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M/> K'r\tV!1AJ TECH !'ARK PVT lTD" U Ilin',i,,>J co"q;(i'lV ir;(;otpOf(JI"",j "'''',1{)" V·c C,,,C;U}!.lli,°

'''r:l jS'<,Se. !'~r .. r:c::::J f'1r- t)ft:);>;~ <:.~t: ';+:, i G!wL1~1rk::l . .EiJut€!x Gld::'YI,/o C!-'iC"::-'ln{)\ i;·;>J ;'_>:!// ;<0t>t":C:.-<~~"',_"-~;<~

(" !fi;.~':'; ~('J (\/;r V k,JW~:Y;(Jr\iCkOfF h9ff'~{ifi(li~fji ~1~~k .. >n~':Ci ,('-s :;;:~ ~'l€-SSOfr' v/t'+:h ':-\.;:«E:t,~,t:.r~_ '/i>2:'~:: ·c

~<t':\~11 (Y\tl<JfI ::;nc;:, incl~)dc' J;: C)ft1i«,ni~'i,. r:v".:'inn{£~(~" (~TJ(li n2t:{~::~~r~t,d1t\'-{~~:;, :.ay';;>;r~-r\:-,;'; "';C-i



~h fcOiih';'TS~fj ,::Jif<>s ('.1) ;~:~-;:jr Vit±v_,1 C.;:;.n'Y,r.>..:t_- V\)i'!<.~ :;,;<;, ':;~::t f:»');::I

ficngC:on.0 . .560 0\7~ t:tX~~o-, (0.Pr(;3~;-r;;{;-(_l t_rv !-h;;:·,/jli:J!·,P\"~F~~b=c.(J ·:>.·.'lLL. "<>,,:JiJ}' /,"i:;:.'/

(\~f. )\ £>.)V::WCIJ 1l~'r~it)Gft~~r fC-rE:Hi:C to (IS rr~..(;; "lESS-EiC" ·>,"~'r1 </' ~:;. L ~~;~;.;:iLV! ~;:

\·~<~(~:,8:'.J.cri. p0~·(P\H.'f:'.=:j ,:;;:~i;?n; (l~<rj (?:r:rf·t~!~t~i""tvt\··.tB~} ,::,t h't<? C.L'·~1ER ,?/ .. ,RT

KtliV~J TiSCh p);,;tK Ltv"

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T ~, ve, \J r., ~·L 6LC\'P\ ~:h. ~p",.~ sic, , f\ . Gt.t. \J \ A \;'Ii? #\-«' ," ~ E;,t0') 31 rl't is: \.J>..). '~r~e: ;<\Ck "'R~~A:~ <::::.-~, 1:: f.-..) ~.f:,...L

Any r+:,~f{;re~'!(>:'j to 'F\rd '/ <)r i,F\:':.H lL:S'SC:;F: ,(Cb d€~nnf:fd

Cot'industnal prOP'Cfly' tcn pf:r (:;oy<~rn.n'h::(;t Arn:Jyt)vcci t/Ji;:C:ij. ! P'iUL

{ lnchlsHies j (SPJ" lnch;sUio} t:.::'1(1h~·;, C;iJl.f.\(jy~ C;,nDnnG! " 6.00'().3~v

rrlullip,le )U~Vt~ (~(n'tlb{-jrs frldn\i31y. 42/2, .. t~~/2, ·.t4l2v ~ 16/1.v A.6 v'~?;?' v1fS./2., '1 I·

T r:L fit:! <lh(j {Jl V

t)htrk:.J .. n':j'e(lnJih"~9 (.:t'[ SCHEDUrE·A he!":,:: Ii,d,}! 01"<:

"SCHcDUtf·A PROPERTY" \ hxm(l"Y ilvcil'Ofi (.j DEr3d 01 A$S;gr:m'3n1 D()Ci'k>:5161 19?'io! 'h0 cdlk:0 01 lhB ,NV-'''''',j'C'':

~(j h~/i. ,£ver.;;;cnj:) :q(iu$'~ri>::. t~JE-'~./ ,1){lvinn ()s::;'CH.:;reci rh~;.~ SO;Y"h.i

Ci)t12d '30,··t<o<iE~rnb{~r,· i97'~ < u:~

,If."tOr,(Jut'" (:irenrkJJ, horf! Iht:: G<jV{:;tp·;.:W

nt)Qccf~,d ;JQ>s05:Sion one :.F~r:j(>lln'h3jn~ cd n~f/; ;jcn"~\; pGying,ln their c:v'In

f')ub'i':r: perro~ninG to ·H)t.~ some. Qnd

!ndu:}tllf.;S tnr.:1Jfj Un-<li1~:?ci h(:a:J E~nl~:tr8d ;.171f) o M,e.rY~()t<Jnrl')rf<~ ;')~

t-A/~i h;\\j~6~s PVTv UcL }c}le l:d t'~i(\(;!

Ih~ SCHEDULE·A fRCl'HITY (lLd ! el:;!(,,,;j

t'l/1en1{)~,(1nd'lJrn of i,\(,!reerneni" d(J~;jcl 07~1)eCB{nb;:,;f,,200,,~ ~t·)~;t~tn(1fh.?A" rr;te·q··?,/j k; ::>;~ l.f"_t;~ "Saki MOA"), 'AHi';~ H'le MJ~. f',/ERE/.D'Y .INDUSTRiES !f~D!A UMI1F\:) i'''''I,:":i,, k:'l lI',e

Ule;>f ni," SCHEOUU:·A PROPERTY Ii'/: i(;fl,;·

:f:.'lniHf:cib us li';e"KT?l PROPERTY'

\VHER::AS r1.\'{) Jv1/$: >-",,,,,,,,,od,: 1L,dt.!;~·jrl(D5 ind;(~ UrnilBd hos ifonsfBrred PV18ir HLt: r1it::f~S"f i(l

anrov()ur of Lessor h!~jr~~in bV V}(1r10u.; 'suk::' u00fCb <.F\d th~: ~(Ji('.l . .<


T;~·:T;3:}'". 'j , .~~iCj.t~:C) indvs ~titjl

f/.AiC..rn ()} superwb~)ll1 up ,:~PC.~:f;~ \"·'lith,·:~;_'.fP~:( "j'tnx:.:JUf(;;i:; Ol ~r'~B{-~vicKit.}~~ \L

ihn:7€: t~!octs" nornely ALlfiJS'.Qncl (JnG {>in HIe; b~OGkS tcoetn8:!.vil;i-;

oil orner d""v'31oprnenl on jj\e '(jldSCHEDULE·A PROPERTY 10 i:)& Technology !'<uk", spreoc ever two IJ(l$ornenis. 1V(G stills Cn;j

tkll1~d:Ai0ring spoces kif ren!lo pf0spectiv:;i it:;n<m\~.ond !y'r1

'NI:1EneAS 1t'1," .olympia Technology PCl1k b6irlg b :i r.}>:-,::,::- (is ;<li(::

<H,)ovc eJndBlocK I wouk:l bni;dingi::::<111t:"Ci CmOU$·,t.

Cn!OlJs.~, Block !lcomr!Lx:!SqwCUici c<,m,pns,,, r;i;;1;f"linfJS,:;,:lHod Al.Tll.n;·,t\, AtTIUS·e s. ALTlUS·C oneJ Slocklill:J61no <:()(Jsnucl",d wOuld C()!Tipr'ise t;:ulkiing ~.;oll"H.': FOrmfJS more iuilvd'.'):;CliY2d iI', lYle enctosed ANNEXURl?·A then:;;n oHBr f>!:dtttreo It; '(JS MOS!'H Pior1!" fry th(~ ~G~';~ oz Ct,)f~!~/(::n'ljt~JnGE" H~~f.r'·rJ.UC~fS'of CiTIUS~A:~ nt.Jrn(d.;; ltJ f.~~2iS6rnBhL 2!~d th~J::f.9-jf!'f2hL ! It f:~H;< ;i?'!"~ SinL t n ~~k;'-.()r, 2')~'~ f.16c,t" 3;d , .. ~P!>· FtoCA' 51r~ F~cor, 0~!: F;·cx:r. lih F~{jor (jrHj 8~j Ht;.ur Vj>~;,.(,'ild

Je ~j.; l~,···! A. /b·<?e~ r\~ /~-2.S" .A~ 'I F, A-2F, ·A<3Fv

3LYiliody !; 10 fioqr, dAtnUS ·A, nCJr)1(:',y i ,';

",1'11; \1 FlOG 2'1) Flcot, 3'"' tL;OL '11' Hoor. 6'" Fb.UL

WHEREAS LE;;SOR 1\0$ connrrncd ;0

;;CHYfnpiG 1.j~jCh{H}~{"DY Perk (";o:~ LO~:~f'! and ~n OCCCf(f(lDCC" \vI1h. n-i0~ ~:,~~c<~d

WHE~EAS otfcr<;i":-l tt;; th£t thi':' ,!f;'-!y~e of th~~ (:(wnn~e:'fC\<J! <)n

·,,41.7,02 Sq, Ft} Gnd Ej,9h~h rfc~()r j\ .. {!-:f" ..1'l.?O";:

Sq. l-;~-~ -boing ?tJASE » :l :jpCH~>Ef, the LFSSFt::, hG~ '~'Y'qf(~~SX:i(; ~)~

;nh~rf::.~t tu (lvoillr~~:: spoce on Le<l$0~

\\fHt«EAS oJ tna~ fj(J,ri ~:-H'\d ()f ihe: nb<.Jv\:: :~C(('~ (:.:):"r}f'ne.r~:it:T :-G;)Occ:~ Cldrl,0cls· .. JHnq

UPQrox;rn(rh~:J,v 6:'; .. 404 Sq. FL-bf:1ng'S.b\~e:n1h Fh'Jor l <JnfJ

.:(! 702 in emUS·A 01 Olyrnpin lfO)(.JlflO!O'J'r Ya:.k, i(> be: ':1'

L',,·\i,,/i,,'" \vt~h the. z:,Q-q.-)af{<~;~. :-::jf{<~rl.LY~?i<.J UI ~dc; SCHEDULE .. H

ono n?i0rr;))dto (1$. fi$CHEOUlE·l) PROpeRYY"

WHEREAS lile ,pac;:; ;1 r,:~cldf it)! 1;,)0 fhh Leese D(-;(,d.


