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Feature: Hello World!

Editorial: We Can Be Our Own Hero 3
Column: EPS Minimum Wage for 2010 4
Column: Writing as a Tool of Empowerment 4
OFW-KOREA-2006-001 Literary: Taking Care of Our Wealth 5
Oth er Stories: Travel Advisory for OFWs 6
Volume 3 Issue 1 2010 NOT FOR SALE

by Edward Castro

M anila - - The Bagong Bayani Foundation Inc. (BBFI) recently held this
years' Bagong Bayani Awards where one factory worker from South Korea
was chosen and received recognition in Malacanan Ceremonial Hall last
December 4, 2009.

Witnessed by Her Excellency President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo, Mr. Rebenson

'Reeve' Recana, 41, and a factory worker of Woojin Alpha Co. Ltd. in Goesan-
Gun, Chungbuk-do, South Korea was chosen as one of the 15 recipients of this
years' prestigious awards ceremony.

POEA Labor Secretary Marianito D. Roque, Labor Administrator Jennifer Jardin-

Manalili, OWWA Administrator Carmilita Dimzon, BBFI officials, the other OFW
recipients from other countries with their families and friends also came and
graced the event. Pagpaparangal sa mga Bagong Bayani : President Gloria Macapagal-
Arroyo together with the 2009 Bagaong Bayani Awardees. Recana (left side PGMA) along with
In her message, Mrs. Arroyo said that this years' awardees embody the new spirit two other recipients were chosen under the Community and Social Services category. This year is
the 20th year that the Bagong Bayani Foundation Inc. has recognized exemplary heroism of
of the world-class OFWs: respectable, professional, highly competent, adaptable,
OFWs in their respective communities scattered around the globe.
and multi-skilled. “More importantly, these outstanding Filipino workers exempli-
fied the best of Filipino values and the culture of excellence that they shown in
the workplace, making them the most preferred choice of foreign employers all
over the world”, Mrs. Arroyo added.
by Aq uilino Juanites Jr.
Since it's organization in 1989, BBFI has continuously recognized the high stan-
dards of competency, responsibility, efficiency and integrity of Overseas Filipino
Workers all over the world and their role in fostering goodwill amongst the diverse
people of the world.
S outh Korea – November 29,2009 was the kicked - off of the signature
campaign organized and carried out by various Filipino Community Organi-
zations in Seoul and nearby provinces in order to petition to prolong the tour of
duty of Labor Attache Atty. Delmer R. Cruz of Philippine Overseas Labor office
This year, the BBFI in partnership with the Philippine Overseas Employment (POLO) for another term.
Administration and Overseas Workers' Welfare Administration, once again paid
tribute to deserving OFWs not only for their globally acknowledged work ethics, Different Filipino communities and groups received confirmed reports that the term of
dedication and loyalty, but also for their contributions to the socio-economic de- Labatt Cruz will end on January 28, 2010.
velopment of their respective communities and the Philippine nation as a whole.
According to the three (3) page petition furnished to SULYAPINOY and Filipino EPS
Meanwhile, during his acceptance speech held at Hyewhadong Catholic Church (Employment Permit System) Workers Association (FEWA) states: “We, The petition-
last December 27, Mr. Recana told the churchgoers about his heartfelt gratitude ers ,were collectively impressed by the outstanding performance of Labor Attache
to those who inspired him to come up with socio-civic programs that aimed to Cruz’s duties for the welfare of Filipino migrant workers in South Korea. Thus, we feel
foster unity among the various Filipino communities in South Korea, which lead compelled and motivated to move for the extension of his term.”
him in the selection and became one of the recipient of the said award.
The aggrandizement of OFWs on Labatt Cruz’s termination of tour of duty have
emerged because they eminently believed that before the end of his term , he accom-
He likewise said that receiving the award would be much joyful for him if there will plished the following: ”He Resolved a selected Korean labor- related problems; he
be no more cases of maltreatment such as physical and verbal abuses, preju- bridged the gap and improved the relationship between the Filipino overseas workers
dices, cases of unpaid salaries and benefits, and workers living and working in and the Philippine Embassy; he established better working relationship with the Korean
uncomfortable, accident prone situations. Ministry of Labor, Ministry of Justice, National Labor Consultation Center, Law Enforce-
ment, and other related government offices,” The petition explained.
He vowed to continuously work to make sure these predicaments of OFWs in
South Korea are brought into light. " The Bagong Bayani 2009 Award should not The group also underscore the future plan of Labatt Cruz such as the Korean Lan-
be considered as a recognition of my accomplishments, but rather a manifesta- guage Test. This plan has not yet implemented as it is still in the process of negotia-
tion that we - the OFWs are missionaries, ambassadors of good will and above tion. He also plans to create an effective policy against the trafficking of Filipino women
all, servants of God," Recana added. in marriage agencies, and among others.

