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How To Make

£5,000-£10,000+ Per Month

Through The Post!
Part 4
How To Source An Almost
Endless Stream Of Information Products

Many of the most successful dealers in information actually deal with information as much as 20 years old,
the only difference is the change they make to the book/report title.

You don’t have to find anything new, take a trip to the library or a book shop and search for old ideas, you
really will find a lot that you can modernise.

This could be all you need to do to make a good living in Information Marketing, but if you are ambitious
enough to want to make substantial long term profits, then you need to expand your strategy slightly. This
we’ll be looking at shortly.

A brilliant source of information gathering is to simply take a look at the products/services being sold in the
traditional markets - i.e. magazine advertising, direct mail pieces etc.

Study the flyers, inserts, books, booklets, reports, brochures, circulars, sales letters etc. Practically all the
information products you come across you’ll be able to market more effectively (by the time you’ve studied
this programme).

You could adapt any one of these products/services. This, of course, doesn’t mean copying the products.
But you can put them in your own words, in your own style. Really, that’s what almost all the Information
Millionaires do.

They are not necessarily the most original or even creative. They simply use information that is readily
available, rewrite and apply their own system. The same is true in all industries. Take the motor trade for
instance. The cars in each range are all basically the same, different companies simply create their own

If someone comes up with a good idea (for instance, the inclusion of air bags), you can be sure that other
companies will copy that idea by restyling in their own image. In reality, there are very few original ideas.
Just follow the procedures we’ve outlined thus far, and you’ll put yourself in a good position to capitalise on
a product/service that interests you. Naturally, if you do have something original you shouldn’t hide it away.
By all means use it, but what I’m saying is that it is not a disadvantage if you do not.

Try to understand, it isn’t really secret/original information

that makes people rich in the information business.
It is, generally, the stuff that is available to everyone.

All you are doing is gathering it together, in one package, to save the person the time, effort and money in
finding it all out for themselves. You see, people are basically LAZY!

Everyone wants to get the most, or go the furthest, by exerting the least amount of effort. It is human nature
to want to take short cuts. In many ways, that’s how we make progress. Fulfilling this basic human need
(providing solutions) is what the information business is all about.

We’ll expand on this a little later and also mention the greatest, quickest and easiest way to source thousands
of products for your business without even getting out of your chair. It’s the biggest ever advancement in the
information business which will make many ordinary people, extraordinary incomes.
For now though, let’s take a look at the next step involved in the system.

Step 2 - Construct Marketing Copy

Once you have sourced a suitable information product, you then need to construct the marketing copy - i.e.
the copy which is going to help you to capture the contact details of your targeted audience.
Let’s now cover the rules and techniques that I apply when I construct my copy. What you’ll read about is
very detailed but once understood will become second nature to you.

Your First Lesson

Before we look at the fine details I want you to understand the following because making money can only be
achieved if you are aware of these two points:

� You must understand what people want and don't want

� You must know how to make your offer so attractive that people will be eager to send you their
money, or to request further details

That is what is going to enable you to climb the ladder of success. That is what makes people wealthy in all
business enterprises. In other words, it's knowing how to use the knowledge to gain maximum results.
These two laws are paramount to your success. Without their application even the greatest opportunity will
remain lifeless. It would be like owning a very powerful computer, but it is to all intents and purposes
redundant if it is not plugged in.

If you really want to be hugely successful in this business there are a number of basic elements you should
comprehend. I have split these up into the 10 False Marketing Notions that people have, and the 10
Marketing Errors that people make. Study them, apply them, and you’ll make a good living for the rest of
your life as an Information trader. Let’s begin.

The 10 False Marketing Notions

False Marketing Notion No.1 - You Need to Be Talented

This first fallacy is not so much a marketing error as an attitude problem. However, I think it needs to be
addressed before you go a step further. There is a fallacy about what is needed to become successful.
Deep down many really believe that it is beyond them, that there exists a great gulf between life's successes
and the rest of humanity. The reality is very different. There is very, very little between the self-made
millionaire and the man on the poverty line.

The difference between winners and losers in any field is often negligible. One horse may win by a nose, an
athlete may win by 100ths of a second. Yet the rewards for winning, even by the slenderest of margins, is

You'll always find that by doing/knowing just that little bit extra, makes all the difference between
mediocrity and accomplishment. It is the tiny, almost imperceptible, differences in input which is the mark
of true division.

small changes in input = BIG CHANGES IN OUTPUT

So don't worry, your life isn't going to have to go through a dramatic change. In truth, it's just a matter of
applying this new found knowledge in an organised manner to affect the output. Organisation helps us to get
into a relaxed satisfied frame of mind which, in turn, enables us to make better and clearer decisions. If we
are not organised we tend to lead confused, bitty, frustrated lives. And if we carry this over into our
business, that’s precisely what we’ll get in business.

Of course, regardless of how organised you are, you will slip up from time to time. You may think you know
better and deviate from the system in this programme. However, when you become aware of it, put yourself
back on the track by checking what you're doing with the formula given in this programme.