0, tEASED AREA s. LliASE PER!OD: Tt\0 LESS()R fl(jS tlf.1I'eE:Cl LESSEE ".cnil'-;::v OC1N~ii;l$ lOln,,(',o(" JEOS"" Ihl1 SCHEDUUHIPROf'I::RrY

53,404 Sq H' rS';;venlh FU;;Of \ • 4U'Q2 Sf;j. l'L)Ond Fightl', (~k:,cr (t,;,2t

.11.702 Ft.Jl d 10flioblB- (1f'::0 dSS(;rIDpo undsf SCHEDUU:·j) CIS ;:;;C.;

11',.,,: FloOf (In.".t'Y.;'ld r)i ANNEXURES-AI E. A2. hlj:ti31nuH"", fck'fr(':<i

"LEASED PROPERty".! tor Q peril)i] (if :; Y(IGt3 with elf",e;l 1[,')1\', ).:1 /',"\{\ XJY' he:e,nrJ~t0t nr~fcrh:)(t ro os L(~cs~~~ fte·!'ie>d.

~. RENEWAL PERIOD: lTi{l r,ov\:ltl(';-so/G Qpilon;c. i0It-c'N noe !;.;·)

le': thar of .s Y0:(1t'1;- .(j.H_l:lf th:e- Jfu1i:::li t-80SC' -f;'f!;/f1;,i() .. in ,~!h8~ (;\!~>f'IJ lj.';ij LES:;i:f

f(znif:')~/$' th-w h?D:I{S" 1Qf 0 further p0f10d ~:JL :,,)_. V'C:ZJf~ H'"j'f; LESSEE

on ;Eirrn;;: Cnzj c()ncfdirlr,s 01 11',1" LEASE DCFJ) ,

II. Q.

~hCH b.e fi~rnjiil~~(J ~o ; :~~0;"PG;~(' per )50

'h.·"T'''''·.··.'., r;;f Qf1/" cilorge'1 in Of her \\:Cf(C, 1 -} ~ (/Jl c,>YG~tf)d pCHks "t'Jn_d t(,~~~ b.(~L:'~H\(:e LS'T~- h) 'rh6~ r.;(~,()~~ed .' Pf'dl,)~;:-J~V c-!:> cje iin<;~,:(j in ij"\i\ OIso oe enldk~(J fa oddHior!{)f r':'l~i'i:\ 1':I~rl(t.:'Y6'.f odditionOf pf..xldng ,1:)f:/on<l l'be {;,J:jl) sha.i) l;)tr ChQ;g(~(lb({2, .01 RsJ .SOO;' (RVP\:I:,,: On'.:: ThQU5nnd FiIb per r::crpork 'per r'f10n-n'r In O-thtif v\;Cld~ H,!e:-LES-S:~E_ 'Sh{J;~, hOVt2 rhi:< ripti<)n t() !Of;C:

(1ddjtiono.? 4'1 'vvh:l'ch sh(jli be c:hoffl0-obl\:.: _oi the~, rt,tt!-:~ (:/r T<S .. 1"Sl}tJ/y•

{klJPe~c~ -Or~~~ ()n\v) PBf perk p,,:;..r rn()fdh QO(} ~hJ,:i LeSSEE

0'xch,j!J~~/a (iGlhl this option on or b~:.}roreOl-~t'·h~;\'t.~Ho;nt'.h·~r~2(',{\) H

thoR' LF5SEE fef ':;i;jcri~i0nci cor pOfkih:g 5kll~ then th·j3 c.~(:it ,'",+".,.", shollcDrnrnencL-imm ill$ nc;h;(l! d{)ta ,:;.!

~}£ oer LESSEE H ~e opt~pn h.! ;SU:ft.H·l_Qibf c:ddjFcnc!f. cur ~:--Gn~ fT~)t· r!?~_qultecj by_ \h0- U::-SSEf: .. It r~; ck.n~n·,;}d thflt lhf:;'

"~'<jt)i~(1,It\r pOtkinq onCl fOl..a whe~dcr potkin:~ I 5,Ot !or .. ).'.;erv 5:;0 Sq, Fl, (;1

puq:-;<X;;,13 cli (:ornpui'cIH(;lP,' i~, h';I() \:\/,heetef cor pCddn~), 'n''kt~t IOYOtO sh0\N.in9 HH:~ ex<;rVS;Y~7 (:(.11 pork: \d-erdHie-(j "-:.;ntJ :~u;

OJ ,he: t{~.\J~tid "'"'J"c",",, for ANNEXI.JR.1H~

b, TERitACE R;GHrs : 'IV" j""Tt'),("~' ~s.;,,)<:<~ {;)1 C:l1vmp!D C!liUi>A ()j' iV,i, L0,'OSL<: lE~)SfE i'ooa'ihc;r vVIlh 'it:~, {]tOiJp C<lrf!r}dn.f-=~ v/l~-~GUt i_;~'

e~Xlrc~ 1~(lS;:~S ,tUt3jOC~ l<,r


",,'<"'","n,n ony AcL rUle$ !l._ r~;;J~tk::(liQn$ ~f) iQfC~?·

any righ1 OVi;)! rhit It;.froce s:-:c!tJ;jv;;o",: ({:%0;V0Ci



L tEASE RENt RAlE - thB LESSEE shdi btl'

10 t',;Qy ~h<£f IUGs __ > <E~1";t ":~~~

J'iJl<, d R~,::i3/-H~l)pe1l's 1ililly ) ner Sq, H. ",,;t' t)'lCr,iil, Y/ii;,:;! \-vlii (>9

f;!;, 27 .5:2?:}~t_~U~·lkupee-~ 'fV/2:r~!'y FHty TY_;"~) 1't'v:'\US<.H1G nFe---;'- HUf'~()rf_;;",j

Thirh" -~\NO th-e- '·rrof:'h~r1l P'2f Gk'1u~t;~, 1{G_! of 'ihis LF~\)E DEEr),

'i LEASE RENT EftECnVf DATE: The ;Si'ne u;n<snc:'r CCVllr(,,);~\ce' Wil'; ctk,ct f;,:;n {) j ·Ivl(),/ ··I.DOI "

iii, ?A 'fMENl OF lEASE RJ;NT: '1)11" "ok) \"jc;i;,C' lenl ~hc\H be ~~Qle'h.dar rn'nndh, \V"i~t; <}f rnordn9. p-cyrn6{i t"

iv, LEASt: RENT ESCALATION: The ;eO,;{j !l2'fI! rKlY':;:Q,B ,hoil Slonc) incr:)(;S0cl .;),

(:.~;:;cc:kJtc-c! t 2:~~ eV'0fj':3 veers over lht<iD~;! l)(.~kj rer;l- frGrn rh't~ d(lk0 of Gcll:-e;.i

rc. .. nl (;,:fh1tC:1;\·';_:j ct)O',/i? \rl-rf)~D'f}C; ot !i'~j:< 1.~'dJ:~>::>j Y"i\"'.<',·,'

<In(j 'ihe -6f:!nBV;(1~ H-'iGr(~c;;.? if ()rrl.,

"":"",.,,,:, thui in \:(l~"" the LeSSEE ib b~j~.iness cornmUrn~sn~5 J(Ott\ ~hA Lf1tJ~,8::)

the /<}'il{=vnnt }4{)C;,~ <1nd (.>:;r,~nc,o~e/ ·~ht} 1..C~::~Lt 3-tl'':!~! \>{~<

enldle-cL No~ ;Niths~':lndlnSl clnythw·1rJ C(lfdoine('I h\{~;retn. hx f~Jrv-i·u(-u !('/;

fent COfYifl'IC-nCOb'i;"xt":fd fH:-'J1T-\- t)Dsfntj~\'i c·CCUpOf1Cy or CC \'vh[(:~·h:,;,·~f~~!l

€().Hlsl. 11\f.': lE~iSOR c;nl/r~;; !i~i"./0~5fn"1EH'L

hvjBr"(w~!hf ij'12 U:'7~':;,(~t::',; -ti~<>:..d <F'jd r'''2k)c{lfi;;)r;

