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The Feast of First Fruits: Resurrection of Y’shua

The Festival of First Fruits


The fifteenth of Nisan begins Hag HaMatzah (the Feast of Unleavened Bread), which is a
high Sabbath, a shabbaton. It is a seven day feast to YHWH. The day following the Sabbath
during Passover is called the Feast of First Fruits (Leviticus Lev_23:10-11).
The Feast of First Fruits can be found in Leviticus 23:9-14, as it is written:

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Redeeming you First Fruits

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What does it mean to redeem your first born son? It is a remainder for
us to remember that by His grace and the Blood of the Lamb the
firstbon lived and did not die on the day they left Egypt.
The Hebrew for redeem is “paw-daw” and means; to ransom, redeem, rescue, deliver. If
you take the same word, “paw-daw” and you read it from left to right, it gives that word “dofe”
which means; a blemish, fault, stumbling block.
To dedicate your firstborn son is to “give him to YHVH” so that he may do YHVH’s work.
Secondly you have to take away every stumbling block out of his way, everything that can
cause him to be drawn away from YHVH and teach him YHVH’s ways and help him
understand YHVH’s Word. This will help your son not to have a blemish on his garments
(actions) and live a set apart life before YHVH.
All the first-born males of your house and your animals had to be redeemed unto YHVH and
they belong to Him. Why is this? But we read in Exo 13 that even a male donkey is also
redeemed by a lamb, does this mean that the firstborn sons of man are compared to
donkeys? Yes, we are compared to donkeys and we need to be redeemed with a lamb or our
necks need to be broken. This is a physical manifestation of a spiritual concept that YHVH
wanted to teach His people.

Why is a donkey used to symbolise man in this passage? A donkey, as we all know, is one of
the most stubborn animals and it’s “neck has to be broken” to break it’s stubbornness. YHVH
also called Israel a stiff-necked people and we as humans are characterised by our strong
self will and stubbornness and that we need to be broken in order to be redeemed and to be
acceptable before Him.

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If you break the neck of a donkey, it will die and you will have no use of it any more. So how
do you “break the neck” of a donkey without killing it? In order to “break-in” the donkey without
breaking it’s neck, a lamb needs to die in its place so that it might live and this is grace so that
the donkey may be “broken-in”. YHVH did the same for man, He gave the Passover Lamb
and by its blood through faith, death “passed over” and the first born could live and because
of this “grace”, YHVH could work with them and “brake them in” so that they could become
acceptable and useful unto Him.
The Feast of First Fruits is a time to dedicate (re-dedicate) your first-born son to YHVH and
commit to bring him up in the ways of YHVH so that the faith may continue in your family. You
as the man in the house also act as the spiritual leader and Priest in your house. You are
responsible for the spiritual well being of your family and to teach them and lead them in
YHVH’s ways. You must lay down house-rules that are in line with the Word of YHVH so that
your children may grow up following YHVH.
It is not something that you can outsource to the Church where they teach your children at
Sabbath school, it is your responsibility to teach your children and especially your first-born
son. If you die, your first-born son must take care of the family and see to it that they follow in
the things you taught them. That is why the first-born son is next in line to fulfil the purpose of
Priest of your house in your absence or death.
You can also use this day to pray and bless the rest of your children and dedicate them up to
YHVH for them to have holy and pure lives before Him. Teach them the purpose of the first
fruit and the firs-born so that they will not be jealous or speak against the plan of YHVH.
The word “dofe” is found only once in Scripture and is the first and the last found in the Word.
Interesting as it relates to the first fruit and first-born sons. It is found in Ps 50:20
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This is a serious part of Scripture which is a warning to us not to speak against the people
who are doing the work of YHVH, those who are dedicated to do YHVH’s work and who are
these “firstborn” of YHVH. He is warning fellow believers who put blemishes on the garments
of these people and put stumbling blocks between them and all the people they slander to.
YHVH rebukes the people who do this are walking a thin line of being seriously rebuked by
YHVH! Please take care and do not speak against these anointed dedicated men of Elohim.