Success is not a sometime thing, you have to constantly work the system. In other words, you can't just
follow this for a few weeks, and then stop (or digress) for a few weeks, and expect the flow of money to
continue for ever.

It's like exercising, you can't just do it for a few weeks and then hope that keeps you healthy for life.
Without constant and regular exercising your muscles would atrophy and your health deteriorate.
You will make the occasional mistake, you will occasionally make one of the marketing errors we'll point
out, after all we are only human. Our emotions sometimes get the better of us and we rush something, or
overlook some point. But don't let one slip-up cause you to stop what was a successful campaign. Many
struggle because when they do slip up, they throw it all away.

It's much like people that try to give up smoking or go on a diet. Many start with good intentions and
perhaps do well for a few weeks, but then they slip-up just once ... i.e. they have a cigarette or overeat one
day ... and that's it. They throw all their good work, all their progress away because they consider that they
have failed, and so fall back into their bad habits. Guard against this - if you make an error - get back on
track by applying this system.

False Marketing Notion No.2 - Your Report/Advertisement Focuses On Your Product Or Yourself

This is a major mistake nearly everyone makes when they set out on the road to what they hope will be a
high quality lifestyle. The preoccupation that they have to talk about themselves, their company and/or their
product is self-destructive. The golden rule is:

You must not focus your copy on the seller, rather it must always be
focussed on the buyer

By the way the word copy is just the term used to describe your written sales message be it an advertisement,
letter, report etc.

So much copy today talks about what, or who, the seller is and what they are offering. It's the surest way to
turn off your prospects. They do not want to hear about what you've done, why you did it etc, as far as they
are concerned, it is totally boring and irrelevant.

You need to discard any such thoughts if you are thinking of writing your copy in such a manner. Because
talking predominately about yourself will not make you money. It is talking about the buyers (prospects)
which will make sales.

You'll often see letters or reports, for example, which start off something like this:

" Dear Reader,

Allow me to tell you a little about ourselves. We are a respected company in the information
business that regularly turns over £5,000 per month. Our success has been largely based on our
integrity and professionalism coupled with our deep inside knowledge of our product...."

Of course, most marketers are not trying to blow their own trumpet. In such an example, they are simply
trying to convey the fact that they are a professional and trustworthy company. But as right as that approach
might seem, it doesn't work in practice. People are simply not interested in YOU!

I know these people are trying to put up a friendly face to prospects, but it simply will not get them
anywhere. Naturally it would be nice if it did, but as you are going to learn, you must discard any
preconceived notions about how the world should be. To be successful you must:

Treat The World As It Is, Not How You Would Like It To Be

You could have the perfect product and reach the ideal target market for that product, but if your main focus
is about the product/seller, you simply will not make as many sales. Everything must be focussed upon the
prospect/buyer. In other words, all the prospect is interested in is how you are going to make his/her life
easier/better. Nothing else matters at this stage.

But surely you've got to talk about the product/service at some point? Yes you do, but your marketing copy
must clearly see your product/service's benefits come shining through - never get this confused with
features. For example, let's suppose you were selling a health product.

Rather than talk about how you developed this product or what remote part of the planet you got it from and
what the product actually contains (which are all features), you need to tell the prospect what this product is
going to do for them - i.e. give them more energy, vitality, make them feel more alive than they ever have
before etc.

That's What People Want To Hear!


Immediately your prospect reviews your advertisement, report or letter he should see something that presses
the right emotional button. Something which will make him feel good, something that he will benefit from.
If you follow this simple rule, you will succeed in reaching your goals. It is the most important rule in
business and one which you must never try to work against. Actually, it's so fundamental that it's strange the
majority of advertisers fail to mould their copy upon it. Yet it is interesting to note that all the successful
advertisers contain this vital ingredient.

From this one piece of information, even now you are probably more capable of succeeding than 90% of
other marketers. They'll write some beautiful stuff and put their friendliest face across, yet will be left
scratching their heads wondering why it's not happening.

In traditional marketing, you see really professional full coloured brochures who's quality cannot be
questioned, but they have been out-pulled by a couple of sheets of A4 paper with black text. The only
difference is that one focuses on what the seller THINKS the prospect wants to hear (i.e. corporate
information, solid company, stability etc). The other focuses on what the seller KNOWS the prospect wants
to hear (i.e. what's in it for him/her). See what the person in the latter case fully realises is that many people
are basically:

Greedy - they want the most for the least amount of effort
Lazy - they want to get from A to B in the shortest possible time.

It's just the way things are, it's nothing to be ashamed of. After all, wouldn't you, for example, rather make
the same amount of money as you do now for working half the time. Wouldn't you also rather make in a day
what you make in a week. It's normal human behaviour to have these desires.
It doesn't take much to work out that if you can address these very basic desires (greed and laziness), you
will be on a fast track to wealth yourself.

In fact the extent to which you achieve this aim will determine the extent of your success.