Gr:C\l.p_q';lon ·Grh~<~! ;:)u,tln~-:t$ (""·"·"'{',1;,,, (:(HT1])reil(,h (~·~:r1~Hc<1l(:: ·Vjj (rn~ hBr.sdnGlrt0f npptJt':;t'in£?


to z::kJU$(1 F;i t)okj\v for the PropexfY,- erlTi;~;; EuHcfrng qnd (:(1rnoUS~ urtiHc--s~ ;:f,1rV~C0$. common .orec rBIc.HS(j ''f~nj)ks,

Cl(jl'dBI1}n(1~ ·~'iec-hh:)rJ c-on~urnpri~:>n C011"jf'l\')l'\ (,teD"

to CGtTQrl;_)(\ ti~o;nh;H ~'Jr/j~·

~05t of sptn-B.~ ,jqr!$jc{)n~u;nd,bh:;5 ie .. !' (11:

{'S$f:t5lt?qulr)n-\?..-nb/-~y->tBrn}JiqcmH$~~.< <H(3':i]

3e'C~Ulily. COfn(lv)n cmOi')ll\iJ:51tr;;c1li1!es ~(.id, ,;n

ATt\fl4(~vrn!(:-oh?:te-lio !{)1'fV<;f::; ong·;1ing s'tctulC1iY '{CC:$ '/ o.:.tiC..{fGi?'J

d nIGif'ij;S'1l0flCC' i" 0\ per the ANN EXttEJi:::J;;"i';(,,"UI G

ii, MA1NYENANCE: CtiARGE5:. Ths LeSSEE S"'<Jl\ C<JV ii"'" 'I,\):dh\\

(;j lh\:, !Ot,:; 01 F:~·,;{.SO! Sq,. fl,


"i{() \ ltd t1i~: r(:;'i/~~~"?-~e::t~ fl'lU'HJnH/ 'on.(J re\'~SA- Ih'c.~ rOlGS :..)~ ~w •• '",,-,,"',",'H,:'

b~)$~~! t';{ 111(: (!(Jt~"{JI c<)$1 i)'i~,Urr~(1 (HBfns ~?) ir!{~!wdt}:

G.ercienln9'_: C:OH\r}1b'n lthHl~es i~l)PCyt '(-:\ fj_'. E Ui r

()peru{llJ_n\ (:t,)f(JrJ'f:;:)-n (:;~n~uf'np~ionJ

pfor(Jtt~;d Z1VBf Hi(} enHt£;

LS~0 s: P.ron)~ ~(J bt~ Jhc;: bqsb~ fo;' deterrnln~n9 jni.+-f\/\c:t1n~":;~"'lnf~C:,:

Y9:fV on yoor C-iuTlntJ the LE'O:SCz P{;~f)O(J,

b·'/ H10 Lf:SSOR Dn(.~ (:ls(>(::~~r_Ctj h) 0t//CJ.(:';Q by IGV\r~ <.';k:~ ds Qpr",:'d!Cdtilt:;~ k;. ~nn

rnGlnh?r1(F)1~>:: : 1Clt:n,:;"y' {JppCir,1eci tt1~j oenef'ot ,tCJ:rrv~ on,,) c>:")n{31ifc,ns Of ;,::nont' ..

iv. MAINTENANCE !)fPOSiT: LESSEE shu!! noj t)CZ i;!-\jay 1;/

during IhE~ Lf"-t.:J',S0 F(niod Dr !!'i C:u:';c- :)! (;~{1y rsnr7y<j:-:f


Q, JNTEREST rREE REfUNDABLE SEClJRJi'( DEPOSIT AMOUNT: lI'w: LFSSO:hc:;; Doki Cl:urn One C'r()tf~ ~;ixJy Fiv~:. l.okns ThfrteG~n Thou~~und t~Fn0:

HtHvJre-d N~n~ry os !rd(}f(l$t Ffl:;t.5 f~tz'fvn~lCilJfe D8f)C;.sd

n~1r:w2d j(:. Iff{SD1, 'fh61 tLS$(J:f hCifeby(J(:kn::;Nlbo;l~~ (:nii r:>x;firj')',; li':~'"

n-iC ,}(lnV$: H ~,pfj.C~f~c-zJ.~~Y thot H",0.tre $hcll bc: no (~Y':.r.:;:JJtrH(;n In

}~<I(_:'L80$e fe,ned or cny fE:!'HS.0.fdi tli(~.i'(~/)L

b. BANK GUARANTH: The $hcil ClJT(}1;(]0 unconailiono! :\;;;;-,( ')0W'oni,:<

L{:;:'i:{~~~::; 01 LES:SOr:~$ -COfT -ond k8'ep 5Ucn -B-'~:;ril~ C~uCiJ:~tniG2

.(~C<$~ \intH f';'(V:; c;_V)nU'i artt)f ih8 C:r?:T;;r;(:.':Ji~:~

\\) te;\~9~e. 01, LE:~S{)R:'s C:O'S-f -and fl~;f:. u:~)C;C; :ULJf~'<l~~:;<'jr~: .~~·r 10 L"'S3(:;e, 1/18 U:~$Se<; ~hCiII 'Dlvtn YJ:;h e.G.

d i~ hijfBtJy' <:.fiJYiJi0ci Ih(li H C:C (jUE: dr4h~ i~, 3,(}"J0ft(7A)7 vC),1cl n:f .:rJ 'JUly~Q7,

C. IfRSO REPAYMENT: It bor;ne8'd oelween 11,8 f'or\ies 11er€'k) tliat flY: IFftSD,i\-:,::d I~)i

<:UiTV {lny lt1teff)st' _oJ\d $hWll t){~~' tY::1-undt:3d"ond f8PO~Ct b-y ffH:;;- LeSSOR h> {hf1 LFS,SC.L ~71'\n-~i)·~1;~:Jj,e!v on thc' t~;xpi(y cr f~·odi;z·r terrrdno!inn Of ~h~~ lBOSE: D{~x;-d ond O~~I jj<;.·Sf.-::.

r)\:'(;;~-r \'Ot:~<)ni r,>~;'S$0:S5i-on of Ihe LeuSC!,(j 10 !}->s- LESS<.)R i'c·

contidinn _'.~ubIGct io rE"o'S{}rKJb~e ',/<.ltK1I cJr<i- four fJnd of1er dBc~uctrn{J refltCii -<:,lTr+?:c~<\

If CH\'i- t£,S,SEE ~~_hoH be fi:nhHt3'd '.0 -reC{,'?'Jcr / ilH=- jFRSD· c(Gq;n~1 ':"hr~' nGfic0 jJ(::;:r{O<j r~nioi$ P{JyObJb t')'! LE:~;~E'F ,cn 1f-frI-('(thluJlon cA lh~3 :!-b'iJ52 or so:.)rh~;Ch~~{Mn1j.nohC'n: H-r'.$UBOf, th0: shall not be requhBcf }O resL)r(~' it:6 L6-i;';j~c-(:i Fn::~r;"ij{ 1';/ ft.'} n"~0'SCilTH? -r::cndrtion {J£ it hetd tqken on ~8{JS~; frorn the t.cS$-OF~.

h0r~?:1noHt~r O::lre.f=d upcr.. trre Lf~SSEE

4;'''V?, fBiuf'tchll)le Sf;)-cutHy Dcr;)osH in IhJl.l (it ,:-1- Hv;' ncdic6', pen'o'~1 01 L.ESSFE~5 LF:;S()Ft ~hCJI~ (J(jju,~) 1 he t~~;nL

f(if ;r'H? {:.<rk£::- -, \( ern! pon cd' >~..J-ch nOiicfi, trCfn LE:S;!Li:. trlt7 cw any pnd th<~r~~o{ ou+ oi n~l7.;, 'irk>!') U_l'\ij

e. DHA'( IN R1:HJN.D: if U::.~.SOR 1<):1" b r<'Jul:cJ In LeSSEE llHJ ll'RSD Grd:J!'(,()'V,,: ft;"iuncitJbflf! tn tefnt~· ()f thh LL/\SL l)EECt.~ Ihen LC:;SEF .~jh<1H L~e Bnl~H($·d 1;;"1 rE_'rlC)yjT~en~

Gf tj"i~') S(ll-d ~FRSD one] c)fnBf< ;cJ;6~~5tjnri ?~Hh o t ~h0 {Cd1~ <)t ;~ ~,n{:; (>c;

(~nnvn1 tforn ihc~ do~e- Jhf1 Z-Jn1(Junf du(=~ ·ond r.-~CJyQb:e>

t RiGHT TO RETAIN POSSESSION 10 the ihtmsoi O(X' ,a'; s.

fV~,::')i <:d)_()\~B < H fhe LESSOR fC%\~ -tG Lf.S.:/t:E the ff'RSD c~n 1h~:: ;h::fTflS (:<,i I(Y1