Recana co-founded the HFCC Labor Relations Committee, which eventually The signature runs until last week of December 2009, and they are planning to hand
gave birth to the organization of the Filipino EPS Workers Association (FEWA). over the petition letter to Department of Labor and Employment (DOLE)) Secretary
He is also the forerunner of SULYAPINOY newsletter and forum website, Gawad Marianito D. Roque on last week of January 2010 . With the aegis of the OFWs here in
Fr. Glenn Giovanni Jaron – Bayaning Pilipino Awards, and an active volunteer of South Korea , they were expecting that the head executive of DOLE will be pressing
the issue, sensitive enough and have the empathy to address the petition raised by
the Hyewhadong Filipino Catholic Community, and to the Philippine Embassy.
Filipino migrants in South Korea.

As South Korea gets more and more globalized, we see more foreigners coming in. We have more opportunities to
interact and learn from other people.

In this section, let’s take a look at people from other nationalities, learn from their culture, and compare them with our own!
Hopefully, we will learn that we are all not so different after all. ^^

Christmas But in the Land Down Under, a White Christmas Probably what expats living abroad miss the most at
By: Matome Stephen Ramoelo really was just a dream, because, unlike the northern Christmas or any other time of the year, are the familiar
( South Africa) part of the world, Christmas is not in the wintertime, and favorite foods from back home. Personally, while I
but in the summertime. There are no white, snowy can definitely do without the commercial overkill back

D ubbed the Rainbow Nation, the Republic of South

Africa is perched at the southernmost part of the
beautiful African continent. It is the economic power-
days of winter, but instead only the dry blazing heat
of summer. And the only snowmen to be found are
the ones made out of Styrofoam, decorating store
in Australia, I do miss the special Christmas foods,
which would actually taste better in Korea because it's
winter here. In fact, it's perfect weather to enjoy the
house that inspires the rest of the continent. Its rich windows. traditional rich, English-style foods that Australians
tapestry of cultures, languages and places continues to have been used to eating since their colonial days,
fascinate all who visit its beautiful shores. It is indeed, However, now that I live in Korea, I no longer have to such as legs of glazed ham; baked or roasted chicken
the Rainbow Nation - a melting pot of different colors dream of a White Christmas: it's practically right and other meats, served with stuffing and gravy; boiled,
under the warm sun. Christmas is celebrated in accor- there on my doorstep. While it only snows occasion- steamed or baked Christmas cakes made with lots of
dance with the different cultures and beliefs. ally within Seoul itself, an endless winter wonderland dried fruit, spices and often including rum or liqueur
of thick white snow is just a short drive away. In the and nothing at all like the fluffy cream-type cakes sold
And there is one common theme that runs through the mountains around Seoul and outside of Seoul, as Christmas cakes in Korea; mince pies, which are
nation: family. It is one of the few times in the year there's plenty of snow just waiting to be shaped into small pies made with similar ingredients to Christmas
when families get together to celebrate. Christmas cheerful figures straight out of Raymond Briggs' cake; and shortbread, butter or gingerbread cookies.
comes at the end of the year. Everybody longs to be classic picture book The Snowman.
home, with family and loved ones. They travel from Some good cold additions to Christmas in Australia are
afar, with hope in their hearts and smiles on their faces. Although the celebration of Christmas is one of those trifle, a dessert made of layers of cake, fruit, cream,
Christmas traditions differ in this melting pot of cultures imported Western traditions that has taken firm root jelly etc.; and lamingtons, a uniquely Australian dessert
and tongues. Little children are excited to see distant in Korea, and Christmas Day is even a public holiday made of pieces of cake, as well as of a cold, cold beer,
cousins after such a long time. Aunts coo over cute here, of course as you would expect in East Asia, of course, or two to wash down all that Christmas
nieces and nephews. Teens cajole their uncles for there are numerous, very distinct differences be- excess and cool down in the summer heat.
some extra money for candy. On Christmas Day itself, tween Christmastime in Korea and Christmastime in
there is a big feast. Australia. Finally, one of the most important differences as far as
the celebration of Christmas here is that there is no
A big lunch served to unite the family. The women For one thing, the presence of Christmas seems to tradition or expectation to give gifts. In Korea, people
wake up early to prepare the food, while the men chat be much longer and much stronger in Australia - in might give Christmas cards - and they seem to be on
outside around the barbecue. The children wake up to fact, it is inescapable and often stressful. There is sale everywhere - but they do not often give or receive
clean the house and yard, and the smaller ones run considerable pressure to buy presents and to do a gifts, and there is really nowhere near the same retail
errands all morning. In days past, this day would be the lot of shopping and spending, malls become rush to promote goods as gifts, in the same way as
only time that children received new clothes. They crowded, and it feels like a very hectic time. Prepara- there is in the West. Children in Korea do not make
would be so proud to show them off to their friends. tions seem to start ridiculously early and retail pro- Christmas wish lists the way that children in Australia
These 'Christmas clothes' would be cherished for years motion starts to gather speed from October. Stores might. And although the figure of Santa Claus can be
to come. For some, the children will wake up early to put up decorations, start their sales campaigns and seen everywhere in Korea and people know that Santa
find presents under the Christmas tree. For others, place their Christmas ads much earlier than in Ko- brings presents to children, Korean children do not
they wake up at the crack of dawn to clean and pre- rea. Television networks start an endless bombard- seem to expect to find gifts from Santa piled under the
pare. Once the food is prepared, those of a religious ment of the airwaves with Christmas episodes and tree on Christmas Day.
inclination will head to church to give thanks. Others Christmas or Nativity specials, culminating in classic
will remain at home to swap stories and catch up. The Christmas movie marathons on Christmas Day itself. On the other hand, the idea of giving at Christmastime
lunch is a boisterous affair, the menu varying according However it all comes to a crashing halt right after seems to have crossed over into Korean culture, and
to each family's culture, means and region. With radi- Christmas Day, and people start taking down their charity work and fundraising are becoming much more
ant smiles, each family member is reminded of how decorations, whereas in Korea I've often seen trees widespread and visible in Korea with every year, even
fortunate they are to have each other. still up in February! if it is nowhere as big as it as in Western countries. The
Salvation Army's "soldiers" with their red donation
And that, is the story of a Christmas in South Africa But perhaps one of the biggest differences lies in the buckets are as familiar a sight in front of Seoul City Hall
way people celebrate Christmas. In Australia, the as they are in Martin Place, Sydney.
office Christmas party is a common thing and there
Christmas - whether it' s white or not, it' s the are many more Christmas parties and events leading In that regard, one of the most significant messages of
message that matters up to the day itself, which is usually spent with the Christmas - the idea of giving and charity, goodwill
By: Sarah Yi ( Korea, Australia ) family, exchanging and opening gifts and eating towards others and peace on Earth - appears to be
Christmas lunch or dinner. But since Koreans do the equally appreciated and celebrated here in Korea as it
“I ’m dreaming of a White Christmas, Just like
the ones I used to know.”
whole family get-together thing at Chuseok, they
seemed to have decided that Christmas should be
spent doing something else, and so Christmas Day
is in Australia, or anywhere else. While the differences
are many between Christmas in Australia and Christ-
mas in Korea, experiencing those differences gives you
These lines are from perhaps one of the most has become a romantic, couple-oriented time or not only a new appreciation for the traditions back
popular songs about Christmas. I'm sure that you simply just a day out. Korean couples go out to home, but more importantly, for that common ground:
can at least hum along to the chorus of "White restaurants and eat fancy meals, go to the movies or the essence and spirit of this holiday.
Christmas." Growing up in Australia, every year do some other typical date activity. Nowadays, they
when Christmas rolled around, I would hear the might buy chocolates and drink wine and eat cake
music of "White Christmas "being played on TV and together. Meanwhile, Korean children will often go
radio and in all the stores. Naturally, I learned some out with friends rather than stay at home or spend
of the words and I sang along like everybody else. time with their family.


