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" မိခငး၏ ေႏြာငးႀကိဳ့ကို ေ်ဖပါအဵ.ံ .


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“ May I reward your affection, Mother ”

May I cure your serious ailments

With my diligence and industry, Mother.

Give me ability

that tempt those who

disregard the debt of gratitude, Mother.

I dare to face

any oncoming danger…

It is no peculiar for me

to think of dying in any way.

I know all will pass away in life, Mother.

You all will be happy surely

When my dreams come true.

I pay no mind to their



hate, or

defamation, Mother.

I long passionately for the praise

that I am your true and worthy daughter, Mother.

I wish to be only a person

who deserve your gratitude, Mother.

Aung San Suu Kyi

Translated by Alinsek

5.March, 2010

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