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Paulo Eduardo Dias Garcia



Engineer, manager and consultant with experience in businesses development and

in designs, works and projects implantation in the areas of consultative
engineering and of civil, industrial and heavy construction. Actuation in
positions as works coordinator, projects implementation manager, studies and
designs coordinator, development business manager, being commercial and
contracts administrator and independent consultant in projects, contracts and
businesses management.


Services in several infrastructure segments such like supply, buildings and

popular habitations (housing), power, sports and leisure, base and
transformation industries, basic and environmental sanitation and transports in
the subway, air, railroad and road modes. Activities in companies of
consultative engineering (Etel, Hidroservice, Geotécnica, Jaakko Poyry and
Etep), services of engineering (Sondotécnica and Griffin Drenasa), constructors
(Nogueira Baptista, Beter, Adolpho Lindemberg and Jaú) and contractors (Serveng
Civilsan, Ecisa, Ecel, Sao Luiz and MPE Works rendered together to public
customers (CDHU, DER/SP, PMSP, Cedae, Sabesp, Metrô/RJ, AEEA/Argentina, Ministry
of the Finances and Plan /Portugal and Eletrobrás) and private (SPFC, Dynapac,
Cosipa, Engefer, Cobrasma, Açominas and CSN).


Participation in the implantation or development of following contracts, related

to the design, works and projects • Morumbi Stadium • Prestressed Concrete
Bridge over the River Atibaia and Reinforced Concrete Bridge over the River
Jaguari • District Market for Food Supplying in São Paulo • Reservoirs for Water
Supply of São Paulo Metropolitan Region • Industrial Equipments Factory for
Paving and Earth Work • Oceanic Interceptor of Sewers in Rio de Janeiro • Oxygen
Factory, Cooling Towers, Coal Yard, Pit Furnace and Plates Reheating of the José
Bonifácio de Andrade e Silva Steel Plant • Debugging of the Aricanduva Stream
tributary of the Tiête River • Tunnel and Boarding and Disembarkation Station of
Passengers of the Metropolitan in Rio de Janeiro • Railway of the Steel in Minas
Gerais • Factory of Load Wagons for Railroad and Passengers Cars for Subway •
Ouro Branco Steel Plant • Environmental Sanitation Program in Hydrographic Basin
Springs of the High Tiête • Programs and Projects of the Popular Housing
Superintendence in São Paulo • Final Pump Station and Treatment and Recovery
Station of the Water Quality of the A.B.C. and Barueri • Funchal Airport in the
Madeira Island • Garabi Dams and Hydroelectric in the Uruguay River • Hotel
Costa Verde in Cuiabá • PDL, Project of Legislative Decree of the executive
project agreement, technological and geometric control of the Duplication of
Highway • XI UNCTAD, Conference of United Nations Organization, about Trade and
Development World, São Paulo City • Expansion of the Plant of Infra Structure
and Utilities of the Mining Casa de Pedra S.A., in Congonhas Minas Gerais.

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