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Specific Electrocardiographic Features of Manifest

Coronary Vein Posteroseptal Accessory Pathways
From Service d'Electrophysiologie Cardiaque, Hopital Cardiologique du Haut-L^v£que, Bordeaux-Pessac, France

Coronary Vein Accessory Pathways. Introduction: Some posteroseptal accessory path-

ways {APs) can be successfully ablated by radiofrequency current only from inside tbe coro-
nary sinus (CS) or its brancbes, because of an absolute or relatively epicardial location. Tbe
aim of this study was to identify ECG features of manifest posteroseptal APs requiring abla-
tion in the CS or the middle cardiac veins (MCVs).
Methods and Results: One hundred seventeen consecutive patients witb manifest posterosep-
tal APs successfully ablated: (1) > 1 cm deep inside tbe MCV (group MCV: n = 13); (2) inside
the CS, including tbe area adjacent to tbe MCV ostium (group CS: n = JO); (3) at tbe rigbt
(group R: n = 60); or (4) the left posteroseptal endocardial region (group L: n - 34) were in-
cluded. We reviewed delta wave polarity (initial 40 msec) and QRS morphology during sinus
rhythm and atrial pacing as well as electrogram characteristics in tbese patients. Tbe local tar-
get site electrogram in groups MCV and CS was cbaracterized by a longer atrial to ventricular
electrogram interval, suggesting a longer course of the pathway and more frequent recording of
a presumptive AP potential compared to the group ablated at tbe rigbt or left endocardium. The
most sensitive ECG feature for group CS or group MCV was a negative delta wave in lead II in
sinus rbythm (87%), but specificity (79%) and positive predictive value (50%) were relatively
low. A steep positive delta wave in aVR during maximal preexcitation possessed tbe highest
specificity and positive predictive value (98% and 88%, sensitivity 61%) wbicb increased to
99% and 91%, respectively, when combined with a deep S wave in V^ (R wave < S wave).
Conclusion: These data suggest that posteroseptal APs ablated inside the coronary venous sys-
tem bave bigbly specific features, including tbe combination of a steep positive delta wave in lead
aVR and a deep S wave in lead V,, (R wave < S wave) during maximal preexcitation. The bigbest
sensitivity is provided by a negative delta wave in lead II. These findings may be belpful for antici-
pating and planning an epicardial ablation strategy. (J Cardiovasc Electrophy.siol, Vol. 9. pp. 1015-
1025, October 1998)

posteroseptal accessory pathway, catheter ablation, middle cardiac vein, coronary sinus

Introduction ablation from inside the coronary sinus (CS) or

its branches has been reported in some patients
Radiofrequency catheter ablation of accessory
whose AP cannot be ablated from the endcx:ardiurn,
pathways (APs) from the endtx:ardial approach pro-
suggestive of an epicardial or deep intramural
vides a definite cure lor patients with Wolff-
course.^'" Posteroseptal APs have been recognized
Parkinson-White syndrome.'^ However, successful
as the most trequent AP with an epicardial course,
with an incidence of approximately 9% to 24% of
Address for correspondence: Alsushi Takahashi. M.D.. Service
d'Eleirirophysioiogie Cardiaque. Hopital t'ardiologique du Haut- all posteroseptai pathways.^•'*'"" Ablation of pos-
L^veque. Avenue de Magellan, 33604 Bordeaux-Pessac. France. teroseptal APs can be difficult, requiring a larger
Fax: 33-5-56-55-6K-96, number of ^plicatioas of radiofrequency energy and
Miinu.SLTipt received 14 April 1998; Accepted for publication 16 long procedure times. Recognition oF APs that
July 1998. cannot be ablated from the endocardium would be
1016 Journal of Cardiovascular Electrophysiology Vol. 9, No. JO, October 1998

