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Morning Routine:

-Wake-up (Sometime between 5 and 6 am-I love my quiet mornings)

-Get coffee and get ready for the day
-Read or write until 7:30 am
-Wake up the boys and make breakfast while the oldest is getting
ready and making his bed
-Make bed after husband rolls out
-Wipe down bathrooms after everyone is out of them
-Load dishwasher and wipe down kitchen
-Get the oldest to the bus stop, or play with kids.
-Throw in a load of laundry if I don’t have to be anywhere. I try to do
a load a day.
-Spend an hour or two on chores if there is time.
Afternoon/After work Routine:
-Start dinner and unload dishwasher
-Help the oldest with homework
-Throw in a load of laundry if I couldn’t earlier
-Finish up any chores that need to get done –or- work on any
organization projects –or- quickly pick up the house
-Open and put away mail
Evening Routine:
-Clean up dinner disaster: load dishwasher, hit counters and table,
spot clean floors
-Lay out fresh kitchen towels, get tomorrow’s coffee ready to go
-Get the boys ready for bed: bath, lay out their clothes, story
-Pack lunch and backpack, and put by the door. Make sure I have
everything I need for the next day, and that the diaper bag is packed
-Start tomorrow’s To-Do list and look at calendar. Pull anything out
of freezer for next day’s dinner
-Pick up living spaces
-Write, read, or hang out with the Hubby
-Lay out tomorrow’s clothes and go to bed

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