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What would be the cause of such an union (European Union) generated? It is all about the WAR!

First World War and Second World War, Germany and France fought each other 3 times; it was a
lot of loss of life. Therefore the leader of the countries was convinced that there was only one way
to keep a long lasting peace, - to get united economically and politically.

A quick glance of EU history

In 1946 Churchill purposed to create The United State of Europe.

In 1950, a French minister had a speech about integrating the coal and steel industries of Western
As a result in 1951, ECSC (European Coal and Steel Community 欧洲钢铁联营 in Chinese) was
certainly set up by six founding members, Germany France, Belgium, Netherlands, Luxemburg,
Italy, signed the Treaty of Paris.
In 1957, because the ESCS was such a success, the 6 decided to cooperate further a bit, signed up
the Treaty of Rome: creating the European Atomic Energy Community (EURATOM 欧洲原子能
共 同 体 条 约 ) and the European Economic Community (EEC 欧 洲 经 济 共 同 体 条 约 ), which
removed the tariff and forming a "common market"
In 1985, in order to remove Europe's fragmentation, and disparate factors, the campaign promote
finally end the fragmentation. this revitalization of European integration took two forms: 1985,
White Paper (completing the internal market) which identified almost 300 obstacles which needed
to be removed to end Europe’s market fragmentation, and 1986 Single European Act, which
introduced institutional changes to facilitate the implementation of the single market measures.

More detailed information about key term, SEA: the first comprehensive revision of the EC
treaties was to overhaul the decision making process in the light of the ambitious single market
program and the enlargement. Key features: QMV (qualified majority voting), it is in favor of "big
countries", and big countries like Germany and France have got more voting rights;

In 1992, Treaty of Maastricht=Treaty of European Union: EU was created. 通过

建立欧洲经济货币联盟和欧洲政治联盟为目标. 主要包含内容为:
*euro; pass the agreement of euro
*co-decision procedure: inter-government cooperation
*3 pillars:
1. European Community, Supranational;
2. Common Foreign and Security Policy (CFSP). Inter-governmental;
3. Justice and Home Affairs, judicial co-operation in civil and criminal matters, police co-
operation and immigration policy.

In 2000, Treaty of Nice, the enlargement with 10 new members

In 2005, French and Dutch said no to EU constitution

EU consists of:
欧洲议会 European Parliament,
欧洲理事会 European Council,
欧洲委员会 European Commission.

Composition: by 733 members, from 25 member states. Tasks: *work together with council on
legislation; the EP engages in the following legislative procedures: Consultation procedure, Co-
decision procedure, and Assent procedure.
*approve the budget; *scrutiny the commission as a whole but not individual;

Composition: -Council of Ministers (eg: subject is agriculture, so the minister of agriculture will
be presented), accounted for within the Treaty of Rome
-European council (head of each government) formalized in 1974 and was only incorporated into
the treaties under the Single European Act.
Tasks: *Decision making, proposed by commission; European council has the accountability to set
the agenda.
Decision making:
-Unanimity. (Still prevail in: amendment of Treaty, enlargement, citizen’s rights, taxation, foreign
policy, derogations
-QMV. (Apply to: all new treaty provision)

Composition: 25 members, appointed by the government of each member state. the current
chairman of commission is a Portuguese, José Manuel Barroso
*give proposal;
*initiator for legislation;
*monitor the application of law;
*executive body

European economic integration consists of:

1. Free trade area: no tariff among countries in certain region
2. Custom union: a common external tariff toward the country from outside the region
3. Single market: free movement of serviced, goods and capital,
4. Economic monetary union: common currency, euro
5. Political union: politic synergy, common international policy toward the country from outside
the region
So far, EU is in the stage 4...

Democratic Deficit 民主赤字 :

EU 现在其实并不是民主制度,他们所谓的民主形同虚设, 没多大意义, 各种大选的投
What causes democratic deficit?
Constitutional: the treaties are so complex that make people confusing
al: who governs EU? If there are any complaints who goes to resolve?
1. No direct democratic mandate, coz commissioners are appointed by the government;
2. Parliament can’t send an individual commissioner home, so you can either accept the whole
commission or scrutiny the whole (eg: Italian commissioner on equal treatment)
Council of Ministers:
Lack of "accountability" normally in national countries, ministers should explain what she or he
has done, and to be defended. But it is not the case in EU
EU Parliament:
Poor parliament can only give advice, doesn’t have enough power
Process: the organization is so complicated, very bureaucratic

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