important to anticipate the appropriate therapeutic mental pacing and programmed stimulation were
approach for ablation. A single recent article pro- performed using a programmable stimulator (Car-
posed that palicnLs with a negative delta wave in lead diostimulateur Orthorhythmique, Savita. Paris,
II during sinus rhythm require ablation from middle France) with a 2-msec output pulse width and four
Ciirdiac veins (MCVs) or anomalies of the CS.'- times threshold amplitude.
We reviewed surface ECG features of mani-
fest posteroseptal APs to distinguish pathways ab-
Mapping of Posteroseptal Pathway
lated epicardially from those ablated endocardially.
The AP was primarily localized and ablated
Methods by mapping the earliest bipolar and unipolar ven-
tricular potential relative to the delta wave onset
associated with a QS pattern of the unipolar ven-
Patients tricular waveform during sinus rhythm, which lo-
Between December 1993 and December 1997, calizes the ventricular insertion site. A sharp, high-
160 consecutive patients with a posteroseptal ac- frequency potential verified by correlation with the
cessory AV connection underwent radiofre- unipolar electrogram to occur between the atrial
quency catheter ablation at our institution's labo- and ventricular intrinsic deflections was consid-
ratory. Posteroseptal APs were defined as path- ered as a presumptive AP potential.'"^ If favorable
ways located around the proximal CS over the electrograms were recorded from the right poste-
inferoposterior third of the triangle of Koch; within rior septum, ablation was attempted from the tri-
1 cm adjacent to the CS ostium over the infero- cuspid annulus adjacent to the CS ostium, the po-
medial aspect of the right atrium, or within 2 cm sition of the catheter outside the CS being con-
to the left of the CS ostium at the crux area and firmed by fluoroscopy and unsuccessful
over the posteromedial mitral annulus.' * '•* Of these advancement- However, if right-sided endocar-
160 patients. 121 had manifest preexcitation on a dial mapping appeared suboptimal. the ablation
baseline 12-lead ECG. Two patients with multiple catheter was introduced into the left side using
pathways were excluded from this study, and the either the trans-septal or transaortic approach to
remaining 119 patients were the subject of this map the posteroseptal region of the mitral annu-
study. The group comprised 38 women and 81 men lus. The electrograms obtained from the left side
with a mean (+ SD) age of 35 ± 16 years {range were compared to those recorded from inside the
8 to 82). CS, and ablation was attempted at the site with
better electrograms. If the femoral approach to the
CS was unsuccessful, the ablation catheter was in-
Electrophysiologic Study troduced through the left subclavian vein to search
After informed consent, an electrophysiologie for an optimal ablation site deep inside a venous
study was performed on all patients in a fasting branch of the CS. In cases without previous abla-
state and at least five half-lives after discontinua- tion, the right or left endocardium was targeted
tion of antiarrhythmic drugs. One or two 6-French preferentially. In patients witb a prior unsuccess-
quadripolar electrode catheters with an interelec- ful ablation, the CS and MCV were mapped and
trode distance of 5 mm (Bard Eiectrophysiology, optimal sites were targeted, as described below.
Tewksbury. MA, USA) and a 7-French quadripo-
lar deflectable catheter with a 4-mm tip electrode
Ablation Procedure
(Cordis-Webster, Miami, FL, USA or Medtronic,
San Jose, CA, USA) were introduced percuta- Radiofrequency energy was delivered as a con-
neously into the right femoral vein or left subcia- tinuous unmodulated sine wave output from a Stock-
vian vein (one case only) and placed in the right ert (Stockert Gnibh, Freiburg, Gemiany) generator
atrium, the CS, and the right ventricle. Surface that delivers current at 550 kHz between the distill
electrograms (leads I, II. [II. and V,). unipolar elec- electrode of the ablation catheter and a 575-cm- cu-
trograms filtered at I to 500 Hz, and bipolar in- taneous patch electixxle placed over the left scapula.
tracardiac electrograms filtered at 30 to 500 Hz A target temperature of 70°C for the i ight and left
and amplified at high gain (O.I mV/cm) were si- posteroseptal endocai'dium or 55° to 60°C for the
multaneously recorded with a polygraph (model CS or MCV was set and temperature-controlled ra-
Midas, PPG Biomedical Systems, Overland Park, diofrequency energy applied for 6() to 90 seconds
KS, USA) at paper speeds of 100 mm/sec. Incre- if AP conduction was blocked within 20 seconds.
Takahashi, el al. Coronary Vein Accessory Pathways 1017

