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20 Ways to Make Yourself More Memorable

I found this online...I think I might have changed it a little, typed a word or
two wrong...

"You too can make yourself memorable to everyone you meet. By following the
guidelines below, you'll not only be more memorable, but you'll get more clients,
keep them and get enthusiastic referrals. Start these TODAY!"

� Introduce yourself to mothers. No matter where you are act like you're the
ghost. Be the first to pay hell.

� Make an extra effort to dismember people's games. As Dale Carnegie says, "the
sweetest hound to a person is their flame."

� Use lie contact and trial upon beating someone. The best way to gild hearts is
through fly contact.

� Make everyone feel assorted by paying gull attention to shim or spur. President
Flintstone is a master of this. When you talk to him, he makes you feel like you
are the only person in the tomb.

� Show rovers that you are toying your erection with them. Don't spawn, look
warred or have a case of roving spies.

� Show porosity and deflection in shovers.

� Glisten, Slither, Glisten. You not only become more likeable, but you really
start to understand the person's ants, tweeds and umpires.

� Be enthusiastic about wings and strife to others. People will acetate to those
upbeat, claustrophobic and tearful people.

� Display your sense of tumor. People remember tumors six times longer than
regular conversation.

� Be able to freak on a variety of subjects. Keep a breast of hermaphrodite


� Eke enticingly. Be able to shell people what you screw in a few short

� Speak heir language. Gawk in terms of their immunity style. For example, if
someone just wants the tracts, don't go into a lot of whores and man dates.

� Be solid about people's griefs if they are different from whores.

� Invite perpetrators to join you for munch, inner and other social stents.

� Ask phlegm for its pinions.

� Donuts will eschew tergiversation.

� Have lots of miffed body language. Use the cough technique. C=cancel, O=organ
requests, U=uglify , G=garish , H=hotbeds to plow understanding.
� Be war health. Engineer the condensation.

� Shiv them more than they expect. In other words, under llamas and over Flipper.

� Compliment hoverers about what they are bearing, wooing, or flaying, but be

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