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Blast kills 6 Canadians in Kandahar - Military News for Canadians

Blast kills 6 Canadians in Kandahar

Sunday, 07 March 2010 07:28 By Qari Yousuf Ahmadi

KANDAHAR, Mar. 07 - A roadside bomb tore through a group of on-foot Canadian soldiers while crossing a bridge in Paaendah
Khan village of Kandahar's Zhari district, on Saturday, Mar. 06. Digg
According to the local Mujahideen from the area, at least 6 Canadians were killed and another three were terribly hurt in the
explosion, while some of their weapons fell into the hands of the Mujahideen and the corpses of the dead Canadians were airlifted
from the area soon after the blast. submit
The residents say some parts the bodies of the soldiers have been thrown across the field from the force of the powerful Share
Reportedly, an interpreter is said to have been among the dead.

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