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You might think this to be a strange question, but is it?

In the past hundred years human science has developed
immensely, more than in any century ever before, what happened
to religion in the past hundred years? We are taught exactly the
same thing our great grand parents were taught! The Christian
reader might think why must religion develop, its religion, it’s
been this way forever, why change it, what is the point, can
religion develop? A question we can ask ourselves is this; is
religion still valid?

Why would anyone question that! Is probably the shout that would
come from millions of religious people around this globe we call
home, and we refer to as having four corners, I would attempt to
show you the four corners, if you could give me one reason, one
concrete undeniable reason to not question religion.

The Characters in the heading has been part of religion since its
conception! Or so we like to think! Satan only entered this concept
in the book of Job, nowhere before Job are there any positive
reference to him, before Satan people were just disobedient and
evil, praying to idols, ignoring God, and for that He punished
them. The book of Job is thought to have been written in plus
minus six hundred to five hundred B.C, some believe it was
written by Moses, there are other scholars who however differ on
the matter. The point is; there is no concrete proof on its origin,
neither the reason for it.

If the dating is close to accurate then Satan made his appearance

three thousand three hundred and eighteen years after creation
according to the Bible, in effect we were then without Satan for
that number of years.

What is a point of concern in this book is the fact that God
appointed Satan to invoke pain in this man Job, by having his
children killed to “test” his faith. Also should he pass this test he
would be “richly” rewarded, which if you read the book to the end
you will find that Job eventually after having admitted his “guilt”
is rewarded by becoming even richer than he was before his “fall”.
A reward concept initiated by “God”.

Then six hundred years later Jesus was born, three thousand nine
hundred and eighteen years after creation according to the Bible.
Jesus grew up and started his highly controversial preaching’s. In
quite a number of his debates with the church of the time, and to
groups of people he spoke to Jesus made some really strange and
thought provoking statements. One which is probably the reason
for his death is this:

Quote, John chapter 8 verses 42 to 44 “Jesus said to them,” If God

really were your Father, you would love me, because I came
from God and now I am here. I did not come on my own
authority, but he sent me. 43 Why do you not understand what
I say? It is because you cannot bear to listen to my message. 44
You are the children of your Father, the Devil, and you want to
listen to your Father’s desires. From the beginning he was a
murderer and has never been on the side of truth, because
there is no truth in him. When he tells a lie, he is only doing
what is natural to him, because he is a liar and the father of all

Did Jesus said since Satan, or did he say, “Since the beginning”?
His name calling was what eventually got him killed. We are
taught in churches that Jesus died for our sins, but did he? What
did Caiaphas really meant with these words? I quote; John chapter
11 verse 49 to 52 “One of them, named Caiaphas, who was high
priest that year, said, ‘what fools you are! 50 Don’t you realize

that it is better for you to let one man die for the people,
instead of having the whole nation destroyed?” then in the next
verse; this, 51 “Actually, he did not say that of his own accord;
rather, as he was high priest that year, he was prophesying
that Jesus was going to die for the Jewish people,” then as if an
after thought, 52“and not only for them, but also to bring
together into one body all the scattered people of God.”

The manner this was put together is a clear indication that the
church was going to make Jesus look like a martyr, re-create him
into something he was not, and they did, we all believe today that
he actually died for our sins. Jesus did say they want to follow their
Father’s desires! Jesus did call their Father/God, the Devil, and
where does that leave Satan, Jesus and his Father?

The above quote also leaves a feeling of disbelief regarding the

words “rather, as he was high priest that year he was
prophesying”, could you only prophesize being a high priest? And
why the ‘rather’, such an amateurish effort to try and make one
believe something which is clearly not what they imply it to be.

God’s goal was to enrich his followers, physically! Jesus had a

different idea!

Did Jesus came to support religion, or was his purpose perhaps

something totally different?

You might say; we suppose so; but different in what way? If Jesus
could say to those present, which includes workers, priests, law
practitioners, Pharisees, and probably people from all walks of life;
you have been praying to your father, the Devil, since the
beginning then surely he knew that the people would resist his
statement and his chances of surviving such a statement in the
times he lived here two thousand years ago was very slim, yet
he said it!

Was he a hot headed young man with a death wish, or was he
confronting religion as we still know it today, head on and why?
What could he possibly stand to gain? This is the kind of question
most would immediately ask; the reason however is quite simple,
yes; I said simple! Jesus claimed to be the spiritual son of a Father,
he claimed this Father to be a “heavenly” being, a spiritual entity
we are not able to see with the physical eye; and this statement is
the one statement which have the whole atheist and hard core
factual community on this planet up in arms; “no proof” they have
shouted since his death, and up to this very second.

