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1st Fireteam, 2nd Squad, 2nd Platoon, Alpha Company

Observer: Sergeant Example, Squad Leader
Observed: Private Rifleman, 0311
Fitness Report Time Observed: February 26, 2010, March 26, 2010

Section 1:
Performance A B C D E F G H
Regular and X
Additional Duties
Garrison handling X
of other Marines
Training X
Tactical handling X
of other Marines
Qualities - - - - - - - -
Endurance X
Responsibility X
Military presence X
Attention to duty X
Cooperation X
Initiative X
Judgment X
Presence of mind X
Force X
Leadership X
Personal relations X
Efficiency X
Growth potential X
Explanation: Private Rifleman has demonstrated an excellent understanding of tactical
actions, takes great pride in responsibly representing the “Band of Marines” clan online,
and has excellent potential.

Section 2: As a new Marine, Private Rifleman has yet to receive any disciplinary action.
His actions on clan-game 12 in Call of Duty Six enabled his fireteam to destroy nearly
fifty enemy soldiers with no losses. I am very willing to serve with him in battle. Private
Rifleman always acts with the greatest professionalism.

Section 3: Of the eight Marines in my squad, Private Rifleman is the 2nd highest ranked.

Section 4: Concur – Captain Cartwright

Sergeant Example

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