LE~\0E LYEEC', <)h nj~:, Qf 'fhE: l~n):_;:'7 or Z;C{)r1C-:f'-d,'?!errnin>;.'_';nioL nv~:r(.':oL !i~l:jn \~/fll··d.)ut Pft~;jtK1k;tl; to rtl~,:~- fi_~~ttj cd LEsSEE 10 recoves 1he,s0f1le! LeSSEE ~\t1c.<; t)2: Grd;:ii_~::_:(_'l ~() fz.:.:rnoin in i:)Cl;:~Bsslof">f of th{~ L<)C~5:ed ('.:'(Q.pJt!hy \-viirlQlj; rn(Jk~nf? r)(:~</nY~::l'~" <\f un)

rCj')10i .or 111<JJrdi::.rt(.H)C-B t;:t-,orgi;:;, c:,:YnJper1SZlfh")tl. ir~cluding ()thiSf 'a",tc",,'~,( BiBC'trlcil)), hrr0s.f;:k0~~J.)j'nCJ orv:J (;:ny Ct~-i1t:ir \Y1'1(1t~)e\)er, unW ~,'1.}(::h tin,~~; t.ESS-f)R ri?fut~d t'h~jwilh in if,:,Ii;;:;! or ih,,: roi", Uf\fnY,(,:~ .beCon1~~$ '(~ue no !hl": dol~0 ('d p':)yn'k::nl,

f·~~.:Jt·'I'Ali"t>hJf,dlr19 cnyH11h9 h;) jhl~" C\)f)rrqry ~7~;~t8'd or irnoH0U h0r~i~·J. HV::j Pen 1'\<~<: ("~r::0-rc~L~'y OQrt;;!.'1 On("i Gffirm lilot no trGn~ncti(.)ns· C.or:reYnpfOh3cl nt:f~:n Sh(Jh L:~~~' df;~~nle.d tQ.~)f:}.:)1" Ofr~Ount rc.o uSVJrUCluc;y rn<)Jf~.JG.:0e -or onv cn~:)~

'. in the~ (~1-e~··.d 1h~;. LESSEe BXl::n::'i$~\ d:: Dpth;Jf}'of rt'1nev}inrJ .H~;;;·· lr:>(t:i~: l0(J~~;,tr! rtfOt)l~' ~y.;: 'ih~s+) ·~{·~tlU b€J' no e&colbtlOG ~n ,the {FR:sr) 'A,n',,,,',w fel tne t{:Clt}~;l}(t(j perl'o(j cf .k>rJ~{:,

~~: $P·~:~ c·~ "U', 1 ('k:: ~;1·1U!.:~ l)2"CC;t"(~0

1 I

v . Tl':?MINA1JON:

Lf::A5f t)f:r:f) f~·h(.':H b~::- ferrnincil:+le .n th~~ ~OlkY~.r·;flg ,rHJrwle:t/und·~u nl';;' " .. " f(~\lnt~~~Jr~·C·{#S~

(1. ~y th(}U;SSFE, in H1e ev,;nr Hwl! ony cd :1'1(:: rr:wrmen1otiom oill'iG' LESSeE :;(;:'Il(lo>,:,o hC~.p.flIn ~.:~;~ inccr:E~"(;t, w'd~':1 ~rnrni&(ifo;t(-; eH'<~fC;'1~

L~. on~l oi the p<:n-i~es., if (:Jny pod.l hen;t0 <i(tk.1uH$ 1(l thi-:: ",",T','",,'y,

<)O\inQHOns w',dEn Ihis LEr,SE ;)[:EO and in ,h",c i':cvenl SI,lCi! ck,fouH h !l!)!

>:; r>ed(~d (.~f 30 days of 1,-:·or1y In this

C,~ l..f.~SS.FE 'ihOil be er;r;nOt.1 '10 t<;)n,)')inote' the f0(:lS(~ 'in ·rt:~pB(."j of ~he !t~i'~';,)(\ij P:~3t>0rt·/ f.~ly

%ix rnorur.s: nOii(:-t.t:· v/dhou~ Clt\V rO<1!H-:.1n at \1i<d'";(1t;(jnh1(~1 ie., lhB ~0;~rj

Ih(: LESSEE ierminuiu$ f\K, h"mr,; in d l!\;, GiCill$'''. 111e LESSEE: iTIUV sol,';;'/ 'Ii

,;,rAk)fL noti(y Ihc~ tESS()R ~o qdju!~.f lht};·iFi~SD in i-i€U 0·1 ~;x_(i1ojnllh rHnL

sush noHc.&· rri:-d11 Hh9' Lt:~SEE-< 'rhr: ithfjil (].(jpj~t ·(6nrs· h?1. ~1X tn()nH~::, ()~)t of fl'i:::

iF;:;SD Gild fafund lhe bO](.lI:¢f;; Ql HIt, ii ony, 1<, 11\,;; Lf£,S;::F h;;cii1v'llti! wh~lI! 1h,3:'

vccctes onci 1,)(lr\(j~ OV.fl( '!(leOn; possesston <)1 ~Ji0 LE:as,:;1j tr.: Ii""


(I, GOVERNMENT ACTION :In th", E'1/£1nt ~h17 l·:)u~I'Jd H'p'n}iA !\

'jftech3d by nny Cov";trn'rn4nt(:~L Jyciit;hJi (rcis c: df~:chL)ns df r~-:.:rl'"

pt;Jyn"'l~;-rd 9()V~~{rH11crd· (ltJBS 01 . olhHf de.f'<JuJt L;y

Uld 1vF Of1IJ fr0<~ ~njqyfneIlt Qi fhc' t)y

<..H1(1bh;; j<) stn;h ,"\,"Ir't":<

d(r:(J~ irurfl tl'n:> dG1e or !he:1 n(\tWed Oi)()u1 such d~~::i1~~G1, tL;SSEC ~f\Gn ::;u';.:P(:(~O Lloy·roi.:;:ni o'} h;tur8 (cf~i argj other', cha{g~s ond /ett f~t:jU(":e- ~he hjh~jl .<'","·:~.::t<i(h.~;r()U()(

50 % on .such tlrne rhnl tJ\t~ df;'nc;!~ Ot(~~ f~3:cHfj€·cL 1,')<L'ltlQ ~irdrt.!0ci

fC lt7Jn'11nnlf::. \vfihdn.J'.J{ ~rorn Lf,l\S~:: t)EEf) (JS \~!eH zJr'pj '<~H ·cXhsr

beinQ L> b'(i: d9~)ln$:.1 inTf)oc:Hng ~hEt !,i;CSf7<:;'

"td····~iC'h \iv·~Ju!d ~jYi:;:rdunBy I d~uH ;n ~h€~. <ji~p()~&.::~$>}{on Q1' L.ESSFf tforn rr-e L(?;(;S.f:,t_j <h(.r~l tiL.;\:, k)~ (:-ntHfGd to 'G401rn ft:,'.o·$CnO'blt}: f(j·i()cnHon Ch;j{~:;10S !J,:jfn LESSCjK inclt)(linq th(,:,: Hl<)txl nnu l~r;(Jnt tfn;JrOVern8n.~ co}t H);ffn-; .by th-2: 'lESSEE


"""",,",,",,.,,,,>1.,,,,, cr h(lnlplEN"i; ~hE: LESSFE <)f

('/",hkv~;~~ -» <kjy ~Q 'v/hQk't or :f1 pafi Io ~h(;. LESSEr., H :··tt LESS,~:F \h-t,tli

f\ct..:e- :-he ffgh't tC) ·i~!:,~fninC1l-0 LCA:SE fJ'Et,~L) wilh iriirnsokJti} ~;,d'rBc~'~ v/lj'}c:_~t {try/, <:<>;::'f

r:)( h) ~h? ~ESSt:':, ~n the: ever» [h~~: tESSEI CiOC'$ ~'\cA ~;c;frriincde th(::: f>EEC

OtiC 0i' t.ttlJ_Y r)(.F~ or the pr(~n,J:;tn'/ me LY:5SL'(

"""",··wi:",.,~>"·,b", (t::n1 (Uf 'n"jt"H f:; ~fiH in u$obh:~' ;;:t'JndiJio!"\ .. unn! ;i ,!en

tn. U$'Gl)h~ C(w:"'.:.Hk~n

J the \V<hOlt; <;Jf -ot~y ~ .. ;.;:)H;Q·n, of ;')fyrnciG

<!$'}\1"::Y/{:::d d{Jln<:~!d0cJ i>/ 0 Fon:~ I~Aui~g(H'~

;:)C~~)dftni. ~;rH·:e· ('!( ()the~rvi{iI0nC0~ \'J-n'/ kJV'/-O{ ~>e f0n(h~{f~.:j jr;O(:C>2:;'$.H)\(~ Of ct !,;nin1""v).bdol')It.) in ?/nolr;:J D.f kl

<i')fTlO[46 lS flOi" OCC(1~~ICa'V;id b~/ ~l""'>i";

ot 'wilHui d'0fc;ut~ (';{ U,:S~:EL', ~h(; LEI\$E DEtr) ont;l on .:;tJ";0( ((,xle\!ur'd 'incurrlrv;J on~! ·c<>H (')t E~jbiFIY; ;n f'hr-"







