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When Emotion Goes Wrong: Realizing the tive when they are about the wrong things, are expressed
in the wrong way, arise at the wrong time, or are the wrong
Promise of Affective Science
duration. This analysis led Aristotle to recommend mod-
Jonathan Rottenberg and James J. Gross eration, and he provided vivid cautionary examples of
Stanford University emotional excesses and deficiencies of both positive and
negative emotions.
One of the fundamental questions that clinical scientists The issue of how best to distinguish adaptive from mal-
and practitioners alike must address is when emotions adaptive emotion remains as important to clinical scientists
are functional and when they are dysfunctional. Recent and practitioners today as it was when Aristotle wrote
advances in affective science have provided new tools
more than two thousand years ago. Happily for us, the past
few decades have witnessed an explosion of research on
with which to address this age-old question. In particular,
emotion, accompanied by new theories (e.g., evolutionary
affective science is teaching us a great deal about both
analyses of emotion; Tooby & Cosmides, 1990), methods
the generation and the regulation of emotion. We argue
(e.g., anatomically based systems for coding facial expres-
that it is only by harnessing the insights of contemporary
sive behavior; Ekman & Rosenberg, 1997), and findings
affective science that it will be possible to develop a (Cacioppo & Gardner, 1999). These developments have
nuanced taxonomy of emotional disturbances that is provided new tools with which to address the role that
grounded in a causal analysis of underlying processes. We emotions play in health and illness. Although it remains a
illustrate our points by drawing upon our recent studies daunting task to arrange into a meaningful conceptual
of depression and discuss several important challenges scheme the many ways that emotions can go wrong, these
that lie ahead as we build much-needed bridges between tools promise to enable researchers and clinicians to for-
affective and clinical science. mulate more sophisticated conceptualizations of emotional
Key words: emotion generation, emotion regulation, disturbance that will enhance their capacity to describe, di-
psychopathology, taxonomy. [Clin Psychol Sci Prac 10:
agnose, and treat disorders.
In the rich tradition of Aristotle, Berenbaum and col-
227–232, 2003]
leagues (2003; this issue) classify emotional disturbances
I n his Nicomachean Ethics, Aristotle argued that emotions
on the basis of observed excesses or deficiencies in emo-
tion. In this comment, we consider what affective science
are adaptive when they are about the right things, are ex-
is teaching us about both the generation and the regulation of
pressed in the right way, arise at the right time, and last the
emotional responses, and how each of these processes may
right amount of time. By contrast, emotions are maladap-
relate to clinical phenomena. We argue that it is only by
fully harnessing the insights of contemporary affective sci-
Address correspondence to James J. Gross, Department of Psy- ence that it will be possible to develop a comprehensive
chology, Jordan Hall, Bldg. 420, Stanford University, Stanford, taxonomy of emotional disturbances that is grounded in a
CA 94305–2130. E-mail: causal analysis of the underlying processes. Throughout, we

DOI: 10.1093/clipsy/bpg012
illustrate our points by drawing upon examples from our conceptualized in terms of cognitive structures that nega-
recent studies of depression. tively distort the processing of emotional stimuli (e.g., by
directing attention to negative features of the environ-
EMOTION: DEFINITION AND TEMPORAL COURSE ment). Importantly, negative mood states strengthen these
Discussions of emotion disturbance presuppose and build cognitive structures, magnifying emotional responses when
upon an understanding of what emotion is. Unfortunately, depressed persons encounter a negative stimulus.
for many years, considerable confusion has clouded the Although the hypothesis that negative moods potenti-
use of emotion-related constructs, with different investi- ate negative emotions in depressed individuals is a reason-
gators employing their own, often idiosyncratic, defini- able one, emotional reactivity to standardized negative
tions and operalizations of terms such as affect, emotion, and emotion-eliciting stimuli has seldom been assessed in de-
mood. Recently, affective science has increasingly moved pressed persons. In a recent study, we found that, relative
towards standardized nomenclature that provides re- to healthy controls, depressed individuals in fact exhibited
searchers with common reference points (Gross, 1999). less differential reactivity to sad stimuli, and instead exhib-
Affect, in this nomenclature, is considered a superordi- ited sadness in a stereotyped, context-insensitive fashion
nate category for all valenced states (Scherer, 1984). Emo- (Rottenberg, Kasch, Gross, & Gotlib, 2002). Moreover,
tion, a subtype of affect, refers to coordinated responses even when displaying a potent form of sadness—tearful
that occur when an organism encounters meaningful stim- crying—depressed persons exhibited less emotional reac-
uli that exercise its adaptive capacities. Emotional responses tivity than healthy controls (e.g., less heart rate accelera-
prepare an organism for situationally appropriate actions tion, Rottenberg, Gross, Wilhelm, Najmi, & Gotlib,
that have generally facilitated the survival of species and in- 2002). Paradoxically, then, our findings suggest that per-
dividuals over evolutionary time (Tooby & Cosmides, vasive sad moods in depression may impede (rather than fa-
1990). Importantly, emotions are multi-componential—and cilitate) the generation of sad emotions. These findings
can be indexed by cognitive changes, by experiential confirm other clinical observations of emotional numbing
changes, by central and peripheral physiological responses, in depression, and raise the possibility that this disorder
and by overt behavior. For example, anger may be reflected can be treated with techniques that enhance patients’ emo-
by thoughts about exacting revenge, feelings of great dis- tional reactivity.