Y’shua Is the First Fruits of the Barley Harvest

Y’shua was impaled (crucified) on the Day of Preparation or Passover on the 14th of Nissan
which happened to be on a Wednesday. He died round about 15h00 in the afternoon and was
in the grave before sunset. He was three days and three nights in the grave and rose from the
dead after sunset on Sabbath, 17 Nissan, the beginning of the First day of the Week
(Sunday), starting the 18th of Nissan. In other words, He rose from the dead just when 18
Nissan started, Saturday evening after sunset. The two women went to the grave Sunday
morning, 18 Nissan, at about 6AM with spices to balm Y’shua.
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For the three days and three nights and the Feast of First Fruits to confirm each other, Y’shua
had to be raised from the grave at sunset Saturday evening (beginning of the Feast of First
Fruits). He was already gone when the woman got there to balm his body. Y’shua did not
allow them to touch Him before He presented Himself to the Father. At the same time, saints
had been resurrected with Y’shua and they went with Y’shua where He presented them as
the First Fruit offering before the Father.
On the Feast of First Fruits, the priests wave green barley sheaves before YHVH thanking
Him for the resurrection of life. Why the barley sheaves? They had been seeds that had died,
been buried, and because of the waters of "salvation" had now been raised in newness of life.
This was happening at the same time the angels were explaining to them what had happened
to Y’shua. The Priests wave green barley sheefs and thank YHVH for the ‘Resurrection of
Life’. This is because a seed goes into the ground, died and rise up in new life and bear fruit
that we harvest.
Further evidence that Y’shua is the First Fruit of YHVH:

1. Y’shua is the firstborn of Miryam (Mary) (Matthew 1:23-25).

2. Y’shua is the first-begotten of Elohim the Father (Hebrews 1:6).
3. Y’shua is the firstborn of every creature (Colossians 1:15).
4. Y’shua is the first-begotten from the dead (Revelation 1:5).
5. Y’shua is the firstborn of many brethren (Romans 8:29).
6. Y’shua is the first fruits of the resurrected ones (1 Cor 15:20,23).
7. Y’shua is the beginning of the creation of Elohim (Revelation 3:14).
8. Y’shua is the preeminent (finest, greatest) One (Colossians 1:18).

Y’shua is indeed the Most Holy One of Elohim and is sanctified by the Father. Y’shua is the
first, the choicest, the preeminent One. He is both the firstborn of Elohim and the first fruits
unto Elohim. Y’shua is the sheaf of the first fruits.

The Sheaf (Omer) of First Fruits in the Bible – Counting of the Omer.

Elohim commanded the people to bring a sheaf of the harvest (Leviticus 23:10).
The Hebrew word for "sheaf" is omer. An omer is defined as "a
measure of dry things, containing a tenth part of an ephah."
Remember, three times a year Elohim commanded the people to come
to Jerusalem to celebrate the festivals of Passover (Pesach, UB, FF - 8
days), Pentecost (Shavuot - 1day), and Tabernacles (Sukkot 7- days).

All three of these festivals are agricultural harvest festivals. Passover (Pesach) is the barley
harvest. Barley does not give good fluffy result to bread and does not work well with yeast.
Barley is more nutritious than wheat. Pentecost (Shavuot) is the wheat harvest. Wheat is
better for using in bread with yeast and helps give structure to the bread.
Both of these festivals are first fruits harvests before the final harvest that was to come at the
end of the year during the festival of Tabernacles (Sukkot), which is the fruit
The harvest represents all who would put their faith, trust, and confidence in the
Messiah Y’shua, they will be fed and bear fruit. The fruit that you bear is not only
your actions, but also the result of your faith – people who accepted Y’shua.
(Matthew 13:39; Mark 4:26-29; Luke 10:1-12; Revelation 14:14-16). So, the sheaf
is the first of the first fruits. Since a sheaf in the Bible is used to typify a person or
persons (Genesis 37:5-11), a sheaf spiritually represents people who accept the
Messiah into their hearts.
Everything on the earth, both man and beast, was to be presented before YHWH as first fruits
to Him.
1. The firstborn of both man and beast were sanctified (made holy) and presented
to YHWH (Exodus 13:2; 22:29).
2. The first fruits of all the earth were presented to YHWH at His altar in praise and
thanksgiving (Deuteronomy 26:1-11).

