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An unconventional approachto harnessingenergyhas createda motorthat
requiresno fuel and producesno waste.lts inventorssay it is the answerto
and powerproblems

Rationingin Effect ds WinterCatchesU.S.Shott of Fuel Board h$

and w€icht, and th€ Federaland Stat€Air Resources
Fuel ShortageMa! Cwtail Rail Service ganted the inventorsa permit to further prove thir ciaim by
installinsth€ EMA in test vehicles.
SmoA-Proofed Autos Chokingon Oun Fumes Edwif, G!ay, Sr., presjdentof Evcray, predictsproductjon
costs of the EMA will be comparableto presentmotols and
U.S.May ApprcueGdsolineRationing
maintenancecostswill be far less."The EMA motor promises
Po""Pi"h,upTdidlTildi"on Ensin", to make the world a cl€anerplacein which to live," savsCny,
-Newa.oe!h.adllnoelrcm J.tu.rv. 1973 who has sp€nt l2 yearsdevelopingthe engine."Perfection of
the EMA notor as a generatingsource could mean the
availabilityof inexpensivepower to underdeveloped nations."
ATASTROPHIC PROBLEMS, alen't they? Not only Evcray expectsthe mMA Motor-when iailored for specilic
are we takjng more out of lhe earth than the earth applications-to b€cone a desiredleplacementfor virtually all
h a s r o g i v e .b u t w e \ e a l s ou s i n gw h a tw e r r k e t o r u i n power systemsno1' in use. The full sp€ctrumof Polsibilities
includes: (l) induslrial ensineslor rpplication of potable
Sitting in a small laboratory in Van Nuys. Calitornia h a welding generators, stand-by electric generators,lortable
curious cr€aiion which, basedon the resultsoi dynamometet battery charsels,portabl€ power lools, portableliftins equip-
testsand other rigid trills, claims to be the solution. lt\ called ment. and industrial utility vehicles;(2) ensinesfor aericul-
the EMA (electro-magneticassociation)motor and, in tech' iural equipmen! ior use on lawn tlactors, larvn mowe$, soil
nical jargon, i3 described as "digitalpulsed," "time_phas€d" and halvestins equipment, horticultu.ll €quipnent, and
and "sero.controled." Deve]opedby Evclay Enterprises, an inigation booste! pumpsi (3) engjnesfor building and cot-
independent r€search and development firtn, the unjque engine struction equipment,includiig portable building equipment,
runs on the plinciple of elect!o-magneti0 transformation. conclete nixefs, poriable conveyors,portable compressors,
ln terms more meaningfuLto the layman,the EMA motor and construction machinery! (4) auciaft, suiomotive and
requires no fossil fuel, recycles its owr energy, creaies no manne engines, including autonobiles, trucks. outboard
wasteand is exiremely quiet. lts size, iveiShtand honepower motorboats, auxiliary yacht eneines,lifeboals, light aircraft,
r a t r o sa r ec o m p a t a b l el o n o o r d n d r u r b i n e n
s o w i n u \ e . and auxiliary slider eneines(s) ensines for household and
The EMAt only exiernal power source consists of fout recreationalequipment,including small lawn mowers, snow-
6-volt batteries which never need rechasing and which have mobiles, golf carts and snowblowcrs:(6) enginesfor healy
the same life expectancyas the slandardautomobile battery- transportation and stationary uses, including railroad loco_
Evcray claims the motor duplicates the powet and torque molives, ships, pumping sets for atomic reaciors,generator
charactedsticsof iniernal combustion enginesof similar size sets. and jet aircrafi ensines;(7) miscellaneousapplications,
including fire-figlting pumps,air-conditioningunits for buses,
refrigeration unjts for tlucks, and special military purposes
F U E L L E S SA N O 5 l v l O G L E 5 5 ,t h e e l e c t r o _ m a g n e e t inc g i n e (eene!atorse!s,gasturbine,!tarter units, etc.)-
developedby Evcray Enterprisetit purportedlyas powerful as
s r t u r b i n e sT. h e p r o t o i y p es h o w n
i n t e r n a cl o m b u s t i o ne n g i n e o L I C H T N I N GA N D " h N T R 6 Y S P I K E S '
h e r e i s t h e s i z er e q u i r e dt o f i t a s m a l lt r l c k o r b u s .O n c et h e 'timile
m o i o r i s i n s i a l l e d ,o n l y t h e m a i n w n e s r u n n i n gl r o m t h e Gray desc.ibesthe opeFtion of his EMA motor as
e n g i n et o t h e b a t t e r i ews ill beexposed, to r€-creatinglightning." He saysthe engineeringand scientific

world has known this re-c..ation is possiblebut hasnt known
how to do it. "When lightning hits the ground, causjng a
l0-miuion-volt buildup, where does energy come from to
make it from a static charseto a lethal charge?Nobody really