tress, an elevated heart rate, and an attack on the source of In addition to clarifying the nature of its key constructs,
one’s anger. Moods, though also complex multi-system contemporary affective science has also begun to clarify the
affective responses, differ in several important ways from temporal course of affective processes as they unfold over
emotions. Relative to emotions, moods are generally time. For example it has been demonstrated that the course
thought to be longer, slower moving, and less tied to spe- of an emotional response can be profitably decomposed
cific objects or elicitors (Watson, 2000). If emotional reac- and studied in terms of its temporal constituents, such as
tions are like storms, then moods are like seasonal climate rise time to peak or time to recovery (Davidson, 1998).
change. Therefore, in addition to excesses or deficiencies in the
Our recent work on the emotional features of depres- overall magnitude of emotional responding, it seems very
sion illustrates the potential payoffs of carefully distin- likely that dysfunctions of emotion will involve abnormal-
guishing between these different forms of affect. One of ities in one or more of these temporal parameters as well.
the most striking features of depression noted from early For example, recent empirical work suggests that vari-
psychoanalytic formulations onwards is the pervasive neg- ations in the offset of negative emotion may be particularly
ativity of depressed patients’ thinking and affect. Not sur- important for understanding psychopathology (e.g., Siegle,
prisingly, most investigators have assumed that depression Steinhauer, Thase, Stenger, & Carter, 2002). One mech-
enhances all forms of negative affect (i.e., both moods and anism that may play a role in negative emotion offset is
emotions). Perhaps most notably, cognitive theorists have parasympathetic tone, usually indexed by respiratory sinus
advanced a view of depression in which negative moods arrhythmia (RSA), which refers to the variations in heart
and negative emotions are mutually reinforcing (Beck, period that coincide with respiration. In prior work, RSA
1967, 1976). According to this view, depression can be has been related to organismic flexibility and resiliency in

the face of stressors (reviewed in Rottenberg, Wilhelm, to be thoroughly integrated into taxonomies of emotional
Gross, & Gotlib, 2002). To test whether RSA tracks recov- disturbance. Emotion generation and emotion regulation
ery from negative emotion, we measured RSA fluctuations are conceptually distinguishable processes that may repre-
that occurred over the course of tearful crying episodes. sent distinct pathways into disorder. Indeed, the patholog-
Interestingly, healthy control participants who cried ex- ical nature of many emotion regulation strategies is plain.
hibited large increases in RSA that coincided with the res- One might, for example, think of a person’s efforts to re-
olution of their crying. By contrast, depressed participants duce feelings of shame by refusing to eat, or his or her
who cried did not exhibit RSA rebound over this period, efforts to ventilate anger by beating up a co-worker. Other
consistent with the idea that depression compromises emo- emotion regulation strategies, such as avoiding fearful sit-
tion offset (Rottenberg, Wilhelm, Gross, & Gotlib, 2003). uations, may sometimes assist successful adaptation (e.g.,
when there is a real threat), but at other times lead to dis-
EMOTION REGULATION: ALTERING THE TRAJECTORY order. Although we are still learning about the significance
OF EMOTION of emotion regulation for mental health, the importance of
Because emotions are flexible behavioral guidance systems this idea has already been assimilated by several successful
(rather than fixed-action patterns), individuals are typically psychological therapies, such as cognitive-behavioral ther-
able to shape the course of an emotion episode as it un- apies, which are premised on the idea that psychological
folds. It is, therefore, the modulation of emotional response adjustment can be improved by altering habitual responses
tendencies that determines the final shape of the emotional to uncomfortable emotions (Gross & Muñoz, 1995).
response (Gross, 1998a). Emotion regulation refers to the Distinguishing difficulties with emotion regulation
processes by which individuals influence which emotions from problems with emotion generation is not always easy.