B ack home, OFWs are often called ‘modern heroes’. Heroes

because of our remittances that keeps our country’s economy
afloat. Heroes because most of us have to leave our families behind and
I think that we all have hero potentials within us. Every time we are given a
choice: whether to become ordinary or become special, to go with the flow, or to
question and try to change things. To be consumed by self-pity and pessimism,
endure separation anxieties while being overseas. Heroes because the or to go ahead and try to do whatever it is that we can do.
importance of family in Filipino culture cannot be underestimated. Heroes
because we have chosen to sacrifice all this in order to survive. It is of course easier to just go with the flow, “be practical” like most people
would say. But then, we would only be like one among the many. We would
It’s true, all of us OFWs deserve to be called modern heroes for all the never truly discover ourselves and the things that we can do until we give it a
things we have sacrificed. But there are those who took it to another level. try.
Mr Rebenson “Reeve” Recana, is one of the 2009 Bagong Bayani
awardees. One of the founders and pillars of FEWA, he made tremen- I had a friend who I used to call, “MISS CAN’T”. Every time I would tell her my
dous efforts to organize and somehow unite the various Filipino communi- plans, she would always come up with all reasons why I cannot do it. Eventu-
ties in South Korea. He also made efforts to help many Filipinos with their ally, I became frustrated and never told her about my plans. I didn’t want to hear
problems in this country. It is by no means an easy job since apart from from other people of how I couldn’t do it. Of course there will be obstacles, but
these volunteer activities, he still has to work fulltime in his factory. it’s just not right to say ‘I CAN’T’ when you have not even tried. I wanted to
know how I could beat the obstacles and turn things around, or use them to
Honestly, I think the things he did are to be admired. Right now, it is diffi- work for me rather than against me. I think that is the healthier way of thinking,
cult for a Filipino to get a good job in Korea. There is language barrier for and a more empowering and positive one at that.
one, and there's also cultural differences. And then of course, there is
racism and mistreatment. It’s true, and it does exist. In places where the Often, because of so many “I CAN’Ts ”, when we never even bothered to try
people are not open minded, it is a social problem. A lot of Filipinos here and that is the biggest mistake of all. Because we learn new things when we try,
suffer in poor working conditions. even if we don’t succeed. There is a saying that substantially says, “You’ve got
to reach for the stars, for even when you don’t jump high enough, you can still
Most people would just humbly accept things, for that is a part of Filipino end up on the roof”.
culture. Filipinos have the ability to tolerate and not complain. But I am
happy that one person had the courage and the will to try and change So, dream! reach for the stars. Follow your dreams. Strive to change the society
things. I think that the very true meaning of personal power is the ability of and the things around you. Exceed your limitations. For only then you will find
not letting your limitations hinder you from achieving. The will to try and out who you truly are.
do whatever it is that you can do within your power. The ability to turn
things around, and not letting external circumstances limit or control you. Let that be our gift to ourselves this 2010, that each of us can also be - our very
own HERO.


