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Trivia Questions

1. How many wives did King Henry VIII have?

a. 2 b. 4 c. 6
2. Who said ‘One small step for man but one giant leap for mankind?
a. Neil Armstrong b. Louis Armstrong c. Lance Armstrong
3. Which British author earned more money than the Queen in 2005?
a. JRR Tolkien b. JK Rowling c. Ian Fleming.
4. Who said ‘To be or not to be. That is the question’?
a. MacBeth b. Henry V c. Hamlet
5. When did England, Scotland and Wales merge to become Great Britain?
a. 1066 b. 1707 c. 1815
6. What did the United States Declaration of Independence proclaim?
a. political separation from Canada
b. Political separation from Britain
c. Financial independence
7. Who spoke to a crowd of 250,000 people about his famous dream in
a. Malcolm X b. Martin Luther King c. JF Kennedy
8. Which film star stood for election and won the governorship of California
in 2003?
a. Tom Hanks b. Clint Eastwood c. Arnold Schwarzenegger.

Trivia Questions

1. How many wives did King Henry VIII have?

a. 2 b. 4 c. 6
2. Who said ‘One small step for man but one giant leap for mankind?
a. Neil Armstrong b. Louis Armstrong c. Lance Armstrong
3. Which British author earned more money than the Queen in 2005?
a. JRR Tolkien b. JK Rowling c. Ian Fleming.
4. Who said ‘To be or not to be. That is the question’?
a. MacBeth b. Henry V c. Hamlet
5. When did England, Scotland and Wales merge to become Great Britain?
a. 1066 b. 1707 c. 1815
6. What did the United States Declaration of Independence proclaim?
a. political separation from Canada
b. Political separation from Britain
c. Financial independence
7. Who spoke to a crowd of 250,000 people about his famous dream in
a. Malcolm X b. Martin Luther King c. JF Kennedy
8. Which film star stood for election and won the governorship of California
in 2003?
a. Tom Hanks b. Clint Eastwood c. Arnold Schwarzenegger.

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