
Nexian adalah market leader di bidang kesempatan launching produk (5/02) di selama 45 hari dan promo ini akan segera
penyedia perangkat telekomunikasi tetap Hotel Borobudur, Jakarta. berakhir pada bulan Maret 2010.

62 | primetime | Maret 2010 teks: alif abdullah foto: alif/awan/dok. telkomvision

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