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Delegates Meeting Summary Report From Supervisor Frank Spencer March 10, 2010 1. NYCDC Operating Budget: 2. Revenue for the eight months period ending February 28, 2010 was $19,227,675 which has generated an operating surplus in the amount of $2,776,698 for this period. b. Dues Collection for the period was $16,183,035 which was higher than budgeted by a total of $1,459,035. Investments held at Amalgamated Bank and Boyd Waterson increased $536,823 over the eight months period generating a positive yield of 1.4%, This account is a balance portfolio therefore providing less risk to the members. d. General and Administrative expenses for the eight months ending February 28, 2010 was $16,987,800, This resulted in a decrease of 2.3% or down $406,338 from the budget for this fiscal period. The changes resulted from administrative decisions to represent efficiencies in expenditures. 2. Man Hours January 2009/ 2010 Comparison: Overall working hours by our members for 2010 are down. January 2010 reported 1,244,799 man hours compared to.J,512,153 man hours reported in January 2009. This is a difference of -267, 354 man hours compared to last yeat. 3. UBC Hearing Committee Report: ‘The final report from the Hearing Committee appointed by UBC General President Douglas J. McCarron regarding the affairs and operation of New York and Vicinity District Council of Carpenters has been mailed to all local unions and is uploaded to the NYC District Council website ( 4. Project Labor Agreements (PLA’s): ‘We need to educate the membership on the difference between public, agency specific PLA’s and private PLA’s, Public PLA’s do NOT affect the wage and benefit package of our members. ‘Some private PLA’s that were in jeopardy of being shut down without assistance are working, under the Economic Recovery PLA which provides our members $7.54 less an hour on the entire ‘wage/ benefit package. Other language changes in the Economic Recovery PLA are: an eight ~ hour workday, eight standard holidays, a no-strike clause and an optional 6 a.m. start. The District Council Representatives and Labor Management staff have designated council representatives to monitor public and private PLA’s and track each contractor and job in a comprehensive database. 10. Job Order Contracting Systems (JOC's ): We are researching the present bidding process for the City of New York public construction projects to encourage our signatory contractors to bid this work. If this work is not available to ‘our members, we will investigate if JOC’s violate New York State labor law and/ or New York City contract procurement rules. This is millions of dollars of work that should be available to our members and signatory contractors. Local 157 & Local 608 Representatives Relocated to the District Council: Starting in March, Local 157 and Local 608 business managers and agents will be working together on a daily basis out of the NYC District Council offices to cohesively build our market share and protect the area standards that are set. All shop stewards working in Local 157 and Local 608 jurisdictions will report to the 2"! floor common room weekly on their designated days to drop off their shop steward reports. Working together, these business agents will be rotated throughout Manhattan and the Bronx. All documented union and non union jobs will be tracked in a comprehensive database to assist our representatives in our area standards ‘campaigns. Focus Groups: In March, an independent agency conducted six focus groups comprised of randomly selected members to hear their views on the perceived areas of strength and weakness of al functions of the District Council, This agency is also conducting phone interviews with our members to ‘accompany these focus groups. We expect to receive the feedback from this agency in the upcoming weeks and it will be shared at an upcoming Delegate Meeting. Labor Technical College: ‘Acommittee, chaired by Assistant Supervisor John Ballantyne, has been formed to review the job experience that all apprentices are currently receiving. We will be évaluating the present structure of our apprentice program as well as the variety of hands-on expe’ apprentice receives in the field. We will present the committees report and recommendations ata future delegate meeting \ce each LTC Apprentice Contest: The Apprentice Contest will be held at the school on April 21, 2010 from 8:00 am to 3:30 pm. It is a great day for everyone to observe our talented apprentices in action. Neighborhood Assistance Corporation of America (NACA) Mortgage Event The NACA new mortgage event will be held on Saturday, March 13" on the 10" floor of the District Council. At present we have almost 350 members signed up for the 8 am and 11 am seminars to assist our members in getting approved for no cost mortgages. 11. Convention Call for Antique Tools: 2 The UBC is asking all Councils to participate by contributing tools, photographs, convention memorabilia and pins for an exhibit of union artifacts and archival material for the 40" General Convention in August. For more information please contact Robert Welch at 702.938.111 ext 1007. UBC Conferences: The following is a list of upcoming UBC conferences and meetings to be held at the UBC Training Center in Las Vegas, Nevada: Woman's Conference - June 17-20" Floor Leadership Conference — April 5"" — 8" EST meeting - April 26"— 28" Interior/ Exterior Systems Leadership Conference — May 3° — Delegate Training - September 2010. Third Year Apprentice Program — November 18" — 21"

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