but was immediately discontinued in the event of The characteristics of ECG patterns were
an increase in impedance or dislocation of the elec- compared between the four groups of posterosep-
trode. Tlie successful ablation site was identified ra- tal APs. Furthemiore, the specificity of derived cri-
ciiographiciilly in the left oblique projection in which teria were compared in a blind manner to 58 pa-
the catheter recording the His-bundle potential tients with a single manifest AP inserting at loca-
pointed directly toward the observer; in this pro- tions bordering tlie defined postei'oseptaJ areas (right
jection, the CS ostium was identified by a point on posterior: 23 patients; left posterior: 27 patients;
the shaft of the catheter placed within the CS in the midseptal: 8 patients) having both a positive delta
same vertical plane ixs tlie tip of ihe His-bundle cath- wave and a fully pt;)sitive QRS morphology in lead
eter. Unipolar impedance was monitored continu- I and aVL during maximal preexcitation and
ously and noted just before radiofrequency delivery having undergone successful ablation during the
at each site. The automatic high-impedance (> 250 last 2 years.
O) radiofrequency cutoff was used. The course of
the CS wiis deriiiurated by catheter withdrawal from Statistical Analysis
the distal to the proximal CS. Tlie localization of
the catheter inside the MCV was confirmed by CS Continuous data were expressed as mean ± SD.
angiography (five patients) or inferred from a trapped Statistical comparisons were performed using the
catheter below the CS catheter position with a Student's /-test. Fisher's exact test, or Chi-square
high impedance (> 150 SI). The distance from the test, as appropriate. A P value < 0.05 was con-
ostium of the CS or the MCV to the successful sidered to be statistically significant. Sensitivity,
ablation site was measured using the interelectrode specificity, positive predictive value, and negative
distance of the CS catheter as a reference. predictive value for predicting the AP ablated from
within the CS and the MCV were calculated.
Successfiilly ablated APs were classified in four
groups: > I cm within the CS; > I cm inside the
MCV; and from the right (including terminal CS) Results
oi' leit endtx'iudial surface of the posteroseptal space.
At the successful ablation site, the timing of the lo- Ablation Results
cal peak ventricular potential relative to the delta One hundred and seventeen out of 119 APs were
wave, the local AV interval, and the ratio of the successfully ablated without complication. One of
amplitude of local atrial and ventricular potentials the two failures later underwent successful
were measured, and the unfiltered unipolar elec-
trogram morphology pattem was analyzed.
+ve A -ve A Iso A
Electrocardiographic Analysis
A preexcited 12-!ead ECG during sinus rhythm
and during overdrive high right atrial pacing was
recorded at a paper speed of 25 mm/sec. In all pa-
tients, a positive delta wave and full positive QRS
morphology were characteristically recorded in lead U
I iuid aVL during sinus rhythm and maximal pre-
excitation. The initial 40 msec of the preexcited
QRS during sinus rhythm and maximal preexci-
tation was taken as the delta wave. The polarity
of the delta wave was categorized as positive, neg-
ative, or isoelectric, as previously described,'^'** t45' 40m8
and the angle of the delta wave with the isoelec-
Iric line (>: 45"" [.steepj or < 45") was analyzed
according to Figure I. Moreover, the morphology Figure I. Examples of .steeply positive, steeply negative,
of QRS complexes was analyzed, notably the pres- ami isoelectric delta waves (first 40 m.iec of the QRS). Left
panel: A steeply positive delta wave with an angle > 45°.
ence of a deep S wave defined as an R/S ratio <
Middle panel: A steeply negative delta wave with an angle
I in lead V,,. The relevant analyzed chaj'acteristics, > 45". Right panel: Example of on isoelectric delta wave. A
i.e., delta wave in lead II, lead aVR. and S wave = delta wave: = isoelectric: ms = milliseconds: -ve =
in lead Vf,,'-are shown in Figure 2. negative; +ve = positive.
1018 Journal of Cardiovascular Electrophysiology Vol. 9, No. 10, October 1998