And they have every right to shout, but you and I have every right
and freedom to choose to believe in spirit, and it does not make
any of us a moron, just a human being hoping that there is more to
life than that which meets the eye. Jesus brought that hope, he
stood up against a religion which promised salvation through
believe and then reward, look at Job, Jacob, Noah, David,
Solomon, I can carry on, but the names will fill the pages of a

Remember I said simple, well the simple thing Jesus asked was to
believe in spirit! He also said that he is not coming back, the
church don’t agree with me, they give me pages of references
where this apostle or that apostle said he is coming back, they even
use the parable of the ten girls to confirm their findings, the funny
thing is; in the very first sentence Jesus said; “At the time the
Kingdom of heaven will be like this”; then he explains it, religion
takes the church where the wedding is as earth from where he will
rule, my question is: why would he state; the kingdom of heaven,
if it would be here?

You can read Matthew chapter 24, verse 23 to 31, or John chapter
16, verse 10. These are other places, but you can search and you

will find statements both for and against his coming, you choose
what to believe.

Religion tells us that Jesus is coming back to rule here forever,

from the mouths of the apostles, and even from the mouth of Jesus,
apparently the apostles and Jesus told the people that he is coming
back here to rule as king forever! From the same bible I have
found that Jesus repeatedly stated the opposite, should we believe
the one we worship or those who wrote the Bible, and the question
you might have for me is this; what can one believe in the Bible? I
do not know; you decide!

You will remember the story about the yoke Jesus will make
lighter, he did, the church however still pack our backs with an
incredible amount of words which should be understood in the
manner they suggest; making the yoke heavy, yet they claim their
wisdom will make the yoke lighter, but is it?

The light yoke is; love thy neighbour and love and honour thy
creator. The church have a 1294 page yoke to carry, you pick!

What did Jesus mean when he said; you have been worshipping the
Devil, your Father, since the beginning?

A certain researcher, who happens to be without acceptable

qualifications spent forty five years of his life trying to decipher
the Sumerian tablets, what he found can rightly be called his
interpretation of the history he found on those tablets. This man,
Zachariah Sitchen, probably opened Pandora’s Box with his
findings. I wrote to a man called John Halloran who is a lecturer in
Sumerian at the University of Los Angeles, according to John
Halloran one cannot discard all of that which Zachariah Sitchen
found, Halloran do have critic though, his criticism is that Sitchen
dramatize his books in order to sell them, but then so do most

writers whether they write historical research work or fiction, one
brilliant example is D.M. Murdock, alias Acharay.s.

Miss Murdock is a brilliant mythologist who have after many years

of study come to the conclusion that all or most religions is myth,
and have published several books on the subject.

Back to religion, both these authors mentioned work points to

history which can be found in the Bible, Sitchen found that the
rulers of this world who also happened to be our creators were
people, a specie from another planet who apparently cloned us, and
that the chief ruler were later replaced by the son of his brother,
this piece of history makes one wonder when you read in the book
of Isaiah chapter 1 verse 11 to 12, I quote; “He says, do you think
I want all these sacrifices you keep on offering me? I have had
more than enough of the sheep you burn as sacrifices and of
the fat of your fine animals. I am tired of the blood of bulls and
sheep and goats. 12 Who asked you to bring me all this when
you come to worship me?

It seems that this God cannot remember having told the people
back in Exodus to do all these things. Is Sitchen hallucinating? Or
is religion still trying to keep the truth from the people as Jesus
pointed out in Matthew chapter 23 verse 13 to 14, “How terrible
for you, teachers of the law and Pharisees! You hypocrites!
You lock the door to the Kingdom of heaven in people’s faces,
and you yourselves don’t go in, nor do you allow in those who
are trying to enter.

Apparently our creator was called Enki and he had a brother

Enlil, these two guys had a father called Anu who were very
angry at Enki for cloning us and apparently told Enki that the
creators were going to be very disappointed, and that Enki
knew it was against universal law to interfere in natural
evolution. Was Jesus perhaps referring to the same creator/s

Anu mentioned as being his “heavenly Father”? Was that his
reason for stating that we have since the beginning been
worshipping a Devil, and his reason for stating that his Father
did not know us and neither did we know his father, but since
he started preaching those who “heard” and “understood” his
word now know the father and the father them.

It is not an easy thing to prove spirit and the Father, for they
are living in a time and space the naked eye cannot see.

Below is links to three books written on this subject, perhaps it can

shed some light.

For those interested; Jesus the Keeper of the truth,
bookid=59758 and Unchaste Deception,
deception/2486291 and FSH
http://www/ the
names of three books published regarding the above.

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