Editor-in-Chief: Bevi Tamargo Managing Editor: Zack Robles Chairman: Aquilino Juanites Jr.
Opinion Editor: Rebenson B. Recaña News Editor: Noel Joseph Alvarez V-Chairman: Teofilo Camo
Literary Editor: Amie Sison Cartoonist: Reynaldo Ranara Secretary: Eva Del Monte
Photojournalist: Norman Matudan Layout Artist: Edward Castro
Board of Publication in:
Circulation Managers: Rodel Arias, Rudrigo dela Cruz, Alwyin Casino, Ismael Calandria Printing and Distribution: Bong Del Mundo
Community Correspondents: Billy Vela (Ansan); Anthony Carl Dacones (Kasan) Outreach, Recreation and Religious Programs: Ma. Lea Wenceslao
Noel Joseph Alvarez (Cheonan) Website Development and Maintenance: Zack Robles
Contributors in this Issue: Atty. Delmer Cruz, Vice Consul Arnel Talisayon Sponsorship & Promotions Program: Annabelle Lopez
Trainings & Workshop: Noel Joseph Alvarez
Adviser: Cathy Rose Garcia (Staff Writer of the Korea Times) Budget & Finance: Yeng M. Malonzo
Editorial Consultant: Elizer M. Peñaranda
Consultants: Fr. Alvin B. Parantar, MSP; Prof. Emely Dicolen-Abagat, Ph.D.

SULYAPINOY Office Address: 115-9 Songbuk-gu, Songbuk 1 dong, Songbuk Villa, Seoul, Korea 136-020
FEWA Office Address & SULYAPINOY Distribution Center: Inside WOORI BANK, Hyehwa-dong Branch, Jongno-gu, Seoul

D I S C L A I M E R For Comments, Suggestions, Contributions & Advertisements

Different opinions are encourage to stimulate Please submit them to our website or to the following emails below:
member input and involvement. SULYAPINOY’s
role is to provide information that permits FEWA All Staff:
members to develop informed opinions on or
subjects that will affect their status as migrant
workers and, in some instances, their personal * SULYAPINOY observes the Philippine Press Code of Ethics .
lives. FEWA does not hold itself responsible for * We reserve the right to refuse any submission we deem does not meet our policies and guidelines.
statements made by any contributor. Statements * SULYAPINOY is still in need of writers and community correspondents. Aspirants may email the
or opinions expressed in SULYAPINOY reflect the Editorial Staff for more details.
views of the author(s) and not the official policy of
FEWA unless so stated. Thank you for your time and interest! 3

by Vice Consul Arnel Talisayon
□ Period of application: Jan. 1 2010 ~Dec. 31 2010
적용기간 : 2010.1.1~2010.12.31
□ Minimum wage ( ) W hat is music or painting to some is the written word for others:
in prose, one is able to find refuge, create, inspire, reach out
○ Hourly wage rate : 4,110 won, daily wage rate( on a 8-hour basis): 32,880 won and establish meaningful human connections.
시급 원 급 시간 기준
4,110 , 일 (8 원
) 32,880
○ In the case of 40 hours per week(209 hours per month) the monthly wage will amount 858,990
The Filipino Community in South Korea knows the power of the written
word only too well. Sulyapinoy, for one, has become a veritable vehi-
won. cle for uniting Filipinos all over South Korea —workers or otherwise—
주40 시간 월 시간 의 경우 월급
제( 209 ) 858,990원 by mere virtue of its regular publication. Each print of Sulyapinoy is a

○ In the case of 44 hours per week(226 hours per month) the monthly wage will amount 928,990
wellspring of important and relevant updates; a testament to the high
level of social consciousness among Filipinos; and a foray into the
won. imaginative minds of its writers and contributors. I am not aware of
시간 월 시간 의 경우 월급
주44 제( 원226 ) 928,990 any other migrant group that has established a similar channel for

□ Target of application : every business or workplace employing workers

gathering and disseminating information.