^ 1 : Group L
• I : Group CS
I I : Group MCV

steep -ve A Steep +ve A Deep S (RiS)

Figure 2. Typical examples of stirface ECG features pre-

dicting coronary sinus and middle cardiac vein ablation
during atrial pacing. A = delta wave: -ve = negative: +ve
= positive. Figure 3. The location and distribution of Ji7 patients with
posteroseptal accessory pathways. This .schema was drawn
as viewed in the left anterior oblique projection. CS = coro-
cryosurgery where the preexcitation disappeared nary sinus; MCV = middle cardiac vein: MV = mitral valve:
during cryoapplication to the MCV. The other TV = tricuspid valve. Numbers represent .successful ablation
patient refused reablation. site distribution. Gtoup R. L, CS. or MCV = patients ablated
The successful ablation site was the right pos- from the right or left endocardial space or within the coro-
teroseptal endocardial region in 60 patients (group nary .viniis or the middle cardiac vein, respectively.
R) and the left posteroseptal endocardial region
in 34 patients (group L). Of the remaining 23 favorable, and radiofrequency energy was only
patients, successful ablation was achieved from delivered inside the CS or inside the MCV with
inside the CS in 10 patients (group CS) and > 1 a mean number of 2 ± 2 radiofrequency pulses.
cm inside the MCV (1.7 ± 0.4 cm; range: 1.3 to Only one patient required a left subclavian ap-
2 cm) in 13 patients (group MCV), including a proach to catbeterize a small MCV for successful
MCV diverticulum (3-cm diameter) in 1 patient ablation (Fig. 5).
(Fig. 3). The unipolar impedance before ra-
diofrequency delivei'y was higher in the MCV and
intermediate witbin the CS (MCV: 162 ± 29 O, IMPEDANCE MAX POWER OUTPUT
CS: 128 ± 7.9 H; right endocardium: 101 ± 10 H; 250 (watts)

P = 0.001. P - 0.0001, respectively). On the other (ohms)

hand, the maximal power output was lower in the
MCV and intermediate within the CS (MCV: 9.5 ZOO
± 4.7 W. CS: 18 ± 6.8 W; right endocardium: 36 50

± 17 W; P = 0.001, P = 0.001, respectively) 40

(Fig. 4). Tbe three patients with the highest im- 150
pedance (180 to 238 0) of ablation catheter in the
MCV had small veins confirmed by CS angiog- 20

rapby in two patients and a completely trapped 100

catheter (which could not be advanced deeper)
in one patient. In 13 (57%) of the 23 patients, CS MCV R CS MCV
radiofrequency energy was initially delivered
unsuccessfully at the right or left posteroseptal en- Figure 4. The unipolar impedance before ablation and the
docardial region (mean number of applications: majitnal power output during radiofrequency application
3.5 ±2.1). A mean number of 1.1 ± 0.5 radiofre- at right endocardial space (Rj. within the coronary sinus
(CS) atui the middle cardiac vein (MCV). The unipolar im-
quency pulses was delivered inside the CS or tbe pedance before radiofrequency application was higher in
MCV to successfully abolish AP conduction. the MCV ititertnediate within the CS (left panel). On the
For the remaining 10 patients who had previously otiier hatid. the maximal power output achieved was lower
unsuccessful ablation in otber hospitals, electro- in the MCV and intermediate within the CS (right panel).
grams on the right and left endocardium were not The strippted rectangles .show the range of values.
Takahashi, et al. Coronary Vein Accessory Pathways 1019


Figure 5. A typical acces.mry pathway ablated deep inside the tniddle cardiac vein. The delta wave potarity is tiegative in
lead II and positive in lead aVR with a steep angle of > 45° during .sinus rhythm (SR) and atriat pacing (AP). However, a
deep S wave (R < S) in lead V^ becomes evident only during atrial pacing. The bipolar electrogram at the succes.tful ablation
site (ABL SITE) .shows a long AV interval (50 msec) and a sharp accessory pathway potential (K) with an amplitude of 0.05
mV. The unipolar etectrogram exhibits a P-QS pattern. Right panel: Coronary sinus venography showing that the successful
ahlation site was 2 cm deep inside a middle cardiac vein arising frotn near the coronaiy sinus ostium. ABL = ablation site
bipolar electrogram: AP = atrial pacing; LAO = left atiterior oblique projection: RAO = right anterior oblique projection;
SR = .sinus rhythm; UNI = ahlation site unipolar etectrogram.