R i . h a r d B . H a c l , ( n b c r g cS r .r . .v i c ep r e r d ( n l r n L n s i n e e r i n s
for Evclay, explains how the EMA motor system operates.
"Power from the hish voltasesectior," slys Hackenberger,"is
put through a system of eleckical ci.cuitry to producea series
of high-voltage'energy spikes- The spikesare transferredto a
small control unit, which in turn operatesthe major moto!
unit. The cootml unit, acting in a nanner similar to that of a
distributor in an internll combustioa engine, regulatesthe
spikes. determinestheir polarity (whether they be north or
south) and directs their power to selectedelectro-magnets in
the main unit. While this occus, the recycle/regeneration
system is recharginsthe batt€lieswith 60 to 120-amppulses.
The electro'magnctsarc localed on both thc rotor and stator
o f t h e l a . g em o t o . . A t t f a c t i o na n d r e p u l s i o nb e t w e e nt h e t w o
sets of magnets causesthe motor to opcrate and genelate
horsepower.Oncein motion, the motor rechargesthe batteries
as a r€lult oi the recyclehegenerationsystem. To prevent
c o n d e n s a t j oinn t h e m a i nc y l i n d e ra, h a l f - p o u n o dirir pressure
has to be maintained. Air is routed through th€ proeranmer
for iunction0l purposes.When th€ aftbient temperatureis 90 5 I N C E H E W A S A B O Y , E d c r a y h a sb e e nt a s c i n a t o b dy the
p o s s i b l eu s e s o f m a g n e t sa n d e l e c t r i c i t y .N o w 4 8 , h e h a s
d e 8 r e e st h, e m o l o f o p e f a l e s a 1 t 7 0d e g r € e s . " , p p l i e d s o m eu n o r t h o d o xi d e a st o t h e c h a l t e n go€f c r e r t i n ga
I n s h o r t ,t h e p r i n c i p l eo f t h e € n g i n ci s t o c r e ! t ee l c c t r i c i t y p o w € .s o u r c et h a i w l I r u n : n - a . h o - y w r . t h e e n v i r o . m e n t ,
and r€cycle energy by rhe factor that every time nagnets are T h e ' e s u l t r s t h e E l l A , w h i c . n e e d s- o f u e a - o c r e a l e sn o
energizedotf lhe peak of rlansients,a chargego€sback into

Center, which is said to produc€ maximum powe! for its

weight and volune over an exceptionallylong life span.This is
achievedpartly by use of an ulira"lidtweight plastic casethat
minimizes dead weidt (energy.storingcomlonents cornlrise
more than 90 !ercent of the brtiery's weighr).Fe!tures of rhe
baitefy include exka.l.rge llates separatedby indestructible
glass-rubbe!selaratols and a specially fornulated lead oxide
composition. Two of the 6-volt batteries are used fot
operation, while the othef two serve as a reservoir. Malloly
Electric Corporation of CarsonCity, Nevada,ha! aso naoe a
najor contribution toward the designof the electronicpulsing

L O N C . R A N G EA N D P O W E R F U L
Electlic-poweredvehicles are not new, of course, but rhe
poor energy-sto.a8efactor ol batteriesand their heavy, laige
t?e have thu. flr mdde rhem irprsctcal ror use in any
vehiclestequidns a long{anse capacity. This drawback has
restricted the inalket for electric power to small limited-
lerformance vehicles.The maximum range of these vehicles
when driven at 40 miles per hou! has beenapproximately 150
miles- Range is affected by the number of stops and stalts,
E L E C T R O N I C SE X P E R T R i c h a r dH a c k e n b e r q earn, E v G r a y sradesfaversed, and accelerationdem'rnds.
v i c e - p r e s i d e an nt d a f o r m e re n g i n e ewr ith Sony andSylvania, The EMA motor needs only to run ar 500 rlm for the
s a y se l e c t r o - r n a g n emt sa k et h e u n i q u ei n v e n t i o nr u n . " A t t r a c - nornal recharging system to work. In facr, its recharging
tion and repulsion between the two sets of maqnets," he
e x p l a i n s !, ' c a u s e st h e m o t o r t o o p e r a i ea n d g e n e r a t eh o n e - capabilitiesare such that the Evcray's next version of the
enginewon't havean attemator or dir Furnp. The air pum! wiu
be replacedby bladeson the rotor.
the batte.y. Itt not a constantchalge,but a puhe chargeof 60 "The idea of a self-sustainingelectdc motoi," eys cray,
aftps or better; thus, the battery must be of hish quality. The "at first appealsto go againstmuch oi the theory of eleciricity
batteries for the EMA motor ee iurnished by Mcculloch and conservatio! of enelgy. Th€ EMA moto! does not,
Electronic Corloration of Los Anseles.. Afte. extensive however, vioiate the basiclaws of physics,bui rather utilizes
researchand testing,Evcray chosethe model I tG75 Energy them in a unique iniegration in a systemin order io naximize