적용대상 근로자를 용하는 모든 업 또는 업장

: 사 사 사
My romantic tryst with the written word started in high school. As a

○ 감액 적용 근로자
Workers whose minimum wage can be reduced
contributor for the Science Section of our school paper, I discovered a
venue for sharing my interests and experimenting with the ability of
- Apprentices: his/her minimum wage may be reduced as much as 10% up to 3 months(hourly language to sway, provoke and move.
wage rate : 3,699 won)
수급근로자 최장 개월간 감액 적용 능 시급
: 3 10% 가 ( 원
3,699 )
Sway, for the secret of persuasion lies in the depth of analysis offered
by the writer. For instance, the success of a significant issue, such as
- Surveillance or intermittent workers( when approved by Minister of Labor): Minimum wage can the national elections in 2010, relies in large part on the facility of
be reduced as much opinion-makers to draw or repel a crowd. Sulyapinoy, along with other
as 20%(hourly pay: 3,288 won). 감시단속적 근로자 노동부장관 승인시 ( ): 20%감액적용 publications and online portals by Filipino organizations in South

능 시급 원
Korea , therefore plays a big role in educating people and enabling
가 ( 3,288 ) them to make their votes count.

○ Workers who are not applied the minimum wage 적용 외대상

Provoke, because there are times when people languish in a state of
complacency. Progress is possible only if we dream of better things,
- A person who has remarkably low abilities to work due to a mental or physical handicap (when see the bigger picture and work towards higher objectives. When the
approved by the Minister of Labor). sacrifices of our soldiers who fought for liberty in the Korean War
정신 신체 장애로 근로능력이 현저히 낮은 자 노동부 장관 인 시
, ( 가 )
sadly begin to slip away from our collective memories, it is the duty of
those who wield pens and keyboards to challenge the current genera-
- An employee who works for the workplace which employ only relatives living together or domes- tion into remembering and paying homage to their heroism and brav-
tic workers. ery. With words, a population can be pushed into temporarily setting
동거의 친족만을 용하는 업의 종 자 또는 사 사 사 가사사 용자 aside the daily goal of making money in order to learn from the experi-
ences of those whose valiant actions have now allowed us the free-
A sailor who is subject to the seamen law or an owner of ship employing sailor.
- dom to pursue individual ambitions.
선원법 적용 받는 선원 및 선원을 용하는 선박의 소유자 사

□ Liability of the employer 용자의 의무

And move, since the strength of an artfully crafted phrase can open a
universe of emotions that range from sadness and anger to love and
○ Liable to pay above the minimum wage to the employee. 최저임금액 이상 지급무 jubilation.
- An employer shall pay the workers at least the minimum wage rate or more. And no employer Filipino organizations in South Korea can still make the most of the
may lower the previous written language. The Hyehwadong Catholic Community shows an
wage level on the ground of the minimum wage. example: the community is publishing Migrante Rx, a collection of
- 로 종전 임금수준을 저하하 서는 안됨 여
poems culled from the weekly release of its newsletter Sambayanan.
These poems tug at the heart, talk about OFWs and, perhaps most
- If a labor contract provides for a wage that is less than the minimum wage rate, it shall be importantly, provide an outlet for the writers to express themselves
considered to stipulate that and motivate others.
the same wage as the minimum wage rate shall be paid.
- 최저임금액에 미달하는 임금을 지급하기로 근로계약한 경우 최저임금액과 동 ,
The Filipino Community in Suwon recently held an essay-writing

한 임금을 지급하기로 한 것으로 간

contest for foreign workers under the theme “I’ll Be Home for Christ-
일 주 mas.” Cyril Arguilles, a native of Bacolod , won for his 1,200-word
○ Obligation of notice of the minimum wage to the worker근로자에 대한 최저임금무 reflection on his journey as an OFW. “Being a migrant with a family
back home has never been easy,” he wrote, narrating the pangs of
- An employer shall inform the workers of minimum wage rate, wages not included in the mini- separation he felt from being physically far from his family.
mum wage, effective date, and workers being excluded from the minimum wage Act. 용자는 최 사

저임금액, 최저임금 미산입 임금, 효력발생 , 적용야 함 일

In April this year, he broke his shoulders and found challenges in the
rigorous jobs expected of EPS workers. While pining for home, he
dreaded the thought of returning “with a broken bone and a broken

□ In the cases of the following, a contractor shall take responsibility for violating Minimum Wage dream.”

Act jointly with the subcontractor. 도급인이 최저임금법 위반의 연대책임을 지는 경우 Yet, through the pain, the economic uncertainty and the solitude in the
hospital, he persevered. Drawing courage from his wife and children,
- As for determining the unit labor cost lower than the minimum wage at the time of the signing he found a new job and did not lose sight of his dream of reuniting
of the contract; with his family. “For me,” he wrote, “I [would] rather have a broken
도급계약 체결시 인건비단 를 최저임금액 미만으로 결정한 경우

bone than a broken family.” Because to be a family, he emphasized, is
to be simply happy.
- As for lowering the unit labor cost to below the minimum wage in the middle of the contract
period. I encourage Filipinos all over South Korea to keep the tradition of the
도급계약 기간중 인건비단 를 최저임금액 미만으로 인하한 경우

written word alive and burning in our midst, to develop programs that
encourage the use and development of this skill, and to continue
empowering with the simple glide of a pen or stroke of a keyboard.