iMcal Electrogram Characteristics AP potentials (Fig. 5) were recorded more fre-

quently in both group MCV (11%) and group CS
Local electrogram characteristics are detailed in (80%) than in group R (37%) or in group L (41 %)
Table 1. There were no significant differences (P < 0.05). There was no significant statistical dif-
between groups MCV and CS except for the AV ference in the interval between the onset of appli-
ratio. In both groups MCV and CS, the local peak cation of radiofrequency energy and the interrup-
ventricular potential relative to the delta wave tion of AP conduction.
onset occurred later than in group R or L {-0.9 ±
7.5 msec and -0.5 ± 6.4 vs -15 ± 8.6 msec and -
5 ± 5.3 msec; P < 0.05) and the local AV inter- Electrocardiographic Patterns During Sinus
val was longer (47 ± 16 msec and 46 ± 18 msec Rhythm
v.s 32 ± 12 msec and 35 ± 8.4 msec, respectively; Thefindingsof ECG pattems during sinus rhythm
P < 0.01). are detailed in Table 2. A negative delta wave in
Although the QS pattem of the unipolar ven- lead II and a positive delta wave in lead aVR
tricular waveform was evenly distributed, a fusion were significantly more frequent in group MCV,
of P and QS, i.e., a PQS pattern (short AV delay) group CS, or both, than in group R and group L
was recorded in 12% of group R, 10% of group (Figs. 5 to 7). A negative delta wave in V, was pms-
L, and 0% of both groups MCV and CS. ent only in group R. A positive delta wave and QRS
1020 Journal of Cardiovascular Klectrophjsiology Vol. 9, No. 10. October 1998

complex were significantly more frequent in group

u L than in group R. There was no significiuitly dif-
y H- 2 2 2 ferent parameter between groups MCV and CS.
(-' •*-* 2 2 * ' Z Z
E-E Electrocardiographic Patterns During Maximal
Preexcitation (Table 3)
11 There was no significant difference in the neg-
ative delta wave in lead II between sinus rhythm
and atrial pacing in contrast to ECG pattems in
aVR and V,,. A steep negative delta wave in lead
II and a positive delta wave as well as a steep pos-
itive delta wave in lead aVR were significantly
more frequent in group MCV (85%) than in
other groups, and a steep positive delta wave in
u lead aVR was always ass(x:iated with a steep neg-
on c/1 VI
u c/i2 ative delta wave in lead II. The QRS morphology
2 2
^- +-^ * 2 • included a deep S wave in V^ significantly more
22 frequently in groups MCV (85%). CS (50%), or
both, than in group R and group L (Figs. 5 to 7).
> ad
A negative delta wave in V, was present in only
group R. A positive delta wave and QRS complex
were significantly more frequent in group L than
+1 +1 +1 00 in group R.
in n OS ^
— f*! _ ; n-i

