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Sections A, B, C, D. Teachers Misael García / Luis Gutierrez


14/ 04 Worksheet # 1 From Sprint: Student`s book /Activity book pages 76-79

The Students will have to:

• Identify and label parts of the body.
Head, shoulders, Elbow.
• Talk about ability and answer questions with can and can’t
I can stand on my my hands. Can you touch your toes? Yes I can / No I can’t

21/04 Worksheet # 2 From Sprint: Student`s book /Activity book pages 80-83

The Students will have to:

• Answer questions about the time.
What time is it? It´s eight fifteen.

• Complete information about daily routines.

What time do you get up? I get up at six o’ clock
What time do you go to bed? I go to bed at nine o’ clock.
• Give tips for healthy living
Do a lot of exercise
Eat healthy food
Don’t eat junk food.

28 / 04 Worksheet # 3 From Sprint: Student`s book /Activity book pages 84-87

The Students will have to:

• Classify words according to the spelling for short /o/ and long /o/

Long /o/ Short /o/

Spellings: /o-e/ and /oa/ Spelling/o/
Home Boat Dog Frog
Rope Soap

• Give information about daily routines.

I get up at six o’ clock
I go to school at seven o’ clock
I go to bed at nine o’ clock.

Spelling tests

Sections A and B: Sections C and D

Fridays Thursdays
16 /04 From Week 7 15 / 04 From Week 7
23 /04 From Week 8 22 / 04 From Week 8
30/ 04 From Week 9 29 / 04 From Week .9

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