'JfJl ~:)·S}t(:\~;~, 1(.i ~>a~;~f:': F'tf:! ·aU C()st,~" 'CJ:,,ln$,,< hJf,St1i orid d(J)'ri.;!g(~j ~;\,jnep~:~ '[)~t' ti'!<::3

~ .. E~St·f::. G6,~lng oul of ctc~rn!~ tnud.€~ th~f<l p·orH(9$, 0Q,Qin5'f ony d~~(c;encY,in lh€' litk:t

t.)f ihe LEs.s()r~ .;(~ 50 .tQ( (1S' 't.i·,'1t: 'f,oid pr0(n~s~.~ O.H~ ,c·::)ncerrH~.d,

.» MORTGAGE: fh;o; ,,:s$ur\,;nd~mq1;'i~" 1(, ink.HT'fl Lind k(rsp infcrFnt":d ]1\0' U&'<"'O''' (d Oib' qr 01\ rnori,;;n.CH'?flhtl! it r,r)\; <~n,:oied trom tim';! ro Em,? 0\1£;, 1fll3-Q((hTr !..y

1h,e Ld~::,~B~ tn f;~L:)P~;tr:ty C}fyTnpfU 'fh<: t i::j~'~dj~ y/!l! Q;;;,\ .. ~ k{~'f:r;: 'Jl'<~

! ;f.,~~t;::(':-. ink~rn~·:Jr:i <:A crw futun~ LE-f~$Clf \(_,qJfft;1nt:· i!i01 <:'fff;(Jli<)n '.:";}

',j>J{:!''', (::i'V':l{{~-O:;, if (!f1Vv ('JJ'-tj LSS5'2)$,

SjL'diJ· Bn:!~~~rt~> thol there· '~'5 ocequote 'N·::l€·~ m", e:\clu~;\Ie 1)£(';' 01 111", I.£':S,sEE. Ail O"l,\V(litif 'N1Ii be b(Hn·{~ by H'i0 LESS(H.~ (1r~d -rA\ U~it.;~Jf7


;>fH ;;(1\JOfE! toot of t0nkJ'l)!t) bo~t;t, fh\~ lES.SOJ.~ ShetH lJ6·jioLA~;. th01.<$U·)~; ?~~n1()d ror n"'I5' pCi~'nlt:'7:)rd (){ ir\(!f-;~r(,:0,ntQI "C>(~po~jh~ C!Ppl\·.COL:w·~ evon if j:hi~' in~1(jl!nnc-(; ,; to H:-$ n<Jtne of fh& LES,:~Ef;·,.

l I


:icf;Hnq thw t.e·cs~d lESS{')r.; {/yienord 1t'iot in Jhe Lh/(:jni ·~;t ! c~ t. :).(~JF~

of th~ LeCSEicf ~C .. (1 r..<lih; cJihet H',{:J(I LESSEe, then ~n H'lCt .~v()nl ji'is $()h;

~;~-;cH ;:'\1:: ~'I.,jt)jecl it> 1hc: cd LESSEE t)ndt;;f LEASE: DLff) {j{pj iiH:: LC~.~~:()F shu:l

t>~ ubllq0ii':d 10 ~f:r; ihB 5i:tn1ei<:> :h0;:i;ve: l)vV0; ofi",r

~;ons{iwd !t"()fl1 tJ':SSFF, the ·tt..'1,t01 ·nurn{:~;lt~; 'Or ~uc:h h.)iuH:-; /

U:;'S:;C1R ~llrjJ.l not <::,.<~:f',:ecj '::~i'!i;: 11'1 rr:f$},>JJct ()~. ~.he L&G~ki~d PrGP*~dy

'-filii}}. B iJi' hirtf'V;\! ·(~klfHt-e(:§ it'jUt LL5S0h: VIIH L(;nf(;\!J(_~ to bt~~ the St';:C'Cl! tor LESs.Er

PC"q '<J}!;~: ;h~s LFA-SE DEt:l)~ rhl:;:' (TnG 01 bo~h Pr}fhes

l)nder me in l{J<!CUf :01' n'lfJ' i'tGn!ileft3C·· k;H ~d i':,:-Nd clr~'::t

rI"~~:; h:~rns of n:'i'$. Lf.,p.~$E DeEI) t~'pp1y to the Jrcn5:k)rG'0 !{]n(J J.~~r<:1 1n 1:'1C >:]rrE~

rn':J(lfh~~'l {t'. it !{'r undel lhis LeASE H(>Vv't;,:,Vfld ii'\( DFED

~b'SJH {)0: b~n'.Jlng in u# res.pe1'::,1 <>n H\e~ n(-0\Y f)ufz;hoslng the ~}?:o-;;l~d 'i:rGLF/<tv

tAXES: L.ESS()t{ snoH pert on pn$£eni end h_dVI6" pn:;p~rty .1hV;'~+{ i~

resoec: of LHGSt?(! f'topetfvf P'LFk {lnd ihe !ond C~\(£( v;hk::h

(:t)r\s~; 0C~t~0r:J.

n USE O,F PREi\"\t51:S'; tESS<>f{ <;::ovnnonts 11101 Ihi; :.;cncLoneu ;)~fi: of L2~Cht~r; "Y'·T·"~"!V k_::( ·.c0fnrf!crclo~ USt:J'., kl)::I>uding tH"d ,ne! lltnHi;;(J .k;; 1~·:a(JhHs~""~h·i.g ··;::;dfk:<LS ~·:erl"k.>M" ~"{3r,L~~:5

Gnd aU rek:ded CC~hiBh;.~£ invCkdn~t Wdon\Jonc~n und HVJ! Lt'S!;tE )hni; be

~:nHfled h') occ·qP/ tind !.}.;(~;:j~·'HS: Le~j~;·e(j rAHj1)¢riy for its purp'U~f~f~:,


\""l~,"'J'S' t:!(=Jer; t:::0:1s1r\.,v;·h.:.:d ~n '.] ,\vor.r~rru)nhkt:: rn<:lnr!j,;?f vAthOi.}1 UJ::!)' v:cdnf;c\nx oj th~:~ sc)n.::tloflEh:.J {)k:Jn c)nd in ('~GG(ndon(:B,wfth H">e·SQJ'IL:·t1(3nE"(j r.:1()n \"',/if'; ::~,H~'J <)'i(F'i9{<~ j :-:J<,;ci:;Hons GS ho'l~? bee-r'i ~'l"H.J-j8 by ~h\? (;iv~DI~ (")( u~hor (_;<;')r:l~>?1f>h~1·< ;.,}1j"'!(;tif;e,,~, un<l i.:~ fp.i(;; tr0rn orw Cit-:;f~?3<:t-s.l <lQ,jh::!;u,n~, In r(iCdeliu,b; <x vl~:wkmGt(')h;r),

INDEMNIfY LE:SSC)R -;1\:;11 indernnify end 1f1,"' ,i:::;SE£-

f<~yS'j Of dCl.trtU::J6~ suff.Br~d by by tt30>f)f1 or ony : . .1(:;(, d~}f~~d (:H ~)(ni5,S~()t~ (;d

ovr ci' O( due 10 Gny cdvi2~~st:' oCliDn !h~~ /~,J.5o(:i(~tiori, ;duni(~JPC1;

Cif 1oco~ <;ulhodty in ·f~~.PGct 0"[ L{,;'O:}d<i p()ptJrty. 1(; porH::uj<,~:~, LESSC)f;

be 'liC1bI6~ i~) in(t0rnnil'}" n·w:: LCSS-Ef ub costs c~nd C·Of1tl,(7:(FH::LC.'.(-;S

OUl of thE; ,c:0nc~);]0.1ion of clny <:'CiftinCo~~" (JPPfl)VIJ~;, ·~.Jr ~>S\jj,:;<)

ijj" ih:~ CG.r'l£':(dfH;;:J (1.uthc·.rHy~ dtt'rncidi(J.f'l or pyop·6sed

(A ony lJdrt ~hefa-c;f {jn(~ <Jr:,y !BQ-;lt n'>::

jn~ef::1s~ of LE-.$$Ct, An ,in.d?fnnlty in thL~~ re9CJni ir~\...":;ud'·e; boinrJ 1~Dbre 10 ;r\df:~rnn'{fy. ~:ES.sEE tet Of 1"/ ;Q'(-.5 iCH.""'U(f{1:C} en <::;:ccotJnl of (.lny d:;r;r.up"110n If} H''H:; bUS'!r<l£;s <~chyrih::.~ (;:1 LE~:SEE' jf ~\JGh '{j;~ruptlDn con n'j,osonGt:!~v be ·oHribuitt·d '10 L[LSJ[~ }'}0.rhC1Jk:u~y jr~ ,,;::c1nneci;on >A';tr'l :ony 1Hh;::f€'fOled ·.i5~:~,,i(7<, le~1a.t or {Jc:Hon.;); (;;.r LF3S()f.;' r'E,:;n>~x l~ ffjfv"jerjng lhc spocc, .n.c~ tJt;Ol""J16~ \t1(J(l{~(~'tjJ<lte' '''","'n"v,"""

18prr.;SEnk'Jion:; fi;Qdf~ by Ih\'7 The ',hOi! 015() :tii;'

!u"~vcn"(h h~'<J1Jt in····yg:frnf:;nt; inc{udin;_j G..;~\5r, {>l

.:1 tr(jn~qctj.orL 10 rnn~u:' f)OO(J ';he cost {y;tuallv

nr.:~nC1~' -c t!"',e LFSSf.E tn i~')H:Jer h) vh*w the- C{tr,C'1it'i6n (if lI">& ~r!i:;

!_,.fS,S(j}~ nH.,ir }£~:~"V~:~ '1')P'CT; r10ik:;e: 'in ~Nj_f'nnS) 5~J,ei~d(;L~1. 'onv

tel .bE: d\Hlf;! or t(:p!oc-ernefYl, n~{;e-~$Pfy ~C)' ee fTF1cie t.)y tht1, LE5:~.S.Ef in o::·~cc[d .. on<_~\;;; 'i\:ltt~ llxe 0b{h:;JoHon~, iJYH:'lBf tj1i~ Lf:i<SE DEEP~

lESSOR ENTRY fOR REf'AJRS: Thf) U.'SSH ~b;J!i 0n1i:![ jj,e l,'y(;V:o'd H'·f''_'··,\.""