Kakaibang Bagong Bayani Para sa Sulyapinoy
Amie Sison
Sa Kanyang Pagsilang
Rodney Queman Amie Sison

Nilisan ang bansa kapalit ng won Sulyapinoy atin munang sulyapan

Bansang hanguk saram naging destinasyon Balikan ang dalawang taonng nakaraan
Ang sariling anak, sumikap at nag-ipon Matatapos na ang siyam na buw an
Na tumutulong para sa mga kababayan
Upang ang pamilya sa Pinas buwan buwan may pen- Ang araw na aming pinakaaabangan
Balita at impormasyon na dapat malaman.
syon. Sa pagdating ng anghel ng kaligayahan
Para sa pamilya mabubuo ng pagmamaha-
Gurong naghahangad ng Euro ang kita Mga tao sa likod ng mahal na dyaryo
Nag-domestic helper sa Cyprus, kontinenteng Europa Napalitan na at nagkaroon ng pagbabago
Four years nagtiis at nagtiyaga para magpakadalubhasa Ngunit sa pangalan ng Sulyapinoy mananatili ito Araw na lamang ang aming bibilangin
Sa ibang lahi lang pala nagpaalila. Hanggat may kababayan na handang sumalo. Para sa mga kasagutan ng mga panalangin
Dating chief engineer sa sariling nasyon Maayos na kalusugan sapat na sa amin
Hindi biro ang magbigay ng sakripisyo Sa sanggol na magpupuno ng pangarap
Sa abroad nag-apply: ordinaryong laborer
Lalo na kung panahon ang pag uusapan dito namin.
Noo'y naka-jacket sa lamig ng aircon
Sa init ng araw ay sunog na ngayon. Parehong manggagawa na nagbabanat ng buto
Walang kapalit at serbisyong totoo.
KKung sa araw ng Pasko siya ay isisilang
Nagtiis maglayo yaong bagong kasal Di ba't kay saya ng buong sanlibutan
Upang pag-ipunan ang magandang kinabukasan Ako man ay humahanga sa Sulyapinoy
Masakit na birong pag-uwi ng bahay Ngunit kung hindi magkaroon ng katuparan
Kaya talento ay aking itutuloy Mahalaga pa rin araw ng iyong kapangana-
Nangulilang kabiyak, may iba nang mahal. Hanggat kaya, tuloy ang panaghoy kan.
Para sa FEWA, mga OFW, kapwa Pinoy.
Sila ang Overseas Filipino Workers natin
Matiyaga, masipag, marangal at mapangarapin
Kahit may panganib, ayaw pa din magpapigil Handang handa na si Mommy at Daddy
Legal man o ilegal, bansa'y pilit lilisanin. Mga pagsubok ay kinayang lahat Excited na rin pamilya at kaibigan namin
Dahil sa isang layunin nauugnay lahat Handang mag alay ng oras at panalangin
Gobyernong kailangan ang foreign currency Mga pinuno ng FEWA, ako'y nagpapasalamat Para sa sanggol sa pagmamahal bubuhayin.
Passport, POEA at maraming extrang fee Sa patuloy na pagtulong ng buo at tapat.
Saludung-saludo, labis-labis ang papuri
Sa OFWs – kakaibang Bagong Bayani.

Taking Care Of Our Wealth

by: Annabelle Lopez

Many of us try to do much work. But take care of yourself, no matter how busy you are.

If your pattern is to focus on golden eggs and neglect the goose, soon you won't be able to produce any golden eggs. If anyone asked me what I
would want most in the world, I would say "Health". Health is the essential element of our life. If I can't get out of bed half of the time, What's the use of
having money? To see other people eat, drink, play and be merry would be a terrible pain for me. No wonder people says that health is above wealth.
Then how can we stay healthy?

It's important to eat nutritious meals, exercise and get enough sleep if you want to keep your health.

I am not a mountaineer, but I love to hike and be outdoors, because it's good exercise. It was a little cold that day, So climbing the mountain was much
more difficult than I had imagined. It took me about two hours to reach the top. But the sweeping beautiful view made the hard climbing worthwhile.

That night we cooked out, and then shared a small cabin with other climbers. We awoke the next morning to a magical sunrise, which made me under-
stand why Korea is often called "Land of the morning Calm." I had enough sleep and the food was delicious. It was a perfect day. If we could spare
some time drinking "Soju" every day off, I guess we could give time for exercise too.

We work hard everyday, we try our best to satisfy our employers, But let us not forget to take care of ourselves too. We say, "I want to be rich" But we
don't realize we are already rich enough.

We have the most valuable riches in the world. Why do we think that we are not rich? It's because we don't know that the true riches are health, family
and friends, not jewels and gold. If we understand this and cherish our riches, we can live a happy life feeling satisfied. But if we don't, we cannot live
happily at all.