Counting the Omer:

The Omer is counted from the day of First Fruits within the Unleavened Bread Festival. The
Feast of First Fruits is the first Sunday (First day of the week), after the first normal Sabbath
(Saturday) within the 7 days of the Feast of Unleavened Bread.
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We need to count the Omer for 49 days and on the 50 day, it signals the Feast of Shavuot
(Pentecost). If you do not count the Omer, you will not know when the Feast of Shavuot is.
Fifty represents Grace and it was on the Feast of Shavuot that YHVH poured out His Spirit,
through His Grace, on all those who believe.
Counting or numbering the Omer has a very significant meaning as we count the days
between First Fruits and Shavuot. We are not counting down the days but counting from 1 to
14 where day 50 is the Feast of Shavuot or Pentecost, it is as if we are to expect something
great to happen on day 50.
The word for numbering is the Hebrew word “mispar” and is closely related to the word that
means “story”. A story is a number of events that follow a sequence where one event follow
another and at the last event, the story is complete. In the same sense the Israelites told
stories through their lives as they count and live the days or events up to day 50 when they
reach Mt Sinai.
There were two groups of people who told two different stories; the first group of people were
those who were the people of hop, faith and expectancy. They counted the days with an
expectation, believing the YHVH will do something greater that He did at the Red se when He
parted the waters. Then there was another group, the people of faithlessness; they told a
story of complaints, murmuring and longing back to Egypt. They were physically inclined and
were led by their flesh, comfort and appetite.
YHVH wants us to be people of faith and will fill your “cup” of your expectation in relation to
hoe “empty” it is. If you empty yourself from sin, murmuring and fleshly desires, you have
more room to receive from Him that someone who’s cup is half or nearly full with their bad
habits and attitude.
If you take these 49 days and empty yourself from your will, your comfort, your desires,
complaints and sin, YHVH will take it and fill you with His everything He wants to give you to
equip you for this year coming. Have faith and have an expectancy that YHVH will do
something great on day 50 in your life so that you might be blessed and filled with new power
form His Spirit and that He may equip you to do His Will and Walk in His Ways reaching
others through your life.
Counting the Omer is about emptying yourself from you and to become hungry and thirsty for
Him as you travel through the Wilderness of life on your way to the Promised Land.

First Fruits Is Prophetic

of the Resurrection of the Messiah

The festival of the sheaf of the first fruits is prophetic of the resurrection of Y’shua.
Y’shua prophesied that He would rise three days and nights after He was slain on the tree
(Matthew 12:38-40; 16:21; Luke 24:44-46). This was foreshadowed to happen in the Tanach
(Old Testament) by type and shadow (Genesis 22:1-6; Exodus 3:18; 5:3; 8:27; Esther 4:15-
17; Jonah 1:7; 2:1-2).
Since Y’shua was slain on the tree on the day of Passover (Pesach), the fourteenth of Nisan,
and He arose from the grave three days and nights after He was slain, Y’shua arose from the
grave on the seventeenth of Nisan, the day of the festival of First Fruits. In fact, Y’shua is
called the first fruits of those who rise from the dead.
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It was prophesied that Y’shua, the Messiah, would be buried in the tomb of the wicked and
the rich (Isaiah 53:9; Matthew27:57; Luke 23:51).
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Why was Y’shua placed in the tomb of Joseph of Arimathea? Arimathea was another
name for Ramah, where Samuel dwelt. It is five miles north of Jerusalem. In fact, this place is
still called Ramah today. In ancient times, it was customary for Jews to be buried in
Jerusalem. In fact, this practice is still done today because it is a traditional belief in Judaism
that the resurrection of the dead will take place in Jerusalem first.
In the Book of Genesis, Joseph (Yosef) the son of Jacob (Ya' akov), made the children
of Israel take a vow that when they went to the Promised Land, they would carry his
bones with them (Genesis 50:24-26). Ramah was a term that represented idolatry. Two
countries were called the seat of idolatry in the ancient world: Babylon and Egypt.
Joseph, the son of Jacob, was also known as Joseph of Ramah. Moses (Moshe) took the
bones of Joseph with him when he and the children of Israel journeyed to Succoth (Exodus
s tomb in Egypt was empty. The empty tomb of Joseph of
13:19-20). Therefore, Joseph'
Arimathea (Ramah), which stood for wickedness, was a fulfillment of Isaiah 53:9.
Joseph was a type of the role of Y’shua during His first coming when He came to fulfill the
role of the suffering Messiah known as Messiah ben Joseph. The bones of Joseph (Yosef)
were carried to Succoth. Succoth is a type of the Messianic age also known as the
This is also a picture of Y’shua being both Messiah ben Joseph and Messiah ben David -- as
Y’shua who suffered during His first coming to earth will be King during His second coming to
The Invention of Sunday
Sunday is the original Christian feast day focused on the resurrection of Christ. It is "the
Lord's Day." It is no accident that Christians assemble on Sunday for worship and
especially for Holy Communion. From the first Easter, Christians have experienced the
appearances of the resurrected Christ on the first day of the week. Worship on this day is
a witness to Christ, his resurrection, and the hope of his return.
People today misinterpreted the Feast of First Fruits and use this event to say that Y’shua has
changed the day of Worship from the Sabbath, because He rose on the Sunday, the first day
of the week. The Feast of First Fruits always falls on a Sunday and the lack of understanding
of the Feasts of YHVH make people to twist the Scriptures unto their own destruction.