A L I T T L E B R O T H E R ,t h € f u n c f i o n a sL c a l e
model a1 left shows what the EIVA proio'
l y p e b e l o w l o o k s l i k e m i n L r 5b a t i e r l e sa n d
w j t h o u t t h € e x i r a a p p a r a t uosf t h e p e d e s t a l .
W i i h i n ! h e e n g i n ei t s e l t ,o n l y t h r e es u r r a c e s
n r a k ep h y s i c acl o n t a c t .

Phoros by Jark scagn.iti

O T H E R P O I N T SO F V I E W s h o wt h e c o n t r o lb o a r d
( l e f t c e n i e r ) a n d t h e s t a n d a r di r a n s m i $ i o n ( € f t )
o t , e p . o _ o . ) p eG. - a y i{ r o r a n t h ee - g i n e
d l _ d . l - el d
f o r P R O B Ea i h i s l a b o r a t o r yi n V a n N u y s ,s a y st h e
p r o t o i y p eh a sh a d " c o n s i d e r aeb o p e E t l n gt e s tt i m e . '

shsft-Trmsisdon. erc.



ELocK DIAGRAI\4 oF THEElvlA.4 5hows howenergy istransmitted fromthefour6-voltbatterios(powers!ppty)to thevarious

5tagesof the engineandretulned, Bothihe air pump(A) andth€ atternaior (B) areoptionat
equlp;ent.Th; ai'lpumpprevents
condentation aroundihe drumandprovldes add€dassurance of air in someenvironrnonh.Theaiiernatortsnot feedeiior most
lncludinEusein vohiclee,
bui maybedeskable in heavygenerator pultators
rigs.Theelectric (C),whicharecontained
in tho reg6n€ratlon_recycle
unit,arscapableof pulsing
at 200,000timesperminuie,andthe purratlon it 60+0"120 ampsisted
backto the bati€rles.

ulon the characteristics and jnte[elationships between

electrical, nagnetic, and physjcal conponents. The EMA
prototype moto! has had considerableoperatinStest time and
has been adapted ro stan{tard and autom atic . aulomobile

Dynamometer tests h0ve recolded the r!m,s ot Evcray's

m o t o r a ! 2 5 5 0 c o r s t a n t ,r h e t o l q u e a t 6 6 p o u n d sc o n s t a n t .
B r a k eh o r s e p o w ei rs 3 2 . 5 .A f t e r a t e s tr u n o f 2 l % m i n u t e st,h e
batiery voltagereadingwas 25.?.
Only three surfacesnake physical aontact wiih the moror,
a feature which dramatically limits fricrion eno mcreases
efficiency. "An internal c;mbustion ensine is only 30 percent
efficient," sayscray. "Our engineis 90 percentefficient." A
prime factor in frjdion control is the so-called ,,magnetic
vacuum,r' created in the drun, whjch lireraly rakes the
pressureoff of end tearinss a'd allows the rotor ro float

"Our motor createslower surges one behind ihe orhe!-in

micro-seconds,"says crey. "By doing this, we are able to
djrect the magneticflux field. The magneticflux is a coolani
source,so we needno cooling sysiem."
Gray saysthe engineis not affected by iain, heat, cold, any
other type ot inclernent weather, or by driving through
tunnels- "All this motor needsis oxygen. Tho only exlernal
magnetic effect is that anorher field sysrem cannot operare
within this same battery system. The magnetic field
o r r e - , ai,o n k J 6 0 d e g r e eisl a l ' d i r c c r i o n s'.
!h6ro by JeckS.asnerrr
G O V E R N I V E N TR E C O G N I T T O N of the EMA protect has
c o m e f r o m v a r i o u ss o u r c e si,n c i u d i n gt h e q o v e r n o ro f c a t i - The new EMA prototy!e rvilt wcigh about 320 pounds,tess
f o r n i a ,H e r e .G r a ya n d h i sw i f e ,E v e l y n d, i s p t a ya c e r t i f i c a t e
of tha most presentint€mai combustionengines.It will measure
m e r i tt h e y r e c e i v efdr o m R o n a l dR e a q a n . 12 inches in diameter, i8 inches in tensth_(Size is linear to