{hiS~ U:$~~E:E rnoy ~Br¥e up<>n lht~ LESSOn t'!oUr;& :'I""J :vvdli,hG f;3:'«1::.< or

\\lQtV~ to t)C"(!('}nf} or na';)k}G0ftit-?:r~( ntr(' .. )?,i·SS·:C!P( ~() 1)(;: t'·.n.'(,hjc~ i)V (1nd H :1>.:::-

t:..ESSC)R sholl n0l ~N!n"'!in 'len·r ~ 0) dfJV~ of uer • .tic-B (.)f $LV~:n j1("<tf~(~;~~~ 1(r t:~·A2p:> .. .t1~j:

A,iCI'~ repCJk:' or :tl'>,:'}~'\ th6: LESSEE shaO e'At<~U~0: StA:h r0~>nln' !')f

{1t\ci in ti~C().yef ~~Jch tron1 th0 or dCt1UC1 l.Iv-,:; \\.1rne frcrn

(1fT)' onv:~tJr) PC~;(~.t~l0 to lhQ, U~SS.()R~


thJcEH,(Jnolb; itt 'fh/_; QiyrnplCJ Te·ct\0cd.c~~y ?clrk. r::(H i IrJU;; iik-s GYM,. c(111e·& t;cv ,.\'; t~A

tQt}(j court nnd LESSEE '5huH {1bHgc:J~t~·d h~} fY3:'Y 1he / ;» .. ~f


H 't.::: ~~f,)(~1Cf~ ;r, 1.,)tyfn;:~":J Tt:cJ'lnotogy F~arK ·davek1p(~;·d if, lh(f.~ 5chiiH:lUt0'~}\ F\Cif:t)d~i L:> ::..~ny a1f'irif cOrnpOfYl, iirn) 'OJ (ll;i.s<)ciuVon V"1~:'~;ch ~h0 LEj$.EE cltfft7rn;;,CH. ds L\\J:::~nff;.s5 \u·ch as H:\L,L EiY), Sun .. ;'~·lk:r(,Y;"Y$t.erns, D~J1L ·d\j.fipS; 'lhe ;~)E:ET: or C1!"\V' re'~".i(~\~1{)1 F<.~f<:i"~;·:,uL


-r{l(;: i..<';,~05~>d 'Ofoct:'·:rtv !

in:e:,')i_JGt> but not .drfdh;:(1 tCj T~C)(::S 1r()n'\' C:PJiC~J\ fC_lf C'onn(:\:j_ji~)rE;; ;or -11'\0 L8a~'d,d """"""",'h

:£:.::11 SbCt-:j CJi)'Cf(,nCB (:,f:r:!Hk:(lh~

~hG\l bE', ~rY)U<;':JC n')(;' (;une.fv:';"'/ ::;,1 inh JGi1~~~ ty rht:; L.FSSC)~ >')~ H>~';[l ~>\i·in '-.:.~':< ,~n(j ) <>c":lrfit;'¢'J'U <~UP"i or i:;u<:.h >,.l(;fk::f rr:dicy ~h(;lI L~~; -,: .i_j:~~;>·'f· ~('?n\ ,Ly,:, -':,' Hnie,


o. SiGNAGE RIGHrs: LESSCE ~h(ll! (ji2: rintWi1(j \(I ono nrNF:rH,cJP'""nl$ ouhid", ihl,+ t;t~'it, -nnd cit~ptoy LES-SEE~$ t)<Jrf1t;_ -and pr(;du~ JS \,vitnc:-u1 of the t'lddin'g, tJ:S$Et; ,,shcjU not oe i;<Jt~lC to ;J0V onv tdr!i'h,: SP(1(S occupiec by socn pkrcqros etc~:J'i(J\VeVSf ~ LESSEE _;-!'10H in~1rncl6 seen "1('m,'h"H~,

LEssor; Si-'l(Jll r>()l !''"i{l'tlh ~ht~ riuLd !e ,inshJ~ oov C;!t\U'{ ::;_:;U)(j{)E: nn in£~

}t1 G-nd--jn Ih-0- (::V{~'nt if ;h-e: s(:wne i>

;i,,~ L£::SEf:: shc;ll ;)centiHcd 10 pUl :nOrwrm'ir;j \{·~';-n"'1 (iUC' L:cr!,5,,~2r~i fruro H'~~:~ LB3·$Ct. rho-- tfSS()f,;": :;h(lli (:,tir~sen1 v;it"i'\ <Lr;'I~n~j-unS \-vifhi'n ','_r Vt<':::t'ik' S 1;:n'~i!_.

h><>ntinn ~n th~ Sche(jt)~0 A property 'in S\JcJ~ ~) VJGy itl01

jt:~S:;e-·9·_~ 4tCc~),piin.o 33ff;~G~(;~r Ofi:t'Q, ~Je1 v~sH)ili1 /~

The: 53\O!l l~rr;ur(l ~hoi Ihe,,>, vAil C~OI_ provide' \jf lfY510H ~h-t-;. \-?-:;]rF.l~}':~' ~;'i ~h~'J1; ~~rJ) ::- ,ft-, rVli{,.~.t()~y~tcn1':;', ()eH on the (j~dh:.>(;iiENJ ;;)t arry\vh'r-':I\j in ihi;~ SC,hED~.v:~

t~~'~ f'~nti1h:.:d fcr G suhoble:, s[JOCE} j'n n'"h:; -r~::rf~JC0 ore-(_) k.v

cqtnrnutl!C-Qt~t;n -eq:'l;ptnEH\{Sr /\C Dt\-d orner

9(Ov;)d I fYI 6-i in 1he <.1t:?:o by H'F:$

1[:;-(10'::10 ",j bliHding flower luJ1)'

LESSEE (Jr no fi'.,>:;!rc! '(;Q,sr c-nd (dhefS :::.h(JH nf)t

t~~ji!-tjjnG ! t€H'{C!C:~~f in ()lyn'1piQ

i./::;,050d PropenV' eLi, H ,Hi(!Y (ieetn n8r:-~:;'$$O(V ~<)'t Hs- bV~~fnt::S oCtLtili<'j$ rr~ Ur, ',:<1,1(;

(J!l,~"j ui' n~ ,:~\yn {:C~L LESSEE ~hGn P<J'! H~0 1t;'i(,;ph-oru:-!jf(t< :L:~\~ ~~~)(:h rne::~ W~,:'h~zzH~(j< ~n the )''ho;! $ftS'.HS· fhG' 8X_8c~);k)n 01 ?If':---(

(:Qnn(~cU{>ns. ll~0; LE5S0e hf;;iY)t"Y/ <»'\Urn'-\~;~ ~~<"2~\ (-1:1 $ljC;A~ S~)iVf('Ab5 r(:ch,:~(~~"d f...~A the:

CONsuMPnON CHARGES: lESSEE SI\0:\ t;A~(\\ inb?;cornrnunh,~:oLo1'~;;

tESS()R to rn(~.kcf th£~ pOY'rnCI1TS <~n Ot:~lJc.}$. .;j~ 00tvd- fCflH r{11t~Y5_ Ol'lCl n'I(1fr;' SI'K.:H fk:::d L~0,~ <](1'1 tr~,crk UP iii

L$~:-~3C s.hal! -bv: :c~ntdi~:(j ~;,~.,t ~hf>- fGC;~l~'/ <..>n 24x'/ L~<:~)~ \/virhcUr {)1\/ <1t5cJl11LJilct


-)_.~u~1 i)ut ~h.c· l)~ .... ri'rr~enl <>1 cX.:h,j(l~ LES:->{)l~ Si'lOi{ l)i::