Love your health, family and friends and cherish the love. That's all we can do to live a happy life. 5
By Mikel Lee 

S eoul, Korea. The Korea International Labor Foundation

( Koilaf) is a non profit organization established jointly by
tripartite bodies represented by Labor, Management, and Govern-
ment to strengthen cooperation between Korea and international
society through the establishment of democratic and independent
domestic, independent domestics and international labor relations,
and an active international exchange in the area of labor releases

Th he Philippine Embassy in Seoul is advising Filipinos in Korea to be alert against the use of
fake Philippine Immigration exit stamp on their Philippine passports to expedite travel to
Korea. Some unscrupulous individuals entice travelers to apply through them for a fee with a
its information regarding the increase of minimum wages per hour
to 4,110 won this year 2010.

Amidst the waged tug of war last year of June 29, 2009 between
promise to facilitate their entry to Korea through the use of fake exit immigration stamps. the Minimum Wage Council and representatives of Unions and
Employers, the council of the members cast a voting scheme on
the mediation proposal of the minimum wage for this year 2010.
Ambassador Cruz appealed to the Filipino community to be cautious and avoid dealing with
fixers before leaving the country. It is important that Filipino travelers should be aware that under The issues such as low-income workers’ right to survive and
shortage of wage payment capacity of smaller businesses were
Korean Immigration Laws, the penalty for this kind of immigration fraud is immediate deportation discussed.
and ban from traveling to Korea for a period of five (5 ) years.
The Koilaf published the news information dated last June 30, 2009
together with Ministry of Labor stating about the increase of the
The Embassy has recommended a thorough investigation of this form of Immigration fraud to the minimum wage for this year 2010 as effective this month January
1, 2010 until December 2010. The minimum wage is set at 4,110
Philippine Department of Foreign Affairs. won (monthly 858,900 won based on a 40-hour workweek system),
up 2.75%rate.

The information of the Minimum Wages per hour for the year 2010
as follows;

Period of Application: January 01 – December 31, 2010

Minimum Wage: Hourly wage rate :

O n behalf of the Hyehwadong Filipino Catholic Community ( HFCC) , I would like to express
our best wishes for the editorial board and staff, as well as for the supporters and readers of
SULY APINOY on its 2nd anniv ersary. Congratulations! May you hav e more meaningful and fruit-
4,110 won, daily wage rate ( on a 8-hour basis);

Rate will be 32,00 won

ful years of serv ice for the Filipino communities in Korea. In the case of 40 hours per week 9 209 hours per month, the
monthly wage amount will be 858, 990 won.
SULAY APINOY newsletter and website empowered the Filipino workers by prov iding updated and
accessible information needed to solv e their problems and to guide them through the difficult pe- In case of 44 hours per week ( 226 hours per month) the monthly
riod of stay in Korea. It has also become a v enue for interaction and sharing of ideas and experi- wage amount will be 929, 890 won.
ences for mutual support and dev elopment. Moreov er, in relation to the maj or issues affecting
the migrant workers, SULAY APINOY has prov en to be a powerful instrument in inspiring and Workers who are not applied the minimum wage are as follows;
consolidating the Filipino communities to uphold their rights and well-being. 1) a person who has remarkably low abilities to work due to a
mental or personally handicapped ( when approved by
Congratulations to Mr Rebenson “Reeve” Recana, Bagong Bayani 2009 awardee. He is one of the Ministry of Labor).
founders and pillars of FEWA. Together with the FEWA past and present officers, the conceptuali- 2) An employee who works for the workplace which employ only
zation, launching, and sustenance of SULAYAPINOYare part of Reev e’s wonderful contributions relatives together or domestic workers.
to our communities in Korea. Thank you Reev e! We are so proud of you! Keep up the good 3) A sailor who is subject to the seamen law or an owner of ship
example of serv ice. employing sailors.

Liability of Employer are as follows;

