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Federal Prosecutor's Terra Morehead & Marietta Parker

Controls Attorneys With Corrupt Contract

Federal Proescutor Terra D. Morehead And Marietta Parker Controls Defense Attorneys with Corrupt Contract.

In reaction to a Prosecutor withholding discovery from a defendant the Judge writes: This is prosecutorial
misconduct in its highest form; conduct in flagrant disregard of the United States Constitution; and conduct which
should be deterred by the strongest sanction available," wrote Judge Kim Wardlaw.

Here is a copy we have obtained of the contract that (AUSA) U.S. Assistant Prosecuting attorney Terra Morehead
makes the Defense attorneys sign, before allowing them to be appointed to cases she is prosecuting in Federal
Court.(According to this contract) If they do not agree with this contract they must return the case file not take the
case. It would appear this contract allows the prosecutor to weed out the attorneys that would honestly defend a
client.... and keep attorneys on the opposing case that allows her to maintain control of the case and guarantee a
conviction! Perhaps by not only controlling how the defense attorney handles the case but also denying the
defendant his constitutional right to see the evidence against him.

It also prevents the defendant from having the chance to point out the discrepancies in the evidence that could be
associated with the case prior to trial. Leaving the defendant with no idea what corrupt evidence the prosecutor
plans to use, until at trial when it is too late to prove the evidence is false!

In our case we have seen some of the discovery and it is full of forged documents,(search warrants and property
inventory reciept for same list that do not match our paper work), false police reports, planted evidence, perjured
testimonies, convicted felons listed as the only witnesses, edited videos, Lawrence police impersonating FBI
agents during the investigation, Fake investigation into the Lawrence police impersonating FBI agents by Mr. Bob
Schaefer (a possible retired agent), missing evidence, returned evidence that officer Bialek admitted had not been
logged in as evidence (chain of custody violations), evidence not disclosed in the case file, civil rights violation,
illegal les-pendens against our home and more. With all this corruption being used to send people to prison its no
wonder why the federal prosecutors do not want the defendants to see the discovery until the trial has started and
its to late to try and prove the the discovery to be false.

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