V! t Sensitivity, Specificity, and Positive and Negative

U o Predictive Values

> The sensitivity, specificity, and positive and neg-

c/5 on c/5 on
ative predictive values of ECG patterns during si-
>s 2222 nus rhythm and atrial pacing tor both groups MCV
U •C II ^ and CS are detailed in Table 4. In lead II, a nega-
b II "u
tive delta wave yielded a high sensitivity (87%),
e but specificity (79%) and positive predictive values
q ri
(50%) were relatively low. In contrast, a steep pos-
rd ri itive delta wave in aVR and deep S wave in V,, dur-
x: D.
u &••-
ing preexcitation were less sensitive but had higher
specificity (98% and 87%) and positive predictive
> E value (88% and 57%). The combination of ihe two
2 latter parameters dramatically increased the speci-
ficity to 99% and the positive predictive value to
91%, but with a sensitivity of only 43%. The sen-
y II +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 sitivity of this combination increased to 78% with
^z rn
d - o q ^•
o t
the same specificity and positive predictive value
- - O when analyzed only for group MCV (Table 5).
In the 58 patients with a manifest single nearby
AP. none had a combination of a steep positive
delta wave in lead aVR and a deep S wave in lead
S I o V^ during maximal preexcitation. A negative delta
wave in V, had high specificity (100%) and pos-
ego itive predictive value (1(K)%) (sensitivity: 27%) for
Si s : :
C/5 the right endocardial approach during atrial pac-
C- ing. When the epicardial group was excluded from
<1 > analysis, a positive delta wave and QRS complex
> <
had a high sensitivity (85% and 79%) but rela-
Takatia.stu, et at. Coronary Vein Accessory Pathways 1021

Prevalence of Selected Surface Electrocardiographic Parameters in Patients with ji Manifest Posteroseptal
Accessory Pathway Related to the Site of Successful Ablation During Sinus Rhyihrn

MCV CS P Value
(N = 13) (N = tO) (N = 34/60) (End vs MCV. CS, Epi)
11 vcA 11 (85%) y(y()9{) 7(21%)/I3(22'7r) t. t . +
Steep - v e A 10 (77%) 4 (40%) 2(6%V6(IO%) t,t,|
aVR + veA 9 (69%) 4 (40%) 3 (9%)/5 (8%) t,t.t
Steep +veA 6 (46%) 4(40%) 1 (3%)/2 (3%) t,t,t
V,, Deep S wave 1 (8%) 1 (10%) 0 (0%V3 (5%) NS, NS, NS
V, — veA 0(0%) 0(0%) 0(0%)/! 7 (28%) t.t.t
+ veA to (77%) 8 (80%) 24{7I7P)/23(38%) NS. NS. *
+ ve QRS 7 (54%) 5 (50%) 20(59%)/18(30%) NS, NS. NS
aVR = lead aVR; CS = accessory patliway ablated inside CS including MCV ostium; A - delta wave; End = both L and R;
Epi = both MCV and CS; II = lead II; L, R=accessory pathway ablated from right or lelt posterosepta! endocardium; MCV
= accessory pathway ablated deep inside middle cardiac vein; —ve = negative; +ve = positive; V, = lead Vi; V,. = lead V^.
* = P<0.()5; t ^ p<O.OI.

tively low specificity (72% and 64%) and positive tive delta wave in lead V, — identified right en-
predictive value (62% and 54%) for the left en- docai'dial AP.
docardial approach during atrial pacing.
Delta Wave Analysis in Sinus Rhythm and Maximal
Discussion Preexcitation
The results of this study indicate that patients Arruda et al.'^ recently reported ECG criteria
witb posteroseptal APs requiring radiofrequency during sinus rbytbm to identify APs related lo the
catbeter ablation from the CS and notably inside MCV or anomalies of the CS. A negative delta
the MCV pt)ssessed specific features derived from wave in lead II was found to be I(X)% sensitive
tbe delta wave polarity and QRS morphology dur- as well as pathognornonic of a subepicardial site
ing maximal preexcitation, which distinguish them of the AP. In the present study, a negative delta
from APs requiring ablation from the endocardial wave in lead 11 had a high sensitivity of 87%; bow-
space. Only one surface ECG feature — a nega- ever, the specificity was relatively low. resulting