May the Lord send more blessings upon all the SULAY APINOY personnel as you adv ance your 1. liable to pay above the minimum wage to the employee.
best plans and efforts in informing, empowering, uniting and inspiring the Filipinos in Korea by
regular publications. Happy New Y ear to all! - An employer shall pay the workers at least the minimum wage
rate or more. An employer may lower the previous wage level on
(Sgd) Fr Alvin B. Parantar, MSP the ground of the minimum wage.
Chaplain, Hyehwadong Filipino Catholic Community (HFCC)
- If a labor contract provides for a wage that is less than the mini-
mum wage shall be considered to stipulate that the same was as
Christmas in Korea  the minimum wage rate.
By Cathy Rose A. Garcia 
  2. Obligation of notice of the minimum wage to the worker are as
Maybe it’s because Christmas is just a few days away that I’m reminded of the first time I spent Christmas without my family.  follows;
  - An employer shall inform the workers of minimum wage
It was my first year in Korea, and I thought I could handle spending the holidays alone. I thought I was strong enough to escape the  rate, wages not included the minimum wage, effective date, and
holiday blues, but I ended up succumbing to homesickness. I found out the hard way that Christmas is probably the worst time to  workers being excluded from the Minimum Wage act.
be away from family and friends. 
  According to the revision bill from the Minimum Wage Council, the
To make matters worse, I had to work on Christmas day, and only a few people remembered to say “Merry Christmas.”  Ministry of Labor, the minimum wage security level will be more
After such a miserable and lonely Christmas here, I vowed to always try to be back home for the holidays.  lowered than the current one including: the introduction of region-
Funny enough, everyone back home would always say: “Seoul looks like a very nice place to spend Christmas, why would you want  ally different minimum wages; the extension of the probation
to spend it in Manila?”  period of probational workers (which the minimum wage is reduced
  as much as 10%per month) ; the reduction of the minimum wage
Well, going around Seoul the last few days, I do admit Christmas is everywhere. There are gorgeous Christmas displays at depart­ for senior workers aged 60 and over; and the counting the cost of
ment stores, twinkling lights and an ice skating rink at City Hall. Cheerful carols can be heard on the radio, and it’s hard to resist the  food and accommodation provided by employers in the minimum
yummy­looking Christmas cakes at the bakeries. Plus there might even be some snow to make it a white Christmas day.  wage.
But I just think there’s something missing. There’s really nothing like Christmas back in Manila surrounded by loved ones and  Until now, food and accommodation fees have not been allowed to
friends.  be deducted from the minimum wage and employees have been
  guaranteed full minimum wage.
I miss everything about the crazy Christmas season in the Philippines. I miss going to Simbang Gabi, and eating bibingka with tsoko­
late for breakfast. I miss exchanging gifts with my friends at parties. I miss spending Christmas day with my family, opening pre­ For more information and updates on Labor Law ( Employment
sents and just having fun. Yes, I even miss the headache­inducing traffic and stifling crowds at the malls and tiangges.  Law, Labor Insurance, Labor Standards) visit the site of Korea
  International Labour Foundation (Koilaf ) site; http://
But I guess Christmas, like happiness, is a state of mind. It does not matter where you are, as long as you’re happy with the people Also the site of Ministry
you’re spending it with.  of Labor (MOL);
I hope everyone will have a blessed and fun Christmas, whether it is in the warm Philippines or in wintery Korea! 




In cooperation with the Human Resources Development Service (HRD Korea), the Philip-
pine Overseas Employment Administration (POEA) is calling on workers wishing to work in
South Korea to prepare early for the processing of application under the Korean Employment
세일 여행사 ( 주 )
Permit System (EPS).
Seowon Bldg., 10th Floor 91-1, Kyeongwon-dong Chongro-gu Seoul
Passing a Korean Language Test (KLT) is an important step before applicants can qualify
to be included in the List of Jobseekers from which Korean employers can electronically Fax #: 723-5781 or 724-0636
select workers to be offered jobs in the manufacturing and construction sectors under the
foreign labor quota for 2010. Seil Tour System offers very reasonable prices which
Applicants are advised to deal only with the POEA and to follow the prescribed procedures are amazingly cheaper than other agencies you can
to be announced. This includes ensuring that they are registered with the electronic man-
power registry of the POEA ( on or before the deadline of 15 January 2009. routes::
find for these routes
Previously registered applicants should keep their account active and updated which means
that they should have visited their account for the last three (3) months or less. INCHEON - MANILA - INCHEON ROUTE
In order to qualify, the applicant should also comply with the following requirements: INCHEON - CEBU - INCHEON ROUTE
1. 18 to 38 years old
2. At least high school graduate
3. Passport is valid for at least 6 months
4. Has no criminal/imprisonment record We may deliver your ticket thru mail. Please send
5. Not restricted to travel to Korea due to past immigration violation your payment through our bank account…
6. Payment pf KLT fee of Php850 or US$17 payable to HRD Korea
7. Submission of 2x2 ID pictures with name tag (2 pieces). #032-01-163167 Nonghyup Bank - Seil Tour
The application period for the EPS-KLT is on January 25 to 29 while selected registration
venues in Luzon, Visayas and Mindanao will be announced later. The examination is tar- We’re
We trip..
’re always ready to assist you for your good trip
geted either on the last Sunday of February or first Sunday of March 2010.
For more details please contact…
The EPS-KLT will cover 50 items divided into reading (40 minutes) and listening (30 min-
utes) to be taken from the pool of questions in the EPS-KLT Reviewer of HRD Korea. Each MILA MONTERDE at 02-724-0677 or
correct answer is equivalent to 4 points. An applicant needs at least 80 points and above to
pass the EPS-KLT. SHIN HWA-YOUNG at 02-724-0664
No formal Korean language training is required and the EPS-KLT Reviewer with answer
keys is downloadable from the POEA website. The last EPS-KLT was conducted on 6 May
Other Services Offered: We can book you worldwide
2007 with Php1500 or US$30 as the test fee. / 7

8 SULYAPINOY Printed by

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