1. iNTERNAL ALTERATIONS TENANTIM?ROVEMENIS AND PHOur WORKS: 1:v.;, U>~;E: \.hnH b-t~ e_f':t~ih::d \;;,,) C1Jrry- .r;H,J{ fhf:~. inrerna~. OH0f{Jiinn:r virthln 1h{; L«_'\:E~d P(:;:ir>:,~:Hy ~Nitt"'\~Ju'1 Sr~f:"'vjng ~'h0 con:~c.:;ni rrorn she tESSOR tJ)- c\.~_n·C{)~!l ';/t'hi:.:.1"l d(J~_;:;:~ n,:~)~ (Jff2<'! -;l--'~t_-:: ~ipv'CJi.Jr{::- o-r Ihe buiiCJin'0~ it iii rnod~:: ChiOf fho~ no ~{;

ihe f):i,tE;rnoi v't·oH~ -ond The \!endQLi~

P{:)vid.6t.S shCn ;)00 ncddfccHon- hDrn H'1B' i

:':j, HAZAl{OOUSGOODS; Til<1 LESSEE ,haH n<:Y(s\m<:' Of Ci0:(li in~~I(;Y vlhicl1 Dff~t,t10-?X)ld()~vs rn nt;ri'Jfe Dn(:~ nl!l pe;'ffilsstt:'A',o;; lq tt<:~uiprn0rd:i> Ben rer~e~~ t!j"8i€t and cdhi7~:;:; CIS 8t;~~er'1-hoi k> p)P tCSStE~~-: t\d:~jnf~"\'S <:)r.!l!~fnf'ion$~


<.:()v<~+~nn1~ en 'V.;hk::h ltH~- Leo~0d PJOp0rfy ~.s ,""'"",,,,,,~,

;",it;J)'£'; C;'''t(j, shc}.jf :-n()t cro, (~~~~'}:,{ or SuH0f 10 be i:joP(1 H'iinG

LFSS()k <:H -h){h~Hed

ClQ<tnS! onv [;)$$ (;1' ~jG:ed Zy ~)rnf5~;~(}f) of LE.'\SEE.

unci keep: ~nderrnitl€.'(j ~fh::' CFSS ()f

\:.)'/ ['6:(;$01'1 of <'1r.'fV UL: (\~

SlAM? DUTY; fh~, StO:YIP duty end Kf.:;gisiiCliiiJnt;:h('J\~\"5 will b .. 7, fo'( lh·}; !ftOS.~~1 f~::gi's1rotjon h(y,.vf}Vef·oU in;,';idf.1nt()l ch'tJf:S~:=;':; U7SS()r~ ond ~f rho tl~SS()f~ ~eHs ony fl-oor!s cX 1hts~ L~~~Js_et:i Prpp0;d"r-, r-hHn

in_)HluEon on r«~ht d-iv.]Qtwd b,o~15 tne LF~,SEf. cdf;l,f ?t;-CQnfi-ent i~) fentc~ during 'fhe. $Ur.x~15tanC(~ (1i Jhe;· If~C~$~:< jr- h30/Jher.L t:.y the

Of HG\.-~~VeL ~~ Is fnt':1d~ C.J5-CH' thGt such

nC1hire ,~)gc.1'\rnt 1ne:: LESSEE f;)::cepl ft.;! H·\t; ~.B-i~:tSe: tt,,~nuHJ: ~ub1C;:7 T0 V(Jr~00:;; 1 ~Jrr:_t;, ::!~",d

SUiUl:A$E.; U:::'S:;U: ~i'/JII 1.'H'i bniHiod ann shoH U(W0 (1:ie·~lU1Jj,* rig!! I:; to

~-~tr~·t:n Pr()p(~,~-J~i or any 1hef'eOf too <H~¥ ~)j- ifS S:ub~'kJi(ider~ -eN

C;)rnp0nif,.ts~ QiHb~h::}_, ~X)f1nCft C.J' thc' tJ~)Sf:E v;HheUf

(:ornBpt ()! lhe lESSOf~. LJ":SSE.E ~h~~1J '<":115(;;- h~:rv-~:: I~.-lf$ rig-h'i 1(\ -,sl_jb,!eQ:~e n'"te- p.:ul Qf

\"/hfJ~~~ i.eosec )t~ Oi:(\JQ','1F:o;"15 :lf8 f.uHlihj(l t)'j LF:~z~CL. to ;J_n\-

(jtr'\er fi"\ir~:i perlv Gthe-l l~l:jn ,;\/i:;sidk1J:le~: or Ct1fier f)roup -c(";«nr:>nni(:-~ nr 1}'!i~

;f 111:8' LESSf)P fuii 10 Pl)tCflQ50- -zn0 Li::SS.Ec G$S5Ti I fi1-<)U~-\ In ;~'HS- €>/-!'~n~ ·::f H~d,7


~h-tt !t?-cr.;;i2.·or t{~nTilri()l·e tt'Ji2 :1~~'(T;;f~ ir'J f*-:(,5pt7.:;:J 1.)t f_;~<:~ped'V per Iti bu~jnf;~Ss ne·et.t:~ t.n <in ~~L.H.;,:h ·;::G~~: .. 5 ci $UC'J6<)'Sfc' li ,-

r"·""""-",,,~',, to tIE:: re~ip~_)n$k;4e 'fot 1he t(;S.S(.H~>'.;.> \.;nd~~f th~~' lc<~~~!;:;~

(A swc.h 'iUQ"":(..l"""~

Len:!ed. Pfofledy H> li:" '~ld(tfnuI store uoon 18;u"ninGtl-en \Jr %~xp~rv' (>1' h~Q~~~o+' \j~'h';'i0' :'jurrBHd~l\hQ th;:0 .:~P.q(>t~ :~'Jnj LESSEE .jj\(Jti leoYe t)"chind thr~::.· H~7:(j l"tururu· ot l~iHY'L q'1 ~2S %~7{jv;ng t~lE" L.e<)s.ed Pr<:)f.v::rty GnU" u~so L.eSser·· ShoU ;':".:'1. ·~.7;ntn~95d 1<: (~jfYlG'V;;';:' Of'gj ick(:: o,n 011 the.·jt0ni:) in:;!(" t)Y' LESSEE -eH 00-

n. ACCESS TO THS ?ROPERTY; 1l1(':tESSEc: ;;,

invite.0$, iV;;F3tHt unci (y;hB~() :J\('~II htJVd <toy. ~.16.s {l.·nf$

(:~r !ht;. ?(1yp~'~A'ly f, • .H (:ijj. tkn(-:;';i, C1C~C·E;~~-::, 1~~~ ':.:.1H

CGr0rnC)r~ P<H'~~"; in .\ .. vn~ch nrlc·8 L~:;;G-;~1d F:r(,p6d'! h:


lDU,,," (lftd OCC0PV Ii;{:! L\?o~eCJ Pr6r>;Fly!2;'ICC·": c;~;fryk~g t'r~ t~H'? tE:SSEX:") flc't{vHlbS lhe con~rrf{'>H u>:cs ,~,~ 1h.~::i

T_echnt:dogv Pork::· lor .eCCe-55 ~O n~'e L~.:}\)}"S(i Ptcpnrty ~ l"'::'~ 1;;h7}

Ihe biJlkknO_

$fier0..of ~jfi(J lr\ the' rnahnet ha'r¢jr~ pfoviuec: :nnd .on Ci)'iEHv~ng {](}(j !1":l{;;i

(>:)ndiHorl£~ nnd 5t\p\j.h)hon~ hs>r{2:~n COTlto;ne(i .0.00 en ;is ;-:>00 L) t.:·H;:· the ~hcll be. pt;;rrnlted :"l~;:' '.In(i

nccupohcf) of the teoseo FrO[J0rty tiltrfJ)Q th·$~. p~:dod ;)1 lh~\F: h~Oje \:\<~~h·:::~\.d· ',;;Vfi ~e);

·;:;~b~!nJ':;1fon. evici:orl< irdBrn.Jpt10n -()ndl;)r: dhh.)rbot'~;·:;e< c~{l!('n (Jnd <:i~;;_;;·r(~qLt·l ,)~ \:Vt'lO'~$O(':';'</ef by t.hi1;: LESS()f(: <)r/.~,:;H:d en};: t:>·:;!,S<:·T~ ,J pt~t.$or\} lu'.~{fuli\i c« f:;.n~.' h-::n:;f\;


Anv CC'n~f(.'V(~}f~~y. Or (;'lGirn oul <.j{ or foL~jtjn9 ~C) 1his LE~,SE ~")EE:D. or <':.i!\)/ ~:::r~:hJ-ch ·<::.H <:J1h:Jg:.::d bn:cDch the:r,,:;oL shoH be ftnnl~i' ·~(:;tift:,<j LVi .f,Jrt:AfrottCn in ~~.L:::\:r)rd;:,)n·~;·~· fiY:;'

provhions c~f tht7 .. ~\tb;ir01iDn ·end. r::i>nt5Hcdi6n l-\~~!, 19Y~~ .. A~; far cs tf-'\;2

concerneo ~~hctn be ~$n~i1IA.~d 1-,) ("~tllS< tHbHrnf(jf cH:;d

lvvC Ott);ff(~ton; :if·\c\".l rr:)n~1~ ':urt;; (1 lh;:~.'i 1";",(-{"!,,,,j""l' ~JIl'"IH· tt,_3 he+~j in Ch.0nn;:ii. JhB :C>:':<:U(J.:;'· jc; C .. i\enn.o'