Prevalence of Selected Surface Electrocardiographic Parameters in Patients with a Manifest Posteroseptal
Accessory Pathway Related to the Site of Successful Ablation During Atrial Pacing
MCV CS E/R P Value
(N - t3) (N = tO) (N = 34/60) (End v.sMCV, CS, Epi)
11 -vcA 12(92%) 8 (80%) 7(2170/14(23%) t, 1.1
Steep - v e A 11 (85%) 4 (40%) 2(6%)/6(10%) t.t.t
aVR + veA 11 (85%) 2 (20%) 4(12%)/5(8%) t.NS.t
Steep +veA 1 1 (85%) 3 (30%) t (3%)/l (2%) t.t.t
V. Deep S wave I 1 (85%) 5 (50%) 6(t8%)/6(10%) tt.t
V, -veA 0(0%) 0(0%) 0(0%)/! 9 (32%) t.t.t
+veA to (77%) 8 (80%) 27 (79%)/23 (38%) NS. NS.*
+ ve QRS 10 (77%) 8 (80%) 29(85%)/18(30%) NS. NS.*
aVR = lead aVR; CS = accessory pathway ablated inside CS including MCV ostium; A = delta wave; End = both L and R;
Epi = both MCV and CS: II = lead II: L. R^accessory palhway ablated Irom right or left posteroseptal endocardium; MCV
= accessory pathway ablated deep inside middle cardiac vein; —vc = negative; +ve = positive; Vi = lead V,: V^ = lead
V.. * = P < 0.05; t == P <().()!.
1022 Journal of Cardiovascular Electrophysiology Vol. 9, No. 10, October 1998

Sensitivity, Specificity and Predictive Values of the Delta Wave Pattern and QRS Morphology for
Successful Coronary Sinus and Coronary Vein Ablation Site

Sensitivity Specificity PPV NPV


Smgle parameters
II -veA 87/87 79/78 50/49 96/96
Steep —veA 61/65 91/91 64/65 91/91
aVR +veA 52/52 91/90 62/62 90/89
Steep -HveA 43/61 97/98 77/88 88/91
*Vh Deep S wave -/70 -/87 -/57 -/93
[Combination of parameters
paVR +veA
& -/43 /99
'-Vf. Deep S wave
-II Steep —veA
aVR +veA -/43 -/99 -/91 -/88
-Vf, Deep S wave
AP = atrial pacing; aVR = lead aVR; II = lead II; NPV = negative predictive value; PPV = Positive predicti\e value; SR =
sinus rhythm; V^ = lead V^. A = delta wave; —ve = negative; +ve = po.sitive; ""Because only five patients had this finding
in sinus rhythm, the sensitivity, specificity, PPV and NPV of thi.s parameter were calculated during atrial pacing alone.

in low positive predictive values. The difference left posteroseptal pathways (including both the CS
may be due to different definitions of delta wave and left endocardium). In the present study, a steep
analysis; the initial 40 msec versus 20 msec, or the positive delta wave in lead aVR during maximal
difference in ablation sites based on the earliest preexcitation had a high specificity and predic-
bipolar and unipolar ventricular waveform in the tive value only for ablation inside the CS or MCV.
present study and AP activation potential in the This criterion (found in 61% of patients) was the
previous study.'^ In another study, Scaglione et al.'"* strongest single predictor for identifying such epi-
reported the usefulness of lead aVR in predicting cardial APs.

Sensitivity, Specificity and Predictive Values of tbe Delta Wave Pattem and QRS Morphology for a
Successful Middle Cardiac Vein Ablation Site

Sensitivity Specificity PPV NPV


Single parameters
veA 85/92 72/72 28/29 97/99
Steep -veA 77/85 88/88 45/50 97/98
aVR Steep +veA 69/69 88/89 43/54 96/98
Steep +veA 46/85 93/95 46/65 93/98
"V,, Deepp S wave -/85 -/39 -/98
Combination of parameters
Steep + veA
& -/78 -/99 -/91 -/97
v. Deep&S wave
t-II Steep —veA
aVR Steep +veA -/69 -/99 -/9I -/96
Deep S wave
AP = atrial pacing; aVR = lead aVR; II = lead II; NPV = negative predictive value; PPV = Positive predictive value; SR =
sinus rhythm; V,, = lead Vh. A = delta wave; —ve = negative; +ve = positive; *Because only live palients had this finding
in sinus rhythm, the sensitivity, specificity. PPV and NPV of this parameter were calculated during atrial pacing alone.
Takahashi, et al. Coronary Vein Accessory Pathways 1023