they have, when they have them, and how they experience Indeed, although psychopathology often reflects emotion
and express these emotions. Emotion regulation is, along regulation failures, many instances of psychopathology may
with emotion generation, a major theme of contemporary have less to do with emotion regulation than with abnor-
affective science. malities in the mechanisms of emotion generation. For
Research on emotion regulation suggests that emotion example, twin concordance data from behavioral genetics
regulatory processes may be automatic or controlled, con- studies strongly suggests that some individuals are born
scious or unconscious, and that they may have their effects with emotion-generative mechanisms that confer risk for
at one or more points in the emotion-generative process later psychopathology (Pedersen, Plomin, McClearn, &
(Gross, 2001). In everyday life, individuals use a wide va- Friberg, 1988). This idea is reinforced by temperament re-
riety of automatic and conscious strategies to influence search indicating that a person’s characteristic affective style
how and when they have emotions (e.g., Gross, 1998a). To (Davidson, 1998) develops from an early age, is stable, and
an impressive degree, these self-regulatory efforts are suc- has a significant biological basis (Kagan, 1998). In fact,
cessful. For example, college students are able to down- stable differences in the thresholds for emotion activation
regulate their expressions of emotion in the laboratory, are observable in young infants. On the other hand, even
even in the face of a powerful emotion elicitor and re- these early differences in emotion-generation are to some
gardless of whether they are instructed to do so through the degree plastic, modulated by an infant’s developing self-
direct control of their facial musculature or through cog- regulatory skills, such as approach and avoidance behavior
nitive reappraisal of the situation (Gross, 1998b). So per- and attentional control (Rothbart & Ahadi, 1994).
vasive is effective emotion regulation, it is often taken for Depression exemplifies many psychological disorders
granted. Nevertheless, there is increasing recognition that in that it is believed to have a heterogeneous etiology. Dis-
many people experience serious difficulties in emotion tinctions between emotion generation and emotion regu-
regulation that result in ordinary unhappiness as well as in lation pathways into depression may prove useful for
outright psychopathology. explaining aspects of this heterogeneity. For example, a
Given the importance of emotion regulation, its per- heritable trait such as neuroticism that is associated with a
vasiveness in everyday life, and its likely role in psycho- vulnerability to depression likely confers this vulnerability
pathology, we believe it is critical for emotion regulation via a lower threshold for the generation of negative emo-


tion (Fanous, Gardner, Prescott, Cancro, & Kendler 2002). second challenge is to analyze it in terms of its component
However, emotion regulatory pathways to depression also processes. As noted above, the challenge here is that emo-
may emerge from dysfunctional ways of attempting to con- tion generative and regulatory processes are often tightly
trol, or cope with, affective impulses. Depressogenic emo- intertwined. In fact, rarely is the generation of an emo-
tion regulatory strategies are likely to range widely, from tional response in an adult not accompanied by some form
rumination (Morrow & Nolen-Hoeksema, 1990), a cog- of regulation. That is, emotion generative and regulatory
nitive style of repetitive self-focus that prolongs and deep- processes co-determine which emotions we have, when we
ens negative mood, to self-medication with alcohol and have them, how intensely we have them, and how long
other drugs. Additional research is needed to examine the they last. Fortunately, experimental methodologies now
role of emotion generation and emotion regulation in de- exist to help disentangle the relative contribution of gen-
pression (and other disorders) and to assess their implica- erative and regulatory processes in any given emotion out-
tions for etiology. come, as well as to isolate the biological substrates of each
of these component processes (e.g., functional magnetic
TOWARD AN AFFECTIVE SCIENCE OF resonance imaging: see Ochsner, Bunge, Gross, & Gabrieli,
PSYCHOPATHOLOGY in press). As these procedures are increasingly applied to
Empirical studies of the processes underlying emotion have psychiatric populations, we will learn the similarities and
already produced valuable insights into psychopathology differences between disorders in their effects on these com-
(Barlow, 1991; Kring & Bachorowski, 1999). We are con- ponent processes, knowledge that is likely to be very use-
fident that additional efforts—guided by the best that ful in refining psychiatric categories and sharpening clinical
affective science has to offer—will yield a taxonomy of interventions.
emotional disturbances that is based on causal analyses of Finally, once a disturbance in emotion generation
these underlying processes. Before this goal can be and/or regulation has been broken down into its compo-
achieved, however, three challenges must be addressed. nent processes, a third challenge is to locate this disturbance
A first challenge is to articulate when a pattern of emo- within a meaningful overarching framework. Because emo-
tional disturbance is, in fact, present. Contextual factors tion is multi-faceted, many such frameworks are possible.