With these points in mind, the basic formula when constructing any form of copy, should generally follow
these 4 steps:

(i) Your headline should immediately push the emotional button of desire of your prospect

(ii) Your opening line should instantly address your prospects hopes, desires, fears, needs,
aspirations, wants etc

(iii) The body of your copy should link benefit after benefit after benefit. It needs to jump out
at the prospect

(iv) Finally, you need to tie it all up by motivating an immediate response. In other words,
making it almost irresistible for your prospect not to make an order

Meet the desires of your prospects and you cannot help but meet your own desires - it's inevitable and as sure
as night follows day.

False Marketing Notion No.3 - You Believe That Others Are Just As Interested In Your
Product/Service As You Are

Sorry, but this is another fallacy which will cost you dear. The majority of people draw their conclusions
upon the following two points:

(i) They have a product/service that is important to the prospect

(ii) They are very interested in their product/service

They, therefore, incorrectly come to the conclusion that their prospects must also be interested in their
product/service. I am afraid it just isn't so - prospects are only interested in themselves and their
personal desires.

No-one is ever going to be as interested in what you are marketing as you are, so before offering your
product/service take a critical look at what it will mean to other people. You might think it's important that
others hear what you have to say, but they may not think likewise.

For example, you have a product that drastically cuts down on car exhausts fumes. To you this is vitally
important because it could ultimately mean saving the planet - surely everyone's interested in that? Deep
down yes, but pushing your product based on this point because YOU think it is important and others should
hear, will not make you succeed.

Remember, people are basically selfish, what you need to do is adapt your marketing. In this case, you
would probably focus on how many more miles to the gallon this product will enable them to achieve, or
how much money they'll save.

For instance, let's suppose that this product was revolutionary and could double fuel consumption. You
could launch your marketing with the following heading:

How Would You Like Two Weeks Free Petrol Every Month?

Immediately, it answers prospect’s basic question (whether they are aware of it or not), "What's in it for

You may think that the real issue on the other hand is best summed up by using the following headline:

Cut Your Fuel Emissions And Help to Save Our World!

In all honesty, that is of course the really important issue. BUT IT WILL NOT GET YOU ANY SALES!
Saving the world is far more important than saving money on petrol, but it is the latter which will push the
right buttons. By sticking to the fundamentals of how marketing works, you can still achieve your aim, even
if you have to dress it up in different clothing for the sake of sales.

In this example, you may really be deeply concerned about the planet, but the only way you can have an
effect is by approaching the market in a way which perhaps is not important to you. So no matter how
special your product/service is to you, you must learn to detach yourself and simply satisfy that one question
that motivates a prospect:

What's In It For Me?

It may smack of avarice, you may be disappointed that others think like this, but that is the way it is. You
need to instantly answer this question. Get caught up in your own feelings about the importance of your
product/service to mankind or society and you'll not have any kind of impact whatsoever.

False Marketing Notion No.4 - You Need To Be Different, To Stand Out, Your Copy Needs To Be

I've seen some very cute advertising and marketing pieces, mainly pushed out by bigger companies. But
they'll not work for you. And I doubt whether they are having much of an impact with these companies
either. It seems that, in general, the more successful an individual/company becomes, the more money they
waste, by simply forgetting the basics.

They use what is known as the Frequency Law - i.e. if you keep on and on advertising, hitting the same
people, eventually it has to affect sales. Well that's fine when you've got money to burn, but it is a big
mistake to try to be too clever when you want to keep any expenditure to an absolute minimum.

Your aim is not to dazzle your prospects with clever copy or cute pictures - your aim, and your sole aim, is
to simply sell your product/service.

You often see clever advertising on the television. One that springs to mind was that used by the
communications company promoting the Orange range of Mobile Phones. You may remember that it
originally bared no direct relationship to the product. Instead it featured a newly born baby floating in space
with the catchy line, " The Future Is Orange...".

In reality, I suspect the majority of people never linked the company to mobile phones for a very long time.
The purpose of the advertisement, I would have thought, was to purposely make the viewer curious and to
get the word orange to stick in their minds.

But in only rare cases does such marketing approach work successfully. It's just, in my opinion, a complete
waste of time ... too clever ... too cute. Okay, if you have deep pockets and are looking at a long term
marketing strategy over a few years, maybe, but why wait?

The way to quick profits is to sell the benefits. Remember, your prospect will really only be interested in
knowing what's in it for him/her. So please never, never follow the leads of the bigger corporations, they are
in an entirely different field. It's the individual which will make the real money in the years ahead, and it is
the individual who can do 3 simple things:

(i) Clearly indicate the product/service benefits

(ii) Make the prospect feel that you understand his problem/fear/desires/wants

(iii) Show the prospect how easy you can solve his problem/fear or attain his desire/want

If you meet these 3 criteria you'll have a formula that will make you handsome profits month, after month,
after month. Don't try to make it difficult for yourself by thinking that you have to be different - YOU

Next time…

False Marketing Notion No.5 - You Need to Educate Your Prospects

Until next time...

To your success and happiness.

Cathi & Rob

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