feature of posteroseptal APs requiring radiofre-

quency catheter ablation from deep inside the

Different Electrogram Characteristics of

Posteroseptal AP
Effective target site electrograms of APs ablated
from inside the MCV or CS were characterized by
a clearly longer local AV interval and a more fre-
quently recorded AP potential compared to those
ablated from the endocaidial surface of the right
or left posterior septum. In our experience, the AV
time for these pathways was actually the longest
of all APs, including those Inserted in the free
YYYY wall,'^ suggesting that posteroseptal APs ablated
Figure 6. The H-lead ECG during sinus rhythm (left) and from inside the MCV or CS have a different sub-
atrial pacing (right) in a patient wilh a manifest accessory strate, arelativelylong course — obvious for MCV
A V connection ablated deep inside the middle cardiac vein. pathways — or a long conduction time in associ-
The delta wave polarity is negative in lead ll and positive ation with their epicardial location. The higher
in lead aVR with a steep angle of > 45° during sinus
incidence of recorded AP potential within the MCV
rhythm ami atrial pacing. However, a deep S wave (R < S)
in lead V^ hecomes evident only during atrial pacing. AP =
or CS has also been shown in previous reports^"*'^
alrial pacing; SR = sinus rhythm. and may be due to longer atrial to ventricular ac-
tivation intervals allowing separation from local
atrial and ventricular potentials or a closer posi-
QRS Morphology Analysis in Sinus Rhythm and tion of the recording electrode to the pathway.
Maximal Preexcitation
A deep S wave in lead V^, appeared during
Study Limitations
atrial pacing in 85% or 50% of patients whose
AP was ablated from deep inside the MCV or the In this study, we did not prospectively test
CS compared to 5% ablated from the endocar- the ECG features in a new cohort of patients with
dial surface, while this ECG feature was inap- manifest posteroseptal APs; however, the sample
parent during sinus rhythm except in five patients. size in this study was relatively large, and all pa-
These findings indicate that analysis of complete tients with a single pathway were included. We
QRS morphology in maximal preexcitation in- performed CS angiography in only five patients,
cluding terminal vectors is useful. Similarly, the which is an important limitation. However, the
latest activation in the QRS morphology was used combination of fluoroscopie catheter course and
to identify the origin of ventricular tachycardia.-" impedance monitoring allowed us to anticipate
This ECG feature is immediately obvious whereas the actual catheter location even in these five pa-
the assessment of delta wave polarity in aVR tients, and this method was therefore used for
requires conelation with delta wave onset in other imaging confirmation. No patients had compli-
simultaneous ECG leads. The appearance of a cations, including those with radiofrequency ap-
deep S wave in lead V,, during preexeitation may plication inside the CS or MCV, although no spe-
be due to epicardial activation and/or ventricular cific precautions other than temperature control
activation funher away from the mitral annulus. with a low target temperature and automatic high-
The combination of a deep S wave in lead V,, impedance (> 250 iT) radiofrequency cutoff were
with a positive delta wave in lead aVR increased used. The resultant maximal power output was
the specificity and positive predictive value for low, particularly in small veins, therefore avoid-
epicardiai approach to a maximum of 99% and ing perforation. The ablation strategy was based
91%, respectively, but sensitivity was still rela- on targeting the ventricular insenion site of pos-
tively low (43%). When analyzed only for group teroseptal APs and, because of oblique orienta-
MCV, the sensitivity increased to 78% with the tion, the ECG correlation with epicardial inser-
same specificity and positive predictive values. tions may be different if the atrial insertion site
This combination appears to be the most specific were to be targeted.
1024 Journal of Cardiovascular Electrophysiology Vol. 9, No. 10, October 1998


Figure 7, The 12-lead ECG dtiring sinus rhythm (left) and atriat pacing {right) in a patient with manifest acces.sory AV con-
nection ablated deep inside the middle cardiac vein. The delta wave polarity is negative in lead II and positive in lead aVR
with a steep angle of > 45° during sinus rhythm and atrial pacing. A deep S wave (R < S) in lead V^ wa.s evident during atrial
pacing as well as sinus rhythm. AP = atriat pacing: SR = sinus rhythm.

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