horsepower required.) Accoiding to Grav, i"rther 'esealcn TESTDATA
should nak. it po$ible to reduce the sizeand weieht through 12 volis dc (or a 24 voli dc svsrem, makng
the use of liSlte! metalsand more sophjsticatedeircuitry' use of a 12 vori 'tandril sbrlei noior)
Gray saysmost of the motor's componentscan bc built in a
machine shoP with a miu and laihe. The exceptionsa'e the
&um itself, the electro-magnets, and a few mis'ellaneousitems
bought over the counter in an auto supplv store The companv
llans to enter itto worldwide Licensingasreements to 32.05
manufacturethe moior. Foolpounds/ntnuie 1.05?.650
The safety featuresof the EMA are implesive There'sno
fan, no exposed hjsh voltase component larts, no exhaust Footpounds/second ?56rb..(includes

fumes, no fuel lanks to eiplode, and !o water reservoirsto

c2" lonc r 13" wide x 22" hicn. (This is
clog u!, freeze or overheai.Evcrav believesthe reliabilitv of lnclddine conuol unil.
the engine will be excellent, and maintenance should be
crli.der, wNch crn !. teprkag.dinio.9"
ninimai becausethereh no carbon, waler' vaniish or other
impurities-which occu! normally as a result of burning oil or
to cleanand
SasoLine-todal]1ageParts.There is no carburetor
;djust, no oil filter to chanee, no sasfilter, smos valle. gaskets, B.lrely Voltaee Reading 2b.7 vons
radiator, water pump oi iimine chajn Plug'in lvpe
construction makesreplacingparts quick and easv Grav savs Adbienr remp€rrtue 3 4 d c s F € sc o n s t ' n L
the trainitg time for EMA mechanicsis les than that for
mechanicsworking with a standardeieciric tnotor and far lcss
than that for those pre?aringto work on internrl combustion
Condu.rion/% pound (llow lbrowh) .ir
The EMA also favors the eardrums of mankind lts noise
dkecllons dudng motor
emissionis far less then lhat of all other power sources,and 360 do$eee-au

Gray claims there will be no increasein noisc as the ensine

H,th lohDeratur. bcdrln..rerle r2 bsarinst
ages.In fact, electric-motornohe is almos! imperceptiblewhcn
properly suppressed.
Perhapsthe rerson Edwin Grav, now 48, has been able to No direci !c.dtn3 idkon-ulthoul shl.ldinl.
crcate such an unconventional engin€ is his unconventjonal no toude! than 6ndllkitchon ap9rirnc8.6.s,.

!ully r.cule'lull drsign ie.!ur.s

Sihpl. puih bullon-sl,andald 12V a!t.r

Rhsostil pnncipl6 wlth swllchable RPM

r a n r s 1 6 0 0 . 13 0 0 - 1 9 6 0 - 2 6 6 0 . 3 3 5 0 . 4 1 0 0

Molor nounl6d on wh..L.d stahd-no

ihlt year, he altended an.t..V,"loa fo! advanced

enEinieflns. A f t e r l h e a L L a c o
( n P e o l H a r b o ! he rcenli"rcd
,r,i rimeinre:,ne rhe Navy. Arrer {rNns rh'ee yean of
conbat duty in the Pacific zone, he retuhed to civilian lii'
Resuming his
.and found work in the field of mechanics
experime[is with electro-magn€tic aower. he scriouslv
cxaminedthe theory oi enetgv used is enaryv spent'
After years of ftsearch and experimentation,Gtav con'
ductedhis first tesi ol the EMA motor ir t96 l. The engmeran
brielly and then broke down Discouragedbui not defeated
he cmstructed a scoondelecho_magnetic motor, which ran ior
"Onlv those in the scientific world who understand an hour and a half bofore failing.
the iheolies oJ physics are able to comprehend how A lhird lrototype nn for 32 davs attached to various
our motor works, There's only a handful of such automotive iransmissions and tes! equipment lt was lhen
pe$ons." d , s m a r l l e dl o , a n a l y s r sa,r d d e t d i r e dr < p o r l ( * e r c p r e p a r e d
Alter iejection by large corporationsand monev promoreB'
Gray formed a limited partneship in 19?l and consiructed
education.One of l4 chjldren, he besantinkeritg with
15 ihe fourlh EMA prototype. With assisiancefrom nearlv 200
migneisanilelectricitvasa bov.He lcft homewhe! he was private citizens, Evcray Enterprheshas spent $l.l_miliion in
and serveda yearin the U.S.Armv beloreit wasdkcovered he
dischdseDunns the attemll to recycle present lost energv and redirect
wasunderaseandhe wasgivenan honorable