Q. rij~ LEASE DEED tn(JY of {July Gu!ht)rb:s:zi

irOj \iy(;1ioU ond<'.'}{K)~,(C-; ·t~""\(: ~ii~~lnO!(H<~ 20ch ~;)f ~hSi por!idS fitt~r0JO;

to this LEl<S£ ()EE:I) ccrsononv cOO'{-$nctil thC1 Ih'!.:;'~~ crt: '0(F~h ~:r/ i>:<.(~t;;l'h2 th" LEASE DEEO or; bE:-hoii Of the liky r",pre,ent.

c. The fJdf()i;ttOph he(lCjing~~ 'CCH"fi01nt7d in 1hil L~A.St:. .DEEL) are fCd rh$'ni(:HlC-0 c~t H1e Potlk;1 t)hd shaH t'!G-t oH{:{;~t the, rnf;71.jriing ()( iGh~npretQt@on ()".f fhls L::~~\SF' nLE[)


..i\!l n(Hir:>:js re'Qui"fBCi to tHfJ s:erVed by ·nny of the

G8f;dTh3d If) be duly cnf.J ihteiY 5(?-rv·eo h{"lnci (X s(}rd up;i·t:r

f"Jo;;t k.:: ~h~3 OUd{fs).~s~",*$ ub(yv~ (1nd rhe nQhC6 .shnl; ide (·jt~:(~(nc.c~ k:

11;;', }i;lM%U Ji(;l1 i'AfIf, PYL LHi.,

::, ....... e:

~}<_:~,\t>-.J~.~~~L.\_~~R' ; \

"~l\\lthorw~~ S!i,nHHrtty.

At] tr.c: k~Fld ~~JnCl r::-,:~1f')i,e,. :3'!,)~ndl:' (;h~~nncri, ",

~2 [pctl'ii~

·""'y)'~.l·'" 45 [polin


5'jj2 Si [pornl S~1!3 (fSf'?l\..;.:}dy 5:4 fpc]rt'~'~ ?/2 U0H'11i~;r~y '7 f~)afl0

ih}-rh,:,~'rt/ 43

frot]Th,irly .it:. ! :9 lforniSfiV ,;y .52-/-4 {r()rrnt;tty:j:7:

SS!:} tforrm=fiy 55!portll f~;1 (forrn0:l1v S [porl!)

IIHn'C,nv ;;t{~ :j~)Gtq ,; 4/-

5/;/;: tiDrrnedy 56

'll2 lrJClftj t·

0't ni(Jct v ,Aie;hdt;t \/i~!~}-tJE!< f..Ao{t'.~b{'fkxri>CA)~ncjv Toljk Ctk}nnoi DI:itnci, ..;.:-:de~ ,t uf;; /,,/'/t_;-,)'.3? Cf:tTf.~ or ~h{}rt~obGu'~; t>-)uncir~;_-::_1-c~n fj'1(~

hiGr!:1 [Y{ £(}.~d South We;,,1


G{:lii<JP;:;lihy Fibi Sir_._;:~>i

120 f"".;~t JowohoriCi1 Hk:hlU /'oo;j dO ft. mdu~ln(.)t ii,[nh3F;:o(JU

60 PI PoomngDI Moin.UO(lCi

. 4i,102 Sq, Ft.) m<J

fi":)CJ :I(i~l"i

- 41,7'02 Sq, Ft.] t:~{;:}poritClnC!t0- ccr porkin(;)? in H'<~e H P_cnl, in ;(',6 Schedule-A Properly ,illJDlDd (11 Nc'. I, ~5CxJ()32, i)c;undl::;{j em thc~

FJl:.j bv SOtlth t:;,y 'ii6-$t ov

Jtr,_;v(r>H~Jk:tf Nn:l'n.) R(}G(~ ~nd~J:;tribj , CTIUS-b

jl\i -'<'\i':~>h~S~~> V'hlC'RE(>F, 11'1(,: oorues nereio hf,]vU--h0{f;UfdC ~,2,'{ ::::nd ~Ub$Cfib'-e{J-n-~~/ (;2~!-r>.~:;::~nY~·~ h\J~ lLh; :;h~ -:Juy unci lhe ';l8(H hr~:it 1'')(X*3:h'. ('JL)ove

;"2ncd C:tKl d",;ivcred Of H'\'2 W'i]h!!) non',,,,,''! Lt~~·$Gr$;. ~\r'i./S. K.t,'jvrdj 'r ecn F'c:rk fvt, l. ro..


\:'H \'K~ I'-A If .. L_ C">"Li:l \J 1 "'l~ )i-' :r 1'\\);>,;SI-'3,3, r "'~'Y 5r' ~'E;\''':;'\>€:.M-:\-~ ~.(J:,j" '0' \:1"',';:. V t\.t<l'\~ )'$.1', ',t.: \."-F t" 1.Jl'l' X {jnd dehYF~rs-d by' the v,;·~th}nncn1e·d

tU%ccs:., M/U. GLOB;\J td~US1Nt:SS O?ERAJlONS by H0;.'Nlh}it"Pockord










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o. '2-1 hOl)(Physk:oi ond Sys!t;,msSeciJrily:

i:L [nllre hous€;! keepinoondc:teanfno ofthe Common Amos;

C. liiurninojJof; of IheYOrds, (;()il;d()I~' ond 0xiemoi Common N£;(!D j() lite:

<L !vkj{c!lcnonc.e (loci. O[J'er(~~~()n (:if lne' (;;'JeV(l!ors; f). Moinl",ncmceond operutinn of Powell' -::iiwtbulio(l SV51tt1fi.\ irOnsf<:'tn'l(:r:., t')Ut> ducl:;,:a;~inG rnoim. dbJrlbulion ponel:: 01<:

1. !v\cdnl"i\!',urn::;o (Jod op$lalion of flro f\ghFng sysf0ms..

rJ. /vlnintef,onCe ond opercdion ;:A the I:;cN'EI'Ilelis. slJrr"p$. {)vfJfh ':,.,c:

1m,\:s (}no Ih,,:; r;::l!Cltc,,,i motors Olld pipeline torwoler sUPPlY;'

~.J: . ht\oinl0rtanCe Gna Opf211'oUOn of ~Jond"by .

i. ot

j. f't::yrnerd of for Dii C:ornfnrYI S(;tV\ceS

C:Cfy\/nt;,c Afi':'U ii:;Jhjing:

k' cd C.:cr }\·v:) Vil10-b:fcf ;<' -:::":,'v-c:le

C.[\/ji _l'E~'f.)C;r~\ -t~) c:df COfY~Jl"h,ln CH"(;JOS, rri Fi'e51 c{)rd:oi '1C~ (lh CQrnn';:~:d/, Or0(;::"

e·".·.n·'·,~"" cd CflnU(tl <»rnr(ton ITh1~rlte,nZJtv;:s· ern)) }<!2:S C:d lift~ r;-,ffiif>\, /1';<~I<dS_:" (:.:iC"

~)t \~"~r; ~'tjU(~~-~,lr~]! ':~Jh,·t::inSJ: <~f':7.J

·,::nnnti<::lion 'vvHh r(,:rf'll!rJo'n Of6Ct,' clf Sc.n(;:('h,iL~

l" F~r(}p'Brtv, v. hk+~ hi n(.:~(:e!~~cry .1o~ peo CB:Juj (JflC! ~;:

S{:h~:1(j{Ji(3-_,a Yror.::&rty.,

\' ,'i .e-- .<'-

,J ~ =".;.1 i,::"_(k"h "';~";"""'~ .. ~~~-f'

~ "\?"',...,'--"'!..~ .... ~ - ~ ...

C) Authorized ;~j,:;rnatQTY.

2- \ r-:'>


.1;-"'1 :;

~~ /j t'~, - - u "1

Mi>, KHiViti\J TECHf'ARKI'VJ ue. ':) rr,j,,'pH Vnih"C:>::i\1",;::;rr:"i' htJvin~d H: cf1lC-~:: ¢-~ Nt1-, '1 5!f)CO 't(H~JV'ftr'i(~~ fJ1Qt'B;: (';; .. lir~_.('J~(

?i"f \:- r~Of~rn8ni<::b:1fn rii;'(e~fjottrJT r-c·f~;!·r(Cid ~i) ;:.'15 <'"lESSOR'"

: :~.

oDe! ,)~~-:? :f~r_"~"~~//~!'fjf~~,J :>! ~xr:r;':Ayj :Tl .,",:Y~{<.:2· T(~~


I/lf~, Gli~,8Al e:BUSiNESS O(>ERATIONSf'V'i rro. ;;J',ci7:"",Ci;:J!,Y in:::)f;,;;.,Heu ),nCSf'i'\'c 'yn;:J(j"v

',:<_ . ..:; h~vinD ~f~. (Jffj\'~~~' oi 70vier 5~ 2, (:cif \h2/N CCiiYr';'i)e, '''!.;'f¥'''l I inr~,:::i ;' ;>p>~~

j,.(LP(:9~;~'j"::,;cf;"{'1_ Gt~{~(F;i,-:.>l'f-; $<~(l 01;, h1:jio. rL'r;'!l'd::~crde:,',1 L/ >~l*,,'/-Auit·PGcL-:JTD (~.::, ',<to· (;t.'.':rY-~ r':~~


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