The Spiritual Understanding of First Fruits

Spiritual Application (Halacha). A sheaf in the Bible is used to typify a person or persons
(Genesis 37:5-11). Y’shua will return to earth (Zechariah 14:4) during His second coming as
King over all the earth. He also will bring the sheaves (the believers in Y’shua as the Messiah)
with Him (Psalm 126; Jeremiah 31:9-14; Joel 3:11-13; Zechariah 14:3-5; Matthew 13:37-39;
Mark 4:26-29; Hebrews 12:1; Jude 14; Revelation 1:7).

1. Israel was Elohim's firstborn (Exodus 4:22). But, the first will be last and the last will be
first (Mark 10:31). Therefore, the Gentiles (the goyim) became the first to receive the
Messiah (as a corporate people; there are many non-Jews who do not) (Isaiah 60:1-3;
62:1-3; Acts 15:14-16). At the end of this present age, the Jews as a corporate people will
accept Y’shua as Messiah as well.
2. Y’shua was the first to rise from the dead (Acts 26:23).
3. Those who arose from the dead with Y’shua during His resurrection became the first
fruits of all those who would rise from the dead (Matthew 27:52-53; Ephesians 4:8; 1
Thessalonians 4:13-18).
4. The early believers were a kind of first fruits (James 1:17-18).

1. The gospel was preached to the Jew first and then to the non-Jews (Gentiles)
(Romans 1:16; 2:9-10; Matthew 10:5-6; 15:21-28; Acts 1:8). After the First Coming of
Y’shua the Gospel was preached to the Jews (Judah, Benjamin & Levi) under the
leadership of Peter and the Gospel was preached to the Gentiles under the leadership of
Paul. Both worked together to bring everybody into Israel, grafted back in or grafted in for
the first time (Gentiles), into Israel (Righteous people of Elohim) through Y’shua, the Vine.
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2. We are called to seek first the Kingdom of Elohim (Matthew 6:33).
3. Y’shua first loved us, and He is to be our first love (1 John 4:9; Revelation 2:4).

1. The 144,000 witnesses who witness of Y’shua during the Chevlai shel Mashiach, the birthpangs of
the Messiah (also known as the tribulation) are first fruits to Elohim during the tribulation (Revelation
14:1-4). They will lead us like Moses led the people, out of Egypt, through the Wilderness
(Tribulation), into the Promised Land, where they will hand the people over to Y’shua, just as Moses
handed the people over to Joshua, to enter the Promised Land.
2. Y’shua is the first ( a Aleph) and the last (t Tav) (Rev1:8,11,17; 22:13; Isaiah 41:4; 44:6;
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We are His witnesses that must declare His name and declare Him as our King, the King of
Israel, the Righteous people of Elohi

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