such as age, gender, social situation, and culture all com- For example, a taxonomy of emotional disturbance might
plicate the interpretation of whether an emotional re- be organized around each of the major emotion response
sponse is situationally appropriate. For example, what systems: cognition, experience; physiology (both central
constitutes excessive sadness? When a person cries over and peripheral), or behavior. Moreover, emotions can be
spilt milk is he or she displaying excessive sadness? A two- analyzed either at the level of broad dimensions (positive,
year-old probably is not, a seven-year-old may be, and an negative) or at the level of discrete emotions (happiness,
adult probably is (and may have a clinical disorder). An fear). Therefore, taxonomies of emotional disturbance
adult male crier would presumably be easier than a female might be organized around either dimensional or discrete
crier to classify as excessively sad, given the gender differ- categorizations. Finally, because there are so many points
ences in adult crying typically observed in western contexts in the emotion-generative process where emotions can go
(Rottenberg, Gross, et al., 2002). In some social situations, wrong, taxonomists need to decide how emotional distur-
such as the funeral of a loved one, prolonged crying may bances should fall within temporal frames that can vary
be normative for both genders (and noncrying a sign of from milliseconds to hours or days.
deviance). Even at a funeral, however, there is clear cultural Despite these challenges, we believe this taxonomic
variation in the norms for how long, how deep, and how venture has a bright future. Affective science and clinical
severe the expression of grief is to be. In short, defining science already have many points of contact. We are hope-
what constitutes “excessive sadness,” or any other postu- ful that this contact will develop into a happy, long-term
lated emotional disturbance, is a deceptively difficult prob- marriage. As our basic knowledge about emotion grows,
lem that requires researchers to integrate a considerable it will be increasingly essential for clinical scientists and
amount of contextual information into their formulations. practitioners to become familiar with affective science.
Once an emotional disturbance has been identified, a After all, this body of work provides a rich, empirically

grounded conception of emotion and a set of tools for sion, and physiology. Journal of Personality & Social Psychol-
(1) thinking about (and thus diagnosing) emotional dis- ogy,74, 224–237.
orders, and (2) identifying specific points in the emotion Gross, J. J. (1999). Emotion and emotion regulation. In L. A.
generative-regulatory process to target for intervention. Pervin & O. P. John (Eds.), Handbook of Personality: Theory
and Research (2nd ed., pp. 525–552). New York:Guilford Press.
We expect that the advent of causally based taxonomies of
Gross, J. J. (2001). Emotion regulation in adulthood: Timing is
emotional disorders will give clinicians a useful supple-
everything. Current Directions in Psychological Science, 10, 214–
ment to Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders
(4th ed.), which augments the assessment and treatment of Gross, J. J., & Muñoz, R. F. (1995). Emotion regulation and
various forms of disorder. In our opinion, affective science mental health. Clinical Psychology: Science & Practice, 2, 151–
stands to gain as much as clinical science from this mar- 164.
riage. Just as the understanding of normal brain function Ekman, P., & Rosenberg, E. L. (Eds.) (1997). What the face reveals:
has been informed by the study of brain lesions, affective Basic and applied studies of spontaneous expression using the Facial
scientists have a profound opportunity to learn about the Action Coding System (FACS). London: Oxford University
normal operation of emotion by studying emotion when Press.
it goes wrong. Disordered emotional states, like no other Kagan, J. (1998). Galen’s prophecy : Temperament in human nature.
phenomena, expose the complexity—and the fragility— Boulder, CO: Westview Press.
Kring, A. M., & Bachorowski, J. (1999). Emotions and psycho-
of human emotion regulation. In the same way that the
pathology. Special issue: Functional accounts of emotion. Cog-
insights of affective science will be an asset for clinical
nition & Emotion, 13, 575–599.
scientists, so too will the accumulated mass of clinical ob-
Morrow, J., & Nolen-Hoeksema, S. (1990). Effects of responses
servations and data provide a gold mine for affective sci- to depression on the remediation of depressive affect. Journal
entists that will occupy them profitably for many years to of Personality & Social Psychology, 58, 519–527.
come. Ochsner, K. N., Bunge, S. A., Gross, J. J., & Gabrieli, J. D. E.
(in press). Rethinking feelings: An fMRI study of the cogni-
tive regulation of emotion. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience.
The authors would like to thank Iris Mauss and Laura Reiley for Pedersen, N. L., Plomin, R., McClearn, G. E., & Friberg, L.
their helpful editorial advice. (1988). Neuroticism, extraversion, and related traits in adult
twins reared apart and reared together. Journal of Personality &
Social Psychology, 55, 950–957.
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