magneticforceswith lhe EMA motor.
Dick Hackenberger,who comesfrom a more conventional
background,complinents Grayt .aw genius with 25 years of
diye$ified functional and man2sement experienoe in the PROBE UPDATE
engineednsfield. He holds an EE desiee from Northeastern
University and is a seniorensineerin the Institute of Electrical
, n d E l e c r r . n i c E n s j n e e r ! .H a c k e n b e r g ehra s n e l d p o s i l i o n s
with the Sony Corporation ol Anerica and Sylvania Com-
mercial Electronics, and he tus sened as an engineerins
consultantto the U-S. Na!y-
Other Elcray officiak include Arthu. M. Lanse, vice-
llesident in chargeoi public relations,and GeorseC. Demos, A cooperativeeffort
vice-presidentin chalge of marketins. Lange has served in
managementand public relations capacitieswith both Ford betweenparapsycho logyand
and General Moiors. while Demos hls worked as diyision the more conventional
generalmanaserfo! Control Data, director of malketing for
RCA, and presidentofhis own manufacturinefi!m. sciencesets its sightson
The electro-maeneticmotor has attlacted attention from
discoveryin a...
impo.tant governmentagencies,ircludins the Environmental
Protection Agency, the Air Resources Board, and th€
Department of Tlarsporlatiod. Gov€rnor Ronald Reaganof
Califoroiabst yea! presentedcray ard his wiie, Ev€lyn,with a
certificate of merit. OtheN indicating interest in rhe project
a r ec o n g e s s m eB n a l r y G o l d w a r € rJ. r . , E d w a r dR . R o y b a l ,D e i
Clawsof,and James C. Corman, U.S. SenatorAlan Cranston,
and statbsenatorsAlfred E. Alquist and NicholasC. Perris.
John Brogan, head of the Environmental Prorection
Agency's advancedautoriotive low€r syst€ns development
division,sayshis 2s-'nan ltaff haslooked at approximately20
altemate engine proposal! each week for the past two years.
He says nearly half of the proposals are fof "perpetual
motion" machines;that is, machinery that would produce
coniinuous novement without any outsideenergysource.The
concepl of perpelual motion violates aU known laws of

According to Evcray, some experts b€iieve the EMA is !

perletual-motion eneine and is, therefore, invalid. Giay ETTING WHAT MAY BE A PRECEDENTin
himself refute! this belief. "The EMA inotor is definitely not the ongoingsearchlor Atlantis,an expedition
perletual motion," he insists. "Only those in the scientific sponsored by an Amelican univetsity will
world who und€rstand lhe theories of physics are lble to conduct an undemeahunt for the legendary,,lost
colnprehbndhow our motor works. There's only a handful of continent" this summer, Two hundred educators,
students,scientists,parapsychologistsand laymenwill
"The p.osrammef directs which magnets are to be participate in the six-week project to be hetd in
ene4ized for what length of time lnd in what pola.ity. There Cadiz,Spain,northwestoI Gibraltar.
arc severalattractionsand repuhions taking place at the same
Leadingthe project is Maxine Asher,educational
consultantto PepperdineUnive$ity in Califonia and
The search for the clean engine has seen the federal
governmentcontribu!€ $23-millionto th€ develolment of new
head oJ the Ancient MeditenaneanResearch Associa-
ensinesin the past two years. General Motors, spent $36-
tion. Co-directoris Dr. Julian Nava,vice-chairmanof
million last yea! alone. and Ford laid out $2Gmiilion_Senator the Los Angeles Ciry Boardof Educarior.
''Therb has never before
John V. Tunn€y of California has ploposed tegislarion ro bcpn a large, inter-
divert $90cmillion from the Highway Tlust Fund inro a disciplinary,scien[iIicexpedirionfor Atlantisunder-
three-yearcrashprogam to developa cleanengine. sea," saysMrs. Asher. "The best that there hasbeen
Meanwhile, Edwin cray. after 12 yeaB of research add wasa small group that went to Bimini in 1969 under
development,believeshe has found th€ answer for a coln- Manson Valentine for the Cayce Foundation.Th€y
paraiively meager$l.l-million. Time will tell whethe. or not did find somecyclopean-typeremains,but they only
he is iight. o had a small amount of money and had to stop the
researchfor lack of funds. Outside of that. there,s


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