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The bright florescent pink of the

The bold title

background attracts the reader as it
The main picture of the immediately draws
is fun, girly, vibrant and lively.
star indicates the attention to the eye,
magazine is for young the font also
females into music and symbolises the genre.
fashion with a fun side.
They would also inspire
to be like this.

This draws the The Star’s name in

readers bold also attracts
attention to the reader as they
things they aspire to be like
would find them.
interesting, e.g
vintage fashion,
the capital city,
places of
interest. This would attract an
audience as the word
“win” emplies that you
are going to get
something for free. It is
also bold making it
stand out

The 50% off attracts

my audience as they
would enjoy
shopping, and they
would also like the
This tells the shop “Topshop”
reader exclusive
information about These are artists the
the type of music readers would
they enjoy, recognise and be
attracting them to interested in
the magazine.

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