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Mayor's Office vaio Fv2011 * AGENCY 4301- Mayoralty Budget Recemmended Difernce Difference General fund Program 125; 2987900 2.858.5%2-308 98310 Program 127 879.485 s2qi2 54.553 Pe on 353 879;303 rat 2 03 1% State fund Program 353 ‘46,401 346,400 ° 0% Special fund Program 125 00,000 © 100,000 All Funds 4ps3140 4251807 8015421784 AGENCY 4304 MLR Office of Citistat Program 347 580871 5,188 27,683, 2% AGENCY 4353 N-R Office of Neighborhoods rogram 354 882228, 55148-47078 8% [AGENCY SUMMARY-GENERAL FUNDS 4301- Mayoralty 4.408.748 905,206 4904: Offee of Ctistat ‘530,71 50,188 485 Office of Neighborhoods 52226 595,148 [AGENCY SUMMARY - GRANT FUNDS State 346,401 346,401 a Special 100,000 2 -100,000 AGENCY: 4301 Mayoralty PAOGRAM: 125 Executive Direction and Control PROGRAM BUDGET SUMMARY 0 Teansters Salaries 2 Other Personnel Coste 3 Conttactual Services 4 Materais and Supplies 5 Equipment - $4,989 or loss 7 Gran, Subsidies and Contrbtons ‘TOTAL OBJECTS. EXPENDITURES BY ACTIVITY 1 Executive Directions and Control 13 Mayor's Fellowship Program $8 Workers! Compensation Expense ‘TOTAL ACTIVITES, [EXPENDITURES BY FUND: General Special TOTAL FUNDS FY 2010 Budget 0 2.110.588 ‘26.84 411926 92557 5.500 “7 S 3,047,900 2,987,458 ‘100,000 Ss 3,047,800 2,947,900 100,000 3,047,900 Recommended Fv 2011 50,000 1.836,128, ‘391,709, 378050, 69,500 5.500 5.055 2638,042 2.633.887 ° 5.055 2,638,942 2.638.942 ° 2,838,982 0.129001 2488 AGENCY: 4301 Mayoralty PROGRAM: 127 Office of State Relations PROGRAM BUDGET SUMMARY 0 Transfers 4 Sataries 2 Other Personnel Coste 3 Contractual Services 4 Materials and Suppies 5 Equpment- $4,989 or loss TOTAL OBJECTS EXPENDITURES BY ACTIVITY 1 Legislative Liasion ‘TOTAL acTIVmES. EXPENDITURES BY FUND: General TOTAL FUNDS FY 2010 Budget ° 897,75, 71,088 145,147 23,000 ‘2500 579,465, 57,465, s7ass 578,465, 570465 Recommended FY 2011 o 329,200 50,873 123.739 18.500 2500 saga seaoiz saa seagie saagiz AGENCY: 4301 Mayoralty PROGRAI 353 Office of Community Projects PROGRAM BUDGET SUMMARY 0 Transfers 4 Salaries 2 Othor Personnel Costs 3 Contractual Snices 4 Materials and Supplies ‘TOTAL oBvECTS. EXPENDITURES BY ACTIVITY 1 Special Projects 4 International Ata ‘Office of Emergency Management ‘TOTAL ACTIVITES EXPENDITURES BY FUND: General Special TOTAL FUNDS FY 2010 Budget 154972 558,158, 88,565, 418809 5260 1225788 686,858 125.882 as22e4 1.225;708 879,988 ‘346,401 1225;788 Recommended Fv 2011 102,205 519269 72.852 390,600 2818 14907,759 253,754 233900 1,967,783 741.982 46.401 1p07.753 AGENCY: 4304 MLR: Oifice of CitiStat Operations PROGRAM: 247 Citistat Operations Recommended PROGRAM BUDGET SUMMARY Fy 2010 Budget FY 2011 1 Salaios 439,600 2 Other Personnel Costs 86,521 23 Contractual Services 1,000 5 Equipment - $4,999 or loss 3750 TOTAL OBJECTS Ss s20871 $ EXPENDITURES BY ACTIVITY -2CStat Oporatons 450.663, azar {6€ Information Technology Expenses. 80,208 80214 TOTAL ACTIVITIES Ss ssos71 $509,188 EXPENDITURES BY FUND: General 530871 509,188 TOTAL FUNDS S s0g71 § 603,188 AGENCY: 4353 M-R: Ofice of Neighborhoods PROGRAM: 354 Neighborhoods: PROGRAM BUDGET SUMMARY 0 Transtore 1 Salaries 2 Oer Personnel Costs 8 Contractual Services 4 Materials & Suppies '5 Equipment - $4,999 or ess TOTAL OBJECTS EXPENDITURES BY ACTIVITY 1 Neighborhoods TOTAL ACTIVES: EXPENDITURES BY FUND: General TOTAL FUNDS Recommended Fy 2010 Budget FY 2011 (120,000) (2.783) 479285 480,300, 00.481 104346 111,300, 49,700, 8,000 3565 3,000 ° S seazze ssa,t48 582226 535,148 S sazz26 $535,148 582228 535,148 S sa2226 $535,148

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