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Twenty Five Critical Questions

Sales professionals know that that good questions help to overcome objections, build
relationships and close more contracts. That means make more money. It’s often easy to ask
other people questions and analyze their answers, challenges and stumbling blocks. 

What about you? It’s time to be brutally honest with yourself. Here are 25 critical questions to
help you assess your own communication, sales and success.

1. Why would someone want to buy from me?

2. Why am I special? (Prospects buy from you because they like you first. Trust is second) 

3.  How can I do more to make sure my products and services stand out amid the clutter of the

4. How accessible am I?

5. Can I improve my listening skills?

6. Have I identified my ideal client/target, and do I know what challenges, issues and concerns
they have? 

7.  Do I know what my values are, and do I live by them?

8. Can I network in more places? (You mean, leave my comfort zone?) 

9. Am I willing to take a risk and explore new talents, skills, education and ideas to help me
grow professionally and personally? 

10. Have I adequately integrated my marketing, Public Relations and Social Media efforts to
attract more business? 

11. Is my website as interesting, interactive and monetized as it could be?

12. Do I cross-promote my marketing materials, blogs, Social networking links, newsletters and

13. Do I return phone calls and electronic messages within 24 hours? 

14. Am I creative and offer new opportunities and insights to clients who depend on me?

15. Do I routinely keep in touch with my clients to share an interesting article, resource, or
newsletter they would appreciate?     
16. Do I pick up the phone to speak to my clients, instead of using only e-mail, texts and

17. Do I introduce my clients to others so they can network?

18. How well do I handle customer complaints or “sticky situations?”

19. Do I show a genuine interest in my customers’ hobbies, interests and family? 

20. Do my customers have to ask me for referrals and leads, or do I generously offer them with
no hidden agenda? 

21. Am I keeping my mind and body healthy so I can be more creative and energetic? 

22. Can I offer new pricing points, discounts or creative promotions to draw more people into my

23. Am I really enthusiastic and passionate about what I do?

24. Do I ever insult or speak badly of my competition or others in business?  

25. Can I put my head down on the pillow at the end of the day knowing I absolutely did my

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