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12:46 am, 4/1/2010 1st, Mayan calendar ‘day’ 9 Kan/Seed, Lizard (to

10 Chicchan/Serpent at dawn)


Sirian, Andromedan, and Others
More on Mission
On YouTube here

Oh, boy, that last journal I recorded (6 for Flow, 1 for Go) surely was
strange. I suspect my dolphin friends of having a little fun with me,
there, but we’ll see. Nothing firm, yet; just a suspicion.

They are so playful, you see; always ready for a romp, or so it seems.
I suppose they’re serious, too, but I haven’t seen much evidence of it.
I also want to get to know the great whale beings, but I haven’t had
that honor or pleasure, yet. Though I’ve sent them, even delivered
them warn greetings, we haven’t yet found one another’s close

It’s intriguing, how this expansion out into All That Is has occurred,
thus far. Though mind would like to think it a logical progression, it’s
not. I seem to make friends with, or enter into this or that, very
specifically, and not some homogeneous expansion out into
everything. Hmmm.

Remembering another journal, the one on having a mission or not, I seem to have
a bit more of an answer on that one: yes, and also no. Oh well, now that’s a
useful one, says mind, with a sideways grin. Let’s see.

Yes, in that all of us, when we arrive on Earth, just before taking
incarnation, are quite aware of certain senses of what is the purpose
of the upcoming life. This is interesting, too, and appears somewhat
linear. How so?

Well, it is a way or method of carrying forward what was gained in so-

called previous lives, into the upcoming or present one. Pretty linear.
One expects or assumes, as well, that progress will be made in this
one, to be carried over into the next; again, tremendously linear.
What’s with that? How real can that even be?
Time does not work like that. Outside of the 3D illusion, here, it is all
simultaneous. Everything is happening Now, so to speak...and quite
literally. No, it is not at all something mind can wrap itself around, but
that’s okay. Mind needs to back off and learn something, anyway.
Three cheers for no-mind.

So, drop down in heart with me, and let us proceed. Linear time is
purely an illusion. It is something we play with in our dreams, seeing
its plasticity, there. It is not real, so to speak. (“Real” is an
interesting word, or concept, being so relative.)

So, that being so, what’s with this concept of mission? Where does
that leave us? And if we have a mission, in this case, is that an
illusion, too? Hmmm.

The interesting thing about this simultaneity of time is that one cannot
view it from the 3D perspective; doesn’t least for me.
Remember, all I can do is report my experience. You will have to go
and have your own.

So, anyway, this is all so very clear, from the higher perspective, the
peak or the precipice. In the valley it cannot even be conceived,
much less seen. A good set of books for exploring this, and so many
phases and aspects of life in 3D and higher dimensions is the Patricia
Cori trilogy, the Sirian Revelations. They give a good, simple, and
clear view of it...from the perspective of 6th dimensional or density
beings. Quite intriguing, with much good food for pondering.

This issue of finding the worthy tour guide for such explorings is
important. Many, there are, who delight in leading us astray, in even
toying with us. Humanity is not widely admired in the wider space
community. We don’t have to look far beyond the end of our noses to
see why.

I love the way it came through to Alex Collier from the Andromedans,
another worthy group of tour guides. In one of their council meetings,
where a wide variety of what we would call ET life met to discuss
Terra, our Earth, it was said: “They don’t respect themselves. They
don’t respect their planet. They don’t respect each other. Of what
use are they?” Ouch! But true. Look around. Don’t bother to argue

I am grateful that the slight majority, however, decided in our favor, to

bring help and assistance. We are truly blessed.

A quick word about this, however: this is no space rescue, no savior

breed, come to clean up our mess. No, these instead, are willing to be
mentors, helping us do that on our own. Don’t expect to be contacted
or mentored, either, until you begin taking responsibility for your very
own life. It’s a start.

It’s where we must all start, if we’re to make a difference. It seems

illogical, to start with the self to fix up the planet, but that’s quite how
it works; no other way. It’s even in the scriptures, about the beam in
your own eye, and the mote or speck in your brother’s.

This may seem strange, from the 3D perspective, but as we all rise up
in awareness, we see the simple good sense of it; taking
responsibility, and ceasing the blame game, whether (blaming) others
or self. It’s a dead end...and I’ve gone on long. More later. :-)


1:13 am, 4/1 2nd - RECONSIDERING MISSION —


1:40 am, 4/1 3rd - CUT BAIT & MOVE ON

2:05 am, 4/1 4th - WHAT IS GOD ?

2:25 am, 4/1 5th - LED BY THE NOSE ?

7:46 am, 4/1 6th - STEERING ONE’S SHIP OF STATE

10:27 am, 4/1 7th - WIDENING LIGHT SPHERE

10:47 am, 4/1 8th - MULTIDIMENSIONAL

4:26 pm, 4/1 9th - INSANITY AND NO-MIND



journal Spirit Source God enlightenment awakening ET Sirian

Andromedan mission dolphins frequencies whales logical OBE NDE
pre-birth memory incarnations lifetimes mission purpose linear mind
heart 3D illusion no-mind reality now time simultaneous "Patricia Cori"
"Sirian Revelations" 6D dimensions "Alex Collier" "tour guide" rescue
"alien invasion" mentor responsibility Gaia Earth awareness "blame

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