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Fall out boy

is a band of teenagers who wanted to fuck them and then ... began to play. Well, because with his
glasses emo and emos caps looked so cools, a record company gave them a contract. After that
became famous and screamed and broke things. True friends of the popular group Panic! at the
disco fans share songs and other things we will not mention

Characterized by small titles of their songs (something like Panic at the disco) and its so cool look
stole the hearts of thousands of emo pop punk kids around the world.

Emphasizes the high turnout in the tender creatures great cartoon: Happy Tree Friends with the
song "The Carpal Tunnel of Love". Of course, what nobody expected was that, as had been
digitized to caricature, as in that caricature died. In its wake, people sang and danced until police

This band has 3 full days and an EP, not two, idiot ... in 2008 changed their guitarist for a high hairy
gay called camilo orellana (which incidentally, is very talented gay)

group is characterized by extremely gayslargos songs with titles that make you wonder if the idiot
who wrote it would have drugged before they are written and difficult to memorize or else
impossible to read.An example of a long and difficult song to learn is "I slept with someone in fall
out boy and all I got was this stupid song written about me" which means: "I slept with someone
from fall out boy and all I got is this stupid song written about me. " This song was actually written
by Ryan Ross after what they did in the hostel also has tracks with names so long that no more
sense than their emo punk Rock songs, like boyfriends and friends panda twins, panic at the disc.
Also Pete Wentz Ashlee Simpson got married with the sister of further mini idiot Jess Simpson ...
God gave both girls when girls Miagra pills! Now we just need to think about "Holy Vaginas
Galactic, Batman!!”... Ray ...
Fall Out Boy as the band has gained recognition across hundreds and millions of prizes, among
which are:

Award for Best Pop punk canciónemo the song "Oh conchesumadre, I dropped my sugar."
Prize for best band according to the kiddies (I even kids are emo punk rock)
Best band of the year: In 2007 the awards eMoTV

Dance, dance Sugar, we are going down The Carpal Tunnel of love the take over,the brakes over

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